コード例 #1
        // **************************************************************************
        // *								TIFFClose()								*
        // **************************************************************************

        // Close a previously opened TIFF file.
        // TIFFClose closes a file that was previously opened with TIFFOpen().
        // Any buffered data are flushed to the file, including the contents of
        // the current directory (if modified); and all resources are reclaimed.
        // @param tif A TIFF pointer.
        public static void TIFFClose(TIFF tif)
            TIFFCloseProc closeproc = tif.tif_closeproc;
            Stream        fd        = tif.tif_clientdata;

コード例 #2
ファイル: xtiff.cs プロジェクト: LogoPhonix/libgeotiff.net
		public static TIFF XTIFFClientOpen(string name, string mode, Stream thehandle, TIFFReadWriteProc RWProc, TIFFReadWriteProc RWProc2, TIFFSeekProc SProc, TIFFCloseProc CProc, TIFFSizeProc SzProc)
			// Set up the callback

			// Open the file; the callback will set everything up
			return libtiff.TIFFClientOpen(name, mode, thehandle, RWProc, RWProc2, SProc, CProc, SzProc);
コード例 #3
ファイル: tif_open.cs プロジェクト: JoshDullen/libtiffN
        public static TIFF TIFFClientOpen(string name, string mode, Stream clientdata, TIFFReadWriteProc readproc, TIFFReadWriteProc writeproc, TIFFSeekProc seekproc, TIFFCloseProc closeproc, TIFFSizeProc sizeproc)
            string module="TIFFClientOpen";

            O m=TIFFgetMode(mode, module);
            if(m==O.ERROR) return null;

            TIFF tif=null;
                tif=new TIFF();
                TIFFErrorExt(clientdata, module, "{0}: Out of memory (TIFF structure)", name);
                return null;

            tif.tif_curdir=0xffff;			// non-existent directory
            tif.tif_curstrip=0xffffffff;	// invalid strip
            tif.tif_row=0xffffffff;			// read/write pre-increment

                TIFFErrorExt(clientdata, module, "One of the client procedures is NULL pointer.");
                return null;

            TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(tif);	// setup default state

            // Default is to return data MSB2LSB and enable the
            // use of memory-mapped files and strip chopping when
            // a file is opened read-only.

            #if STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT
            if(m==O.RDONLY||m==O.RDWR) tif.tif_flags|=TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_STRIPCHOP;

            // Process library-specific flags in the open mode string.
            // The following flags may be used to control intrinsic library
            // behaviour that may or may not be desirable (usually for
            // compatibility with some application that claims to support
            // TIFF but only supports some braindead idea of what the
            // vendor thinks TIFF is):
            // 'l'	use little-endian byte order for creating a file
            // 'b'	use big-endian byte order for creating a file
            // 'L'	read/write information using LSB2MSB bit order
            // 'B'	read/write information using MSB2LSB bit order
            // 'H'	read/write information using host bit order
            // 'C'	enable strip chopping support when reading
            // 'c'	disable strip chopping support
            // 'h'	read TIFF header only, do not load the first IFD
            // The use of the 'l' and 'b' flags is strongly discouraged.
            // These flags are provided solely because numerous vendors,
            // typically on the PC, do not correctly support TIFF; they
            // only support the Intel little-endian byte order. This
            // support is not configured by default because it supports
            // the violation of the TIFF spec that says that readers *MUST*
            // support both byte orders. It is strongly recommended that
            // you not use this feature except to deal with busted apps
            // that write invalid TIFF. And even in those cases you should
            // bang on the vendors to fix their software.
            // The 'L', 'B', and 'H' flags are intended for applications
            // that can optimize operations on data by using a particular
            // bit order. By default the library returns data in MSB2LSB
            // bit order for compatibiltiy with older versions of this
            // library. Returning data in the bit order of the native cpu
            // makes the most sense but also requires applications to check
            // the value of the FillOrder tag; something they probably do
            // not do right now.
            // The 'C' and 'c' flags are provided because the library support
            // for chopping up large strips into multiple smaller strips is not
            // application-transparent and as such can cause problems. The 'c'
            // option permits applications that only want to look at the tags,
            // for example, to get the unadulterated TIFF tag information.
            foreach(char cp in mode)
                    case 'b': if((m&O.CREAT)==O.CREAT) tif.tif_flags|=TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB;
                    case 'l':
                    case 'B':
                    case 'L':
                    case 'H':
                    case 'C': if(m==O.RDONLY) tif.tif_flags|=TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_STRIPCHOP;
                    case 'c': if(m==O.RDONLY) tif.tif_flags&=~TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_STRIPCHOP;
                    case 'h':

            // Read in TIFF header.
            if((tif.tif_mode&O.TRUNC)==O.TRUNC||!ReadOK(tif, tif.tif_header))
                    TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Cannot read TIFF header");
                    goto bad;

                // Setup header and write.
                if((tif.tif_flags&TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB)==TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB) TIFFSwab(ref tif.tif_header.tiff_version);
                tif.tif_header.tiff_diroff=0;	// filled in later

                // The doc for "fopen" for some STD_C_LIBs says that if you
                // open a file for modify ("+"), then you must fseek (or
                // fflush?) between any freads and fwrites. This is not
                // necessary on most systems, but has been shown to be needed
                // on Solaris.
                TIFFSeekFile(tif, 0, SEEK.SET);

                if(!WriteOK(tif, tif.tif_header))
                    TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Error writing TIFF header");
                    goto bad;

                // Setup the byte order handling.
                TIFFInitOrder(tif, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);

                // Setup default directory.
                if(!TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif)) goto bad;

                return tif;

            // Setup the byte order handling.
            #if MDI_SUPPORT
                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Not a TIFF or MDI file, bad magic number {0} (0x{1:X4})", tif.tif_header.tiff_magic, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);
                goto bad;
                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Not a TIFF file, bad magic number {0} (0x{1:X4})", tif.tif_header.tiff_magic, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);
                goto bad;

            TIFFInitOrder(tif, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);

            // Swap header if required.
                TIFFSwab(ref tif.tif_header.tiff_version);
                TIFFSwab(ref tif.tif_header.tiff_diroff);

            // Now check version (if needed, it's been byte-swapped).
            // Note that this isn't actually a version number, it's a
            // magic number that doesn't change (stupid).
                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "This is a BigTIFF file. This format not supported\nby this version of libtiff.");
                goto bad;

                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Not a TIFF file, bad version number {0} (0x{1:X4})", tif.tif_header.tiff_version, tif.tif_header.tiff_version);
                goto bad;


            // Sometimes we do not want to read the first directory (for example,
            // it may be broken) and want to proceed to other directories. I this
            // case we use the TIFF_HEADERONLY flag to open file and return
            // immediately after reading TIFF header.
            if((tif.tif_flags&TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_HEADERONLY)==TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_HEADERONLY) return tif;

            // Setup initial directory.
                case 'r':
                        return tif;
                case 'a':
                    // New directories are automatically append
                    // to the end of the directory chain when they
                    // are written out (see TIFFWriteDirectory).
                    if(!TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif)) goto bad;
                    return tif;

            tif.tif_mode=O.RDONLY; // XXX avoid flush

            return null;
コード例 #4
ファイル: xtiff.cs プロジェクト: plynkus/libgeotiff.net
        public static TIFF XTIFFClientOpen(string name, string mode, Stream thehandle, TIFFReadWriteProc RWProc, TIFFReadWriteProc RWProc2, TIFFSeekProc SProc, TIFFCloseProc CProc, TIFFSizeProc SzProc)
            // Set up the callback

            // Open the file; the callback will set everything up
            return(libtiff.TIFFClientOpen(name, mode, thehandle, RWProc, RWProc2, SProc, CProc, SzProc));
コード例 #5
ファイル: tif_open.cs プロジェクト: plynkus/libtiffN
        public static TIFF TIFFClientOpen(string name, string mode, Stream clientdata, TIFFReadWriteProc readproc, TIFFReadWriteProc writeproc, TIFFSeekProc seekproc, TIFFCloseProc closeproc, TIFFSizeProc sizeproc)
            string module = "TIFFClientOpen";

            O m = TIFFgetMode(mode, module);

            if (m == O.ERROR)

            TIFF tif = null;

                tif = new TIFF();
                TIFFErrorExt(clientdata, module, "{0}: Out of memory (TIFF structure)", name);

            tif.tif_name       = name;
            tif.tif_mode       = m & ~(O.CREAT | O.TRUNC);
            tif.tif_curdir     = 0xffff;                // non-existent directory
            tif.tif_curoff     = 0;
            tif.tif_curstrip   = 0xffffffff;            // invalid strip
            tif.tif_row        = 0xffffffff;            // read/write pre-increment
            tif.tif_clientdata = clientdata;

            if (readproc == null || writeproc == null || seekproc == null || closeproc == null || sizeproc == null)
                TIFFErrorExt(clientdata, module, "One of the client procedures is NULL pointer.");

            tif.tif_readproc  = readproc;
            tif.tif_writeproc = writeproc;
            tif.tif_seekproc  = seekproc;
            tif.tif_closeproc = closeproc;
            tif.tif_sizeproc  = sizeproc;
            TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(tif);                // setup default state

            // Default is to return data MSB2LSB and enable the
            // use of memory-mapped files and strip chopping when
            // a file is opened read-only.
            tif.tif_flags = TIF_FLAGS.FILLORDER_MSB2LSB;

            if (m == O.RDONLY || m == O.RDWR)
                tif.tif_flags |= TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_STRIPCHOP;

            // Process library-specific flags in the open mode string.
            // The following flags may be used to control intrinsic library
            // behaviour that may or may not be desirable (usually for
            // compatibility with some application that claims to support
            // TIFF but only supports some braindead idea of what the
            // vendor thinks TIFF is):
            // 'l'	use little-endian byte order for creating a file
            // 'b'	use big-endian byte order for creating a file
            // 'L'	read/write information using LSB2MSB bit order
            // 'B'	read/write information using MSB2LSB bit order
            // 'H'	read/write information using host bit order
            // 'C'	enable strip chopping support when reading
            // 'c'	disable strip chopping support
            // 'h'	read TIFF header only, do not load the first IFD
            // The use of the 'l' and 'b' flags is strongly discouraged.
            // These flags are provided solely because numerous vendors,
            // typically on the PC, do not correctly support TIFF; they
            // only support the Intel little-endian byte order. This
            // support is not configured by default because it supports
            // the violation of the TIFF spec that says that readers *MUST*
            // support both byte orders. It is strongly recommended that
            // you not use this feature except to deal with busted apps
            // that write invalid TIFF. And even in those cases you should
            // bang on the vendors to fix their software.
            // The 'L', 'B', and 'H' flags are intended for applications
            // that can optimize operations on data by using a particular
            // bit order. By default the library returns data in MSB2LSB
            // bit order for compatibiltiy with older versions of this
            // library. Returning data in the bit order of the native cpu
            // makes the most sense but also requires applications to check
            // the value of the FillOrder tag; something they probably do
            // not do right now.
            // The 'C' and 'c' flags are provided because the library support
            // for chopping up large strips into multiple smaller strips is not
            // application-transparent and as such can cause problems. The 'c'
            // option permits applications that only want to look at the tags,
            // for example, to get the unadulterated TIFF tag information.
            foreach (char cp in mode)
                switch (cp)
                case 'b': if ((m & O.CREAT) == O.CREAT)
                        tif.tif_flags |= TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB;

                case 'l':

                case 'B':
                    tif.tif_flags = (tif.tif_flags & ~TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_FILLORDER) | TIF_FLAGS.FILLORDER_MSB2LSB;

                case 'L':
                    tif.tif_flags = (tif.tif_flags & ~TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_FILLORDER) | TIF_FLAGS.FILLORDER_LSB2MSB;

                case 'H':
                    tif.tif_flags = (tif.tif_flags & ~TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_FILLORDER) | HOST_FILLORDER;

                case 'C': if (m == O.RDONLY)
                        tif.tif_flags |= TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_STRIPCHOP;

                case 'c': if (m == O.RDONLY)
                        tif.tif_flags &= ~TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_STRIPCHOP;

                case 'h':
                    tif.tif_flags |= TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_HEADERONLY;

            // Read in TIFF header.
            if ((tif.tif_mode & O.TRUNC) == O.TRUNC || !ReadOK(tif, tif.tif_header))
                if (tif.tif_mode == O.RDONLY)
                    TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Cannot read TIFF header");
                    goto bad;

                // Setup header and write.
                tif.tif_header.tiff_magic   = (tif.tif_flags & TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB) == TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB?TIFF_BIGENDIAN:TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN;
                tif.tif_header.tiff_version = TIFF_VERSION;
                if ((tif.tif_flags & TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB) == TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB)
                    TIFFSwab(ref tif.tif_header.tiff_version);
                tif.tif_header.tiff_diroff = 0;                 // filled in later

                // The doc for "fopen" for some STD_C_LIBs says that if you
                // open a file for modify ("+"), then you must fseek (or
                // fflush?) between any freads and fwrites. This is not
                // necessary on most systems, but has been shown to be needed
                // on Solaris.
                TIFFSeekFile(tif, 0, SEEK.SET);

                if (!WriteOK(tif, tif.tif_header))
                    TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Error writing TIFF header");
                    goto bad;

                // Setup the byte order handling.
                TIFFInitOrder(tif, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);

                // Setup default directory.
                if (!TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif))
                    goto bad;

                tif.tif_diroff = 0;
                tif.tif_dirnumber = 0;

            // Setup the byte order handling.
            if (tif.tif_header.tiff_magic != TIFF_BIGENDIAN && tif.tif_header.tiff_magic != TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN && tif.tif_header.tiff_magic != MDI_LITTLEENDIAN)
                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Not a TIFF or MDI file, bad magic number {0} (0x{1:X4})", tif.tif_header.tiff_magic, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);
                goto bad;
            if (tif.tif_header.tiff_magic != TIFF_BIGENDIAN && tif.tif_header.tiff_magic != TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN)
                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Not a TIFF file, bad magic number {0} (0x{1:X4})", tif.tif_header.tiff_magic, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);
                goto bad;

            TIFFInitOrder(tif, tif.tif_header.tiff_magic);

            // Swap header if required.
            if ((tif.tif_flags & TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB) == TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_SWAB)
                TIFFSwab(ref tif.tif_header.tiff_version);
                TIFFSwab(ref tif.tif_header.tiff_diroff);

            // Now check version (if needed, it's been byte-swapped).
            // Note that this isn't actually a version number, it's a
            // magic number that doesn't change (stupid).
            if (tif.tif_header.tiff_version == TIFF_BIGTIFF_VERSION)
                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "This is a BigTIFF file. This format not supported\nby this version of libtiff.");
                goto bad;

            if (tif.tif_header.tiff_version != TIFF_VERSION)
                TIFFErrorExt(tif.tif_clientdata, name, "Not a TIFF file, bad version number {0} (0x{1:X4})", tif.tif_header.tiff_version, tif.tif_header.tiff_version);
                goto bad;

            tif.tif_flags      |= TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_MYBUFFER;
            tif.tif_rawcp       = 0;
            tif.tif_rawdata     = null;
            tif.tif_rawdatasize = 0;

            // Sometimes we do not want to read the first directory (for example,
            // it may be broken) and want to proceed to other directories. I this
            // case we use the TIFF_HEADERONLY flag to open file and return
            // immediately after reading TIFF header.
            if ((tif.tif_flags & TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_HEADERONLY) == TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_HEADERONLY)

            // Setup initial directory.
            switch (mode[0])
            case 'r':
                tif.tif_nextdiroff = tif.tif_header.tiff_diroff;
                if (TIFFReadDirectory(tif))
                    tif.tif_rawcc  = 0;
                    tif.tif_flags |= TIF_FLAGS.TIFF_BUFFERSETUP;

            case 'a':
                // New directories are automatically append
                // to the end of the directory chain when they
                // are written out (see TIFFWriteDirectory).
                if (!TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif))
                    goto bad;

            tif.tif_mode = O.RDONLY;           // XXX avoid flush
