コード例 #1
ファイル: _BarCodeRD.cs プロジェクト: chrgu000/DEMO
 /// <summary>
 /// 得到一个对象实体
 /// </summary>
 public TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD DataRowToModel(DataRow row)
     TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD model = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
     if (row != null)
         if (row["iID"] != null && row["iID"].ToString() != "")
             model.iID = int.Parse(row["iID"].ToString());
         if (row["sCode"] != null)
             model.sCode = row["sCode"].ToString();
         if (row["BarCode"] != null)
             model.BarCode = row["BarCode"].ToString();
         if (row["XBarCode"] != null)
             model.XBarCode = row["XBarCode"].ToString();
         if (row["sType"] != null)
             model.sType = row["sType"].ToString();
         if (row["ExsID"] != null && row["ExsID"].ToString() != "")
             model.ExsID = int.Parse(row["ExsID"].ToString());
         if (row["ExCode"] != null)
             model.ExCode = row["ExCode"].ToString();
         if (row["ExRowNo"] != null && row["ExRowNo"].ToString() != "")
             model.ExRowNo = int.Parse(row["ExRowNo"].ToString());
         if (row["cInvCode"] != null)
             model.cInvCode = row["cInvCode"].ToString();
         if (row["Qty"] != null && row["Qty"].ToString() != "")
             model.Qty = decimal.Parse(row["Qty"].ToString());
         if (row["CreateUid"] != null)
             model.CreateUid = row["CreateUid"].ToString();
         if (row["CreateDate"] != null && row["CreateDate"].ToString() != "")
             model.CreateDate = DateTime.Parse(row["CreateDate"].ToString());
         if (row["RDType"] != null && row["RDType"].ToString() != "")
             model.RDType = int.Parse(row["RDType"].ToString());
コード例 #2
ファイル: RdRecord11.cs プロジェクト: chrgu000/DEMO
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存材料出库单扫描数量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int iSaveRdrecord11ChkQty(string sCode, DataTable dtBarCode, string sUid)
            int iCou = 0;

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString);
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    decimal dQtyScanSum = 0;        //  累计扫描数量
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dQtyScanSum = dQtyScanSum + ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                    string    sSQL         = "select a.cCode,b.iRowNo, b.cInvCode,b.iQuantity,b.cDefine29 as 已扫描数量,b.cDefine28 as 货位,b.cDefine30 as 批号,cast(null as decimal(16,6)) as 本次扫描数量,b.autoid from RdRecord11 a inner join rdrecords11 b on a.id = b.id where a.cCode = '" + sCode + "' order by b.cInvCode";
                    DataTable dtRdRecord11 = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    bool bRed = false;
                    if (dtRdRecord11 != null && dtRdRecord11.Rows.Count > 0 && BaseClass.BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtRdRecord11.Rows[0]["iQuantity"]) < 0)
                        bRed = true;

                    sSQL = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dtTime          = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dtmNow          = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    string    s_BarCodeRDCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]).ToString("yyMMddHHmmss");
                    dtTime = null;

                    _BarCodeRD   DAL_BarCodeRD   = new _BarCodeRD();
                    _BarCodeList DAL_BarCodeList = new _BarCodeList();

                    #region 蓝字单据

                    if (!bRed)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string  sInvCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["存货编码"].ToString().Trim();
                            decimal dQtyBarCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                            DataRow[] drCode = dtRdRecord11.Select("cInvCode = '" + sInvCode + "'");

                            for (int j = 0; j < drCode.Length; j++)
                                if (dQtyBarCode <= 0)

                                decimal diQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["iQuantity"]);
                                decimal dQtyScaned = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["已扫描数量"]);
                                decimal dQtyNow    = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]);
                                decimal d          = diQuantity - dQtyScaned - dQtyNow;

                                Model._BarCodeRD model_BarCodeRD = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sCode      = s_BarCodeRDCode;
                                model_BarCodeRD.BarCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sType      = "材料出库单";
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExsID      = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(drCode[j]["autoid"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExCode     = drCode[j]["cCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExRowNo    = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(drCode[j]["iRowNo"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.cInvCode   = drCode[j]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateUid  = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateDate = dtmNow;
                                model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode   = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.RDType     = 2;

                                if (dQtyBarCode >= d)
                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = d;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - d;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + d;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = dQtyBarCode - d;
                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - dQtyBarCode;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = 0;

                                sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                                iCou = iCou + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                string sUpdate = "";
                                if (drCode[j]["货位"].ToString().Trim() == "" && drCode[j]["批号"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                                    sUpdate = sUpdate + ",cDefine28 = '" + dtBarCode.Rows[i]["货位"].ToString().Trim() + "'";
                                    sUpdate = sUpdate + ",cDefine30 = '" + dtBarCode.Rows[i]["批号"].ToString().Trim() + "'";

                                sSQL = "update rdrecords11 set cDefine29 = cast(isnull(cDefine29,0) as decimal(16,6)) + " + model_BarCodeRD.Qty.ToString() + " 111111 where autoid = " + model_BarCodeRD.ExsID.ToString();
                                if (sUpdate == "")
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", "");
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sUpdate);
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = DAL_BarCodeList.sBarCodeQty(model_BarCodeRD.BarCode);
                                DataTable dtQty = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                                if (dtQty != null && dtQty.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    decimal dQtyUsed = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtQty.Rows[0][0]);
                                    if (dQtyUsed <= 0)
                                        sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set valid = 0 where BarCode = '" + model_BarCodeRD.BarCode + "'";
                                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                    #region 红字

                        for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string  sInvCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["存货编码"].ToString().Trim();
                            decimal dQtyBarCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                            DataRow[] drCode = dtRdRecord11.Select("cInvCode = '" + sInvCode + "'");

                            for (int j = 0; j < drCode.Length; j++)
                                if (dQtyBarCode >= 0)

                                decimal diQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["iQuantity"]);
                                decimal dQtyScaned = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["已扫描数量"]);
                                decimal dQtyNow    = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]);
                                decimal d          = diQuantity - dQtyScaned - dQtyNow;

                                Model._BarCodeRD model_BarCodeRD = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sCode      = s_BarCodeRDCode;
                                model_BarCodeRD.BarCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sType      = "材料出库单";
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExsID      = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(drCode[j]["autoid"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExCode     = drCode[j]["cCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExRowNo    = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(drCode[j]["iRowNo"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.cInvCode   = drCode[j]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateUid  = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateDate = dtmNow;
                                model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode   = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.RDType     = 2;

                                if (dQtyBarCode <= d)
                                    if (d >= 0)

                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = d;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - d;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + d;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = dQtyBarCode - d;
                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - dQtyBarCode;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = 0;

                                sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                                iCou = iCou + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                string sUpdate = "";
                                if (drCode[j]["货位"].ToString().Trim() == "" && drCode[j]["批号"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                                    sUpdate = sUpdate + ",cDefine28 = '" + dtBarCode.Rows[i]["货位"].ToString().Trim() + "'";
                                    sUpdate = sUpdate + ",cDefine30 = '" + dtBarCode.Rows[i]["批号"].ToString().Trim() + "'";

                                sSQL = "update rdrecords11 set cDefine29 = cast(isnull(cDefine29,0) as decimal(16,6)) + " + model_BarCodeRD.Qty.ToString() + " 111111 where autoid = " + model_BarCodeRD.ExsID.ToString();
                                if (sUpdate == "")
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", "");
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sUpdate);
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set valid = 1 where BarCode = '" + model_BarCodeRD.BarCode + "'";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                    if (dQtyScanSum != 0)
                        throw new Exception("扫描数量未完全分配");
                    if (iCou == 0)
                        throw new Exception("没有语句执行");

                    #region 判断所有数量扫描后审核单据

                    sSQL = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dTime    = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dTimeNow = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToDatetime(dTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    sSQL = @"
select case when sum(cast(isnull(b.cDefine29,0) as decimal(16,6))) <> sum(b.iQuantity) then 1 else 0 end as iCou
from rdrecord11 a inner join rdrecords11 b on a.id = b.id 
where a.cCode = '111111' 
group by a.cCode 
                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                    DataTable dtTemp2 = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    if (dtTemp2 != null && dtTemp2.Rows.Count == 1)
                        int iC = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTemp2.Rows[0][0]);
                        if (iC == 0)
                            sSQL = "update rdrecord11 set cHandler = '222222',dVeriDate  = '333333',dnverifytime = getdate() where cCode = '111111'";
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", sUid);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", dTimeNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            //sSQL = "exec SP_ClearCurrentStock_ST";
                            //DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);


                catch (Exception error)
                    throw new Exception(error.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                throw new Exception(ee.Message);
コード例 #3
ファイル: DispatchList.cs プロジェクト: chrgu000/DEMO
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存发货单扫描数量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int iSaveDispatchListChkQty(string sCode, DataTable dtBarCode, string sUid)
            int iCou = 0;

                string sDLCode = sCode;

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString);
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    decimal dQtyScanSum = 0;        //  累计扫描数量
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dQtyScanSum = dQtyScanSum + ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                    string    sSQL           = "select a.cDLCode as cCode,b.iRowNo, b.cInvCode,b.iQuantity,b.cDefine31 as 已扫描数量,cast(null as decimal(16,6)) as 本次扫描数量,b.autoid,a.bReturnFlag as 红蓝字 from DispatchList a inner join DispatchLists b on a.DLID  = b.DLID where a.cDLCode = '" + sCode + "' order by b.cInvCode";
                    DataTable dtDispatchList = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    bool bRed = false;
                    if (dtDispatchList != null && dtDispatchList.Rows.Count > 0 && BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtDispatchList.Rows[0]["红蓝字"]) == 1)
                        bRed = true;

                    sSQL = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dtTime          = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dtmNow          = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    string    s_BarCodeRDCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]).ToString("yyMMddHHmmss");
                    dtTime = null;

                    _BarCodeRD   DAL_BarCodeRD   = new _BarCodeRD();
                    _BarCodeList DAL_BarCodeList = new _BarCodeList();

                    if (!bRed)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string  sInvCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["存货编码"].ToString().Trim();
                            decimal dQtyBarCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                            DataRow[] drCode = dtDispatchList.Select("cInvCode = '" + sInvCode + "'");

                            for (int j = 0; j < drCode.Length; j++)
                                if (dQtyBarCode <= 0)

                                decimal diQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["iQuantity"]);
                                decimal dQtyScaned = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["已扫描数量"]);
                                decimal dQtyNow    = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]);
                                decimal d          = diQuantity - dQtyScaned - dQtyNow;

                                Model._BarCodeRD model_BarCodeRD = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sCode      = s_BarCodeRDCode;
                                model_BarCodeRD.BarCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sType      = "销售发货单";
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExsID      = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(drCode[j]["autoid"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExCode     = drCode[j]["cCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExRowNo    = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(drCode[j]["iRowNo"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.cInvCode   = drCode[j]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateUid  = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateDate = dtmNow;
                                model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode   = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.RDType     = 2;

                                if (dQtyBarCode >= d)
                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = d;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - d;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + d;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = dQtyBarCode - d;
                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - dQtyBarCode;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = 0;

                                sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                                iCou = iCou + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                if (model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode != "")
                                    sSQL = @"select count(1) as iCou from _BarCodeRD where BarCode = '111111' and sType = '222222' and sCode = '333333'";
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode);
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", model_BarCodeRD.sType);
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", model_BarCodeRD.sCode);
                                    DataTable dtCheckBox = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                                    int       iCouBox    = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtCheckBox.Rows[0][0]);
                                    if (iCouBox == 0)
                                        model_BarCodeRD.BarCode = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                                        sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                        sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set valid = 0 where BarCode = '" + dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim() + "'";
                                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "update DispatchLists set cDefine31 = cast(isnull(cDefine31,0) as decimal(16,6)) + " + model_BarCodeRD.Qty.ToString() + " where autoid = " + model_BarCodeRD.ExsID.ToString();
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set Used = 1 where BarCode = '" + model_BarCodeRD.BarCode + "'";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = DAL_BarCodeList.sBarCodeQty(model_BarCodeRD.BarCode);
                                DataTable dtQty = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                                if (dtQty != null && dtQty.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    decimal dQtyUsed = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtQty.Rows[0][0]);
                                    if (dQtyUsed <= 0)
                                        sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set valid = 0 where BarCode = '" + model_BarCodeRD.BarCode + "'";
                                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string  sInvCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["存货编码"].ToString().Trim();
                            decimal dQtyBarCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                            DataRow[] drCode = dtDispatchList.Select("cInvCode = '" + sInvCode + "'");

                            for (int j = 0; j < drCode.Length; j++)
                                if (dQtyBarCode >= 0)

                                decimal diQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["iQuantity"]);
                                decimal dQtyScaned = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["已扫描数量"]);
                                decimal dQtyNow    = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]);
                                decimal d          = diQuantity - dQtyScaned - dQtyNow;

                                Model._BarCodeRD model_BarCodeRD = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sCode      = s_BarCodeRDCode;
                                model_BarCodeRD.BarCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.sType      = "销售发货单";
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExsID      = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(drCode[j]["autoid"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExCode     = drCode[j]["cCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.ExRowNo    = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(drCode[j]["iRowNo"]);
                                model_BarCodeRD.cInvCode   = drCode[j]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateUid  = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.CreateDate = dtmNow;
                                model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode   = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                                model_BarCodeRD.RDType     = 2;

                                if (dQtyBarCode <= d)
                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = d;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - d;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + d;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = dQtyBarCode - d;
                                    model_BarCodeRD.Qty = dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - dQtyBarCode;

                                    drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + dQtyBarCode;
                                    dQtyBarCode         = 0;

                                sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                                iCou = iCou + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                if (model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode != "")
                                    sSQL = @"select count(1) as iCou from _BarCodeRD where BarCode = '111111' and sType = '222222' and sCode = '333333'";
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode);
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", model_BarCodeRD.sType);
                                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", model_BarCodeRD.sCode);
                                    DataTable dtCheckBox = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                                    int       iCouBox    = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtCheckBox.Rows[0][0]);
                                    if (iCouBox == 0)
                                        model_BarCodeRD.BarCode = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                                        sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                        sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set valid = 0 where BarCode = '" + dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim() + "'";
                                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "update DispatchLists set cDefine31 = cast(isnull(cDefine31,0) as decimal(16,6)) + " + model_BarCodeRD.Qty.ToString() + " where autoid = " + model_BarCodeRD.ExsID.ToString();
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set Used = 1 where BarCode = '" + model_BarCodeRD.BarCode + "'";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = DAL_BarCodeList.sBarCodeQty(model_BarCodeRD.BarCode);
                                DataTable dtQty = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                                if (dtQty != null && dtQty.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    decimal dQtyUsed = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtQty.Rows[0][0]);
                                    if (dQtyUsed >= 0)
                                        sSQL = "update _BarCodeList set valid = 1 where BarCode = '" + model_BarCodeRD.BarCode + "'";
                                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                    if (dQtyScanSum != 0)
                        throw new Exception("扫描数量未完全分配");
                    if (iCou == 0)
                        throw new Exception("没有语句执行");

                    #region 判断所有数量扫描后审核单据

                    sSQL = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dTime    = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dTimeNow = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToDatetime(dTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    sSQL = @"
select case when sum(cast(isnull(b.cDefine31,0) as decimal(16,6))) <> sum(b.iQuantity ) then 1 else 0 end as iCou
from DispatchList a inner join DispatchLists b on a.dlid = b.dlid
where a.cDLCode = '111111' 
group by a.cDLCode

                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                    DataTable dtTemp2 = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    if (dtTemp2 != null && dtTemp2.Rows.Count == 1)
                        int iC = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTemp2.Rows[0][0]);
                        if (iC == 0)
                            sSQL = @" 
Update DispatchList SET  cVerifier=N'222222',cChanger=null,dverifydate='333333' ,dverifysystime=getdate() 
WHERE DispatchList.cDLCode = '111111'
                            //sSQL = "update TransVouch set cVerifyPerson = '222222',dVerifyDate  = '333333',dnverifytime = getdate() where cTVCode = '111111'";
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", sUid);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", dTimeNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            sSQL = "select distinct b.cWhCode from  DispatchList a inner join DispatchLists b on a.dlid = b.dlid where a.cDLCode = '111111'";
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                            DataTable dtcWhCode = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                            for (int ii = 0; ii < dtcWhCode.Rows.Count; ii++)
                                sSQL = @"
select *
from DispatchList a inner join DispatchLists b on a.dlid = b.dlid
where a.cDLCode = '111111' and b.cWhCode = '222222'
order by cWhCode ,autoid
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sDLCode);
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", dtcWhCode.Rows[ii]["cWhCode"].ToString().Trim());
                                DataTable dtTran  = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                                int       iCouRow = dtTran.Rows.Count;

                                #region 生成销售出库单据
                                sSQL = "select cNumber from VoucherHistory Where CardNumber='0303' and cSeed = '" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'";
                                DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                                long lCode = 0;
                                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    lCode  = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0]["cNumber"]);
                                    lCode += 1;
                                    sSQL   = "update  VoucherHistory set cNumber = '" + lCode.ToString() + "' Where CardNumber='0303'  and cSeed = '" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'";
                                    DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                                    lCode = 1;
                                    sSQL  = "insert into VoucherHistory(CardNumber,cContent,cContentRule,cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty)" +
                                            "values('0303','日期','月','" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "','1',0)";
                                    DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                                sCode = lCode.ToString();
                                while (sCode.Length < 5)
                                    sCode = "0" + sCode;

                                sCode = "XC" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyMM") + sCode;

                                long lID        = 0;
                                long lIDDetails = 0;

                                sSQL = @"
declare @p5 int
set @p5=111111
declare @p6 int
set @p6=222222
exec sp_GetId N'',N'444444',N'rd',333333,@p5 output,@p6 output,default
select @p5, @p6
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", lID.ToString());
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", lIDDetails.ToString());
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", iCouRow.ToString());
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("444444", sAccID);
                                dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                                lID        = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][0]) - 1;
                                lIDDetails = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][1]) - iCouRow;

                                lID += 1;
                                Model.RdRecord32 modelr32 = new TH.WebService.Model.RdRecord32();
                                modelr32.ID          = lID;
                                modelr32.bRdFlag     = 1;
                                modelr32.cVouchType  = "32";
                                modelr32.cBusType    = "普通销售";
                                modelr32.cSource     = "发货单";
                                modelr32.cBusCode    = sDLCode;
                                modelr32.cWhCode     = dtTran.Rows[0]["cWhCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr32.dDate       = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dTimeNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                                modelr32.cCode       = sCode;
                                modelr32.cRdCode     = dtTran.Rows[0]["cRdCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr32.cDepCode    = dtTran.Rows[0]["cDepCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr32.cCusCode    = dtTran.Rows[0]["cCusCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr32.cPersonCode = dtTran.Rows[0]["cPersonCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr32.cSTCode     = dtTran.Rows[0]["cSTCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr32.cDLCode     = TH.WebService.BaseClass.ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(dtTran.Rows[0]["DLID"]);

                                modelr32.bTransFlag       = false;
                                modelr32.cMaker           = sUid;
                                modelr32.bpufirst         = false;
                                modelr32.biafirst         = false;
                                modelr32.VT_ID            = 327;
                                modelr32.bIsSTQc          = false;
                                modelr32.bOMFirst         = false;
                                modelr32.bFromPreYear     = false;
                                modelr32.bIsComplement    = 0;
                                modelr32.iDiscountTaxType = 0;
                                modelr32.ireturncount     = 0;
                                modelr32.iverifystate     = 0;
                                modelr32.iswfcontrolled   = 0;
                                modelr32.dnmaketime       = dTimeNow;
                                modelr32.bredvouch        = 0;

                                DAL.rdrecord32 DALr32 = new rdrecord32();
                                sSQL = DALr32.Add(modelr32);
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                for (int i = 0; i < dtTran.Rows.Count; i++)
                                    Model.RdRecords32 modelr32s = new TH.WebService.Model.RdRecords32();

                                    lIDDetails         += 1;
                                    modelr32s.AutoID    = lIDDetails;
                                    modelr32s.ID        = lID;
                                    modelr32s.cInvCode  = dtTran.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                    modelr32s.iQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iQuantity"]);
                                    modelr32s.iNum      = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iNum"]);
                                    modelr32s.irowno    = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTran.Rows[i]["irowno"]);
                                    modelr32s.iDLsID    = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dtTran.Rows[i]["iDLsID"]);

                                    DAL.rdrecords32 DALr32s = new rdrecords32();
                                    sSQL = DALr32s.Add(modelr32s);
                                    DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                    sSQL = "insert into IA_ST_UnAccountVouch32(idun,idsun,cvoutypeun,cbustypeun)values " +
                                           "('" + lID + "','" + lIDDetails + "','32','调拨入库')";
                                    DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "update dispatchlists with (UPDLOCK) set fOutQuantity=iQuantity, fOutNum=iNum where DLID = " + dtTran.Rows[0]["DLID"].ToString().Trim();
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = " Update DispatchList SET cSaleOut=N'" + sCode + "' WHERE DispatchList.cDLCode ='" + sDLCode + "'";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                        //sSQL = "exec SP_ClearCurrentStock_ST";
                        //DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                catch (Exception error)
                    throw new Exception(error.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                throw new Exception(ee.Message);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存盘点单扫描数量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int iSaveGetCheckVouchChkQty(string sCode, DataTable dtBarCode)
            int iCou = 0;

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString);
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    string    sSQL         = "select a.cCVCode as cCode,b.irowno,b.cInvCode ,b.cDefine29 as iQuantity,b.cDefine29 as 已扫描数量,cast(null as decimal(16,6)) as 本次扫描数量,b.autoid from CheckVouch a inner join CheckVouchs b on a.ID = b.ID  where a.cCVCode = '" + sCode + "' order by b.cInvCode";
                    DataTable dtRdRecord11 = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    sSQL = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dtTime          = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dtmNow          = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    string    s_BarCodeRDCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]).ToString("yyMMddHHmmss");
                    dtTime = null;

                    _BarCodeRD   DAL_BarCodeRD   = new _BarCodeRD();
                    _BarCodeList DAL_BarCodeList = new _BarCodeList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string  sInvCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["存货编码"].ToString().Trim();
                        decimal dQtyBarCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                        DataRow[] drCode = dtRdRecord11.Select("cInvCode = '" + sInvCode + "'");

                        for (int j = 0; j < drCode.Length; j++)
                            if (dQtyBarCode <= 0)

                            sSQL = "select count(1) from _BarCodeRD where BarCode = '" + dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim() + "' and ExCode = '" + sCode + "' and sType = '盘点单' ";
                            DataTable dt      = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                            long      iBarCou = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0][0]);
                            if (iBarCou > 0)
                                throw new Exception(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim() + "已经使用");

                            decimal diQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["iQuantity"]);
                            decimal dQtyScaned = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["已扫描数量"]);
                            decimal dQtyNow    = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]);
                            decimal d          = diQuantity - dQtyScaned - dQtyNow;

                            Model._BarCodeRD model_BarCodeRD = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
                            model_BarCodeRD.sCode      = s_BarCodeRDCode;
                            model_BarCodeRD.BarCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.sType      = "盘点单";
                            model_BarCodeRD.ExsID      = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(drCode[j]["autoid"]);
                            model_BarCodeRD.ExCode     = drCode[j]["cCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.ExRowNo    = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(drCode[j]["iRowNo"]);
                            model_BarCodeRD.cInvCode   = drCode[j]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.CreateUid  = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.CreateDate = dtmNow;
                            model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode   = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.RDType     = 0;

                            model_BarCodeRD.Qty = dQtyBarCode;

                            drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + dQtyBarCode;
                            dQtyBarCode         = 0;

                            sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                            iCou = iCou + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            sSQL = "update CheckVouchs set cDefine29 = cast(isnull(cDefine29,0) as decimal(16,6)) + " + model_BarCodeRD.Qty.ToString() + " where autoid = " + model_BarCodeRD.ExsID.ToString();
                            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                    if (iCou == 0)
                        throw new Exception("没有语句执行");

                    sSQL = "update CheckVouchs set iCVCQuantity = cast(isnull(cDefine29,0) as decimal(16,6))  where cCVCode = '" + sCode + "'";
                    DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                catch (Exception error)
                    throw new Exception(error.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                throw new Exception(ee.Message);
コード例 #5
ファイル: _BarCodeRD.cs プロジェクト: chrgu000/DEMO
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加一条数据
        /// </summary>
        public string Add(TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD model)
            StringBuilder strSql  = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder strSql1 = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder strSql2 = new StringBuilder();

            if (model.sCode != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.sCode + "',");
            if (model.BarCode != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.BarCode + "',");
            if (model.BarCode != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.XBarCode + "',");
            if (model.sType != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.sType + "',");
            if (model.ExsID != null)
                strSql2.Append("" + model.ExsID + ",");
            if (model.ExCode != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.ExCode + "',");
            if (model.ExRowNo != null)
                strSql2.Append("" + model.ExRowNo + ",");
            if (model.cInvCode != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.cInvCode + "',");
            if (model.Qty != null)
                strSql2.Append("" + model.Qty + ",");
            if (model.CreateUid != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.CreateUid + "',");
            if (model.CreateDate != null)
                strSql2.Append("'" + model.CreateDate + "',");

            if (model.RDType != null)
                strSql2.Append("" + model.RDType + ",");
            strSql.Append("insert into _BarCodeRD(");
            strSql.Append(strSql1.ToString().Remove(strSql1.Length - 1));
            strSql.Append(" values (");
            strSql.Append(strSql2.ToString().Remove(strSql2.Length - 1));
            strSql.Append(";select @@IDENTITY");
コード例 #6
ファイル: _BarCodeRD.cs プロジェクト: chrgu000/DEMO
        /// <summary>
        /// 标签数量调整
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int iSaveBarCodeAdjust(string sBarCode, decimal dQty, decimal dQtyUse, string CreateUid)
            int iCou = 0;

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString);
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    string    sSQL            = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dtTime          = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dtmNow          = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    string    s_BarCodeRDCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]).ToString("yyMMddHHmmss");

                    sSQL = "select * from _BarCodeList where BarCode = '" + sBarCode + "'";
                    DataTable dtBarCode = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD model = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
                    model.sCode   = s_BarCodeRDCode;
                    model.BarCode = sBarCode;
                    model.sType   = "条码数量调整";
                    if (dQty < 0)
                        model.RDType = 1;
                        model.Qty    = -1 * dQty;
                        model.RDType = 2;
                        model.Qty    = dQty;
                    model.CreateUid  = CreateUid;
                    model.CreateDate = dtmNow;
                    model.cInvCode   = dtBarCode.Rows[0]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();

                    sSQL = Add(model);
                    iCou = iCou + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                    if (dQty == dQtyUse)
                        sSQL = "update dbo._BarCodeList set valid = 0,Used = 1 where BarCode = '" + sBarCode + "'";
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                        sSQL = "update dbo._BarCodeList set valid = 1,Used = 1 where BarCode = '" + sBarCode + "'";
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);


                    #region 发送邮件
                    _BarCodeList bar     = new _BarCodeList();
                    decimal      dQtyNow = bar.dBarCodeQty(model.BarCode);
                    sSQL = "select * from _MailAddress where sType = '标签数量调整'";
                    DataTable dtMailAddress = DbHelperSQL.Query(sSQL);
                    if (dtMailAddress != null && dtMailAddress.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string sMailAddress = dtMailAddress.Rows[0]["MailAddress"].ToString().Trim();
                        string sMail        = "条形码 " + model.BarCode + " 物料 [" + model.cInvCode + "]" + dtBarCode.Rows[0]["cInvName"] + " 的数量调整为 " + dQtyNow.ToString();

                        sSQL = @"Exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='MailSet',
                        @body='" + sMail + "'";

                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sMailAddress);
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", dtMailAddress.Rows[0]["Subject"].ToString().Trim());
                catch (Exception error)
                    throw new Exception(error.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                throw new Exception(ee.Message);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存调拨单扫描数量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int iSaveGetTransVouchChkQty(string sCode, DataTable dtBarCode, string sUid)
            int iCou = 0;

                string sTrCode = sCode;

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString);
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    decimal dQtyScanSum = 0;        //  累计扫描数量
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dQtyScanSum = dQtyScanSum + ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                    string    sSQL         = "select a.cTVCode as cCode,b.irowno,b.cInvCode ,b.iTVQuantity as iQuantity,b.cDefine29 as 已扫描数量,cast(null as decimal(16,6)) as 本次扫描数量,b.autoid from TransVouch a inner join TransVouchs b on a.cTVCode = b.cTVCode  where a.cTVCode = '" + sCode + "' order by b.cInvCode";
                    DataTable dtRdRecord11 = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    sSQL = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dtTime          = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dtmNow          = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    string    s_BarCodeRDCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTime.Rows[0][0]).ToString("yyMMddHHmmss");
                    dtTime = null;

                    _BarCodeRD   DAL_BarCodeRD   = new _BarCodeRD();
                    _BarCodeList DAL_BarCodeList = new _BarCodeList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtBarCode.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string  sInvCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["存货编码"].ToString().Trim();
                        decimal dQtyBarCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCode.Rows[i]["数量"]);

                        DataRow[] drCode = dtRdRecord11.Select("cInvCode = '" + sInvCode + "'");

                        for (int j = 0; j < drCode.Length; j++)
                            if (dQtyBarCode <= 0)

                            decimal diQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["iQuantity"]);
                            decimal dQtyScaned = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["已扫描数量"]);
                            decimal dQtyNow    = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]);
                            decimal d          = diQuantity - dQtyScaned - dQtyNow;

                            Model._BarCodeRD model_BarCodeRD = new TH.WebService.Model._BarCodeRD();
                            model_BarCodeRD.sCode      = s_BarCodeRDCode;
                            model_BarCodeRD.BarCode    = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["条形码"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.sType      = "调拨单";
                            model_BarCodeRD.ExsID      = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(drCode[j]["autoid"]);
                            model_BarCodeRD.ExCode     = drCode[j]["cCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.ExRowNo    = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(drCode[j]["iRowNo"]);
                            model_BarCodeRD.cInvCode   = drCode[j]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.CreateUid  = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.CreateDate = dtmNow;
                            model_BarCodeRD.XBarCode   = dtBarCode.Rows[i]["箱码"].ToString().Trim();
                            model_BarCodeRD.RDType     = 0;

                            if (dQtyBarCode >= d)
                                model_BarCodeRD.Qty = d;
                                dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - d;

                                drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + d;
                                dQtyBarCode         = dQtyBarCode - d;
                                model_BarCodeRD.Qty = dQtyBarCode;
                                dQtyScanSum         = dQtyScanSum - dQtyBarCode;

                                drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"] = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(drCode[j]["本次扫描数量"]) + dQtyBarCode;
                                dQtyBarCode         = 0;

                            sSQL = DAL_BarCodeRD.Add(model_BarCodeRD);
                            iCou = iCou + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            sSQL = "update TransVouchs set cDefine29 = cast(isnull(cDefine29,0) as decimal(16,6)) + " + model_BarCodeRD.Qty.ToString() + " where autoid = " + model_BarCodeRD.ExsID.ToString();
                            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                    if (dQtyScanSum != 0)
                        throw new Exception("扫描数量未完全分配");
                    if (iCou == 0)
                        throw new Exception("没有语句执行");

                    #region 判断所有数量扫描后审核单据

                    sSQL = "select getdate()";
                    DataTable dTime    = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    DateTime  dTimeNow = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToDatetime(dTime.Rows[0][0]);
                    sSQL = @"
select case when sum(cast(isnull(b.cDefine29,0) as decimal(16,6))) <> sum(b.iTVQuantity) then 1 else 0 end as iCou
from TransVouch a inner join TransVouchs b on a.cTVCode = b.cTVCode
where a.cTVCode = '111111' 
group by a.cTVCode 

                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                    DataTable dtTemp2 = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    if (dtTemp2 != null && dtTemp2.Rows.Count == 1)
                        int iC = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTemp2.Rows[0][0]);
                        if (iC == 0)
                            sSQL = "update TransVouch set cVerifyPerson = '222222',dVerifyDate  = '333333',dnverifytime = getdate() where cTVCode = '111111'";
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", sUid);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", dTimeNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            sSQL = @"
select *
from TransVouch a inner join TransVouchs b on a.cTVCode = b.cTVCode
where a.cTVCode = '111111' 
order by autoid
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCode);
                            DataTable dtTran  = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                            int       iCouRow = dtTran.Rows.Count;

                            #region 生成其他入库单据
                            sSQL = "select cNumber from VoucherHistory Where CardNumber='0301' and cSeed = '" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'";
                            DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                            long lCode = 0;
                            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                lCode  = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0]["cNumber"]);
                                lCode += 1;
                                sSQL   = "update  VoucherHistory set cNumber = '" + lCode.ToString() + "' Where CardNumber='0301'  and cSeed = '" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                                lCode = 1;
                                sSQL  = "insert into VoucherHistory(CardNumber,cContent,cContentRule,cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty)" +
                                        "values('0301','日期','月','" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "','1',0)";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                            sCode = lCode.ToString();
                            while (sCode.Length < 5)
                                sCode = "0" + sCode;

                            sCode = "QR" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyMM") + sCode;

                            long lID        = 0;
                            long lIDDetails = 0;

                            sSQL = @"
declare @p5 int
set @p5=111111
declare @p6 int
set @p6=222222
exec sp_GetId N'',N'444444',N'rd',333333,@p5 output,@p6 output,default
select @p5, @p6
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", lID.ToString());
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", lIDDetails.ToString());
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", iCouRow.ToString());
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("444444", sAccID);
                            dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                            lID        = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][0]) - 1;
                            lIDDetails = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][1]) - iCouRow;

                            lID += 1;
                            Model.RdRecord08 modelr8 = new TH.WebService.Model.RdRecord08();
                            modelr8.ID               = lID;
                            modelr8.bRdFlag          = 1;
                            modelr8.cVouchType       = "08";
                            modelr8.cBusType         = "调拨入库";
                            modelr8.cSource          = "调拨";
                            modelr8.cBusCode         = sTrCode;
                            modelr8.cWhCode          = dtTran.Rows[0]["cIWhCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            modelr8.dDate            = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dTimeNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                            modelr8.cCode            = sCode;
                            modelr8.cRdCode          = dtTran.Rows[0]["cIRdCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            modelr8.cDepCode         = dtTran.Rows[0]["cIDepCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            modelr8.bTransFlag       = false;
                            modelr8.cMaker           = sUid;
                            modelr8.bpufirst         = false;
                            modelr8.biafirst         = false;
                            modelr8.VT_ID            = 67;
                            modelr8.bIsSTQc          = false;
                            modelr8.bOMFirst         = false;
                            modelr8.bFromPreYear     = false;
                            modelr8.bIsComplement    = 0;
                            modelr8.iDiscountTaxType = 0;
                            modelr8.ireturncount     = 0;
                            modelr8.iverifystate     = 0;
                            modelr8.iswfcontrolled   = 0;
                            modelr8.dnmaketime       = dTimeNow;
                            modelr8.bredvouch        = 0;
                            modelr8.iPrintCount      = 0;

                            DAL.RdRecord08 DALr8 = new RdRecord08();
                            sSQL = DALr8.Add(modelr8);
                            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            for (int i = 0; i < dtTran.Rows.Count; i++)
                                Model.rdrecords08 modelr8s = new TH.WebService.Model.rdrecords08();

                                lIDDetails         += 1;
                                modelr8s.AutoID     = lIDDetails;
                                modelr8s.ID         = lID;
                                modelr8s.cInvCode   = dtTran.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr8s.iQuantity  = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iTVQuantity"]);
                                modelr8s.iNum       = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iTVNum"]);
                                modelr8s.iTrIds     = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dtTran.Rows[i]["autoID"]);
                                modelr8s.iNQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iTVQuantity"]);
                                modelr8s.irowno     = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTran.Rows[i]["irowno"]);

                                DAL.rdrecords08 DALr8s = new rdrecords08();
                                sSQL = DALr8s.Add(modelr8s);
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "insert into IA_ST_UnAccountVouch08(idun,idsun,cvoutypeun,cbustypeun)values " +
                                       "('" + lID + "','" + lIDDetails + "','08','调拨入库')";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            #region 生成其他出库单据
                            sSQL = "select cNumber from VoucherHistory Where CardNumber='0302' and cSeed = '" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'";
                            dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                            lCode = 0;
                            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                lCode  = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0]["cNumber"]);
                                lCode += 1;
                                sSQL   = "update  VoucherHistory set cNumber = '" + lCode.ToString() + "' Where CardNumber='0302'  and cSeed = '" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                                lCode = 1;
                                sSQL  = "insert into VoucherHistory(CardNumber,cContent,cContentRule,cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty)" +
                                        "values('0302','日期','月','" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyyyMM") + "','1',0)";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
                            sCode = lCode.ToString();
                            while (sCode.Length < 5)
                                sCode = "0" + sCode;

                            sCode = "QC" + dTimeNow.ToString("yyMM") + sCode;

                            lID        = 0;
                            lIDDetails = 0;

                            sSQL = @"
declare @p5 int
set @p5=111111
declare @p6 int
set @p6=222222
exec sp_GetId N'',N'444444',N'rd',333333,@p5 output,@p6 output,default
select @p5, @p6
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", lID.ToString());
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", lIDDetails.ToString());
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", iCouRow.ToString());
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("444444", sAccID);
                            dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                            lID        = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][0]) - 1;
                            lIDDetails = ClsBaseDataInfo.ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][1]) - iCouRow;

                            lID += 1;
                            Model.RdRecord09 modelr9 = new TH.WebService.Model.RdRecord09();
                            modelr9.ID               = lID;
                            modelr9.bRdFlag          = 0;
                            modelr9.cVouchType       = "09";
                            modelr9.cBusType         = "调拨出库";
                            modelr9.cSource          = "调拨";
                            modelr9.cBusCode         = sTrCode;
                            modelr9.cWhCode          = dtTran.Rows[0]["cOWhCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            modelr9.dDate            = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dTimeNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                            modelr9.cCode            = sCode;
                            modelr9.cRdCode          = dtTran.Rows[0]["cORdCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            modelr9.cDepCode         = dtTran.Rows[0]["cODepCode"].ToString().Trim();
                            modelr9.bTransFlag       = false;
                            modelr9.cMaker           = sUid;
                            modelr9.bpufirst         = false;
                            modelr9.biafirst         = false;
                            modelr9.VT_ID            = 67;
                            modelr9.bIsSTQc          = false;
                            modelr9.bOMFirst         = false;
                            modelr9.bFromPreYear     = false;
                            modelr9.bIsComplement    = 0;
                            modelr9.iDiscountTaxType = 0;
                            modelr9.ireturncount     = 0;
                            modelr9.iverifystate     = 0;
                            modelr9.iswfcontrolled   = 0;
                            modelr9.dnmaketime       = dTimeNow;
                            modelr9.bredvouch        = 0;
                            modelr9.iPrintCount      = 0;

                            DAL.RdRecord09 DALr9 = new RdRecord09();
                            sSQL = DALr9.Add(modelr9);
                            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                            for (int i = 0; i < dtTran.Rows.Count; i++)
                                Model.rdrecords09 modelr9s = new TH.WebService.Model.rdrecords09();

                                lIDDetails         += 1;
                                modelr9s.AutoID     = lIDDetails;
                                modelr9s.ID         = lID;
                                modelr9s.cInvCode   = dtTran.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                                modelr9s.iQuantity  = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iTVQuantity"]);
                                modelr9s.iNum       = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iTVNum"]);
                                modelr9s.iTrIds     = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dtTran.Rows[i]["autoID"]);
                                modelr9s.iNQuantity = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTran.Rows[i]["iTVQuantity"]);
                                modelr9s.irowno     = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTran.Rows[i]["irowno"]);

                                DAL.RdRecords09 DALr9s = new RdRecords09();
                                sSQL = DALr9s.Add(modelr9s);
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                                sSQL = "insert into IA_ST_UnAccountVouch09(idun,idsun,cvoutypeun,cbustypeun)values " +
                                       "('" + lID + "','" + lIDDetails + "','09','调拨出库')";
                                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        //sSQL = "exec SP_ClearCurrentStock_ST";
                        //DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);


                catch (Exception error)
                    throw new Exception(error.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                throw new Exception(ee.Message);