public static bool ExportTexture2D(AssetItem item, string exportPathName) { var m_Texture2D = (Texture2D)item.Asset; if (Properties.Settings.Default.convertTexture) { var bitmap = m_Texture2D.ConvertToBitmap(true); if (bitmap == null) { return(false); } ImageFormat format = null; var ext = Properties.Settings.Default.convertType; bool tga = false; switch (ext) { case "BMP": format = ImageFormat.Bmp; break; case "PNG": format = ImageFormat.Png; break; case "JPEG": format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case "TGA": tga = true; break; } var exportFullName = GetExportFullName(exportPathName, item.Text, "." + ext.ToLower()); if (ExportFileExists(exportFullName)) { return(false); } if (tga) { var file = new TGA(bitmap); file.Save(exportFullName); } else { bitmap.Save(exportFullName, format); } bitmap.Dispose(); return(true); } else { var exportFullName = GetExportFullName(exportPathName, item.Text, ".tex"); if (ExportFileExists(exportFullName)) { return(false); } File.WriteAllBytes(exportFullName, m_Texture2D.image_data.GetData()); return(true); } }
public void ResizeImage(Bitmap image, int newWidth, int newHeight, string path) { Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); Bitmap destImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight); destImage.SetResolution(image.HorizontalResolution, image.VerticalResolution); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(destImage)) { graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; using (var wrapMode = new ImageAttributes()) { wrapMode.SetWrapMode(WrapMode.TileFlipXY); graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, wrapMode); } } TGA dest = new TGA(destImage); dest.Save(path); }
public static bool ExportSprite(AssetItem item, string exportPath) { ImageFormat format = null; var type = Properties.Settings.Default.convertType; var tga = false; switch (type) { case "BMP": format = ImageFormat.Bmp; break; case "PNG": format = ImageFormat.Png; break; case "JPEG": format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case "TGA": tga = true; break; } if (!TryExportFile(exportPath, item, "." + type.ToLower(), out var exportFullPath)) { return(false); } var bitmap = ((Sprite)item.Asset).GetImage(); if (bitmap == null) { return(false); } if (tga) { var file = new TGA(bitmap); file.Save(exportFullPath); } else { try { bitmap.Save(exportFullPath, format); bitmap.Dispose(); } catch (ExternalException) { return(ExportSprite(item, exportPath)); } } return(true); }
public static bool ExportSprite(AssetItem item, string exportPath) { ImageFormat format = null; var type = Properties.Settings.Default.convertType; bool tga = false; switch (type) { case "BMP": format = ImageFormat.Bmp; break; case "PNG": format = ImageFormat.Png; break; case "JPEG": format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case "TGA": tga = true; break; } var exportFullName = GetExportFullName(exportPath, item.Text, "." + type.ToLower()); if (ExportFileExists(exportFullName)) { return(false); } var bitmap = ((Sprite)item.Asset).GetImage(); if (bitmap != null) { if (tga) { var file = new TGA(bitmap); file.Save(exportFullName); } else { bitmap.Save(exportFullName, format); } bitmap.Dispose(); return(true); } return(false); }
private void buttonSaveSelected_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (T == null) { return; } string OutDir = @"D:\TGA\"; if (!Directory.Exists(OutDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(OutDir); } T.Save(Path.Combine(OutDir, Path.GetFileName("___T.tga"))); }
private static bool ExportBitmap(AssetItem item, string exportPath, System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap, string postfix = "") { if (bitmap == null) { return(false); } ImageFormat format = null; var ext = Properties.Settings.Default.convertType; bool tga = false; switch (ext) { case "BMP": format = ImageFormat.Bmp; break; case "PNG": format = ImageFormat.Png; break; case "JPEG": format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case "TGA": tga = true; break; } if (!TryExportFile(exportPath, item, postfix + "." + ext.ToLower(), out var exportFullPath)) { return(false); } if (tga) { var file = new TGA(bitmap); file.Save(exportFullPath); } else { bitmap.Save(exportFullPath, format); } bitmap.Dispose(); return(true); }
static string vtf2png(string vtf) { string matname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vtf.Split("/").Last()); string png = $"tmp\\{matname}.png"; if (File.Exists(png)) { return(png); } try { string tga = vtf2tga(vtf); Bitmap bmp = new TGA(tga).ToBitmap(); bmp.Save(png, ImageFormat.Png); File.Delete(tga); } catch { } return(png); }
private void ConvertTexture2D(Texture2D m_Texture2D, string name) { var iTex = ImportedHelpers.FindTexture(name, TextureList); if (iTex != null) { return; } var bitmap = m_Texture2D.ConvertToBitmap(true); if (bitmap != null) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { switch (imageFormat) { case "BMP": bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Bmp); break; case "PNG": bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png); break; case "JPEG": bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg); break; case "TGA": var tga = new TGA(bitmap); tga.Save(stream); break; } iTex = new ImportedTexture(stream, name); TextureList.Add(iTex); bitmap.Dispose(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Converts a bitmap var into a byte array that can be saved as a VTF /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmap">The image to be converted</param> /// <param name="launcher">An instance of the Source SDK lib</param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] FromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, Launcher launcher) { if (bitmap == null || launcher == null) { return(null); } string gamePath = launcher.GetCurrentGame().installPath; string modPath = launcher.GetCurrentMod().installPath; string filePath = modPath + "\\materialsrc"; string vtexPath = gamePath + "\\bin\\vtex.exe"; var tga = new TGA(bitmap); Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); tga.Save(filePath + "\\temp.tga"); File.WriteAllText(filePath + "\\temp.txt", "nolod 1\r\nnomip 1"); Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = vtexPath; process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-mkdir -quiet -nopause -shader UnlitGeneric temp.tga"; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = filePath; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); byte[] result = File.ReadAllBytes(modPath + "\\materials\\temp.vtf"); File.Delete(filePath + "\\temp.tga"); File.Delete(filePath + "\\temp.txt"); File.Delete(modPath + "\\materials\\temp.vtf"); File.Delete(modPath + "\\materials\\temp.vmt"); return(result); }
public void Convert(string InFile, string OutFile) { // Resize image to square of larger proportional Bitmap Image = new Bitmap(InFile); Bitmap SquareImage = ResizeImage(Image); string MaterialSrc = $"{this.TeamFortress2Folder}\\tf\\materialsrc"; // Create materialsrc (ensure it exists) Directory.CreateDirectory(MaterialSrc); // Save image as .tga (cast using TGASharpLib) TGA TGASquareImage = (TGA)SquareImage; TGASquareImage.Save($"{MaterialSrc}\\temp.tga"); // Convert using VTEX VTEXConvert(MaterialSrc, "temp"); // Path to VTEX output file string VTFLocation = $"{this.TeamFortress2Folder}\\tf\\materials\\temp.vtf"; // Create absolute path to output folder and make directory string[] PathInfo = OutFile.Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }); PathInfo[PathInfo.Length - 1] = ""; string FolderPath = String.Join("\\", PathInfo); Directory.CreateDirectory(FolderPath); // Copy vtf from vtex output to user defined path File.Copy(VTFLocation, OutFile, true); // Delete temporary tga and vtex output File.Delete($"{MaterialSrc}\\temp.tga"); File.Delete($"{MaterialSrc}\\temp.txt"); File.Delete(VTFLocation); }
public static bool ExportTexture2D(AssetItem item, string exportPathName) { var converter = new Texture2DConverter((Texture2D)item.Asset); var convertTexture = (bool)Properties.Settings.Default["convertTexture"]; if (convertTexture) { var bitmap = converter.ConvertToBitmap(true); if (bitmap == null) { return(false); } ImageFormat format = null; var ext = (string)Properties.Settings.Default["convertType"]; bool tga = false; switch (ext) { case "BMP": format = ImageFormat.Bmp; break; case "PNG": format = ImageFormat.Png; break; case "JPEG": format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case "TGA": tga = true; break; } var exportFullName = exportPathName + item.Text + "." + ext.ToLower(); if (ExportFileExists(exportFullName)) { return(false); } if (tga) { var file = new TGA(bitmap); file.Save(exportFullName); } else { bitmap.Save(exportFullName, format); } bitmap.Dispose(); return(true); } else { var exportFullName = exportPathName + item.Text + converter.GetExtensionName(); if (ExportFileExists(exportFullName)) { return(false); } File.WriteAllBytes(exportFullName, converter.ConvertToContainer()); return(true); } }
private void InjectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SortTitleTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the SortTitle!", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (PublisherTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Publisher!", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (GamecodeTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Game Code!", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (GamecodeTextbox.Text.Length < 5 || GamecodeTextbox.Text.Length > 5) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the unique Game Code (between AAAAA and ZZZZZ)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (CopyrightTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Copyright!", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (GametitleTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Game Title!", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 1", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox.Text.Length < 1 || OverscanTextbox.Text.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 1 between (0 and 9)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox2.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 2", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox2.Text.Length < 1 || OverscanTextbox2.Text.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 2 between (0 and 9)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox3.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 3", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox3.Text.Length < 1 || OverscanTextbox3.Text.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 3 between (0 and 9)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox4.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 4", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (OverscanTextbox4.Text.Length < 1 || OverscanTextbox4.Text.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Overscan box 4 between (0 and 9)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (FadeinTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Fade In box 1", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (FadeinTextbox.Text.Length < 1 || FadeinTextbox.Text.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Fade In box 1 between (0 and 9)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (FadeinTextbox2.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Fade In box 2", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (FadeinTextbox2.Text.Length < 1 || FadeinTextbox2.Text.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Fade In box 2 between (0 and 9)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (VolumeTextbox.Text.Length < 1 || VolumeTextbox.Text.Length > 2) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Volume (1-99)", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (VolumeTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Volume", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (GamepathTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Game path", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (Coverpath1Textbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Cover path 400x300", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (Coverpath2Textbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Cover path 355x512", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else if (TitledbTextbox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Title DB path", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } string line; using (StreamReader CheckGamecode = new StreamReader(TitledbTextbox.Text)) if ((line = CheckGamecode.ReadToEnd()) != null) { if (line.Contains(GamecodeTextbox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Gamecode " + GamecodeTextbox.Text + " already exist in the TitleDB", "Error"); return; } } if (JPCheckbox.Checked == false) { string filecheck20 = "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".xtx.z"; if (File.Exists(filecheck20)) { MessageBox.Show("Cover file " + GamecodeTextbox.Text + " already exist", "Error"); return; } string filecheck24 = "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "00.xtx.z"; if (File.Exists(filecheck24)) { MessageBox.Show("Cover file 355x512 " + GamecodeTextbox.Text + " already exist", "Error"); return; } string filecheck21 = "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".nes"; if (File.Exists(filecheck21)) { MessageBox.Show("Game file " + GamecodeTextbox.Text + " already exist in the TitleDB", "Error"); return; } } if (JPCheckbox.Checked) { string filecheck22 = "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".xtx.z"; if (File.Exists(filecheck22)) { MessageBox.Show("Cover file 400x300 " + GamecodeTextbox.Text + " already exist", "Error"); return; } string filecheck23 = "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "00.xtx.z"; if (File.Exists(filecheck23)) { MessageBox.Show("Cover file 355x512 " + GamecodeTextbox.Text + " already exist", "Error"); return; } string filecheck25 = "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".nes"; if (File.Exists(filecheck25)) { MessageBox.Show("Game file " + GamecodeTextbox.Text + " already exist in the TitleDB", "Error"); return; } } string filecheck1 = "cover.xtx"; if (File.Exists(filecheck1)) { File.Delete(@"cover.xtx"); } string filecheck2 = "screenshot.xtx"; if (File.Exists(filecheck2)) { File.Delete(@"screenshot.xtx"); } string filecheck3 = "cover.xtx.zlib"; if (File.Exists(filecheck3)) { File.Delete(@"cover.xtx.zlib"); } string filecheck4 = "screenshot.xtx.zlib"; if (File.Exists(filecheck4)) { File.Delete(@"screenshot.xtx.zlib"); } string filecheck5 = "temp/cover.tga"; if (File.Exists(filecheck5)) { File.Delete(@"temp/cover.tga"); } string filecheck6 = "temp/screenshot.tga"; if (File.Exists(filecheck6)) { File.Delete(@"temp/screenshot.tga"); } string filecheck7 = "temp/lclassics.titlesdb"; if (File.Exists(filecheck7)) { File.Delete(@"temp/lclassics.titlesdb"); } string filecheck8 = "temp"; if (Directory.Exists(filecheck8)) { Directory.Delete(@"temp"); } if (JPCheckbox.Checked == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text); Directory.CreateDirectory("temp"); string FileFormat1 = @Coverpath1Textbox.Text; string tga0 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat1); if (tga0 == ".tga") { File.Copy(@Coverpath1Textbox.Text, "temp/cover.tga"); } string FileFormat = @Coverpath1Textbox.Text; string tga = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat); if (tga == ".jpg") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(@Coverpath1Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/cover.tga"); } string FileFormat2 = @Coverpath1Textbox.Text; string tga1 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat2); if (tga1 == ".png") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(@Coverpath1Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/cover.tga"); } string FileFormat00 = @Coverpath2Textbox.Text; string tga00 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat00); if (tga00 == ".tga") { File.Copy(@Coverpath2Textbox.Text, "temp/screenshot.tga"); } string FileFormat3 = @Coverpath2Textbox.Text; string tga3 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat3); if (tga3 == ".jpg") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(@Coverpath2Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/screenshot.tga"); } string FileFormat4 = @Coverpath2Textbox.Text; string tga4 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat4); if (tga4 == ".png") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(Coverpath2Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/screenshot.tga"); } string filecheck9 = "cover.tga"; if (File.Exists(filecheck9)) { File.Delete(@"cover.tga"); } string filecheck10 = "screenshot.tga"; if (File.Exists(filecheck10)) { File.Delete(@"screenshot.tga"); } File.Move(@"temp/screenshot.tga", "screenshot.tga"); File.Move(@"temp/cover.tga", "cover.tga"); Nconvert.RunCommand($"-i cover.tga -o cover.xtx --mip-filter box --minmip 5 -f rgba8"); Nconvert.RunCommand($"-i screenshot.tga -o screenshot.xtx --mip-filter box --minmip 5 -f rgba8"); Zconvert.RunCommand($"cover.xtx"); File.Copy(@"cover.xtx.zlib", "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "00.xtx.z"); File.Delete(@"cover.xtx"); File.Delete(@"cover.xtx.zlib"); Zconvert.RunCommand($"screenshot.xtx"); File.Copy(@"screenshot.xtx.zlib", "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".xtx.z"); File.Delete(@"screenshot.xtx"); File.Delete(@"screenshot.xtx.zlib"); File.Copy(@GamepathTextbox.Text, "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".nes"); File.Copy(@TitledbTextbox.Text, "temp/lclassics.titlesdb"); string filecheck11 = "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/lclassics.titlesdb"; if (File.Exists(filecheck11)) { File.Delete(@"NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/lclassics.titlesdb"); } File.Move(@"temp/lclassics.titlesdb", "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/lclassics.titlesdb"); Directory.Delete(@"temp"); var lines2 = File.ReadAllLines("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/lclassics.titlesdb"); File.WriteAllLines("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/lclassics.titlesdb", lines2.Take(lines2.Length - 2).ToArray()); using (StreamWriter db = new FileInfo("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100D870045B6000/romfs/titles/lclassics.titlesdb").AppendText()) { db.WriteLine(" ,"); db.WriteLine(" {"); db.WriteLine(" \"sort_title\": \"" + SortTitleTextbox.Text + "\","); db.WriteLine(" \"publisher\": \"" + PublisherTextbox.Text + "\","); db.WriteLine(" \"code\": \"HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\","); db.WriteLine(" \"rom\": \"/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".nes\","); db.WriteLine(" \"copyright\": \"" + CopyrightTextbox.Text + "\","); db.WriteLine(" \"title\": \"" + GametitleTextbox.Text + "\","); db.WriteLine(" \"volume\": " + VolumeTextbox.Text + ","); db.WriteLine(" \"release_date\": \"1987-12-01\","); db.WriteLine(" \"players_count\": 1,"); db.WriteLine(" \"cover\": \"/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".xtx.z\","); db.WriteLine(" \"overscan\": [" + OverscanTextbox.Text + ", " + OverscanTextbox2.Text + ", " + OverscanTextbox3.Text + ", " + OverscanTextbox4.Text + "],"); db.WriteLine(" \"armet_version\": \"v1\","); db.WriteLine(" \"lcla6_release_date\": \"2018-09-01\","); db.WriteLine(" \"save_count\": 0,"); if (SimultanusFalseRadioButton.Checked) { db.WriteLine(" \"simultaneous\": false,"); } ; if (SimultanusTrueRadioButton.Checked) { db.WriteLine(" \"simultaneous\": true,"); } ; db.WriteLine(" \"fadein\": [" + FadeinTextbox.Text + ", " + FadeinTextbox2.Text + "],"); db.WriteLine(" \"details_screen\": \"/titles/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "/HLV-C-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "00.xtx.z\","); db.WriteLine(" \"armet_threshold\": 80,"); db.WriteLine(" \"sort_publisher\": \"" + PublisherTextbox.Text + "\""); db.WriteLine(" }"); db.WriteLine(" ]"); db.WriteLine("}"); db.Close(); } } else if (JPCheckbox.Checked) { Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/titles"); Directory.CreateDirectory("NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/titles/CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text); Directory.CreateDirectory("temp"); string FileFormat1 = @Coverpath1Textbox.Text; string tga0 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat1); if (tga0 == ".tga") { File.Copy(@Coverpath1Textbox.Text, "temp/cover.tga"); } string FileFormat = @Coverpath1Textbox.Text; string tga = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat); if (tga == ".jpg") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(@Coverpath1Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/cover.tga"); } string FileFormat2 = @Coverpath1Textbox.Text; string tga1 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat2); if (tga1 == ".png") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(@Coverpath1Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/cover.tga"); } string FileFormat00 = @Coverpath2Textbox.Text; string tga00 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat00); if (tga00 == ".tga") { File.Copy(@Coverpath2Textbox.Text, "temp/screenshot.tga"); } string FileFormat3 = @Coverpath2Textbox.Text; string tga3 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat3); if (tga3 == ".jpg") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(@Coverpath2Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/screenshot.tga"); } string FileFormat4 = @Coverpath2Textbox.Text; string tga4 = Path.GetExtension(FileFormat4); if (tga4 == ".png") { using (Bitmap original = new Bitmap(Coverpath2Textbox.Text)) using (Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(original)) using (Bitmap newbmp = clone.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, clone.Width, clone.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) T = (TGA)newbmp; T.Save("temp/screenshot.tga"); } string filecheck9 = "cover.tga"; if (File.Exists(filecheck9)) { File.Delete(@"cover.tga"); } string filecheck10 = "screenshot.tga"; if (File.Exists(filecheck10)) { File.Delete(@"screenshot.tga"); } File.Move(@"temp/cover.tga", "cover.tga"); File.Move(@"temp/screenshot.tga", "screenshot.tga"); Nconvert.RunCommand($"-i cover.tga -o cover.xtx --mip-filter box --minmip 5 -f rgba8"); Nconvert.RunCommand($"-i screenshot.tga -o screenshot.xtx --mip-filter box --minmip 5 -f rgba8"); Zconvert.RunCommand($"cover.xtx"); File.Copy(@"cover.xtx.zlib", "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/titles/CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "00.xtx.z"); File.Delete(@"cover.xtx"); File.Delete(@"cover.xtx.zlib"); Zconvert.RunCommand($"screenshot.xtx"); File.Copy(@"screenshot.xtx.zlib", "NES_ONLINE_Mod/titles/0100B4E00444C000/romfs/titles/CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + "\\" + "CLV-G-" + GamecodeTextbox.Text + ".xtx.z"); File.Delete(@"screenshot.xtx"); 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public static bool ExportTexture2D(AssetItem item, string exportPath) { var m_Texture2D = (Texture2D)item.Asset; if (Properties.Settings.Default.convertTexture) { var bitmap = m_Texture2D.ConvertToBitmap(true); if (bitmap == null) { return(false); } ImageFormat format = null; var ext = Properties.Settings.Default.convertType; var tga = false; switch (ext) { case "BMP": format = ImageFormat.Bmp; break; case "PNG": format = ImageFormat.Png; break; case "JPEG": format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case "TGA": tga = true; break; } if (!TryExportFile(exportPath, item, "." + ext.ToLower(), out var exportFullPath)) { return(false); } if (tga) { var file = new TGA(bitmap); file.Save(exportFullPath); } else { try { bitmap.Save(exportFullPath, format); bitmap.Dispose(); } catch (ExternalException) { return(ExportTexture2D(item, exportPath)); } } return(true); } else { if (!TryExportFile(exportPath, item, ".tex", out var exportFullPath)) { return(false); } File.WriteAllBytes(exportFullPath, m_Texture2D.image_data.GetData()); return(true); } }