コード例 #1
 private void copyToolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
コード例 #2
        private void SqlColored( )
            // getting keywords/functions
            string keywords = in2SqlLibrary.getMsSqlReserved();

            MatchCollection keywordMatches = Regex.Matches(TBJoiner.Text.ToUpper(), keywords);

            // getting types/classes from the text
            string          types       = @"\b(Console)\b";
            MatchCollection typeMatches = Regex.Matches(TBJoiner.Text, types);

            // getting comments (inline or multiline)
            string          comments       = @"(\/\/.+?$|\/\*.+?\*\/)";
            MatchCollection commentMatches = Regex.Matches(TBJoiner.Text, comments, RegexOptions.Multiline);

            // getting strings
            string          strings       = "\".+?\"";
            MatchCollection stringMatches = Regex.Matches(TBJoiner.Text, strings);

            // saving the original caret position + forecolor
            int   originalIndex  = TBJoiner.SelectionStart;
            int   originalLength = TBJoiner.SelectionLength;
            Color originalColor  = Color.Black;

            // MANDATORY - focuses a label before highlighting (avoids blinking)

            // removes any previous highlighting (so modified words won't remain highlighted)
            TBJoiner.SelectionStart  = 0;
            TBJoiner.SelectionLength = TBJoiner.Text.Length;
            TBJoiner.SelectionColor  = originalColor;

            // scanning...
            foreach (Match m in keywordMatches)
                TBJoiner.SelectionStart  = m.Index;
                TBJoiner.SelectionLength = m.Length;
                TBJoiner.SelectionColor  = Color.Blue;

            foreach (Match m in typeMatches)
                TBJoiner.SelectionStart  = m.Index;
                TBJoiner.SelectionLength = m.Length;
                TBJoiner.SelectionColor  = Color.DarkCyan;

            foreach (Match m in stringMatches)
                TBJoiner.SelectionStart  = m.Index;
                TBJoiner.SelectionLength = m.Length;
                TBJoiner.SelectionColor  = Color.Brown;

            foreach (Match m in commentMatches)
                TBJoiner.SelectionStart  = m.Index;
                TBJoiner.SelectionLength = m.Length;
                TBJoiner.SelectionColor  = Color.Green;

            // restoring the original colors, for further writing
            TBJoiner.SelectionStart  = originalIndex;
            TBJoiner.SelectionLength = originalLength;
            TBJoiner.SelectionColor  = originalColor;

            // giving back the focus