コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update console's logic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time"><see cref="GameTime"/></param>
        public override void Update(GameTime time)
            if (IsVisible)
                if (_input.IsKeyPressedOnce(Keys.Back) || _input.GetPressedKey(500) == Keys.Back)
                    Command = Command.Length > 0 ? Command.Remove(Command.Length - 1) : "";
                else if (_input.IsKeyPressedOnce(Keys.Enter) && Command.Length > 0)
                    Command = "";
                    char?consoleKey = TEXT.GetCharacterFromKey(KEY_Console, _input);
                    Command += TEXT.GetTextFromKeys(_input, consoleKey.HasValue ? new[] { consoleKey.Value } : null);

                _typeWall = time.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 1000 >= 500;

            if (_input.IsKeyPressedOnce(KEY_Console))
                IsVisible = !IsVisible;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Render console
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time"><see cref="GameTime"/></param>
        public override void Render(GameTime time)
            if (!IsVisible)

            DH.RenderScene(Scene, color: COLOR.DarkestGray * .75f, logic: () => {
                DH.Box(0, (int)Height, (int)Width, 35, COLOR.DarkestGray, AlignType.LB);
                DH.Line(0, Height - 35, Width, Height - 35, color: COLOR.DarkGray);

                // Command input
                DH.Text(Font, $"Command: {Command}" + (_typeWall ? "|" : ""), new Vector2(10, Height - 10), false, COLOR.DarkGray, AlignType.LB);

                if (LOG.Logs.Count == 0)

                int row = 0;
                LOG.Logs.ForEach(log => {
                    Color color = LOG.GetColor(log);

                    // Display message
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Message))
                        foreach (string data in TEXT.GetDividedText(Font, $"[{log.CDate.ToLongTimeString( )}][{log.Type}]: {log.Message}", Width - 20, false))
                            DH.Text(Font, data, new Vector2(10, 10 + (row++) * LineHeight), false, color);

                    // Display exception
                    if (log.Exception == null)

                    string[] raw = TEXT.ExpandException(log.Exception);

                    // Add time and type at the beginning
                    raw[0] = raw[0].Insert(0, $"[{log.CDate.ToLongTimeString( )}][{log.Type}]: ");

                    foreach (string data in raw)
                        foreach (string displayData in TEXT.GetDividedText(Font, data, Width - 20, false))
                            DH.Text(Font, displayData, new Vector2(10, 10 + (row++) * LineHeight), false, color);