コード例 #1
        private void buttonTfIdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check format
            if (!isOneWord())
                MessageBox.Show("Неверный формат входной строки.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // get first form of source string
            string sourceString = sourceFirstForm();

            // get other data
            int collectionLength = 0;
            int usedCount        = 0;

            using (var db = new Connector.Redmine.Model.dbEntities())
                collectionLength = db.Words.Where(i => i.WordsInText == 1).Sum(i => i.Count);
                usedCount        = db.Words.Where(i => i.Text == sourceString).Sum(i => i.Count);

            // get result
            var tfIdf  = new TA.Statistic.TfIdf(_words);
            var result = tfIdf.Calculate(sourceString, collectionLength, usedCount);

            // print result
            Logger.LogText(string.Format("Метод TF*IDF [{0}]: {1}.", sourceString, result));
            Logger.LogHtml(string.Format("<p><strong>Метод TF*IDF [{0}]:</strong> {1}.</p>", sourceString, result));
コード例 #2
        private void buttonTfIdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check format
            if (!isOneWord())
                MessageBox.Show("Неверный формат входной строки.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // get first form of source string
            string sourceString = sourceFirstForm();

            // get other data
            int collectionLength = 0;
            int usedCount = 0;
            using (var db = new Connector.Redmine.Model.dbEntities())
                collectionLength = db.Words.Where(i => i.WordsInText == 1).Sum(i => i.Count);
                usedCount = db.Words.Where(i => i.Text == sourceString).Sum(i => i.Count);

            // get result
            var tfIdf = new TA.Statistic.TfIdf(_words);
            var result = tfIdf.Calculate(sourceString, collectionLength, usedCount);

            // print result
            Logger.LogText(string.Format("Метод TF*IDF [{0}]: {1}.", sourceString, result));
            Logger.LogHtml(string.Format("<p><strong>Метод TF*IDF [{0}]:</strong> {1}.</p>", sourceString, result));