コード例 #1
        private static Object AsWindowsRuntimeStreamInternal(Stream stream)
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Object>() != null);

            // Check to see if the managed stream is actually a wrapper of a WinRT stream:
            // (This can be either an adapter directly, or an adapter wrapped in a BufferedStream.)
            WinRtToNetFxStreamAdapter sAdptr = stream as WinRtToNetFxStreamAdapter;

            if (sAdptr == null)
                BufferedStream buffAdptr = stream as BufferedStream;
                if (buffAdptr != null)
                    sAdptr = buffAdptr.UnderlyingStream as WinRtToNetFxStreamAdapter;

            // If the managed stream us actually a WinRT stream, we will unwrap it and return the original.
            // In that case we do not need to put the wrapper into the map.
            if (sAdptr != null)
                Object wrappedWinRtStream = sAdptr.GetWindowsRuntimeStream <Object>();
                if (wrappedWinRtStream == null)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(stream), SR.ObjectDisposed_CannotPerformOperation);

#if DEBUG  // In Chk builds, verify that the original WinRT stream is correctly entered into the WinRT->NetFx map:
                AssertMapContains(s_winRtToNetFxAdapterMap, wrappedWinRtStream, sAdptr, valueMayBeWrappedInBufferedStream: true);
#endif  // DEBUG

            // We have a real managed Stream.

            // See if the managed stream already has an adapter:
            NetFxToWinRtStreamAdapter adapter;
            bool adapterExists = s_netFxToWinRtAdapterMap.TryGetValue(stream, out adapter);

            // There is already an adapter:
            if (adapterExists)

            // We do not have an adapter for this managed stream yet and we need to create one.
            // Do that in a thread-safe manner in a separate method such that we only have to pay for the compiler allocating
            // the required closure if this code path is hit:
コード例 #2
        private static void EnsureAdapterBufferSize(Stream adapter, Int32 requiredBufferSize, String methodName)
            Debug.Assert(adapter != null);

            Int32          currentBufferSize = 0;
            BufferedStream bufferedAdapter   = adapter as BufferedStream;

            if (bufferedAdapter != null)
                currentBufferSize = bufferedAdapter.BufferSize;

            if (requiredBufferSize != currentBufferSize)
                if (requiredBufferSize == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidOperation_CannotChangeBufferSizeOfWinRtStreamAdapterToZero, methodName));

                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidOperation_CannotChangeBufferSizeOfWinRtStreamAdapter, methodName));
コード例 #3
        private static void AssertMapContains <TKey, TValue>(ConditionalWeakTable <TKey, TValue> map, TKey key, TValue value,
                                                             bool valueMayBeWrappedInBufferedStream)
            where TKey : class
            where TValue : class
            TValue valueInMap;

            Debug.Assert(key != null);

            bool hasValueForKey = map.TryGetValue(key, out valueInMap);


            if (valueMayBeWrappedInBufferedStream)
                BufferedStream bufferedValueInMap = valueInMap as BufferedStream;
                Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(value, valueInMap) ||
                             (bufferedValueInMap != null && Object.ReferenceEquals(value, bufferedValueInMap.UnderlyingStream)));
                Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(value, valueInMap));