public static void StartupNano(HttpApplication httpApplication) { // Get NanoConfiguration used by the demo projects. Replace this with your own code. var config = NanoConfigurationHelper.GetNanoConfiguration(); config.RequestHandlers.Remove(config.RequestHandlers.First(handler => handler.UrlPath == "/")); config.AddDirectory("/", "www", returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: false); // Specify your application name. A reasonable default is automatically used if not // supplied but it's definitely recommended to supply one. config.ApplicationName = "Nano.Demo.AspNet"; SystemWebNanoServer.Start(httpApplication, config); }
public static void Start(HttpApplication httpApplication) { var config = new NanoConfiguration(); config.GlobalEventHandler.PreInvokeHandlers.Add(context => { }); var eventHandler = new EventHandler(); eventHandler.PreInvokeHandlers.Add(context => { }); eventHandler.PostInvokeHandlers.Add(context => { }); eventHandler.UnhandledExceptionHandlers.Add((exception, context) => { }); config.AddMethods <Customer>(); // methods will be added under '/api/customer/' config.AddFile("/home", @"\www\home\index.html"); config.AddFunc("/hi", x => "Hello World! " + x.Request.Url); config.AddFunc("/howdy", x => { var model = x.Bind <Person>("person"); return(model); }); config.EnableCors(); config.AddFunc("/probe", context => true); config.AddFunc("/monitoring/probe", context => true); config.AddDirectory("/", @"\www\"); SystemWebNanoServer.Start(httpApplication, config); }