private void CurrentViewModel_LongLoadingStartEvent(object sender, SimpleMvvmToolkit.NotificationEventArgs e) { systemTrayVisibleBck = SystemTray.IsVisible; SystemTray.Opacity = 0.3; SystemTray.BackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); ProgressIndicator prog = new ProgressIndicator(); prog.IsVisible = true; prog.IsIndeterminate = true; prog.Text = AppResources.LoadingIndicator; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, prog); }
public async Task Save() { if (SelectedIndex >= 0 && SelectedIndex < ImagePosts.Count) { bool cantSave = false; Models.API.APIPost.FileTypes fileType = (ImagePosts[SelectedIndex] as ImageViewerPostViewModel).FileType; if (fileType == Models.API.APIPost.FileTypes.webm || fileType == Models.API.APIPost.FileTypes.swf || fileType == Models.API.APIPost.FileTypes.gif) { cantSave = true; } ProgressIndicator progress = new ProgressIndicator { IsVisible = true, IsIndeterminate = true, Text = cantSave ? AppResources.ImageViewerPage_CantSave : AppResources.ImageViewerPage_SavingImage }; PhoneApplicationPage page = (App.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).Content as PhoneApplicationPage; SystemTray.SetOpacity(page, 0.99); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, true); SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(page, progress); if (cantSave) { await Task.Delay(1000); } else { bool result = await SaveInternal(ImagePosts[SelectedIndex] as ImageViewerPostViewModel); if (result) { progress.Text = AppResources.ImageViewerPage_ImageSaved; await Task.Delay(400); } else { progress.Text = AppResources.ImageViewerPage_ImageFailed; await Task.Delay(1000); } } SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(page, null); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, false); } }
/// <summary> /// Closes the control and reverts any changes made to the underlying page. /// </summary> private void Close() { _timer.Stop(); _camera.Initialized -= Camera_Initialized; _camera.Dispose(); _isDone = true; _frame.BackKeyPress -= Frame_BackKeyPress; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(_underPage, _underPageTrayVisible); _underPage.ApplicationBar.IsVisible = _underPageAppBarVisible; // No null check, we know it's always non-null CloseRequested(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public ImportTracks() { InitializeComponent(); _fileIO = new FileIO(); _serializer = new Serializer(); _miscFunctions = new MiscFunctions(); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); _prog = new ProgressIndicator(); SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, _prog); Routes = new ObservableCollection <ExternalStorageFile>(); GetUserFolder(); DataContext = this; }
private void FetchList(GeoPositionChangedEventArgs <GeoCoordinate> arg) { progressIndicator.Text = AppResources.LoadingData; watcher.Stop(); GeoCoordinate location = arg.Position.Location; Debug.WriteLine(location.Latitude + ", " + location.Longitude); List <BikeStopViewModel> temp = new List <BikeStopViewModel>(); List <string> nameList = new List <string>(); foreach (BikeStopViewModel m in App.ViewModel.Items) { temp.Add(new BikeStopViewModel() { Name = m.Name, Address = m.Address, Availability = 0, Capacity = 0, Distance = string.Format("{0:0,0}", LatLngDistance(location.Latitude, location.Longitude, m.Latitude, m.Longitude)), IconType = "#FFB3E722", Latitude = m.Latitude, Longitude = m.Longitude }); nameList.Add(m.Name); } // sorting temp.Sort(NearStopComparison); int len = temp.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { NearItems.Add(temp[i]); } nameList.Clear(); temp.Clear(); progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); HasFoundNear = true; IsFinding = false; refreshIconButton.IsEnabled = true; mapsButton.IsEnabled = true; }
private void LoadAvailability(string stopId) { refreshButton.IsEnabled = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); progressIndicator.Text = AppResources.Loading; progressIndicator.IsVisible = true; try { //string result = await App.ViewModel.LoadBikeStopDataById(stopId); WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, e) => { if (e.Error == null) { Regex regex = new Regex(@"sbi\s*?\=\s*?'([0-9]+)?'[.\W\w]+?sus\s*?\=\s*?'([0-9]+)?';", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(e.Result); if (matches.Count > 0) { Match match = matches[0]; BikeStopAvailable.Text = match.Groups[1].Value; BikeStopCapacity.Text = match.Groups[2].Value; } } else { MessageBox.Show(AppResources.NetworkError, AppResources.NetworkErrorCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK); } progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); refreshButton.IsEnabled = true; }; client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("" + stopId, UriKind.Absolute)); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show(AppResources.NetworkError, AppResources.NetworkErrorCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK); progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); refreshButton.IsEnabled = true; } }
private async void loginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (email.Text.Trim() == string.Empty || password.Password.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter both e-mail and password to login.", "Login failed", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } progress.IsVisible = true; progress.IsIndeterminate = true; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); SystemTray.SetOpacity(this, 0); await Login(email.Text.Trim(), password.Password); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); progress.IsVisible = false; }
private async void Tracking() { // find your location SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); progressIndicator.IsVisible = true; try { if (!appSettings.Contains(Constants.TRACKING) || (bool)appSettings[Constants.TRACKING]) { Geoposition position = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync( maximumAge : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), timeout : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) ); GeoCoordinate myLocation = position.Coordinate.ToGeoCoordinate(); MyLocationMarker.GeoCoordinate = myLocation; MyLocationMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; MapsView.Center = myLocation; } else { MapsView.Center = new GeoCoordinate(25.0380, 121.5487); } ObservableCollection <BikeStopViewModel> NearList = (ObservableCollection <BikeStopViewModel>)appSettings["NearListTemp"]; foreach (BikeStopViewModel b in NearList) { BikeStops.Add(new BikeStopPinModel() { Name = String.Format("{0}", b.Name), Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(b.Latitude, b.Longitude) }); } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Debug.WriteLine("[MapsViewPage][Locating] " + ex.Message); } SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the CaptionSettingsPage2 class. /// </summary> public CaptionSettingsPage2() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Control.Settings = Settings; this.Control.ApplyCaptionSettings = ApplyCaptionSettings; this.Control.Style = ControlStyle; if (Options != null) { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, Options.IsSystemTrayVisible); this.SupportedOrientations = Options.SupportedOrientation; this.Orientation = Options.Orientation; } this.Control.Page = this; }
private void ToggleButton_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { PhoneApplicationFrame frame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame; if (frame != null) { PhoneApplicationPage page = frame.Content as PhoneApplicationPage; if (page != null) { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, false); } } } catch { } }
private void Sync(object sender, EventArgs e) { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); this.SetProgressBar("Synchronizing (0/4)..."); App.ViewModel.Synchronize( () => SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false), (text, progress) => SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, new ProgressIndicator { Text = text, Value = progress, IsVisible = true }), err => { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); MessageBox.Show(err.Message); }); }
private async void LoadAvailability(string stopId) { refreshButton.IsEnabled = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); progressIndicator.Text = AppResources.Loading; progressIndicator.IsVisible = true; // loading from try { string result = await App.ViewModel.LoadBikeStopDataById(stopId); Regex regex = new Regex(@"sbi\s*?\=\s*?'([0-9]+)?'[.\W\w]+?sus\s*?\=\s*?'([0-9]+)?';", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(result); if (matches.Count > 0) { Match match = matches[0]; BikeStopAvailable.Text = match.Groups[1].Value; BikeStopCapacity.Text = match.Groups[2].Value; } if (!appSettings.Contains(Constants.TRACKING) || (bool)appSettings[Constants.TRACKING]) { Geolocator geolocator = new Geolocator() { MovementThreshold = 10, DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 5000 }; Geoposition pos = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync( maximumAge : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), timeout : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); YourPosition.GeoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(pos.Coordinate.Latitude, pos.Coordinate.Longitude); YourPosition.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show(AppResources.NetworkError, AppResources.NetworkErrorCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK); } progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); refreshButton.IsEnabled = true; }
// Constructor public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); btnalert.IsEnabled = true; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); SystemTray.SetOpacity(this, .9); prog = new ProgressIndicator(); prog.IsVisible = false; prog.IsIndeterminate = false; prog.Text = "Getting GPS location..."; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, prog); Addresses = new List <string>(); GetSettings(); BuildLocalizedApplicationBar(); if (Rate.HasAppBeenRated().ToUpper() == "YES") { _rated = true; App.gTextLimit = App.gTextLimitExtended; } else { _rated = false; App.gTextLimit = App.gTextLimitTrial; } if ((Application.Current as App).IsTrial) { TextStatusMessage = AppResources.TrialTextSent + App.gSentTextCount.ToString() + "/" + App.gTextLimit; TextStatusMessageVisibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { TextStatusMessage = string.Empty; TextStatusMessageVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }; this.DataContext = this; }
private void Tracking() { try { if (!appSettings.Contains(Constants.TRACKING) || (bool)appSettings[Constants.TRACKING]) { // find your location SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); progressIndicator.IsVisible = true; watcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher(GeoPositionAccuracy.Default); watcher.MovementThreshold = 20; watcher.PositionChanged += (s, e) => { MainMapsView.Center = e.Position.Location; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; }; watcher.Start(); } else { MainMapsView.Center = new GeoCoordinate(25.0380, 121.5487); } ObservableCollection <BikeStopViewModel> NearList = (ObservableCollection <BikeStopViewModel>)appSettings["NearListTemp"]; foreach (BikeStopViewModel b in NearList) { Pushpin p = new Pushpin(); p.Content = b.Name; p.Location = new GeoCoordinate(b.Latitude, b.Longitude); MarkerLayer.Children.Add(p); } } catch (Exception) { } SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); _progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator { IsIndeterminate = true, Text = "Loading...", IsVisible = true, }; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, _progressIndicator); SystemTray.SetOpacity(this, 1); //something is a very long here _progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); }
void DeleteSet(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this group? It can't be undone!", "", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } var set = (sender as FrameworkElement).DataContext as SetViewModel; this.SetProgressBar("Deleting group..."); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); App.ViewModel.Delete( set, () => SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false), err => { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); MessageBox.Show(err.Message); }); }
private void setting_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { ink1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; PhoneApplicationFrame frame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame; if (frame != null) { PhoneApplicationPage page = frame.Content as PhoneApplicationPage; if (page != null) { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, false); } } ApplicationBar.IsVisible = false; } catch { } }
//Constructor public TracksPiv() { _miscFunctions = new MiscFunctions(); _unitConversions = new UnitConversions(); _fileio = new FileIO(); _mapUnitIndex = App.UserSettings.GetSetting(AppResources.UserSettingsMapUnits, 0); _loc = new LocationManager(); _trackDb = new TrackDataContext(TrackDataContext.DBConnectionString); DataContext = this; InitializeComponent(); BuildLocalizedApplicationBar(); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); _prog = new ProgressIndicator(); SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, _prog); App.Timer.timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public Save() { InitializeComponent(); _fileIO = new FileIO(); _ser = new Serializer(); _trackDB = new TrackDataContext(TrackDataContext.DBConnectionString); // Data context and observable collection are children of the main page. DataContext = this; // Define the query to gather all of the to-do items. var tracksInDB = from TrackDataBase trk in _trackDB.TrackTable select trk; // Execute the query and place the results into a collection. TrackDataBases = new ObservableCollection <TrackDataBase>(tracksInDB); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); _prog = new ProgressIndicator(); SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, _prog); }
void AttachHardwareButtonHandlers() { PhoneApplicationFrame frame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame; if (frame != null) { PhoneApplicationPage page = frame.Content as PhoneApplicationPage; if (page != null) { page.BackKeyPress += new EventHandler <CancelEventArgs>(page_BackKeyPress); // CB-2347 -jm string fullscreen = configHandler.GetPreference("fullscreen"); bool bFullScreen = false; if (bool.TryParse(fullscreen, out bFullScreen) && bFullScreen) { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, false); } } } }
void activateProgressIndicator() { // In theory, you should not need to use Dispatcher here with async/await. // But without a complete code example, it's impossible for me to // say for sure, so I've left it as-is. Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { var currentPage = App.RootFrame.Content as PhoneApplicationPage; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(currentPage, true); SystemTray.SetOpacity(currentPage, 0.5); SystemTray.SetBackgroundColor(currentPage, Colors.White); SystemTray.SetForegroundColor(currentPage, Colors.Black); progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(); progressIndicator.IsVisible = true; progressIndicator.IsIndeterminate = true; progressIndicator.Text = message; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(currentPage, progressIndicator); }); }
public void Cadastrar() { ParseObject cadastro = new ParseObject("Usuarios"); cadastro["Nome"] = txt_nome.Text; cadastro["Email"] = txt_email.Text; cadastro["Senha"] = txt_senha.Password; if (chk_foodtruck.IsChecked == true) { cadastro["foodtruck"] = true; } else { cadastro["foodtruck"] = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); SystemTray.SetOpacity(this, 1); ProgressIndicator progresso = new ProgressIndicator { IsVisible = true, IsIndeterminate = true, Text = "Aguarde um instante..." }; this.DataContext = null; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, progresso); cadastro.SaveAsync(); MessageBoxResult resultado = MessageBox.Show("Cadastro realizado com sucesso", "Seja Bem-Vindo!", MessageBoxButton.OK); if (resultado == MessageBoxResult.OK) { NavigationService.GoBack(); } } }
void ProgressEnableUI() { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate { //Disable progressbar SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); vProgressIndicator.IsVisible = false; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, vProgressIndicator); //Enable UI buttons Scrobble.IsEnabled = true; Loved.IsEnabled = true; Recent.IsEnabled = true; Artists.IsEnabled = true; //Like.IsEnabled = true; Settings.IsEnabled = true; Ignore.IsEnabled = true; }); //Allow application lock screen vPhoneApplicationService.UserIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Enabled; return; }
private void SetLoadingTray() { _isShowingTray = true; var page = (PhoneApplicationPage)((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content; if (_currentIndicator != null && SystemTray.GetProgressIndicator(page) == _currentIndicator) { return; } _oldIndicator = SystemTray.GetProgressIndicator(page); _oldIsVisible = SystemTray.GetIsVisible(page); _currentIndicator = new ProgressIndicator { IsIndeterminate = true, IsVisible = true, Text = CommonResources.Loading }; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(page, _currentIndicator); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, true); }
// Constructor public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); #region trial Check if (App.IsTrial == true) { // enable ads adControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; //adControl.IsAutoRefreshEnabled = true; adControl.IsEnabled = true; adControl.IsAutoCollapseEnabled = false; } else { // disables ads adControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; //adControl.IsAutoRefreshEnabled = false; adControl.IsEnabled = false; adControl.IsAutoCollapseEnabled = false; } #endregion OrientationChanged += new EventHandler <OrientationChangedEventArgs>(MainPage_OrientationChanged); // initially check PageOrientation po = this.Orientation; if (po == PageOrientation.Portrait || po == PageOrientation.PortraitDown || po == PageOrientation.PortraitUp) { // return pivot to original position MapHeight = 800; MainPivot.Margin = new Thickness(0, 125, 0, 0); AllPivot.Header = "all"; FreewayPivot.Header = "highways"; RoadPivot.Header = "roads"; // this.ApplicationBar.IsVisible = this.ApplicationBar.IsVisible; } else if (po == PageOrientation.Landscape || po == PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft || po == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight) { // hiding pivot header in landscape mode MapHeight = 480; MainPivot.Margin = new Thickness(0, 30, 0, 0); AllPivot.Header = ""; FreewayPivot.Header = ""; RoadPivot.Header = ""; // this.ApplicationBar.IsVisible = !this.ApplicationBar.IsVisible; } isolatedStorageSettings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings; // disable lock screen timer Microsoft.Phone.Shell.PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled; // References: // // // // Bing Maps REST Services API Reference: // Adding Tile Layers (overlays) wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(REST_traffic); //wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(",-105,45,-94?key=" + Id)); // caching Current_Location.CacheMode = new BitmapCache(); mMap.ZoomLevel = 10; //mMap.ZoomBarVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; Current_Location.Style = (Style)(Application.Current.Resources["PushpinStyle"]); Current_Location.PositionOrigin = PositionOrigin.Center; MyPreviousLocation.X = 0; MyPreviousLocation.Y = 0; #region Progress Indicator SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); SystemTray.SetOpacity(this, 0.5); SystemTray.SetBackgroundColor(this, Colors.Black); SystemTray.SetForegroundColor(this, Colors.White); prog = new ProgressIndicator(); prog.IsIndeterminate = true; prog.IsVisible = true; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, prog); #endregion }
private async void FoundNear() { if (appSettings.Contains(Constants.TRACKING) && !(bool)appSettings[Constants.TRACKING]) { MessageBox.Show(AppResources.TrackingOff, AppResources.LocationConsentCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } if (IsFinding) { return; } IsFinding = true; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); progressIndicator.IsVisible = true; refreshIconButton.IsEnabled = false; mapsButton.IsEnabled = false; progressIndicator.Text = AppResources.Locating; double latitude = 100, longitude = 200; // Geolocate try { geolocator = new Geolocator() { MovementThreshold = 10, DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 5000 }; Geoposition position = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync( maximumAge : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), timeout : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) ); latitude = position.Coordinate.Latitude; longitude = position.Coordinate.Longitude; progressIndicator.Text = AppResources.LoadingData; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("[Locating Error] " + ex.Message); } if (latitude != 100 && longitude != 200) { try { NearItems.Clear(); List <BikeStopViewModel> temp = new List <BikeStopViewModel>(); List <string> nameList = new List <string>(); foreach (BikeStopViewModel m in App.ViewModel.Items) { temp.Add(new BikeStopViewModel() { Name = m.Name, Address = m.Address, Availability = 0, Capacity = 0, Distance = string.Format("{0:0,0}", LatLngDistance(latitude, longitude, m.Latitude, m.Longitude)), IconType = "#FFB3E722", Latitude = m.Latitude, Longitude = m.Longitude }); nameList.Add(m.Name); } // sorting temp.Sort(NearStopComparison); int len = temp.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { NearItems.Add(temp[i]); } nameList.Clear(); temp.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(AppResources.NetworkError, AppResources.NetworkErrorCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK); Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } progressIndicator.IsVisible = false; SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); HasFoundNear = true; IsFinding = false; refreshIconButton.IsEnabled = true; mapsButton.IsEnabled = true; }
private void ShowInAppBrowser(string url) { Uri loc = new Uri(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { if (browser != null) { //browser.IsGeolocationEnabled = opts.isGeolocationEnabled; browser.Navigate2(loc); } else { PhoneApplicationFrame frame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame; if (frame != null) { PhoneApplicationPage page = frame.Content as PhoneApplicationPage; if (!(System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 8 && System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor == 0)) { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, false); } string baseImageUrl = "/www/Images/"; if (page != null) { Grid grid = page.FindName("LayoutRoot") as Grid; if (grid != null) { browser = new WebBrowser(); browser.IsScriptEnabled = true; browser.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); browser.LoadCompleted += new System.Windows.Navigation.LoadCompletedEventHandler(browser_LoadCompleted); browser.Navigating += new EventHandler <NavigatingEventArgs>(browser_Navigating); browser.NavigationFailed += new System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationFailedEventHandler(browser_NavigationFailed); browser.Navigated += new EventHandler <System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs>(browser_Navigated); browser.Navigate2(loc); //if (StartHidden) //{ // browser.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //} grid.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); var rowDef = new RowDefinition(); rowDef.Height = GridLength.Auto; grid.RowDefinitions.Insert(0, rowDef); buttons = new StackPanel(); buttons.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; buttons.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; buttons.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; var backBitmapImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(baseImageUrl + "ic_action_back.png", UriKind.Relative)); var backImage = new Image(); backImage.Source = backBitmapImage; backButton = new Button(); backButton.Content = backImage; backButton.Width = 100; backButton.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); //backButton.Text = "Back"; //backButton.IconUri = new Uri(baseImageUrl + "", UriKind.Relative); backButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(backButton_Click); buttons.Children.Add(backButton); var reloadBitmapImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(baseImageUrl + "ic_action_refresh.png", UriKind.Relative)); var reloadImage = new Image(); reloadImage.Source = reloadBitmapImage; reloadButton = new Button(); reloadButton.Content = reloadImage; reloadButton.Width = 100; reloadButton.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); //reloadButton.IconUri = new Uri(baseImageUrl + "", UriKind.Relative); reloadButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(reloadButton_Click); buttons.Children.Add(reloadButton); Grid.SetRow(buttons, 0); grid.Children.Add(buttons); //browser.IsGeolocationEnabled = opts.isGeolocationEnabled; Grid.SetRow(browser, 1); grid.Children.Add(browser); } //if (ShowLocation) //{ // ApplicationBar bar = new ApplicationBar(); // bar.BackgroundColor = Colors.Black; // bar.IsMenuEnabled = false; // //ApplicationBarIconButton closeBtn = new ApplicationBarIconButton(); // //closeBtn.Text = "Close"; // //closeBtn.IconUri = new Uri(baseImageUrl + "", UriKind.Relative); // //closeBtn.Click += new EventHandler(closeBtn_Click); // //bar.Buttons.Add(closeBtn); // page.ApplicationBar = bar; // bar.IsVisible = !StartHidden; // AppBar = bar; //} page.BackKeyPress += page_BackKeyPress; } } } }); }
private async Task LoadFeed() { try { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, true); SystemTray.SetOpacity(this, 0); progress.IsVisible = true; string url = string.Format(FEED_URI, Keys.WP_CLIENT_ID); var httpClient = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler()); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, new Uri(url)); request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + LoginService.SignInToken); request.Headers.Add("If-Modified-Since", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r")); HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); httpClient.Dispose(); JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(responseString); JArray jlist = (JArray)jobj["feed"]; var feedList = new List <FeedItem>(); foreach (JObject obj in jlist) { var item = new FeedItem(); string action = obj["action"] != null ? obj["action"].ToString() : ""; string type = obj["type"] != null ? obj["type"].ToString() : ""; string object_type = obj["object_type"] != null ? obj["object_type"].ToString() : ""; string object_key = obj["object_key"] != null ? obj["object_key"].ToString() : ""; string object_value = obj["object_value"] != null ? obj["object_value"].ToString() : ""; string image_url = obj["image_url"] != null ? obj["image_url"].ToString() : ""; string image_key = obj["image_key"] != null ? obj["image_key"].ToString() : ""; string main_description = obj["main_description"] != null ? obj["main_description"].ToString() : ""; string detail_description = obj["detail_description"] != null ? obj["detail_description"].ToString() : ""; string created_at = obj["created_at"] != null ? obj["created_at"].ToString() : null; string started_at = obj["started_at"] != null ? obj["started_at"].ToString() : null; string updated_at = obj["updated_at"] != null ? obj["updated_at"].ToString() : null; string id = obj["id"] != null ? obj["id"].ToString() : ""; int nbr_objects = obj["nbr_objects"] != null ? (int)obj["nbr_objects"] : 0; string user = obj["user"] != null ? obj["user"].ToString() : ""; bool open = obj["open"] != null ? (bool)obj["open"] : false; var dtcreated_at = created_at != null ? new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToDouble(created_at)) : DateTime.MinValue; var dtstarted_at = started_at != null ? new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToDouble(started_at)) : DateTime.MinValue; var dtupdated_at = updated_at != null ? new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToDouble(updated_at)) : DateTime.MinValue; item.Action = action; item.Type = type; item.ObjectType = object_type; item.ObjectKey = object_key; item.ObjectValue = object_value; item.ImageUrl = image_url; item.ImageKey = image_key; item.MainDescription = main_description; item.DetailDescription = detail_description; item.CreatedAt = dtcreated_at; item.StartedAt = started_at; item.UpdatedAt = updated_at; item.Id = id; item.NbrObjects = nbr_objects; item.User = user == LoginService.SignInEmail ? "You" : user; item.Open = open; item.FirstLine = item.User + " " + item.MainDescription; if (dtstarted_at.DayOfYear == DateTime.Now.DayOfYear && dtstarted_at.Year == DateTime.Now.Year) { item.SecondLine = "Today"; } else { item.SecondLine = dtstarted_at.ToShortDateString(); } if (dtstarted_at == DateTime.MinValue) { item.SecondLine = ""; } feedList.Add(item); } eventList.ItemsSource = feedList; App.EventListCache = feedList; App.FeedLastRefreshed = DateTime.Now; } else { //MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while getting your feed. Please try again.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while getting your feed: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } ShowHideList(App.EventListCache != null && App.EventListCache.Count > 0); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, false); progress.IsVisible = false; }
internal static void Hide(PhoneApplicationPage page) { SystemTray.SetIsVisible(page, false); SystemTray.SetOpacity(page, 1); SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(page, null); }
private void CurrentViewModel_LongLoadingStopEvent(object sender, SimpleMvvmToolkit.NotificationEventArgs e) { SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, null); SystemTray.SetIsVisible(this, systemTrayVisibleBck); }