private void BindInfo() { if (!SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString())) { Response.Redirect("404.html"); } string sql = "select * from article_info where nav_id=" + Request.QueryString["nid"]; DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string article_image = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["article_image"].ToString(); string[] images = article_image.Split('#'); string html = ""; for (int i = 0; i < images.Length - 1; i++) { string bianhao = "b" + i; string _width = "100"; string _height = "100"; var aaa = "<div id='div" + bianhao + "' class='imgbox hasboth' style='background-color:#fff;width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;'>"; var aa = " <div class='w_upload' style='width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;' > <a class='item_close' onclick=deletepic('" + bianhao + "')>删除</a><span style='width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;' class='item_box'>"; var bb = "<img id='img" + bianhao + "' src='/" + images[i] + "' style='background:url(images/aa1.gif) no-repeat center;width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;'/></span>"; var dds = "</div></div>"; html += aaa + aa + bb + dds; } txtname.Text = article_image; box.InnerHtml = html; } }
protected string getPage() { double total = 0; double totalPage = 1; double pPage = 6; double cPage = 1; if (null != Request.QueryString["cpage"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["cpage"].ToString())) { cPage = Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString["cpage"].ToString()); } double prev = cPage - 1 <= 0 ? 1 : cPage - 1; string id = "0"; if (null != Request.QueryString["id"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString())) { id = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } string sql = "select count(id) from article_info where nav_id=" + id; string result = DB.ExecuteSqlValue(sql, null); if (result != "" && result != "no") { total = Convert.ToInt32(result); totalPage = Math.Ceiling(total / pPage); } double next = (cPage + 1) >= totalPage ? totalPage : cPage + 1; return("页次:" + cPage + "/" + totalPage + " 每页" + pPage + " 总数" + total + "<a href='articlelist.aspx?id=" + id + "'>首页</a><a href='articlelist.aspx?id=" + id + "&cpage=" + prev + "'>上一页</a><a href='articlelist.aspx?id=" + id + "&cpage=" + next + "'>下一页</a><a href='articlelist.aspx?id=" + id + "&cpage=" + totalPage + "'>尾页</a>"); }
protected string getLocation() { string id = "0"; if (null != Request.QueryString["id"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString())) { id = DB.ExecuteSqlValue("select nav_id from article_info where id=" + Request.QueryString["id"].ToString() + " and isshow=1", null); if (id == "" || id == "no") { id = "-1"; } } if (id == "7") { return("<a href='index.aspx' target='_blank'>网站首页</a>>><a href='#' target='_blank'>我的日记</a></span><b>个人日记</b>"); } if (id == "8") { return("<a href='index.aspx' target='_blank'>网站首页</a>>><a href='#' target='_blank'>我的日记</a></span><b>学习笔记</b>"); } if (id == "11") { return("<a href='index.aspx' target='_blank'>网站首页</a>>><a href='#' target='_blank'>技术文章</a></span><b></b>"); } return(""); }
protected string getLocation() { string id = "0"; if (null != Request.QueryString["id"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString())) { id = DB.ExecuteSqlValue("select nav_id from article_info where id=" + Request.QueryString["id"].ToString() + " and isshow=1", null); if (id == "" || id == "no") { id = "-1"; } } string sql = @"select isnull(n0.nav_name,'') nav_name0,n.nav_name from nav_info n left join nav_info n0 on where" + id; DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { return("<a href='index.aspx' target='_blank'>网站首页</a>>><a href='#' target='_blank'>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["nav_name0"].ToString() + "</a></span><b>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["nav_name"].ToString() + "</b>"); } else { return(""); } }
protected void rptlist_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { string cmd = e.CommandName.ToString(); string userid = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); TextBox name = e.Item.FindControl("txt_name") as TextBox; DropDownList muban = e.Item.FindControl("ddl_muban") as DropDownList; TextBox paixu = e.Item.FindControl("txt_paixu") as TextBox; DropDownList show = e.Item.FindControl("ddl_show") as DropDownList; DropDownList nav0 = e.Item.FindControl("ddl_nav0") as DropDownList; if (cmd == "lbtshan") { string sql = "delete from nav_info where id=" + userid; int result = DB.ExecuteSql(sql, null); if (result > 0) { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "删除成功"); BindInfo(); } } if (cmd == "lbtn_edit") { if (name.Text == "") { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "导航栏名称不能为空"); } if (paixu.Text == "") { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "排序不能为空"); return; } if (!SystemTool.IsInt(paixu.Text)) { paixu.Text = "0"; } string sql = "select id from nav_info where nav_name='" + name.Text + "'"; string r = DB.ExecuteSqlValue(sql, null); if (r != "" && r != "no") { if (r != userid) { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "导航栏名称已存在"); return; } } sql = "update nav_info set nav_name='" + name.Text + "',muban_id='" + muban.SelectedValue + "',paixu='" + paixu.Text + "',isshow='" + show.SelectedValue + "',parent_id='" + nav0.SelectedValue + "' where id=" + userid; int result = DB.ExecuteSql(sql, null); if (result > 0) { SystemTool.AlertShow_Refresh(this, "保存成功", "nvalist.aspx"); } else { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "保存失败"); } } }
private void BindInfo() { string id = "0"; string nid = "0"; if (null != Request.QueryString["id"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString())) { id = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } string sql = "select * from article_info where id=" + id + " and isshow=1 and detail !='album'"; DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { p_title.InnerHtml = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["title"].ToString(); p_box.InnerHtml = "<span>发布时间:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["addtime"].ToString() + "</span><span>作者:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["author"].ToString() + "</span><span>点击:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["visited"].ToString() + "</span>"; p_detail.InnerHtml = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["detail"].ToString(); nid = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["nav_id"].ToString(); } else { p_title.InnerHtml = ""; p_box.InnerHtml = ""; p_detail.InnerHtml = "参数有误!"; } prev.InnerHtml = "上一篇:没有了"; sql = "select max(id) from article_info where id<" + id + " and isshow=1 and nav_id=" + nid; string previd = DB.ExecuteSqlValue(sql, null); if (previd != "" && previd != "no") { sql = "select a.title,m.muban_url from article_info a left join muban_info m on where" + previd; DataSet result = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (result.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { prev.InnerHtml = "上一篇:<a href='" + result.Tables[0].Rows[0]["muban_url"].ToString() + "?id=" + previd + "'>" + result.Tables[0].Rows[0]["title"].ToString() + "</a>"; } } next.InnerHtml = "下一篇:没有了"; sql = "select min(id) from article_info where id>" + id + " and isshow=1 and nav_id=" + nid; string nextid = DB.ExecuteSqlValue(sql, null); if (nextid != "" && nextid != "no") { sql = "select a.title,m.muban_url from article_info a left join muban_info m on where" + nextid; DataSet result = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (result.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { next.InnerHtml = "下一篇:<a href='" + result.Tables[0].Rows[0]["muban_url"].ToString() + "?id=" + nextid + "'>" + result.Tables[0].Rows[0]["title"].ToString() + "</a>"; } } }
protected string getPage() { double cPage = 1; double pPage = 12; if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString())) { cPage = Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()); } string[] images = getData(); double totalPage = Math.Ceiling((images.Length - 1) / pPage); double prev = cPage - 1 > 0 ? cPage - 1 : cPage; double next = cPage + 1 > totalPage ? totalPage : cPage + 1; return("页次:" + cPage + "/" + totalPage + " 每页" + pPage + " 总数" + (images.Length - 1) + "<a href='listpic.aspx'>首页</a><a href='listpic.aspx?page=" + prev + "'>上一页</a><a href='listpic.aspx?page=" + next + "'>下一页</a><a href='listpic.aspx?page=" + totalPage + "'>尾页</a>"); }
private void BindInfo() { if (!SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString())) { Response.Redirect("404.html"); } string sql = "select * from article_info where nav_id=" + Request.QueryString["nid"]; DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string navid = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["nav_id"].ToString(); string detail = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["detail"].ToString(); txtbeizhu.Value = detail; } }
protected void add_modules(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pid = ddl_nav.SelectedValue; string muban_id = ddl_muban.SelectedValue; //if (muban_id == "0") { // SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "请选择模板"); // return; //} string name = daohanglanmingcheng.Value; if (name == "") { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "导航栏名称不能为空"); return; } string px = xuhao.Value; if (px == "") { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "序号不能为空"); return; } if (!SystemTool.IsInt(px)) { px = "0"; } string isshow = ddl_show.SelectedValue; string sql = "select id from nav_info where nav_name='" + name + "'"; string r = DB.ExecuteSqlValue(sql, null); if (r != "" && r != "no") { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "导航栏名称已存在"); return; } sql = "insert into nav_info(nav_name,muban_id,parent_id,paixu,isshow) values('" + name + "','" + muban_id + "','" + pid + "','" + px + "','" + isshow + "')"; int result = DB.ExecuteSql(sql, null); if (result > 0) { SystemTool.AlertShow_Refresh(this, "保存成功", "nvalist.aspx"); } else { SystemTool.AlertShow(this, "添加失败"); } }
private void BindInfo() { double cPage = 1; if (null != Request.QueryString["cpage"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["cpage"].ToString())) { cPage = Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString["cpage"].ToString()); } string id = "0"; if (null != Request.QueryString["nid"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString())) { id = Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString(); } string sql = @"with t as ( select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id DESC) AS ROWNUM, * from article_info where nav_id=" + id + " ) select * from t where rownum>" + (cPage * 6 - 6) + " and rownum<=" + (cPage * 6); DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); rpt_main.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; rpt_main.DataBind(); }
protected string getLocation() { string id = "0"; if (null != Request.QueryString["nid"] && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString())) { id = Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString(); } if (id == "7") { return("<a href='index.aspx' target='_blank'>网站首页</a>>><a href='#' target='_blank'>我的日记</a></span><b>个人日记</b>"); } if (id == "8") { return("<a href='index.aspx' target='_blank'>网站首页</a>>><a href='#' target='_blank'>我的日记</a></span><b>学习笔记</b>"); } if (id == "11") { return("<a href='index.aspx' target='_blank'>网站首页</a>>><a href='#' target='_blank'>技术文章</a></span><b></b>"); } return(""); }
protected string getImages() { double cPage = 1; double pPage = 12; Int32 fori = 0; Int32 forj = 0; if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null && SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString())) { cPage = Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()); fori = Convert.ToInt32(cPage * 12 - 12); } string[] images = getData(); double total = images.Length - 1; forj = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Min(total, cPage * pPage)); string html = ""; for (; fori < forj; fori++) { html += "<li><a href='/" + images[fori] + "' target='_blank'><img src='/" + images[fori] + "'><span>图片展示</span></a></li>"; } return(html == "" ? "暂无数据..." : html); }
private void BindInfo() { if (!SystemTool.IsInt(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString())) { Response.Redirect("404.html"); } string sql = "select * from article_info where id=" + Request.QueryString["id"]; DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string navid = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["nav_id"].ToString(); sql = "select * from nav_info where id=" + navid; DataSet dsnav = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (dsnav.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string nav0 = dsnav.Tables[0].Rows[0]["parent_id"].ToString(); if (nav0 == "0") { //当前为一级导航栏 ddl_nav0.SelectedValue = navid; } else { sql = "select * from nav_info where parent_id=" + nav0; dsnav = DB.ExecuteSqlDataSet(sql, null); if (dsnav.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ddl_nav.Items.Clear(); ddl_nav.DataSource = dsnav.Tables[0]; ddl_nav.DataTextField = "nav_name"; ddl_nav.DataValueField = "id"; ddl_nav.DataBind(); ListItem list = new ListItem("--请选择--", "0"); ddl_nav.Items.Insert(0, list); ddl_nav.SelectedValue = navid; } else { ddl_nav.Items.Clear(); ListItem list = new ListItem("--请选择--", "0"); ddl_nav.Items.Insert(0, list); } } } string title = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["title"].ToString(); txttitle.Text = title; string article_image = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["article_image"].ToString(); string[] images = article_image.Split('#'); string html = ""; for (int i = 0; i < images.Length - 1; i++) { string bianhao = "b" + i; string _width = "100"; string _height = "100"; var aaa = "<div id='div" + bianhao + "' class='imgbox hasboth' style='background-color:#fff;width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;'>"; var aa = " <div class='w_upload' style='width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;' > <a class='item_close' onclick=deletepic('" + bianhao + "')>删除</a><span style='width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;' class='item_box'>"; var bb = "<img id='img" + bianhao + "' src='/" + images[i] + "' style='background:url(images/aa1.gif) no-repeat center;width:" + _width + "px;height:" + _height + "px;'/></span>"; var dds = "</div></div>"; html += aaa + aa + bb + dds; } txtname.Text = article_image; box.InnerHtml = html; string author = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["author"].ToString(); txtauthor.Text = author; string descr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["descr"].ToString(); txtdescr.Text = descr; string isshow = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["isshow"].ToString(); ddl_show.SelectedValue = isshow; } }