コード例 #1
        private void ConfirmButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (sale.NumberItems != purchasedItems.Count) // Confirming at least one item has been returned
                // No need to change or nullify the old sales id, given that a new one will be assigned to the resulting transaction
                // and the old id will still be needed for future refrence.

                sale.NumberItems = FormatToInt(numberOfPurchasedItemsLabel.Text.Split(':')[1]); // updating the new amount of item that have not been returned
                sale.Total       = FormatToDecimal(purchasedTotalLabel.Text.Split('$')[1]);     // updating the new total of the transaction

                // Requesting a return policy
                String message = SystemProtocols.ApplyReturnPolicyProtocols(sale, purchasedItems, returnedItems);

                if (message == "VOIDED") // all products have been returned thus creating a void transaction instead of a partial return
                    MessageBox.Show("Transaction voided successfully!");
                else // Return request has been approved
                    MessageBox.Show("Products have successfully been returned to the inventory!");

                    FormsMenuList.salesRecordForm.RefreshSalesRecordsDataGrid();                  // updating grandparent form
                    FormsMenuList.salesRecordForm.ShowNewReturnedTransactionInformation(message); // requesting the grandparent to show the new resulting transaction child form
                    FormsMenuList.salesRecordForm.UpdateChildAfterSuccessfulReturn(sale.Id);      // requesting grandparent to update this form's parent as well

                MessageBox.Show("Nothing was returned, please check form or cancel process.");