protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SystemObject sys = (SystemObject)Context.Session["Sys"]; string sTemp = sys.AppSetting("TEMP", "c:\\code\\temp\\"); string sPath = sTemp + Request.QueryString["file"]; FileInfo tgtFile = new FileInfo(sPath); Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + tgtFile.Name); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", tgtFile.Length.ToString()); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.WriteFile(tgtFile.FullName); Response.End(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // Get System Object SystemObject sys = (SystemObject)context.Session["Sys"]; // Ensure we have a parent for this posted file. string sParentID = context.Request.QueryString["parentId"].ToString(); // If an existing ID already exists, Edit the document; if not Add the document string sID = context.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); string sDocGuid = ""; string sParentType = context.Request.QueryString["parenttype"].ToString().ToLower(); string sTargetTable = (sParentType == "picture" || sParentType == "letter" || sParentType == "news") ? "picture" : "documents"; if (sParentType == "letter") { sID = ""; } if (sParentType == "news") { sID = ""; } bool bIsNew = false; if (sID.Length > 28) { sDocGuid = sID; } else { sDocGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); bIsNew = true; try { ((BiblePayPool2018.USGDGui)context.Session["CallingClass"]).ViewGuid = sDocGuid; } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (sParentID.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < context.Request.Files.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { sDocGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); bIsNew = true; } HttpPostedFile postedFile = context.Request.Files[i]; string fn = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); string SaveLocation = context.Server.MapPath("Data") + "\\" + fn; string sDocName = postedFile.FileName; string sSan = sys.AppSetting("SAN", "SAN_NOT_SET"); if (bIsNew) { string sql = "Insert into " + sTargetTable + " (id,deleted,added,addedby,organization,parentid) " + " values ('" + sDocGuid + "',0,getdate(),'" + sys.UserGuid.ToString() + "','" + sys.Organization.ToString() + "','" + sParentID + "')"; sys._data.Exec(sql); } try { postedFile.SaveAs(SaveLocation); //Copy the file to the san, with the proper naming convention. FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(SaveLocation); string sTargetFileName = sDocGuid.Substring(0, 8) + "" + fi.Extension; string sTargetPath = sSan + sTargetFileName; string sExtension = fi.Extension; string sFullFileName = fi.Name; string sFileNamePrefix = fi.Name.Substring(0, fi.Name.Length - fi.Extension.Length); System.IO.File.Copy(SaveLocation, sTargetPath, true); string sURL = ""; if (sTargetTable == "picture") { //Copy SAN image to public web site string sPublicSite = sSan + "\\Images\\"; string sTargetImagePath = sPublicSite + sTargetFileName; System.IO.File.Copy(sTargetPath, sTargetImagePath, true); sURL = sys.AppSetting("WebSite", "") + "SAN/" + sTargetFileName; } string sql = "Update " + sTargetTable + " set Name='" + sFileNamePrefix + "',Extension = '" + sExtension + "',URL='" + sURL + "',SAN='" + sSan + "',FullFileName='" + sFullFileName + "',ParentType='" + sParentType + "',Updated=getdate(),Size='" + fi.Length.ToString() + "',UpdatedBy='" + sys.UserGuid.ToString() + "' WHERE id = '" + sDocGuid.Trim() + "'"; sys._data.Exec(sql); if (bIsNew) { sys.LastWebObject.guid = sDocGuid; } context.Response.Write("The file has been uploaded. "); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write("Error: " + ex.Message); } } context.Response.StatusCode = 200; } else { context.Response.Write("Unable to attach upload to parent object; Object Empty;"); } }