private List <SystemObject.LookupValue> SortableListToLookupValueList(string[] vLookups) { List <SystemObject.LookupValue> lLV = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < vLookups.Length; i++) { string[] vCols = vLookups[i].Split(new string[] { "[COL]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (vCols.Length > 2) { string sColName = vCols[0]; string sColValue = vCols[1]; string sUSGDID = vCols[2]; string sUSGDValue = vCols[3]; string sUSGDCaption = vCols[4]; string sUSGDName = vCols[5]; string sChecked = vCols[6]; SystemObject.LookupValue v = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); v.Value = sUSGDValue; v.Caption = sUSGDCaption; v.ID = sUSGDID; v.Name = sUSGDName; lLV.Add(v); } } return(lLV); }
public WebReply SettingsEdit() { double dBalance = 1; Sys.SetObjectValue("Settings Edit", "Balance", dBalance.ToString()); Section SettingsEdit = new Section("Settings Edit", 2, Sys, this); Edit geDefaultWithdrawalAddress = new Edit("Settings Edit", "DefaultWithdrawalAddress", Sys); geDefaultWithdrawalAddress.CaptionText = "Default Receive Address:"; geDefaultWithdrawalAddress.TextBoxStyle = "width:420px"; SettingsEdit.AddControl(geDefaultWithdrawalAddress); SettingsEdit.AddBlank(); Edit geBalance = new Edit("Settings Edit", "Balance", Sys); geBalance.CaptionText = "Balance:"; geBalance.Type = Edit.GEType.Text; geBalance.TextBoxAttribute = "readonly"; geBalance.TextBoxStyle = clsStaticHelper.msReadOnly; SettingsEdit.AddControl(geBalance); SettingsEdit.AddBlank(); // CPID Edit geCPID = new Edit("Settings Edit", "CPID", Sys); geCPID.CaptionText = "CPID:"; geCPID.TextBoxStyle = "width:420px"; SettingsEdit.AddControl(geCPID); // Theme Edit ddTheme = new Edit("Settings Edit", "Theme", Sys); ddTheme.Type = Edit.GEType.Lookup; ddTheme.CaptionText = "Theme:"; ddTheme.LookupValues = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); SystemObject.LookupValue i1 = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); i1.ID = "Biblepay"; i1.Value = "Biblepay"; i1.Caption = "Biblepay"; ddTheme.LookupValues.Add(i1); SystemObject.LookupValue i2 = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); i2.ID = "Dark"; i2.Value = "Dark"; i2.Caption = "Dark"; ddTheme.LookupValues.Add(i2); SettingsEdit.AddBlank(); SettingsEdit.AddControl(ddTheme); SettingsEdit.AddBlank(); Edit geBtnSave = new Edit("Settings Edit", Edit.GEType.Button, "btnSettingsSave", "Save", Sys); SettingsEdit.AddControl(geBtnSave); SettingsEdit.AddBlank(); return(SettingsEdit.Render(this, true)); }
public WebReply Phase3() { Section s = new Section("Phase3", 3, Sys, this); if (Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "ConditionCount") == "") { Sys.SetObjectValue("Phase3", "ConditionCount", "1"); } int iConditionCount = Convert.ToInt32(Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "ConditionCount")); for (int x = 0; x < iConditionCount; x++) { GodEdit ddFields = new GodEdit("Phase3", "Fields" + x.ToString(), Sys); ddFields.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Lookup; ddFields.CaptionText = "Field:"; ddFields.LookupValues = ddFields.ConvertStringToLookupList("Address;City;State;Zip;Phone"); s.AddControl(ddFields); string sValueOfFieldsControl = Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "Fields" + x.ToString()); GodEdit ddConditions = new GodEdit("Phase3", "Conditions" + x.ToString(), Sys); ddConditions.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Lookup; ddConditions.CaptionText = "Conditions:"; ddConditions.LookupValues = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); SystemObject.LookupValue i1 = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); i1.ID = "Underlying ID"; i1.Value = "DisplayValue"; i1.Caption = "Caption"; string sValueOfLookup = Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "Conditions" + x.ToString()); ddConditions.LookupValues.Add(i1); SystemObject.LookupValue i2 = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); i2.ID = "Underlying ID2"; i2.Value = "DisplayValueTwo"; i2.Caption = "CaptionTwo"; ddConditions.LookupValues.Add(i2); s.AddControl(ddConditions); GodEdit txtValue = new GodEdit("Phase3", "SelectedValue" + x.ToString(), Sys); txtValue.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Text; txtValue.CaptionText = "Selected Value:"; string sValueOfSelected = Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "SelectedValue" + x.ToString()); s.AddControl(txtValue); } s.AddButton("btnAddCondition", "Add Condition"); WebReply wr1 = s.Render(this, true); return(wr1); }
public List <SystemObject.LookupValue> ConvertStringToLookupList(string SemicolonDelimited) { string[] vRows = SemicolonDelimited.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List <SystemObject.LookupValue> listLV = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < vRows.Length; i++) { // Add the string entry to the List SystemObject.LookupValue lv = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); lv.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); lv.Caption = vRows[i]; lv.Value = vRows[i]; listLV.Add(lv); } return(listLV); }