void WebSearch() { ws = AppSoftware.GetComponent <WebSec>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); testsite = Database.GetComponent <TestSite>(); becas = Database.GetComponent <Becas>(); RevaTest = Database.GetComponent <Test>(); ping = Database.GetComponent <Ping>(); uc = Database.GetComponent <Unicom>(); jd = Database.GetComponent <JailDew>(); LEC = Database.GetComponent <LECBank>(); reva = Database.GetComponent <Reva>(); st = Database.GetComponent <ShareTrades>(); mgw = Minigames.GetComponent <MiniGameWeb>(); tug = Database.GetComponent <TUG>(); sh = Database.GetComponent <ServerHost>(); test1 = Database.GetComponent <Test1>(); gstocks = Database.GetComponent <GStocks>(); hs = Database.GetComponent <HardwareSite>(); //cc = Database.GetComponent<CabbageCorp>(); dr = Minigames.GetComponent <DragRacer>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); }
public Scene(IServiceRegistry services) { Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(services != null, "services"); messenger = new Messenger(); entityMap = new EntityMap(this); systemMap = new SystemMap(this); updateableSystems = new List <IUpdateableSystem>(); renderableSystems = new List <IRenderableSystem>(); currentlyUpdatingSystems = new List <IUpdateableSystem>(); currentlyRenderingSystems = new List <IRenderableSystem>(); Services = services; Services.AddService(typeof(IEntityProvider), this); Services.AddService(typeof(IResourceProvider), this); var content = Services.GetService <IAssetProvider>(); content.AddMapping("Scene", typeof(Scene)); entityMap.EntityAdded += systemMap.OnEntityAdded; entityMap.EntityRemoved += systemMap.OnEntityRemoved; entityMap.EntityComponentAdded += systemMap.OnEntityComponentAdded; entityMap.EntityComponentRemoved += systemMap.OnEntityComponentRemoved; systemMap.SystemAdded += SystemMapOnSystemAdded; systemMap.SystemRemoved += SystemMapOnSystemRemoved; tagManager = new TagManager(); }
public void addStarToField(SystemMap _star) { int regionId = GeometryIndex.calcRegionId(_star.posX, _star.posY); Field field = GeometryIndex.regions[regionId].findOrCreateField(_star.posX, _star.posY); field.starId = _star.id; _star.field = field; }
public bool addColonyToField(Colony _colony) { SystemMap colonyStar = stars[_colony.starId]; int regionId = GeometryIndex.calcRegionId(colonyStar.posX, colonyStar.posY); Field field = GeometryIndex.regions[regionId].findOrCreateField(colonyStar.posX, colonyStar.posY); _colony.field = field; return(field.addColony(_colony)); }
void WebSearch() { ws = AppSoftware.GetComponent <WebSec>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); //cc = Database.GetComponent<CabbageCorp>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); //Computer = GameObject.Find("Computer"); //System clk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>(); defalt = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>(); am = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>(); cmd = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>(); com = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>(); sc = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>(); appman = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>(); boot = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Boot>(); post = SysSoftware.GetComponent <POST>(); os = SysSoftware.GetComponent <OS>(); mouse = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Mouse>(); desk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Desktop>(); //Applications al = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); //Hacking prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>(); trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>(); cy = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>(); ds = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); mb = GetComponent <MissionBrow>(); cc = GetComponent <CurContracts>(); sl = GetComponent <SiteList>(); note = GetComponent <Notepad>(); fav = GetComponent <Favs>(); tv = GetComponent <TreeView>(); mPass = GetComponent <MonitorBypass>(); wsv = GetComponent <WebSecViewer>(); sdp = GetComponent <ShutdownProm>(); Audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID]; windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID]; Audio.volume = Customize.cust.Volume; DesktopY = -50; StartTime = 0.030f; Snap = false; if (Size == 0) { Size = 21; } }
public void getAreaCreator(byte _direction, int _userId, Ship _ship, ref List <Ship> _ships, ref List <SpacegameServer.Core.SystemMap> _stars, ref List <SpacegameServer.Core.Colony> _colonies, Colony scanningColony = null) { var starXY = getDestinationField(_ship, _direction); if (_userId < 0) { return; } SpacegameServer.Core.User user = (SpacegameServer.Core.User)users[_userId]; if (user == null) { return; } //fetch an area of radius 7 around the target field //check all colonies inside it. Every colony that has the targetfield inside it's border range is returned... //List<Field> neigbouringFields = new List<Field>(); //GeometryIndex.getFields(_ship.field, 7, neigbouringFields); //int targetRegionId = GeometryIndex.calcRegionId(starXY.Key, starXY.Value); //var targetField = GeometryIndex.regions[targetRegionId].findOrCreateField(starXY.Key, starXY.Value); int targetRegionId = GeometryIndex.calcRegionId(starXY.Key, starXY.Value); var targetField = GeometryIndex.regions[targetRegionId].findOrCreateField(starXY.Key, starXY.Value); //fetch all colonies affecting the targetField _colonies = Core.Instance.colonies.Where(colony => targetField.InfluencedBy.Any(influencer => influencer == colony.Value)).Select(colKeyValue => colKeyValue.Value).ToList(); //fetch the star each colony is positioned foreach (int fieldId in (_colonies.Select(colony => colony.field.id))) { Field currentField = ((Field)GeometryIndex.allFields[fieldId]); if (currentField.starId != null) { int starId = (int)currentField.starId; SystemMap star = stars[starId]; _stars.Add(star); //if scan is determined for a single ship, check if that user already kwos the systems scanned: if ((_ship != null) && !user.knownStars.Contains(starId)) { user.knownStars.Add(starId); UserStarMap newStar = new UserStarMap(user.id, starId); List <AsyncInsertable> newKnownStar = new List <AsyncInsertable>(); newKnownStar.Add(newStar); dataConnection.insertAsyncTransaction(newKnownStar); } } } return; }
public Scene() { Entities = new EntityMap(this); Systems = new SystemMap(this); Sprites = new SpriteSet(); Events = new EventManager(); Entities.Changed += NotifyEntityChange; CurrentViewport = new CameraView(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates and initializes a scene for the given controller /// </summary> /// <param name="controller"></param> public Scene(IGameController controller) { Controller = controller; Entities = new EntityMap(this); Systems = new SystemMap(this); Events = new EventManager(); Entities.Changed += NotifyEntityChange; CurrentViewport = new CameraView(); }
void Start() { SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); com = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); note = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepad>(); prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>(); al = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>(); cy = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>(); ds = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); tv = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TreeView>(); al = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); cmd = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); clk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>(); defalt = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>(); sc = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>(); appmenu = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>(); appman = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>(); windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID]; windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID]; native_height = Customize.cust.native_height; native_width = Customize.cust.native_width; UpdateUI(); for (Index = 0; Index < GameControl.control.ProgramFiles.Count; Index++) { if (GameControl.control.ProgramFiles[Index].Name == "Gateway") { TestCheck = true; } } if (Index >= GameControl.control.ProgramFiles.Count) { if (TestCheck == false) { Test(); } } X = -350; Speed = 600; windowID = appmenu.windowID; }
void WebSearch() { ws = AppSoftware.GetComponent <WebSec>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); st = Database.GetComponent <ShareTrades>(); gstocks = Database.GetComponent <GStocks>(); //cc = Database.GetComponent<CabbageCorp>(); dr = Minigames.GetComponent <DragRacer>(); seb = AppSoftware.GetComponent <StockExchangeBrowser>(); }
private void Awake() { _injector = new Injector(); _directCommand = new DirectCommand(_injector); _eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); _eventCommandMap = new EventCommandMap(_eventDispatcher, _injector); _viewFactory = new ViewFactory(); _mediatorMap = new MediatorMap(_viewFactory, _injector); _entityDatabase = new EntityDatabase(); _systemMap = new SystemMap(_entityDatabase); _updater = new Updater(); _injector.Inject(_directCommand); _injector.Inject(_eventDispatcher); _injector.Inject(_entityDatabase); _injector.Inject(_mediatorMap); _injector.Inject <IUpdater>(_updater); // systems _systemMap.Add(new PlayerMovementSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new PlayerShootingSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new CameraFollowSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new EnemySpawnerSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new EnemyMovementSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new EnemyDamageSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new EnemyAttackSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new PlayerDamageSystem()); _systemMap.Add(new EnemySinkingSystem()); // injection _injector.Inject <IGameData>(gameData); _injector.Inject(new AudioModel()); _injector.Inject(new PlayerHealthModel()); _injector.Inject(new ScoreModel()); // view factory _viewFactory.Register(damageView, false); _viewFactory.Register(gameOverView, false); _viewFactory.Register(healthView, false); _viewFactory.Register(pauseView, false); _viewFactory.Register(scoreView, false); // mediator _mediatorMap.Map <DamageMediator>(ViewType.Damage); _mediatorMap.Map <GameOverMediator>(ViewType.GameOver); _mediatorMap.Map <HealthMediator>(ViewType.Health); _mediatorMap.Map <PauseMediator>(ViewType.Pause); _mediatorMap.Map <ScoreMediator>(ViewType.Score); // event command _eventCommandMap.Map(GameEvent.GameOverComplete, new RestartCommand()); }
// Use a factory method to instantiate the system components and plug things together public void initializeSystem() { var masterA = new Master("a"); var masterB = new Master("b"); var masterC = new Master("c"); SystemMap.registerNewMaster(masterA, typeof(Handler1)); SystemMap.registerNewMaster(masterB, typeof(Handler2)); SystemMap.registerNewMaster(masterC, typeof(Handler3)); SomeLibrary.register(typeof(Handler1)); SomeLibrary.register(typeof(Handler2)); SomeLibrary.register(typeof(Handler3)); }
void WebSearch() { ib = AppsSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); misgen = Missions.GetComponent <MissionGen>(); ep = Prompts.GetComponent <ErrorProm>(); upg = Computer.GetComponent <Upgrade>(); defalt = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>(); pp = Prompts.GetComponent <PurchasePrompt>(); prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>(); trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>(); brow = Missions.GetComponent <MissionBrow>(); sm = AppsSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); dskman = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DiskMan>(); fu = SysSoftware.GetComponent <FileUtility>(); }
public bool Disposed = false; // To detect redundant calls protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!Disposed) { if (disposing) { Destroy(); } Entities = null; Systems = null; Events = null; Disposed = true; } }
void WebSearch() { // APPLICATIONS ws = Applications.GetComponent <WebSec>(); sm = Applications.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); tr = Applications.GetComponent <TextReader>(); ib = Applications.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); // PROMPTS ep = Prompts.GetComponent <ErrorProm>(); // HACKING trace = Hacking.GetComponent <Tracer>(); prog = Hacking.GetComponent <Progtive>(); // SYSTEM com = System.GetComponent <Computer>(); def = System.GetComponent <Defalt>(); pl = System.GetComponent <PasswordList>(); clic = System.GetComponent <CLICommandsV2>(); }
void Start() { SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); Database = GameObject.Find("Database"); clic = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLICommandsV2>(); ws = AppSoftware.GetComponent <WebSec>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); // para = Database.GetComponent<Para>(); st = Database.GetComponent <ShareTrades>(); gstocks = Database.GetComponent <GStocks>(); stockexchange = Database.GetComponent <StockExchange>(); port = Database.GetComponent <Portfolio>(); history = Database.GetComponent <StockTransactionHistory>(); }
void Start() { SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); com = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); note = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepad>(); prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>(); al = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>(); cy = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>(); ds = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); tv = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TreeView>(); al = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); cmd = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); clk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>(); defalt = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>(); sc = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>(); appmenu = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>(); appman = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>(); windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID]; windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID]; native_height = Customize.cust.native_height; native_width = Customize.cust.native_width; UpdateUI(); if (GameControl.control.QuickProgramList.Count < 1) { Test(); } X = 700; Speed = 3; windowID = appmenu.windowID; }
void Start() { SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); Database = GameObject.Find("Database"); Minigames = GameObject.Find("MiniGames"); clic = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLICommandsV2>(); ws = AppSoftware.GetComponent <WebSec>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); testsite = Database.GetComponent <TestSite>(); becas = Database.GetComponent <Becas>(); aki = Database.GetComponent <Aki>(); RevaTest = Database.GetComponent <Test>(); revatest = Database.GetComponent <RevaTest>(); ping = Database.GetComponent <Ping>(); uc = Database.GetComponent <Unicom>(); jd = Database.GetComponent <JailDew>(); // para = Database.GetComponent<Para>(); LEC = Database.GetComponent <LECBank>(); reva = Database.GetComponent <Reva>(); st = Database.GetComponent <ShareTrades>(); mgw = Minigames.GetComponent <MiniGameWeb>(); tug = Database.GetComponent <TUG>(); sh = Database.GetComponent <ServerHost>(); test1 = Database.GetComponent <Test1>(); gstocks = Database.GetComponent <GStocks>(); hs = Database.GetComponent <HardwareSite>(); store = Database.GetComponent <Store>(); melvenauni = Database.GetComponent <MelvenaUniversity>(); isd = Database.GetComponent <ISD>(); //cc = Database.GetComponent<CabbageCorp>(); dr = Minigames.GetComponent <DragRacer>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Hardware = GameObject.Find("Hardware"); Prompts = GameObject.Find("Prompts"); SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); TraceSnd = GameObject.Find("Trace Tracker"); HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); com = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>(); def = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>(); sc = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TTSndControl>(); ws = AppSoftware.GetComponent <WebSec>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID]; windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID]; beeptimer = beepcooldown; native_height = Customize.cust.native_height; native_width = Customize.cust.native_width; }
static int Main() { Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------------------"); SystemMap <Int32> y1 = new SystemMap <Int32> (5); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------------------"); SystemMap <String> y2 = new SystemMap <String> ("S"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------------------"); SystemMap <Object> y3 = new SystemMap <Object> ("S"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (y1.Eval() && y2.Eval() && y3.Eval()) { Console.WriteLine("PASS"); return(100); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAIL"); return(101); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { System = GameObject.Find("System"); Applications = GameObject.Find("Applications"); Hacking = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); Other = GameObject.Find("Other"); Computer = GameObject.Find("Computer"); Prompts = GameObject.Find("Prompts"); WindowHandel = GameObject.Find("WindowHandel"); QA = GameObject.Find("QA"); winman = WindowHandel.GetComponent <WindowManager>(); history = Computer.GetComponent <SiteList>(); websecviewer = Computer.GetComponent <WebSecViewer>(); qa = QA.GetComponent <BugReport>(); //DESKTOP ENVIROMENT customtheme = Computer.GetComponent <CustomTheme>(); startmenu = System.GetComponent <AppMenu>(); rezprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <RezPrompt>(); desktop = System.GetComponent <Desktop>(); vc = System.GetComponent <VolumeController>(); //HACKING SOFTWARE pro = Hacking.GetComponent <Progtive>(); trace = Hacking.GetComponent <Tracer>(); dirsearch = Hacking.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); dicCrk = Hacking.GetComponent <DicCrk>(); passwordcracker = Hacking.GetComponent <PasswordCracker>(); dirsearch = Hacking.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); //STOCK SYSTEMS // port = Applications.GetComponent<Portfolio>(); // shareprompt = Prompts.GetComponent<SharePrompt>(); //OTHER PROMPTS purchaseprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <PurchasePrompt>(); //SYSTEM PROMPTS errorprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <ErrorProm>(); shutdownprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <ShutdownProm>(); installprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <InstallPrompt>(); //SYSTEM SOFTWARE sysclock = System.GetComponent <Clock>(); cli = System.GetComponent <CLI>(); cliv2 = System.GetComponent <CLIV2>(); os = System.GetComponent <OS>(); systempanel = System.GetComponent <SystemPanel>(); tasks = System.GetComponent <TaskViewer>(); com = System.GetComponent <Computer>(); diskman = System.GetComponent <DiskMan>(); vv = System.GetComponent <VersionViewer>(); fp = System.GetComponent <FileExplorer>(); SRM = System.GetComponent <SystemResourceManager>(); boot = System.GetComponent <Boot>(); deviceman = System.GetComponent <DeviceManager>(); executor = System.GetComponent <Executor>(); gatewayviewer = System.GetComponent <GatewayViewer>(); //LEGAL APPLICATIONS email = Applications.GetComponent <EmailClient>(); caluclator = Applications.GetComponent <Calculator>(); notepad = Applications.GetComponent <Notepad>(); notepadv2 = Applications.GetComponent <Notepadv2>(); accountlogs = Applications.GetComponent <AccLog>(); mp = Applications.GetComponent <MusicPlayer>(); treeview = Applications.GetComponent <TreeView>(); nv = Applications.GetComponent <NotificationViewer>(); pv = Applications.GetComponent <PlanViewer>(); calendar = Applications.GetComponent <Calendar>(); calendarv2 = Applications.GetComponent <CalendarV2>(); eventview = Applications.GetComponent <EventViewer>(); exchangeviewer = Applications.GetComponent <ExchangeViewer>(); //INTERNET BROWSERS internetbrowser = Applications.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); edgebrowser = Applications.GetComponent <NetViewer>(); firefoxbrowser = Applications.GetComponent <Firefox>(); //APPLICATIONS systemMap = Applications.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); textreader = Applications.GetComponent <TextReader>(); //BROWSER STUFF history = Computer.GetComponent <SiteList>(); //OTHER CONNECTION DEVICE rv = Applications.GetComponent <RemoteView>(); vmd = Other.GetComponent <VMDesigner>(); }
// This would be canInitWithRequest public static bool CanCreate(int someVar) { Master myMaster = SystemMap.getRegisteredMaster(typeof(Handler1)); return(someVar > myMaster.someVar); }
public Time GetTime() { return(new Time(SystemMap.GetTime())); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { cd = GameControl.control.BootTime; Kernal(); missions = GameObject.Find("Missions"); jd = GetComponent <JailDew>(); uc = GetComponent <Unicom>(); test = GetComponent <Test>(); disk = GetComponent <CD>(); com = GetComponent <Computer>(); note = GetComponent <Notepad>(); pro = GetComponent <Progtive>(); trace = GetComponent <Tracer>(); mb = GetComponent <MissionBrow>(); cc = GetComponent <CurContracts>(); sl = GetComponent <SiteList>(); al = GetComponent <AccLog>(); ds = GetComponent <DirSearch>(); tv = GetComponent <TreeView>(); clk = GetComponent <Clock>(); cmd = GetComponent <CLI> (); def = GetComponent <Defalt>(); mg = GetComponent <MissionGen>(); os = GetComponent <OS>(); sm = GetComponent <SystemMap>(); wsv = GetComponent <WebSecViewer>(); ep = GetComponent <ErrorProm>(); sdp = GetComponent <ShutdownProm>(); sp = GetComponent <SystemPanel>(); sc = GetComponent <SoundControl>(); desk = GetComponent <Desktop>(); ct = GetComponent <CustomTheme>(); mouse = GetComponent <Mouse>(); ss = GetComponent <ScreenSaver>(); clic = GetComponent <CLICommands>(); missiongen = missions.GetComponent <MissionGen>(); missionbrow = missions.GetComponent <MissionBrow>(); currentcontracts = missions.GetComponent <CurContracts>(); RotationCooldown = 0.01f; if (Application.isEditor == true) { windowRect.width = Screen.width; windowRect.height = Screen.height; } else { windowRect.width = Customize.cust.RezX; windowRect.height = Customize.cust.RezY; } Pos.width = windowRect.width / 2; Pos.height = windowRect.height / 2; windowRect.x = 0; windowRect.y = 0; x = Pos.width - 30; y = Pos.height; GameControl.control.GUIID = Customize.cust.GUIID; StartTimer = 0.01f; PlaySoundOnce = false; LoadPresetColors(); missiongen.enabled = true; missionbrow.enabled = true; currentcontracts.enabled = true; }
void ProgramSetup() { AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); QA = GameObject.Find("QA"); HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); Computer = GameObject.Find("Computer"); Other = GameObject.Find("Other"); Missions = GameObject.Find("Missions"); qa = QA.GetComponent <BugReport>(); //mb = GetComponent<MissionBrow>(); sl = Computer.GetComponent <SiteList>(); wsv = Computer.GetComponent <WebSecViewer>(); //Hacking Software pro = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>(); trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>(); ds = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); dc = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <DicCrk>(); passcrk = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <PasswordCracker>(); //System Sofware dsk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Desktop>(); com = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>(); ss = SysSoftware.GetComponent <ScreenSaver>(); sp = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SystemPanel>(); am = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>(); tasks = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TaskViewer>(); clk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>(); cmd = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>(); cmd2 = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLIV2>(); os = SysSoftware.GetComponent <OS>(); dm = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DiskMan>(); mouse = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Mouse>(); fp = SysSoftware.GetComponent <FileExplorer>(); dem = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DeviceManager>(); vc = SysSoftware.GetComponent <VolumeController>(); //Application Softwate // port = AppSoftware.GetComponent<Portfolio>(); tr = AppSoftware.GetComponent <TextReader>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); al = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); note = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepad>(); notev2 = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepadv2>(); cc = AppSoftware.GetComponent <EmailClient>(); tv = AppSoftware.GetComponent <TreeView>(); nv = AppSoftware.GetComponent <NotificationViewer>(); pv = AppSoftware.GetComponent <PlanViewer>(); //calendar = AppSoftware.GetComponent<Calendar>(); calendarv2 = AppSoftware.GetComponent <CalendarV2>(); eventview = AppSoftware.GetComponent <EventViewer>(); exchangeview = AppSoftware.GetComponent <ExchangeViewer>(); // Application Browsers ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); eib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <NetViewer>(); fib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Firefox>(); rv = AppSoftware.GetComponent <RemoteView>(); cal = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Calculator>(); mp = AppSoftware.GetComponent <MusicPlayer>(); // Prompts ip = Prompts.GetComponent <InstallPrompt>(); pp = Prompts.GetComponent <PurchasePrompt>(); ep = Prompts.GetComponent <ErrorProm>(); sdp = Prompts.GetComponent <ShutdownProm>(); rp = Prompts.GetComponent <RezPrompt>(); // shareprompt = Prompts.GetComponent<SharePrompt>(); notiprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <NotfiPrompt>(); //OTHER vmd = Other.GetComponent <VMDesigner>(); // Computer ct = Computer.GetComponent <CustomTheme>(); //Missions misgen = Missions.GetComponent <MissionGen>(); }
public void getUserScans(int _userId, Ship _ship, ref List <Ship> _ships, ref List <SpacegameServer.Core.SystemMap> _stars, ref List <SpacegameServer.Core.Colony> _colonies, Colony scanningColony = null) { if (_userId < 0) { return; } SpacegameServer.Core.User user = (SpacegameServer.Core.User)users[_userId]; if (user == null) { return; } //during startup, add all colonies of stars known to the user if (_ship == null && scanningColony == null) { _colonies = Core.Instance.stars.Where(star => user.knownStars.Any(known => known == star.Value.id)) .SelectMany(star => star.Value.planets) .Where(planet => planet.colony != null) .Select(planet => planet.colony).ToList(); /*foreach (int starId in user.knownStars) * { * if (Core.Instance.stars[starId].planets.Any(planet => planet.colony != null)) * { * _colonies = Core.Instance.stars[starId].planets.Where(planet => planet.colony != null).Select(planet => planet.colony).ToList(); * } * } */ } //make a list with unique fields, only the scanner with the greates scanrange is needed Dictionary <Int32, KeyValuePair <Field, byte> > fieldScans = new Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <Field, byte> >(); if (_ship != null || scanningColony != null) { if (_ship != null) { fieldScans[_ship.field.id] = new KeyValuePair <Field, byte>(_ship.field, _ship.scanRange); } if (scanningColony != null) { fieldScans[scanningColony.field.id] = new KeyValuePair <Field, byte>(scanningColony.field, scanningColony.scanRange); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < user.ships.Count; i++) { Ship currentShip = user.ships[i]; KeyValuePair <Field, byte> val; if (fieldScans.TryGetValue(user.ships[i].field.id, out val)) { if (val.Value < currentShip.scanRange) { fieldScans[currentShip.field.id] = new KeyValuePair <Field, byte>(currentShip.field, currentShip.scanRange); } } else { fieldScans[currentShip.field.id] = new KeyValuePair <Field, byte>(currentShip.field, currentShip.scanRange); } } for (int i = 0; i < user.colonies.Count; i++) { Colony currentColony = user.colonies[i]; KeyValuePair <Field, byte> val; if (fieldScans.TryGetValue(currentColony.field.id, out val)) { if (val.Value < currentColony.scanRange) { fieldScans[currentColony.field.id] = new KeyValuePair <Field, byte>(currentColony.field, currentColony.scanRange); } } else { fieldScans[currentColony.field.id] = new KeyValuePair <Field, byte>(currentColony.field, currentColony.scanRange); } } } //find all neighbouring fields of the scanners //use the regions to accomplish this List <int> scannedFields = new List <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Int32, KeyValuePair <Field, byte> > scanner in fieldScans) { scanner.Value.Key.getScanRange(scanner.Value.Value, scannedFields); } //detect all ships, stars and colonies on the fields scanned foreach (int fieldId in (scannedFields.Distinct())) { Field currentField = ((Field)GeometryIndex.allFields[fieldId]); foreach (Ship ship in currentField.ships) { _ships.Add(ship); } _ships = _ships.OrderBy(o => o.id).ToList(); if (currentField.starId != null) { int starId = (int)currentField.starId; SystemMap star = stars[starId]; _stars.Add(star); foreach (Colony colony in currentField.colonies) { if (!_colonies.Any(c => c == colony)) { _colonies.Add(colony); } } //if scan is determined for a single ship, check if that user already kwos the systems scanned: if ((_ship != null) && !user.knownStars.Contains(starId)) { user.knownStars.Add(starId); UserStarMap newStar = new UserStarMap(user.id, starId); List <AsyncInsertable> newKnownStar = new List <AsyncInsertable>(); newKnownStar.Add(newStar); dataConnection.insertAsyncTransaction(newKnownStar); } } } //add usermap and transcensionStars to the list of known stars: if (_ship == null && scanningColony == null) { foreach (int starId in user.knownStars) { if (!_stars.Exists(x => x.id == starId)) { _stars.Add(this.stars[starId]); } } List <Ship> transcensions = (from ship in this.ships where ship.Value.shipTranscension != null select ship.Value).ToList(); foreach (Ship transc in transcensions) { if (transc.systemId == 0) { continue; } if (!_stars.Exists(x => x.id == transc.systemId)) { _stars.Add(this.stars[transc.systemId]); } } } return; }