public override void Render(FrameEventArgs e) { GL.Viewport(0, 0, sceneManager.Width, sceneManager.Height); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); systemManager.ActionSystem(entityManager); GUI.clearColour = Color.Transparent; //Depending on inputNum the game shows what to input for the player if (InputNum == 0) { Angle = Input; } else if (InputNum == 1) { Power = Input; } float width = sceneManager.Width, height = sceneManager.Height, fontSize = Math.Min(width, height) / 20f; int middleX = (int)(width / 2), middleY = (int)(height / 2); //Draws Scoreboard and the Player's chosen names. GUI.Label(new Rectangle(0, 0 - (int)(fontSize / 4.0f), (int)width, (int)(fontSize * 2f)), Score1 + " > Score < " + Score2, (int)(fontSize * 0.4f), StringAlignment.Center); GUI.Label(new Rectangle(-middleX + (Player1.Length * 10) + (int)(width * 0.01f), 0 - (int)(fontSize / 4.0f), (int)width, (int)(fontSize * 2f)), Player1, (int)(fontSize * 0.5f), StringAlignment.Center); GUI.Label(new Rectangle(middleX - (Player2.Length * 10) - (int)(width * 0.01f), 0 - (int)(fontSize / 4.0f), (int)width, (int)(fontSize * 2f)), Player2, (int)(fontSize * 0.5f), StringAlignment.Center); //Draws Player1 UI if (isPlayer1) { GUI.Label(new Rectangle(-middleX + (Player1.Length * 10) + (int)(width * 0.01f), 0 + (int)(fontSize / 1.5f), (int)width, (int)(fontSize * 2f)), "Angle: " + Angle, (int)(fontSize * 0.5f), StringAlignment.Center); if (InputNum >= 1) { GUI.Label(new Rectangle(-middleX + (Player1.Length * 10) + (int)(width * 0.01f), 0 + (int)(fontSize * 1.5f), (int)width, (int)(fontSize * 2f)), "Power: " + Power, (int)(fontSize * 0.5f), StringAlignment.Center); } } // Draws Player2 UI if (!isPlayer1) { GUI.Label(new Rectangle(middleX - (Player2.Length * 10) - (int)(width * 0.01f), 0 + (int)(fontSize / 1.5f), (int)width, (int)(fontSize * 2f)), "Angle: " + Angle, (int)(fontSize * 0.5f), StringAlignment.Center); if (InputNum >= 1) { GUI.Label(new Rectangle(middleX - (Player2.Length * 10) - (int)(width * 0.01f), 0 + (int)(fontSize * 1.5f), (int)width, (int)(fontSize * 2f)), "Power: " + Power, (int)(fontSize * 0.5f), StringAlignment.Center); } } GUI.Render(); }