public static string getRelativePathTo(this string path, string basePath) { System.Uri uri1 = new System.Uri(path); System.Uri uri2 = new System.Uri(basePath); System.Uri relativeUri = uri2.MakeRelativeUri(uri1); return relativeUri.ToString(); }
static void DebugTest2() { string path1 = "/Users/Elyn/Projects/UnityPlugins/Unity Sandbox Project/Assets/Modules/GameCenter/Editor/iOS/GameCenterManager.m"; string path2 = "/Users/Elyn/Projects/UnityPlugins/Unity Sandbox Project/XCode/."; System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( path1 ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( path2 ); Debug.Log( fileURI.MakeRelativeUri( rootURI ).ToString() ); Debug.Log( rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString() ); // string projectPath = Path.Combine( Directory.GetParent( Application.dataPath ).ToString(), "XCode" ); // string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles( projectPath, "Info.plist" ); // string contents = System.IO.File.OpenText( files[0] ).ReadToEnd(); // string[] projects = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories( projectPath, "*.xcodeproj" ); // string projPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( projects[0], "project.pbxproj" ); // string contents = System.IO.File.OpenText( projPath ).ReadToEnd(); // Debug.Log( System.IO.File.OpenText( projPath ).ReadToEnd ); // PBXParser parser = new PBXParser(); // Hashtable test = (Hashtable)parser.Decode( contents ); // PBXDictionary test = parser.Decode( contents ); // Debug.Log( MiniJSON.jsonEncode( test ) ); // Debug.Log( test + " - " + test.Count ); // Debug.Log( parser.Encode( test ) ); }
private void SelectRDAFilesFolder(string path) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "The given path is not a directory.", "Error"); return; } this.viewModel.RDAFilesFolder = path; System.Uri pathUri = new System.Uri(path); IEnumerable <string> containerPaths = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(this.viewModel.RDAFilesFolder, @"data*.rda"); containerPaths = AnnoRDA.Loader.ContainerDirectoryLoader.SortContainerPaths(containerPaths); this.viewModel.RDAFileList.Items.Clear(); foreach (string filePath in containerPaths) { System.Uri filePathUri = new System.Uri(filePath); System.Uri relativeFilePathUri = pathUri.MakeRelativeUri(filePathUri); this.viewModel.RDAFileList.Items.Add(new RDAFileListItem(true, filePath, relativeFilePathUri.OriginalString)); } }
private void DrawReferences() { if (query?.referencingPaths != null) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("References", EditorStyles.boldLabel); if (query.referencingPaths.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No references"); } else { var currentDirectory = new System.Uri(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Assets"); foreach (var path in query.referencingPaths) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { string relativePath = currentDirectory.MakeRelativeUri(new System.Uri(path)).ToString(); relativePath = System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(relativePath); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(relativePath); if (GUILayout.Button("Select", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(60.0f))) { Object obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(relativePath); Selection.activeObject = obj; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> ListAvailable(string basepath) { // instantiate System.Collections.Generic.List<string> availableConfigurationList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(); foreach (var cfgFile in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(basepath, "ApollonInput.xml", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { // get info System.IO.FileInfo cfgFileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(cfgFile); // build relative path System.Uri from = new System.Uri(cfgFileInfo.DirectoryName), to = new System.Uri(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(basepath)); availableConfigurationList.Add( System.Uri.UnescapeDataString( to.MakeRelativeUri(from).ToString() ) ); // log UnityEngine.Debug.Log( "<color=blue>Info: </color> ApollonExperimentExplorer.ListAvailable() : found [" + System.Linq.Enumerable.Last(availableConfigurationList) + "]" ); } /* foreach() */ // return return availableConfigurationList; } /* ListAvailable */
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, string fileName = null, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, string flag = null) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; // Debug.Log( "Is rooted: " + absPath ); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath); // Debug.Log( "RElative: " + absPath ); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0 || tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } //@since 3.9.2 Unity에서 lastKnownFileType를 text로 변경해버리는 이슈 해결 PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(fileName == null ? System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath) : fileName); if (fileReference != null) { // Debug.Log( "File già presente." ); string name =; string lastKnownFileType = fileReference.LastKnownFileType; string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(name); if (name.Equals("UIKit.framework")) { Debug.Log("UIKit.framework"); } if (extension.Equals(".tbd")) { if (!lastKnownFileType.Equals("sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition")) { Debug.Log(name + " LastKnownFileType changed"); fileReference.LastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; } } else if (extension.Equals(".mp3")) { if (!lastKnownFileType.Equals("audio.mp3")) { Debug.Log(name + " LastKnownFileType changed"); fileReference.LastKnownFileType = "audio.mp3"; } } return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, fileName, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { // PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase> currentPhase = GetBuildPhase( fileReference.buildPhase ); PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK string frameworkPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak, flag); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return(null); } } return(results); }
private void SelectRDAFilesFolder(string path) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "The given path is not a directory.", "Error"); return; } this.viewModel.RDAFilesFolder = path; System.Uri pathUri = new System.Uri(path); IEnumerable<string> containerPaths = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(this.viewModel.RDAFilesFolder, @"data*.rda"); containerPaths = AnnoRDA.Loader.ContainerDirectoryLoader.SortContainerPaths(containerPaths); this.viewModel.RDAFileList.Items.Clear(); foreach (string filePath in containerPaths) { System.Uri filePathUri = new System.Uri(filePath); System.Uri relativeFilePathUri = pathUri.MakeRelativeUri(filePathUri); this.viewModel.RDAFileList.Items.Add(new RDAFileListItem(true, filePath, relativeFilePathUri.OriginalString)); } }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, filePath); } if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { return null; } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum) System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); // Find test target PBXNativeTarget nativeTestTarget = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PBXNativeTarget> currentObject in nativeTargets) { PBXNativeTarget nativeTargetObj = currentObject.Value; if (nativeTargetObj != null &&"name")) { string name = (string)["name"]; if (name != null && name.Contains("Unity-iPhone Tests")) { nativeTestTarget = nativeTargetObj; break; } } } //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) && File.Exists(absPath)) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return null; } } return results; }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false) { //Debug.Log("AddFile " + filePath + ", " + parent + ", " + tree + ", " + (createBuildFiles? "TRUE":"FALSE") + ", " + (weak? "TRUE":"FALSE") ); PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); if (filePath == null) { Debug.LogError("AddFile called with null filePath"); return(results); } string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { Debug.Log("Path is Rooted"); absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { // zhiyuan.peng : // change "foler" root dir "Application.dataPath" to "mod.path" // delet: absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, filePath); // add: // absPath = "/Users/zhiyuan.peng/Project/XUPorterTest/pp.xupemods/" + filePath; // end } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { Debug.Log("Source Root File"); System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } else if (tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { Debug.Log("Group File"); filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // zhiyuan.peng: // what a f*****g BUG! // code below used to check if the file reference is exsits, but olny check file name // file path should also be checked! // DELETE: //Check if there is already a file // PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filePath ) ); // if( fileReference != null) { // Debug.LogWarning(fileReference.path + "\n" + filePath + "\n" + tree); // Debug.LogWarning("File already exists: " + filePath); //not a warning, because this is normal for most builds! // return null; // } // ADD: //Check if there is already a file PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null && fileReference.path.Equals(filePath)) { Debug.LogWarning(fileReference.path + "\n" + filePath + "\n" + tree); Debug.LogWarning("File already exists: " + filePath); //not a warning, because this is normal for most builds! return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Debug.LogError("fileReference.path:"+fileReference.path+" fileReference.buildPhase:"+fileReference.buildPhase); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": //Debug.LogError("absPath:"+absPath+"tree.CompareTo( \"SOURCE_ROOT\" ) :"+tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) ); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0)) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(PROJECT_DIR)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); // Debug.LogError("libraryPath:"+libraryPath); if (File.Exists(absPath)) { this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else { this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } } // if(Path.GetExtension(fileReference.path).Equals(".tdb")) // { // string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); // Debug.LogError("libraryPath:"+libraryPath); // if (File.Exists(absPath)) { // this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); // } else { // this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); // } // // } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Resources Build File"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Script Build File"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Source Build File"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Copy Files Build Phase"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("File Not Supported: " + filePath); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("File Not Supported."); return(null); } } return(results); }
public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false ) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) { absPath = filePath; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, filePath ); } if( !( File.Exists( absPath ) || Directory.Exists( absPath ) ) && tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0 ) { Debug.Log( "Missing file: " + filePath ); return results; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) ); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString(); } if( parent == null ) { parent = _rootGroup; } //Check if there is already a file PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filePath ) ); if( fileReference != null ) { Debug.LogWarning("File is already exists: " + filePath); return null; } fileReference = new PBXFileReference( filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse( typeof(TreeEnum), tree ) ); parent.AddChild( fileReference ); fileReferences.Add( fileReference ); results.Add( fileReference.guid, fileReference ); //Create a build file for reference if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && ( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 )) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); if (File.Exists(absPath)) { this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); } else { this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); } } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Support: " + filePath ); break; default: Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Support." ); return null; } } return results; }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, filePath); } if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); // Find test target PBXNativeTarget nativeTestTarget = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXNativeTarget> currentObject in nativeTargets) { PBXNativeTarget nativeTargetObj = currentObject.Value; if (nativeTargetObj != null &&"name")) { string name = (string)["name"]; if (name != null && name.Contains("Unity-iPhone Tests")) { nativeTestTarget = nativeTargetObj; break; } } } //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) && File.Exists(absPath)) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { if (nativeTestTarget == null || !nativeTestTarget.HasBuildphase(currentObject.Key.Split(' ')[0])) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return(null); } } return(results); }
private static string GetRelativePath(string absolutePath, string basePath) { System.Uri absoluteUri = new System.Uri(Path.GetFullPath(absolutePath)); System.Uri baseUri = new System.Uri(Path.GetFullPath(basePath)); return(System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(baseUri.MakeRelativeUri(absoluteUri).ToString())); }
// public PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase> GetBuildPhase( string buildPhase ) // { // switch( buildPhase ) { // case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)frameworkBuildPhases; // case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)resourcesBuildPhases; // case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)shellScriptBuildPhases; // case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)sourcesBuildPhases; // case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)copyBuildPhases; // default: // return default(T); // } // } public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false) { // Debug.Log ("========== Adding file " + filePath); PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; // Debug.Log( "Is rooted: " + absPath ); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath); // Debug.Log( "RElative: " + absPath ); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0 || tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } // else { // tree = "<absolute>"; // Debug.Log( "3: " + filePath ); // } // Debug.Log( "Add file result path: " + filePath ); if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { // Debug.Log( "File già presente." ); return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { // PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase> currentPhase = GetBuildPhase( fileReference.buildPhase ); PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK { string frameworkPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return(null); } } // Debug.Log( "Results " + results.Count + " - " ); // foreach( KeyValuePair<string, object> obj in results ){ // Debug.Log( obj.Key + " - " + obj.Value.GetType().Name ); // } return(results); // def add_file(self, f_path, parent=None, tree='SOURCE_ROOT', create_build_files=True, weak=False): // results = [] // // abs_path = '' // // if os.path.isabs(f_path): // abs_path = f_path // // if not os.path.exists(f_path): // return results // elif tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT': // f_path = os.path.relpath(f_path, self.source_root) // else: // tree = '<absolute>' // // if not parent: // parent = self.root_group // elif not isinstance(parent, PBXGroup): // # assume it's an id // parent = self.objects.get(parent, self.root_group) // // file_ref = PBXFileReference.Create(f_path, tree) // parent.add_child(file_ref) // results.append(file_ref) // # create a build file for the file ref // if file_ref.build_phase and create_build_files: // phases = self.get_build_phases(file_ref.build_phase) // // for phase in phases: // build_file = PBXBuildFile.Create(file_ref, weak=weak) // // phase.add_build_file(build_file) // results.append(build_file) // // if abs_path and tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT' and os.path.isfile(abs_path)\ // and file_ref.build_phase == 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase': // // library_path = os.path.join('$(SRCROOT)', os.path.split(f_path)[0]) // // self.add_library_search_paths([library_path], recursive=False) // // for r in results: // self.objects[] = r // // if results: // self.modified = True // // return results }
public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false ) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) { absPath = filePath; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath ); } if( !( File.Exists( absPath ) || Directory.Exists( absPath ) ) && tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0 ) { Debug.Log( "Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath ); return results; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 || tree.CompareTo( "GROUP" ) == 0 ) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) ); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString(); } if( parent == null ) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filePath ) ); if( fileReference != null ) { return null; } fileReference = new PBXFileReference( filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse( typeof(TreeEnum), tree ) ); parent.AddChild( fileReference ); fileReferences.Add( fileReference ); results.Add( fileReference.guid, fileReference ); //Create a build file for reference if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList(libraryPath) ); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK string frameworkPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata null" ); break; default: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata def" ); return null; } } return results; }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, string compilerFlags = null) { // Converting path to use Forward slashes filePath = filePath.Replace('\\', '/'); // Debug.Log("AddFile " + filePath + ", " + parent + ", " + tree + ", " + (createBuildFiles? "TRUE":"FALSE") + ", " + (weak? "TRUE":"FALSE") ); PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); if (filePath == null) { Debug.LogError("AddFile called with null filePath"); return(results); } string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { // Debug.Log( "Path is Rooted" ); absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, filePath); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { // Debug.Log( "Missing file: " + filePath ); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { // Debug.Log( "Source Root File" ); System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } else if (tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { // Debug.Log( "Group File" ); filePath = Path.GetFileName(filePath); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } //Check if there is already a file PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { //Updating internal data with this call. fileReference.GuessFileType(); } else { fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); } // Adding compiler flag if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compilerFlags)) { fileReference.compilerFlags = compilerFlags; } parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference /*if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { * Debug.Log("Build Phase Type : " + fileReference.buildPhase + " file path : " + filePath); * switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { * case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": * foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { * BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); * } * if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && ( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 )) { * string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); * if (File.Exists(absPath)) { * this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); * } else { * this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); * } * * } * break; * case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": * foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { * // Debug.Log( "Adding Resources Build File" ); * BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); * } * break; * case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": * foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { * // Debug.Log( "Adding Script Build File" ); * BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); * } * break; * case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": * Debug.Log("PBXSourcesBuildPhase : " + fileReference.compilerFlags); * foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { * // Debug.Log( "Adding Source Build File" ); * BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); * } * break; * case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": * foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { * // Debug.Log( "Adding Copy Files Build Phase" ); * BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); * } * break; * case null: * Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Supported: " + filePath ); * break; * default: * Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Supported." ); * return null; * } * }*/ if (createBuildFiles) { switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": AddBuildFramework(fileReference, weak); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0)) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); if (File.Exists(absPath)) { this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else { this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": AddBuildFile(fileReference, weak); break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": AddBuildFile(fileReference, weak); break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": AddBuildFile(fileReference, weak); break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": AddBuildFile(fileReference, weak); break; case null: AddBuildFile(fileReference, weak); //Debug.LogWarning("File Not Supported: " + filePath); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("File Not Supported."); return(null); } } return(results); }
/// <summary> /// 指定されたパスをソースにコンバート行う /// </summary> /// <param name="xlsxPath"></param> /// <param name="outputDir"></param> static void ImportFromXlsx(string xlsxPath, string outputDir = null) { string PATH = xlsxPath; string OUTPUT_FORMAT = LanguageType.ASSET_NAME_FORMAT + ".asset"; string OUTPUT_DIR = outputDir; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputDir)) { OUTPUT_DIR = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Choose Output Folder", "Assets/", "Resources"); } // OUTPUT_DIR: To relative path { System.Uri projectUri = new System.Uri(Path.GetFullPath("./")); System.Uri outputUri = new System.Uri(OUTPUT_DIR); OUTPUT_DIR = projectUri.MakeRelativeUri(outputUri).ToString(); Debug.Log(OUTPUT_DIR); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OUTPUT_DIR)) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xlsxPath) || xlsxPath.EndsWith(".xlsx") == false) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", Path.GetFileName(xlsxPath) + " is not xlsx file", "OK"); return; } const int COL_ID_POSITION = 0; // ID値格納位置(列)※Excel上での管理用途。インポートでは使わない。 const int COL_SYMBOL_POSITION = 1; // シンボル名格納位置(列) const int COL_LANG_START_POSITION = 2; // 単語格納開始位置(列) const int COL_INDEX_NUM = COL_LANG_START_POSITION - 1; // 単語データが格納開始されるまでの列数 const int ROW_START_DATA_POSITION = 1; // 単語データ格納開始行 List <string> enumSymbols = new List <string>(128); List <string> defaultLang = new List <string>(128); System.Func <Worksheet, Row, int, Cell> ValidateCell = (sheet, row, col) => { Cell cell = SpreadSheetUtil.GetCell(row, col); if (cell == null || cell.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(null); } return(cell); }; using (SpreadsheetDocument xlsx = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(PATH, false, new OpenSettings { AutoSave = false })) { WorkbookPart workbookpart = xlsx.WorkbookPart; Sheet sheet = workbookpart .Workbook .GetFirstChild <Sheets>() .Elements <Sheet>() .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "List"); WorksheetPart worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)workbookpart.GetPartById(sheet.Id.Value); Worksheet worksheet = worksheetPart.Worksheet; foreach (var r in worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetData>().Elements <Row>().Select((Value, Index) => new { Value, Index })) { if (r.Index < ROW_START_DATA_POSITION) { continue; } Cell idCell = ValidateCell(worksheet, r.Value, COL_ID_POSITION); Cell symbolCell = ValidateCell(worksheet, r.Value, COL_SYMBOL_POSITION); if (idCell == null || symbolCell == null) { continue; } enumSymbols.Add(SpreadSheetUtil.GetStringValue(workbookpart, symbolCell)); } for (int langIndex = 0; langIndex < LanguageType.LANG_NUMS; langIndex++) { Language lang = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Language>(); bool added = false; foreach (var r in worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetData>().Elements <Row>().Select((Value, Index) => new { Value, Index })) { if (r.Index < ROW_START_DATA_POSITION) { continue; } Cell idCell = ValidateCell(worksheet, r.Value, COL_ID_POSITION); Cell symbolCell = ValidateCell(worksheet, r.Value, COL_SYMBOL_POSITION); if (idCell == null || symbolCell == null) { continue; } Cell cell = SpreadSheetUtil.GetCell(r.Value, COL_LANG_START_POSITION + langIndex); string word = ""; if (cell != null && !cell.IsNullOrEmpty()) { word = SpreadSheetUtil.GetStringValue(workbookpart, cell); } lang.wordList.Add(word); if (langIndex == (int)LanguageType.Language.Ja) { defaultLang.Add(word); } added = true; } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(lang, Path.Combine(OUTPUT_DIR, string.Format(OUTPUT_FORMAT, LanguageType.LANG_LIST[langIndex]))); } } GenerateIndexEnum(enumSymbols, defaultLang); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Import", "Done.", "OK"); }
public static string GetProjectRelativePath(string path) { System.Uri pathUri = new System.Uri(path, System.UriKind.Absolute); System.Uri dataPathUri = new System.Uri(Application.dataPath, System.UriKind.Absolute); return(dataPathUri.MakeRelativeUri(pathUri).ToString()); }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0 || tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { //CustomDebug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK { string frameworkPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return(null); } } return(results); }
public bool AddFolder(string folderPath, PBXGroup parent = null, string[] exclude = null, bool recursive = true, bool createBuildFile = true, string flag = null) { if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { return(false); } DirectoryInfo sourceDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath); if (exclude == null) { exclude = new string[] { } } ; string regexExclude = string.Format(@"{0}", string.Join("|", exclude)); //PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); if (parent == null) { parent = rootGroup; } // Create group PBXGroup newGroup = GetGroup(sourceDirectoryInfo.Name, null /*relative path*/, parent); // groups.Add( newGroup ); foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(directory, regexExclude)) { continue; } //@since 3.9.2 localization if (directory.EndsWith("language")) { sourceDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory); System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(directory); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); string filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); AddLocalization(directory, GetGroup(sourceDirectoryInfo.Name, filePath, newGroup, "<group>")); continue; } else { if (directory.EndsWith(".bundle")) { // Treath it like a file and copy even if not recursive // Debug.LogWarning( "This is a special folder: " + directory ); AddFile(directory, null, newGroup, "SOURCE_ROOT", createBuildFile, false, flag); continue; } if (recursive) { // Debug.Log( "recursive" ); AddFolder(directory, newGroup, exclude, recursive, createBuildFile, flag); } } } // Adding files. foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(folderPath)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(file, regexExclude)) { continue; } //Debug.Log( "--> " + file + ", " + newGroup ); AddFile(file, null, newGroup, "SOURCE_ROOT", createBuildFile, false, flag); } modified = true; return(modified); }
// We support neither recursing into nor bundles contained inside loc folders public bool AddLocFolder( string folderPath, PBXGroup parent = null, string[] exclude = null, bool createBuildFile = true) { DirectoryInfo sourceDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo( folderPath ); if( exclude == null ) exclude = new string[] {}; if( parent == null ) parent = rootGroup; // Create group as needed System.Uri projectFolderURI = new System.Uri( projectFileInfo.DirectoryName ); System.Uri locFolderURI = new System.Uri( folderPath ); var relativePath = projectFolderURI.MakeRelativeUri( locFolderURI ).ToString(); PBXGroup newGroup = GetGroup( sourceDirectoryInfo.Name, relativePath, parent ); // Add loc region to project string nom = sourceDirectoryInfo.Name; string region = nom.Substring(0, nom.Length - ".lproj".Length); project.AddRegion(region); // Adding files. string regexExclude = string.Format( @"{0}", string.Join( "|", exclude ) ); foreach( string file in Directory.GetFiles( folderPath ) ) { if( Regex.IsMatch( file, regexExclude ) ) { continue; } // Add a variant group for the language as well var variant = new PBXVariantGroup(System.IO.Path.GetFileName( file ), null, "GROUP"); variantGroups.Add(variant); // The group gets a reference to the variant, not to the file itself newGroup.AddChild(variant); AddFile( file, variant, "GROUP", createBuildFile ); } modified = true; return modified; }
public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, string compilerFlags = null) { //Debug.Log("AddFile " + filePath + ", " + parent + ", " + tree + ", " + (createBuildFiles? "TRUE":"FALSE") + ", " + (weak? "TRUE":"FALSE") ); PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); if (filePath == null) { Debug.LogError ("AddFile called with null filePath"); return results; } string absPath = string.Empty; if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) { Debug.Log( "Path is Rooted" ); absPath = filePath; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, filePath ); } if( !( File.Exists( absPath ) || Directory.Exists( absPath ) ) && tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0 ) { Debug.Log( "Missing file: " + filePath ); return results; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) { Debug.Log( "Source Root File" ); System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) ); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString(); } else if( tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { Debug.Log( "Group File" ); filePath = Path.GetFileName( filePath ); } if( parent == null ) { parent = _rootGroup; } //Check if there is already a file PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile( Path.GetFileName( filePath ) ); if( fileReference != null ) { //Updating internal data with this call. fileReference.GuessFileType(); } else { fileReference = new PBXFileReference( filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse( typeof(TreeEnum), tree ) ); } // Adding compiler flag if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compilerFlags)) { fileReference.compilerFlags = compilerFlags; } parent.AddChild( fileReference ); fileReferences.Add( fileReference ); results.Add( fileReference.guid, fileReference ); //Create a build file for reference if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && ( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 )) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); if (File.Exists(absPath)) { this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); } else { this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); } } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { Debug.Log( "Adding Resources Build File" ); BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { Debug.Log( "Adding Script Build File" ); BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { Debug.Log( "Adding Source Build File" ); BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { Debug.Log( "Adding Copy Files Build Phase" ); BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Supported: " + filePath ); break; default: Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Supported." ); return null; } } return results; }
// public PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase> GetBuildPhase( string buildPhase ) // { // switch( buildPhase ) { // case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)frameworkBuildPhases; // case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)resourcesBuildPhases; // case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)shellScriptBuildPhases; // case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)sourcesBuildPhases; // case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)copyBuildPhases; // default: // return default(T); // } // } public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false ) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) { absPath = filePath; // Debug.Log( "Is rooted: " + absPath ); } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath ); // Debug.Log( "RElative: " + absPath ); } if( !( File.Exists( absPath ) || Directory.Exists( absPath ) ) && tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0 ) { Debug.Log( "Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath ); return results; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 || tree.CompareTo( "GROUP" ) == 0 ) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) ); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString(); } // else { // tree = "<absolute>"; // Debug.Log( "3: " + filePath ); // } // Debug.Log( "Add file result path: " + filePath ); if( parent == null ) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filePath ) ); if( fileReference != null ) { // Debug.Log( "File già presente." ); return null; } fileReference = new PBXFileReference( filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse( typeof(TreeEnum), tree ) ); parent.AddChild( fileReference ); fileReferences.Add( fileReference ); results.Add( fileReference.guid, fileReference ); //Create a build file for reference if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { // PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase> currentPhase = GetBuildPhase( fileReference.buildPhase ); PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList(libraryPath) ); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK string frameworkPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata null" ); break; default: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata def" ); return null; } } // Debug.Log( "Results " + results.Count + " - " ); // foreach( KeyValuePair<string, object> obj in results ){ // Debug.Log( obj.Key + " - " + obj.Value.GetType().Name ); // } return results; // def add_file(self, f_path, parent=None, tree='SOURCE_ROOT', create_build_files=True, weak=False): // results = [] // // abs_path = '' // // if os.path.isabs(f_path): // abs_path = f_path // // if not os.path.exists(f_path): // return results // elif tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT': // f_path = os.path.relpath(f_path, self.source_root) // else: // tree = '<absolute>' // // if not parent: // parent = self.root_group // elif not isinstance(parent, PBXGroup): // # assume it's an id // parent = self.objects.get(parent, self.root_group) // // file_ref = PBXFileReference.Create(f_path, tree) // parent.add_child(file_ref) // results.append(file_ref) // # create a build file for the file ref // if file_ref.build_phase and create_build_files: // phases = self.get_build_phases(file_ref.build_phase) // // for phase in phases: // build_file = PBXBuildFile.Create(file_ref, weak=weak) // // phase.add_build_file(build_file) // results.append(build_file) // // if abs_path and tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT' and os.path.isfile(abs_path)\ // and file_ref.build_phase == 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase': // // library_path = os.path.join('$(SRCROOT)', os.path.split(f_path)[0]) // // self.add_library_search_paths([library_path], recursive=False) // // for r in results: // self.objects[] = r // // if results: // self.modified = True // // return results }
public IUri MakeRelativeUri(IUri uri) => new Uri(Inner.MakeRelativeUri(((Uri)uri).Inner));
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false) { //Debug.Log("AddFile " + filePath + ", " + parent + ", " + tree + ", " + (createBuildFiles? "TRUE":"FALSE") + ", " + (weak? "TRUE":"FALSE") ); PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); if (filePath == null) { Debug.LogError("AddFile called with null filePath"); return(results); } string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { Debug.Log("Path is Rooted"); absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, filePath); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { Debug.Log("Source Root File"); System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } else if (tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { Debug.Log("Group File"); filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } //Check if there is already a file PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { Debug.Log("File already exists: " + filePath); //not a warning, because this is normal for most builds! return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0)) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); if (File.Exists(absPath)) { this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else { this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Resources Build File"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Script Build File"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Source Build File"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { Debug.Log("Adding Copy Files Build Phase"); BuildAddFile(fileReference, currentObject, weak); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("File Not Supported: " + filePath); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("File Not Supported."); return(null); } } return(results); }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, bool embed = false) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0 || tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK { string frameworkPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } if (embed) { string ldRuntimePath = "$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks"; this.AddLDRuntimeSearchPaths(ldRuntimePath); const string embedFrameworksName = "Embed Frameworks"; //Create a new copyBuildPhase for the embed framework KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase>?copyPhaseKeyValue = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { // Search for a build phase named "Embed Frameworks". // Unity 2019.3 adds one because of the new Unity as a Library // project structure. if ("name") && string.CompareOrdinal(["name"] is string?(string)["name"] : string.Empty, embedFrameworksName) == 0) { copyPhaseKeyValue = currentObject; break; } } // Didn't find a pre-existing "Embed Frameworks" build phase. // We're likely on Unity 2019.2 or earlier, when Unity // used to make an XCode project that had only a single build target. if (!copyPhaseKeyValue.HasValue) { copyPhaseKeyValue = copyBuildPhases.Last(); } buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak, true); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); var embedFrameworksBuildPhase = copyPhaseKeyValue.Value.Value;["name"] = embedFrameworksName;["dstSubfolderSpec"] = 10; embedFrameworksBuildPhase.AddBuildFile(buildFile); // This will add the "Code Sign On Copy" setting for the embedded framework buildFile.SetEmbed(true); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return(null); } } return(results); }