コード例 #1
		public async Task TestListenAsync()
			// Try listening on 8080, if this doesn't work take the first free port
			var listenUri = new[] {8080, 0}.CreateLocalHostUri().AppendSegments("AsyncHttpListenerTests");
			var listenTask = listenUri.ListenAsync(async httpListenerContext =>
				// Process the request
				var httpListenerRequest = httpListenerContext.Request;
				var result = httpListenerRequest.Url.QueryToDictionary();
				await httpListenerContext.RespondAsync("OK");
				return result;
			// Do we need a delay for the listener to be ready?
			//await Task.Delay(100);
			var testUri = listenUri.ExtendQuery("name", "dapplo");
			var okResponse = await testUri.GetAsAsync<string>();
			Assert.Equal("OK", okResponse);
			var actionResult = await listenTask;
			Assert.True(actionResult["name"] == "dapplo");