public TaskPoolRunner Next() { if (this.options.MaxWaitingRequests > System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref this.activeWaiters)) { if (!this.tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { System.Threading.SpinWait waiter = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); while (this.options.MaxActiveWorkers < System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref this.activeWorkers)) { System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.activeWorkers); //nope, not yet if (this.tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.activeWaiters); //we're leaving, so be nice and stop waiting return(null); } waiter.SpinOnce(); } //Note that the while loop incremented the activeWorkers for us, how nice System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.activeWaiters); //we're now a worker return(this.runner); //done -- we still have to decrement active workers in the runner when finished } //System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.activeWaiters); //we're leaving, so be nice and stop waiting } System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.activeWaiters); return(null); //can't wait because we have too many already waiting }
private static void TestSingle() { Console.WriteLine("Testing single"); ServerTaskPoolOptions opts = new ServerTaskPoolOptions(); ServerTaskPool <string> pool = new SingleServerTaskPool <string>(new TestServer(), opts); Console.WriteLine("Starting"); pool.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Started"); System.Threading.SpinWait w = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { w.SpinOnce(); } Console.WriteLine("Stopping"); pool.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Stopped"); Console.WriteLine("Single Loop Test"); Console.WriteLine("Total Listened " + listens); Console.WriteLine("Total Handled " + handles); Console.WriteLine("Testing single End"); }
public void Reset() { lock (this.runner) { this.activeWaiters = int.MaxValue; //guaranteed to make requests drop on the floor if (this.activeWorkers > 0) { if (!this.tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { try { this.tokenSource.Cancel(); } catch { } } System.Threading.SpinWait waiter = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); while (this.activeWorkers > 0) { waiter.SpinOnce(); //this is the possible gotcha - we have to be sure all tasks play nicely } } this.activeWaiters = 0; this.tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(true, true); this.tokenSource.RegisterCallback(this.runner.Cancel); this.runner.NativeToken = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource(); this.runner.Token = this.tokenSource.Token(); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var sw = new SpinWait(); Program._Enable = true; var updater = new Updater(); var launcher = new Launcher(); var server = new Server(); var serverAppliction = new Regulus.Remoting.Soul.Native.Server(server, 12345); var client = new Proxy(); Program.client_UserEvent(client.SpawnUser("user")); launcher.Push(serverAppliction); updater.Add(client); launcher.Launch(); while(Program._Enable) { updater.Working(); sw.SpinOnce(); } updater.Shutdown(); launcher.Shutdown(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void SyncInterface(Type serviceType) { if (!_syncInfoCache.TryGetValue(serviceType, out _syncInfo)) { var conn = ((RpcConnection)_connectionPool.Get()); conn.OnMessageReceived += (sender, e) => { _binWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); _stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); _syncInfo = e.MessageData.ToDeserializedObject <ServiceSyncInfo>(); _syncInfoCache.AddOrUpdate(serviceType, _syncInfo, (t, info) => _syncInfo); ((IDisposable)sender).Dispose(); System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref _synced, 1); }; conn.Connect(); _binWriter.Write((int)MessageType.SyncInterface); _binWriter.Write(serviceType.FullName); conn.Send(_stream.GetBuffer(), (int)_stream.Position, false); // todo: rpcclient继承了clientbase的异步方式,而rpc调用天然需要同步方式 // 后期考虑重构掉这种丑陋的异步模拟同步的方式 System.Threading.SpinWait spinner = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); while (_synced == 0) { spinner.SpinOnce(); } } }
public static void Dispose(IDisposable caller, ref int callerDisposeState, ref int busyCount, Action <bool> innerDispose) { if (caller == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(caller)); } if (innerDispose == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(innerDispose)); } if (callerDisposeState == DisposedState) { return; //If we are already disposed, do nothing. } //Wait until there is no work in progress on the object (via EnterBusy/ExitBusy) var spinner = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); while (System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref busyCount, int.MinValue, 0) > 0) { spinner.SpinOnce(); } // Atomically set our state to 'disposing' but only if it's not already in that state. // If it is already in a 'disposing' state, wait for the dispose to complete before // returning to the caller. while (System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref callerDisposeState, DisposingState, UndisposedState) != UndisposedState) { if (callerDisposeState == DisposedState) { return; //If someone else completed disposing the object, do nothing. } spinner.SpinOnce(); } //Need this check in case we're disposed after first check, but before while loop above, //in which case we don't enter the loop and the check inside it doesn't get executed. if (callerDisposeState == DisposedState) { return; //If someone else completed disposing the object, do nothing. } try { innerDispose(true); } finally { //Call SuppressFinalize in case a derived class adds a finaliser. //Ensure it is done in the finally block. We're unlikely to be disposed again, //but if we are and we encountered an error last time, we're likely to get the //same error again. Worse, we may also get the error when disposed from the //finalizer thread, and throwing exceptions there is a bad idea ( //Additionally, code in a finally block will also execute if a thread abort //occurs on the executing thread. GC.SuppressFinalize(caller); //Now mark the object as disposed rather than disposing, System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref callerDisposeState, DisposedState); } }
private void polldelay(int _delay) { var spin = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); while (true) { spin.SpinOnce(); if (spin.Count > _delay) { break; } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var sw = new SpinWait(); var botCount = 1; if(args.Length > 0) { botCount = int.Parse(args[0]); } if(args.Length > 1) { Program.IPAddress = args[1]; } var clientHandler = new ClientHandler(Program.IPAddress, Program.Port, botCount); var view = new ConsoleViewer(); Singleton<Log>.Instance.Initial(view); var input = new ConsoleInput(view); var client = new Client(view, input); var packetRegulator = new PacketRegulator(); client.Command.Register( "si", () => { Console.WriteLine( "Send Interval : {0}\nRequest Package Queue : {1}", HitHandler.Interval, packetRegulator.Sampling); }); client.ModeSelectorEvent += clientHandler.Begin; var updater = new Updater(); updater.Add(client); updater.Add(clientHandler); updater.Add(packetRegulator); while(client.Enable) { input.Update(); updater.Working(); sw.SpinOnce(); } client.Command.Unregister("si"); updater.Shutdown(); clientHandler.End(); Singleton<Log>.Instance.Final(); }
public static void WaitForInitializableState(IStatefulExecution state, bool allowFailed) { MethodContract.NotNull(state, nameof(state)); System.Threading.SpinWait waiter = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); while (true) { if (Initializable(state.State, allowFailed)) { return; } if (allowFailed && Failed(state.State)) { return; //try to allow a recovery here } waiter.SpinOnce(); } }
public void Handle() { try { T data; if (! data)) { System.Threading.SpinWait waiter = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); do { if (!this.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { waiter.SpinOnce(); //backs off on the wait rather than just tight spin } else { break; //we're cancelled } }while (! data)); } try { if (!this.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { this.handle(data); } } catch { } finally { System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.currentQueueSize); //can't forget to pull us out of the contention } } catch (Exception e) //we could in theory get to an bad place where we actually dequeued but didn't decrement since we caught { System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.currentQueueSize,; //this might be sketchy as well if the queue size changes during the call to Count } }
public List <Suit> Find(PropertyValue[] filter_propertys, int out_amount) { object suitSetLock = new object(); List <Suit> suitSet = new List <Suit>(); var rangePartitioner = System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner.Create(0, _Total()); object readLock = new object(); int reads = 0; System.Threading.SpinWait sw = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); Parallel.ForEach(rangePartitioner, (range, loopState) => { Regulus.Utility.TimeCounter time = new Regulus.Utility.TimeCounter(); List <Suit> suits = new List <Suit>(); int count = 0; //var range = new {Item1 = 0 , Item2 = _Total()}; for (long i = range.Item2 - 1; i >= range.Item1; --i, ++count) { int[] indexs = _GetIndexs(i); var s = new Suit( _GetCard(0, indexs[0]), _GetCard(1, indexs[1]), _GetCard(2, indexs[2]), _GetCard(3, indexs[3]), _GetCard(4, indexs[4]), _GetCard(5, indexs[5]), _GetCard(6, indexs[6]), _GetCard(7, indexs[7])); bool pass = (from filter in filter_propertys where s.GetValue(filter) < filter.Value select false).Count() == 0; sw.SpinOnce(); if (pass) { suits.Add(s); } if (time.Second > 1) { lock (readLock) { reads += count; count = 0; } _UpdateSet(ref suitSet, filter_propertys, out_amount, suitSetLock, reads, suits); suits.Clear(); time.Reset(); sw.SpinOnce(); } } lock (readLock) { reads += count; count = 0; } _UpdateSet(ref suitSet, filter_propertys, out_amount, suitSetLock, reads, suits); }); var result = suitSet.OrderByDescending((suit) => suit.GetValue(filter_propertys[0])); foreach (var property in filter_propertys.Skip(1)) { result = result.ThenByDescending((suit) => suit.GetValue(property)); } return(result.ToList()); }
public string DynamicPopulateMethod() { String message = ""; AnswerApp.Models.AnswerAppDataContext db = new AnswerApp.Models.AnswerAppDataContext(); AnswerApp.Models.User thisUser = db.Users.Single(d => d.UserName.Equals(User.Identity.Name)); System.Threading.SpinWait sw = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); //string knownCategoryValues; //System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(thisUser.MetaData.EndsWith("ready"), 1000); //while (!thisUser.MetaData.EndsWith("ready")) { sw.SpinOnce(); } //if (!thisUser.MetaData.EndsWith("ready")) { sw.SpinOnce(); }//return null; } //thisUser.MetaData = thisUser.MetaData.Replace("ready", ""); string knownCategoryValues = thisUser.MetaData; db.SubmitChanges(); StringDictionary incomingKnownCatagories = CascadingDropDown.ParseKnownCategoryValuesString(knownCategoryValues); SelectModel theUsersSelection = new SelectModel(incomingKnownCatagories["textbook"] + "_" + incomingKnownCatagories["unit"] + "_" + incomingKnownCatagories["chapter"] + "_" + incomingKnownCatagories["section"] + "_" + incomingKnownCatagories["page"] + "_" + incomingKnownCatagories["question"]); String Textbook_Title = theUsersSelection.Textbook; String Unit_Title = theUsersSelection.Unit; String Chapter_Title = theUsersSelection.Chapter; String Section_Title = theUsersSelection.Section; String Page_Number = theUsersSelection.Page; String Question_Number = theUsersSelection.Question; //Populate parent groupings based on child groupings if (!Question_Number.Equals("All") && Page_Number.Equals("All")) { IQueryable<AnswerApp.Models.Question> retrieved; Question[] results; //Find all questions from the selected section retrieved = from theAnswers in db.Questions where theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Section_Title.Equals(Section_Title) && theAnswers.Question_Number.Equals(Question_Number) select theAnswers; results = retrieved.ToArray<Question>(); //If there are no questions of this number from the selected section if (results.Length < 1) { //Find all questions from the selected chapter retrieved = from theAnswers in db.Questions where theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Chapter_Title.Equals(Chapter_Title) && theAnswers.Question_Number.Equals(Question_Number) select theAnswers; results = retrieved.ToArray<Question>(); //If there are no questions of this number from the selected chapter if (results.Length < 1) { //Find all questions from the selected unit retrieved = from theAnswers in db.Questions where theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Unit_Title.Equals(Unit_Title) && theAnswers.Question_Number.Equals(Question_Number) select theAnswers; results = retrieved.ToArray<Question>(); //If there are no questions of this number from the selected unit if (results.Length < 1) { //Find all questions from the selected textbook retrieved = from theAnswers in db.Questions where theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Question_Number.Equals(Question_Number) select theAnswers; results = retrieved.ToArray<Question>(); } } } if (results.Length > 1) { return "<span style=\"color:red;\">There are multiple Questions with that number. Please make a more specific selection.</span>"; } else if (results.Length == 1) { Page_Number = results.First().Page_Number; Section_Title = results.First().Section_Title; Chapter_Title = results.First().Chapter_Title; Unit_Title = results.First().Unit_Title; } else if (results.Length == 0) { return "<span style=\"color:red;\">Error: The selected Question could not be found. Please contact the developement team. " + knownCategoryValues + "</span>"; } } if (!Page_Number.Equals("All") && Section_Title.Equals("All")) { //Section_Title = db.Pages.Single<Page>(p => p.Page_Number.Equals(Page_Number)).Section_Title; IQueryable<AnswerApp.Models.Page> retrieved = null; retrieved = from theAnswers in db.Pages where theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Page_Number.Equals(Page_Number) select theAnswers; Section_Title = retrieved.First().Section_Title;// db.Pages.Single<Page>(s => s.Page_Title.Equals(Page_Title)).Section_Title; } if (!Section_Title.Equals("All") && Chapter_Title.Equals("All")) { IQueryable<AnswerApp.Models.Section> retrieved = null; retrieved = from theAnswers in db.Sections where theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Section_Title.Equals(Section_Title) select theAnswers; Chapter_Title = retrieved.First().Chapter_Title;// db.Sections.Single<Section>(s => s.Section_Title.Equals(Section_Title)).Chapter_Title; } if (!Chapter_Title.Equals("All") && Unit_Title.Equals("All")) { //Unit_Title = db.Chapters.Single<Chapter>(c => c.Chapter_Title.Equals(Chapter_Title)).Unit_Title; IQueryable<AnswerApp.Models.Chapter> retrieved = null; retrieved = from theAnswers in db.Chapters where theAnswers.Textbook_Title.Equals(Textbook_Title) && theAnswers.Chapter_Title.Equals(Chapter_Title) select theAnswers; Unit_Title = retrieved.First().Unit_Title;// db.Chapters.Single<Chapter>(s => s.Chapter_Title.Equals(Chapter_Title)).Unit_Title; } if (Textbook_Title.Equals("Select a Textbook")) { return "Please make a selection"; } if (Textbook_Title.Equals("")) { return "Please Select a textbook"; } theUsersSelection.Textbook = Textbook_Title; theUsersSelection.Unit = Unit_Title; theUsersSelection.Chapter = Chapter_Title; theUsersSelection.Section = Section_Title; theUsersSelection.Page = Page_Number; theUsersSelection.Question = Question_Number; AnswerApp.Controllers.AnswersController theAnswerController = new AnswerApp.Controllers.AnswersController(); int NumberOfSolutionsToPurchase = theAnswerController.NumberOfQuestions(theUsersSelection, db); double TotalValue = (NumberOfSolutionsToPurchase * AnswerApp.Controllers.AnswersController.PriceOfSingleSolution); int NumberOfSolutionsForThisUser = 0; int NumberSelectedUserAlreadyHas = 0; String[] UserAnswers; if (thisUser.Answers != null) { UserAnswers = thisUser.Answers.Split(new char[1] { ';' }); foreach (String theAnswer in UserAnswers) { SelectModel currentAnswer = new SelectModel(theAnswer); int NumberOfSolutionsInCurrentAnswer = theAnswerController.NumberOfQuestions(currentAnswer, db); NumberOfSolutionsForThisUser += NumberOfSolutionsInCurrentAnswer; if (theUsersSelection.Contains(currentAnswer)) { NumberSelectedUserAlreadyHas += NumberOfSolutionsInCurrentAnswer; } } } int SolutionsRemainingToBePurchased = (NumberOfSolutionsToPurchase - NumberSelectedUserAlreadyHas); int TotalRemainingSolutions = SolutionsRemainingToBePurchased - thisUser.Credit; if(SolutionsRemainingToBePurchased > 1) { if (NumberOfSolutionsForThisUser > 1) { message += "You have seleted " + NumberOfSolutionsToPurchase + " solutions. "; } else { message += "You have seleted " + NumberOfSolutionsToPurchase + " solution. "; } message += SolutionsRemainingToBePurchased + " are new. "; if (TotalRemainingSolutions >= 1) { if (thisUser.Credit > 1) { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credits, the remaining " + TotalRemainingSolutions + " will need to be purchased."; } else { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credit, the remaining " + TotalRemainingSolutions + " will need to be purchased."; } } else { if (thisUser.Credit > 1) { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credits. "; } else { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credit. "; } } } else if(SolutionsRemainingToBePurchased == 1) { if (NumberOfSolutionsForThisUser > 1) { message += "You have seleted " + NumberOfSolutionsToPurchase + " solutions. "; } else { message += "You have seleted " + NumberOfSolutionsToPurchase + " solution. "; } message += SolutionsRemainingToBePurchased + " is new. "; if (TotalRemainingSolutions >= 1) { if (thisUser.Credit > 1) { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credits, the remaining " + TotalRemainingSolutions + " will need to be purchased."; } else { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credit, the remaining " + TotalRemainingSolutions + " will need to be purchased."; } } else { if (thisUser.Credit > 1) { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credits. "; } else { message += "You have " + thisUser.Credit + " credit. "; } } } else//if(SolutionsRemainingToBePurchased <= 1) { return "You presently have access to all of the selected solutions"; } return message; return theUsersSelection.Textbook + "_" + theUsersSelection.Unit + "_" + theUsersSelection.Chapter + "_" + theUsersSelection.Section + "_" + theUsersSelection.Page + "_" + theUsersSelection.Question; //return theModel.Textbook + "_" + theModel.Unit + "_" + theModel.Chapter + "_" + theModel.Section + "_" + theModel.Page + "_" + theModel.Question; }
public object[] InvokeMethod(string metaData, params object[] parameters) { //prevent call to invoke method on more than one thread at a time lock (_syncRoot) { var mdata = metaData.Split('|'); //find the matching server side method ident var ident = -1; for (int index = 0; index < _syncInfo.MethodInfos.Length; index++) { var si = _syncInfo.MethodInfos[index]; //first of all the method names must match if (si.MethodName == mdata[0]) { //second of all the parameter types and -count must match if (mdata.Length - 1 == si.ParameterTypes.Length) { var matchingParameterTypes = true; for (int i = 0; i < si.ParameterTypes.Length; i++) { if (!mdata[i + 1].Equals(si.ParameterTypes[i].FullName)) { matchingParameterTypes = false; break; } } if (matchingParameterTypes) { ident = si.MethodIdent; break; } } } } if (ident < 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot match method '{0}' to its server side equivalent", mdata[0])); } var conn = ((RpcConnection)_connectionPool.Get()); conn.OnMessageReceived += (sender, e) => { _binWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); _stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(e.MessageData)) using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream)) { // Read the result of the invocation. MessageType messageType = (MessageType)br.ReadInt32(); if (messageType == MessageType.UnknownMethod) { throw new Exception("Unknown method."); } outParams = _parameterTransferHelper.ReceiveParameters(br); if (messageType == MessageType.ThrowException) { throw (Exception)outParams[0]; } System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref _received, 1); } }; conn.Connect(); // write the message type _binWriter.Write((int)MessageType.MethodInvocation); // write service key index _binWriter.Write(_syncInfo.ServiceKeyIndex); // write the method ident to the server _binWriter.Write(ident); // send the parameters _parameterTransferHelper.SendParameters(_syncInfo.UseCompression, _syncInfo.CompressionThreshold, _binWriter, parameters); conn.Send(_stream.GetBuffer(), (int)_stream.Position, false); // todo: rpcclient继承了clientbase的异步方式,而rpc调用天然需要同步方式 // 后期考虑重构掉这种丑陋的异步模拟同步的方式 System.Threading.SpinWait spinner = new System.Threading.SpinWait(); while (_received == 0) { spinner.SpinOnce(); } return(outParams); } }