コード例 #1
        //Start the hypeVM in a given mode
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Welcome to hypeVM!");

            //This is UTF 16 and hence with this encoding
            //It encodes characters with 1 16bit cde unit
            //a.k.a. 2 bytes. Hence two characters here is 2bytes*2=4
            Console.Out.WriteLine(new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding().GetByteCount("aA"));

            //Let's try UTF-8 (the widely used encoding scheme)
            //UTF 8 should say 1 byte for this
            //unlike 16-bit utf 16 which is fixed length in the case of ASCII characters
            //UTF 8 will be from 1 to 4 bytes but the ASCII characters are 1 bytes
            Console.Out.WriteLine(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetByteCount("a"));

            //Ah I see it is a 16 bit charwe are using.
            //Just discovered it in the `Char` struct
            char g;

            //More testing
            System.Text.UnicodeEncoding j = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();

            //We provide it the neede two bytes which UTF-16 uses to encode characters
            byte[] bytes = new byte[2];

            //We now encode the character 'A'
            int byteCount = j.GetEncoder().GetBytes(new char[] { 'A' }, 0, 1, bytes, 0, false);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Got bytes: " + byteCount); //2
            Console.Out.WriteLine(bytes[0] + " " + bytes[1]); //65 and 0

            //More testing
            j = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding(false, false);

            //We provide it the neede two bytes which UTF-16 uses to encode characters
            bytes = new byte[2];

            //We now encode the character 'A'
            byteCount = j.GetEncoder().GetBytes(new char[] { 'A' }, 0, 1, bytes, 0, false);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Got bytes: " + byteCount);           //2
            Console.Out.WriteLine(bytes[0] + " " + bytes[1]);           //65 and 0

            Console.Out.WriteLine(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian);         //true (for x86 and x86_64)
            ushort d = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes);                    //This will give me 65

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Unsigned short from 2 bytes: " + d); //65

            //Now if we extract the byte from here it would be the first byte
            byte firstByteOfShort = (byte)d;                                //65

            Console.Out.WriteLine("FirstByteOfShort: " + firstByteOfShort); //65

            //If we have ushort
            ushort test1 = 65535;                                                        //16 1 bits
            short  test2 = (short)test1;                                                 //Now this means that it will be -1

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Signed short from highest unsigned short: " + test2); //-1

            int test3 = test1;                                                           //We are copying the value 65535 into an integer which can represent
            //the unsigned value of 65535 as UNSIGNED
            int test4 = test2;                                                           //We are coying the signed value -1 into an integer which can represent

            //the signed value of -1 as SIGNED

            Console.Out.WriteLine("test3: " + test3); //65535
            Console.Out.WriteLine("test4: " + test4); //-1


            //Check whether any arguments were provided
            if (args.Length > 0)
                //Check what mode we are running in (master or slave)

                //If we are running in master mode
                if (args[0].Equals("master"))
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("VM mode selected: master");

                    //TODO: Now check for the required arguments

                    //Check if a second argument was provided for the path to the init image
                    if (args.Length > 1)
                        //Init image file path
                        string initImageFilePath = args[1];

                        //Check if the file exists
                        if (File.Exists(initImageFilePath))
                            //Create a new MasterManager that will kick off the execution of the respective code
                            MasterManager masterManager = new MasterManager(initImageFilePath); //TODO : namespace works as expected

                            //Start the respective code
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("The path to the init image does not exist");
                    //If not init image was provided
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("No init image was provided");
                //If we are ruinning in slave mode
                else if (args[0].Equals("slave"))
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("VM mode selected: slave");

                    //Create a new SlaveManager that will kick off the execution of the respective code
                    SlaveManager slaveManager = new SlaveManager(); //TODO : namespace works as expected

                    //TODO: Remove this for later and then make it rely on config file data

                    string typeOfSlave = args[1];
                    string ipBind      = args[2];
                    string portBind    = args[3];

                    //Start the respective code
                    slaveManager.run(typeOfSlave, ipBind, portBind);
                //If the mode provided is not a mode actually
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Invalid mode \"" + args[0] + "".Equals(""));
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Error: No argument specified (master or slave?)");

            //TODO: remove this from here
            //oldCode(); //Currently disabled