protected override NodeRunningStatus UpdateInternal(OutputParam rInput, OutputParam rOutput) { NodeRunningStatus rIsFinish = NodeRunningStatus.Finish; if (mActionStatus == NodeActionStaus.Ready) { Enter(rInput); mNeedExit = true; mActionStatus = NodeActionStaus.Running; SetActiveNode(this); } if (mActionStatus == NodeActionStaus.Running) { rIsFinish = Execute(rInput, rOutput); SetActiveNode(this); if(rIsFinish != NodeRunningStatus.Executing) { mActionStatus = NodeActionStaus.Finish; } } if (mActionStatus == NodeActionStaus.Finish) { if (mNeedExit) Exit(rInput, rIsFinish); mActionStatus = NodeActionStaus.Ready; mNeedExit = false; SetActiveNode(null); return rIsFinish; } return rIsFinish; }
public FieldEditor(System.Object data) { = data; _fieldInfos = data.GetType().GetFields(BINDING); for (var i = 0; i < _fieldInfos.Length; i++) GuiFields.Add(GenerateGUI(_fieldInfos[i])); }
protected override void TransitionInternal(OutputParam rInput) { if (mNeedExit) Exit(rInput, NodeRunningStatus.TransitionError); SetActiveNode(null); mActionStatus = NodeActionStaus.Ready; mNeedExit = false; }
private static void CreateTestFile(TestContext context, string filename, string text) { using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(context.TestRunDirectory + filename)) { writer.WriteLine(text); writer.Flush(); } }
public void Start() { if (true) { var obj = new System.Object(); } else { var obj2 = new System.Object(); } }
public virtual object Create (object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section) { #if XML_DEP if (section.Attributes != null && section.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", section); XmlNodeList reqHandlers = section.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode child in reqHandlers) { XmlNodeType ntype = child.NodeType; if (ntype == XmlNodeType.Whitespace || ntype == XmlNodeType.Comment) continue; if (ntype != XmlNodeType.Element) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Only elements allowed", child); string name = child.Name; if (name == "clear") { if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); WebRequest.PrefixList = new ArrayList (); continue; } string prefix = HandlersUtil.ExtractAttributeValue ("prefix", child); if (name == "add") { string type = HandlersUtil.ExtractAttributeValue ("type", child, false); if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); throw new NotImplementedException (); //WebRequest.PrefixList.Add (new WebRequestPrefixElement(prefix, type)); //continue; } if (name == "remove") { if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); throw new NotImplementedException (); // WebRequest.RemovePrefix (prefix); // continue; } HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unexpected element", child); } #endif return null; }
public static void Config(TestContext context) { // <> // <DbProviderFactories> // <add // name="Firebird Data Provider" // invariant="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" description="Firebird" // type="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FirebirdClientFactory, FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3750abcc3150b00c" // /> // </DbProviderFactories> // </> ProviderChecker.Check(ProviderName, ConnectionString); }
public Telegram(float time, int sender, int receiver, int msg_type, System.Object info) { this.DispatchTime = time; this.Sender = sender; this.Receiver = receiver; this.MsgType = msg_type; this.ExtraInfo = info; }
public virtual object Create (object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section) { #if (XML_DEP) if (section.Attributes != null && section.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", section); XmlNodeList httpHandlers = section.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode child in httpHandlers) { XmlNodeType ntype = child.NodeType; if (ntype == XmlNodeType.Whitespace || ntype == XmlNodeType.Comment) continue; if (ntype != XmlNodeType.Element) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Only elements allowed", child); string name = child.Name; if (name == "clear") { if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); AuthenticationManager.Clear (); continue; } string type = HandlersUtil.ExtractAttributeValue ("type", child); if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); if (name == "add") { AuthenticationManager.Register (CreateInstance (type, child)); continue; } if (name == "remove") { AuthenticationManager.Unregister (CreateInstance (type, child)); continue; } HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unexpected element", child); } return AuthenticationManager.RegisteredModules; #else return null; #endif }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new MoCap data buffer object. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">name of this buffer</param> /// <param name="owner">game object that owns this buffer</param> /// <param name="obj">game object to associate with this buffer</param> /// <param name="data">arbitrary object to associate with this buffer</param> /// public MoCapDataBuffer(string name, GameObject owner, GameObject obj, System.Object data = null) { // find any manipulators and store them modifiers = owner.GetComponents<IModifier>(); // specifically find the delay manipulator and set the FIFO size accordingly DelayModifier delayComponent = owner.GetComponent<DelayModifier>(); float delay = (delayComponent != null) ? delayComponent.delay : 0; int delayInFrames = Mathf.Max(1, 1 + (int)(delay * 60)); // TODO: Find out or define framerate somewhere central pipeline = new MoCapData[delayInFrames]; for (int i = 0; i < pipeline.Length; i++) { pipeline[i] = new MoCapData(this); } index = 0; firstPush = true; this.Name = name; this.GameObject = obj; this.DataObject = data; }
public void UpdateSelectedConsoleEntry() { //Debug.Log("sdf"); lastConsoleUpdateTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; #if UNITY_EDITOR System.Type type = null; //if (consoleWindow == null) { type = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.ConsoleWindow,UnityEditor"); FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField("ms_ConsoleWindow",BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Static); consoleWindow = fieldInfo.GetValue(null); //} //else { // type = consoleWindow.GetType(); //} if (consoleWindow == null) return; FieldInfo activeContextField = type.GetField("m_ActiveContext",BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.NonPublic); string activeContext = (string)activeContextField.GetValue(consoleWindow); FieldInfo activeContextIconField = type.GetField("m_ActiveContextIcon",BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.NonPublic); Texture2D activeContextIcon = (Texture2D)activeContextIconField.GetValue(consoleWindow); if (lastConsoleRawText == activeContext) return; FieldInfo activeTextField = type.GetField("m_ActiveText",BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.NonPublic); string activeText = (string)activeTextField.GetValue(consoleWindow); currentFileLogEntry = null; currentLogEntry = null; forceClosed = false; wantsReapint = true; editor.editorWindow.Repaint(); lastConsoleRawText = activeContext; //compiler error/warnings: Regex regex = new Regex(@"(?<filename>^Assets/(?:\w+/)*(?:\w+\.\w+)+)\((?:(?<line>\d+),(?<column>\d+))\): ((?<type>warning|error) )?\w+: (?<message>(\.|\n)*)"); Match match = regex.Match(activeText); if (match.Success) { string fileName = match.Groups["filename"].Value; int line = int.Parse(match.Groups["line"].Value); int column = int.Parse(match.Groups["column"].Value); string logType = match.Groups["type"].Value; //string message = match.Groups["message"].Value; UIDELogEntry logEntry = new UIDELogEntry(); logEntry.fileName = fileName; logEntry.line = line; logEntry.column = column; logEntry.logType = logType; logEntry.message = ""; if (logEntry.logType == "") { logEntry.logType = "Unknown Assert"; } if (fileName == editor.filePath) { currentFileLogEntry = logEntry; } currentLogEntry = logEntry; //lastEntryChangeTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; return; } Regex conRegex = new Regex(@"(?<type>Assert|Log|Error) in file: (?<filename>Assets/(?:\w+/)*(?:\w+\.\w+)+) at line: (?:(?<line>\d+))"); Match conMatch = conRegex.Match(activeContext); if (conMatch.Success) { string fileName = conMatch.Groups["filename"].Value; int line = int.Parse(conMatch.Groups["line"].Value); int column = 0; string logType = conMatch.Groups["type"].Value; if (activeContextIcon != null) { if ( == "d_console.infoicon.sml") { logType = "Assert"; } if ( == "d_console.erroricon.sml") { logType = "Runtime Error"; } } //string message = activeText; UIDELogEntry logEntry = new UIDELogEntry(); logEntry.fileName = fileName; logEntry.line = line; logEntry.column = column; logEntry.logType = logType; logEntry.message = ""; if (logEntry.logType == "") { logEntry.logType = "Unknown Assert"; } //d_console.infoicon.sml //d_console.erroricon.sml //Debug.Log(activeContextIcon); if (fileName == editor.filePath) { currentFileLogEntry = logEntry; } currentLogEntry = logEntry; //Match dum = null; //Debug.Log(dum.Index); return; } //Assets/UnIDE/Scripts/Windows/UIDETextEditor.cs(457,24): warning CS0219: The variable `activeText' is assigned but its value is never used //Assets/UnIDE/Scripts/Windows/UIDETextEditor.cs(447,23): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `.', expecting `)', `,', `;', `[', or `=' #endif }
//# define sqlite3WalDbsize(y) 0 static Pgno sqlite3WalDbsize(Wal y) { return 0; }
//# define sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(x) 0 static int sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(Wal x) { return 0; }
public override void UpdateStatistic(System.String name, System.Object value) { }
public void println(System.Object o) { print(o); println(); }
static internal void ThrowException (string msg, XmlNode node) { if (node != null && node.Name != String.Empty) msg = msg + " (node name: " + node.Name + ") "; throw new ConfigurationException (msg, node); }
protected override void OnSet(System.Int32 index, System.Object oldValue, System.Object newValue) { OnValidate(oldValue); OnValidate(newValue); }
public static void CreateRadzenNumeric_5 <TValue>(global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering.RenderTreeBuilder __builder, int seq, int __seq0, System.Object __arg0, int __seq1, global::System.String __arg1, int __seq2, TValue __arg2, int __seq3, global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback <TValue> __arg3, int __seq4, global::System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <global::System.Func <TValue> > __arg4) { __builder.OpenComponent <global::Radzen.Blazor.RadzenNumeric <TValue> >(seq); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq0, "style", __arg0); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq1, "Name", __arg1); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq2, "Value", __arg2); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq3, "ValueChanged", __arg3); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq4, "ValueExpression", __arg4); __builder.CloseComponent(); }
private void NumericOnly(System.Object sender, System.Windows.Input.TextCompositionEventArgs e) { e.Handled = IsTextNumeric(e.Text); }
private void Button_Click(System.Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) => DialogResult = true;
public static void CreateRadzenDropDown_3 <TValue>(global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering.RenderTreeBuilder __builder, int seq, int __seq0, global::System.Collections.IEnumerable __arg0, int __seq1, global::System.String __arg1, int __seq2, global::System.String __arg2, int __seq3, global::System.String __arg3, int __seq4, System.Object __arg4, int __seq5, global::System.String __arg5, int __seq6, global::System.Object __arg6, int __seq7, global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback <TValue> __arg7, int __seq8, global::System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <global::System.Func <TValue> > __arg8) { __builder.OpenComponent <global::Radzen.Blazor.RadzenDropDown <TValue> >(seq); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq0, "Data", __arg0); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq1, "TextProperty", __arg1); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq2, "ValueProperty", __arg2); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq3, "Placeholder", __arg3); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq4, "style", __arg4); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq5, "Name", __arg5); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq6, "Value", __arg6); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq7, "ValueChanged", __arg7); __builder.AddAttribute(__seq8, "ValueExpression", __arg8); __builder.CloseComponent(); }
public CameraRectSizeProvider(System.Object obj) { component = ComponentHelper.GetComponent <Camera>(obj); }
public override bool Equals(System.Object _b) { var b = (IntRect)_b; return(xmin == b.xmin && xmax == b.xmax && ymin == b.ymin && ymax == b.ymax); }
public override bool Equals(System.Object obj) { var rect = (IntRect)obj; return(xmin == rect.xmin && xmax == rect.xmax && ymin == rect.ymin && ymax == rect.ymax); }
public SharedMessage(MonoBehaviour sender, MessageType type, System.Object context) { this.Sender = sender; this.Type = type; this.Context = context; }
public static SharedMessage Create(MonoBehaviour sender, MessageType type, System.Object context) { return(new SharedMessage(sender, type, context)); }
static internal string ExtractAttributeValue (string attKey, XmlNode node) { return ExtractAttributeValue (attKey, node, false); }
public void UpdateSelectedConsoleEntry() { lastConsoleUpdateTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; #if UNITY_EDITOR System.Type type = null; if (consoleWindow == null) { type = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.ConsoleWindow,UnityEditor"); FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField("ms_ConsoleWindow", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); consoleWindow = fieldInfo.GetValue(null); } if (consoleWindow == null) { return; } type = consoleWindow.GetType(); FieldInfo listViewField = type.GetField("m_ListView", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); UnityEditor.ListViewState listView = (UnityEditor.ListViewState)listViewField.GetValue(consoleWindow); if (listView.row == -1) { lastEntryIndex = -1; return; //there is no selection } if (lastEntryIndex == listView.row) { return; } //Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(UnityEditor.SceneView)); System.Type logEntriesType = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditorInternal.LogEntries,UnityEditor"); MethodInfo method = logEntriesType.GetMethod("GetFirstTwoLinesEntryTextAndModeInternal"); MethodInfo endMethod = logEntriesType.GetMethod("EndGettingEntries"); MethodInfo startMethod = logEntriesType.GetMethod("StartGettingEntries"); //MethodInfo method = logEntriesType.GetMethod("GetEntryInternal"); object[] p = new object[3]; p[0] = listView.row; p[1] = 0; p[2] = ""; //object unityLogEntry = null; try { startMethod.Invoke(consoleWindow, new object[] {}); method.Invoke(consoleWindow, p); endMethod.Invoke(consoleWindow, new object[] {}); } finally { } int errorMode = (int)p[1]; MethodInfo getIconForErrorModeMethod = type.GetMethod("GetIconForErrorMode", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public); Texture2D activeContextIcon = (Texture2D)getIconForErrorModeMethod.Invoke(consoleWindow, new object[] { errorMode, true }); FieldInfo activeTextField = type.GetField("m_ActiveText", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); string activeText = (string)activeTextField.GetValue(consoleWindow); if (lastConsoleRawText == activeText) { return; } lastConsoleRawText = activeText; string activeContext = activeText; currentFileLogEntry = null; currentLogEntry = null; forceClosed = false; wantsReapint = true; editor.editorWindow.Repaint(); //lastConsoleRawText = activeContext; string regString = @"^(?<context>.*\(.*\)) \(at (?<file>[[FILEMATCH]]):(?<line>\d*)\)"; regString = regString.Replace("[[FILEMATCH]]", @"(\w:)?(/)?(\w+/)*(\w+\.\w+)+"); string[] lines = activeText.Split('\n'); List <LogStackItem> stackItems = new List <LogStackItem>(); LogStackItem bestStackItem = null; for (int i = lines.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Regex r = new Regex(regString); Match result = r.Match(lines[i]); if (result.Success) { string _context = result.Groups["context"].Value.ToString(); string _file = result.Groups["file"].Value.ToString(); string _line = result.Groups["line"].Value.ToString(); LogStackItem item = new LogStackItem(); item.filename = _file; //item.line = _line; int.TryParse(_line, out item.line); item.contextString = _context; if (_context.IndexOf(":") != -1 && !_context.EndsWith(":")) { item.contextFunction = _context.Substring(_context.IndexOf(":") + 1); } stackItems.Add(item); if (System.IO.File.Exists(_file)) { bestStackItem = item; } } } if (bestStackItem != null) { LogStackItem item = bestStackItem; UIDELogEntry logEntry = new UIDELogEntry(); logEntry.stackItems = stackItems; logEntry.fileName = item.filename; logEntry.line = item.line; logEntry.column = 0; logEntry.logType = ""; logEntry.message = ""; if (activeContextIcon != null) { if ( == "d_console.infoicon.sml" || == "d_console.infoicon") { logEntry.logType = "Assert"; } if ( == "d_console.erroricon.sml" || == "d_console.erroricon") { logEntry.logType = "Runtime Error"; } } if (logEntry.logType == "") { logEntry.logType = "Unknown Assert"; } if (logEntry.fileName == editor.filePath) { currentFileLogEntry = logEntry; } currentLogEntry = logEntry; return; } //compiler error/warnings: Regex regex = new Regex(@"(?<filename>^Assets/(?:\w+/)*(?:\w+\.\w+)+)\((?:(?<line>\d+),(?<column>\d+))\): ((?<type>warning|error) )?\w+: (?<message>(\.|\n)*)"); Match match = regex.Match(activeText); if (match.Success) { string fileName = match.Groups["filename"].Value; int line = int.Parse(match.Groups["line"].Value); int column = int.Parse(match.Groups["column"].Value); string logType = match.Groups["type"].Value; //string message = match.Groups["message"].Value; UIDELogEntry logEntry = new UIDELogEntry(); logEntry.fileName = fileName; logEntry.line = line; logEntry.column = column; logEntry.logType = logType; logEntry.message = ""; if (logEntry.logType == "") { logEntry.logType = "Unknown Assert"; } if (fileName == editor.filePath) { currentFileLogEntry = logEntry; } currentLogEntry = logEntry; //lastEntryChangeTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; return; } Regex conRegex = new Regex(@"(?<type>Assert|Log|Error) in file: (?<filename>Assets/(?:\w+/)*(?:\w+\.\w+)+) at line: (?:(?<line>\d+))"); Match conMatch = conRegex.Match(activeContext); if (conMatch.Success) { string fileName = conMatch.Groups["filename"].Value; int line = int.Parse(conMatch.Groups["line"].Value); int column = 0; string logType = conMatch.Groups["type"].Value; if (activeContextIcon != null) { if ( == "d_console.infoicon.sml" || == "d_console.infoicon") { logType = "Assert"; } if ( == "d_console.erroricon.sml" || == "d_console.erroricon") { logType = "Runtime Error"; } } //string message = activeText; UIDELogEntry logEntry = new UIDELogEntry(); logEntry.fileName = fileName; logEntry.line = line; logEntry.column = column; logEntry.logType = logType; logEntry.message = ""; if (logEntry.logType == "") { logEntry.logType = "Unknown Assert"; } if (fileName == editor.filePath) { currentFileLogEntry = logEntry; } currentLogEntry = logEntry; return; } #endif }
/// <summary>Make a new node with indicated item, and null link *</summary> internal Node(System.Object x) { value = x; }
//# define sqlite3WalClose(w,x,y,z) 0 static int sqlite3WalClose(Wal w, int x, int y, u8 z) { return 0; }
public override void UpdateStatistics(Microsoft.PointOfService.StatisticCategories statistics, System.Object value) { }
//# define sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(z) static void sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(Wal z) { }
//========================================================================================= public virtual void AddUseMesh(System.Object parent) { }
public void print(System.Object o) { line.Append(java.lang.SYSTEM.str(o)); }
public bool Exist(System.Object target) { return(target != null); }
int sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(Wal *pWal);
public virtual void RemoveUseMesh(System.Object parent) { }
void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Navigation.PopModalAsync(); }
/* Obtain or release the WRITER lock. */ int sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(Wal *pWal);
public void DetectScreenRotation(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { OrientationChanged(getOrientation()); }
/* Undo any frames written (but not committed) to the log */ int sqlite3WalUndo(Wal *pWal, int (*xUndo)(void *, Pgno), object *pUndoCtx);
async void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { await ShowInformationFrame(); }
//# define sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(y,z) 0 static int sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(Wal y, int z) { return 0; }
private void BindableListView_ItemTapped(System.Object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { ItemTappedCommand?.Execute(e.Item); }
//# define sqlite3WalRead(v,w,x,y,z) 0 static int sqlite3WalRead(Wal v, Pgno w, ref int x, int y, u8[] z) { return 0; }
public static Predicate isEqual(System.Object tobj) { return(new PredicateIsEqual(tobj)); }
//# define sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(y) 0 static int sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(Wal y) { return 0; }
public PredicateIsEqual(System.Object tobj) { this.tobj = tobj; }
//# define sqlite3WalUndo(x,y,z) 0 static int sqlite3WalUndo(Wal x, int y, object z) { return 0; }
public virtual bool test(System.Object o) { return(tobj == null ? o == null : tobj.Equals(o)); }
public void ClearLog() { #if UNITY_EDITOR System.Type type = null; if (consoleWindow == null) { type = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.ConsoleWindow,UnityEditor"); FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField("ms_ConsoleWindow",BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Static); consoleWindow = fieldInfo.GetValue(null); } else { type = consoleWindow.GetType(); } if (consoleWindow == null) return; MethodInfo onDisableMethod = type.GetMethod("OnDisable",BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.NonPublic); onDisableMethod.Invoke(consoleWindow,new object[] {}); MethodInfo onEnableMethod = type.GetMethod("OnEnable",BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.NonPublic); onEnableMethod.Invoke(consoleWindow,new object[] {}); MethodInfo setActiveMathod = type.GetMethod("SetActiveEntry",BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.NonPublic); setActiveMathod.Invoke(consoleWindow,new object[] {null}); #endif }
public override bool test(System.Object o) { return(a.test(o) && b.test(o)); }
/** * Constructs a node with the specified state. * * @param state * the state in the state space to which the node corresponds. */ public Node(System.Object state) { this.state = state; this.pathCost = 0.0; }
#pragma warning restore 0414 #pragma warning disable 1998 public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteAsync() { #line 3 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" if (true) { var checkbox = "checkbox"; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 8 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_PTagHelper.Age = @ @ (1 + 2); #line default #line hidden #line 11 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" if (false) { #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type = "text"; __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Type = __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type; __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 13 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" } else { #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 17 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __o = checkbox; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type = string.Empty; __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Type = __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type; #line 17 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Checked = true; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 17 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 18 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __o = true ? "checkbox" : "anything"; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type = string.Empty; __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Type = __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type; #line 18 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 19 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" if (true) { #line default #line hidden #line 19 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" } else { #line default #line hidden #line 19 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type = string.Empty; __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Type = __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper.Type; #line 19 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 9 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __o = DateTime.Now; #line default #line hidden #line 23 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" var @object = false; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 24 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Checked = (@object); #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 22 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_PTagHelper.Age = DateTimeOffset.Now.Year - 1970; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 27 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Checked = (DateTimeOffset.Now.Year > 2014); #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 26 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_PTagHelper.Age = -1970 + @DateTimeOffset.Now.Year; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 30 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Checked = DateTimeOffset.Now.Year > 2014; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 29 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_PTagHelper.Age = DateTimeOffset.Now.Year - 1970; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 33 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Checked = @ (DateTimeOffset.Now.Year) > 2014; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 32 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_PTagHelper.Age = ("My age is this long.".Length); #line default #line hidden #line 35 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __o = someMethod(item => new Template(async(__razor_template_writer) => { __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper>(); __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2 = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.InputTagHelper2>(); #line 35 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_InputTagHelper2.Checked = checked; #line default #line hidden __TestNamespace_PTagHelper = CreateTagHelper <global::TestNamespace.PTagHelper>(); #line 35 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" __TestNamespace_PTagHelper.Age = 123; #line default #line hidden } )); #line default #line hidden #line 36 "TestFiles/IntegrationTests/CodeGenerationIntegrationTest/ComplexTagHelpers.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden }
static internal string ExtractAttributeValue (string attKey, XmlNode node, bool optional) { if (node.Attributes == null) { if (optional) return null; ThrowException ("Required attribute not found: " + attKey, node); } XmlNode att = node.Attributes.RemoveNamedItem (attKey); if (att == null) { if (optional) return null; ThrowException ("Required attribute not found: " + attKey, node); } string value = att.Value; if (value == String.Empty) { string opt = optional ? "Optional" : "Required"; ThrowException (opt + " attribute is empty: " + attKey, node); } return value; }
private void Button2_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { PrintDocument1.Print(); }
public virtual object Create (object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section) { ConnectionManagementData cmd = new ConnectionManagementData (parent); #if (XML_DEP) if (section.Attributes != null && section.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", section); XmlNodeList httpHandlers = section.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode child in httpHandlers) { XmlNodeType ntype = child.NodeType; if (ntype == XmlNodeType.Whitespace || ntype == XmlNodeType.Comment) continue; if (ntype != XmlNodeType.Element) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Only elements allowed", child); string name = child.Name; if (name == "clear") { if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); cmd.Clear (); continue; } //LAMESPEC: the MS doc says that <remove name="..."/> but they throw an exception // if you use that. "address" is correct. string address = HandlersUtil.ExtractAttributeValue ("address", child); if (name == "add") { string maxcnc = HandlersUtil.ExtractAttributeValue ("maxconnection", child, true); if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); cmd.Add (address, maxcnc); continue; } if (name == "remove") { if (child.Attributes != null && child.Attributes.Count != 0) HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute", child); cmd.Remove (address); continue; } HandlersUtil.ThrowException ("Unexpected element", child); } #endif return cmd; }
//# define sqlite3WalSavepointUndo(y,z) 0 static int sqlite3WalSavepointUndo(Wal y, object z) { return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="WaitFreeQueue"/> instance. /// </summary> public WaitFreeQueue() { head = new Node(null); tail = head; tailLock = new System.Object(); }
protected override void OnRemove(System.Int32 index, System.Object value) { OnValidate(value); }