void Test_Sample3() { context["Sample 3: Use Input and Output Streams"] = () => { beforeEach = () => { PdfConversionSettings config = new PdfConversionSettings { Title = "Streaming my HTML to PDF" }; using (var fileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\temp\sample3.pdf", FileMode.Create)) { var task = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient().GetStreamAsync("http://www.google.com"); task.Wait(); using (var inputStream = task.Result) { PdfConvert.Convert(config, fileStream, inputStream); } } }; it["Should have created a PDF document in the Temp folder"] = () => File.Exists(@"C:\temp\sample3.pdf").ShouldBeTrue(); }; }
void Given_a_sample_conversion_settings_with_streamed_content_and_output() { context["When performing the PDF Conversion of the provided HTML from and to a stream"] = () => { beforeEach = () => { PdfConversionSettings config = new PdfConversionSettings { Title = "Streaming my HTML to PDF" }; using (var fileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\temp\www.google.com.pdf", FileMode.Create)) { var task = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient().GetStreamAsync("http://www.google.com"); task.Wait(); using (var inputStream = task.Result) { PdfConvert.Convert(config, fileStream, inputStream); } } }; it["Should have created a PDF document in the Temp folder"] = () => File.Exists(@"C:\temp\www.google.com.pdf").ShouldBeTrue(); }; }