/// <summary> /// HD streaming from laola1.tv /// http://streamaccess.unas.tv/hdflash/1/hdlaola1_70429.xml?streamid=70429&partnerid=1&quality=hdlive&t=.smil /// This streaming type is used for many major sport events (e.g. soccer games, ice hockey, etc.) /// </summary> /// <param name="video">Video object</param> /// <param name="playkey1">Playkey1 for this video</param> /// <param name="playkey2">Playkey2 for this video</param> /// <returns>Url for streaming</returns> private string GetHdStreamingUrl(VideoInfo video, String data) { //TODO: this isn't working yet. MediaPortal doesn't play the stream for some reason. //Downloading works though and the file can be played after that. Match c = regEx_GetLiveHdPlaykeys.Match(data); if (c.Success) { String streamAccess = c.Groups["streamaccess"].Value; String streamId = c.Groups["streamid"].Value; String flashPlayer = c.Groups["flashplayer"].Value + ".swf"; //String flashVersion = c.Groups["flashversion"].Value; //String playData = GetWebData(String.Format("http://streamaccess.laola1.tv/hdflash/1/hdlaola1_{0}.xml?streamid={1}&partnerid=1&quality=hdlive&t=.smil", playkey1, playkey1)); System.Net.CookieContainer container = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); String playData = GetWebData(streamAccess, cookies: container); Match baseUrls = regEx_GetLiveHdBaseUrls.Match(playData); Match sources = regEx_GetLiveHdSources.Match(playData); //TODO: don't rely on the fact, the the quality is sorted (first item = worst quality, third = best) if (videoQuality == VideoQuality.Medium) { sources = sources.NextMatch(); } else if (videoQuality == VideoQuality.High) { sources = sources.NextMatch().NextMatch(); } String httpUrl = baseUrls.Groups["httpbase"].Value + sources.Groups["src"].Value;// +"&v=2.6.6&fp=WIN%2011,1,102,62&r=" + GetHdLiveRandomString(5) + "&g=" + GetHdLiveRandomString(12); httpUrl = httpUrl.Replace("amp;", ""); httpUrl = httpUrl.Replace("e=&", "e=" + streamId + "&"); httpUrl = httpUrl.Replace("p=&", "p=1&"); /*String rtmpUrl = String.Format("rtmp://{0}:1935/{1}?_fcs_vhost={2}/{3}?auth={4}&p=1&e={5}&u=&t=livevideo&l=&a=&aifp={6}", ip, servertype, url, stream, auth, playkey1, aifp); * //Log.Info("RTMP Url: " + rtmpUrl); * String playpath = ReverseProxy.Instance.GetProxyUri(RTMP_LIB.RTMPRequestHandler.Instance, * string.Format("{0}&swfVfy={1}&live={2}", * System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(rtmpUrl), * System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true"), * System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true") * )); * String playpath = string.Format("{0}&swfVfy={1}&live={2}", * rtmpUrl, * System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true"), * System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true") * );*/ //String playpath = ReverseProxy.Instance.GetProxyUri(this, httpUrl); MPUrlSourceFilter.HttpUrl url = new MPUrlSourceFilter.HttpUrl(httpUrl); //url.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3"; url.Cookies.Add(container.GetCookies(new Uri(streamAccess))); return(url.ToString()); } return(null); }
public bool IsAuthed() { foreach (System.Net.Cookie item in cookies.GetCookies(new Uri(config.base_url))) { if (item.Name == "cdb_auth") { return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to download the Uri and (based on it's MimeType) use the DocumentFactory /// to get a Document subclass object that is able to parse the downloaded data. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// http://www.123aspx.com/redir.aspx?res=28320 /// </remarks> protected Document Download(Uri uri) { bool success = false; // Open the requested URL System.Net.HttpWebRequest req = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(uri.AbsoluteUri); req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = 3; req.UserAgent = Preferences.UserAgent; //"Mozilla/6.0 (MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Searcharoo.NET)"; req.KeepAlive = true; req.Timeout = Preferences.RequestTimeout * 1000; //prefRequestTimeout // SIMONJONES http://codeproject.com/aspnet/spideroo.asp?msg=1421158#xx1421158xx req.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); req.CookieContainer.Add(_CookieContainer.GetCookies(uri)); // Get the stream from the returned web response System.Net.HttpWebResponse webresponse = null; try { webresponse = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); } catch (System.Net.WebException we) { //remote url not found, 404; remote url forbidden, 403 ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(2, "skipped " + uri.AbsoluteUri + " response exception:" + we.ToString() + "")); } Document htmldoc = null; if (webresponse != null) { /* SIMONJONES */ /* **************** this doesn't necessarily work yet... * if (webresponse.ResponseUri != htmldoc.Uri) * { // we've been redirected, * if (visited.Contains(webresponse.ResponseUri.ToString().ToLower())) * { * return true; * } * else * { * visited.Add(webresponse.ResponseUri.ToString().ToLower()); * } * }*/ try { webresponse.Cookies = req.CookieContainer.GetCookies(req.RequestUri); // handle cookies (need to do this incase we have any session cookies) foreach (System.Net.Cookie retCookie in webresponse.Cookies) { bool cookieFound = false; foreach (System.Net.Cookie oldCookie in _CookieContainer.GetCookies(uri)) { if (retCookie.Name.Equals(oldCookie.Name)) { oldCookie.Value = retCookie.Value; cookieFound = true; } } if (!cookieFound) { _CookieContainer.Add(retCookie); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(3, "Cookie processing error : " + ex.Message + "")); } /* end SIMONJONES */ htmldoc = DocumentFactory.New(uri, webresponse); success = htmldoc.GetResponse(webresponse); webresponse.Close(); ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(2, "Trying index mime type: " + htmldoc.MimeType + " for " + htmldoc.Uri + "")); } else { ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(2, "No WebResponse for " + uri + "")); success = false; } return(htmldoc); }
/// <summary> /// HD streaming from laola1.tv /// http://streamaccess.unas.tv/hdflash/1/hdlaola1_70429.xml?streamid=70429&partnerid=1&quality=hdlive&t=.smil /// This streaming type is used for many major sport events (e.g. soccer games, ice hockey, etc.) /// </summary> /// <param name="video">Video object</param> /// <param name="playkey1">Playkey1 for this video</param> /// <param name="playkey2">Playkey2 for this video</param> /// <returns>Url for streaming</returns> private string GetHdStreamingUrl(VideoInfo video, String data) { //TODO: this isn't working yet. MediaPortal doesn't play the stream for some reason. //Downloading works though and the file can be played after that. Match c = regEx_GetLiveHdPlaykeys.Match(data); if (c.Success) { String streamAccess = c.Groups["streamaccess"].Value; String streamId = c.Groups["streamid"].Value; String flashPlayer = c.Groups["flashplayer"].Value + ".swf"; //String flashVersion = c.Groups["flashversion"].Value; //String playData = GetWebData(String.Format("http://streamaccess.laola1.tv/hdflash/1/hdlaola1_{0}.xml?streamid={1}&partnerid=1&quality=hdlive&t=.smil", playkey1, playkey1)); System.Net.CookieContainer container = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); String playData = GetWebData(streamAccess, cookies: container); Match baseUrls = regEx_GetLiveHdBaseUrls.Match(playData); Match sources = regEx_GetLiveHdSources.Match(playData); //TODO: don't rely on the fact, the the quality is sorted (first item = worst quality, third = best) if (videoQuality == VideoQuality.Medium) { sources = sources.NextMatch(); } else if (videoQuality == VideoQuality.High) { sources = sources.NextMatch().NextMatch(); } String httpUrl = baseUrls.Groups["httpbase"].Value + sources.Groups["src"].Value;// +"&v=2.6.6&fp=WIN%2011,1,102,62&r=" + GetHdLiveRandomString(5) + "&g=" + GetHdLiveRandomString(12); httpUrl = httpUrl.Replace("amp;", ""); httpUrl = httpUrl.Replace("e=&", "e=" + streamId + "&"); httpUrl = httpUrl.Replace("p=&", "p=1&"); /*String rtmpUrl = String.Format("rtmp://{0}:1935/{1}?_fcs_vhost={2}/{3}?auth={4}&p=1&e={5}&u=&t=livevideo&l=&a=&aifp={6}", ip, servertype, url, stream, auth, playkey1, aifp); //Log.Info("RTMP Url: " + rtmpUrl); String playpath = ReverseProxy.Instance.GetProxyUri(RTMP_LIB.RTMPRequestHandler.Instance, string.Format("{0}&swfVfy={1}&live={2}", System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(rtmpUrl), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true"), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true") )); String playpath = string.Format("{0}&swfVfy={1}&live={2}", rtmpUrl, System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true"), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("true") );*/ //String playpath = ReverseProxy.Instance.GetProxyUri(this, httpUrl); MPUrlSourceFilter.HttpUrl url = new MPUrlSourceFilter.HttpUrl(httpUrl); //url.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3"; url.Cookies.Add(container.GetCookies(new Uri(streamAccess))); return url.ToString(); } return null; }
async void Refresh() { if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { return; } try { updating = true; ErrorMessage = ""; Simulator.Web.Config.ParseConfigFile(); if (DeveloperSimulation.Cluster == null) { DeveloperSimulation.Cluster = new ClusterData() { Name = "DeveloperSettingsDummy", Instances = new[] { new InstanceData { HostName = "dummy.developer.settings", Ip = new [] { "" }, MacAddress = "00:00:00:00:00:00" } } }; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.CloudProxy)) { API = new CloudAPI(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl), cookieContainer); } else { API = new CloudAPI(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl), cookieContainer, new Uri(Config.CloudProxy)); } DatabaseManager.Init(); var csservice = new Simulator.Database.Services.ClientSettingsService(); ClientSettings cls = csservice.GetOrMake(); Config.SimID = cls.simid; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.CloudUrl)) { ErrorMessage = "Cloud URL not set"; return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.SimID)) { ErrorMessage = "Simulator not linked"; return; } if (cookieContainer.GetCookies(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl)).Count == 0) { authenticated = false; } if (authenticated) { var ret = await API.GetLibrary <VehicleDetailData>(); CloudVehicles = ret.ToList(); } else { CloudVehicles = new List <VehicleDetailData>(); } string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab", new[] { "Assets/External/Vehicles" }); LocalVehicles = guids.Select(g => AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(g)).ToList(); string idOrPath = null; if (DeveloperSimulation.Vehicles != null) // get previously selected thing { // we abuse VehicleData.Id to store the prefab path idOrPath = DeveloperSimulation.Vehicles[0].Id; } if (idOrPath != null) { // find index of previously selected thing in new dataset var foundIndex = VehicleChoices.FindIndex(v => v.cloudIdOrPrefabPath == idOrPath && (v.IsLocal || v.configId == Settings.VehicleConfigId)); SetVehicleFromSelectionIndex(foundIndex); await UpdateCloudVehicleDetails(); } DeveloperSimulation.NPCs = Config.NPCVehicles.Values.ToArray(); // TODO get from cloud and refresh config.cs LoadExternalAssets() } catch (CloudAPI.NoSuccessException ex) { if (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { authenticated = false; ClearCookie(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); ErrorMessage = ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { ErrorMessage += "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message; } } finally { updating = false; Repaint(); } }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to download the Uri and (based on it's MimeType) use the DocumentFactory /// to get a Document subclass object that is able to parse the downloaded data. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// http://www.123aspx.com/redir.aspx?res=28320 /// </remarks> protected Document Download(Uri uri) { bool success = false; // Open the requested URL System.Net.WebProxy proxyObject = null; if (Preferences.UseProxy) { // [v6] stephenlane80 suggested proxy code proxyObject = new System.Net.WebProxy(Preferences.ProxyUrl, true); proxyObject.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } // [v6] Erick Brown [work] suggested fix for & in querystring string unescapedUri = Regex.Replace(uri.AbsoluteUri, @"&amp;", @"&", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); System.Net.HttpWebRequest req = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(unescapedUri); req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = 3; req.UserAgent = Preferences.UserAgent; //"Mozilla/6.0 (MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Searcharoo.NET; robot)"; req.KeepAlive = true; req.Timeout = Preferences.RequestTimeout * 1000; //prefRequestTimeout if (Preferences.UseProxy) { req.Proxy = proxyObject; // [v6] stephenlane80 } // SIMONJONES http://codeproject.com/aspnet/spideroo.asp?msg=1421158#xx1421158xx req.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); req.CookieContainer.Add(_CookieContainer.GetCookies(uri)); // Get the stream from the returned web response System.Net.HttpWebResponse webresponse = null; try { webresponse = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); } catch (System.Net.WebException we) { //remote url not found, 404; remote url forbidden, 403 ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(2, "skipped " + uri.AbsoluteUri + " response exception:" + we.ToString() + "")); } Document currentUriDocument = null; if (webresponse != null) { /* SIMONJONES */ /* **************** this doesn't necessarily work yet... * if (webresponse.ResponseUri != htmldoc.Uri) * { // we've been redirected, * if (visited.Contains(webresponse.ResponseUri.ToString().ToLower())) * { * return true; * } * else * { * visited.Add(webresponse.ResponseUri.ToString().ToLower()); * } * }*/ try { webresponse.Cookies = req.CookieContainer.GetCookies(req.RequestUri); // handle cookies (need to do this in case we have any session cookies) foreach (System.Net.Cookie retCookie in webresponse.Cookies) { bool cookieFound = false; foreach (System.Net.Cookie oldCookie in _CookieContainer.GetCookies(uri)) { if (retCookie.Name.Equals(oldCookie.Name)) { oldCookie.Value = retCookie.Value; cookieFound = true; } } if (!cookieFound) { _CookieContainer.Add(retCookie); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(3, "Cookie processing error : " + ex.Message + "")); } /* end SIMONJONES */ currentUriDocument = DocumentFactory.New(uri, webresponse); success = currentUriDocument.GetResponse(webresponse); webresponse.Close(); ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(2, "Trying index mime type: " + currentUriDocument.MimeType + " for " + currentUriDocument.Uri + "")); _Visited.Add(currentUriDocument.Uri); // [v7] [email protected] capture redirected Urls // relies on Document 'capturing' the final Uri // this.Uri = webresponse.ResponseUri; } else { ProgressEvent(this, new ProgressEventArgs(2, "No WebResponse for " + uri + "")); success = false; } return(currentUriDocument); }