// // GET: /QuocGia/ public ActionResult Index(int? page, string TuNgaySearch, string DenNgaySearch, string tenTaiKhoan) { int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 0; const int pageSize = 10; IFormatProvider provider = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-CA", true); String datetime = TuNgaySearch; DateTime tn = new DateTime(1975, 1, 1); DateTime dn = DateTime.Now; if (TuNgaySearch != null && TuNgaySearch != "") { tn = DateTime.Parse(datetime, provider, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault); //tnStr = tn.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } datetime = DenNgaySearch; if (DenNgaySearch != null && DenNgaySearch != "") { dn = DateTime.Parse(datetime, provider, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault); //dnStr = dn.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } var objs = HistoryRes.FindAll(tenTaiKhoan, tn, dn); var paginatedAccounts = new PaginatedList<Histories>(objs, currentPageIndex, pageSize); return View(paginatedAccounts); }
public string ReturnDayOfWeekOnBulgarian(DateTime date) { var culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("bg-BG"); var day = culture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(date.DayOfWeek); return day; }
/// <include file='doc\Activator.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Activator.CreateInstance1"]/*' /> static public Object CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); if (type is System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder) throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString( "NotSupported_CreateInstanceWithTypeBuilder" )); // If they didn't specify a lookup, then we will provide the default lookup. if ((bindingAttr & (BindingFlags) LookupMask) == 0) bindingAttr |= Activator.ConstructorDefault; try { RuntimeType rt = (RuntimeType) type.UnderlyingSystemType; return rt.CreateInstanceImpl(bindingAttr,binder,args,culture,activationAttributes); } catch (InvalidCastException) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeType"),"type"); } }
public Display() { InitializeComponent(); fontName = GuiConfiguration.ListFontName; fontSize = GuiConfiguration.ListFontSize; try { var culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(GuiConfiguration.UiLanguage).Name; if (culture == "en-US") englishUS.Checked = true; else if (culture == "en-GB") englishGB.Checked = true; else if (culture == "hu-HU") hungarian.Checked = true; } catch(ArgumentException) { // The UI language isn't any of the supported languages. } setLanguage = false; UpdateListFontButton(); listFontButton.Click += listFontButton_Click; englishUS.Click += LanguageChanged; englishGB.Click += LanguageChanged; hungarian.Click += LanguageChanged; }
public static Person Import(String input) { var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var data = input.Split(';'); foreach (string item in data) { var specyficData = item.Split(':'); parameters[specyficData[0]] = specyficData[1]; } var person = new Person(); person.NameSurname = parameters["NS"]; IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("pl-PL", true); if (parameters.ContainsKey("BD")) { person.Birthdate = DateTime.Parse(parameters["BD"], culture); } if (parameters.ContainsKey("DD")) { person.Deathdate = DateTime.Parse(parameters["DD"], culture); } if (parameters.ContainsKey("S")) { switch (parameters["S"]) { case "M": person.Sex = PersonSex.Male; break; case "F": person.Sex = PersonSex.Female; break; } } return person; }
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection request) { var _usuario = Session.GetData<User>("user") as User; IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR", true); DateTime inicio = Convert.ToDateTime(request["inicio"]); DateTime fin = Convert.ToDateTime(request["fin"]); var api = new DAL.ApiReports("", ""); Angle.ModelsResults.RootGetBillingHistoryResult AnalisisGeneral = api.GetBillingHistory( _usuario.UserTypeObject.Description, _usuario.ClientObject.ClientId, inicio.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), fin.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), _usuario.CountryObject.CountryId ); Angle.ModelsResults.RootGetBillingHistoryClientDebListResult AnalisisCliente = api.GetBillingHistoryClientDebList( _usuario.UserTypeObject.Description, _usuario.ClientObject.ClientId, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), _usuario.CountryObject.CountryId ); ViewBag.data = AnalisisGeneral.GetBillingHistoryResult.Invoice; ViewBag.Clientes = AnalisisCliente.GetBillingHistoryClientDebListResult; Session.SetData<object>("ultimoRango", new { StartDate = DateTime.Now, EndDate = DateTime.Now }); ViewBag.startDate = inicio; ViewBag.endDate = fin; return View("ResumenGeneral"); }
public ActionResult Create(Customer cs, FormCollection collection) { IFormatProvider iFP = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("vi-VN", true); cs.CreateDate = DateTime.Parse(collection["CreateDate"], iFP); var result = CustomerBusiness.Insert(cs); return PartialView(cs); }
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection request) { var _usuario = Session.GetData<User>("user") as User; IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR", true); DateTime inicio = Convert.ToDateTime(request["inicio"]); DateTime fin = Convert.ToDateTime(request["fin"]); var api = new DAL.ApiReports("", ""); ModelsResults.RootGetCashedInvoicedResult AnalisisGeneral = api.GetCashedInvoiced( _usuario.UserTypeObject.Description, _usuario.ClientObject.ClientId, inicio.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), fin.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), _usuario.CountryObject.CountryId ); ModelsResults.RootGetCashedInvoicedClientListResult AnalisisDetallado = api.GetCashedInvoicedClientList( _usuario.UserTypeObject.Description, _usuario.ClientObject.ClientId, inicio.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), fin.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), _usuario.CountryObject.CountryId ); ViewBag.data = AnalisisGeneral.GetCashedInvoicedResult; ViewBag.clientes = AnalisisDetallado.GetCashedInvoicedClientListResult; Session.SetData<object>("ultimoRango", new { StartDate = DateTime.Now, EndDate = DateTime.Now }); return View("ResumenGeneral"); }
// funktions som kontrolerar om väder prognonsernas dag public string GetDayOfTheWeek(DateTime dateTime, int period) { var culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("sv-SE"); if (dateTime.DayOfWeek == DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek && counter != 1) { //counter = 1; test /* if (dateTime.DayOfWeek == DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).DayOfWeek && period == 0) { return "Imorgon"; }*/ counter = 1; return "Idag"; } if (dateTime.DayOfWeek == DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).DayOfWeek && period == 0) { return "Imorgon"; } if (period == 0) { return culture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(dateTime.DayOfWeek).ToString(); } else { return null; } }
public static string ConvertToValidSharePointFieldName(this string source) { System.Globalization.TextInfo UsaTextInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; string staticName = UsaTextInfo.ToTitleCase(source); Regex regex = new Regex(@"\W"); return regex.Replace(staticName.DoStripDiacritics(), string.Empty); }
// @Override public override void RunBare() { // Do the test with the default Locale (default) try { locale = defaultLocale; base.RunBare(); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Test failure of '" + Lucene.Net.TestCase.GetName() + "' occurred with the default Locale " + locale); throw e; } if (testWithDifferentLocales == null || testWithDifferentLocales.Contains(Lucene.Net.TestCase.GetName())) { // Do the test again under different Locales System.Globalization.CultureInfo[] systemLocales = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultures(System.Globalization.CultureTypes.InstalledWin32Cultures); for (int i = 0; i < systemLocales.Length; i++) { try { locale = systemLocales[i]; base.RunBare(); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Test failure of '" + Lucene.Net.TestCase.GetName() + "' occurred under a different Locale " + locale); // {{Aroush-2.9}} String junit.framework.TestCase.getName() throw e; } } } }
public System.Globalization.CultureInfo GetCurrentCultureInfo () { var netLanguage = "en"; var prefLanguageOnly = "en"; if (NSLocale.PreferredLanguages.Length > 0) { var pref = NSLocale.PreferredLanguages [0]; // HACK: Apple treats portuguese fallbacks in a strange way // https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/LocalizingYourApp/LocalizingYourApp.html // "For example, use pt as the language ID for Portuguese as it is used in Brazil and pt-PT as the language ID for Portuguese as it is used in Portugal" prefLanguageOnly = pref.Substring(0,2); if (prefLanguageOnly == "pt") { if (pref == "pt") pref = "pt-BR"; // get the correct Brazilian language strings from the PCL RESX (note the local iOS folder is still "pt") else pref = "pt-PT"; // Portugal } netLanguage = pref.Replace ("_", "-"); Console.WriteLine ("preferred language:" + netLanguage); } // this gets called a lot - try/catch can be expensive so consider caching or something System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = null; try { ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(netLanguage); } catch { // iOS locale not valid .NET culture (eg. "en-ES" : English in Spain) // fallback to first characters, in this case "en" ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(prefLanguageOnly); } return ci; }
public NifParser() { // Language settings System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES"); spanFecha.InnerText = "Garage Nadia - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm"); string tipo = Request.QueryString["tipo"]; if (tipo == "mensual") { string mes = Request.QueryString["mes"]; string ano = Request.QueryString["ano"]; string texto = Request.QueryString["texto"]; string detalle = Request.QueryString["detalle"]; spanFiltros.InnerText = "Mes: "+texto+" - Año: "+ano; divCode.InnerHtml = CONTROLADORA.ControladoraReporteHTML.ReporteGananciasMensual(mes, ano, detalle); } if (tipo == "periodo") { string desde = Request.QueryString["desde"]; string hasta = Request.QueryString["hasta"]; string detalle = Request.QueryString["detalle"]; spanFiltros.InnerText = "Reporte Desde: " + desde + " - Hasta: " + hasta; divCode.InnerHtml = CONTROLADORA.ControladoraReporteHTML.ReporteGananciasPeriodo(desde, hasta, detalle); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Set up the crash dump handler. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(unhandledException); cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB"); settingsManager = new SettingsManager(); cloudFlareAPI = new CloudFlareAPI(); if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0] == "/service") { runService(); return; } if (args[0] == "/install") { if(!isAdmin) { AttachConsole( -1 /*ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS*/ ); Console.WriteLine("Need to be running from an elevated (Administrator) command prompt."); FreeConsole(); return; } TransactedInstaller ti = new TransactedInstaller(); ti.Installers.Add(new ServiceInstaller()); ti.Context = new InstallContext("", null); ti.Context.Parameters["assemblypath"] = "\"" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + "\" /service"; ti.Install(new System.Collections.Hashtable()); ti.Dispose(); return; } if (args[0] == "/uninstall") { if (!isAdmin) { AttachConsole(-1 /*ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS*/ ); Console.WriteLine("Need to be running from an elevated (Administrator) command prompt."); FreeConsole(); return; } TransactedInstaller ti = new TransactedInstaller(); ti.Installers.Add(new ServiceInstaller()); ti.Context = new System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext("", null); ti.Context.Parameters["assemblypath"] = "\"" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + "\" /service"; ti.Uninstall(null); ti.Dispose(); return; } } runGUI(); return; }//end Main()
/// <summary> /// 导出文件为txt /// </summary> /// <param name="isdelete">是否删除数据</param> protected void ExportTxt(bool isdelete) { Page.Response.Clear(); Page.Response.Buffer = true; Page.Response.Charset = "GB2312"; Page.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=sys_EventLog{0}.csv",DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())); Page.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");//设置输出流为简体中文 Response.ContentType = "text/plain";//设置输出文件类型为txt文件。 this.EnableViewState = false; System.Globalization.CultureInfo myCItrad = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ZH-CN", true); System.IO.StringWriter oStringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(myCItrad); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("EventID,E_U_LoginName,E_UserID,E_DateTime,E_ApplicationID,E_A_AppName,E_M_Name,E_M_PageCode,E_From,E_Type,E_IP,E_Record"); sb.Append("\n"); int rCount = 0; ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_EventList(new QueryParam(1, int.MaxValue),out rCount); foreach (sys_EventTable var in lst) { sb.AppendFormat("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},\"{11}\"\n", var.EventID, var.E_U_LoginName,var.E_UserID,var.E_DateTime,var.E_ApplicationID, var.E_A_AppName,var.E_M_Name,var.E_M_PageCode,var.E_From, var.E_Type,var.E_IP,var.E_Record ); } Page.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); if (isdelete) { ClearData(); } EventMessage.EventWriteDB(2, "导出操作日志!"); Page.Response.End(); }
public OrbitsNet() { InitializeComponent(); this.recursos = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("OrbitsNet.Properties.Resources", this.GetType().Assembly); this.cultura = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToUpper()); this.configureLanguage(); this.fillHash(); this.selectedFilesForDownload = new List<string>(); this.loadedFiles = new List<string>(); this.loadedTles = new List<FileAndTle>(); this.selectedTles = new List<Tle>(); this.processedTles = new List<OrbitsElement>(); this.resetCartChart(); this.resetPolarchart(); this.resetMapChart(); this.loadWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); this.loadWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.loadWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.loadWorker.DoWork += loadWorker_DoWork; this.loadWorker.ProgressChanged += loadWorker_ProgressChanged; this.loadWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += loadWorker_RunWorkerCompleted; this.plotWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); this.plotWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.plotWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.plotWorker.DoWork += plotWorker_DoWork; this.plotWorker.ProgressChanged += plotWorker_ProgressChanged; this.plotWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += plotWorker_RunWorkerCompleted; this.configureDefault(); }
public virtual void TestMissingMessage() { System.Globalization.CultureInfo locale = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en"); System.String message = NLS.GetLocalizedMessage(MessagesTestBundle.Q0005E_MESSAGE_NOT_IN_BUNDLE, locale); Assert.AreEqual("Message with key:Q0005E_MESSAGE_NOT_IN_BUNDLE and locale: " + locale.ToString() + " not found.", message); }
static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { var j = LanguageConfig.Languages.Keys; List<string> k = j.ToList(); foreach (var i in j) { Console.WriteLine(i + ", " + LanguageConfig.Languages[i]); } foreach (var l in k) { Console.WriteLine(l); } Console.WriteLine(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["defaultTheme"]); Console.ReadLine(); ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("appSettings"); ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("ConsoleApplication10.Resources", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es"); Console.WriteLine(rm.GetString("name", ci)); Console.WriteLine(rm.GetString("name", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en"))); Console.WriteLine(rm.GetString("name")); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public Geocoder() { cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("tr-TR"); addressLevel = new AddressLevel(); geocoderService = new GeocoderService(); hierarchy = new string[7, 2]; }
public static void OutPutExcelByGridView(GridView grvExcel, string excelName, string encodingName, System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci) { //定义文档类型、字符编码 HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Buffer = true; HttpContext.Current.Response.Charset = encodingName; //下面这行很重要, attachment 参数表示作为附件下载,您可以改成 online在线打开 //filename=FileFlow.xls 指定输出文件的名称,注意其扩展名和指定文件类型相符,可以为:.doc .xls .txt .htm HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(excelName)); HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(encodingName); //Response.ContentType指定文件类型 可以为application/ms-excel、application/ms-word、application/ms-txt、application/ms-html 或其他浏览器可直接支持文档 HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; grvExcel.EnableViewState = false; if (ci == null) ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("zh-CN", true); System.Globalization.CultureInfo myCultureInfo = ci; System.IO.StringWriter oStringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(myCultureInfo); System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter oHtmlTextWriter = new System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(oStringWriter); oHtmlTextWriter.Write("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=gb2312\"></head>"); grvExcel.Visible = true; grvExcel.RenderControl(oHtmlTextWriter); //this 表示输出本页,你也可以绑定datagrid,或其他支持obj.RenderControl()属性的控件 HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(oStringWriter.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
// Constructor public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); dat = new DataHandler(); // Set the data context of the listbox control to the sample data DataContext = App.ViewModel; GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SendView("MainPanaroma"); App.ViewModel.Items.Clear(); txt_REG.Text = (string) dat.getReg(); if (txt_REG.Text == "" || dat.getDob().Equals("")) { newUser = true; } else { DateTime dater; IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR"); String date = (dat.getDob().Insert(2, "/")).Insert(5,"/"); dater = DateTime.Parse(date, culture); datePicker.Value = dater; if (dat.isVellore()) chk_Vellore.IsChecked = true; else chk_Chennai.IsChecked = true; //App.ViewModel.isCache = true; //App.ViewModel.LoadData(); } }
public Assembly GetSatelliteAssembly(CultureInfo culture) { if (culture == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("culture"); } Assembly assm = null; string baseName = this.FullName; string cultureName; while (assm == null && (cultureName = culture.Name) != "") { string assmName = baseName + "." + cultureName; assm = Assembly.Load(assmName, false); culture = culture.Parent; } if (assm == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); // FIXME -- throw new FileNotFoundException(); } return assm; }
static string GetJQueryDateFormatFor(string language) { var culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(language); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture; return DateFormatter.CurrentJQuery; }
internal static string GetDataValueRangeFilderString(DataValueFilter dataValueFilter) { string WhereClause = " WHERE NOT ("; string CurrentThreadDecimalChar = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator; string InvariantCultureDecimalChar = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US").NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator; switch (dataValueFilter.OpertorType) { case OpertorType.EqualTo: WhereClause += " VAL([" + Data.DataValue + "]) = " + dataValueFilter.FromDataValue.ToString().Replace(CurrentThreadDecimalChar, InvariantCultureDecimalChar); break; case OpertorType.Between: //Inclusive of min & max values as per ANSI SQL WhereClause += "(VAL([" + Data.DataValue + "]) >= " + dataValueFilter.FromDataValue.ToString().Replace(CurrentThreadDecimalChar, InvariantCultureDecimalChar) + " AND VAL([" + Data.DataValue + "]) <= " + dataValueFilter.ToDataValue.ToString().Replace(CurrentThreadDecimalChar, InvariantCultureDecimalChar) + ")"; break; case OpertorType.GreaterThan: WhereClause += "(VAL([" + Data.DataValue + "]) > " + dataValueFilter.FromDataValue.ToString().Replace(CurrentThreadDecimalChar, InvariantCultureDecimalChar) + ")"; break; case OpertorType.LessThan: WhereClause += "(VAL([" + Data.DataValue + "]) < " + dataValueFilter.ToDataValue.ToString().Replace(CurrentThreadDecimalChar, InvariantCultureDecimalChar) + ")"; break; } WhereClause += " )"; return WhereClause; }
/// <summary> /// Remove all photos not referenced by any album /// David /// </summary> /// <returns>Number of photos removed</returns> public static int cleanUpPhotos() { int totalRemoved = 0; System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); List<AllImagesInfo> _allImageInfo = getAllImageInfo(); foreach(string photoPath in Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Photos","*.*",SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s=>s.EndsWith(".jpg",true,ci) || s.EndsWith(".png",true,ci) || s.EndsWith(".jpeg",true,ci) || s.EndsWith(".gif",true,ci) || s.EndsWith(".bmp",true,ci))) { if (!_allImageInfo.Exists(x => x.path == photoPath)) { try { if (File.Exists(photoPath)) { File.Delete(photoPath); totalRemoved++; } else { throw new Exception("File path does not exist!!"); } }catch(Exception e){ System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred trying to remove photos. " + e.Message,"Error",System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK,System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } return totalRemoved; }
//�Private�Methods�(4)� private void menuAccept_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IFormatProvider format = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(1033); ClientSettings.UseGPS = chkGPS.Checked; ClientSettings.CheckVersion = chkVersion.Checked; ClientSettings.AutoTranslate = chkTranslate.Checked; ClientSettings.UseSkweezer = chkSkweezer.Checked; if (ClientSettings.UpdateMinutes != int.Parse(txtUpdate.Text, format)) { MessageBox.Show("You will need to restart PockeTwit for the update interval to change.", "PockeTwit"); ClientSettings.UpdateMinutes = int.Parse(txtUpdate.Text, format); } if (ClientSettings.CacheDir != txtCaheDir.Text) { try { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(txtCaheDir.Text)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(txtCaheDir.Text); } ClientSettings.CacheDir = txtCaheDir.Text; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Unable to use that folder as a cache directory"); } } ClientSettings.SaveSettings(); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
public static string RoundFloatToString(float floatToRound) { System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); cultureInfo.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits = 2; cultureInfo.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."; return floatToRound.ToString("F", cultureInfo); }
public static SpeechRecognitionEngine getEngine(String lang) { if(init) recEngine.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Kastat current engine"); culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(lang); choices = new Choices(); grammarBuilder = new GrammarBuilder(); VoiceCommands.Init(lang); choices.Add(VoiceCommands.GetAllCommands()); grammarBuilder.Culture = culture; grammarBuilder.Append(choices); grammar = new Grammar(grammarBuilder); Console.WriteLine("Initialiserat svenskt grammar"); try { recEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(culture); recEngine.LoadGrammarAsync(grammar); Console.WriteLine("Laddat enginen med " + lang); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: UnauthorizedAccessException"); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } init = true; recEngine.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); return recEngine; }
protected override System.Globalization.CultureInfo getSystemCultureInfo() { var netLanguage = "en"; var prefLanguageOnly = "en"; if (NSLocale.PreferredLanguages.Length > 0) { var pref = NSLocale.PreferredLanguages[0]; prefLanguageOnly = pref.Substring(0, 2); if (prefLanguageOnly == "pt") { if (pref == "pt") pref = "pt-BR"; // get the correct Brazilian language strings from the PCL RESX (note the local iOS folder is still "pt") else pref = "pt-PT"; // Portugal } netLanguage = pref.Replace("_", "-"); Console.WriteLine("preferred language:" + netLanguage); } System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = null; try { ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(netLanguage); } catch { // iOS locale not valid .NET culture (eg. "en-ES" : English in Spain) // fallback to first characters, in this case "en" ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(prefLanguageOnly); } return ci; }
public Object ConvertBack(Object value, Type targetType, Object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public CaseInsensitiveComparer(System.Globalization.CultureInfo !culture) { CodeContract.Requires(culture != null); return(default(CaseInsensitiveComparer)); }
public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { ASObject aso = value as ASObject; object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(destinationType); if (instance != null) { foreach (string memberName in aso.Keys) { object val = aso[memberName]; //MemberInfo mi = ReflectionUtils.GetMember(destinationType, key, MemberTypes.Field | MemberTypes.Property); //if (mi != null) // ReflectionUtils.SetMemberValue(mi, result, aso[key]); PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null; try { propertyInfo = destinationType.GetProperty(memberName); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { //To resolve the ambiguity, include BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly to restrict the search to members that are not inherited. propertyInfo = destinationType.GetProperty(memberName, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); } if (propertyInfo != null) { try { val = Convert.ChangeType(val, propertyInfo.PropertyType); if (propertyInfo.CanWrite && propertyInfo.GetSetMethod() != null) { if (propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters() == null || propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0) { propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, val, null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } else { FieldInfo fi = destinationType.GetField(memberName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); try { if (fi != null) { val = Convert.ChangeType(val, fi.FieldType); fi.SetValue(instance, val); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } } } return(instance); }
public object Convert( object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture ) { Debug.Assert( values != null && values.Length == 9, "EdgeRouteToPathConverter should have 9 parameters: pos (1,2), size (3,4) of source; pos (5,6), size (7,8) of target; routeInformation (9)." ); #region Get the inputs //get the position of the source Point sourcePos = new Point() { X = ( values[0] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[0] : 0.0 ), Y = ( values[1] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[1] : 0.0 ) }; //get the size of the source Size sourceSize = new Size() { Width = ( values[2] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[2] : 0.0 ), Height = ( values[3] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[3] : 0.0 ) }; //get the position of the target Point targetPos = new Point() { X = ( values[4] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[4] : 0.0 ), Y = ( values[5] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[5] : 0.0 ) }; //get the size of the target Size targetSize = new Size() { Width = ( values[6] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[6] : 0.0 ), Height = ( values[7] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (double)values[7] : 0.0 ) }; //get the route informations Point[] routeInformation = ( values[8] != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue ? (Point[])values[8] : null ); #endregion bool hasRouteInfo = routeInformation != null && routeInformation.Length > 0; // // Create the path // Point p1 = GraphConverterHelper.CalculateAttachPoint( sourcePos, sourceSize, ( hasRouteInfo ? routeInformation[0] : targetPos ) ); Point p2 = GraphConverterHelper.CalculateAttachPoint( targetPos, targetSize, ( hasRouteInfo ? routeInformation[routeInformation.Length - 1] : sourcePos ) ); PathSegment[] segments = new PathSegment[1 + ( hasRouteInfo ? routeInformation.Length : 0 )]; if ( hasRouteInfo ) //append route points for ( int i = 0; i < routeInformation.Length; i++ ) segments[i] = new LineSegment( routeInformation[i], true ); Point pLast = ( hasRouteInfo ? routeInformation[routeInformation.Length - 1] : p1 ); Vector v = pLast - p2; v = v / v.Length * 5; Vector n = new Vector( -v.Y, v.X ) * 0.3; segments[segments.Length - 1] = new LineSegment( p2 + v, true ); PathFigureCollection pfc = new PathFigureCollection( 2 ); pfc.Add( new PathFigure( p1, segments, false ) ); pfc.Add( new PathFigure( p2, new PathSegment[] { new LineSegment(p2 + v - n, true), new LineSegment(p2 + v + n, true)}, true ) ); return pfc; }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) => value.Equals(parameter);
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) => value.Equals(true) ? parameter : Binding.DoNothing;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(value as string == "auto" ? "0" : value); }
public override string GetProperty(string strPropertyName, string strFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo formatProvider, DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo accessingUser, DotNetNuke.Services.Tokens.Scope accessLevel, ref bool propertyNotFound) { switch (strPropertyName.ToLower()) { case "title": // NVarChar if (Title == null) { return(""); } ; return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(Title, strFormat)); case "conferenceid": // Int return(ConferenceId.ToString(strFormat, formatProvider)); case "sessiondateandtime": // DateTime if (SessionDateAndTime == null) { return(""); } ; return(((DateTime)SessionDateAndTime).ToString(strFormat, formatProvider)); case "sessionend": // DateTime if (SessionEnd == null) { return(""); } ; return(((DateTime)SessionEnd).ToString(strFormat, formatProvider)); case "displayname": // NVarChar return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(DisplayName, strFormat)); case "email": // NVarChar if (Email == null) { return(""); } ; return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(Email, strFormat)); case "company": // NVarChar if (Company == null) { return(""); } ; return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(Company, strFormat)); case "attcode": // NVarChar if (AttCode == null) { return(""); } ; return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(AttCode, strFormat)); case "sessionattendeename": // NVarChar return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(SessionAttendeeName, strFormat)); case "reviewstars": // Int return(ReviewStars.ToString(strFormat, formatProvider)); case "createdbyuser": // NVarChar if (CreatedByUser == null) { return(""); } ; return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(CreatedByUser, strFormat)); case "lastmodifiedbyuser": // NVarChar if (LastModifiedByUser == null) { return(""); } ; return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(LastModifiedByUser, strFormat)); default: return(base.GetProperty(strPropertyName, strFormat, formatProvider, accessingUser, accessLevel, ref propertyNotFound)); } }
public Object Convert(Object value, Type targetType, Object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { Thickness thickness = (Thickness)value; return(thickness.Left); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the <paramref name="value"/> to a formatted string using the /// format specified in the constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The value to format.</param> /// <param name="targetType">The target output type (ignored).</param> /// <param name="parameter">Optional parameter (ignored).</param> /// <param name="culture">The culture to use in the format operation.</param> /// <returns>The formatted string</returns> public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, this.formatString, value)); }
// convert height and width inside settings to "auto" if its 0 or lower. Just calculate this size by using the dimensions of the real image public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { var val = value.ToString(); return(val == null || int.Parse(val) < 1 ? "auto" : value); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { bool val = value != null; return(val ? TrueValue : FalseValue); }
public void SetCulture(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { settings.culture = culture; }
public object Convert(object value, System.Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { if (value == null) { return(vmPing.Classes.ApplicationOptions.FontSize_Scanner); } switch ((vmPing.Classes.ProbeType)value) { case vmPing.Classes.ProbeType.Ping: return(vmPing.Classes.ApplicationOptions.FontSize_Probe); default: return(vmPing.Classes.ApplicationOptions.FontSize_Scanner); } }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(TrueValue.Equals(value) ? 1 : 0); }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(null); }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(new SettingValue <bool>(!(bool)(value ?? false))); }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return((TheEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TheEnum), value.ToString(), true)); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(ToDescription(value)); }
//This runs as an independant thread and uploads the STATUS generated from the hcAttack //This thread is run on a dynamic timer based on the size of the queue and will range from a base 2500ms down to 200ms //There is very little discruption to the attack as a very quick lock/unlock is performed on the packet list to pop the job off the queue public void threadPeriodicUpdate(ref List <Packets> uploadPackets, ref object objPacketlock) { System.Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone(); customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture; jsonClass jsC = new jsonClass { debugFlag = debugFlag, connectURL = client.connectURL }; //Initis the json class solveProps sProps = new solveProps(); //Init the properties to build our json string List <string> receivedZaps = new List <string> { }; //List to store incoming zaps for writing string ret = ""; //Return string from json post string jsonString = ""; string zapfilePath = zapPath + hashlistID.ToString(); long zapCount = 0; List <string> batchList = new List <string> { }; double chunkPercent = 0; double chunkStart = 0; Boolean run = true; List <Packets> singlePacket = new List <Packets> { }; int sleepTime = 2500; long ulQueue = 0; hcClass.debugFlag = debugFlag; Boolean firstRun = true; string oPath = Path.Combine(tasksPath, taskID + "_" + chunkNo + ".txt"); // Path to write th -o file while (run) { Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); //Delay this thread for 2.5 seconds, if this falls behind it will batch the jobs lock (objPacketlock) { if (uploadPackets.Count > 0) { singlePacket.Add(uploadPackets[0]); ulQueue = uploadPackets.Count; uploadPackets.RemoveAt(0); if (uploadPackets.Count > 3) { sleepTime = 200; //Decrese the time we process the queue } } else { sleepTime = 5000; //Decrese the time we process the queue } firstRun = false; } if (firstRun == true) //This is a work around to send a server a dummy stat to prevent timeouts on the initial start { sProps.token = client.tokenID; sProps.chunkId = chunkNo; sProps.keyspaceProgress = skip; sProps.relativeProgress = 0; sProps.speed = 0; sProps.state = 3; //Can't find the status code list lets try 3 sProps.cracks = new List <string>(); jsonString = jsC.toJson(sProps); ret = jsC.jsonSend(jsonString); if (!jsC.isJsonSuccess(ret)) //If we received error, eg task was removed just break { break; } } if (singlePacket.Count == 0) { firstRun = false; continue; } try { { //Special override as there is a possible race condition in HC, where STATUS4 doesn't give 100% if (singlePacket[0].statusPackets["STATUS"] == 4 + offset) { singlePacket[0].statusPackets["PROGRESS1"] = singlePacket[0].statusPackets["PROGRESS2"]; } sProps.token = client.tokenID; sProps.chunkId = chunkNo; sProps.keyspaceProgress = singlePacket[0].statusPackets["CURKU"]; chunkStart = Math.Floor(singlePacket[0].statusPackets["PROGRESS2"]) / (skip + length) * skip; chunkPercent = Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(singlePacket[0].statusPackets["PROGRESS1"]) - chunkStart) / Convert.ToDouble(singlePacket[0].statusPackets["PROGRESS2"] - chunkStart), 4) * 10000; sProps.relativeProgress = chunkPercent; //sProps.total = singlePacket[0].statusPackets["PROGRESS2"]; sProps.speed = singlePacket[0].statusPackets["SPEED_TOTAL"]; sProps.state = singlePacket[0].statusPackets["STATUS"] - offset; //Client-side workaround for old STATUS on server if (singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.Count > 200) { int max = 200; //Process the requests in batches of 1000 while (singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.Count != 0) { List <string> subChunk = new List <string>(singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.GetRange(0, max)); singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.RemoveRange(0, max); if (singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.Count < max) { max = singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.Count; } if (stipPath == true) { for (int i = 0; i <= subChunk.Count - 1; i++) { subChunk[i] = subChunk[i].Replace(actualHLpath + ":", ""); } } sProps.cracks = subChunk; jsonString = jsC.toJson(sProps); ret = jsC.jsonSend(jsonString); if (!jsC.isJsonSuccess(ret)) //If we received error, eg task was removed just break { break; } } } else { if (stipPath == true) { for (int i = 0; i <= singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.Count - 1; i++) { singlePacket[0].crackedPackets[i] = singlePacket[0].crackedPackets[i].Replace(actualHLpath + ":", ""); } } sProps.cracks = singlePacket[0].crackedPackets; jsonString = jsC.toJson(sProps); ret = jsC.jsonSend(jsonString); } } if (jsC.isJsonSuccess(ret)) { if (jsC.getRetVar(ret, "agent") == "stop") //Special command sent by server, possibly undocumented { hcClass.hcProc.CancelOutputRead(); hcClass.hcProc.CancelErrorRead(); hcClass.hcProc.Kill(); run = false; Console.WriteLine("Server has instructed the client terminate the task via stop"); } chunkPercent = chunkPercent / 100; //We already calculated with * 10000 earlier receivedZaps = jsC.getRetList(ret, "zaps"); //Check whether the server sent out hashes to zap if (receivedZaps.Count > 0) { zapCount++; File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(zapfilePath, zapCount.ToString()), receivedZaps); //Write hashes for zapping } Console.WriteLine("Progress:{0,7} | Speed:{1,-4} | Cracks:{2,-4} | Accepted:{3,-4} | Zapped:{4,-4} | Queue:{5,-2}", chunkPercent.ToString("F") + "%", speedCalc(singlePacket[0].statusPackets["SPEED_TOTAL"]), singlePacket[0].crackedPackets.Count, jsC.getRetVar(ret, "cracked"), receivedZaps.Count, ulQueue); receivedZaps.Clear(); } else //We received an error from the server, terminate the run { string writeCracked = Path.Combine(hashpath, Path.GetFileName(hashlistID.ToString())) + ".cracked"; Console.WriteLine("Writing any cracks in queue to file " + writeCracked); File.AppendAllLines(writeCracked, singlePacket[0].crackedPackets); lock (objPacketlock) { if (uploadPackets.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < uploadPackets.Count; i++) { if (uploadPackets[i].crackedPackets.Count > 0) { File.AppendAllLines(writeCracked, uploadPackets[i].crackedPackets); } } } } run = false; //Potentially we can change this so keep submitting the rest of the cracked queue instead of terminating if (!hcClass.hcProc.HasExited) { hcClass.hcProc.CancelOutputRead(); hcClass.hcProc.CancelErrorRead(); hcClass.hcProc.Kill(); //The server would need to accept the chunk but return an error } break; } { if (singlePacket[0].statusPackets["STATUS"] >= 4 + offset) //We are the last upload task //if (singlePacket[0].statusPackets["STATUS"] >= 5) //Uncomment this line, and comment above line for upcoming HC > 3.6 { Console.WriteLine("Finished processing chunk"); singlePacket.Clear(); run = false; } else { singlePacket.RemoveAt(0); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Error processing packet for upload"); } } }
protected override string Convert(int value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { var ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(value); return(string.Format("{0}", ts.ToString(@"mm\:ss"))); }
protected virtual void ValidateMember(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, string memberName, System.Collections.Generic.IList <CodeFluent.Runtime.CodeFluentValidationException> results) { }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(value.ToString()); }
string CodeFluent.Runtime.ICodeFluentValidator.Validate(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { string localValidate = this.Validate(culture); return(localValidate); }
/// <summary>Renders all default HUD elements</summary> /// <param name="Element">The HUD element these are to be rendererd onto</param> /// <param name="TimeElapsed">The time elapsed</param> private static void RenderHUDElement(HUD.Element Element, double TimeElapsed) { TrainManager.TrainDoorState LeftDoors = TrainManager.GetDoorsState(TrainManager.PlayerTrain, true, false); TrainManager.TrainDoorState RightDoors = TrainManager.GetDoorsState(TrainManager.PlayerTrain, false, true); System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; string Command = Element.Subject.ToLowerInvariant(); // default double w, h; if (Element.CenterMiddle.BackgroundTexture != null) { if (Program.CurrentHost.LoadTexture(Element.CenterMiddle.BackgroundTexture, OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp)) { w = (double)Element.CenterMiddle.BackgroundTexture.Width; h = (double)Element.CenterMiddle.BackgroundTexture.Height; } else { w = 0.0; h = 0.0; } } else { w = 0.0; h = 0.0; } double x = Element.Alignment.X < 0 ? 0.0 : Element.Alignment.X == 0 ? 0.5 * (LibRender.Screen.Width - w) : LibRender.Screen.Width - w; double y = Element.Alignment.Y < 0 ? 0.0 : Element.Alignment.Y == 0 ? 0.5 * (LibRender.Screen.Height - h) : LibRender.Screen.Height - h; x += Element.Position.X; y += Element.Position.Y; // command const double speed = 1.0; MessageColor sc = MessageColor.None; string t; switch (Command) { case "reverser": if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Reverser.Driver < 0) { sc = MessageColor.Orange; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions.Length > 2) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions[2]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleBackward; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Reverser.Driver > 0) { sc = MessageColor.Blue; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions.Length > 0) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions[0]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleForward; } } else { sc = MessageColor.Gray; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions.Length > 1) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.ReverserDescriptions[1]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleNeutral; } } Element.TransitionState = 0.0; break; case "power": if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.SingleHandle) { return; } if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver == 0) { sc = MessageColor.Gray; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions.Length > 0) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions[0]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandlePowerNull; } } else { sc = MessageColor.Blue; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver < TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions.Length) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions[TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandlePower + TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver.ToString(Culture); } } Element.TransitionState = 0.0; break; case "brake": if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.SingleHandle) { return; } if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake is TrainManager.AirBrakeHandle) { if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.EmergencyBrake.Driver) { sc = MessageColor.Red; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 0) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[0]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleEmergency; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver == (int)TrainManager.AirBrakeHandleState.Release) { sc = MessageColor.Gray; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 1) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[1]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleRelease; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver == (int)TrainManager.AirBrakeHandleState.Lap) { sc = MessageColor.Blue; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 2) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[2]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleLap; } } else { sc = MessageColor.Orange; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 3) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[3]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleService; } } } else { if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.EmergencyBrake.Driver) { sc = MessageColor.Red; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 0) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[0]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleEmergency; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.HoldBrake.Driver) { sc = MessageColor.Green; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 2) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[2]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleHoldBrake; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver == 0) { sc = MessageColor.Gray; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 1) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[1]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleBrakeNull; } } else { sc = MessageColor.Orange; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && ((TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.HasHoldBrake && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver + 2 < TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length) || (!TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.HasHoldBrake && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver + 1 < TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length))) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.HasHoldBrake ? TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver + 2] : TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver + 1]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleBrake + TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver.ToString(Culture); } } } Element.TransitionState = 0.0; break; case "locobrake": if (!TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.HasLocoBrake) { return; } if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.LocoBrake is TrainManager.LocoAirBrakeHandle) { if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.LocoBrake.Driver == (int)TrainManager.AirBrakeHandleState.Release) { sc = MessageColor.Gray; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 1) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[1]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleRelease; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.LocoBrake.Driver == (int)TrainManager.AirBrakeHandleState.Lap) { sc = MessageColor.Blue; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 2) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[2]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleLap; } } else { sc = MessageColor.Orange; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 3) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[3]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleService; } } } else { if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.LocoBrake.Driver == 0) { sc = MessageColor.Gray; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LocoBrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LocoBrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 1) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LocoBrakeNotchDescriptions[1]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleBrakeNull; } } else { sc = MessageColor.Orange; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LocoBrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.LocoBrake.Driver < TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LocoBrakeNotchDescriptions.Length) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LocoBrakeNotchDescriptions[TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.LocoBrake.Driver]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleLocoBrake + TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.LocoBrake.Driver.ToString(Culture); } } } Element.TransitionState = 0.0; break; case "single": if (!TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.SingleHandle) { return; } if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.EmergencyBrake.Driver) { sc = MessageColor.Red; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 0) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[0]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleEmergency; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.HoldBrake.Driver) { sc = MessageColor.Green; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length > 1) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[1]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleHoldBrake; } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver > 0) { sc = MessageColor.Orange; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver + 3 < TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions.Length) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.BrakeNotchDescriptions[TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver + 3]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandleBrake + TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Brake.Driver.ToString(Culture); } } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver > 0) { sc = MessageColor.Blue; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver < TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions.Length) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions[TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandlePower + TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Handles.Power.Driver.ToString(Culture); } } else { sc = MessageColor.Gray; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions != null && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions.Length > 0) { t = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.PowerNotchDescriptions[0]; } else { t = Translations.QuickReferences.HandlePowerNull; } } Element.TransitionState = 0.0; break; case "doorsleft": case "doorsright": { if ((LeftDoors & TrainManager.TrainDoorState.AllClosed) == 0 | (RightDoors & TrainManager.TrainDoorState.AllClosed) == 0) { Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } TrainManager.TrainDoorState Doors = Command == "doorsleft" ? LeftDoors : RightDoors; if ((Doors & TrainManager.TrainDoorState.Mixed) != 0) { sc = MessageColor.Orange; } else if ((Doors & TrainManager.TrainDoorState.AllClosed) != 0) { sc = MessageColor.Gray; } else if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Specs.DoorCloseMode == TrainManager.DoorMode.Manual) { sc = MessageColor.Green; } else { sc = MessageColor.Blue; } t = Command == "doorsleft" ? Translations.QuickReferences.DoorsLeft : Translations.QuickReferences.DoorsRight; } break; case "stopleft": case "stopright": case "stopnone": { int s = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Station; if (s >= 0 && Game.Stations[s].PlayerStops() && Interface.CurrentOptions.GameMode != Interface.GameMode.Expert) { bool cond; if (Command == "stopleft") { cond = Game.Stations[s].OpenLeftDoors; } else if (Command == "stopright") { cond = Game.Stations[s].OpenRightDoors; } else { cond = !Game.Stations[s].OpenLeftDoors & !Game.Stations[s].OpenRightDoors; } if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.StationState == TrainManager.TrainStopState.Pending & cond) { Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } t = Element.Text; } break; case "stoplefttick": case "stoprighttick": case "stopnonetick": { int s = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Station; if (s >= 0 && Game.Stations[s].PlayerStops() && Interface.CurrentOptions.GameMode != Interface.GameMode.Expert) { int c = Game.Stations[s].GetStopIndex(TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Cars.Length); if (c >= 0) { bool cond; if (Command == "stoplefttick") { cond = Game.Stations[s].OpenLeftDoors; } else if (Command == "stoprighttick") { cond = Game.Stations[s].OpenRightDoors; } else { cond = !Game.Stations[s].OpenLeftDoors & !Game.Stations[s].OpenRightDoors; } if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.StationState == TrainManager.TrainStopState.Pending & cond) { Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } double d = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.StationDistanceToStopPoint; double r; if (d > 0.0) { r = d / Game.Stations[s].Stops[c].BackwardTolerance; } else { r = d / Game.Stations[s].Stops[c].ForwardTolerance; } if (r < -1.0) { r = -1.0; } if (r > 1.0) { r = 1.0; } y -= r * (double)Element.Value1; } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } t = Element.Text; } break; case "clock": { int hours = (int)Math.Floor(Game.SecondsSinceMidnight); int seconds = hours % 60; hours /= 60; int minutes = hours % 60; hours /= 60; hours %= 24; t = hours.ToString(Culture).PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + minutes.ToString(Culture).PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + seconds.ToString(Culture).PadLeft(2, '0'); if (OptionClock) { Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } } break; case "gradient": if (OptionGradient == GradientDisplayMode.Percentage) { if (World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch != 0) { double pc = World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch; t = Math.Abs(pc).ToString("0.00", Culture) + "%" + (Math.Abs(pc) == pc ? " ↗" : " ↘"); } else { t = "Level"; } Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else if (OptionGradient == GradientDisplayMode.UnitOfChange) { if (World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch != 0) { double gr = 1000 / World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch; t = "1 in " + Math.Abs(gr).ToString("0", Culture) + (Math.Abs(gr) == gr ? " ↗" : " ↘"); } else { t = "Level"; } Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else if (OptionGradient == GradientDisplayMode.Permil) { if (World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch != 0) { double pm = World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch; t = Math.Abs(pm).ToString("0.00", Culture) + "‰" + (Math.Abs(pm) == pm ? " ↗" : " ↘"); } else { t = "Level"; } Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { if (World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch != 0) { double gr = 1000 / World.CameraTrackFollower.Pitch; t = "1 in " + Math.Abs(gr).ToString("0", Culture) + (Math.Abs(gr) == gr ? " ↗" : " ↘"); } else { t = "Level"; } Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } break; case "speed": if (OptionSpeed == SpeedDisplayMode.Kmph) { double kmph = Math.Abs(TrainManager.PlayerTrain.CurrentSpeed) * 3.6; t = kmph.ToString("0.00", Culture) + " km/h"; Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else if (OptionSpeed == SpeedDisplayMode.Mph) { double mph = Math.Abs(TrainManager.PlayerTrain.CurrentSpeed) * 2.2369362920544; t = mph.ToString("0.00", Culture) + " mph"; Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { double mph = Math.Abs(TrainManager.PlayerTrain.CurrentSpeed) * 2.2369362920544; t = mph.ToString("0.00", Culture) + " mph"; Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } break; case "dist_next_station": int i; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Station >= 0 && TrainManager.PlayerTrain.StationState != TrainManager.TrainStopState.Completed) { i = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LastStation; } else { i = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LastStation + 1; } if (i > Game.Stations.Length - 1) { i = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.LastStation; } int n = Game.Stations[i].GetStopIndex(TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Cars.Length); double p0 = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.FrontCarTrackPosition(); double p1; if (Game.Stations[i].Stops.Length > 0) { p1 = Game.Stations[i].Stops[n].TrackPosition; } else { p1 = Game.Stations[i].DefaultTrackPosition; } double m = p1 - p0; if (OptionDistanceToNextStation == DistanceToNextStationDisplayMode.Km) { if (Game.Stations[i].PlayerStops()) { t = "Stop: "; if (Math.Abs(m) <= 10.0) { t += m.ToString("0.00", Culture) + " m"; } else { m /= 1000.0; t += m.ToString("0.000", Culture) + " km"; } } else { m /= 1000.0; t = "Pass: "******"0.000", Culture) + " km"; } Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else if (OptionDistanceToNextStation == DistanceToNextStationDisplayMode.Mile) { m /= 1609.34; if (Game.Stations[i].PlayerStops()) { t = "Stop: "; } else { t = "Pass: "******"0.0000", Culture) + " miles"; Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { m /= 1609.34; if (Game.Stations[i].PlayerStops()) { t = "Stop: "; } else { t = "Pass: "******"0.0000", Culture) + " miles"; Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } break; case "fps": int fps = (int)Math.Round(LibRender.Renderer.FrameRate); t = fps.ToString(Culture) + " fps"; if (OptionFrameRates) { Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } break; case "ai": t = "A.I."; if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.AI != null) { Element.TransitionState -= speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState < 0.0) { Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } } else { Element.TransitionState += speed * TimeElapsed; if (Element.TransitionState > 1.0) { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; } } break; case "score": if (Interface.CurrentOptions.GameMode == Interface.GameMode.Arcade) { t = Game.CurrentScore.CurrentValue.ToString(Culture) + " / " + Game.CurrentScore.Maximum.ToString(Culture); if (Game.CurrentScore.CurrentValue < 0) { sc = MessageColor.Red; } else if (Game.CurrentScore.CurrentValue > 0) { sc = MessageColor.Green; } else { sc = MessageColor.Gray; } Element.TransitionState = 0.0; } else { Element.TransitionState = 1.0; t = ""; } break; default: t = Element.Text; break; } // transitions float alpha = 1.0f; if ((Element.Transition & HUD.Transition.Move) != 0) { double s = Element.TransitionState; x += Element.TransitionVector.X * s * s; y += Element.TransitionVector.Y * s * s; } if ((Element.Transition & HUD.Transition.Fade) != 0) { alpha = (float)(1.0 - Element.TransitionState); } else if (Element.Transition == HUD.Transition.None) { alpha = (float)(1.0 - Element.TransitionState); } // render if (alpha != 0.0f) { // background if (Element.Subject == "reverser") { w = Math.Max(w, TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxReverserWidth); //X-Pos doesn't need to be changed } if (Element.Subject == "power") { w = Math.Max(w, TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxPowerNotchWidth); if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxReverserWidth > 48) { x += (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxReverserWidth - 48); } } if (Element.Subject == "brake") { w = Math.Max(w, TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxBrakeNotchWidth); if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxReverserWidth > 48) { x += (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxReverserWidth - 48); } if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxPowerNotchWidth > 48) { x += (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxPowerNotchWidth - 48); } } if (Element.Subject == "single") { w = Math.Max(Math.Max(w, TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxPowerNotchWidth), TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxBrakeNotchWidth); if (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxReverserWidth > 48) { x += (TrainManager.PlayerTrain.MaxReverserWidth - 48); } } if (Element.CenterMiddle.BackgroundTexture != null) { if (Program.CurrentHost.LoadTexture(Element.CenterMiddle.BackgroundTexture, OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp)) { Color128 c = Element.BackgroundColor.CreateBackColor(sc, alpha); GL.Color4(c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A); LibRender.Renderer.RenderOverlayTexture(Element.CenterMiddle.BackgroundTexture, x, y, x + w, y + h); } } { // text System.Drawing.Size size = Element.Font.MeasureString(t); float u = size.Width; float v = size.Height; double p = Math.Round(Element.TextAlignment.X < 0 ? x : Element.TextAlignment.X == 0 ? x + 0.5 * (w - u) : x + w - u); double q = Math.Round(Element.TextAlignment.Y < 0 ? y : Element.TextAlignment.Y == 0 ? y + 0.5 * (h - v) : y + h - v); p += Element.TextPosition.X; q += Element.TextPosition.Y; Color128 c = Element.TextColor.CreateTextColor(sc, alpha); LibRender.Renderer.DrawString(Element.Font, t, new System.Drawing.Point((int)p, (int)q), TextAlignment.TopLeft, c, Element.TextShadow); } // overlay if (Element.CenterMiddle.OverlayTexture != null) { if (Program.CurrentHost.LoadTexture(Element.CenterMiddle.OverlayTexture, OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp)) { Color128 c = Element.OverlayColor.CreateBackColor(sc, alpha); GL.Color4(c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A); LibRender.Renderer.RenderOverlayTexture(Element.CenterMiddle.OverlayTexture, x, y, x + w, y + h); } } } }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(value is global::Android.Views.ViewStates && (global::Android.Views.ViewStates)value == global::Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone); }
void CodeFluent.Runtime.ICodeFluentMemberValidator.Validate(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, string memberName, System.Collections.Generic.IList <CodeFluent.Runtime.CodeFluentValidationException> results) { this.ValidateMember(culture, memberName, results); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return((value is bool && (bool)value) ? global::Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone : global::Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible); }
public virtual string Validate(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { return(CodeFluentPersistence.Validate(culture, this, null)); }