public async Task Comic() { System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection <Attachment> attachments = Context.Message.Attachments; if (attachments.Count == 0) { await Send_img_plsAsync("You didnt attach a image").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } else if (attachments.Count > 1) { await Send_img_plsAsync("You attached more than one image").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(Filter(new WebClient().DownloadData(attachments.ElementAt(0).Url), MatrixFilters.Comic), "silverbotimage.png", "There ya go a image with the comic filter"); }
public async Task Jpegize() { System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection <Attachment> attachments = Context.Message.Attachments; if (attachments.Count == 0) { await Send_img_plsAsync("You didnt attach a image"); return; } else if (attachments.Count > 1) { await Send_img_plsAsync("You attached more than one image"); return; } using WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); using MemoryStream outStream = Make_jpegnised(myWebClient.DownloadData(attachments.ElementAt(0).Url)); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(outStream, "silverbotimage.jpeg", "There ya go a jpegnized image"); }