private static DateTime?OpenTime = null; //开奖时间 public static void QqSsc() { try { // // Log.Debug("开始腾迅分分彩..."); SysLotteryModel sysLottery = _lotteryDal.GetSysLotteryByCode("qqffc"); if (sysLottery == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sysLottery.ApiUrl)) { throw new Exception("无效的API配置"); } //Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); //sw.Start(); // 开始监视代码运行时间 //如果上期开奖时间大于1分钟 if (OpenTime.HasValue && OpenTime.Value.AddSeconds(60) > DateTime.Now) { return; } //string url = ""; //IList<ByLottery> data = ByHelper.GetLotteryData(url); IList <ByLottery> data = ByHelper.GetLotteryData(sysLottery.ApiUrl); //sw.Stop(); // 停止监视 //Log.DebugFormat("获取腾迅分分彩花费时间: {0}毫秒", sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds); foreach (ByLottery lot in data) { string openTime = lot.opentime; string openCode = lot.opencode; string expect = lot.expect; //期号 expect = expect.Substring(0, 8) + "-" + expect.Substring(8); //存储开奖号码 if (_dal.Update(1005, expect, openCode, openTime, openCode)) { OpenTime = Convert.ToDateTime(openTime); //开奖时间 Public.SaveLotteryData2File(1005); //存储开奖号码到JSON/XML文件 LotteryCheck.RunOfIssueNum(1005, expect); //处理开奖信息 } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorFormat("腾讯分分彩异常: {0}", ex); //new LogExceptionDAL().Save("采集异常", "腾讯分分彩获取开奖数据出错,错误代码:" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取彩票系统配置 /// </summary> /// <returns>彩票详细</returns> public SysLotteryModel GetSysLotteryById(int id) { IList <SysLotteryModel> lotteries = GetSysLotteries(); SysLotteryModel lottery = null; if (lotteries != null && lotteries.Count > 0) { lottery = (from lt in lotteries where lt.Id == id select lt).FirstOrDefault(); } return(lottery); }
/// <summary> /// 获取彩票系统配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="code">彩票code</param> /// <returns>彩票详细</returns> public SysLotteryModel GetSysLotteryByCode(string code) { IList <SysLotteryModel> lotteries = GetSysLotteries(); SysLotteryModel lottery = null; if (lotteries != null && lotteries.Count > 0) { lottery = (from lt in lotteries where lt.Code.Equals(code, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select lt).FirstOrDefault(); } return(lottery); }
/// <summary> /// 更新彩票数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="code">彩票编码</param> public static void UpdateData(object code = null) { try { // // //Log.Debug("开始QqSsc..."); //if (code == "ssl") //{ // string test = ""; //} SysLotteryModel sysLottery = _lotteryDal.GetSysLotteryByCode(code.ToString()); Log.DebugFormat("获取开奖信息: {0} {1}", sysLottery.Title, sysLottery.Code); if (sysLottery == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sysLottery.ApiUrl)) { throw new Exception("无效的API配置"); } int lotId = sysLottery.Id; //彩票Id IList <ByLottery> data = ByHelper.GetLotteryData(sysLottery.ApiUrl); foreach (ByLottery lot in data) { string openTime = lot.opentime; string openCode = lot.opencode; string expect = lot.expect; //期号 expect = GetExpect(code.ToString(), expect); if (_dal.Update(lotId, expect, openCode, openTime, openCode)) { Public.SaveLotteryData2File(lotId); LotteryCheck.RunOfIssueNum(lotId, expect); Log.DebugFormat("发布开奖信息: {0} {1}", sysLottery.Title, openCode); } Log.DebugFormat("开奖信息详细: {0} {1} {2}", sysLottery.Title, expect, openCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorFormat("官方彩票异常: {0} {1}", code != null ? code.ToString() : "奖种无效", ex); //new LogExceptionDAL().Save("采集异常", "腾讯分分彩获取开奖数据出错,错误代码:" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查投注时间 /// </summary> private void ajaxCheckBetTime() { LotteryDAL lotDal = new LotteryDAL(); FlexDAL.UserBetDAL betDal = new FlexDAL.UserBetDAL(); string id = this.q("id"); //彩中编码 int lotteryid = 0; Int32.TryParse(id, out lotteryid); SysLotteryModel lottery = lotDal.GetSysLotteryById(lotteryid); if (betDal.CheckBetTime(lotteryid) == false) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, string.Format("凌晨1点55分到上午10点, [{0}]暂停开奖", lottery.Title)); } else { this._response = this.JsonResult(1, "有效开奖时间"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取彩票系统配置 /// </summary> /// <returns>彩票详细</returns> public IList <SysLotteryModel> GetSysLotteries() { IList <SysLotteryModel> lotteries = (IList <SysLotteryModel>)RTCache.Get(Const.CACHE_KEY_SYS_LOTTERY); if (lotteries == null || lotteries.Count <= 0) { lotteries = new List <SysLotteryModel>(); using (DbOperHandler db = new ComData().Doh()) { db.Reset(); db.SqlCmd = "select * from Sys_Lottery order by id"; DataTable dataTable = db.GetDataTable(); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { SysLotteryModel lot = new SysLotteryModel() { Id = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[i]["id"]), Title = Convert.ToString(dataTable.Rows[i]["Title"]), Code = Convert.ToString(dataTable.Rows[i]["Code"]), CloseTime = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[i]["CloseTime"]), IsOpen = Convert.ToBoolean(dataTable.Rows[i]["CloseTime"]), ApiUrl = Convert.ToString(dataTable.Rows[i]["ApiUrl"]) }; lotteries.Add(lot); } } } RTCache.Insert(Const.CACHE_KEY_SYS_LOTTERY, lotteries); } return(lotteries); }
private void ajaxBetting2() { if (this.AdminId == "") { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注失败,请重新登录后再进行投注!"); } else if ( == 1) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "系统正在维护,不能投注!"); } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; List <ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON> requestDataJsonList = ajaxBetting.JSONToObject <List <ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON> >(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd())); ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON requestDataJson1 = new ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON(); int lotteryId = requestDataJsonList[0].lotteryId; LotteryDAL lotDal = new LotteryDAL(); FlexDAL.UserBetDAL betDal = new FlexDAL.UserBetDAL(); SysLotteryModel lottery = lotDal.GetSysLotteryById(lotteryId); if (betDal.CheckBetTime(lotteryId) == false) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, string.Format("凌晨1点55分到上午10点, [{0}]暂停开奖", lottery.Title)); return; } int int32 = Convert.ToInt32(this.AdminId); Decimal num1 = new Decimal(); try { string[] issueTimeAndSn = betDal.GetIssueTimeAndSN(lotteryId); string str1 = issueTimeAndSn[0]; DateTime dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(issueTimeAndSn[1]); DateTime serverTime = FlexDAL.PublicDAL.GetServerTime(); for (int index = 0; index < requestDataJsonList.Count; ++index) { ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON requestDataJson2 = requestDataJsonList[index]; num1 += requestDataJson2.price * (Decimal)requestDataJson2.Num * requestDataJson2.times; } string str2 = betDal.CheckBet(int32, lotteryId, Convert.ToDecimal(num1), dateTime); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, str2); } else { int num2 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < requestDataJsonList.Count; ++index) { ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON requestDataJson2 = requestDataJsonList[index]; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = "Id=@Id"; this.doh.AddConditionParameter("@Id", (object)requestDataJson2.playId.ToString()); string str3 = string.Concat(this.doh.GetField("Sys_PlaySmallType", "Title2")); Decimal singelBouns = new Decimal(); if (lotteryId != 5001) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.price) < Decimal.Zero || Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.Num) < Decimal.One || Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.times) < Decimal.One) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注错误!请重新投注!"); return; } string str4 = Calculate.BetNumerice(int32, lotteryId, requestDataJson2.balls, requestDataJson2.playId.ToString(), requestDataJson2.strPos, Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.Num), Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.Point), ref singelBouns); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { this._response = str4.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); return; } if (singelBouns <= Decimal.Zero) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注失败,返点错误,请重新投注!"); return; } if (Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.price) * (Decimal)Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.Num) * (Decimal)Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.times) >= new Decimal(1000000)) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注失败,单个玩法投注额不能超过100万!"); return; } } UserBetModel model = new UserBetModel(); model.UserId = int32; model.UserMoney = Decimal.Zero; model.LotteryId = lotteryId; model.PlayId = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.playId.ToString()); model.PlayCode = str3; model.IssueNum = str1; model.SingleMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.price); model.Num = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.Num); model.Detail = requestDataJson2.balls; model.Point = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.Point); model.Bonus = singelBouns; model.Pos = requestDataJson2.strPos; model.STime = dateTime; model.STime2 = serverTime; model.IsDelay = 0; model.Times = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.times); model.ZHID = 0; num2 = !model.Pos.Equals("") ? betDal.InsertBetPos(model, "Web端") : (model.PlayCode.Equals("P_5ZH") || model.PlayCode.Equals("P_4ZH_L") || (model.PlayCode.Equals("P_4ZH_R") || model.PlayCode.Equals("P_3ZH_L")) || (model.PlayCode.Equals("P_3ZH_C") || model.PlayCode.Equals("P_3ZH_R")) ? betDal.InsertBetZH(model, "Web端") : betDal.InsertBet(model, "Web端")); } if (num2 > 0) { this._response = this.JsonResult(1, "第" + str1 + "期投注成功,请期待开奖!"); } else { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "对不起,投注失败!"); } //this._response = this.JsonResult(1, "第" + str1 + "期投注成功,请期待开奖!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "对不起,投注失败!" + (object)ex); } } }
private void ajaxZHBetting() { if (this.AdminId == "") { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注失败,请重新登录后再进行投注!"); } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; List <ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSONZH> requestDataJsonzhList = ajaxBetting.JSONToObject <List <ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSONZH> >("[" + new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd() + "]"); ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSONZH requestDataJsonzh1 = new ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSONZH(); int int32_1 = Convert.ToInt32(this.AdminId); int int32_2 = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzhList[0].lotteryId); int int32_3 = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzhList[0].IsStop); int int32_4 = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzhList[0].ZHNums); Decimal num = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzhList[0].ZHSums); LotteryDAL lotDal = new LotteryDAL(); FlexDAL.UserBetDAL betDal = new FlexDAL.UserBetDAL(); SysLotteryModel lottery = lotDal.GetSysLotteryById(int32_2); if (betDal.CheckBetTime(int32_2) == false) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, string.Format("凌晨1点55分到上午10点, [{0}]暂停开奖", lottery.Title)); return; } try { string[] issueTimeAndSn = betDal.GetIssueTimeAndSN(int32_2); string str1 = issueTimeAndSn[0]; DateTime dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(issueTimeAndSn[1]); DateTime serverTime = FlexDAL.PublicDAL.GetServerTime(); string str2 = betDal.CheckBet(int32_1, int32_2, Convert.ToDecimal(num), dateTime); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, str2); } else { Decimal money = new Decimal(); UserZhBetModel zhmodel = new UserZhBetModel(); zhmodel.UserId = int32_1; zhmodel.LotteryId = int32_2; zhmodel.PlayId = 0; zhmodel.StartIssueNum = str1; zhmodel.TotalNums = int32_4; zhmodel.IsStop = int32_3; zhmodel.STime = DateTime.Now; List <UserBetModel> userBetModelList = new List <UserBetModel>(); List <UserZhDetailModel> listZh = new List <UserZhDetailModel>(); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < requestDataJsonzhList.Count; ++index1) { ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSONZH requestDataJsonzh2 = requestDataJsonzhList[index1]; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = "Id=@Id"; this.doh.AddConditionParameter("@Id", (object)requestDataJsonzh2.playId.ToString()); string str3 = string.Concat(this.doh.GetField("Sys_PlaySmallType", "Title2")); if (Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzh2.price) < Decimal.Zero || Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzh2.Num) < Decimal.One || Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzh2.times) < Decimal.One) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注错误!请重新投注!"); return; } Decimal singelBouns = new Decimal(); string str4 = Calculate.BetNumerice(int32_1, int32_2, requestDataJsonzh2.balls, requestDataJsonzh2.playId.ToString(), requestDataJsonzh2.strPos, Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzh2.Num), Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzh2.Point), ref singelBouns); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { this._response = str4.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); return; } if (singelBouns <= Decimal.Zero) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注失败,返点错误,请重新投注!"); return; } UserBetModel userBetModel = new UserBetModel(); userBetModel.UserId = int32_1; userBetModel.UserMoney = Decimal.Zero; userBetModel.LotteryId = int32_2; userBetModel.PlayId = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzh2.playId); userBetModel.PlayCode = str3; userBetModel.SingleMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzh2.price); userBetModel.Num = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzh2.Num); userBetModel.Detail = requestDataJsonzh2.balls; userBetModel.Point = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzh2.Point); userBetModel.Bonus = singelBouns; userBetModel.Pos = requestDataJsonzh2.strPos; userBetModel.STime2 = serverTime; userBetModel.IsDelay = 0; userBetModel.ZHID = 0; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < requestDataJsonzh2.table2.Count; ++index2) { ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSONZH2 requestDataJsonzH2 = requestDataJsonzh2.table2[index2]; if (Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzH2.ZHTimes) > 0 && Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJsonzH2.ZHIssueNum.Replace("-", "")) >= Convert.ToDecimal(str1.Replace("-", ""))) { UserZhDetailModel userZhDetailModel = new UserZhDetailModel(); userZhDetailModel.IssueNum = requestDataJsonzH2.ZHIssueNum; userZhDetailModel.Times = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJsonzH2.ZHTimes); userZhDetailModel.STime = Convert.ToDateTime(requestDataJsonzH2.ZHSTime); userZhDetailModel.Lists.Add(userBetModel); money += userBetModel.SingleMoney * (Decimal)userBetModel.Num * (Decimal)userZhDetailModel.Times; listZh.Add(userZhDetailModel); } } } zhmodel.TotalSums = money; if (listZh.Count > 0) { if (betDal.InsertZhBet(zhmodel, listZh, money, "Web端追号") > 0) { this._response = this.JsonResult(1, "追号成功!请等待开奖!"); } else { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "对不起,投注失败!"); } } else { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "对不起,投注失败!0"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "对不起,投注失败!"); } } }
private void ajaxBetting2() { if (this.AdminId == "") { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注失败,请重新登录后再进行投注!"); } else if ( == 1) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "系统正在维护,不能投注!"); } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; List <ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON> requestDataJsonList = ajaxBetting.JSONToObject <List <ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON> >(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd())); ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON requestDataJson1 = new ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON(); int lotteryId1 = requestDataJsonList[0].lotteryId; //投注信息 int int32_1 = Convert.ToInt32(this.AdminId); //会员Id LotteryDAL lotDal = new LotteryDAL(); FlexDAL.UserBetDAL betDal = new FlexDAL.UserBetDAL(); SysLotteryModel lottery = lotDal.GetSysLotteryById(lotteryId1); if (betDal.CheckBetTime(lotteryId1) == false) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, string.Format("凌晨1点55分到上午10点, [{0}]暂停开奖", lottery.Title)); return; } Decimal num1 = new Decimal(0); try { //获取当前一期时间和期号 string[] issueTimeAndSn = betDal.GetIssueTimeAndSN(lotteryId1); string str1 = issueTimeAndSn[0]; //期号 DateTime dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(issueTimeAndSn[1]); //开奖时间 DateTime serverTime = FlexDAL.PublicDAL.GetServerTime(); //系统时间 for (int index = 0; index < requestDataJsonList.Count; ++index) { ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON requestDataJson2 = requestDataJsonList[index]; num1 += requestDataJson2.price * (Decimal)requestDataJson2.Num * requestDataJson2.times; } string str2 = betDal.CheckBet(int32_1, lotteryId1, Convert.ToDecimal(num1), dateTime); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, str2); } else { int num2 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < requestDataJsonList.Count; ++index) { ajaxBetting.RequestDataJSON requestDataJson2 = requestDataJsonList[index]; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = "Id=@Id"; DbOperHandler doh = this.doh; string _conditionName = "@Id"; int playId1 = requestDataJson2.playId; string str3 = playId1.ToString(); doh.AddConditionParameter(_conditionName, (object)str3); string str4 = string.Concat(this.doh.GetField("Sys_PlaySmallType", "Title2")); Decimal singelBouns = new Decimal(0); if (lotteryId1 != 5001) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.price) < new Decimal(0) || Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.Num) < new Decimal(1) || Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.times) < new Decimal(1)) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注错误!请重新投注!"); return; } int userId = int32_1; int lotteryId2 = lotteryId1; string balls = requestDataJson2.balls; playId1 = requestDataJson2.playId; string playId2 = playId1.ToString(); string strPos = requestDataJson2.strPos; int int32_2 = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.Num); Decimal Point = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.Point); string str5 = Calculate.BetNumerice(userId, lotteryId2, balls, playId2, strPos, int32_2, Point, ref singelBouns); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str5)) { this._response = str5.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); return; } if (singelBouns <= new Decimal(0)) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "投注失败,返点错误,请重新投注!"); return; } } UserBetModel model = new UserBetModel(); model.UserId = int32_1; model.UserMoney = new Decimal(0); model.LotteryId = lotteryId1; model.PlayId = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.playId); model.PlayCode = str4; model.IssueNum = str1; model.SingleMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.price); model.Num = Convert.ToInt32(requestDataJson2.Num); model.Detail = requestDataJson2.balls; model.Point = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.Point); model.Bonus = singelBouns; model.Pos = requestDataJson2.strPos; model.STime = dateTime; model.STime2 = serverTime; model.IsDelay = 0; model.Times = Convert.ToDecimal(requestDataJson2.times); model.ZHID = 0; num2 = !model.Pos.Equals("") ? betDal.InsertBetPos(model, "手机端") : (!model.PlayCode.Equals("P_5ZH") && !model.PlayCode.Equals("P_4ZH_L") && (!model.PlayCode.Equals("P_4ZH_R") && !model.PlayCode.Equals("P_3ZH_L")) && !model.PlayCode.Equals("P_3ZH_C") && !model.PlayCode.Equals("P_3ZH_R") ? betDal.InsertBet(model, "手机端") : betDal.InsertBetZH(model, "手机端")); } if (num2 > 0) { this._response = this.JsonResult(1, "第" + str1 + "期投注成功,请期待开奖!"); } else { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "对不起,投注失败!"); } //this._response = this.JsonResult(1, "第" + str1 + "期投注成功,请期待开奖!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { this._response = this.JsonResult(0, "对不起,投注失败!"); } } }
private void ajaxLotteryTime() { LotteryDAL dal = new LotteryDAL(); string ltId = this.q("lid");//彩种Id int id; if (Int32.TryParse(ltId, out id) == false) { this._response = "{}"; return; } SysLotteryModel lottery = dal.GetSysLotteryById(id); if (lottery == null) { this._response = "{}"; return; } string str2 = "0"; //名称 //彩种类别 //倒计时 //封单时间 //下期期号 //已开期数 //当前期号 string ltInfo = "{\"name\": \"名称\",\"lotteryid\": \"彩种类别\",\"ordertime\": \"倒计时\",\"closetime\": \"封单时间\",\"nestsn\": \"下期期号\",\"opennum\": \"已开期数\",\"cursn\": \"当前期号\"}"; ltInfo = ltInfo.Replace("名称", lottery.Title); ltInfo = ltInfo.Replace("彩种类别", ltId); ltInfo = ltInfo.Replace("封单时间", lottery.CloseTime.ToString()); DateTime dateTime1 = DateTime.Now; //DateTime curDateTime = this.GetDateTime(); //当前日期时间 DateTime curDateTime = this.GetDateTime(); //当前日期时间 string curDate = curDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); //当前日期 string curTime = curDateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); //当前时间 int num; string newValue1; string newValue2; TimeSpan timeSpan; if (ltId == "3002" || ltId == "3003") { num = curDateTime.Year; DateTime dateTime3 = Convert.ToDateTime(num.ToString() + "-01-01 20:30:00"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select datediff(d,'" + dateTime3.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') as d"; int Num = Convert.ToInt32(this.doh.GetDataTable().Rows[0]["d"]) - 7 + 1; string str7 = curDateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; string str8 = curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; if (curDateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString(" 20:30:00"))) { str8 = curDateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; } else { --Num; } num = curDateTime.Year; newValue1 = num.ToString() + Func.AddZero(Num, 3); num = curDateTime.Year; newValue2 = num.ToString() + Func.AddZero(Num + 1, 3); timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(str8) - Convert.ToDateTime(curTime); } else { if (UserCenterSession.LotteryTime == null) { UserCenterSession.LotteryTime = new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTable(); } DataRow[] dataRowArray1 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time >'" + curTime + "' and LotteryId=" + ltId, "Time asc"); if (dataRowArray1.Length == 0) { dataRowArray1 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time <='" + curTime + "' and LotteryId=" + ltId, "Time asc"); newValue2 = curDateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray1[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } else { newValue2 = curDate + "-" + dataRowArray1[0]["Sn"].ToString(); dateTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dataRowArray1[0]["Time"].ToString()); if (curDateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00") && curDateTime < Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 10:00:01") && ltId == "1003") { newValue2 = curDateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray1[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } if (curDateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:00:00") && curDateTime < Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59") && (ltId == "1014" || ltId == "1016")) { newValue2 = curDateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray1[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } } if (Convert.ToDateTime(dataRowArray1[0]["Time"].ToString()) < Convert.ToDateTime(curTime)) { dateTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + dataRowArray1[0]["Time"].ToString()); } timeSpan = dateTime1 - Convert.ToDateTime(curTime); DataRow[] dataRowArray2 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time <'" + curTime + "' and LotteryId=" + ltId, "Time desc"); if (dataRowArray2.Length == 0) { dataRowArray2 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("LotteryId=" + ltId, "Time desc"); newValue1 = curDateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); str2 = dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } else { newValue1 = curDate + "-" + dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); str2 = dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); if (curDateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00") && curDateTime < Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 10:00:01") && ltId == "1003") { newValue1 = curDateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); str2 = dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } if (curDateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:00:00") && curDateTime < Convert.ToDateTime(curDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59") && (ltId == "1014" || ltId == "1016")) { newValue1 = curDateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } } if (ltId == "1010" || ltId == "1017" || ltId == "3004") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum(ltId) + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); str2 = dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (ltId == "1012") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1012") + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); str2 = dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (ltId == "1013") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1013") + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); str2 = dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (ltId == "1014" || ltId == "1015" || ltId == "1016") { newValue1 = newValue1.Replace("-", ""); newValue2 = newValue2.Replace("-", ""); } if (ltId == "4001") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("4001") + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); str2 = dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } } string newValue3 = string.Concat((object)(timeSpan.Days * 24 * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Hours * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Minutes * 60 + timeSpan.Seconds)); string str9 = ltInfo.Replace("下期期号", newValue2).Replace("当前期号", newValue1).Replace("倒计时", newValue3); string oldValue = "已开期数"; num = Convert.ToInt32(str2); string newValue4 = num.ToString(); this._response = str9.Replace(oldValue, newValue4); }