コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Process PID data async manner
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessPIDAsync(object state)
                var responseData           = state as RSP_K21_QUERY_RESPONSE;
                GIIS.DataLayer.Child child = null;

                // Now sync patient data if they don't exist

                // Is there a GIIS identifier in the list of identifiers for this patient?
                String ecidIdentifier = responseData.PID.GetPatientIdentifierList().Where(id => id.AssigningAuthority.UniversalID.Value == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ecid"]).Select(o => o.IDNumber.Value).First();

                List <String> localGiisIdentifier = responseData.PID.GetPatientIdentifierList().Where(id => id.AssigningAuthority.UniversalID.Value == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["giis_child_id_oid"]).Select(o => o.IDNumber.Value).ToList();

                // If there is a local GIIS identifier! The patient exists in GIIS
                if (localGiisIdentifier.Count > 0)
                    var children = localGiisIdentifier.Select(o => GIIS.DataLayer.Child.GetChildById(Int32.Parse(o))).ToList();
                    children.RemoveAll(o => o == null);
                    if (children.Count == 0)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("{0} : No children records found with local ID, maybe they're gone?", this.m_context.JobId);

                    // Find the child that has the ECID
                    using (var dao = new SyncData())
                        // Get the survivor or the only
                        child = children.FirstOrDefault(o => o != null && o.IsActive && dao.GetChildEcid(o.Id) == ecidIdentifier);
                        if (child == null && children.Count == 1)
                            child = children.First();
                            children.RemoveAll(o => o.Id == child.Id && child.IsActive);

                        // Is the record in the CR newer than the record in GIIS?
                        if (((TS)responseData.PID.LastUpdateDateTime.Time.Value).DateValue.Date > child.ModifiedOn.Date.AddDays(1))
                            // Register that we've updated this patient in the sync log
                            Trace.TraceInformation("{0} : Updating child record {1}", this.m_context.JobId, child.Id);

                            // Copy fields
                            this.CopyChildRecordFields(child, responseData.PID);
                            // Now update
                            dao.RegisterPatientSync(child.Id, this.m_context.JobId, ActionType.Update, ecidIdentifier);
                            Trace.TraceWarning("{0} : Child record {1} in GIIS appears to be up to date", this.m_context.JobId, child.Id);

                        // Merge patient data
                        if (children.Count > 0)
                            // Load all completed vaccinations/appointments/weights for the survivor
                            var survivorsVaccinationEvents          = GIIS.DataLayer.VaccinationEvent.GetImmunizationCard(child.Id).Where(o => o.VaccinationStatus || o.NonvaccinationReasonId != 0).ToList();
                            var survivorsNonVaccinationAppointments = GIIS.DataLayer.VaccinationEvent.GetImmunizationCard(child.Id).Where(o => !o.VaccinationStatus && o.NonvaccinationReasonId == 0).Select(o => o.Appointment).Distinct(new VaccinationAppointmentComparator());
                            var survivorsWeightEvents = GIIS.DataLayer.ChildWeight.GetChildWeightByChildId(child.Id);
                            var survivorsSupplements  = GIIS.DataLayer.ChildSupplements.GetChildSupplementsByChild(child.Id);

                            // Now we want to add vaccination events
                            foreach (var victim in children)
                                Trace.TraceInformation("Merging CHILD {0} INTO {1}", victim.Id, child.Id);
                                // GEt all victim's vaccination events that were not given to the survivor
                                IEnumerable victimsVaccinationEvents = GIIS.DataLayer.VaccinationEvent.GetImmunizationCard(victim.Id)
                                                                       .Where(o => (o.VaccinationStatus || o.NonvaccinationReasonId != 0) &&
                                                                              !survivorsVaccinationEvents.Exists(s => s.DoseId == o.DoseId)),
                                            victimsWeightEvents = GIIS.DataLayer.ChildWeight.GetChildWeightByChildId(victim.Id);
                                var victimSupplements           = GIIS.DataLayer.ChildSupplements.GetChildSupplementsByChild(victim.Id);

                                // Now we want to copy from victim to survivor
                                foreach (GIIS.DataLayer.VaccinationEvent victimEvent in victimsVaccinationEvents)
                                    victimEvent.ChildId    = child.Id;
                                    victimEvent.ModifiedBy = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["giis_authority_user_id"]);
                                    victimEvent.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;

                                // Now copy weights over
                                foreach (GIIS.DataLayer.ChildWeight weight in victimsWeightEvents)
                                    weight.ChildId    = child.Id;
                                    weight.ModifiedBy = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["giis_authority_user_id"]);
                                    weight.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;

                                // Supplements
                                if (survivorsSupplements != null)
                                    survivorsSupplements.Mebendezol = victimSupplements.Mebendezol || survivorsSupplements.Mebendezol;
                                    survivorsSupplements.Vita       = victimSupplements.Vita || survivorsSupplements.Vita;

                                // Obsolete the old version
                                victim.StatusId = GIIS.DataLayer.Status.GetStatusByName("Duplicate").Id;

                                GIIS.DataLayer.ChildMerges mergeData = new GIIS.DataLayer.ChildMerges();
                                mergeData.ChildId       = child.Id;
                                mergeData.SubsumedId    = victim.Id;
                                mergeData.EffectiveDate = DateTime.Now;

                else // We need to create the child record in GIIS
                    Trace.TraceInformation("{0} : Creating child record from ECID {1}", this.m_context.JobId, ecidIdentifier);

                    // Child
                    child = new GIIS.DataLayer.Child();
                    this.CopyChildRecordFields(child, responseData.PID);

                        // Is the child older than the last vaccination? If so we don't really care
                        if (GIIS.DataLayer.Dose.GetDosesByDates(child.Birthdate).Count == 0)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Don't care about this child as they don't have any vaccinations required");

                        child.Id = GIIS.DataLayer.Child.Insert(child);
                        GIIS.DataLayer.VaccinationAppointment.InsertVaccinationsForChild(child.Id, 1);

                        // Register the patient in the PIX manager
                        // Register the fact we create the child in the sync log
                        using (var dao = new SyncData())
                            dao.RegisterPatientSync(child.Id, this.m_context.JobId, ActionType.Create, ecidIdentifier);
                            ADT_A01 message  = this.CreateADT(child, dao);
                            var     response = this.m_sender.SendAndReceive(message) as NHapi.Model.V231.Message.ACK;
                            AuditUtil.SendPIXAudit(message, response);
                            if (!response.MSA.AcknowledgementCode.Value.EndsWith("A"))
                                Trace.TraceError("{0} : Registration of the patient failed in CR");
                                foreach (var er in response.ERR.GetErrorCodeAndLocation())
                                    Trace.TraceError("{0} : ERR {1}", this.m_context.JobId, er.CodeIdentifyingError.Text.Value);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Trace.TraceError("{0} : Error registering child record: {1}", this.m_context.JobId, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                this.m_errorState = true;