/// <summary> /// Adds the given <paramref name="exceptionHandler"/> for exceptions assignable to type /// <typeparamref name="TException"/> to this Try's call sequence. /// </summary> public Try <T> Catch <TException>(Func <TException, T> exceptionHandler) where TException : Exception { TryThrowHelper.VerifyExceptionHandlerNotNull(exceptionHandler); var clause = new SyncCatchClause( ex => exceptionHandler((TException)ex), typeof(TException)); return(new Try <T>(Frames.Add(new SyncTryFrame(TryFrameType.CatchClause, null, clause)))); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the given <paramref name="exceptionHandler"/> for exceptions assignable to type /// <paramref name="exceptionType"/> to this Try's call sequence. /// </summary> public Try <T> Catch(Type exceptionType, Func <Exception, T> exceptionHandler) { TryThrowHelper.VerifyExceptionType(exceptionType); TryThrowHelper.VerifyExceptionHandlerNotNull(exceptionHandler); var clause = new SyncCatchClause( ex => exceptionHandler(ex), exceptionType); return(new Try <T>(Frames.Add(new SyncTryFrame(TryFrameType.CatchClause, null, clause)))); }