//void ToolStripButton1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // foreach (SynapseProfile_Control spc in objectListView1.Objects) // { // spc.save(); // } // ComboBox1SelectedIndexChanged(this,e); //} void ComboBox3SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb_Form.Text = ""; cb_Form.Items.Clear(); foreach (SynapseControl C in AllControls) { if (!cb_Form.Items.Contains(C.FORM_NAME) && C.FK_MODULE_ID == ((SynapseModule)cb_Module.SelectedItem).ID) { cb_Form.Items.Add(C.FORM_NAME); } } if (cb_Form.Items.Count > 0) { cb_Form.SelectedIndex = 0; } var ControlCollection = SynapseControl.Load("WHERE FORM_NAME='" + cb_Form.SelectedItem + "' AND FK_MODULE_ID=" + ((SynapseModule)cb_Module.SelectedItem).ID + " Order by CTRL_NAME"); lst_ListOfControl.DataSource = ControlCollection.OrderBy(x => x.CTRL_NAME).ToList(); var Groups = SynapseProfile.Load("WHERE FK_MODULEID=" + ((SynapseModule)cb_Module.SelectedItem).ID); cb_Profiles.DataSource = Groups.OrderBy(x => x.TECHNICALNAME).ToList(); cb_Profiles.DisplayMember = "TECHNICALNAME"; cb_Profiles.ValueMember = "ID"; cb_Profiles.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public static void CreateControlInDB(Int64 Module, string formName, string controlName, string controlType) { if (controlName != null && controlName.Length > 0) { SynapseControl SControl = new SynapseControl(); SControl.CTRL_NAME = controlName; SControl.FORM_NAME = formName; SControl.CTRL_TYPE = controlType; SControl.FK_MODULE_ID = Module; SynapseForm.SynapseLogger.Debug("Creating new control in DB : " + formName + "-" + controlName + "-" + controlType); SControl.save(); } }
private void Delete_Module(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show(GetLabel("Quest.0003"), GetLabel("Quest"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { SynapseModule _module = (SynapseModule)olvModules.SelectedObject; IList <SynapseProfile_Control> _profileControl = SynapseProfile_Control.LoadFromQuery("SELECT dbo.[Synapse_Security_Profile Control].* FROM dbo.[Synapse_Security_Profile Control] INNER JOIN dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile ON dbo.[Synapse_Security_Profile Control].FK_PROFILEID = dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile.ID INNER JOIN dbo.Synapse_Module ON dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile.FK_MODULEID = dbo.Synapse_Module.ID WHERE (dbo.Synapse_Module.ID = " + _module.ID + ")"); IList <SynapseUser_Profile> _userProfile = SynapseUser_Profile.LoadFromQuery("SELECT dbo.[Synapse_Security_User Profile].* FROM dbo.[Synapse_Security_User Profile] INNER JOIN dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile ON dbo.[Synapse_Security_User Profile].FK_SECURITY_PROFILE = dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile.ID INNER JOIN dbo.Synapse_Module ON dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile.FK_MODULEID = dbo.Synapse_Module.ID WHERE (dbo.Synapse_Module.ID = " + _module.ID + ")"); IList <SynapseProfile> _profile = SynapseProfile.LoadFromQuery("SELECT dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile.* FROM dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile INNER JOIN dbo.Synapse_Module ON dbo.Synapse_Security_Profile.FK_MODULEID = dbo.Synapse_Module.ID WHERE (dbo.Synapse_Module.ID = " + _module.ID + ")"); IList <SynapseControl> _control = SynapseControl.Load("WHERE FK_MODULE_ID=" + _module.ID); SynapseCore.Database.DBFunction.StartTransaction(); try { foreach (SynapseProfile_Control obj in _profileControl) { obj.delete(); } foreach (SynapseUser_Profile obj in _userProfile) { obj.delete(); } foreach (SynapseProfile obj in _profile) { obj.delete(); } foreach (SynapseControl obj in _control) { obj.delete(); } foreach (SynapseLabel obj in ((SynapseModule)olvModules.SelectedObject).FriendlyName.Labels) { obj.delete(); } foreach (SynapseLabel obj in ((SynapseModule)olvModules.SelectedObject).Description.Labels) { obj.delete(); } _module.delete(); SynapseCore.Database.DBFunction.CommitTransaction(); listModule(); } catch (Exception ex) { SynapseCore.Database.DBFunction.RollbackTransaction(); MessageBox.Show("Data not deleted from Database:" + ex.Message, "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void refreshControls() { var ControlCollection = SynapseControl.Load("WHERE FORM_NAME='" + cb_Form.SelectedItem + "' AND FK_MODULE_ID=" + ((SynapseModule)cb_Module.SelectedItem).ID + " Order by CTRL_NAME"); if (ckNotAttributed.Checked) { foreach (SynapseProfile_Control c in objectListView1.Objects) { // ControlCollection.Remove(SynapseControl.LoadByID(c.FK_CONTROLID)); ControlCollection.Remove(ControlCollection.Where(x => x.ID == c.FK_CONTROLID).FirstOrDefault()); } } lst_ListOfControl.DataSource = ControlCollection.OrderBy(x => x.CTRL_NAME).ToList(); }
private void deleteControl(SynapseControl c) { if (MessageBox.Show(GetLabel("Quest.0004"), GetLabel("Quest"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (SynapseControl cs in lst_ListOfControl.SelectedItems) { cs.delete(); } refreshControls(); if (lst_ListOfControl.Items.Count == 0) { ComboBox3SelectedIndexChanged(this, null); } } }
private void addControltoProfile(SynapseControl c) { SynapseProfile_Control spc = new SynapseProfile_Control(); spc.FK_CONTROLID = c.ID; spc.FK_PROFILEID = (Int64)cb_Profiles.SelectedValue; spc.IS_ACTIVE = false; spc.IS_VISIBLE = false; objectListView1.AddObject(spc); spc.save(); if (ckNotAttributed.Checked) { refreshControls(); } }
void SecurityEditLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { tsbAddControl.Enabled = false; tsbDeleteControl.Enabled = false; tsbRemoveControl.Enabled = false; AllControls = SynapseControl.Load(); var Modules = SynapseModule.Load(); cb_Module.DataSource = Modules.OrderBy(x => x.FriendlyName.ToString()).ToList(); cb_Module.ValueMember = "ID"; cb_Module.DisplayMember = "FriendlyName"; cb_Module.SelectedIndex = 0; lst_ListOfControl.DisplayMember = "CTRL_NAME"; lst_ListOfControl.ValueMember = "ID"; }
private void btn_Sync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccToPrdID = ACCTOPRD.Load("WHERE PRDID<>0"); Int64 UsersCount = 0; Int64 ControlsCount = 0; Int64 ProfilesCount = 0; Int64 ProfileControlsCount = 0; Int64 UserAssignmentCount = 0; richTextBox1.Clear(); if (chk_SyncUser.Checked) { // ======= Create user in prod ======== foreach (ACCSynapseUser A_user in from au in Acc_Users where au.PrdID(AccToPrdID) == 0 select au) { if (chk_verbose.Checked) { richTextBox1.AppendText(A_user.GetType().Name + ": " + A_user.UserID + "\n"); } SynapseUser user = new SynapseUser(); CopyProperties(user, A_user); user.ID = 0; if (chk_save.Checked) { user.save(); } UsersCount++; CreateLinkEntry(A_user, A_user.ID, user.ID); } } // ======= Create controls in prod ======== foreach (ACCSynapseControl A_ctrl in from ac in Acc_Controls where ac.PrdID(AccToPrdID) == 0 select ac) { if (chk_verbose.Checked) { richTextBox1.AppendText(A_ctrl.GetType().Name + ": " + A_ctrl.CTRL_NAME + "\n"); } SynapseControl ctrl = new SynapseControl(); CopyProperties(ctrl, A_ctrl); ctrl.ID = 0; if (chk_save.Checked) { ctrl.save(); } ControlsCount++; CreateLinkEntry(A_ctrl, A_ctrl.ID, ctrl.ID); } // ======= Create profiles in prod ======== foreach (ACCSynapseProfile A_prof in from ap in Acc_Profiles where ap.PrdID(AccToPrdID) == 0 select ap) { if (chk_verbose.Checked) { richTextBox1.AppendText(A_prof.GetType().Name + ": " + A_prof.TECHNICALNAME + "\n"); } SynapseProfile prof = new SynapseProfile(); CopyProperties(prof, A_prof); prof.ID = 0; if (chk_save.Checked) { prof.save(); } ProfilesCount++; CreateLinkEntry(A_prof, A_prof.ID, prof.ID); } // ======= Create link control-profile in prod ======== foreach (ACCSynapseProfile_Control A_profControl in from apc in Acc_ProfileControls where apc.PrdID(AccToPrdID) == 0 select apc) { if (chk_verbose.Checked) { richTextBox1.AppendText(A_profControl.GetType().Name + ": " + A_profControl.FK_PROFILEID + "=>" + A_profControl.FK_CONTROLID + "\n"); } SynapseProfile_Control ProfControl = new SynapseProfile_Control(); ProfControl.IS_ACTIVE = A_profControl.IS_ACTIVE; ProfControl.IS_VISIBLE = A_profControl.IS_VISIBLE; try { ProfControl.FK_CONTROLID = AccToPrdID.ConvertID(typeof(ACCSynapseControl), A_profControl.FK_CONTROLID); ProfControl.FK_PROFILEID = AccToPrdID.ConvertID(typeof(ACCSynapseProfile), A_profControl.FK_PROFILEID); if (chk_save.Checked) { ProfControl.save(); } ProfileControlsCount++; CreateLinkEntry(A_profControl, A_profControl.ID, ProfControl.ID); } catch (MissingFieldException ex) { richTextBox1.AppendText("ERROR(" + ex.Message + "): " + A_profControl.GetType().Name + ": " + A_profControl.FK_PROFILEID + "=>" + A_profControl.FK_CONTROLID + "\n", Color.Red); richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret(); } catch (KeyNotFoundException ex) { richTextBox1.AppendText("WARNING(" + ex.Message + "): " + A_profControl.GetType().Name + ": " + A_profControl.FK_PROFILEID + "=>" + A_profControl.FK_CONTROLID + "\n", Color.Orange); richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret(); } } if (chk_UserAssignment.Checked) { // ======= Create link user-profile in prod ======== foreach (ACCSynapseUser_Profile A_userP in from aup in Acc_UserProfiles where aup.PrdID(AccToPrdID) == 0 select aup) { if (chk_verbose.Checked) { richTextBox1.AppendText(A_userP.GetType().Name + ": " + A_userP.FK_SECURITY_PROFILE + "=>" + A_userP.FK_SECURITY_USER + "\n"); } SynapseUser_Profile UserProf = new SynapseUser_Profile(); try { UserProf.FK_SECURITY_PROFILE = AccToPrdID.ConvertID(typeof(ACCSynapseProfile), A_userP.FK_SECURITY_PROFILE); UserProf.FK_SECURITY_USER = AccToPrdID.ConvertID(typeof(ACCSynapseUser), A_userP.FK_SECURITY_USER); if (chk_save.Checked) { UserProf.save(); } UserAssignmentCount++; CreateLinkEntry(A_userP, A_userP.ID, UserProf.ID); } catch (MissingFieldException ex) { richTextBox1.AppendText("ERROR(" + ex.Message + "): " + A_userP.GetType().Name + ": " + A_userP.FK_SECURITY_PROFILE + "=>" + A_userP.FK_SECURITY_USER + "\n", Color.Red); richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret(); } catch (KeyNotFoundException ex) { richTextBox1.AppendText("WARNING(" + ex.Message + "): " + A_userP.GetType().Name + ": " + A_userP.FK_SECURITY_PROFILE + "=>" + A_userP.FK_SECURITY_USER + "\n", Color.Orange); richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret(); } } } if (chk_save.Checked) { foreach (ACCTOPRD atp in from l in AccToPrdID where l.ID == 0 select l) { atp.save(); } } Int64 lnk = 0; richTextBox1.AppendText(UsersCount + " Users will be added", Color.Blue); lnk = AccToPrdID.Where(l => l.ID == 0 && l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseUser).Name).Count(); richTextBox1.AppendText(" with " + lnk + " new links\n", UsersCount == lnk ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); richTextBox1.AppendText(ControlsCount + " Controls will be added", Color.Blue); lnk = AccToPrdID.Where(l => l.ID == 0 && l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseControl).Name).Count(); richTextBox1.AppendText(" with " + lnk + " new links\n", ControlsCount == lnk ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); richTextBox1.AppendText(ProfilesCount + " Profiles will be added", Color.Blue); lnk = AccToPrdID.Where(l => l.ID == 0 && l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseProfile).Name).Count(); richTextBox1.AppendText(" with " + lnk + " new links\n", ProfilesCount == lnk ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); richTextBox1.AppendText(ProfileControlsCount + " Profile-Control link will be added", Color.Blue); lnk = AccToPrdID.Where(l => l.ID == 0 && l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseProfile_Control).Name).Count(); richTextBox1.AppendText(" with " + lnk + " new links\n", ProfileControlsCount == lnk ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); richTextBox1.AppendText(UserAssignmentCount + " Users assignments will be added", Color.Blue); lnk = AccToPrdID.Where(l => l.ID == 0 && l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseUser_Profile).Name).Count(); richTextBox1.AppendText(" with " + lnk + " new links\n", UserAssignmentCount == lnk ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret(); }
private void btn_analyse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Presentation.Clear(); string[] ids = (from id in olv_Modules.CheckedObjects.Cast <SynapseModule>() select id.ID.ToString()).ToArray(); string str_id = string.Join(",", ids); Prd_Users = SynapseUser.Load(); Acc_Users = ACCSynapseUser.Load(); obj_sync pr = new obj_sync(); pr.Name = typeof(SynapseUser).FullName; pr.PrdCnt = Prd_Users.Count; pr.AccCnt = Acc_Users.Count; pr.Link = (from l in AccToPrdID where l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseUser).Name select l).Count(); Presentation.Add(pr); Prd_Profiles = SynapseProfile.Load("WHERE FK_MODULEID in (" + str_id + ")"); Acc_Profiles = ACCSynapseProfile.Load("WHERE FK_MODULEID in (" + str_id + ")"); pr = new obj_sync(); pr.Name = typeof(SynapseProfile).FullName; pr.PrdCnt = Prd_Profiles.Count; pr.AccCnt = Acc_Profiles.Count; IList <Int64> Acc_Profiles_IDs = (from i in Acc_Profiles select i.ID).ToList(); pr.Link = (from l in AccToPrdID where l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseProfile).Name && Acc_Profiles_IDs.Contains(l.ACCID) select l).Count(); Presentation.Add(pr); string Prd_ProfilesID = string.Join(",", (from p in Prd_Profiles select p.ID.ToString()).ToArray()); string Acc_ProfilesID = string.Join(",", (from p in Acc_Profiles select p.ID.ToString()).ToArray()); Prd_Controls = SynapseControl.Load("WHERE FK_MODULE_ID in (" + str_id + ")"); Acc_Controls = ACCSynapseControl.Load("WHERE FK_MODULE_ID in (" + str_id + ")"); pr = new obj_sync(); pr.Name = typeof(SynapseControl).FullName; pr.PrdCnt = Prd_Controls.Count; pr.AccCnt = Acc_Controls.Count; IList <Int64> Acc_Controls_IDs = (from i in Acc_Controls select i.ID).ToList(); pr.Link = (from l in AccToPrdID where l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseControl).Name && Acc_Controls_IDs.Contains(l.ACCID) select l).Count(); Presentation.Add(pr); string Prd_ControlsID = string.Join(",", (from c in Prd_Controls select c.ID.ToString()).ToArray()); string Acc_ControlsID = string.Join(",", (from c in Acc_Controls select c.ID.ToString()).ToArray()); if (Prd_ControlsID.Length <= 0) { Prd_ProfileControls = new List <SynapseProfile_Control>(); } else { Prd_ProfileControls = SynapseProfile_Control.Load("WHERE FK_CONTROLID in (" + Prd_ControlsID + ")"); } try { Acc_ProfileControls = ACCSynapseProfile_Control.Load("WHERE FK_CONTROLID in (" + Acc_ControlsID + ")"); } catch { Acc_ProfileControls = new List <ACCSynapseProfile_Control>(); } pr = new obj_sync(); pr.Name = typeof(SynapseProfile_Control).FullName; pr.PrdCnt = Prd_ProfileControls.Count; pr.AccCnt = Acc_ProfileControls.Count; IList <Int64> Acc_ProfileControls_IDs = (from i in Acc_ProfileControls select i.ID).ToList(); pr.Link = (from l in AccToPrdID where l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseProfile_Control).Name && Acc_ProfileControls_IDs.Contains(l.ACCID) select l).Count(); Presentation.Add(pr); if (Prd_ProfilesID.Length <= 0) { Prd_UserProfiles = new List <SynapseUser_Profile>(); } else { Prd_UserProfiles = SynapseUser_Profile.Load("WHERE FK_SECURITY_PROFILE in (" + Prd_ProfilesID + ")"); } Acc_UserProfiles = ACCSynapseUser_Profile.Load("WHERE FK_SECURITY_PROFILE in (" + Acc_ProfilesID + ")"); pr = new obj_sync(); pr.Name = typeof(SynapseUser_Profile).FullName; pr.PrdCnt = Prd_UserProfiles.Count; pr.AccCnt = Acc_UserProfiles.Count; IList <Int64> Acc_UserProfiles_IDs = (from i in Acc_UserProfiles select i.ID).ToList(); pr.Link = (from l in AccToPrdID where l.OBJECTTYPE == typeof(ACCSynapseUser_Profile).Name && Acc_UserProfiles_IDs.Contains(l.ACCID) select l).Count(); Presentation.Add(pr); olv_analyse.SetObjects(Presentation); }
public static StringBuilder UpdateControlsInDB(System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection controlCollection, Int64 ModuleID, Hashtable Keys) { StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(); if (Keys == null) { if (controlCollection.Count > 0) { SB.AppendLine(controlCollection[0].FindForm().Name + "=" + controlCollection[0].FindForm().Text); } Keys = new Hashtable(); var SControlCollection = SynapseControl.Load("WHERE FK_MODULE_ID = " + ModuleID.ToString()); foreach (SynapseControl SC in SControlCollection) { try { Keys.Add(SC.FORM_NAME + SC.CTRL_NAME + SC.CTRL_TYPE, SC); } // TODO: Catch more specific exception catch (Exception ex) { SynapseForm.SynapseLogger.Error(ex.Message); } } } foreach (Control C in controlCollection) { string formName = C.FindForm().Name; string controlType = C.GetType().ToString(); if (!Keys.ContainsKey(formName + C.Name + controlType)) { CreateControlInDB(ModuleID, formName, C.Name, controlType); } switch (controlType) { case "System.Windows.Forms.Label": SB.AppendLine(C.FindForm().Name + "." + C.Name + "=" + C.Text); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.Button": SB.AppendLine(C.FindForm().Name + "." + C.Name + "=" + C.Text); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip": MenuStrip Menu = (MenuStrip)C; SB.AppendLine(ListMenuStrip(Menu.Items, C.FindForm().Name, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox": break; case "System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel": FlowLayoutPanel FP = (FlowLayoutPanel)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(FP.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox": SB.AppendLine(C.FindForm().Name + "." + C.Name + "=" + C.Text); GroupBox group = (GroupBox)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(group.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox": break; case "System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox": SB.AppendLine(C.FindForm().Name + "." + C.Name + "=" + C.Text); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip": ToolStrip Tool = (ToolStrip)C; SB.AppendLine(ListMenuStrip(Tool.Items, C.FindForm().Name, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip": StatusStrip Status = (StatusStrip)C; SB.AppendLine(ListMenuStrip(Status.Items, C.FindForm().Name, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripPanel": ContainerControl mycontainer = (ContainerControl)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(mycontainer.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.TabPage": SB.AppendLine(C.FindForm().Name + "." + C.Name + "=" + C.Text); Panel mytabpage = (Panel)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(mytabpage.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.Panel": case "System.Windows.Forms.SplitterPanel": case "System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripContentPanel": Panel myPanel = (Panel)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(myPanel.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripContainer": System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripContainer tscontainer = (System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripContainer)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(tscontainer.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer": System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer mysplit = (System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(mysplit.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.TabControl": TabControl tabControl = (TabControl)C; SB.AppendLine(UpdateControlsInDB(tabControl.Controls, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); break; case "System.Windows.Forms.ListView": ListView liste = (ListView)C; foreach (ColumnHeader Col in liste.Columns) { if (Col.Name != null && Col.Name != "") { SB.AppendLine(C.FindForm().Name + "." + C.Name + "." + Col.Name + "=" + Col.Text); if (!Keys.ContainsKey(formName + C.Name + "." + Col.Name + Col.GetType().ToString())) { CreateControlInDB(ModuleID, formName, C.Name + "." + Col.Name, Col.GetType().ToString()); } } else { SynapseForm.SynapseLogger.Warn("Column with text '" + Col.Text + "' has no name or the default one"); } } break; case "SynapseAdvancedControls.ObjectListView": ObjectListView oliste = (ObjectListView)C; SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelColumns=" + oliste.MenuLabelColumns); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelGroupBy=" + oliste.MenuLabelGroupBy); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelLockGroupingOn=" + oliste.MenuLabelLockGroupingOn); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelSelectColumns=" + oliste.MenuLabelSelectColumns); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelSortAscending=" + oliste.MenuLabelSortAscending); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelSortDescending=" + oliste.MenuLabelSortDescending); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelTurnOffGroups=" + oliste.MenuLabelTurnOffGroups); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelUnlockGroupingOn=" + oliste.MenuLabelUnlockGroupingOn); SB.AppendLine("ObjectListView.MenuLabelUnsort=" + oliste.MenuLabelUnsort); foreach (OLVColumn Col in oliste.AllColumns) { if (Col.Text != null && Col.Text != "") { SB.AppendLine(C.FindForm().Name + "." + C.Name + "." + Col.Text.Replace(' ', '_').ToUpper() + "=" + Col.Text); if (!Keys.ContainsKey(formName + C.Name + "." + Col.Text.Replace(' ', '_').ToUpper() + Col.GetType().ToString())) { CreateControlInDB(ModuleID, formName, C.Name + "." + Col.Text.Replace(' ', '_').ToUpper(), Col.GetType().ToString()); } } else { SynapseForm.SynapseLogger.Warn("Column with text '" + Col.Text + "' has no name or the default one"); } } break; case "SynapseCore.Controls.SynapseGraphic": SynapseGraphic graph = (SynapseGraphic)C; SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.CopyMenu=" + graph.CopyMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.CurveOnlyMenu=" + graph.CurveOnlyMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.CurvesMenu=" + graph.CurvesMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.PageSetupMenu=" + graph.PageSetupMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.PrintMenu=" + graph.PrintMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.SaveAsMenu=" + graph.SaveAsMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.SetDefaultScaleMenu=" + graph.SetDefaultScaleMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.ShowAllCurvesMenu=" + graph.ShowAllCurvesMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.ShowHideCurveMenu=" + graph.ShowHideCurveMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.ShowHideLegendMenu=" + graph.ShowHideLegendMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.ShowPointValuesMenu=" + graph.ShowPointValuesMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.UndoAllZoomMenu=" + graph.UndoAllZoomMenu); SB.AppendLine("SynapseGraphic.UnZoomMenu=" + graph.UnZoomMenu); break; default: if (C is UserControl) { } break; } if (C.ContextMenuStrip != null) { SynapseForm.SynapseLogger.Debug("Context menu found for control '" + C.Name + "' with menu name : '" + C.ContextMenuStrip.Name + "'"); controlType = C.ContextMenuStrip.GetType().ToString(); if (!Keys.ContainsKey(formName + C.ContextMenuStrip.Name + controlType)) { CreateControlInDB(ModuleID, formName, C.ContextMenuStrip.Name, controlType); Keys.Add(formName + C.ContextMenuStrip.Name + controlType, null); } SB.AppendLine(ListMenuStrip(C.ContextMenuStrip.Items, C.FindForm().Name, ModuleID, Keys).ToString()); } } return(SB); }
void ObjectListView1DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { SynapseControl c = (SynapseControl)e.Data.GetData(typeof(SynapseControl)); addControltoProfile(c); }