コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// It's not interesting to report diagnostics on implementation of interface accessors
        /// if the corresponding events or properties are not implemented (i.e. we want to suppress
        /// cascading diagnostics).
        /// Caveat: Indexed property accessors are always interesting.
        /// Caveat: It's also uninteresting if a WinRT event is implemented by a non-WinRT event,
        /// or vice versa.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReportAccessorOfInterfacePropertyOrEvent(Symbol interfacePropertyOrEvent)
            Debug.Assert((object)interfacePropertyOrEvent != null);

            // Accessors of indexed properties are always interesting.
            if (interfacePropertyOrEvent.IsIndexedProperty())
                return true;

            Symbol implementingPropertyOrEvent = this.FindImplementationForInterfaceMemberWithDiagnostics(interfacePropertyOrEvent).Symbol;

            // If the property or event wasn't implemented, then we'd prefer to report diagnostics about that.
            if ((object)implementingPropertyOrEvent == null)
                return false;

            // If the property or event was an event and was implemented, but the WinRT-ness didn't agree,
            // then we'd prefer to report diagnostics about that.
            if (interfacePropertyOrEvent.Kind == SymbolKind.Event && implementingPropertyOrEvent.Kind == SymbolKind.Event &&
                ((EventSymbol)interfacePropertyOrEvent).IsWindowsRuntimeEvent != ((EventSymbol)implementingPropertyOrEvent).IsWindowsRuntimeEvent)
                return false;

            return true;