public static void AdjustSlopes(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz) { int i, n; double multx, multy, deltax, deltay; multx = 1.0 / C.TopMultSlopeX; multy = 1.0 / C.TopMultSlopeY; deltax = -C.TopDeltaSlopeX; deltay = -C.TopDeltaSlopeY; n = lz.Top.Length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { MIPEmulsionTrack.AdjustSlopes(lz.Top[i], multx, multy, deltax, deltay); } multx = 1.0 / C.BottomMultSlopeX; multy = 1.0 / C.BottomMultSlopeY; deltax = -C.BottomDeltaSlopeX; deltay = -C.BottomDeltaSlopeY; n = lz.Bottom.Length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { MIPEmulsionTrack.AdjustSlopes(lz.Bottom[i], multx, multy, deltax, deltay); } }
public LinkedZone(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz) { MyTransformation.Transform(lz.Extents.MinX, lz.Extents.MinY, ref m_Extents.MinX, ref m_Extents.MinY); MyTransformation.Transform(lz.Extents.MaxX, lz.Extents.MaxY, ref m_Extents.MaxX, ref m_Extents.MaxY); MyTransformation.Transform(lz.Center.X, lz.Center.Y, ref m_Center.X, ref m_Center.Y); m_Id = lz.Id; m_Tracks = LinkedZone.AccessTracks(lz); m_Top = lz.Top; m_Bottom = lz.Bottom; foreach (SySal.Scanning.MIPBaseTrack btk in m_Tracks) { tMIPBaseTrack.ApplyTransformation(btk); } SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrack [] mutks; mutks = BatchIntercalibrate.LinkedZone.Side.GetTracks(m_Top); foreach (SySal.Scanning.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack mutk in mutks) { tMIPEmulsionTrack.ApplyTransformation(mutk); } mutks = BatchIntercalibrate.LinkedZone.Side.GetTracks(m_Bottom); foreach (SySal.Scanning.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack mutk in mutks) { tMIPEmulsionTrack.ApplyTransformation(mutk); } }
public void Process() { System.IO.FileStream f = new System.IO.FileStream(BaseName + ".rwc", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.RawData.Catalog Cat = new SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.RawData.Catalog(f); f.Close(); Exe.SFL.Load = new SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.dLoadFragment(LoadFragment); SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz = Exe.SFL.Link(Cat); System.IO.FileStream g = new System.IO.FileStream(BaseName + ".tlg", System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write); lz.Save(g); g.Flush(); g.Close(); double bestdlink = STol; SySal.Scanning.MIPBaseTrack besttrack = null; int i; for (i = 0; i < lz.Length; i++) { if (lz[i].Info.Count >= MinPts) { double dsx, dsy, dlink; dsx = lz[i].Info.Slope.X - Sx; dsy = lz[i].Info.Slope.Y - Sy; dlink = Math.Sqrt(dsx * dsx + dsy * dsy); if (dlink < bestdlink) { besttrack = lz[i]; bestdlink = dlink; } } } if (besttrack != null) { OutF.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} 1 {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17}", Id.Part0, Id.Part1, Id.Part2, Id.Part3, Px, Py, Sx, Sy, PTol, STol, besttrack.Info.Intercept.X, besttrack.Info.Intercept.Y, besttrack.Info.Slope.X, besttrack.Info.Slope.Y, besttrack.Info.Intercept.X - Px, besttrack.Info.Intercept.Y - Py, besttrack.Info.Slope.X - Sx, besttrack.Info.Slope.Y - Sy); } else { OutF.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", Id.Part0, Id.Part1, Id.Part2, Id.Part3, Px, Py, Sx, Sy, PTol, STol); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // // TODO: Add code to start application here // if (args.Length != 3) { System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer xmls = null; Console.WriteLine("BatchReconstruct - performs volume reconstruction using LinkedZones from TLG files or OPERA DB tables."); Console.WriteLine("usage: batchreconstruct <XML list file> <output Opera persistence path> <XML config Opera persistence path>"); Console.WriteLine("or: batchreconstruct <DB volume> <output Opera persistence path> <XML config Opera persistence path>"); Console.WriteLine("or: batchreconstruct <input OPERA persistence path> <output Opera persistence path> <XML config Opera persistence path>"); Console.WriteLine("Full volumes are reprocessed for topological reconstruction only."); Console.WriteLine("---------------- DB volume example: db:\\8\\17723900.vol"); Console.WriteLine("First number is ID_EVENTBRICK, second is ID_VOLUME"); Console.WriteLine("---------------- XML list file example (source = filesystem):"); Input inputlist = new Input(); inputlist.Zones = new Zone[3]; inputlist.Zones[0] = new Zone(); inputlist.Zones[0].SheetId = 8; inputlist.Zones[0].Source = @"\\myserver.mydomain\myshare\plate_08.tlg"; inputlist.Zones[0].Z = 0.0; inputlist.Zones[0].AlignmentIgnoreListPath = @"\\myserver\mydomain\myshare\alignignore_plate_08.txt"; inputlist.Zones[1] = new Zone(); inputlist.Zones[1].SheetId = 9; inputlist.Zones[1].Source = @"\\myserver.mydomain\myshare\plate_09.tlg"; inputlist.Zones[1].Z = -1300.0; inputlist.Zones[2] = new Zone(); inputlist.Zones[2].SheetId = 10; inputlist.Zones[2].Source = @"\\myserver.mydomain\myshare\plate_10.tlg"; inputlist.Zones[2].Z = -2600.0; xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(BatchReconstruct.Input)); xmls.Serialize(Console.Out, inputlist); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---------------- XML list file example (source = OperaDB):"); inputlist.Zones[0].Source = @"db:\1002323.tlg"; inputlist.Zones[1].Source = @"db:\1006326.tlg"; inputlist.Zones[2].Source = @"db:\1009724.tlg"; xmls.Serialize(Console.Out, inputlist); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---------------- XML config file syntax:"); Console.WriteLine("XML configuration syntax:"); BatchReconstruct.Config C = new BatchReconstruct.Config(); C.ReconstructorConfig = (Configuration) new AlphaOmegaReconstructor().Config; xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(BatchReconstruct.Config)); xmls.Serialize(Console.Out, C); Console.WriteLine(); return; } #if !(DEBUG) try #endif { AlphaOmegaReconstructor R = new AlphaOmegaReconstructor(); System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer xmls = null; xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(BatchReconstruct.Config)); Config config = (Config)xmls.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(((SySal.OperaDb.ComputingInfrastructure.ProgramSettings)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[2], typeof(SySal.OperaDb.ComputingInfrastructure.ProgramSettings))).Settings)); R.Config = (SySal.Management.Configuration)config.ReconstructorConfig; R.Progress = new SySal.TotalScan.dProgress(Progress); R.Report = new SySal.TotalScan.dReport(Report); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex volrgx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"db:\\(\d+)\\(\d+)\.vol"); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match mrgx = volrgx.Match(args[0].ToLower()); Input inputlist = null; SySal.TotalScan.Volume OldVol = null; if (args[0].ToLower().EndsWith(".tsr")) { OldVol = (SySal.TotalScan.Volume)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[0], typeof(SySal.TotalScan.Volume)); } else { if (mrgx.Success && mrgx.Length == args[0].Length) { SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbCredentials cred = SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbCredentials.CreateFromRecord(); SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbConnection conn = new SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbConnection(cred.DBServer, cred.DBUserName, cred.DBPassword); conn.Open(); System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); new SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbDataAdapter("SELECT TB_VOLUME_SLICES.ID_PLATE, TB_VOLUME_SLICES.ID_ZONE, VW_PLATES.Z FROM TB_VOLUME_SLICES INNER JOIN VW_PLATES ON (TB_VOLUME_SLICES.ID_EVENTBRICK = VW_PLATES.ID_EVENTBRICK AND TB_VOLUME_SLICES.ID_PLATE = VW_PLATES.ID) WHERE TB_VOLUME_SLICES.DAMAGED = 'N' AND TB_VOLUME_SLICES.ID_EVENTBRICK = " + mrgx.Groups[1].Value + " AND TB_VOLUME_SLICES.ID_VOLUME = " + mrgx.Groups[2].Value + " ORDER BY VW_PLATES.Z DESC", conn, null).Fill(ds); inputlist = new Input(); inputlist.Zones = new Zone[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count]; int sli; for (sli = 0; sli < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; sli++) { inputlist.Zones[sli] = new Zone(); inputlist.Zones[sli].SheetId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[sli][0]); inputlist.Zones[sli].Source = "db:\\" + mrgx.Groups[1] + "\\" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[sli][1].ToString() + ".tlg"; inputlist.Zones[sli].Z = Convert.ToDouble(ds.Tables[0].Rows[sli][2]); } SySal.OperaPersistence.Connection = conn; SySal.OperaPersistence.LinkedZoneDetailLevel = SySal.OperaDb.Scanning.LinkedZone.DetailLevel.BaseFull; } else { System.IO.StreamReader r = new System.IO.StreamReader(args[0]); xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(BatchReconstruct.Input)); inputlist = (Input)xmls.Deserialize(r); r.Close(); } int i, j, c; for (i = 0; i < inputlist.Zones.Length; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < inputlist.Zones.Length; j++) { if (inputlist.Zones[i].SheetId == inputlist.Zones[j].SheetId) { Console.WriteLine("Duplicate SheetId found. Sheets will be renumbered with the default sequence."); for (j = 0; j < inputlist.Zones.Length; j++) { inputlist.Zones[j].SheetId = j; } i = inputlist.Zones.Length; break; } } } for (i = 0; i < inputlist.Zones.Length; i++) { SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(inputlist.Zones[i].Source, typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)); c = lz.Length; SySal.TotalScan.Segment[] segs = new SySal.TotalScan.Segment[c]; double[] zcor = new double[c]; for (j = 0; j < c; j++) { zcor[j] = lz[j].Info.Intercept.Z; } double zmean = NumericalTools.Fitting.Average(zcor); double dgap; for (j = 0; j < c; j++) { SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo info = lz[j].Info; segs[j] = new SySal.TotalScan.Segment(info, new SySal.TotalScan.BaseTrackIndex(j)); dgap = zmean - info.Intercept.Z; info.Intercept.Z = zmean; info.Intercept.X += info.Slope.X * dgap; info.Intercept.Y += info.Slope.Y * dgap; info.TopZ += dgap; info.BottomZ += dgap; info.Intercept.Z = inputlist.Zones[i].Z; double tmptopz = info.TopZ; double tmpbotz = info.BottomZ; dgap = zmean - tmptopz; info.TopZ = inputlist.Zones[i].Z - dgap; info.BottomZ = inputlist.Zones[i].Z - (tmptopz - tmpbotz) - dgap; } SySal.BasicTypes.Vector refc = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector(); refc.Z = inputlist.Zones[i].Z; SySal.TotalScan.Layer tmpLayer = new SySal.TotalScan.Layer(i, /*System.Convert.ToInt64(mrgx.Groups[1].Value)*/ 0, (int)inputlist.Zones[i].SheetId, 0, refc); tmpLayer.AddSegments(segs); R.AddLayer(tmpLayer); if (inputlist.Zones[i].AlignmentIgnoreListPath != null && inputlist.Zones[i].AlignmentIgnoreListPath.Trim().Length != 0) { if (inputlist.Zones[i].AlignmentIgnoreListPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".tlg")) { R.SetAlignmentIgnoreList(i, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIgnoreAlignment)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(inputlist.Zones[i].AlignmentIgnoreListPath, typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIgnoreAlignment))).Ids); } else { System.IO.StreamReader r = new System.IO.StreamReader(inputlist.Zones[i].AlignmentIgnoreListPath.Trim()); System.Collections.ArrayList tmpignorelist = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); string line; while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null) { try { tmpignorelist.Add(System.Convert.ToInt32(line)); } catch (Exception) { } } ; r.Close(); R.SetAlignmentIgnoreList(i, (int[])tmpignorelist.ToArray(typeof(int))); } } Console.WriteLine("Loaded sheet {0} Id {1} Tracks {2}", i, inputlist.Zones[i].SheetId, c); lz = null; } } SySal.TotalScan.Volume V = (OldVol == null) ? R.Reconstruct() : R.RecomputeVertices(OldVol); Console.WriteLine("Result written to: " + SySal.OperaPersistence.Persist(args[1], V)); } #if !(DEBUG) catch (Exception x) { Console.Error.WriteLine(x.ToString()); } #endif }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0 && String.Compare(args[0], "/fulldump", true) == 0) { FullZoneDump = true; string[] oldargs = args; int i; args = new string[oldargs.Length - 1]; for (i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { args[i] = oldargs[i + 1]; } oldargs = null; } System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer xmls = null; if (args.Length == 5) { MakeSlopeAdjustment = true; try { xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(AdjustTrackParameterSet)); C = new AdjustTrackParameterSet(); C = (AdjustTrackParameterSet)xmls.Deserialize(new System.IO.StreamReader(args[4])); xmls = null; C = null; } catch { try { xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(SySal.Executables.BatchLink.Config)); SySal.Executables.BatchLink.Config config = (SySal.Executables.BatchLink.Config)xmls.Deserialize(new System.IO.StreamReader(args[4])); xmls = null; C = new AdjustTrackParameterSet(); C.BottomDeltaSlopeX = config.BottomDeltaSlopeX; C.BottomDeltaSlopeY = config.BottomDeltaSlopeY; C.BottomMultSlopeX = config.BottomMultSlopeX; C.BottomMultSlopeY = config.BottomMultSlopeY; C.TopDeltaSlopeX = config.TopDeltaSlopeX; C.TopDeltaSlopeY = config.TopDeltaSlopeY; C.TopMultSlopeX = config.TopMultSlopeX; C.TopMultSlopeY = config.TopMultSlopeY; } catch { throw new Exception("correction path non correct"); } } string[] oldargs = args; int i; args = new string[oldargs.Length - 1]; for (i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { args[i] = oldargs[i]; } oldargs = null; } if (args.Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine("usage: DumpZone [/fulldump] <StartupFile path> <RWC path> <TLG path> <series> [XML correction path]"); Console.WriteLine("XML correction syntax could be the batchlink configuration, otherwise"); Console.WriteLine("XML correction syntax:"); xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(AdjustTrackParameterSet)); System.IO.StringWriter ss = new System.IO.StringWriter(); xmls.Serialize(ss, C); Console.WriteLine(ss.ToString()); ss.Close(); return; } string startupfile = args[0]; string rwcpath = args[1]; string tlgpath = args[2]; int series = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[3]); xmls = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(SySal.DAQSystem.Drivers.ScanningStartupInfo)); StartupInfo = (SySal.DAQSystem.Drivers.ScanningStartupInfo)xmls.Deserialize(new System.IO.StreamReader(startupfile)); xmls = null; Conn = new SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbConnection(StartupInfo.DBServers, StartupInfo.DBUserName, StartupInfo.DBPassword); Conn.Open(); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.DB = Conn; Trans = Conn.BeginTransaction(); SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz = null; try { lz = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(tlgpath, typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)); if (MakeSlopeAdjustment == true && C != null) { AdjustSlopes(lz); } DumpZone(tlgpath, lz, StartupInfo.Plate.BrickId, StartupInfo.Plate.PlateId, StartupInfo.ProcessOperationId, series, StartupInfo.RawDataPath, System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(rwcpath), System.DateTime.Now, Conn, Trans); Trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception x) { if (Trans != null) { Trans.Rollback(); } Console.WriteLine(x.Message); } Conn.Close(); }
private static long DumpZone(string tlgpath, SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz, long db_brick_id, long db_plate_id, long db_procop_id, long series, string rawdatapath, DateTime starttime, DateTime endtime, SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbConnection conn, SySal.OperaDb.OperaDbTransaction trans) { try { long db_id_zone = 0; int s, i, n; double dz, basez; SySal.Scanning.Plate.Side side; SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo transform = lz.Transform; double TDX = transform.TX - transform.MXX * transform.RX - transform.MXY * transform.RY; double TDY = transform.TY - transform.MYX * transform.RX - transform.MYY * transform.RY; //zone db_id_zone = SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_ZONES.Insert(db_brick_id, db_plate_id, db_procop_id, db_id_zone, lz.Extents.MinX, lz.Extents.MaxX, lz.Extents.MinY, lz.Extents.MaxY, tlgpath, starttime, endtime, series, transform.MXX, transform.MXY, transform.MYX, transform.MYY, TDX, TDY); if (FullZoneDump == false) { return(db_id_zone); } //views for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { if (s == 0) { side = lz.Top; basez = lz.Top.BottomZ; } else { side = lz.Bottom; basez = lz.Bottom.TopZ; } n = ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)side).ViewCount; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.View vw = ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)side).View(i); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_VIEWS.Insert(db_brick_id, db_id_zone, s + 1, //i + 1, vw.Id + 1, vw.TopZ, vw.BottomZ, vw.Position.X, vw.Position.Y); } } SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_VIEWS.Flush(); int TrackId = 0; int UpTrackId = 0; int DownTrackId = 0; SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo info = null; SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo tinfo = null; SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo binfo = null; //Basetracks for (i = 0; i < lz.Length; i++) { if (lz[i].Info.Sigma >= 0) { info = lz[i].Info; tinfo = lz[i].Top.Info; binfo = lz[i].Bottom.Info; } else { continue; } DownTrackId++; basez = lz.Top.BottomZ; dz = (basez - tinfo.Intercept.Z); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_MIPMICROTRACKS.Insert(db_brick_id, db_id_zone, 1, DownTrackId, tinfo.Intercept.X + tinfo.Slope.X * dz, tinfo.Intercept.Y + tinfo.Slope.Y * dz, tinfo.Slope.X, tinfo.Slope.Y, tinfo.Count, tinfo.AreaSum, System.DBNull.Value, tinfo.Sigma, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)(lz.Top[i])).View.Id + 1); UpTrackId++; basez = lz.Bottom.TopZ; dz = (basez - binfo.Intercept.Z); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_MIPMICROTRACKS.Insert(db_brick_id, db_id_zone, 2, UpTrackId, binfo.Intercept.X + binfo.Slope.X * dz, binfo.Intercept.Y + binfo.Slope.Y * dz, binfo.Slope.X, binfo.Slope.Y, binfo.Count, binfo.AreaSum, System.DBNull.Value, binfo.Sigma, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)(lz.Bottom[i])).View.Id + 1); TrackId++; basez = ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)(lz[i].Top)).View.BottomZ; dz = 0; //TODO (basez - info.Intercept.Z); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_MIPBASETRACKS.Insert(db_brick_id, db_id_zone, TrackId, info.Intercept.X + info.Slope.X * dz, info.Intercept.Y + info.Slope.Y * dz, info.Slope.X, info.Slope.Y, info.Count, info.AreaSum, System.DBNull.Value, info.Sigma, 1, DownTrackId, 2, UpTrackId); } //Microtracks for (i = 0; i < lz.Length; i++) { if (lz[i].Info.Sigma >= 0) { continue; } else if (lz[i].Top.Info.Sigma >= 0) { tinfo = lz[i].Top.Info; DownTrackId++; basez = lz.Top.BottomZ; dz = (basez - tinfo.Intercept.Z); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_MIPMICROTRACKS.Insert(db_brick_id, db_id_zone, 1, DownTrackId, tinfo.Intercept.X + tinfo.Slope.X * dz, tinfo.Intercept.Y + tinfo.Slope.Y * dz, tinfo.Slope.X, tinfo.Slope.Y, tinfo.Count, tinfo.AreaSum, System.DBNull.Value, tinfo.Sigma, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)(lz.Top[i])).View.Id + 1); } else if (lz[i].Bottom.Info.Sigma >= 0) { binfo = lz[i].Bottom.Info; UpTrackId++; basez = lz.Bottom.TopZ; dz = (basez - binfo.Intercept.Z); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_MIPMICROTRACKS.Insert(db_brick_id, db_id_zone, 2, UpTrackId, binfo.Intercept.X + binfo.Slope.X * dz, binfo.Intercept.Y + binfo.Slope.Y * dz, binfo.Slope.X, binfo.Slope.Y, binfo.Count, binfo.AreaSum, System.DBNull.Value, binfo.Sigma, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)(lz.Bottom[i])).View.Id + 1); } } SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_MIPMICROTRACKS.Flush(); SySal.OperaDb.Schema.TB_MIPBASETRACKS.Flush(); return(db_id_zone); } catch (Exception x) { throw x; } }
private static void OneZoneIntercalibration(string [] args, ref SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo intercal, bool rewrite) { int i, j, n; int MinMatches = Convert.ToInt32(args[8]); SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone reflz = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[1], typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)); SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo [] refzone = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[reflz.Length]; for (i = 0; i < refzone.Length; i++) { refzone[i] = reflz[i].Info; } reflz = null; GC.Collect(); SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone caliblz = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[2], typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)); SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo [] calibzone = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[caliblz.Length]; for (i = 0; i < calibzone.Length; i++) { calibzone[i] = caliblz[i].Info; } if (!rewrite) { caliblz = null; } GC.Collect(); SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper QMap = new SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper(); SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration C = (SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration)QMap.Config; double postol = Convert.ToDouble(args[4], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double leverarm = Convert.ToDouble(args[6], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); C.PosTol = postol + leverarm; C.SlopeTol = Convert.ToDouble(args[5], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); QMap.Config = C; double ZProj = Convert.ToDouble(args[3], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double maxoffset = Convert.ToDouble(args[7], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair [] pairs = QMap.Match(refzone, calibzone, ZProj, maxoffset, maxoffset); if (pairs.Length < MinMatches) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Too few matching tracks: " + MinMatches.ToString() + " required, " + pairs.Length + " obtained. Aborting."); return; } Console.WriteLine("Matches: " + pairs.Length); n = pairs.Length; double [,] indep = new double[2, n]; double [] dep = new double[n]; double [] res = new double[3]; double dummy = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { indep[0, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(pairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.X - intercal.RX; indep[1, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(pairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.Y - intercal.RY; dep[i] = pairs[i].First.Info.Intercept.X - intercal.RX; } NumericalTools.Fitting.MultipleLinearRegression(indep, dep, ref res, ref dummy); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", res[0], res[1], res[2], dummy); intercal.TX = res[0]; intercal.MXX = res[1]; intercal.MXY = res[2]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { indep[0, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(pairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.X - intercal.RX; indep[1, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(pairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.Y - intercal.RY; dep[i] = pairs[i].First.Info.Intercept.Y - intercal.RY; } NumericalTools.Fitting.MultipleLinearRegression(indep, dep, ref res, ref dummy); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", res[0], res[1], res[2], dummy); intercal.TY = res[0]; intercal.MYX = res[1]; intercal.MYY = res[2]; System.Collections.ArrayList a_goodpairs = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); foreach (SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair p in pairs) { dummy = Math.Abs(intercal.TX + intercal.MXX * (p.Second.Info.Intercept.X - intercal.RX) + intercal.MXY * (p.Second.Info.Intercept.Y - intercal.RY) - p.First.Info.Intercept.X + intercal.RX); if (dummy > postol) { continue; } dummy = Math.Abs(intercal.TY + intercal.MYX * (p.Second.Info.Intercept.X - intercal.RX) + intercal.MYY * (p.Second.Info.Intercept.Y - intercal.RY) - p.First.Info.Intercept.Y + intercal.RY); if (dummy > postol) { continue; } a_goodpairs.Add(p); } Console.WriteLine("remaining " + a_goodpairs.Count); SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair [] goodpairs = (SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair [])a_goodpairs.ToArray(typeof(SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair)); n = goodpairs.Length; indep = new double[2, n]; dep = new double[n]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { indep[0, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(goodpairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.X - intercal.RX; indep[1, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(goodpairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.Y - intercal.RY; dep[i] = goodpairs[i].First.Info.Intercept.X - intercal.RX; } NumericalTools.Fitting.MultipleLinearRegression(indep, dep, ref res, ref dummy); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", res[0], res[1], res[2], dummy); intercal.TX = res[0]; intercal.MXX = res[1]; intercal.MXY = res[2]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { indep[0, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(goodpairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.X - intercal.RX; indep[1, i] = ((SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo)(goodpairs[i].Second.Track)).Intercept.Y - intercal.RY; dep[i] = goodpairs[i].First.Info.Intercept.Y - intercal.RY; } NumericalTools.Fitting.MultipleLinearRegression(indep, dep, ref res, ref dummy); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", res[0], res[1], res[2], dummy); intercal.TY = res[0]; intercal.MYX = res[1]; intercal.MYY = res[2]; CheckIntercalibration(intercal); if (rewrite) { MyTransformation.Transformation = intercal; SySal.OperaPersistence.Persist(args[2], new LinkedZone(caliblz)); } }
private static void ThreeZoneIntercalibration(string [] args, ref SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo intercal, bool rewrite) { int i, n; int MinMatches = Convert.ToInt32(args[11]); SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper QMap = new SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper(); SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration C = (SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration)QMap.Config; C.PosTol = Convert.ToDouble(args[8], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); C.SlopeTol = Convert.ToDouble(args[9], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); QMap.Config = C; double ZProj = Convert.ToDouble(args[7], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double maxoffset = Convert.ToDouble(args[10], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); MapPos [] mappositions = new MapPos[3]; SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone [] savezones = new SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone[3]; for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone reflz = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[1 + n * 2], typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)); SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo [] refzone = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[reflz.Length]; for (i = 0; i < refzone.Length; i++) { refzone[i] = reflz[i].Info; } reflz = null; SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone caliblz = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[2 + n * 2], typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)); if (rewrite) { savezones[n] = caliblz; } SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo [] calibzone = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[caliblz.Length]; for (i = 0; i < calibzone.Length; i++) { calibzone[i] = caliblz[i].Info; } caliblz = null; GC.Collect(); Console.Write("Zone #" + n.ToString() + " "); SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair [] pairs = QMap.Match(refzone, calibzone, ZProj, maxoffset, maxoffset); if (pairs.Length < MinMatches) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Too few matching tracks: " + MinMatches.ToString() + " required, " + pairs.Length + " obtained. Aborting."); return; } Console.WriteLine("Matches: " + pairs.Length); mappositions[n].SetFromPairs(pairs); mappositions[n].X -= intercal.RX; mappositions[n].Y -= intercal.RY; } double x20 = mappositions[2].X - mappositions[0].X; double x10 = mappositions[1].X - mappositions[0].X; double y20 = mappositions[2].Y - mappositions[0].Y; double y10 = mappositions[1].Y - mappositions[0].Y; double det = 1.0 / (x10 * y20 - x20 * y10); double u20 = mappositions[2].DX - mappositions[0].DX; double v20 = mappositions[2].DY - mappositions[0].DY; double u10 = mappositions[1].DX - mappositions[0].DX; double v10 = mappositions[1].DY - mappositions[0].DY; intercal.MXX = (u10 * y20 - u20 * y10) * det; intercal.MXY = (u20 * x10 - u10 * x20) * det; intercal.MYX = (v10 * y20 - v20 * y10) * det; intercal.MYY = (v20 * x10 - v10 * x20) * det; intercal.TX = mappositions[0].DX - intercal.MXX * mappositions[0].X - intercal.MXY * mappositions[0].Y; intercal.TY = mappositions[0].DY - intercal.MYX * mappositions[0].X - intercal.MYY * mappositions[0].Y; intercal.MXX += 1.0; intercal.MYY += 1.0; CheckIntercalibration(intercal); if (rewrite) { MyTransformation.Transformation = intercal; for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { SySal.OperaPersistence.Persist(args[2 + n * 2], new LinkedZone(savezones[n])); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 13 && args.Length != 4 && args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("usage: FlattenTLG.exe <cell map> <TLG to be flattened> <output TLG> <min matches>"); Console.WriteLine(" or"); Console.WriteLine("usage: FlattenTLG.exe <cell map> <min matches>"); Console.WriteLine(" (opens a console to query the transformation map generator)"); Console.WriteLine(" or"); Console.WriteLine("usage: FlattenTLG.exe <reference TLG (supposed flat)> <TLG to be flattened> <output TLG> <cell size> <slope tol> <pos tol> <pos sweep> <z projection> <selection string> <min matches> <z adjust> <z step> <parallel (true|false)>"); Console.WriteLine("Selection function variables:"); foreach (SelFunc sf in KnownFunctions) { Console.WriteLine(sf.Name + " -> " + sf.Desc); } return; } bool usereadymap = (args.Length < 13); bool useconsole = (args.Length == 2); string reftlg = args[0]; string worktlg = useconsole ? "" : args[1]; string outtlg = useconsole ? "" : args[2]; uint MinMatches = 0; int xcells = 0; int ycells = 0; double cellsize = 0.0; int ix, iy; int i, j, k; SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2 Center = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2(); SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle WorkRect; SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone worklz = null; if (useconsole == false) { worklz = SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.FromFile(worktlg); WorkRect = worklz.Extents; } else { WorkRect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle(); } SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle RefRect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle(); RTrackCell[,] WorkCells; if (usereadymap) { MinMatches = Convert.ToUInt32(args[useconsole ? 1 : 3]); System.IO.StreamReader cr = new System.IO.StreamReader(args[0]); while (cr.EndOfStream == false) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = rx_CellMap.Match(cr.ReadLine()); if (m.Success) { RefRect.MinX = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value); RefRect.MaxX = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[2].Value); RefRect.MinY = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[3].Value); RefRect.MaxY = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[4].Value); cellsize = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[5].Value); xcells = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[6].Value); ycells = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[7].Value); break; } } Center.X = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinX + RefRect.MaxX); Center.Y = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinY + RefRect.MaxY); WorkCells = new RTrackCell[xcells, ycells]; for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++) { SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle rect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle(); rect.MinX = RefRect.MinX + ix * cellsize; rect.MaxX = rect.MinX + cellsize; rect.MinY = RefRect.MinY + iy * cellsize; rect.MaxY = rect.MinY + cellsize; WorkCells[ix, iy] = new RTrackCell(rect, Center); WorkCells[ix, iy].Result = NumericalTools.ComputationResult.InvalidInput; } } while (cr.EndOfStream == false) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = rx_Cell.Match(cr.ReadLine()); if (m.Success) { ix = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); iy = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].Result = NumericalTools.ComputationResult.OK; WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.X = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[4].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.Y = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[5].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[6].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[7].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[8].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[9].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[10].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[11].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[12].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.X = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[13].Value); WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.Y = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[14].Value); } } cr.Close(); if (useconsole) { GridInterpolation G1 = new GridInterpolation(WorkCells, cellsize, RefRect, (int)MinMatches); Console.WriteLine("Type a pair of coordinates ( X Y ) to get the transformation map.\r\nEOF (CTRL+Z to exit)."); double x, y; string line; while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != null) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = rx_XY.Match(line); x = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value); y = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[2].Value); SySal.BasicTypes.Vector dslope = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector(); SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo dpos = new SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo(); bool result = G1.Evaluate(x, y, ref dslope, ref dpos); Console.WriteLine(x + " " + y + " -> " + (result ? "OK" : "FAILED") + " " + dpos.RX + " " + dpos.RY + " " + dpos.MXX + " " + dpos.MXY + " " + dpos.MYX + " " + dpos.MYY + " " + dpos.TX + " " + dpos.TY + " " + dpos.TZ + " " + dslope.X + " " + dslope.Y); } return; } } else { cellsize = Convert.ToDouble(args[3]); double slopetol = Convert.ToDouble(args[4]); double postol = Convert.ToDouble(args[5]); double possweep = Convert.ToDouble(args[6]); double DZ = Convert.ToDouble(args[7]); string selstring = args[8]; MinMatches = Convert.ToUInt32(args[9]); double ZAdj = Convert.ToDouble(args[10]); double ZStep = Convert.ToDouble(args[11]); bool IsParallel = Convert.ToBoolean(args[12]); NumericalTools.CStyleParsedFunction S = new NumericalTools.CStyleParsedFunction(selstring); dSel[] pMap = new dSel[S.ParameterList.Length]; for (j = 0; j < S.ParameterList.Length; j++) { string sp = S.ParameterList[j]; for (i = 0; i < KnownFunctions.Length && String.Compare(sp, KnownFunctions[i].Name, true) != 0; i++) { ; } if (i == KnownFunctions.Length) { throw new Exception("Unknown parameter \"" + sp + "\"."); } pMap[j] = KnownFunctions[i].Evaluate; } SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone reflz = SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.FromFile(reftlg); RefRect = reflz.Extents; if (WorkRect.MinX > RefRect.MinX) { RefRect.MinX = WorkRect.MinX; } if (WorkRect.MaxX < RefRect.MaxX) { RefRect.MaxX = WorkRect.MaxX; } if (WorkRect.MinY > RefRect.MinY) { RefRect.MinY = WorkRect.MinY; } if (WorkRect.MaxY < RefRect.MaxY) { RefRect.MaxY = WorkRect.MaxY; } Center.X = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinX + RefRect.MaxX); Center.Y = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinY + RefRect.MaxY); xcells = (int)Math.Ceiling((RefRect.MaxX - RefRect.MinX) / cellsize); ycells = (int)Math.Ceiling((RefRect.MaxY - RefRect.MinY) / cellsize); Console.WriteLine("X/Y Cells: " + xcells + "/" + ycells); if (xcells <= 0 || ycells <= 0) { throw new Exception("Null working area."); } RTrackCell[,] RefCells = new RTrackCell[xcells, ycells]; WorkCells = new RTrackCell[xcells, ycells]; for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++) { SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle rect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle(); rect.MinX = RefRect.MinX + ix * cellsize; rect.MaxX = rect.MinX + cellsize; rect.MinY = RefRect.MinY + iy * cellsize; rect.MaxY = rect.MinY + cellsize; RefCells[ix, iy] = new RTrackCell(rect, Center); WorkCells[ix, iy] = new RTrackCell(rect, Center); } } SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz; RTrackCell[,] rtc; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 0) { lz = reflz; rtc = RefCells; } else { lz = worklz; rtc = WorkCells; } for (j = 0; j < lz.Length; j++) { SySal.Scanning.MIPBaseTrack tk = lz[j] as SySal.Scanning.MIPBaseTrack; for (k = 0; k < pMap.Length; k++) { S[k] = pMap[k](tk); } if (S.Evaluate() != 0.0) { ix = (int)((tk.Info.Intercept.X - RefRect.MinX) / cellsize); iy = (int)((tk.Info.Intercept.Y - RefRect.MinY) / cellsize); if (ix >= 0 && ix < xcells && iy >= 0 && iy < ycells) { RTrack rtr = new RTrack(); rtr.Slope.X = tk.Info.Slope.X; rtr.Slope.Y = tk.Info.Slope.Y; rtr.Position.X = tk.Info.Intercept.X; rtr.Position.Y = tk.Info.Intercept.Y; rtc[ix, iy].Add(rtr); } } } } for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++) { Console.WriteLine("Ref " + RefCells[ix, iy].Average.X + " " + RefCells[ix, iy].Average.Y + " " + RefCells[ix, iy].Count); Console.WriteLine("Work " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.X + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.Y + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Count); } } SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper QM = new SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper(); SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration qmc = QM.Config as SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration; qmc.FullStatistics = false; qmc.UseAbsoluteReference = true; qmc.PosTol = postol; qmc.SlopeTol = slopetol; for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++) { SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[] rinfo = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[RefCells[ix, iy].Count]; SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[] winfo = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[WorkCells[ix, iy].Count]; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[] inf = (i == 0) ? rinfo : winfo; RTrackCell[,] cells = (i == 0) ? RefCells : WorkCells; double dz = (i == 0) ? 0.0 : DZ; for (j = 0; j < inf.Length; j++) { RTrack r = cells[ix, iy].Get(j); inf[j] = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo(); inf[j].Slope.X = r.Slope.X; inf[j].Slope.Y = r.Slope.Y; inf[j].Intercept.X = r.Position.X; inf[j].Intercept.Y = r.Position.Y; inf[j].Intercept.Z = dz; } } SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair[] pairs = new SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair[0]; double bestdz = 0.0; if (rinfo.Length >= 2 && winfo.Length >= 2) { double dz1; if (IsParallel) { System.Collections.ArrayList thrarr = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); for (dz1 = -ZAdj; dz1 <= ZAdj; dz1 += ZStep) { MapThread mthr = new MapThread(); mthr.m_rinfo = rinfo; mthr.m_winfo = winfo; mthr.m_DZ = DZ + dz1; mthr.m_PosSweep = possweep; mthr.m_PosTol = postol; mthr.m_SlopeTol = slopetol; mthr.m_Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(mthr.Execute)); mthr.m_Thread.Start(); thrarr.Add(mthr); } foreach (MapThread mt in thrarr) { mt.m_Thread.Join(); if (mt.m_Pairs.Length > pairs.Length) { bestdz = mt.m_DZ - DZ; pairs = mt.m_Pairs; } } } else { for (dz1 = -ZAdj; dz1 <= ZAdj; dz1 += ZStep) { SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair[] qairs = QM.Match(rinfo, winfo, DZ + dz1, possweep, possweep); if (qairs.Length > pairs.Length) { bestdz = dz1; pairs = qairs; } } } } double[] alignpars = new double[7]; SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2 slopedelta = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2(); SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2 slopetolv = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2(); double[] dslx = new double[pairs.Length]; double[] dsly = new double[pairs.Length]; for (j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++) { dslx[j] = pairs[j].First.Info.Slope.X - pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.X; } PeakFit(dslx, slopetol, out slopedelta.X, out slopetolv.X); for (j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++) { dsly[j] = pairs[j].First.Info.Slope.Y - pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.Y; } PeakFit(dsly, slopetol, out slopedelta.Y, out slopetolv.Y); int gooddslopes = 0; for (j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++) { if ((slopedelta.X - slopetolv.X) < dslx[j] && dslx[j] < (slopedelta.X + slopetolv.X) && (slopedelta.Y - slopetolv.Y) < dsly[j] && dsly[j] < (slopedelta.Y + slopetolv.Y)) { gooddslopes++; } } if (gooddslopes > 0) { double[] DX = new double[gooddslopes]; double[] DY = new double[gooddslopes]; double[] X = new double[gooddslopes]; double[] Y = new double[gooddslopes]; double[] SX = new double[gooddslopes]; double[] SY = new double[gooddslopes]; for (j = i = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++) { if ((slopedelta.X - slopetolv.X) < dslx[j] && dslx[j] < (slopedelta.X + slopetolv.X) && (slopedelta.Y - slopetolv.Y) < dsly[j] && dsly[j] < (slopedelta.Y + slopetolv.Y)) { X[i] = pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.X - WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RX; Y[i] = pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.Y - WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RY; SX[i] = pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.X; SY[i] = pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.Y; DX[i] = pairs[j].First.Info.Intercept.X - pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.X; DY[i] = pairs[j].First.Info.Intercept.Y - pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.Y; //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"c:\flattentlg.txt", "\r\n" + ix + " " + iy + " " + i + " " + j + " " + pairs.Length + " " + gooddslopes + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RY + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + SX[i] + " " + SY[i] + " " + DX[i] + " " + DY[i] + " " + bestdz); i++; } } WorkCells[ix, iy].Result = IteratedAffineFocusing(DX, DY, X, Y, SX, SY, postol, ref alignpars); } else { WorkCells[ix, iy].Result = NumericalTools.ComputationResult.InvalidInput; } WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches = pairs.Length; WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ = alignpars[6] + bestdz; WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX = alignpars[4]; WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY = alignpars[5]; WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX = 1.0 + alignpars[0]; WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY = 0.0 + alignpars[1]; WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX = 0.0 + alignpars[2]; WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY = 1.0 + alignpars[3]; WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo = slopedelta; Console.WriteLine("Fit " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Result + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.X + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.Y); } } int goodcells = 0; for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++) { if (WorkCells[ix, iy].Result == NumericalTools.ComputationResult.OK && WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches >= MinMatches) { goodcells++; } } } Console.WriteLine("Good cells: " + goodcells); Console.WriteLine("--------CELLS"); Console.WriteLine("CELLMAP " + RefRect.MinX + " " + RefRect.MaxX + " " + RefRect.MinY + " " + RefRect.MaxY + " " + cellsize + " " + xcells + " " + ycells); Console.WriteLine("IX\tIY\tN\tX\tY\tMXX\tMXY\tMYX\tMYY\tTX\tTY\tTZ\tTDSX\tTDSY"); for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++) { if (WorkCells[ix, iy].Result == NumericalTools.ComputationResult.OK && WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches >= MinMatches) { Console.WriteLine(ix + "\t" + iy + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.X + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.Y + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.X + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.Y); } } } Console.WriteLine("--------ENDCELLS"); } SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.Writer outlzw = new SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.Writer(outtlg, worklz.Id, worklz.Extents, worklz.Center, worklz.Transform); outlzw.SetZInfo(worklz.Top.TopZ, worklz.Top.BottomZ, worklz.Bottom.TopZ, worklz.Bottom.BottomZ); for (i = 0; i < ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Top).ViewCount; i++) { outlzw.AddView(((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Top).View(i), true); } for (i = 0; i < ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Bottom).ViewCount; i++) { outlzw.AddView(((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Bottom).View(i), false); } SySal.BasicTypes.Vector proj = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector(); Console.WriteLine("Writing flattened TLG..."); GridInterpolation G = new GridInterpolation(WorkCells, cellsize, RefRect, (int)MinMatches); System.DateTime start = System.DateTime.Now; for (i = 0; i < worklz.Length; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { System.DateTime nw = System.DateTime.Now; if ((nw - start).TotalMilliseconds >= 10000) { Console.WriteLine((i * 100 / worklz.Length) + "%"); start = nw; } } SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo baseinfo = worklz[i].Info; SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo transforminfo = new SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo(); transforminfo.RX = Center.X; transforminfo.RY = Center.Y; SySal.BasicTypes.Vector tds = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector(); G.Evaluate(baseinfo.Intercept.X, baseinfo.Intercept.Y, ref tds, ref transforminfo); proj.X = -baseinfo.Slope.X * transforminfo.TZ; proj.Y = -baseinfo.Slope.Y * transforminfo.TZ; proj.Z = 0.0; baseinfo.Intercept = transforminfo.Transform(baseinfo.Intercept) + proj; baseinfo.Slope = transforminfo.Deform(baseinfo.Slope) + tds; SySal.Scanning.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack toptk = worklz[i].Top; SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo topinfo = toptk.Info; SySal.Scanning.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack bottomtk = worklz[i].Bottom; SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo bottominfo = bottomtk.Info; topinfo.Intercept = transforminfo.Transform(topinfo.Intercept) + proj; topinfo.Slope = transforminfo.Deform(topinfo.Slope) + tds; bottominfo.Intercept = transforminfo.Transform(bottominfo.Intercept) + proj; bottominfo.Slope = transforminfo.Deform(bottominfo.Slope) + tds; outlzw.AddMIPEmulsionTrack(topinfo, i, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)toptk).View.Id, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)toptk).OriginalRawData, true); outlzw.AddMIPEmulsionTrack(bottominfo, i, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)bottomtk).View.Id, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)bottomtk).OriginalRawData, false); outlzw.AddMIPBasetrack(baseinfo, i, i, i); } outlzw.Complete(); Console.WriteLine("Written \"" + outtlg + "\"."); }