public void FlushEvents() { string qaEventsStringJson = null; lock (qaLogEventQueued) { if (qaLogEventQueued.Count > 0) { qaEventsStringJson = SwrveUnityMiniJSON.Json.Serialize(this.qaLogEventQueued); SwrveLog.LogInfo("Swrve: will flush the QA queue, total of " + qaLogEventQueued.Count + "events"); qaLogEventQueued.Clear(); } } MakeRequest(qaEventsStringJson); }
private void MakeRequest(string qaEventsStringJson) { if (qaEventsStringJson == null) { return; } byte[] qaPostEncodedData = null; qaPostEncodedData = PostBodyBuilder.BuildQaEvent(apiKey, appId, userId, this.deviceUUID, appVersion, SwrveHelper.GetMilliseconds(), qaEventsStringJson); Dictionary <string, string> requestHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string> { { @"Content-Type", @"application/json; charset=utf-8" } }; if (qaPostEncodedData != null) { container.StartCoroutine(restClient.Post(endPoint, qaPostEncodedData, requestHeaders, RestListener)); SwrveLog.LogInfo("Swrve: SwrveQa Json Event sent:" + qaEventsStringJson); } }
public static void Update(Dictionary <string, object> qaUserDictionary) { if (qaUserDictionary == null) { SwrveQaUser.Instance.loggingEnabled = false; SwrveQaUser.Instance.resetDevice = false; } else { if (qaUserDictionary.ContainsKey("logging")) { SwrveQaUser.Instance.loggingEnabled = (bool)qaUserDictionary["logging"]; if (SwrveQaUser.Instance.loggingEnabled) { SwrveLog.LogInfo("Swrve: user just updated as QaUser!"); } } if (qaUserDictionary.ContainsKey("reset_device_state")) { SwrveQaUser.Instance.resetDevice = (bool)qaUserDictionary["reset_device_state"]; } } }
public static void LogInfo(object message) { SwrveLog.LogInfo(message, "activity"); }
private void InitialisePushADM(MonoBehaviour container) { try { bool registered = false; this.admDeviceToken = storage.Load(AdmDeviceTokenSave); //Only execute this once if (!androidADMPluginInitialized) { androidADMPluginInitialized = true; string pluginPackageName = SwrveAndroidADMPushPluginPackageName; string jniPluginClassName = pluginPackageName.Replace(".", "/"); if (AndroidJNI.FindClass(jniPluginClassName).ToInt32() == 0) { SwrveLog.LogError("Could not find class: " + jniPluginClassName + " Are you using the correct SwrveSDKPushSupport plugin given the swrve config.AndroidPushProvider setting?"); //Force crash by calling another JNI call without clearing exceptions. //This is to enforce proper integration AndroidJNI.FindClass(jniPluginClassName); return; } androidADMPlugin = new AndroidJavaClass(pluginPackageName); if (androidADMPlugin == null) { SwrveLog.LogError("Found class, but unable to construct AndroidJavaClass: " + jniPluginClassName); return; } // Check that the plugin version is correct int pluginVersion = androidADMPlugin.CallStatic <int>(GetVersionName); if (pluginVersion != AdmPushPluginVersion) { // Plugin with changes to the public API not supported androidADMPlugin = null; throw new Exception("The version of the Swrve Android Push plugin" + pluginPackageName + "is different. This Swrve SDK needs version " + pluginVersion); } else { androidADMPluginInitializedSuccessfully = true; SwrveLog.LogInfo("Android Push Plugin initialised successfully: " + jniPluginClassName); } } if (androidADMPluginInitializedSuccessfully) { registered = androidADMPlugin.CallStatic <bool>( InitialiseAdmName,, config.AndroidPushNotificationIconId, config.AndroidPushNotificationMaterialIconId, config.AndroidPushNotificationLargeIconId, config.AndroidPushNotificationAccentColorHex); } if (!registered) { SwrveLog.LogError("Could not communicate with the Swrve Android ADM Push plugin."); } } catch (Exception exp) { SwrveLog.LogError("Could not initalise push: " + exp.ToString()); } }