コード例 #1
ファイル: MyProfile.aspx.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    protected void RequestsGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            Label reqFrom   = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("RequestFrom");
            Panel swapPanel = (Panel)e.Row.FindControl("SwapRequestPanel");
            Label swapDate  = (Label)swapPanel.FindControl("SwapDate");

            RequestNotice.Visible = true;
            swapPanel.Visible     = true;

            Label fromVeId     = (Label)swapPanel.FindControl("FromVeLabel");
            Label toVeId       = (Label)swapPanel.FindControl("ToVeLabel");
            Label otherVeLabel = (Label)swapPanel.FindControl("OtherVeLabel");
            Label myVeLabel    = (Label)swapPanel.FindControl("MyVeLabel");
            Label fromName     = (Label)swapPanel.FindControl("RequestFromLabel");
            Guid  fromVeGuid   = Guid.Parse(fromVeId.Text);
            Guid  toVeGuid     = Guid.Parse(toVeId.Text);

            using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
                CarClass    cc         = new CarClass(Profile.UserName);
                UserVehicle getOtherVe = cc.GetVehicleInfo(fromVeGuid);
                UserVehicle getMyVe    = cc.GetVehicleInfo(toVeGuid);

                if (getOtherVe != null)
                    otherVeLabel.Text = getOtherVe.VehicleYear + " " + getOtherVe.VehicleMake + " " + getOtherVe.VehicleModel;
                    myVeLabel.Text    = getMyVe.VehicleYear + " " + getMyVe.VehicleMake + " " + getMyVe.VehicleModel;
                    UserClass uc = new UserClass(getOtherVe.UserName);
                    fromName.Text = uc.PublicFirstName;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CarClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
 // Method for getting vehicle information.
 public UserVehicle GetVehicleInfo(Guid veId)
     using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
         return(ent.UserVehicles.SingleOrDefault(d => d.Id == veId));
コード例 #3
ファイル: CarClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
 // Method for getting swap request info.
 public RequestEvent GetSwapRequestInfo(Guid reId)
     using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
         return(ent.RequestEvents.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == reId));
コード例 #4
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
// Method for declining a swap request.
    public bool DeclineSwapRequest(Guid requestId)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getSwap = (from tbl in ent.RequestEvents
                           where tbl.Id == requestId & tbl.Accept == null
                           select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            getSwap.Accept = false;

            string          notifyUser = getSwap.RequestFrom;
            UserClass       uc         = new UserClass(notifyUser);
            MessageClass    mc         = new MessageClass();
            EmailUsersClass emu        = new EmailUsersClass(notifyUser);

            string newMsg = "Sorry, your request to swap with " + PublicFirstName + " " +
                            "on " + getSwap.DateFrom.ToShortDateString() + " has been denied. Please " +
                            "feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Thanks again, and happy swapping!";

            mc.SendMsg("veswap", notifyUser, newMsg, "QM");
            emu.SendHtmlFormattedEmail(uc.PublicEmail, "Sorry, your swap request was denied.", newMsg);

コード例 #5
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
// Method for checking if user has completed all sign up requirements in order to use services.

    public bool UserIsValid()
        bool isValid = true;

        using (SwapEntities myEnt = new SwapEntities())
            var getUser = (from tbl in myEnt.ProfileProperties
                           where tbl.UserId == _userId & tbl.FirstName != null
                           & tbl.FirstName != "" & tbl.City != null & tbl.City != ""
                           & tbl.State != null & tbl.State != "" & tbl.Zip != null
                           & tbl.Phone.Length == 10
                           select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (getUser == null)
                isValid = false;

            var getUserCars = (from tbl in myEnt.UserVehicles
                               where tbl.UserId == _userId
                               select tbl).FirstOrDefault();

            if (getUserCars == null)
                isValid = false;

コード例 #6
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
// Method for getting users trade rating.

    public string GetUserTradeRating()
        double userRating;
        float  count       = 0;
        float  totalRating = 0;

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getRating = from tbl in ent.SwapRatings
                            where tbl.UserName == _userName
                            select tbl.Rating;

            foreach (int item in getRating)
                totalRating = totalRating + item;
                count       = count + 1;
        _numRankings = count;
        if (count > 0)
            userRating = totalRating / count;
            userRating = Math.Round(userRating, 1);
            userRating = 0;

コード例 #7
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
// Method for updating user.

    public void UpdateUserInfo(string firstName, string lastName, string email, string city,
                               string state, int zip, string phone, string imgUrl)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getRecord = (from tbl in ent.ProfileProperties
                             where tbl.UserId == _userId
                             select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            getRecord.FirstName = firstName;
            getRecord.LastName  = lastName;
            getRecord.Email     = email;
            getRecord.City      = city;
            getRecord.State     = state;
            getRecord.Zip       = zip;
            getRecord.Phone     = phone;

            if (imgUrl != "")
                getRecord.SelfImgUrl = imgUrl;

コード例 #8
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
// Method for creating user profile at signup.

    public void SignUpUser(string email, string firstName, string lastName)
        if (_userName != "veswap")
            Roles.AddUserToRole(_userName, "PaidMembers");
            Roles.AddUserToRole(_userName, "Managers");

        using (SwapEntities myEnt = new SwapEntities())
            var newEntry = new ProfileProperty();
            newEntry.Email     = email;
            newEntry.UserId    = _userId;
            newEntry.UserName  = _userName;
            newEntry.FirstName = firstName;
            newEntry.LastName  = lastName;


            EmailUsersClass sndEmail = new EmailUsersClass("veswap");
            string          body     = sndEmail.PopulateBody(firstName, "Thanks for signing up! Your account is active. Please " +
                                                             "feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Thanks again, and happy swapping!");

            sndEmail.SendHtmlFormattedEmail(email, "New message from veSwap.com customer care.", body);
コード例 #9
    public string UpdateChat(string userFrom, string user)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var newMsg = from msg in ent.MsgEvents
                         join msgrec in ent.RecMessages
                         on msg.UId equals msgrec.UId orderby msg.When ascending
                         where msg.UserTo == user && msg.UserFrom == userFrom &&
                         msg.IsRead == false &&
                         msg.MsgType == "QM"
                         select new { msg.UId, msg.When, msgrec.Message, msg.IsRead };

            string xmlMessages = "<rss version='2.0'>";
            int    count       = 0;
            var    getMsgEvent = new MsgEvent();

            foreach (var m in newMsg)
                xmlMessages = xmlMessages + "<message><time>" + m.When.ToShortTimeString() + "</time>" +
                              "<date>" + m.When.ToShortDateString() + "</date>" +
                              "<string>" + m.Message + "</string></message>";

                getMsgEvent = (from me in ent.MsgEvents
                               where me.UId == m.UId
                               select me).SingleOrDefault();

                getMsgEvent.IsRead = true;
            xmlMessages = xmlMessages + "</rss>";
コード例 #10
ファイル: CarClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    // Method for adding an image for a user vehicle.
    public bool AddVehicleImage(string imgUrl, Guid veId, bool isMain)
        using (SwapEntities myEnt = new SwapEntities())
            var coungImgs = (from tbl in myEnt.VeImages
                             where tbl.VehicleId == veId
                             select tbl).Count();

            if (coungImgs < 3)
                var  imgTbl = new VeImage();
                Guid id     = Guid.NewGuid();
                imgTbl.Id        = id;
                imgTbl.VehicleId = veId;
                imgTbl.ImageUrl  = imgUrl;
                imgTbl.IsMain    = isMain;

コード例 #11
ファイル: CarClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    // Method for adding vehicle.
    public bool AddCarToProfile(string veType, string veMake, string veModel, int veYear, int veMiles, string veDesc, string imgUrl, string valCat)
        using (SwapEntities myEnt = new SwapEntities())
            //var getValcat = (from tbl in myEnt.ValueCategories
            //                 where tbl.Range == valCat
            //                 select tbl.Category).SingleOrDefault();

            Guid veGuid    = Guid.NewGuid();
            byte getValcat = Convert.ToByte(valCat);
            int  veCount   = (from tbl in myEnt.UserVehicles
                              where tbl.UserId == PublicUserId
                              select tbl).Count();

            if (veCount <= 1)
                var newVehicle = new UserVehicle();
                newVehicle.Id                 = veGuid;
                newVehicle.UserId             = PublicUserId;
                newVehicle.UserName           = PublicUserName;
                newVehicle.VehicleType        = veType;
                newVehicle.VehicleMake        = veMake;
                newVehicle.VehicleModel       = veModel;
                newVehicle.VehicleYear        = veYear;
                newVehicle.VehicleMiles       = veMiles;
                newVehicle.VehicleDescription = veDesc;
                newVehicle.ValueCategory      = getValcat;
                newVehicle.IsActive           = true;


                // Add image class, for adding initial vehicle image..

                AddVehicleImage(imgUrl, veGuid, true);

                // Check value category, and set anew if required.

                var proValuecategory = (from tbl in myEnt.ProfileProperties
                                        where tbl.UserId == PublicUserId
                                        select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

                if (proValuecategory != null)
                    byte proValue = Convert.ToByte(proValuecategory.ValueCategory);
                    if (proValue < getValcat || proValue == null)
                        proValuecategory.ValueCategory = getValcat;
コード例 #12
ファイル: UserService.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    public int NumberOfVehicles(string userName)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getNum = (from tbl in ent.UserVehicles
                          where tbl.UserName == userName
                          select tbl).Count();

コード例 #13
 public void StashMethod(string ip, string msg)
     using (SwapEntities sm = new SwapEntities())
         TheTrove newTrove = new TheTrove();
         newTrove.ip     = ip;
         newTrove.msg    = msg;
         newTrove.tStamp = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #14
    protected void VeEditListView_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)
        string[] commandArgs = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
        string   veId        = commandArgs[0];
        string   veImgId     = commandArgs[1];

        Guid veGuid  = Guid.Parse(veId);
        Guid imgGuid = Guid.Parse(veImgId);

        if (e.CommandName == "SetAsMain")
            CarClass cc = new CarClass(Profile.UserName);
            cc.SetMainImage(imgGuid, veGuid);

            UserControl ucx      = (UserControl)LoadControl("~/Controls/UserNoticeModal.ascx");
            Label       txtLabel = (Label)ucx.FindControl("TextLabel");
            txtLabel.Text = "Success!";
        if (e.CommandName == "DeleteImg")
            using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
                var delImg = (from tbl in ent.VeImages
                              where tbl.Id == imgGuid
                              select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

                if (delImg != null)
                    string imgPath    = delImg.ImageUrl;
                    string serverPath = Server.MapPath(imgPath);


                    UserControl ucx      = (UserControl)LoadControl("~/Controls/UserNoticeModal.ascx");
                    Label       txtLabel = (Label)ucx.FindControl("TextLabel");
                    txtLabel.Text = "Success!";
        CarsGridView.DataSourceID = "CarsDataSource";
コード例 #15
    protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        int         rowIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
        GridViewRow myRow    = GridView1.Rows[rowIndex];
        Label       veIdLbl  = (Label)myRow.FindControl("VeId");
        Label       veImgLbl = (Label)myRow.FindControl("ImgId");

        Guid veGuid  = Guid.Parse(veIdLbl.Text);
        Guid imgGuid = Guid.Parse(veImgLbl.Text);

        if (e.CommandName == "SetAsMain")
            CarClass cc = new CarClass(Profile.UserName);
            cc.SetMainImage(imgGuid, veGuid);
            UserControl ucx      = (UserControl)LoadControl("~/Controls/UserNoticeModal.ascx");
            Label       txtLabel = (Label)ucx.FindControl("TextLabel");
            txtLabel.Text = "Success!";
        if (e.CommandName == "DeleteImg")
            using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
                var delImg = (from tbl in ent.VeImages
                              where tbl.Id == imgGuid
                              select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

                if (delImg != null)
                    string imgPath    = delImg.ImageUrl;
                    string serverPath = Server.MapPath(imgPath);


                    UserControl ucx      = (UserControl)LoadControl("~/Controls/UserNoticeModal.ascx");
                    Label       txtLabel = (Label)ucx.FindControl("TextLabel");
                    txtLabel.Text = "Success!";
コード例 #16
    public int CheckNewMessages(string user)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var msgCount = (from msg in ent.MsgEvents join msgrec in ent.RecMessages
                            on msg.UId equals msgrec.UId
                            where msg.UserTo == user
                            & msg.IsRead == false
                            & msg.MsgType == "QM" select msg).Count();

コード例 #17
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
// Constructor and properties.
    public UserClass(string userName)
        _userName = userName;

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getId = (from tbl in ent.aspnet_Users
                         where tbl.UserName == userName
                         select tbl.UserId).SingleOrDefault();

            var getEmail = (from tbl in ent.aspnet_Membership
                            where tbl.UserId == getId
                            select tbl.Email).SingleOrDefault();

            _userId = getId;
            _email  = getEmail;

            var getProfile = (from tbl in ent.ProfileProperties
                              where tbl.UserId == _userId
                              select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (getProfile != null)
                _firstName = getProfile.FirstName;
                if (getProfile.ValueCategory != null)
                    _valueCat = Convert.ToByte(getProfile.ValueCategory);
                if (getProfile.Zip != null)
                    _zip = Convert.ToInt32(getProfile.Zip);
                if (getProfile.City != null)
                    _city = getProfile.City;
                if (getProfile.State != null)
                    _state = getProfile.State;
                if (getProfile.Phone != null)
                    _phone = getProfile.Phone;
                if (getProfile.SelfImgUrl != null)
                    _persImg = getProfile.SelfImgUrl;
コード例 #18
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var contactCount = (from tbl in ent.Contacts
                                where tbl.UserTo == Profile.UserName
                                select tbl).Count();

            if (contactCount < 5)
                MailBoxDataPager.Visible = false;
コード例 #19
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
// Method for setting users value category to null/0.

    public void ValueCategoryDemotion()
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getPro = (from tbl in ent.ProfileProperties
                          where tbl.UserId == PublicUserId
                          select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (getPro != null)
                getPro.ValueCategory = 0;
コード例 #20
ファイル: CancelSwap.aspx.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Guid swapGuid = Guid.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("id"));

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getSwap = (from tbl in ent.ScheduledSwaps
                           where tbl.Id == swapGuid
                           select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (getSwap != null)
コード例 #21
ファイル: CarClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    // Method for setting main vehicle image.
    public void SetMainImage(Guid imgId, Guid veId)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getImg = (from i in ent.VeImages
                          where i.Id == imgId
                          select i).SingleOrDefault();

            var getMain = (from m in ent.VeImages
                           where m.VehicleId == veId && m.IsMain == true
                           select m).SingleOrDefault();

            getMain.IsMain = false;
            getImg.IsMain  = true;
コード例 #22
    protected void ListViewSearchResults_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
        ListViewItem myItem     = (ListViewItem)e.Item;
        Image        userImg    = (Image)myItem.FindControl("UserVeImage");
        Label        unLabel    = (Label)myItem.FindControl("UserName");
        Label        veId       = (Label)myItem.FindControl("VeId");
        Label        ziptoLbl   = (Label)myItem.FindControl("ZipTo");
        Label        distLbl    = (Label)myItem.FindControl("DistanceLbl");
        Label        ratingLbl  = (Label)myItem.FindControl("RatingLabel");
        Label        requestBtn = (Label)myItem.FindControl("SwapRequestBtn");

        string   zipFromtxt = ZipFromLabel.Text;
        string   zipTotxt   = ziptoLbl.Text;
        int      zipFrom    = Convert.ToInt32(zipFromtxt);
        int      zipTo      = Convert.ToInt32(zipTotxt);
        Repeater xtraImg    = (Repeater)myItem.FindControl("ImgRepeater");
        string   userName   = unLabel.Text;
        string   vId        = veId.Text;
        Guid     veGuid     = Guid.Parse(vId);

        UserClass uc  = new UserClass(Profile.UserName);
        UserClass uco = new UserClass(userName);

        double distanceFrom = uc.GetDistance(zipFrom, zipTo);
        string strDistance  = Convert.ToString(distanceFrom);

        distLbl.Text   = strDistance;
        ratingLbl.Text = uco.GetUserTradeRating();

        userImg.ImageUrl = uco.PublicImgMainUrl(veGuid);

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getXtra = from tbl in ent.VeImages
                          where tbl.VehicleId == veGuid && tbl.IsMain == false
                          select tbl;

            if (getXtra != null)
                xtraImg.DataSource = getXtra;
コード例 #23
ファイル: MyProfile.aspx.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    protected void Repeater1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        Label veId    = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("VeId");
        Image veImage = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("VeImg");
        Guid  veGuid  = Guid.Parse(veId.Text);

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var veImg = (from tbl in ent.VeImages
                         where tbl.VehicleId == veGuid && tbl.IsMain == true
                         select tbl.ImageUrl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (veImg != null)
                veImage.ImageUrl = veImg;
コード例 #24
ファイル: UserClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
//  Methods. _________________________

// Method for getting main image path for specific vehicle.

    public string PublicImgMainUrl(Guid veId)
        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getImg = (from i in ent.VeImages
                          where i.VehicleId == veId & i.IsMain == true
                          select i.ImageUrl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (getImg != null)
コード例 #25
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string getMyVeId    = Request.QueryString.Get("toVeId");
        string getOtherVeId = Request.QueryString.Get("fromVeId");
        string requestFrom  = Request.QueryString.Get("requestfrom");
        string requestId    = Request.QueryString.Get("id");

        Guid myVeGuid    = Guid.Parse(getMyVeId);
        Guid otherVeGuid = Guid.Parse(getOtherVeId);
        Guid requestGuid = Guid.Parse(requestId);

        UserClass uc  = new UserClass(Profile.UserName);
        UserClass ouc = new UserClass(requestFrom);

        RequestGuidLabel.Text = requestId;
        string imgUrl = uc.PublicImgMainUrl(myVeGuid);

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            CarClass cc = new CarClass(Profile.UserName);

            var fromVe = (from tbl in ent.VeImages orderby tbl.IsMain descending
                          where tbl.VehicleId == otherVeGuid
                          select tbl);

            Repeater.DataSource = fromVe;

            UserVehicle  myVe        = cc.GetVehicleInfo(myVeGuid);
            UserVehicle  otherVe     = cc.GetVehicleInfo(otherVeGuid);
            RequestEvent thisRequest = cc.GetSwapRequestInfo(requestGuid);

            OtherUser.Text    = ouc.PublicFirstName;
            OtherUser2.Text   = ouc.PublicFirstName;
            SwapFromDate.Text = thisRequest.DateFrom.ToShortDateString();
            SwapToDate.Text   = thisRequest.DateTo.ToShortDateString();
            MyVeLabel.Text    = myVe.VehicleYear + " " + myVe.VehicleMake + " " + myVe.VehicleModel;
            OtherVeLabel.Text = otherVe.VehicleYear + " " + otherVe.VehicleMake + " " + otherVe.VehicleModel;
            VeMiles.Text      = otherVe.VehicleMiles.ToString();
            CityState.Text    = ouc.PublicCity + ", " + ouc.PublicState;
            Distance.Text     = cc.GetDistance(uc.PublicZip, ouc.PublicZip).ToString();
        MyImg.ImageUrl = imgUrl;
コード例 #26
    protected void VeEditListView_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
        ListViewItem myItem  = (ListViewItem)e.Item;
        Label        imgId   = (Label)myItem.FindControl("ImgId");
        Guid         imgGuid = Guid.Parse(imgId.Text);
        Image        veImg   = (Image)myItem.FindControl("VeImg");

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getImg = (from tbl in ent.VeImages
                          where tbl.Id == imgGuid
                          select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (getImg != null)
                veImg.ImageUrl = getImg.ImageUrl;
コード例 #27
ファイル: CarClass.cs プロジェクト: justsilencia/folio
    // Method for editing car.
    public void EditCarInfo(Guid veId, int veMiles, string veDesc)
        using (SwapEntities myEnt = new SwapEntities())
            var getCar = (from tbl in myEnt.UserVehicles
                          where tbl.Id == veId
                          select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (veMiles != 0)
                getCar.VehicleMiles = veMiles;
            if (veDesc != "")
                getCar.VehicleDescription = veDesc;

コード例 #28
    protected void ChooseVeListView_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
        ListViewItem myItem  = (ListViewItem)e.Item;
        Image        userImg = (Image)myItem.FindControl("VeImgChoose");
        Label        idLbl   = (Label)myItem.FindControl("IdLabel");
        Guid         id      = Guid.Parse(idLbl.Text);

        using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
            var getImg = (from tbl in ent.VeImages
                          where tbl.Id == id
                          select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

            if (getImg != null)
                userImg.ImageUrl = getImg.ImageUrl;
コード例 #29
    protected void CarsGridView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            Label    veId        = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("VehicleId");
            Image    carImg      = (Image)e.Row.FindControl("MainVeImg");
            Image    carModalImg = (Image)e.Row.FindControl("ModalMainImg");
            ListView imgLv       = (ListView)e.Row.FindControl("VeEditListView");
            Guid     veGuid      = Guid.Parse(veId.Text);
            string   imgUrl;

            // Now get images with this vehicle Id, and grab the one with 'IsMain' equals true.

            using (SwapEntities myEnt = new SwapEntities())
                var getVe = (from tbl in myEnt.VeImages
                             where tbl.VehicleId == veGuid && tbl.IsMain == true
                             select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

                if (getVe != null)
                    imgUrl = getVe.ImageUrl;
                    imgUrl = "";

                // Bind gridview for other vehicle images.

                var getVes = from tbl in myEnt.VeImages
                             where tbl.VehicleId == veGuid && tbl.IsMain == false
                             select tbl;

                imgLv.DataSource = getVes;
            carImg.ImageUrl      = imgUrl;
            carModalImg.ImageUrl = imgUrl;
コード例 #30
    protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            Label imgId   = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("ImgId");
            Guid  imgGuid = Guid.Parse(imgId.Text);
            Image veImg   = (Image)e.Row.FindControl("VeImg");

            using (SwapEntities ent = new SwapEntities())
                var getImg = (from tbl in ent.VeImages
                              where tbl.Id == imgGuid
                              select tbl).SingleOrDefault();

                if (getImg != null)
                    veImg.ImageUrl = getImg.ImageUrl;