private ImageSource GetImage(SvgImageElement element, WpfDrawingContext context) { if (context != null && context.Settings.IncludeRuntime == false) { return(null); } var comparer = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; string sURI = element.Href.AnimVal.Replace(" ", ""); int nColon = sURI.IndexOf(":", comparer); int nSemiColon = sURI.IndexOf(";", comparer); int nComma = sURI.IndexOf(",", comparer); string sMimeType = sURI.Substring(nColon + 1, nSemiColon - nColon - 1); string sContent = SvgObject.RemoveWhitespace(sURI.Substring(nComma + 1)); byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(sContent.ToCharArray(), 0, sContent.Length); bool isGZiped = sContent.StartsWith(SvgObject.GZipSignature, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (string.Equals(sMimeType, "image/svg+xml", comparer)) { if (isGZiped) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (GZipStream zipStream = new GZipStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(context.Settings)) return(new DrawingImage(reader.Read(zipStream))); } } } else { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(context.Settings)) return(new DrawingImage(reader.Read(stream))); } } } return(new EmbeddedBitmapSource(new MemoryStream(imageBytes))); }
public void RegisterDrawing(string elementId, string uniqueId, Drawing drawing) { if (_drawingDocument != null) { if (_settings != null && _settings.IncludeRuntime) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetId(drawing, elementId); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { SvgObject.SetUniqueId(drawing, uniqueId); } } _drawingDocument.Add(elementId, uniqueId, drawing); } }
public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); string elementId = this.GetElementName(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(_drawGroup, elementId); } } string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(_drawGroup, elementClass); } DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); }
private DrawingGroup GetDrawingLayer(DrawingGroup drawingGroup, ref bool isFound) { isFound = false; DrawingGroup groupDrawing = null; // Enumerate the drawings in the DrawingCollection. foreach (Drawing drawing in drawingGroup.Children) { var itemKey = SvgLink.GetKey(drawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemKey) && itemKey.Equals(SvgObject.DrawLayer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isFound = true; return((DrawingGroup)drawing); } // If the drawing is a DrawingGroup, call the function recursively. if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out groupDrawing)) { SvgObjectType objectType = SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing); if (objectType != SvgObjectType.Text) { var nextGroup = GetDrawingLayer(groupDrawing, ref isFound); if (nextGroup != groupDrawing) { itemKey = SvgLink.GetKey(nextGroup); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemKey) && itemKey.Equals(SvgObject.DrawLayer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(nextGroup); } } } } } return(drawingGroup); }
// Enumerate the drawings in the DrawingGroup. private void EnumDrawingGroup(DrawingGroup drawingGroup) { DrawingCollection dc = drawingGroup.Children; DrawingGroup groupDrawing = null; // Enumerate the drawings in the DrawingCollection. foreach (Drawing drawing in dc) { string objectId = SvgObject.GetId(drawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objectId)) { _idMap.Add(objectId, drawing); } string objectName = (string)drawing.GetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objectName)) { _idMap[objectName] = drawing; } string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(drawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { _guidMap.Add(uniqueId, drawing); } // If the drawing is a DrawingGroup, call the function recursively. if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out groupDrawing)) { SvgObjectType objectType = SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing); if (objectType != SvgObjectType.Text) { EnumDrawingGroup(groupDrawing); } } } }
public WpfHitTestResult HitTest(Rect rect, IntersectionDetail detail) { var svgDrawing = this.PerformHitTest(rect, detail); if (svgDrawing == null) { return(WpfHitTestResult.Empty); } string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(svgDrawing); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { return(new WpfHitTestResult(rect, null, svgDrawing)); // return WpfHitTestResult.Empty; } var svgElement = this.GetSvgByUniqueId(uniqueId); if (svgElement == null) { return(WpfHitTestResult.Empty); } return(new WpfHitTestResult(rect, svgElement, svgDrawing)); }
public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); _idElement = string.Empty; WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } if (currentGroup == context.Root) { if (context.IsFragment) { // Do not add extra layer to fragments... _drawGroup = currentGroup; } else { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, SvgObject.DrawLayer); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgLink.SetKey(_drawGroup, SvgObject.DrawLayer); } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } } else { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } SvgPatternElement svgElm = (SvgPatternElement)_svgElement; _idElement = svgElm.Id; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_idElement)) { context.AddUrl(_idElement); } double x = Math.Round(svgElm.X.AnimVal.Value, 4); double y = Math.Round(svgElm.Y.AnimVal.Value, 4); double width = Math.Round(svgElm.Width.AnimVal.Value, 4); double height = Math.Round(svgElm.Height.AnimVal.Value, 4); if (width < 0 || height < 0) { // For invalid dimension, prevent the drawing of the children... _isRecursive = true; return; } Rect elmRect = new Rect(x, y, width, height); // XmlNode parentNode = _svgElement.ParentNode; ISvgFitToViewBox fitToView = svgElm as ISvgFitToViewBox; ISvgAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio = null; if (fitToView != null && fitToView.PreserveAspectRatio != null) { preserveAspectRatio = fitToView.PreserveAspectRatio; ISvgAnimatedRect animRect = fitToView.ViewBox; if (animRect != null) { ISvgRect viewRect = animRect.AnimVal; if (viewRect != null) { Rect wpfViewRect = WpfConvert.ToRect(viewRect); if (!wpfViewRect.IsEmpty && wpfViewRect.Width > 0 && wpfViewRect.Height > 0) { elmRect = wpfViewRect; } } } } Transform transform = null; var aspectRatio = (preserveAspectRatio != null) ? preserveAspectRatio.AnimVal : null; if (aspectRatio != null /* && aspectRatio.Align == SvgPreserveAspectRatioType.None*/) { FitToViewbox(context, elmRect); transform = this.Transform; if (transform != null) { _drawGroup.Transform = transform; } } }
public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); if (renderer == null) { return; } _isLineSegment = false; _setBrushOpacity = true; WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; //SetQuality(context); //SetTransform(context); //SetMask(context); // _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); SvgStyleableElement styleElm = (SvgStyleableElement)_svgElement; float opacityValue = -1; bool isStyleOpacity = false; string opacity = styleElm.GetAttribute("opacity"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { opacity = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("opacity"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { isStyleOpacity = true; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { opacityValue = (float)SvgNumber.ParseNumber(opacity); opacityValue = Math.Min(opacityValue, 1); opacityValue = Math.Max(opacityValue, 0); if (isStyleOpacity && (opacityValue >= 0 && opacityValue < 1)) { _setBrushOpacity = false; if (styleElm.HasAttribute("fill-opacity") || (styleElm.HasAttribute("style") && styleElm.GetAttribute("style").Contains("fill-opacity"))) { _setBrushOpacity = true; } } } //string eVisibility = _svgElement.GetAttribute("visibility"); //string eDisplay = _svgElement.GetAttribute("display"); //if (string.Equals(eVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(eDisplay, "none")) //{ // opacityValue = 0; //} //else //{ // string sVisibility = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); // string sDisplay = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("display"); // if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) // { // opacityValue = 0; // } //} string sVisibility = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sVisibility)) { sVisibility = _svgElement.GetAttribute("visibility"); } string sDisplay = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("display"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sDisplay)) { sDisplay = _svgElement.GetAttribute("display"); } if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) { opacityValue = 0; } Transform pathTransform = this.Transform; if (pathTransform != null && !pathTransform.Value.IsIdentity) { if (_drawGroup == null) { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); } _drawGroup.Transform = pathTransform; } else { pathTransform = null; // render any identity transform useless... } Geometry pathClip = this.ClipGeometry; if (pathClip != null && !pathClip.IsEmpty()) { if (_drawGroup == null) { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); } _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = pathClip; } else { pathClip = null; // render any empty geometry useless... } Brush pathMask = this.Masking; if (pathMask != null) { if (_drawGroup == null) { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); } _drawGroup.OpacityMask = pathMask; } if (pathTransform != null || pathClip != null || pathMask != null || (opacityValue >= 0 && opacityValue < 1)) { if (_drawGroup == null) { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); } if ((opacityValue >= 0 && opacityValue < 1)) { _drawGroup.Opacity = opacityValue; } DrawingGroup curGroup = _context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(curGroup != null); if (curGroup != null) { curGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } } else { _drawGroup = null; } if (_drawGroup != null) { string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(_drawGroup, elementClass); } string elementId = this.GetElementName(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(_drawGroup, elementId); } } } }
private void RenderPath(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; SvgRenderingHint hint = _svgElement.RenderingHint; if (hint != SvgRenderingHint.Shape || hint == SvgRenderingHint.Clipping) { return; } var parentNode = _svgElement.ParentNode; // We do not directly render the contents of the clip-path, unless specifically requested... if (string.Equals(parentNode.LocalName, "clipPath") && !context.RenderingClipRegion) { return; } SvgStyleableElement styleElm = (SvgStyleableElement)_svgElement; //string sVisibility = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); //string sDisplay = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("display"); //if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) //{ // return; //} DrawingGroup drawGroup = context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(drawGroup != null); Geometry geometry = CreateGeometry(_svgElement, context.OptimizePath); string elementId = this.GetElementName(); string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); GeometryDrawing drawing = null; if (geometry == null || geometry.IsEmpty()) { return; } var bounds = geometry.Bounds; if (string.Equals(_svgElement.LocalName, "line", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _isLineSegment = true; } else if (string.Equals(_svgElement.LocalName, "rect", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _isLineSegment = bounds.Width.Equals(0) || bounds.Height.Equals(0); } else if (string.Equals(_svgElement.LocalName, "path", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _isLineSegment = bounds.Width.Equals(0) || bounds.Height.Equals(0); } context.UpdateBounds(geometry.Bounds); // SetClip(context); WpfSvgPaint fillPaint = new WpfSvgPaint(context, styleElm, "fill"); string fileValue = styleElm.GetAttribute("fill"); Brush brush = fillPaint.GetBrush(geometry, _setBrushOpacity); bool isFillTransmable = fillPaint.IsFillTransformable; WpfSvgPaint strokePaint = new WpfSvgPaint(context, styleElm, "stroke"); Pen pen = strokePaint.GetPen(geometry, _setBrushOpacity); // By the SVG Specifications: // Keyword 'objectBoundingBox' should not be used when the geometry of the applicable // element has no width or no height, such as the case of a horizontal or vertical line, // even when the line has actual thickness when viewed due to having a non-zero stroke // width since stroke width is ignored for bounding box calculations. When the geometry // of the applicable element has no width or height and 'objectBoundingBox' is specified, // then the given effect (e.g., a gradient) will be ignored. if (pen != null && _isLineSegment && strokePaint.FillType == WpfFillType.Gradient) { WpfGradientFill gradientFill = (WpfGradientFill)strokePaint.PaintServer; if (gradientFill.IsUserSpace == false) { bool invalidGrad = false; if (string.Equals(_svgElement.LocalName, "line", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { LineGeometry lineGeometry = geometry as LineGeometry; if (lineGeometry != null) { invalidGrad = SvgObject.IsEqual(lineGeometry.EndPoint.X, lineGeometry.StartPoint.X) || SvgObject.IsEqual(lineGeometry.EndPoint.Y, lineGeometry.StartPoint.Y); } } else { invalidGrad = true; } if (invalidGrad) { // Brush is not likely inherited, we need to support fallback too WpfSvgPaint fallbackPaint = strokePaint.WpfFallback; if (fallbackPaint != null) { pen.Brush = fallbackPaint.GetBrush(geometry, _setBrushOpacity); } else { var scopePaint = strokePaint.GetScopeStroke(); if (scopePaint != null) { if (scopePaint != strokePaint) { pen.Brush = scopePaint.GetBrush(geometry, _setBrushOpacity); } else { pen.Brush = null; } } else { pen.Brush = null; } } } } } if (_paintContext != null) { _paintContext.Fill = fillPaint; _paintContext.Stroke = strokePaint; _paintContext.Tag = geometry; } if (brush != null || pen != null) { Transform transform = this.Transform; if (transform != null && !transform.Value.IsIdentity) { geometry.Transform = transform; if (brush != null && isFillTransmable) { Transform brushTransform = brush.Transform; if (brushTransform == null || brushTransform == Transform.Identity) { brush.Transform = transform; } else { TransformGroup groupTransform = new TransformGroup(); groupTransform.Children.Add(brushTransform); groupTransform.Children.Add(transform); brush.Transform = groupTransform; } } if (pen != null && pen.Brush != null) { Transform brushTransform = pen.Brush.Transform; if (brushTransform == null || brushTransform == Transform.Identity) { pen.Brush.Transform = transform; } else { TransformGroup groupTransform = new TransformGroup(); groupTransform.Children.Add(brushTransform); groupTransform.Children.Add(transform); pen.Brush.Transform = groupTransform; } } } else { transform = null; // render any identity transform useless... } drawing = new GeometryDrawing(brush, pen, geometry); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetName(drawing, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(drawing, elementId); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(drawing, elementClass); } Brush maskBrush = this.Masking; Geometry clipGeom = this.ClipGeometry; if (clipGeom != null || maskBrush != null) { //Geometry clipped = Geometry.Combine(geometry, clipGeom, // GeometryCombineMode.Exclude, null); //if (clipped != null && !clipped.IsEmpty()) //{ // geometry = clipped; //} DrawingGroup clipMaskGroup = new DrawingGroup(); Rect geometryBounds = geometry.Bounds; if (clipGeom != null) { clipMaskGroup.ClipGeometry = clipGeom; SvgUnitType clipUnits = this.ClipUnits; if (clipUnits == SvgUnitType.ObjectBoundingBox) { Rect drawingBounds = geometryBounds; if (transform != null) { drawingBounds = transform.TransformBounds(drawingBounds); } TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); // Scale the clip region (at (0, 0)) and translate to the top-left corner of the target. transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(drawingBounds.Width, drawingBounds.Height)); transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(drawingBounds.X, drawingBounds.Y)); clipGeom.Transform = transformGroup; } else { if (transform != null) { clipGeom.Transform = transform; } } } if (maskBrush != null) { DrawingBrush drawingBrush = (DrawingBrush)maskBrush; SvgUnitType maskUnits = this.MaskUnits; SvgUnitType maskContentUnits = this.MaskContentUnits; if (maskUnits == SvgUnitType.ObjectBoundingBox) { Rect drawingBounds = geometryBounds; if (transform != null) { drawingBounds = transform.TransformBounds(drawingBounds); } DrawingGroup maskGroup = drawingBrush.Drawing as DrawingGroup; if (maskGroup != null) { DrawingCollection maskDrawings = maskGroup.Children; for (int i = 0; i < maskDrawings.Count; i++) { Drawing maskDrawing = maskDrawings[i]; GeometryDrawing maskGeomDraw = maskDrawing as GeometryDrawing; if (maskGeomDraw != null) { if (maskGeomDraw.Brush != null) { ConvertColors(maskGeomDraw.Brush); } if (maskGeomDraw.Pen != null) { ConvertColors(maskGeomDraw.Pen.Brush); } } } } if (maskContentUnits == SvgUnitType.ObjectBoundingBox) { TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); // Scale the clip region (at (0, 0)) and translate to the top-left corner of the target. var scaleTransform = new ScaleTransform(drawingBounds.Width, drawingBounds.Height); transformGroup.Children.Add(scaleTransform); var translateTransform = new TranslateTransform(drawingBounds.X, drawingBounds.Y); transformGroup.Children.Add(translateTransform); Matrix scaleMatrix = new Matrix(); Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix(); scaleMatrix.Scale(drawingBounds.Width, drawingBounds.Height); translateMatrix.Translate(drawingBounds.X, drawingBounds.Y); Matrix matrix = Matrix.Multiply(scaleMatrix, translateMatrix); //maskBrush.Transform = transformGroup; maskBrush.Transform = new MatrixTransform(matrix); } else { drawingBrush.Viewbox = drawingBounds; drawingBrush.ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute; drawingBrush.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform; drawingBrush.Viewport = drawingBounds; drawingBrush.ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute; } } else { if (transform != null) { maskBrush.Transform = transform; } } clipMaskGroup.OpacityMask = maskBrush; } clipMaskGroup.Children.Add(drawing); drawGroup.Children.Add(clipMaskGroup); } else { drawGroup.Children.Add(drawing); } } // If this is not the child of a "marker", then try rendering a marker... if (!string.Equals(parentNode.LocalName, "marker")) { RenderMarkers(renderer, styleElm, context); } // Register this drawing with the Drawing-Document... if (drawing != null) { this.Rendered(drawing); } }
public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); if (renderer == null) { return; } WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; //SetQuality(context); //SetTransform(context); //SetMask(context); _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); SvgStyleableElement styleElm = (SvgStyleableElement)_svgElement; Transform pathTransform = this.Transform; if (pathTransform != null && !pathTransform.Value.IsIdentity) { _drawGroup.Transform = pathTransform; } else { pathTransform = null; // render any identity transform useless... } Geometry pathClip = this.ClipGeometry; if (pathClip != null && !pathClip.IsEmpty()) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = pathClip; } else { pathClip = null; // render any empty geometry useless... } Brush pathMask = this.Masking; if (pathMask != null) { _drawGroup.OpacityMask = pathMask; } if (pathTransform != null || pathClip != null || pathMask != null) { DrawingGroup curGroup = _context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(curGroup != null); if (curGroup != null) { curGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } } else { _drawGroup = null; } if (_drawGroup != null) { string sVisibility = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); string sDisplay = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("display"); if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) { _drawGroup.Opacity = 0; } string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(_drawGroup, elementClass); } string elementId = this.GetElementName(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(_drawGroup, elementId); } } } }
private void RenderPath(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; SvgRenderingHint hint = _svgElement.RenderingHint; if (hint != SvgRenderingHint.Shape || hint == SvgRenderingHint.Clipping) { return; } var parentNode = _svgElement.ParentNode; // We do not directly render the contents of the clip-path, unless specifically requested... if (string.Equals(parentNode.LocalName, "clipPath") && !context.RenderingClipRegion) { return; } SvgStyleableElement styleElm = (SvgStyleableElement)_svgElement; string sVisibility = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); string sDisplay = styleElm.GetPropertyValue("display"); if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) { return; } DrawingGroup drawGroup = context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(drawGroup != null); Geometry geometry = CreateGeometry(_svgElement, context.OptimizePath); string elementId = this.GetElementName(); string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); if (geometry != null && !geometry.IsEmpty()) { context.UpdateBounds(geometry.Bounds); // SetClip(context); WpfSvgPaint fillPaint = new WpfSvgPaint(context, styleElm, "fill"); string fileValue = styleElm.GetAttribute("fill"); Brush brush = fillPaint.GetBrush(geometry); bool isFillTransmable = fillPaint.IsFillTransformable; WpfSvgPaint strokePaint = new WpfSvgPaint(context, styleElm, "stroke"); Pen pen = strokePaint.GetPen(geometry); if (_paintContext != null) { _paintContext.Fill = fillPaint; _paintContext.Stroke = strokePaint; _paintContext.Tag = geometry; } if (brush != null || pen != null) { Transform transform = this.Transform; if (transform != null && !transform.Value.IsIdentity) { geometry.Transform = transform; if (brush != null && isFillTransmable) { Transform brushTransform = brush.Transform; if (brushTransform == null || brushTransform == Transform.Identity) { brush.Transform = transform; } else { TransformGroup groupTransform = new TransformGroup(); groupTransform.Children.Add(brushTransform); groupTransform.Children.Add(transform); brush.Transform = groupTransform; } } if (pen != null && pen.Brush != null) { Transform brushTransform = pen.Brush.Transform; if (brushTransform == null || brushTransform == Transform.Identity) { pen.Brush.Transform = transform; } else { TransformGroup groupTransform = new TransformGroup(); groupTransform.Children.Add(brushTransform); groupTransform.Children.Add(transform); pen.Brush.Transform = groupTransform; } } } else { transform = null; // render any identity transform useless... } GeometryDrawing drawing = new GeometryDrawing(brush, pen, geometry); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetName(drawing, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(drawing, elementId); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(drawing, elementClass); } Brush maskBrush = this.Masking; Geometry clipGeom = this.ClipGeometry; if (clipGeom != null || maskBrush != null) { //Geometry clipped = Geometry.Combine(geometry, clipGeom, // GeometryCombineMode.Exclude, null); //if (clipped != null && !clipped.IsEmpty()) //{ // geometry = clipped; //} DrawingGroup clipMaskGroup = new DrawingGroup(); Rect geometryBounds = geometry.Bounds; if (clipGeom != null) { clipMaskGroup.ClipGeometry = clipGeom; SvgUnitType clipUnits = this.ClipUnits; if (clipUnits == SvgUnitType.ObjectBoundingBox) { Rect drawingBounds = geometryBounds; if (transform != null) { drawingBounds = transform.TransformBounds(drawingBounds); } TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); // Scale the clip region (at (0, 0)) and translate to the top-left corner of the target. transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(drawingBounds.Width, drawingBounds.Height)); transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(drawingBounds.X, drawingBounds.Y)); clipGeom.Transform = transformGroup; } else { if (transform != null) { clipGeom.Transform = transform; } } } if (maskBrush != null) { DrawingBrush drawingBrush = (DrawingBrush)maskBrush; SvgUnitType maskUnits = this.MaskUnits; SvgUnitType maskContentUnits = this.MaskContentUnits; if (maskUnits == SvgUnitType.ObjectBoundingBox) { Rect drawingBounds = geometryBounds; if (transform != null) { drawingBounds = transform.TransformBounds(drawingBounds); } DrawingGroup maskGroup = drawingBrush.Drawing as DrawingGroup; if (maskGroup != null) { DrawingCollection maskDrawings = maskGroup.Children; for (int i = 0; i < maskDrawings.Count; i++) { Drawing maskDrawing = maskDrawings[i]; GeometryDrawing maskGeomDraw = maskDrawing as GeometryDrawing; if (maskGeomDraw != null) { if (maskGeomDraw.Brush != null) { ConvertColors(maskGeomDraw.Brush); } if (maskGeomDraw.Pen != null) { ConvertColors(maskGeomDraw.Pen.Brush); } } } } if (maskContentUnits == SvgUnitType.ObjectBoundingBox) { TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); // Scale the clip region (at (0, 0)) and translate to the top-left corner of the target. var scaleTransform = new ScaleTransform(drawingBounds.Width, drawingBounds.Height); transformGroup.Children.Add(scaleTransform); var translateTransform = new TranslateTransform(drawingBounds.X, drawingBounds.Y); transformGroup.Children.Add(translateTransform); Matrix scaleMatrix = new Matrix(); Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix(); scaleMatrix.Scale(drawingBounds.Width, drawingBounds.Height); translateMatrix.Translate(drawingBounds.X, drawingBounds.Y); Matrix matrix = Matrix.Multiply(scaleMatrix, translateMatrix); //maskBrush.Transform = transformGroup; maskBrush.Transform = new MatrixTransform(matrix); } else { drawingBrush.Viewbox = drawingBounds; drawingBrush.ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute; drawingBrush.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform; drawingBrush.Viewport = drawingBounds; drawingBrush.ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute; } } else { if (transform != null) { maskBrush.Transform = transform; } } clipMaskGroup.OpacityMask = maskBrush; } clipMaskGroup.Children.Add(drawing); drawGroup.Children.Add(clipMaskGroup); } else { drawGroup.Children.Add(drawing); } } } // If this is not the child of a "marker", then try rendering a marker... if (!string.Equals(parentNode.LocalName, "marker")) { RenderMarkers(renderer, styleElm, context); } }
// disable default rendering public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); _matrix = Matrix.Identity; WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; //SetQuality(context); //SetTransform(context); //SetClip(_context); //SetMask(_context); _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); string sVisibility = _markerElement.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); string sDisplay = _markerElement.GetPropertyValue("display"); if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) { // A 'marker' element with 'display' set to 'none' on that element or any // ancestor is rendered when referenced by another element. // _drawGroup.Opacity = 0; } string elementId = this.GetElementName(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { _drawGroup.SetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(_drawGroup, elementId); } } string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(_drawGroup, elementClass); } //Transform markerTransform = this.Transform; //if (markerTransform != null && !markerTransform.Value.IsIdentity) //{ // _drawGroup.Transform = markerTransform; //} //else //{ // markerTransform = null; // render any identity transform useless... //} Geometry markerClip = this.ClipGeometry; if (markerClip != null && !markerClip.IsEmpty()) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = markerClip; } else { markerClip = null; // render any empty geometry useless... } Brush markerMask = this.Masking; if (markerMask != null) { _drawGroup.OpacityMask = markerMask; } DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); }
public override void Visit(DrawingGroup group, SvgAElement element, WpfDrawingContext context, float opacity) { _isAggregated = false; if (group == null || element == null || context == null) { return; } AddExtraLinkInformation(group, element); //string linkId = element.GetAttribute("id"); string linkId = GetElementName(element); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkId)) { return; } SvgLink.SetKey(group, linkId); if (_dicLinks.ContainsKey(linkId)) { _isAggregated = _dicLinks[linkId]; return; } string linkAction = element.GetAttribute("onclick"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkAction)) { linkAction = element.GetAttribute("onmouseover"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkAction) && linkAction.StartsWith("parent.svgMouseOverName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { SvgLink.SetAction(group, SvgLinkAction.LinkTooltip); } else { SvgLink.SetAction(group, SvgLinkAction.LinkNone); } } else { if (linkAction.StartsWith("parent.svgClick", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { SvgLink.SetAction(group, SvgLinkAction.LinkPage); } else if (linkAction.StartsWith("parent.svgOpenHtml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { SvgLink.SetAction(group, SvgLinkAction.LinkHtml); } else { SvgLink.SetAction(group, SvgLinkAction.LinkNone); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkAction)) { if (linkAction.IndexOf("'Top'", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0) { SvgLink.SetLocation(group, "Top"); } else if (linkAction.IndexOf("'Bottom'", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0) { SvgLink.SetLocation(group, "Bottom"); } else { SvgLink.SetLocation(group, "Top"); } } this.AggregateChildren(element, context, opacity); if (_isAggregated) { Geometry drawGeometry = null; if (_aggregatedGeom.Count == 1) { drawGeometry = _aggregatedGeom[0]; } else { GeometryGroup geomGroup = new GeometryGroup(); geomGroup.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero; for (int i = 0; i < _aggregatedGeom.Count; i++) { geomGroup.Children.Add(_aggregatedGeom[i]); } drawGeometry = geomGroup; } WpfSvgPaint fillPaint = new WpfSvgPaint(context, _aggregatedFill, "fill"); Brush brush = fillPaint.GetBrush(false); SvgObject.SetName(brush, linkId + "_Brush"); GeometryDrawing drawing = new GeometryDrawing(brush, null, drawGeometry); group.Children.Add(drawing); } _dicLinks.Add(linkId, _isAggregated); }
public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); _isTextPath = false; _isGroupAdded = false; _textWidth = 0; _isMeasuring = false; WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; SvgRenderingHint hint = _svgElement.RenderingHint; if (hint == SvgRenderingHint.Clipping) { return; } // We do not directly render the contents of the clip-path, unless specifically requested... if (string.Equals(_svgElement.ParentNode.LocalName, "clipPath") && !context.RenderingClipRegion) { return; } _context = renderer.Context; SetQuality(context); SetTransform(context); SetClip(_context); SetMask(_context); _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); string sVisibility = _textElement.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); string sDisplay = _textElement.GetPropertyValue("display"); if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) { _drawGroup.Opacity = 0; } string elementId = this.GetElementName(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(_drawGroup, elementId); } } string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(_drawGroup, elementClass); } Transform textTransform = this.Transform; if (textTransform != null && !textTransform.Value.IsIdentity) { _drawGroup.Transform = textTransform; } else { textTransform = null; // render any identity transform useless... } Geometry textClip = this.ClipGeometry; if (textClip != null && !textClip.IsEmpty()) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = textClip; } else { textClip = null; // render any empty geometry useless... } Brush textMask = this.Masking; if (textMask != null) { _drawGroup.OpacityMask = textMask; } if (textTransform != null || textClip != null || textMask != null) { DrawingGroup curGroup = _context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(curGroup != null); if (curGroup != null) { curGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); _isGroupAdded = true; } } _drawContext = _drawGroup.Open(); _horzRenderer.Initialize(_drawContext, _context); _vertRenderer.Initialize(_drawContext, _context); _pathRenderer.Initialize(_drawContext, _context); }
public override void Render(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { Geometry clipGeom = this.ClipGeometry; Transform transform = this.Transform; WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; SvgSwitchElement switchElement = (SvgSwitchElement)_svgElement; string elementId = this.GetElementName(); float opacityValue = -1; string opacity = switchElement.GetAttribute("opacity"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { opacity = switchElement.GetPropertyValue("opacity"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { opacityValue = (float)SvgNumber.ParseNumber(opacity); opacityValue = Math.Min(opacityValue, 1); opacityValue = Math.Max(opacityValue, 0); } if (clipGeom != null || transform != null || (opacityValue >= 0 && opacityValue < 1) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId))) { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); if (clipGeom != null) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = clipGeom; } if (transform != null) { _drawGroup.Transform = transform; } if (opacityValue >= 0 && opacityValue < 1) { _drawGroup.Opacity = opacityValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(_drawGroup, elementId); } } } base.Render(renderer); }
private void WriteObject(object key, object obj, XmlWriter writer, bool isRoot) { List <MarkupProperty> propertyElements = new List <MarkupProperty>(); MarkupProperty contentProperty = null; string contentPropertyName = null; MarkupObject markupObj = MarkupWriter.GetMarkupObjectFor(obj); Type objectType = markupObj.ObjectType; string ns = _namespaceCache.GetNamespaceUriFor(objectType); string prefix = _namespaceCache.GetDefaultPrefixFor(ns); if (isRoot) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns)) { writer.WriteStartElement(markupObj.ObjectType.Name, NamespaceCache.DefaultNamespace); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", NamespaceCache.XmlnsNamespace, NamespaceCache.DefaultNamespace); } else { writer.WriteStartElement(markupObj.ObjectType.Name, ns); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", NamespaceCache.XmlnsNamespace, ns); } } else { writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, markupObj.ObjectType.Name, ns); } writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "x", NamespaceCache.XmlnsNamespace, NamespaceCache.XamlNamespace); foreach (NamespaceMap map in _dicNamespaceMap.Values) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Prefix) && !String.Equals(map.Prefix, "x")) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", map.Prefix, NamespaceCache.XmlnsNamespace, map.XmlNamespace); } } } else { //TODO: Fix - the best way to handle this case... if (markupObj.ObjectType.Name == "PathFigureCollection" && markupObj.Instance != null) { WriteState writeState = writer.WriteState; if (writeState == WriteState.Element) { //writer.WriteAttributeString("Figures", // markupObj.Instance.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("Figures", System.Convert.ToString(markupObj.Instance, _culture)); } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { writer.WriteStartElement("PathGeometry.Figures"); } else { writer.WriteStartElement("PathGeometry.Figures", ns); } //writer.WriteString(markupObj.Instance.ToString()); writer.WriteString(System.Convert.ToString( markupObj.Instance, _culture)); writer.WriteEndElement(); } return; } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { writer.WriteStartElement(markupObj.ObjectType.Name); } else { writer.WriteStartElement(markupObj.ObjectType.Name, ns); } } } // Add the x:Name for object like Geometry/Drawing not derived from FrameworkElement... DependencyObject dep = obj as DependencyObject; if (dep != null) { string nameValue = SvgObject.GetName(dep); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameValue) && !(dep is FrameworkElement)) { writer.WriteAttributeString("x", "Name", NamespaceCache.XamlNamespace, nameValue); } } if (key != null) { string keyString = key.ToString(); if (keyString.Length > 0) { writer.WriteAttributeString("x", "Key", NamespaceCache.XamlNamespace, keyString); } else { //TODO: key may not be a string, what about x:Type... throw new NotImplementedException( "Sample XamlWriter cannot yet handle keys that aren't strings"); } } //Look for CPA info in our cache that keeps contentProperty names per Type //If it doesn't have an entry, go get the info and store it. if (!_contentProperties.ContainsKey(objectType)) { string lookedUpContentProperty = String.Empty; foreach (Attribute attr in markupObj.Attributes) { ContentPropertyAttribute cpa = attr as ContentPropertyAttribute; if (cpa != null) { lookedUpContentProperty = cpa.Name; //Once content property is found, come out of the loop. break; } } _contentProperties.Add(objectType, lookedUpContentProperty); } contentPropertyName = _contentProperties[objectType]; string contentString = String.Empty; foreach (MarkupProperty markupProperty in markupObj.Properties) { if (markupProperty.Name != contentPropertyName) { if (markupProperty.IsValueAsString) { contentString = markupProperty.Value as string; } else if (!markupProperty.IsComposite) { string temp = markupProperty.StringValue; if (markupProperty.IsAttached) { string ns1 = _namespaceCache.GetNamespaceUriFor(markupProperty.DependencyProperty.OwnerType); string prefix1 = _namespaceCache.GetDefaultPrefixFor(ns1); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix1)) { writer.WriteAttributeString(markupProperty.Name, temp); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString(markupProperty.Name, ns1, temp); } } else { if (markupProperty.Name == "FontUri" && (_wpfSettings != null && _wpfSettings.IncludeRuntime)) { string fontUri = temp.ToLower(); fontUri = fontUri.Replace(_windowsDir, _windowsPath); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("{"); builder.Append("svg"); builder.Append(":"); builder.Append("SvgFontUri "); builder.Append(fontUri); builder.Append("}"); writer.WriteAttributeString(markupProperty.Name, builder.ToString()); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString(markupProperty.Name, temp); } } } else if (markupProperty.Value.GetType() == _nullType) { if (_nullExtension) { writer.WriteAttributeString(markupProperty.Name, "{x:Null}"); } } else { propertyElements.Add(markupProperty); } } else { contentProperty = markupProperty; } } if (contentProperty != null || propertyElements.Count > 0 || contentString != String.Empty) { foreach (MarkupProperty markupProp in propertyElements) { string ns2 = _namespaceCache.GetNamespaceUriFor(markupObj.ObjectType); string prefix2 = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns2)) { prefix2 = _namespaceCache.GetDefaultPrefixFor(ns2); } string propElementName = markupObj.ObjectType.Name + "." + markupProp.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix2)) { writer.WriteStartElement(propElementName); } else { writer.WriteStartElement(prefix2, propElementName, ns2); } WriteChildren(writer, markupProp); writer.WriteEndElement(); } if (contentString != String.Empty) { writer.WriteValue(contentString); } else if (contentProperty != null) { if (contentProperty.Value is string) { writer.WriteValue(contentProperty.StringValue); } else { WriteChildren(writer, contentProperty); } } } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
private Drawing PerformHitTest(Point pt) { _hitGroup = null; if (_hitList == null) { _hitList = new SortedList <int, Drawing>(); } else if (_hitList.Count != 0) { _hitList.Clear(); } if (_svgDrawing == null) { return(null); } Point ptDisplay = _displayTransform.Transform(pt); DrawingGroup groupDrawing = null; GlyphRunDrawing glyRunDrawing = null; GeometryDrawing geometryDrawing = null; Drawing foundDrawing = null; DrawingCollection drawings = _svgDrawing.Children; for (int i = drawings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Drawing drawing = drawings[i]; if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out geometryDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(geometryDrawing, ptDisplay)) { int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; } else { string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(geometryDrawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out groupDrawing)) { int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing) == SvgObjectType.Text && groupDrawing.Bounds.Contains(ptDisplay)) { if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; } else { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } if (HitTestDrawing(groupDrawing, ptDisplay, out foundDrawing)) { if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; } else { string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(foundDrawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { //foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out glyRunDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(glyRunDrawing, ptDisplay)) { int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; } else { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } } if (_hitList.Count != 0) { return(_hitList.LastOrDefault().Value); } if (foundDrawing == null) { return(_hitGroup); } return(foundDrawing); }
private Drawing PerformHitTest(Point pt) { if (_svgDrawing == null) { return(null); } _hitGroup = null; if (_hitList == null) { _hitList = new SortedList <int, Drawing>(); _hitPaths = new SortedList <int, WpfHitPath>(); } else if (_hitList.Count != 0) { _hitList.Clear(); _hitPaths.Clear(); } var hitRootPath = new WpfHitPath(); _hitPath = hitRootPath; Point ptDisplay = _displayTransform.Transform(pt); DrawingGroup groupDrawing = null; GlyphRunDrawing glyRunDrawing = null; GeometryDrawing geometryDrawing = null; Drawing foundDrawing = null; //var isFound = false; //var drawingLayer = this.GetDrawingLayer(_svgDrawing, ref isFound); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GetId: " + SvgObject.GetId(drawingLayer)); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GetName: " + SvgObject.GetName(drawingLayer)); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GetUniqueId: " + SvgObject.GetUniqueId(drawingLayer)); //DrawingCollection drawings = drawingLayer.Children; DrawingCollection drawings = _svgDrawing.Children; for (int i = drawings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Drawing drawing = drawings[i]; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GetId: " + SvgObject.GetId(drawing)); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GetName: " + SvgObject.GetName(drawing)); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GetUniqueId: " + SvgObject.GetUniqueId(drawing)); if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out geometryDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(geometryDrawing, ptDisplay)) { // _hitPath = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(geometryDrawing)); int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(geometryDrawing)); } else { string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(geometryDrawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out groupDrawing)) { //var ptSaved = ptDisplay; //var transform = groupDrawing.Transform; //if (transform != null && !transform.Value.IsIdentity) //{ // ptDisplay = transform.Inverse.Transform(ptDisplay); //} _hitPath = hitRootPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(groupDrawing)); int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(groupDrawing); //if (SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing) == SvgObjectType.Text && // groupDrawing.Bounds.Contains(ptDisplay)) if (SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing) == SvgObjectType.Text && this.HitTestText(groupDrawing, ptDisplay, out foundDrawing)) { if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath; } else { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } else { // _hitPath = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(groupDrawing)); var currentPath = _hitPath; try { if (HitTestDrawing(groupDrawing, ptDisplay, out foundDrawing)) { if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(foundDrawing)); } else { string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(foundDrawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { //foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } } finally { _hitPath = currentPath; } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out glyRunDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(glyRunDrawing, ptDisplay)) { // _hitPath = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(glyRunDrawing)); int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(glyRunDrawing)); } else { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } } if (_hitList.Count != 0) { var key = _hitList.LastOrDefault().Key; if (_hitPaths.ContainsKey(key)) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Key Found: " + _hitPaths[key].Path); } return(_hitList.LastOrDefault().Value); } if (foundDrawing == null) { return(_hitGroup); } return(foundDrawing); }
public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); if (context.Count == 0) { context.Push(_drawGroup); context.Root = _drawGroup; } else if (context.Count == 1) { DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } if (currentGroup == context.Root && !context.IsFragment) { SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, SvgObject.DrawLayer); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgLink.SetKey(_drawGroup, SvgObject.DrawLayer); } } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } else { DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } SvgSymbolElement svgElm = (SvgSymbolElement)_svgElement; double x = Math.Round(svgElm.X.AnimVal.Value, 4); double y = Math.Round(svgElm.Y.AnimVal.Value, 4); double width = Math.Round(svgElm.Width.AnimVal.Value, 4); double height = Math.Round(svgElm.Height.AnimVal.Value, 4); Rect elmRect = new Rect(x, y, width, height); XmlNode parentNode = _svgElement.ParentNode; ISvgFitToViewBox fitToView = svgElm as ISvgFitToViewBox; if (fitToView != null) { ISvgAnimatedRect animRect = fitToView.ViewBox; if (animRect != null) { ISvgRect viewRect = animRect.AnimVal; if (viewRect != null) { Rect wpfViewRect = WpfConvert.ToRect(viewRect); if (!wpfViewRect.IsEmpty && wpfViewRect.Width > 0 && wpfViewRect.Height > 0) { elmRect = wpfViewRect; } } } } FitToViewbox(context, elmRect); Transform transform = this.Transform; if (transform != null) { _drawGroup.Transform = transform; } if (!elmRect.IsEmpty && !elmRect.Width.Equals(0) && !elmRect.Height.Equals(0)) { // Elements such as "pattern" are also rendered by this renderer, so we make sure we are // dealing with the root SVG element... if (parentNode != null && parentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(elmRect); } else { if (transform != null) { // We have already applied the transform, which will translate to the start point... if (transform is TranslateTransform) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry( new Rect(0, 0, elmRect.Width, elmRect.Height)); } else { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(elmRect); } } else { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(elmRect); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Performs the conversion of a valid SVG source file to the <see cref="DrawingGroup"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="svgSource">A <see cref="Uri"/> defining the path to the SVG source.</param> /// <param name="settings"> /// This specifies the settings used by the rendering or drawing engine. /// If this is <see langword="null"/>, the default settings is used. /// </param> /// <returns> /// This returns <see cref="DrawingGroup"/> if successful; otherwise, it /// returns <see langword="null"/>. /// </returns> protected virtual DrawingGroup CreateDrawing(Uri svgSource, WpfDrawingSettings settings) { if (svgSource == null) { return(null); } string scheme = svgSource.Scheme; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scheme)) { return(null); } var comparer = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; DrawingGroup drawing = null; switch (scheme) { case "file": //case "ftp": case "https": case "http": using (FileSvgReader reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { drawing = reader.Read(svgSource); } break; case "pack": StreamResourceInfo svgStreamInfo = null; if (svgSource.ToString().IndexOf("siteoforigin", comparer) >= 0) { svgStreamInfo = Application.GetRemoteStream(svgSource); } else { svgStreamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(svgSource); } Stream svgStream = (svgStreamInfo != null) ? svgStreamInfo.Stream : null; if (svgStream != null) { string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(svgSource.ToString()); bool isCompressed = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileExt) && string.Equals(fileExt, ".svgz", comparer); if (isCompressed) { using (svgStream) { using (GZipStream zipStream = new GZipStream(svgStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (FileSvgReader reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { drawing = reader.Read(zipStream); } } } } else { using (svgStream) { using (FileSvgReader reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { drawing = reader.Read(svgStream); } } } } break; case "data": var sourceData = svgSource.OriginalString.Replace(" ", ""); int nColon = sourceData.IndexOf(":", comparer); int nSemiColon = sourceData.IndexOf(";", comparer); int nComma = sourceData.IndexOf(",", comparer); string sMimeType = sourceData.Substring(nColon + 1, nSemiColon - nColon - 1); string sEncoding = sourceData.Substring(nSemiColon + 1, nComma - nSemiColon - 1); if (string.Equals(sMimeType.Trim(), "image/svg+xml", comparer) && string.Equals(sEncoding.Trim(), "base64", comparer)) { string sContent = SvgObject.RemoveWhitespace(sourceData.Substring(nComma + 1)); byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(sContent.ToCharArray(), 0, sContent.Length); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { drawing = reader.Read(stream); } } } break; } return(drawing); }
private ImageSource GetImage(SvgImageElement element, WpfDrawingContext context) { bool isSavingImages = _saveImages; string imagesDir = _saveDirectory; if (context != null && context.Settings.IncludeRuntime == false) { isSavingImages = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_saveDirectory) || Directory.Exists(_saveDirectory) == false) { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); if (assembly != null) { imagesDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location); } } } var comparer = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; string sURI = element.Href.AnimVal.Replace(" ", ""); int nColon = sURI.IndexOf(":", comparer); int nSemiColon = sURI.IndexOf(";", comparer); int nComma = sURI.IndexOf(",", comparer); string sMimeType = sURI.Substring(nColon + 1, nSemiColon - nColon - 1); string sContent = SvgObject.RemoveWhitespace(sURI.Substring(nComma + 1)); byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(sContent.ToCharArray(), 0, sContent.Length); bool isGZiped = sContent.StartsWith(SvgObject.GZipSignature, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (string.Equals(sMimeType, "image/svg+xml", comparer)) { if (isGZiped) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (GZipStream zipStream = new GZipStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(context.Settings)) return(new DrawingImage(reader.Read(zipStream))); } } } else { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(context.Settings)) return(new DrawingImage(reader.Read(stream))); } } } BitmapImage imageSource = new BitmapImage(); imageSource.BeginInit(); imageSource.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat; imageSource.StreamSource = new MemoryStream(imageBytes); imageSource.EndInit(); imageSource.Freeze(); if (isSavingImages && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imagesDir) && Directory.Exists(imagesDir)) { var imagePath = this.GetImagePath(imagesDir); BitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(); encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(imageSource)); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(imagePath, FileMode.Create)) { encoder.Save(fileStream); } BitmapImage savedSource = new BitmapImage(); savedSource.BeginInit(); savedSource.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; savedSource.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat; savedSource.UriSource = new Uri(imagePath); savedSource.EndInit(); savedSource.Freeze(); return(savedSource); } return(imageSource); }
private ImageSource GetImage(SvgImageElement element, WpfDrawingContext context) { bool isSavingImages = _saveImages; string imagesDir = _saveDirectory; if (context != null && context.Settings.IncludeRuntime == false) { isSavingImages = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_saveDirectory) || Directory.Exists(_saveDirectory) == false) { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); if (assembly != null) { imagesDir = PathUtils.Combine(assembly); } } } var comparer = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; string sURI = element.Href.AnimVal.Replace(" ", string.Empty); int nColon = sURI.IndexOf(":", comparer); int nSemiColon = sURI.IndexOf(";", comparer); int nComma = sURI.IndexOf(",", comparer); string sMimeType = sURI.Substring(nColon + 1, nSemiColon - nColon - 1); var sContent = SvgObject.RemoveWhitespace(sURI.Substring(nComma + 1)); var imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(sContent.ToCharArray(), 0, sContent.Length); bool isGZiped = sContent.StartsWith(SvgConstants.GZipSignature, StringComparison.Ordinal); bool isSvgOrXml = sContent.StartsWith(SvgConstants.SvgSignature, StringComparison.Ordinal) || sContent.StartsWith(SvgConstants.XmlSignature, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (string.Equals(sMimeType, "image/svg+xml", comparer) || isSvgOrXml) { if (isGZiped) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (GZipStream zipStream = new GZipStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(context.Settings, true)) { return(new DrawingImage(reader.Read(zipStream))); } } } } else { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(context.Settings, true)) { return(new DrawingImage(reader.Read(stream))); } } } } var memStream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes); BitmapImage imageSource = new BitmapImage(); imageSource.BeginInit(); imageSource.StreamSource = memStream; imageSource.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; imageSource.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat; imageSource.EndInit(); string imagePath = null; if (isSavingImages && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imagesDir) && Directory.Exists(imagesDir)) { imagePath = this.GetImagePath(imagesDir); BitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(); encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(imageSource)); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(imagePath, FileMode.Create)) { encoder.Save(fileStream); } imageSource.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat | BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache; imageSource.UriSource = new Uri(imagePath); //imageSource.StreamSource.Dispose(); //imageSource = null; //BitmapImage savedSource = new BitmapImage(); //savedSource.BeginInit(); //savedSource.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.None; //savedSource.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat | BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache; //savedSource.UriSource = new Uri(imagePath); //savedSource.EndInit(); //savedSource.Freeze(); //if (_imageCreated != null) //{ // var eventArgs = new EmbeddedImageSerializerArgs(imagePath, savedSource); // _imageCreated.Invoke(this, eventArgs); //} //return savedSource; } else if (_converterFallback) { //if (_imageCreated != null) //{ // var eventArgs = new EmbeddedImageSerializerArgs(imagePath, imageSource); // _imageCreated.Invoke(this, eventArgs); //} return(new EmbeddedBitmapSource(memStream, imageSource)); } if (_imageCreated != null) { var eventArgs = new EmbeddedImageSerializerArgs(imagePath, imageSource); _imageCreated.Invoke(this, eventArgs); } imageSource.Freeze(); return(imageSource); }
public override void BeforeRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { base.BeforeRender(renderer); WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; if (context.Count == 0) { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); context.Push(_drawGroup); context.Root = _drawGroup; } else if (context.Count == 1) { DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } if (currentGroup == context.Root) { if (context.IsFragment) { // Do not add extra layer to fragments... _drawGroup = currentGroup; } else { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); SvgObject.SetName(_drawGroup, SvgObject.DrawLayer); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgLink.SetKey(_drawGroup, SvgObject.DrawLayer); } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } } else { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } } else { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); context.Push(_drawGroup); } SvgSvgElement svgElm = (SvgSvgElement)_svgElement; double x = Math.Round(svgElm.X.AnimVal.Value, 4); double y = Math.Round(svgElm.Y.AnimVal.Value, 4); double width = Math.Round(svgElm.Width.AnimVal.Value, 4); double height = Math.Round(svgElm.Height.AnimVal.Value, 4); if (width < 0 || height < 0) { // For invalid dimension, prevent the drawing of the children... _isRecursive = true; return; } Rect elmRect = new Rect(x, y, width, height); XmlNode parentNode = _svgElement.ParentNode; ISvgFitToViewBox fitToView = svgElm as ISvgFitToViewBox; ISvgAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio = null; if (fitToView != null && fitToView.PreserveAspectRatio != null) { preserveAspectRatio = fitToView.PreserveAspectRatio; ISvgAnimatedRect animRect = fitToView.ViewBox; if (animRect != null) { ISvgRect viewRect = animRect.AnimVal; if (viewRect != null) { Rect wpfViewRect = WpfConvert.ToRect(viewRect); if (!wpfViewRect.IsEmpty && wpfViewRect.Width > 0 && wpfViewRect.Height > 0) { elmRect = wpfViewRect; } } } } Transform transform = null; var aspectRatio = (preserveAspectRatio != null) ? preserveAspectRatio.AnimVal : null; if (parentNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Document || (aspectRatio != null && aspectRatio.Align == SvgPreserveAspectRatioType.None)) { FitToViewbox(context, elmRect); transform = this.Transform; if (transform != null) { _drawGroup.Transform = transform; } } if (!elmRect.IsEmpty && !elmRect.Width.Equals(0) && !elmRect.Height.Equals(0)) { // Elements such as "pattern" are also rendered by this renderer, so we make sure we are // dealing with the root SVG element... if (parentNode != null && parentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(elmRect); } else { if (transform != null) { // We have already applied the transform, which will translate to the start point... if (transform is TranslateTransform) { //_drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry( // new Rect(0, 0, elmRect.Width, elmRect.Height)); } else { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(elmRect); } } else { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(elmRect); } } } }
/// <summary> /// This converts the SVG resource specified by the Uri to <see cref="DrawingGroup"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="svgSource">A <see cref="Uri"/> specifying the source of the SVG resource.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="DrawingGroup"/> of the converted SVG resource.</returns> protected virtual DrawingGroup GetDrawing(Uri svgSource) { string scheme = null; // A little hack to display preview in design mode: The design mode Uri is not absolute. bool designTime = DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new DependencyObject()); if (designTime && svgSource.IsAbsoluteUri == false) { scheme = "pack"; } else { scheme = svgSource.Scheme; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scheme)) { return(null); } WpfDrawingSettings settings = new WpfDrawingSettings(); settings.IncludeRuntime = _includeRuntime; settings.TextAsGeometry = _textAsGeometry; settings.OptimizePath = _optimizePath; if (_culture != null) { settings.CultureInfo = _culture; } switch (scheme) { case "file": //case "ftp": case "https": case "http": using (FileSvgReader reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { DrawingGroup drawGroup = reader.Read(svgSource); if (drawGroup != null) { return(drawGroup); } } break; case "pack": StreamResourceInfo svgStreamInfo = null; if (svgSource.ToString().IndexOf("siteoforigin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { svgStreamInfo = Application.GetRemoteStream(svgSource); } else { svgStreamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(svgSource); } Stream svgStream = (svgStreamInfo != null) ? svgStreamInfo.Stream : null; if (svgStream != null) { string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(svgSource.ToString()); bool isCompressed = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileExt) && string.Equals(fileExt, ".svgz", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (isCompressed) { using (svgStream) { using (var zipStream = new GZipStream(svgStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (FileSvgReader reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { DrawingGroup drawGroup = reader.Read(zipStream); if (drawGroup != null) { return(drawGroup); } } } } } else { using (svgStream) { using (FileSvgReader reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { DrawingGroup drawGroup = reader.Read(svgStream); if (drawGroup != null) { return(drawGroup); } } } } } break; case "data": var sourceData = svgSource.OriginalString.Replace(" ", ""); int nColon = sourceData.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); int nSemiColon = sourceData.IndexOf(";", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); int nComma = sourceData.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); string sMimeType = sourceData.Substring(nColon + 1, nSemiColon - nColon - 1); string sEncoding = sourceData.Substring(nSemiColon + 1, nComma - nSemiColon - 1); if (string.Equals(sMimeType.Trim(), "image/svg+xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && string.Equals(sEncoding.Trim(), "base64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string sContent = SvgObject.RemoveWhitespace(sourceData.Substring(nComma + 1)); byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(sContent.ToCharArray(), 0, sContent.Length); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { using (var reader = new FileSvgReader(settings)) { DrawingGroup drawGroup = reader.Read(stream); if (drawGroup != null) { return(drawGroup); } } } } break; } return(null); }
private bool HitTestDrawing(DrawingGroup group, Point pt, out Drawing hitDrawing) { hitDrawing = null; bool isHit = false; if (group.Bounds.Contains(pt)) { var transform = group.Transform; if (transform != null) { var matrix = transform.Value; if (matrix != null && matrix.IsIdentity == false) { pt = transform.Inverse.Transform(pt); } } DrawingGroup groupDrawing = null; GlyphRunDrawing glyRunDrawing = null; GeometryDrawing geometryDrawing = null; DrawingCollection drawings = group.Children; for (int i = drawings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Drawing drawing = drawings[i]; if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out geometryDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(geometryDrawing, pt)) { hitDrawing = drawing; int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; isHit = false; } else { return(true); } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out groupDrawing)) { SvgObjectType objectType = SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing); //if (objectType == SvgObjectType.Text && groupDrawing.Bounds.Contains(pt)) if (objectType == SvgObjectType.Text) { hitDrawing = drawing; int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; isHit = false; } else { return(true); } } if (HitTestDrawing(groupDrawing, pt, out hitDrawing)) { int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; isHit = false; } else { return(true); } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out glyRunDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(glyRunDrawing, pt)) { hitDrawing = glyRunDrawing; int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; isHit = false; } else { return(true); } } } } string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(group); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { _hitGroup = group; } } return(isHit); }
private bool HitTestDrawing(DrawingGroup group, Point pt, out Drawing hitDrawing, bool isText = false) { hitDrawing = null; bool isHit = false; if (!group.Bounds.Contains(pt)) { return(isHit); } var transform = group.Transform; if (transform != null && !transform.Value.IsIdentity) { pt = transform.Inverse.Transform(pt); } var groupHitPath = _hitPath; DrawingGroup groupDrawing = null; GlyphRunDrawing glyRunDrawing = null; GeometryDrawing geometryDrawing = null; DrawingCollection drawings = group.Children; for (int i = drawings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Drawing drawing = drawings[i]; // _hitPath = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(drawing)); if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out geometryDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(geometryDrawing, pt)) { // _hitPath = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(geometryDrawing)); hitDrawing = drawing; int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(geometryDrawing)); isHit = false; } else { orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(group); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = group; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(group)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(group))) { _hitGroup = group; } return(true); } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out groupDrawing)) { _hitPath = groupHitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(groupDrawing)); SvgObjectType objectType = SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing); // if (objectType == SvgObjectType.Text && groupDrawing.Bounds.Contains(pt)) if (objectType == SvgObjectType.Text && this.HitTestText(groupDrawing, pt, out hitDrawing)) // if (objectType == SvgObjectType.Text) { hitDrawing = drawing; int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath; isHit = false; } else { return(true); } } else { // _hitPath = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(hitDrawing)); var currentPath = _hitPath; try { if (HitTestDrawing(groupDrawing, pt, out hitDrawing)) { // int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(hitDrawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(hitDrawing)); isHit = false; } else { orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(groupDrawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = groupDrawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(groupDrawing)); } return(true); } } } finally { _hitPath = currentPath; } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out glyRunDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(glyRunDrawing, pt)) { // _hitPath = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(glyRunDrawing)); hitDrawing = glyRunDrawing; int orderNumber = SvgObject.GetOrder(drawing); if (orderNumber >= 0) { _hitList[orderNumber] = drawing; _hitPaths[orderNumber] = _hitPath.AddChild(SvgObject.GetUniqueId(glyRunDrawing)); isHit = false; } else { return(true); } } } } string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(group); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { _hitGroup = group; } return(isHit); }
public override void AfterRender(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { if (_horzRenderer != null) { _horzRenderer.Uninitialize(); _horzRenderer = null; } if (_vertRenderer != null) { _vertRenderer.Uninitialize(); _vertRenderer = null; } if (_pathRenderer != null) { _pathRenderer.Uninitialize(); _pathRenderer = null; } if (_drawContext != null) { _drawContext.Close(); _drawContext = null; } WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; // TODO-PAUL: Testing this for validity... // Remove the GuidelineSet from the groups added by the FormattedText to reduced the // size of output XAML... if (_drawGroup != null) { ResetGuidelineSet(_drawGroup); } if (context.IncludeRuntime) { if (_drawGroup != null) { // Add the element/object type... SvgObject.SetType(_drawGroup, SvgObjectType.Text); // Add title for tooltips, if any... SvgTitleElement titleElement = _svgElement.SelectSingleNode("title") as SvgTitleElement; if (titleElement != null) { string titleValue = titleElement.InnerText; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleValue)) { SvgObject.SetTitle(_drawGroup, titleValue); } } } } if (!_isGroupAdded) { if (_drawGroup != null) { if (_isTextPath || _drawGroup.Transform != null || _drawGroup.ClipGeometry != null) { DrawingGroup curGroup = _context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(curGroup != null); if (curGroup != null) { curGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); } } else if (_drawGroup.Children.Count != 0) { DrawingGroup firstGroup = _drawGroup.Children[0] as DrawingGroup; if (firstGroup != null && firstGroup.Children.Count != 0) { //Drawing firstDrawing = firstGroup.Children[0]; DrawingGroup curGroup = _context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(curGroup != null); if (curGroup != null) { curGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); } } } } } else { if (_drawGroup != null) { DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null || currentGroup != _drawGroup) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } context.Pop(); } } _context = null; _drawGroup = null; base.AfterRender(renderer); }
private Drawing PerformHitTest(Rect rect, IntersectionDetail detail) { if (_svgDrawing == null) { return(null); } var rectDisplay = _displayTransform.TransformBounds(rect); var geomDisplay = new RectangleGeometry(rectDisplay); DrawingGroup groupDrawing = null; GlyphRunDrawing glyRunDrawing = null; GeometryDrawing geometryDrawing = null; Drawing foundDrawing = null; DrawingCollection drawings = _svgDrawing.Children; for (int i = drawings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Drawing drawing = drawings[i]; if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out geometryDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(geometryDrawing, geomDisplay, detail)) { string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(drawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out groupDrawing)) { if (SvgObject.GetType(groupDrawing) == SvgObjectType.Text) { var textBounds = new RectangleGeometry(groupDrawing.Bounds); if (textBounds.FillContainsWithDetail(geomDisplay) == detail) { string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(drawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } if (HitTestDrawing(groupDrawing, geomDisplay, out foundDrawing, detail)) { string uniqueId = SvgObject.GetUniqueId(drawing); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueId)) { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } else if (TryCast.Cast(drawing, out glyRunDrawing)) { if (HitTestDrawing(glyRunDrawing, geomDisplay, detail)) { foundDrawing = drawing; break; } } } return(foundDrawing); }
public override void Render(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; SvgImageElement imageElement = (SvgImageElement)_svgElement; double x = imageElement.X.AnimVal.Value; double y = imageElement.Y.AnimVal.Value; double width = imageElement.Width.AnimVal.Value; double height = imageElement.Height.AnimVal.Value; Rect destRect = new Rect(x, y, width, height); Rect clipRect = new Rect(x, y, width, height); ImageSource imageSource = null; if (imageElement.IsSvgImage) { if (imageElement.IsRootReferenced(imageElement.OwnerDocument.BaseURI)) { return; } SvgWindow wnd = GetSvgWindow(); if (wnd == null) { return; } //_embeddedRenderer.BackColor = Color.Empty; _embeddedRenderer.Render(wnd.Document); DrawingGroup imageGroup = _embeddedRenderer.Drawing as DrawingGroup; if (imageGroup != null && (imageGroup.Children != null && imageGroup.Children.Count == 1)) { DrawingGroup imageDrawing = imageGroup.Children[0] as DrawingGroup; if (imageDrawing != null) { imageDrawing.ClipGeometry = null; imageSource = new DrawingImage(imageDrawing); } else { imageGroup.ClipGeometry = null; imageSource = new DrawingImage(imageGroup); } } else { imageSource = new DrawingImage(_embeddedRenderer.Drawing); } if (_embeddedRenderer != null) { _embeddedRenderer.Dispose(); _embeddedRenderer = null; } } else { imageSource = GetBitmapSource(imageElement, context); } if (imageSource == null) { return; } //TODO--PAUL: Set the DecodePixelWidth/DecodePixelHeight? // Freeze the DrawingImage for performance benefits. //imageSource.Freeze(); DrawingGroup drawGroup = null; ISvgAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio animatedAspectRatio = imageElement.PreserveAspectRatio; if (animatedAspectRatio != null && animatedAspectRatio.AnimVal != null) { SvgPreserveAspectRatio aspectRatio = animatedAspectRatio.AnimVal as SvgPreserveAspectRatio; SvgPreserveAspectRatioType aspectRatioType = (aspectRatio != null) ? aspectRatio.Align : SvgPreserveAspectRatioType.Unknown; if (aspectRatio != null && aspectRatioType != SvgPreserveAspectRatioType.None && aspectRatioType != SvgPreserveAspectRatioType.Unknown) { double imageWidth = imageSource.Width; double imageHeight = imageSource.Height; double viewWidth = destRect.Width; double viewHeight = destRect.Height; SvgMeetOrSlice meetOrSlice = aspectRatio.MeetOrSlice; if (meetOrSlice == SvgMeetOrSlice.Meet) { if (imageWidth <= viewWidth && imageHeight <= viewHeight) { if (this.Transform == null) { if (!aspectRatio.IsDefaultAlign) // Cacxa { destRect = this.GetBounds(destRect, new Size(imageWidth, imageHeight), aspectRatioType); } else { Transform viewTransform = this.GetAspectRatioTransform(aspectRatio, new SvgRect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), new SvgRect(destRect.X, destRect.Y, destRect.Width, destRect.Height)); if (viewTransform != null) { drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); drawGroup.Transform = viewTransform; DrawingGroup lastGroup = context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(lastGroup != null); if (lastGroup != null) { lastGroup.Children.Add(drawGroup); } destRect = this.GetBounds(destRect, new Size(imageWidth, imageHeight), aspectRatioType); // The origin is already handled by the view transform... destRect.X = 0; destRect.Y = 0; } } } else { destRect = new Rect(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight); } } else { if (this.Transform == null) { Transform viewTransform = this.GetAspectRatioTransform(aspectRatio, new SvgRect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), new SvgRect(destRect.X, destRect.Y, destRect.Width, destRect.Height)); if (viewTransform != null) { drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); drawGroup.Transform = viewTransform; DrawingGroup lastGroup = context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(lastGroup != null); if (lastGroup != null) { lastGroup.Children.Add(drawGroup); } destRect = this.GetBounds(destRect, new Size(imageWidth, imageHeight), aspectRatioType); // The origin is already handled by the view transform... destRect.X = 0; destRect.Y = 0; } } } } else if (meetOrSlice == SvgMeetOrSlice.Slice) { var fScaleX = viewWidth / imageWidth; var fScaleY = viewHeight / imageHeight; Transform viewTransform = this.GetAspectRatioTransform(aspectRatio, new SvgRect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), new SvgRect(destRect.X, destRect.Y, destRect.Width, destRect.Height)); DrawingGroup sliceGroup = new DrawingGroup(); sliceGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(clipRect); DrawingGroup lastGroup = context.Peek(); Debug.Assert(lastGroup != null); if (lastGroup != null) { lastGroup.Children.Add(sliceGroup); } if (viewTransform != null) { drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); drawGroup.Transform = viewTransform; sliceGroup.Children.Add(drawGroup); destRect = this.GetBounds(destRect, new Size(imageWidth, imageHeight), aspectRatioType); // The origin is already handled by the view transform... destRect.X = 0; destRect.Y = 0; } else { drawGroup = sliceGroup; } } } } ImageDrawing drawing = new ImageDrawing(imageSource, destRect); float opacityValue = -1; string opacity = imageElement.GetAttribute("opacity"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { opacity = imageElement.GetPropertyValue("opacity"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { opacityValue = (float)SvgNumber.ParseNumber(opacity); opacityValue = Math.Min(opacityValue, 1); opacityValue = Math.Max(opacityValue, 0); } Geometry clipGeom = this.ClipGeometry; Transform transform = this.Transform; bool ownedGroup = true; if (drawGroup == null) { drawGroup = context.Peek(); ownedGroup = false; } Debug.Assert(drawGroup != null); if (drawGroup != null) { if ((opacityValue >= 0 && opacityValue < 1) || (clipGeom != null && !clipGeom.IsEmpty()) || (transform != null && !transform.Value.IsIdentity)) { DrawingGroup clipGroup = ownedGroup ? drawGroup : new DrawingGroup(); if (opacityValue >= 0 && opacityValue < 1) { clipGroup.Opacity = opacityValue; } if (clipGeom != null) { SvgUnitType clipUnits = this.ClipUnits; if (clipUnits == SvgUnitType.ObjectBoundingBox) { Rect drawingBounds = drawing.Bounds; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); // Scale the clip region (at (0, 0)) and translate to the top-left corner of the target. transformGroup.Children.Add( new ScaleTransform(drawingBounds.Width, drawingBounds.Height)); transformGroup.Children.Add( new TranslateTransform(drawingBounds.X, drawingBounds.Y)); clipGeom.Transform = transformGroup; } clipGroup.ClipGeometry = clipGeom; } if (transform != null) { Transform curTransform = clipGroup.Transform; if (curTransform != null && curTransform.Value.IsIdentity == false) { TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(curTransform); transformGroup.Children.Add(transform); clipGroup.Transform = transformGroup; } else { clipGroup.Transform = transform; } } clipGroup.Children.Add(drawing); if (!ownedGroup) { drawGroup.Children.Add(clipGroup); } } else { drawGroup.Children.Add(drawing); } string elementId = this.GetElementName(); if (ownedGroup) { string sVisibility = imageElement.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); string sDisplay = imageElement.GetPropertyValue("display"); if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) { drawGroup.Opacity = 0; } if (!_idAssigned && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetName(drawGroup, elementId); SvgObject.SetId(drawGroup, elementId); } } // Register this drawing with the Drawing-Document... this.Rendered(drawGroup); } else if (!_idAssigned) { if (!_idAssigned && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetName(imageSource, elementId); SvgObject.SetId(imageSource, elementId); } } // Register this drawing with the Drawing-Document... this.Rendered(drawing); } } }
public override void Render(WpfDrawingRenderer renderer) { _isAggregated = false; if (_isLayer) { base.Render(renderer); return; } WpfDrawingContext context = renderer.Context; Geometry clipGeom = this.ClipGeometry; Transform transform = this.Transform; float opacityValue = -1; SvgAElement element = (SvgAElement)_svgElement; string opacity = element.GetPropertyValue("opacity"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacity)) { opacity = element.GetPropertyValue("opacity"); } if (opacity != null && opacity.Length > 0) { opacityValue = (float)SvgNumber.ParseNumber(opacity); opacityValue = Math.Min(opacityValue, 1); opacityValue = Math.Max(opacityValue, 0); } WpfLinkVisitor linkVisitor = context.LinkVisitor; if (linkVisitor != null || clipGeom != null || transform != null || opacityValue >= 0) { _drawGroup = new DrawingGroup(); string elementId = this.GetElementName(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementId) && !context.IsRegisteredId(elementId)) { _drawGroup.SetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty, elementId); context.RegisterId(elementId); if (context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetId(_drawGroup, elementId); } } string elementClass = this.GetElementClass(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementClass) && context.IncludeRuntime) { SvgObject.SetClass(_drawGroup, elementClass); } DrawingGroup currentGroup = context.Peek(); if (currentGroup == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An existing group is expected."); } if (linkVisitor != null && linkVisitor.Aggregates && context.Links != null) { if (!linkVisitor.Exists(elementId)) { context.Links.Children.Add(_drawGroup); } } else { currentGroup.Children.Add(_drawGroup); } context.Push(_drawGroup); if (clipGeom != null) { _drawGroup.ClipGeometry = clipGeom; } if (transform != null) { _drawGroup.Transform = transform; } if (opacityValue >= 0) { _drawGroup.Opacity = opacityValue; } string sVisibility = element.GetPropertyValue("visibility"); string sDisplay = element.GetPropertyValue("display"); if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none")) { opacityValue = 0; _drawGroup.Opacity = 0; } if (linkVisitor != null) { linkVisitor.Visit(_drawGroup, element, context, opacityValue); _isAggregated = linkVisitor.IsAggregate; } } base.Render(renderer); }