コード例 #1
        } // End of the AddOrder method

        /// <summary>
        /// Add an supplier invoice
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<SupplierInvoiceRoot> AddSupplierInvoice(string dox_email, AnnytabDoxTrade doc)
            // Terms of payment
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.terms_of_payment) == false)
                doc.terms_of_payment = CommonTools.ConvertToAlphanumeric(doc.terms_of_payment).ToUpper().Replace("-", "");
                await AddTermsOfPayment(doc.terms_of_payment);

            // Currency
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.currency_code) == false)
                doc.currency_code = doc.currency_code.ToUpper();
                await AddCurrency(doc.currency_code);

            // Upsert the supplier
            SupplierRoot supplier_root = await UpsertSupplier(dox_email, doc);

            // Return if the supplier_root is null
            if(supplier_root == null || supplier_root.Supplier == null)
                return null;

            // Create a list with supplier invoice rows
            IList<SupplierInvoiceRow> rows = new List<SupplierInvoiceRow>();

            //// Add accounts payable amount
            //if(doc.total != null && doc.total != 0M)
            //    rows.Add(new SupplierInvoiceRow
            //    {
            //        Code = "TOT",
            //        Total = doc.total * -1
            //    });
            //// Add value added tax
            //if (doc.vat_total != null && doc.vat_total != 0M)
            //    rows.Add(new SupplierInvoiceRow
            //    {
            //        Code = "VAT",
            //        Total = doc.vat_total
            //    });

            //// Add rounding
            //if(doc.rounding != null && doc.rounding != 0M)
            //    rows.Add(new SupplierInvoiceRow
            //    {
            //        Code = "ROV",
            //        Total = doc.rounding
            //    });
            // Add supplier invoice rows
            if (doc.product_rows != null)
                await AddSupplierInvoiceRows(doc.product_rows, rows);

            // Create a supplier invoice
            SupplierInvoiceRoot root = new SupplierInvoiceRoot
                SupplierInvoice = new SupplierInvoice
                    SupplierNumber = supplier_root.Supplier.SupplierNumber,
                    InvoiceNumber = string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.payment_reference) == false ? doc.payment_reference : null,
                    InvoiceDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.issue_date) == false ? doc.issue_date : null,
                    DueDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.due_date) == false ? doc.due_date : null,
                    Currency = doc.currency_code,
                    Comments = doc.comment,
                    Total = doc.total != null ? doc.total : 0M,
                    VAT = doc.vat_total != null ? doc.vat_total : 0M,
                    RoundOffValue = doc.rounding != null ? doc.rounding : 0M,
                    SupplierInvoiceRows = rows

            // Add a supplier invoice
            FortnoxResponse<SupplierInvoiceRoot> fr = await this.nox_client.Add<SupplierInvoiceRoot>(root, "supplierinvoices");
            // Log errors
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fr.error) == false)

            // Return the supplier invoice
            return fr.model;

        } // End of the AddSupplierInvoice method
コード例 #2
        public async Task TestAddPost()
            // Create a post
            //SupplierInvoiceRoot post = new SupplierInvoiceRoot
            //    SupplierInvoice = new SupplierInvoice
            //    {
            //        SupplierNumber = "502",
            //        InvoiceNumber = "D46",
            //        InvoiceDate = "2019-08-06",
            //        DueDate = "2019-08-21",
            //        Currency = "SEK",
            //        Total = 203M,
            //        VAT = 40.625M,
            //        RoundOffValue = -0.125M,
            //        VATType = "NORMAL",
            //        //SalesType = "STOCK", //Ett fel uppstod i lagermodulen (2003127)
            //        SupplierInvoiceRows = new List<SupplierInvoiceRow>
            //        {
            //            new SupplierInvoiceRow
            //            {
            //                ArticleNumber = "GiB",
            //                Account = "6210",
            //                ItemDescription = "Gibibytes",
            //                Quantity = 10,
            //                Price = 8
            //            },
            //            new SupplierInvoiceRow
            //            {
            //                ArticleNumber = "File",
            //                Account = "6210",
            //                ItemDescription = "Filer",
            //                Quantity = 33,
            //                Price = 2.50M
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            SupplierInvoiceRoot post = new SupplierInvoiceRoot
                SupplierInvoice = new SupplierInvoice
                    SupplierNumber = "502",
                    InvoiceNumber = "D46",
                    InvoiceDate = "2019-08-06",
                    DueDate = "2019-08-21",
                    Currency = "SEK",
                    Total = -203M,
                    VAT = -40.625M,
                    RoundOffValue = 0.125M,
                    VATType = "NORMAL",
                    //SalesType = "STOCK", //Ett fel uppstod i lagermodulen (2003127)
                    SupplierInvoiceRows = new List<SupplierInvoiceRow>
                        new SupplierInvoiceRow
                            ArticleNumber = "GiB",
                            Account = "6210",
                            ItemDescription = "Gibibytes",
                            Quantity = -10,
                            Price = 8
                        new SupplierInvoiceRow
                            ArticleNumber = "File",
                            Account = "6210",
                            ItemDescription = "Filer",
                            Quantity = -33,
                            Price = 2.50M

            // Add the post
            FortnoxResponse<SupplierInvoiceRoot> fr = await config.fortnox_client.Add<SupplierInvoiceRoot>(post, "supplierinvoices");

            // Log the error
            if (fr.model == null)

            // Test evaluation
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, fr.model);

        } // End of the TestAddPost method
コード例 #3
        } // End of the run method

        /// <summary>
        /// Import to Fortnox
        /// </summary>
        private async Task RunImport(string directory, IDoxservrFilesClient dox_files_client, IFortnoxClient nox_client)
            // Log the start
            this.logger.LogInformation("START: Importing documents to Fortnox!");

            // Get files from doxservr
            await GetDoxservrFiles(directory);

            // Create a list with accounts
            IList<string> accounts = new List<string> { this.default_values.SalesAccountEUREVERSEDVAT, this.default_values.SalesAccountEUVAT,
                this.default_values.SalesAccountEXPORT, this.default_values.SalesAccountSE0, this.default_values.SalesAccountSE12,
                this.default_values.SalesAccountSE25, this.default_values.SalesAccountSE6, this.default_values.SalesAccountSEREVERSEDVAT,
                this.default_values.PurchaseAccount };

            // Add accounts
            foreach(string account in accounts)
                if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(account) == false)
                    await this.fortnox_importer.AddAccount(account);

            // Add a price list
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.default_values.PriceList) == false)
                this.default_values.PriceList = this.default_values.PriceList.ToUpper();
                await this.fortnox_importer.AddPriceList(this.default_values.PriceList);

            // Upsert currency rates
            //DoxservrResponse<FixerRates> dr_fixer_rates = await this.fixer_client.UpdateCurrencyRates(directory);
            //if(dr_fixer_rates.model != null)
            //    await this.fortnox_importer.UpsertCurrencies(dr_fixer_rates.model);

            // Get email senders
            EmailSendersRoot email_senders = null;
            if(this.default_values.OnlyAllowTrustedSenders == true)
                email_senders = await this.fortnox_importer.GetTrustedEmailSenders();

            // Get downloaded metadata files
            string[] metadata_files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory + "\\Files\\Meta\\");

            // Loop metadata files
            foreach(string meta_path in metadata_files)
                // Metadata
                FileDocument post = null;

                    // Get the meta data
                    string meta_data = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(meta_path, Encoding.UTF8);

                    // Make sure that there is meta data
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta_data) == true)
                        this.logger.LogError($"File is empty: {meta_path}");

                    // Get the post
                    post = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FileDocument>(meta_data);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Log the error
                    this.logger.LogError(ex, $"Deserialize file: {meta_path}", null);

                // Make sure that the post not is null
                if(post == null)
                    // Log the error
                    this.logger.LogError($"Post is null: {meta_path}", null);
                // Get the sender
                Party sender = null;
                foreach (Party party in post.parties)
                    if (party.is_sender == 1)
                        sender = party;

                // Check if we only should allow trusted senders
                if(this.default_values.OnlyAllowTrustedSenders == true)
                    // Check if the sender is a trusted sender
                    bool trusted = false;

                    foreach(EmailSender email_sender in email_senders.EmailSenders.TrustedSenders)
                        if(email_sender.Email == sender.email)
                            trusted = true;

                    // Check if the sender is trusted
                    if(trusted == false)
                        // Log the error
                        this.logger.LogError($"{sender.email} is not trusted, add the email to the list of trusted email addresses in Fortnox (Inställningar/Arkivplats).");

                // Get the file path
                string file_path = directory + "\\Files\\" + post.id + CommonTools.GetExtensions(post.filename);

                // Make sure that the file exists
                if(System.IO.File.Exists(file_path) == false)
                    // Log the error
                    this.logger.LogError($"File not found: {file_path}.");

                // Document
                AnnytabDoxTrade doc = null;

                    // Get file data
                    string file_data = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file_path, CommonTools.GetEncoding(post.file_encoding, Encoding.UTF8));

                    // Make sure that there is file data
                    if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(file_data) == true)
                        // Log the error
                        this.logger.LogError($"File is empty: {file_path}.");

                    // Get the document
                    doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AnnytabDoxTrade>(file_data);
                catch(Exception ex)
                    // Log the error
                    this.logger.LogError(ex, $"Deserialize file: {file_path}", null);

                // Make sure that the document not is null
                if (doc == null)
                    // Log the error
                    this.logger.LogError($"Post is null: {file_path}", null);

                // Create an error variable
                bool error = false;

                // Check the document type
                if (doc.document_type == "request_for_quotation")
                    // Log information
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Starts to import offer {post.id}.json to Fortnox.");

                    // Import as offer
                    OfferRoot offer_root = await this.fortnox_importer.AddOffer(sender.email, doc);

                    if (offer_root == null)
                        // Log the error
                        error = true;
                        this.logger.LogError($"Offer, {post.id}.json was not imported to Fortnox.");
                        // Log information
                        this.logger.LogInformation($"Offer, {post.id}.json was imported to Fortnox.");
                else if (doc.document_type == "quotation")
                    // Log information
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Quotation {post.id}.json is not imported to Fortnox.");
                else if (doc.document_type == "order")
                    // Log information
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Starts to import order {post.id}.json to Fortnox.");

                    // Import as order
                    OrderRoot order_root = await this.fortnox_importer.AddOrder(sender.email, doc);

                    if (order_root == null)
                        // Log the error
                        error = true;
                        this.logger.LogError($"Order, {post.id}.json was not imported to Fortnox.");
                        // Log information
                        this.logger.LogInformation($"Order, {post.id}.json was imported to Fortnox.");
                else if (doc.document_type == "order_confirmation")
                    // Log information
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Order confirmation {post.id}.json is not imported to Fortnox.");
                else if (doc.document_type == "invoice")
                    // Log information
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Starts to import supplier invoice {post.id}.json to Fortnox.");

                    // Import as supplier invoice
                    SupplierInvoiceRoot invoice_root = await this.fortnox_importer.AddSupplierInvoice(sender.email, doc);

                    if (invoice_root == null)
                        // Log the error
                        error = true;
                        this.logger.LogError($"Supplier invoice, {post.id}.json was not imported to Fortnox.");
                        // Log information
                        this.logger.LogInformation($"Supplier invoice, {post.id}.json was imported to Fortnox.");
                else if (doc.document_type == "credit_invoice")
                    // Log information
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Starts to import supplier credit invoice {post.id}.json to Fortnox.");

                    // Import as supplier credit invoice
                    SupplierInvoiceRoot invoice_root = await this.fortnox_importer.AddSupplierInvoice(sender.email, doc);

                    if (invoice_root == null)
                        // Log the error
                        error = true;
                        this.logger.LogError($"Supplier credit invoice, {post.id}.json was not imported to Fortnox.");
                        // Log information
                        this.logger.LogInformation($"Supplier credit invoice, {post.id}.json was imported to Fortnox.");

                // Move files if no error was encountered
                if(error == false)
                    // Create destination paths
                    string meta_destination = directory + $"\\Files\\Meta\\Imported\\{post.id}.json";
                    string file_destination = directory + $"\\Files\\Imported\\{post.id}.json";

                        // Delete destination files if the exists
                        if(System.IO.File.Exists(meta_destination) == true)
                        if(System.IO.File.Exists(file_destination) == true)

                        // Move files
                        System.IO.Directory.Move(meta_path, meta_destination);
                        System.IO.Directory.Move(file_path, file_destination);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Log the exception
                        this.logger.LogError(ex, "Moving files", null);

            // Log the end
            this.logger.LogInformation("END: Importing documents to Fortnox!");

        } // End of the RunImport method
コード例 #4
        public async Task TestUpdatePost()
            // Create a post
            SupplierInvoiceRoot post = new SupplierInvoiceRoot
                SupplierInvoice = new SupplierInvoice
                    SupplierNumber = "1",
                    InvoiceDate = "2017-11-01",
                    DueDate = "2017-11-25",
                    Total = 10000,
                    VAT = 2000,
                    VATType = "NORMAL",
                    //SalesType = "STOCK", // Ett fel uppstod i lagermodulen (2003127)
                    Currency = "SEK",
                    CurrencyRate = 1,
                    CurrencyUnit = 1,
                    SupplierInvoiceRows = new List<SupplierInvoiceRow>
                        new SupplierInvoiceRow
                            Account = "2440",
                            Code = "TOT",
                            AccountDescription = "Leverantörsskulder",
                            Debit = 0,
                            Credit = 10000,
                            Total = -10000
                        new SupplierInvoiceRow
                            Account = "2641",
                            Code = "VAT",
                            AccountDescription = "Ingående moms",
                            Debit = 2000,
                            Credit = 0,
                            Total = 2000
                        new SupplierInvoiceRow
                            Account = "6250",
                            Code = "PRE",
                            AccountDescription = "Porto",
                            Debit = 8000,
                            Credit = 0,
                            Total = 8000,
                            ArticleNumber = "1",
                            Quantity = 1000,
                            Price = 8

            // Update the post
            FortnoxResponse<SupplierInvoiceRoot> fr = await config.fortnox_client.Update<SupplierInvoiceRoot>(post, "supplierinvoices/50");

            // Log the error
            if (fr.model == null)

            // Test evaluation
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, fr.model);

        } // End of the TestUpdatePost method