public static SucoEnvironment ConvertVariableValues(JsonDict variablesJson, JsonDict valuesJson) { var list = new List <(string name, object value)>(); foreach (var(varName, varType) in variablesJson) { list.Add((varName, convertVariableValue(SucoType.Parse(varType.GetString()), valuesJson[varName]))); } return(new SucoEnvironment(list)); }
private static object convertList(JsonList list, SucoType elementType) { var result = elementType.CreateArray(list.Count); for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { result.SetValue(convertVariableValue(elementType, list[i]), i); } return(result); }
public SucoBinaryOperatorExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, SucoExpression left, SucoExpression right, BinaryOperator op, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Left = left; Right = right; Operator = op; }
public SucoBooleanLiteralExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, bool literalValue, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { LiteralValue = literalValue; }
public SucoPositionExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, string name, SucoType type) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Name = name; }
public SucoLetExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, string varName, SucoExpression valueExpr, SucoExpression innerExpr, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { VariableName = varName; ValueExpression = valueExpr; InnerExpression = innerExpr; }
private static object convertVariableValue(SucoType type, JsonValue j) => type switch {
public SucoDecimalLiteralExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, double numericalValue, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { LiteralValue = numericalValue; }
public HttpResponse PuzzlePublish(HttpRequest req) { if (req.Method != HttpMethod.Post) { return(HttpResponse.Empty(HttpStatusCode._405_MethodNotAllowed)); } var jsonRaw = req.Post["puzzle"].Value; if (jsonRaw == null || !JsonDict.TryParse(jsonRaw, out var json)) { return(HttpResponse.PlainText("The data transmitted is not valid JSON.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest)); } try { var puzzle = new Puzzle(); puzzle.Title = json["title"].GetString(); puzzle.Author = json["author"].GetString(); puzzle.Rules = json["rules"].GetString(); puzzle.UrlName = MD5.ComputeUrlName(jsonRaw); var givens = json["givens"].GetList().Select((v, ix) => (v, ix)).Where(tup => tup.v != null).Select(tup => (cell: tup.ix, value: tup.v.GetInt())).ToArray(); if (givens.Any(given => given.cell < 0 || given.cell >= 81)) { return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"At least one given is out of range (cell {puzzle.Givens.First(given => given.cell < 0 || given.cell >= 81).cell}).", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest)); } puzzle.Givens = givens.Length > 0 ? givens : null; var constraints = json["constraints"].GetList(); var customConstraintTypes = json["customConstraintTypes"].GetList(); using var tr = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.Serializable }); using var db = new Db(); if (db.Puzzles.Any(p => p.UrlName == puzzle.UrlName)) { return(HttpResponse.PlainText(puzzle.UrlName)); } var dbConstraintTypes = constraints.Select(c => c["type"].GetInt()).Where(c => c >= 0).Distinct().ToArray() .Apply(cIds => db.Constraints.Where(c => cIds.Contains(c.ConstraintID))).AsEnumerable().ToDictionary(c => c.ConstraintID); var faultyId = constraints.Select(c => c["type"].GetInt()).Where(c => c >= 0).FirstOrNull(c => !dbConstraintTypes.ContainsKey(c)); if (faultyId != null) { return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"Unknown constraint type ID: {faultyId.Value}.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest)); } // Add the custom constraint types into the database foreach (var constraint in constraints) { if (constraint["type"].GetInt() is int typeId && typeId < 0 && !dbConstraintTypes.ContainsKey(typeId)) { if (~typeId >= customConstraintTypes.Count || customConstraintTypes[~typeId] == null) { return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"Undefined custom constraint type: {typeId}. List has {customConstraintTypes.Count} entries.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest)); } var cType = customConstraintTypes[~typeId]; var kind = EnumStrong.Parse <ConstraintKind>(cType["kind"].GetString()); // Some verifications: // Make sure the variable types parse as valid Suco types var env = new SucoTypeEnvironment(); foreach (var(varName, varType) in cType["variables"].GetDict()) { if (!SucoType.TryParse(varType.GetString(), out var type)) { return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"Unrecognized Suco type: {varType.GetString()}.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest)); } env = env.DeclareVariable(varName, type); }
public abstract SucoListCondition DeduceTypes(SucoTypeEnvironment env, SucoContext context, SucoType elementType);
public SucoImplicitConversionExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, SucoExpression inner, SucoType type) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Expression = inner; }
public SucoIntegerLiteralExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, int numericalValue, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { LiteralValue = numericalValue; }
public SucoConstant(int startIndex, int endIndex, SucoType type, object value) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Value = value; }
public SucoUnaryOperatorExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, SucoExpression operand, UnaryOperator op, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Operand = operand; Operator = op; }
public override SucoListCondition DeduceTypes(SucoTypeEnvironment env, SucoContext context, SucoType elementType) { var innerExpression = Expression.DeduceTypes(env, context); if (!innerExpression.Type.ImplicitlyConvertibleTo(SucoType.Boolean)) { throw new SucoCompileException($"A condition expression must be a boolean (or implicitly convertible to one).", StartIndex, EndIndex); } return(new SucoListExpressionCondition(StartIndex, EndIndex, innerExpression.ImplicitlyConvertTo(SucoType.Boolean))); }
public SucoIdentifierExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, string name, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Name = name; }
public SucoConditionalExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, SucoExpression condition, SucoExpression truePart, SucoExpression falsePart, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Condition = condition; True = truePart; False = falsePart; }
public SucoMemberAccessExpression(int startIndex, int endIndex, SucoExpression operand, string memberName, SucoType type = null) : base(startIndex, endIndex, type) { Operand = operand; MemberName = memberName; }