//Browsing the last protected void LB_Previous_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LB_Next_1.Enabled = true; LB_Next_2.Enabled = true; //Getting values int intStart = int.Parse(HF_Start.Value); int intCount = int.Parse(HF_Count.Value); intStart -= 7; // End of record? if (intStart < 7) { LB_Previous_1.Enabled = false; LB_Previous_2.Enabled = false; } //Update Start Pointer HF_Start.Value = (intStart).ToString(); //Getting SSList string[] strAList = MatrimonialSuccessStoryManager.GetSuccessStoryList(intStart); //Fill Countrol if (strAList != null) { SuccessPannel1.Bind(strAList[0]); SuccessPannel2.Bind(strAList[1]); SuccessPannel3.Bind(strAList[2]); SuccessPannel4.Bind(strAList[3]); SuccessPannel5.Bind(strAList[4]); SuccessPannel6.Bind(strAList[5]); SuccessPannel7.Bind(strAList[6]); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // Adding meta Discription HtmlMeta objMeta = new HtmlMeta(); objMeta.Name = "Description"; objMeta.Content = WebConfig.GetValues("MetaDiscription"); this.Header.Controls.Add(objMeta); // Adding meta KeyWords objMeta = new HtmlMeta(); objMeta.Name = "keywords"; objMeta.Content = WebConfig.GetValues("MetaKeword"); this.Header.Controls.Add(objMeta); try { HttpCookieCollection objHttpCookieCollection = Request.Cookies; HttpCookie objHttpCookie = objHttpCookieCollection.Get("MatCookie5639sb"); L_MatID.Text = Crypto.DeCrypto(objHttpCookie.Values["MatrimonialID"]); string strSSID = MatrimonialSuccessStoryManager.GetSuccessID(L_MatID.Text); if (strSSID != null) { PN_SStory.Visible = true; PN_SubMit.Visible = false; SuccessPannel1.Bind(strSSID); } else { PN_SStory.Visible = false; PN_SubMit.Visible = true; txtCount.Text = TB_SucessStory.MaxLength.ToString(); TB_SucessStory.Attributes.Add("onKeyUp", "javascript:document.getElementById('" + txtCount.ClientID + "').setAttribute('value', (" + TB_SucessStory.MaxLength + " - parseInt(document.getElementById('" + TB_SucessStory.ClientID + "').getAttribute('value').length)));"); int intYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 2; for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { DDL_dobYear.Items.Add((intYear + i).ToString()); } } } catch (Exception) { } } //if }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // Adding meta Discription HtmlMeta objMeta = new HtmlMeta(); objMeta.Name = "Description"; objMeta.Content = WebConfig.GetValues("MetaDiscription"); this.Header.Controls.Add(objMeta); // Adding meta KeyWords objMeta = new HtmlMeta(); objMeta.Name = "keywords"; objMeta.Content = WebConfig.GetValues("MetaKeword"); this.Header.Controls.Add(objMeta); // <<<<<<<ForTesting>>>>>>>>>>>>> int intCount = MatrimonialSuccessStoryManager.GetSStoryCount(); if (intCount > 0) { if (intCount < 7) { LB_Next_1.Enabled = false; LB_Next_2.Enabled = false; } HF_Start.Value = "0"; HF_Count.Value = (intCount).ToString(); string[] strAList = MatrimonialSuccessStoryManager.GetSuccessStoryList(0); if (strAList != null) { SuccessPannel1.Bind(strAList[0]); SuccessPannel2.Bind(strAList[1]); SuccessPannel3.Bind(strAList[2]); SuccessPannel4.Bind(strAList[3]); SuccessPannel5.Bind(strAList[4]); SuccessPannel6.Bind(strAList[5]); SuccessPannel7.Bind(strAList[6]); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //is it have a ssID string strSSID = Request.QueryString["id"]; if ((strSSID != "") && (strSSID != null)) { //Load Pannel SuccessPannel1.Bind(strSSID); } else { Response.Redirect("~/Extras/ErrorReport.aspx?id=404"); } } else { //Ok You can Delete if (CB_Delete.Checked) { //Delete if (SuccessPannel1.DeleteMe()) { //Change Settings L_Error.Text = "SucessStory Deleted"; L_Error.Visible = true; SuccessPannel1.Visible = false; CB_Delete.Visible = false; B_Delete.Visible = false; } else { //Error L_Error.Text = "Server Not Resopnding"; } } else { //You have to Check The Check Box CB_Delete.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } } }
private bool UpLoadImageFile(FileInfo info) { /* * UserSuccessStory_InsertStory * * @SStoryID varchar(15) = NULL, * @MatrimonialID varchar(10) = NULL, * @Bride varchar(50) = NULL, * @Groom varchar(50) = NULL, * @WeddingDate smalldatetime = NULL, * @Photo image = NULL */ try { /// /// striming image /// byte[] byteContent = new byte[info.Length]; FileStream objFileStream = info.OpenRead(); objFileStream.Read(byteContent, 0, byteContent.Length); objFileStream.Close(); /// /// Processing image /// byteContent = EditImage.GetThumbNail(byteContent, 124, 90, true); byteContent = EditImage.SetWatermark(byteContent, WebConfig.GetValues("FName"), 50, true, 36); /// /// DataBase operation starts /// using (SqlConnection objConnection = DBConnection.GetSqlConnection()) { SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand("UserSuccessStory_InsertStory", objConnection); objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; /// Inserting parameters string strTemp = getSucessID(); objCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SStoryID", SqlDbType.VarChar)); objCommand.Parameters["@SStoryID"].Value = strTemp; objCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SucessStory", SqlDbType.VarChar)); objCommand.Parameters["@SucessStory"].Value = TB_SucessStory.Text; objCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MatrimonialID", SqlDbType.VarChar)); objCommand.Parameters["@MatrimonialID"].Value = TB_MatID.Text; objCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Bride", SqlDbType.VarChar)); objCommand.Parameters["@Bride"].Value = TB_Bride.Text; objCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Groom", SqlDbType.VarChar)); objCommand.Parameters["@Groom"].Value = TB_Groom.Text; /// <<<<<<<<<<<< ForTesting >>>>>>>>>>>> objCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@WeddingDate", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)); objCommand.Parameters["@WeddingDate"].Value = DateTime.Parse(TB_Date.Text); objCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Photo", SqlDbType.Image)); objCommand.Parameters["@Photo"].Value = byteContent; /// Execute Sql Query objConnection.Open(); objCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); objConnection.Close(); //Setting SuccessPannel PN_Success.Visible = true; SuccessPannel1.Bind(strTemp); } return(true); } catch (Exception) { // ErrorLog return(false); } }
protected void IB_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SuccessPannel1.DeleteMe(); PN_SubMit.Visible = true; PN_SStory.Visible = false; }
private void LoadStory() { PN_SubMit.Visible = false; PN_SStory.Visible = true; SuccessPannel1.Bind(HF_SSID.Value); }