コード例 #1
        public void LoadMap01()
            using (var wad = new Wad(WadPath.Doom2))
                var flats      = new FlatLookup(wad, true);
                var textures   = new TextureLookup(wad, true);
                var map        = wad.GetLumpNumber("MAP01");
                var vertices   = Vertex.FromWad(wad, map + 4);
                var sectors    = Sector.FromWad(wad, map + 8, flats);
                var sides      = SideDef.FromWad(wad, map + 3, textures, sectors);
                var lines      = LineDef.FromWad(wad, map + 2, vertices, sides);
                var segs       = Seg.FromWad(wad, map + 5, vertices, lines);
                var subsectors = Subsector.FromWad(wad, map + 6, segs);

                Assert.AreEqual(194, subsectors.Length);

                Assert.AreEqual(4, subsectors[0].SegCount);
                for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(segs[subsectors[0].FirstSeg + i] == segs[i]);

                Assert.AreEqual(4, subsectors[57].SegCount);
                for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(segs[subsectors[57].FirstSeg + i] == segs[179 + i]);

                Assert.AreEqual(4, subsectors[193].SegCount);
                for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(segs[subsectors[193].FirstSeg + i] == segs[597 + i]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CreateTests.cs プロジェクト: ErgodicMage/StellarMap
        public void CreateSubsectorAramis()
            TravellerMap map = new TravellerMap("Aramis Subsector");

            SpinwardMarchesMap spinwardmarches = new SpinwardMarchesMap(map);
            Subsector          aramis          = spinwardmarches.CreateAramisSubsector();
コード例 #3
        public void LoadE1M1()
            using (var wad = new Wad(WadPath.Doom1))
                var flats      = new FlatLookup(wad, true);
                var textures   = new TextureLookup(wad, true);
                var map        = wad.GetLumpNumber("E1M1");
                var vertices   = Vertex.FromWad(wad, map + 4);
                var sectors    = Sector.FromWad(wad, map + 8, flats);
                var sides      = SideDef.FromWad(wad, map + 3, textures, sectors);
                var lines      = LineDef.FromWad(wad, map + 2, vertices, sides);
                var segs       = Seg.FromWad(wad, map + 5, vertices, lines);
                var subsectors = Subsector.FromWad(wad, map + 6, segs);

                Assert.AreEqual(239, subsectors.Length);

                Assert.AreEqual(8, subsectors[0].SegCount);
                for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(segs[subsectors[0].FirstSeg + i] == segs[0 + i]);

                Assert.AreEqual(1, subsectors[54].SegCount);
                for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(segs[subsectors[54].FirstSeg + i] == segs[181 + i]);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, subsectors[238].SegCount);
                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(segs[subsectors[238].FirstSeg + i] == segs[745 + i]);
コード例 #4
        public Subsector ParseSubsector(TravellerMap map, string name, TextReader reader)
            Subsector subsector = new Subsector(name);

            map.Add <Subsector>(subsector);

            WorldSECParser worldParser = new WorldSECParser();

            string line = null;
            //int linecount = 0;
            bool startWorlds = false;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                //if (linecount < 13)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                else if (!startWorlds && line.StartsWith("....+"))
                    startWorlds = true;

                World world = worldParser.ParseWorld(map, line);


コード例 #5
 protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.Property == SubsectorProperty)
         this.Modelo.Subsector = this.Subsector;
コード例 #6
        public Sector CreateSector()
            Sector sector = new Sector("Spinward Marches");

            Map.Add <Sector>(sector);

            Subsector sub = CreateSubsector("Cronor");

            sector.Add("A", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Jewell");
            sector.Add("B", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Regina");
            sector.Add("C", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Aramis");
            sector.Add("D", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Querion");
            sector.Add("E", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Vilis");
            sector.Add("F", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Lanth");
            sector.Add("G", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Rhylanor");
            sector.Add("H", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Darrian");
            sector.Add("I", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Sword Worlds");
            sector.Add("J", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Lunion");
            sector.Add("K", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Mora");
            sector.Add("L", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Five Sisters");
            sector.Add("M", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("District 268");
            sector.Add("N", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Glisten");
            sector.Add("O", sub);

            sub = CreateSubsector("Trin's Veil");
            sector.Add("P", sub);

コード例 #7
        public Subsector CreateCronorSubsector()
            string       text   = TestingUtilities.ReadResource("Files", "Cronor.sec");
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(text);

            SubsectorSECFileParser parser = new SubsectorSECFileParser();
            Subsector aramis = parser.ParseSubsector(Map, "Cronor", reader);

コード例 #8
        public Subsector CreateSubsector(string name)
            string       text   = TestingUtilities.ReadResource("Files", $"{name}.sec");
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(text);

            SubsectorSECFileParser parser = new SubsectorSECFileParser();
            Subsector subsector           = parser.ParseSubsector(Map, name, reader);

コード例 #9
        public SubsectorResult(Sector sector, Subsector subsector)
            if (sector == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sector));
            if (subsector == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subsector));

            SectorLocation = sector.Location;
            Index          = subsector.Index[0];
コード例 #10
        public void Resolve(SectorMap.Milieu sectorMap, out Sector sector, out Subsector subsector)
            if (sectorMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sectorMap));

            sector    = null;
            subsector = null;

            sector = sectorMap.FromLocation(SectorLocation.X, SectorLocation.Y);
            if (sector != null)
                subsector = sector.Subsector(Index);
コード例 #11
        public VMFamilia(Fixius.Servicios.DTO.Articulos.Familia DTO)
            : base(DTO)
            this.PresentadorJerarquia = (IPresentadorBusquedaArticulo)FabricaPresentadores.Instancia.Resolver(typeof(IPresentadorBusquedaArticulo));

            if (DTO.Id == 0)
                this.CodigoVisible = Visibility.Collapsed;
                this.ArbolVisible  = Visibility.Collapsed;
                this.Subsector = this.Modelo.Subsector;
                this.Sector    = this.Modelo.Subsector.Sector;
                this.Area      = this.Modelo.Subsector.Sector.Area;
コード例 #12
            public override void Process(ResourceManager resourceManager)
                // NOTE: This (re)initializes a static data structure used for
                // resolving names into sector locations, so needs to be run
                // before any other objects (e.g. Worlds) are loaded.
                SectorMap.Milieu map = SectorMap.ForMilieu(resourceManager, GetStringOption("milieu"));
                Location         loc = Location.Empty;

                if (HasOption("sector"))
                    string sectorName = GetStringOption("sector");
                    Sector sec        = map.FromName(sectorName) ??
                                        throw new HttpError(404, "Not Found", $"The specified sector '{sectorName}' was not found.");

                    int hex = GetIntOption("hex", Astrometrics.SectorCentralHex);
                    loc = new Location(sec.Location, hex);
                else if (HasLocation())
                    loc = GetLocation();

                if (loc.Hex.IsEmpty)
                    loc.Hex = Astrometrics.SectorCenter;

                Sector sector = map.FromLocation(loc.Sector.X, loc.Sector.Y);

                var data = new Results.CreditsResult();

                if (sector != null)
                    data.SectorX = sector.X;
                    data.SectorY = sector.Y;

                    // TODO: Multiple names
                    foreach (var name in sector.Names.Take(1))
                        data.SectorName = name.Text;

                    // Raw HTML credits
                    data.Credits = sector.Credits?.Trim();

                    // Product info
                    if (sector.Products.Count > 0)
                        data.ProductPublisher = sector.Products[0].Publisher;
                        data.ProductTitle     = sector.Products[0].Title;
                        data.ProductAuthor    = sector.Products[0].Author;
                        data.ProductRef       = sector.Products[0].Ref;

                    // Tags
                    data.SectorTags = sector.TagString;

                    // Sector Credits
                    data.SectorAuthor    = sector.Author;
                    data.SectorSource    = sector.Source;
                    data.SectorPublisher = sector.Publisher;
                    data.SectorCopyright = sector.Copyright;
                    data.SectorRef       = sector.Ref;
                    data.SectorMilieu    = sector.CanonicalMilieu;

                    if (sector.DataFile != null)
                        data.SectorAuthor    = sector.DataFile.Author ?? data.SectorAuthor;
                        data.SectorSource    = sector.DataFile.Source ?? data.SectorSource;
                        data.SectorPublisher = sector.DataFile.Publisher ?? data.SectorPublisher;
                        data.SectorCopyright = sector.DataFile.Copyright ?? data.SectorCopyright;
                        data.SectorRef       = sector.DataFile.Ref ?? data.SectorRef;
                        data.SectorMilieu    = sector.CanonicalMilieu;

                    // Subsector Credits
                    int       ssx = (loc.Hex.X - 1) / Astrometrics.SubsectorWidth;
                    int       ssy = (loc.Hex.Y - 1) / Astrometrics.SubsectorHeight;
                    int       ssi = ssx + ssy * 4;
                    Subsector ss  = sector.Subsector(ssi);
                    if (ss != null)
                        data.SubsectorIndex = ss.Index;
                        data.SubsectorName  = ss.Name;

                    // Routes Credits

                    // World Data
                    WorldCollection worlds = sector.GetWorlds(resourceManager);
                    if (worlds != null)
                        World world = worlds[loc.Hex];
                        if (world != null)
                            data.WorldName       = world.Name;
                            data.WorldHex        = world.Hex;
                            data.WorldUwp        = world.UWP;
                            data.WorldRemarks    = world.Remarks;
                            data.WorldIx         = world.Importance;
                            data.WorldEx         = world.Economic;
                            data.WorldCx         = world.Cultural;
                            data.WorldPbg        = world.PBG;
                            data.WorldAllegiance = sector.GetAllegianceFromCode(world.Allegiance)?.T5Code ?? "";

コード例 #13
ファイル: MSECParser.cs プロジェクト: Matt--/travellermap
        private void Apply(string line, Sector sector)
            string[] kv = line.Split(null, 2);
            string key = kv[0].Trim().ToUpperInvariant();
            string value = kv[1].Trim();

            if (Regex.IsMatch(key, @"^\d{4}$")) {
                // Value is full name for world in hex

            if (Regex.IsMatch(key, @"^[A-P]$")) {
                Subsector ss = new Subsector();
                ss.Index = key;
                ss.Name = value;

            switch (key)
                case "DOMAIN": sector.Domain = value; return;

                case "SECTOR":
                        // TODO: Add sector name
                        sector.Names.Add(new Name(value));

                case "ALPHA": sector.AlphaQuadrant = value; return;
                case "BETA": sector.BetaQuadrant = value; return;
                case "GAMMA": sector.GammaQuadrant = value; return;
                case "DELTA": sector.DeltaQuadrant = value; return;

                case "ALLY":
                        Match match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(..)\s+(.*)$");
                        if (match.Success)
                            var code = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            var name = match.Groups[2].Value;
                            sector.Allegiances.Add(new Allegiance(code, name));
                case "BASE":
                        Match match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(.)\s+(..)$/"); // Base decodes to two bases
                        if (match.Success)
                            var code = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            var bases = match.Groups[2].Value;
                            // TODO: Base decodes
                        match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(.)\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)\s+(.*)$");
                        if (match.Success)
                            var code = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            var zapf = match.Groups[2].Value;
                            var color = match.Groups[3].Value;
                            var name = match.Groups[4].Value;
                            // TODO: Base symbols
                case "REGION":
                        // TODO: Support regions - like borders, but filled rather than stroked

                case "BORDER":
                        string[] tokens = value.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (!Regex.IsMatch(tokens.Last(), @"^\d{4}$"))
                            sector.Borders.Add(new Border(String.Join(" ", tokens.Take(tokens.Count() - 1)), tokens.Last()));
                            sector.Borders.Add(new Border(String.Join(" ", tokens)));

                case "ROUTE":
                        var tokens = value.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        int cur = 0;
                        Route route = new Route();

                        if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                            route.StartOffsetX = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                            route.StartOffsetY = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        route.Start = Astrometrics.HexToInt(tokens[cur++]);
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                            route.EndOffsetX = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                            route.EndOffsetY = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        route.End = Astrometrics.HexToInt(tokens[cur++]);
                        if (cur < tokens.Length)
                            route.ColorHtml = tokens[cur++];


                case "LABEL":
                        Match match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(..)(..)[,\/]?([\S]+)?\s+(.*)$");
                        if (match.Success)
                            var c = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            var r = match.Groups[2].Value;
                            var options = match.Groups[3].Value;
                            var text = match.Groups[4].Value;
                            Label label = new Label(Int32.Parse(c + r), text);
                            foreach (var option in options.ToLowerInvariant().Split(','))
                                if (option == "low")
                                    label.OffsetY = 0.85f;
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(option, @"[-+](\d+)$"))
                                    int offset = 0;
                                    Int32.TryParse(option, out offset);
                                    label.OffsetY = offset / 100f;
                                if (option == "right" || option == "left")
                                    // TODO: Implement
                                if (option == "large" || option == "small")
                                    label.Size = option;
                                if (option.StartsWith("subsec"))
                                    label.RenderType = "Subsector";
                                if (option.StartsWith("quad"))
                                    label.RenderType = "Quadrant";
                                if (option.StartsWith("sect"))
                                    label.RenderType = "Sector";
                                if (option.StartsWith("custom"))
                                    label.RenderType = "Custom";
                                if (option.Length > 0)
                                    label.ColorHtml = option;

コード例 #14
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (!ServiceConfiguration.CheckEnabled("credits", Response))

            ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(Server, Cache);

            // NOTE: This (re)initializes a static data structure used for
            // resolving names into sector locations, so needs to be run
            // before any other objects (e.g. Worlds) are loaded.
            SectorMap map = SectorMap.FromName(SectorMap.DefaultSetting, resourceManager);
            Location  loc = new Location(map.FromName("Spinward Marches").Location, 1910);

            if (HasOption("sector"))
                string sectorName = GetStringOption("sector");
                Sector sec        = map.FromName(sectorName);
                if (sec == null)
                    SendError(404, "Not Found", "Sector not found.");

                int hex = GetIntOption("hex", Astrometrics.SectorCentralHex);
                loc = new Location(sec.Location, hex);
            else if (HasOption("sx") && HasOption("sy"))
                int sx = GetIntOption("sx", 0);
                int sy = GetIntOption("sy", 0);
                int hx = GetIntOption("hx", 0);
                int hy = GetIntOption("hy", 0);
                loc = new Location(map.FromLocation(sx, sy).Location, hx * 100 + hy);
            else if (HasOption("x") && HasOption("y"))
                loc = Astrometrics.CoordinatesToLocation(GetIntOption("x", 0), GetIntOption("y", 0));

            if (loc.HexLocation.IsEmpty)
                loc.HexLocation = new Point(Astrometrics.SectorWidth / 2, Astrometrics.SectorHeight / 2);

            Sector sector = map.FromLocation(loc.SectorLocation.X, loc.SectorLocation.Y);

            Result data = new Result();

            if (sector != null)
                // TODO: Multiple names
                foreach (var name in sector.Names.Take(1))
                    data.SectorName = name.Text;

                // Raw HTML credits
                data.Credits = sector.Credits == null ? null : sector.Credits.Trim();

                // Product info
                if (sector.Products.Count > 0)
                    data.ProductPublisher = sector.Products[0].Publisher;
                    data.ProductTitle     = sector.Products[0].Title;
                    data.ProductAuthor    = sector.Products[0].Author;
                    data.ProductRef       = sector.Products[0].Ref;

                // Sector Credits
                if (sector.DataFile != null)
                    data.SectorAuthor    = sector.DataFile.Author;
                    data.SectorSource    = sector.DataFile.Source;
                    data.SectorPublisher = sector.DataFile.Publisher;
                    data.SectorCopyright = sector.DataFile.Copyright;
                    data.SectorRef       = sector.DataFile.Ref;
                    data.SectorEra       = sector.DataFile.Era;

                // Subsector Credits
                int       ssx = (loc.HexLocation.X - 1) / Astrometrics.SubsectorWidth;
                int       ssy = (loc.HexLocation.Y - 1) / Astrometrics.SubsectorHeight;
                int       ssi = ssx + ssy * 4;
                Subsector ss  = sector[ssi];
                if (ss != null)
                    data.SubsectorIndex = ss.Index;
                    data.SubsectorName  = ss.Name;

                // Routes Credits

                // World Data
                WorldCollection worlds = sector.GetWorlds(resourceManager);
                if (worlds != null)
                    World world = worlds[loc.HexLocation.X, loc.HexLocation.Y];
                    if (world != null)
                        data.WorldName       = world.Name;
                        data.WorldHex        = world.Hex.ToString("0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        data.WorldUwp        = world.UWP;
                        data.WorldRemarks    = world.Remarks;
                        data.WorldIx         = world.Importance;
                        data.WorldEx         = world.Economic;
                        data.WorldCx         = world.Cultural;
                        data.WorldPbg        = world.PBG;
                        data.WorldAllegiance = world.Allegiance;

コード例 #15
ファイル: MSECWriter.cs プロジェクト: 77topaz/travellermap
            public void Serialize()
                // Header
                writer.WriteLine("# Generated by https://travellermap.com");
                writer.WriteLine("# " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));

                // Sector name
                writer.WriteLine("sector " + sector.Names[0].Text);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector.Domain))
                    writer.WriteLine("domain " + sector.Domain);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector.AlphaQuadrant))
                    writer.WriteLine("alpha " + sector.AlphaQuadrant);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector.BetaQuadrant))
                    writer.WriteLine("beta " + sector.BetaQuadrant);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector.GammaQuadrant))
                    writer.WriteLine("gamma " + sector.GammaQuadrant);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector.DeltaQuadrant))
                    writer.WriteLine("delta " + sector.DeltaQuadrant);


                // Subsectors
                if (sector.Subsectors.Count > 0)
                    writer.WriteLine("# Subsectors");
                    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                        Subsector ss = sector.Subsector(i);
                        if (ss != null)
                            writer.WriteLine("" + (char)('a' + i) + " " + ss.Name);
                            writer.WriteLine("" + (char)('a' + i));

                // Borders, Routes and Labels - group by allegiance
                List <IAllegiance> list = new List <IAllegiance>();

                list.AddRange(sector.Allegiances); // TODO: Output stock allegiances

                // Output grouped by allegiance
                bool       isFirst = true;
                string     code    = null;
                Allegiance alleg   = null;

                foreach (IAllegiance item in list)
                    // Determine allegiance
                    if (isFirst || item.Allegiance != code)
                        isFirst = false;
                        code    = item.Allegiance;
                        alleg   = null;

                        if (code != null)
                            alleg = sector.GetAllegianceFromCode(code);

                        if (alleg != null)
                            writer.Write("# ");
                            writer.WriteLine("# Other");

                    // Output the item
                    if (item is Allegiance)
                        WriteAllegiance(item as Allegiance);
                    else if (item is Border)
                        WriteBorder(item as Border, alleg);
                    else if (item is Label)
                        WriteLabel(item as Label);
                    else if (item is Route)
                        WriteRoute(item as Route);
コード例 #16
        public void LoadMap01()
            using (var wad = new Wad(WadPath.Doom2))
                var flats      = new FlatLookup(wad, true);
                var textures   = new TextureLookup(wad, true);
                var map        = wad.GetLumpNumber("MAP01");
                var vertices   = Vertex.FromWad(wad, map + 4);
                var sectors    = Sector.FromWad(wad, map + 8, flats);
                var sides      = SideDef.FromWad(wad, map + 3, textures, sectors);
                var lines      = LineDef.FromWad(wad, map + 2, vertices, sides);
                var segs       = Seg.FromWad(wad, map + 5, vertices, lines);
                var subsectors = Subsector.FromWad(wad, map + 6, segs);
                var nodes      = Node.FromWad(wad, map + 7, subsectors);

                Assert.AreEqual(193, nodes.Length);

                Assert.AreEqual(64, nodes[0].X.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1024, nodes[0].Y.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, nodes[0].Dx.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-64, nodes[0].Dy.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1173, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(960, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-64, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(64, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1280, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1024, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(64, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(128, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(32770, nodes[0].Children[0] + 0x10000);
                Assert.AreEqual(32771, nodes[0].Children[1] + 0x10000);

                Assert.AreEqual(640, nodes[57].X.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(856, nodes[57].Y.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-88, nodes[57].Dx.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-16, nodes[57].Dy.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(856, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(840, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(552, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(640, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(856, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(760, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(536, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(704, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(32829, nodes[57].Children[0] + 0x10000);
                Assert.AreEqual(56, nodes[57].Children[1]);

                Assert.AreEqual(96, nodes[192].X.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1280, nodes[192].Y.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(32, nodes[192].Dx.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, nodes[192].Dy.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1280, nodes[192].Bbox[0][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-960, nodes[192].Bbox[0][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-1304, nodes[192].Bbox[0][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(2072, nodes[192].Bbox[0][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(2688, nodes[192].Bbox[1][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1280, nodes[192].Bbox[1][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-1304, nodes[192].Bbox[1][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(2072, nodes[192].Bbox[1][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(147, nodes[192].Children[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(191, nodes[192].Children[1]);
コード例 #17
        public void LoadE1M1()
            using (var wad = new Wad(WadPath.Doom1))
                var flats      = new FlatLookup(wad, true);
                var textures   = new TextureLookup(wad, true);
                var map        = wad.GetLumpNumber("E1M1");
                var vertices   = Vertex.FromWad(wad, map + 4);
                var sectors    = Sector.FromWad(wad, map + 8, flats);
                var sides      = SideDef.FromWad(wad, map + 3, textures, sectors);
                var lines      = LineDef.FromWad(wad, map + 2, vertices, sides);
                var segs       = Seg.FromWad(wad, map + 5, vertices, lines);
                var subsectors = Subsector.FromWad(wad, map + 6, segs);
                var nodes      = Node.FromWad(wad, map + 7, subsectors);

                Assert.AreEqual(238, nodes.Length);

                Assert.AreEqual(1784, nodes[0].X.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3448, nodes[0].Y.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-240, nodes[0].Dx.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(64, nodes[0].Dy.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3104, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3448, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1520, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(2128, nodes[0].Bbox[0][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3384, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3448, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1544, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1784, nodes[0].Bbox[1][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(32768, nodes[0].Children[0] + 0x10000);
                Assert.AreEqual(32769, nodes[0].Children[1] + 0x10000);

                Assert.AreEqual(928, nodes[57].X.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3360, nodes[57].Y.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, nodes[57].Dx.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(256, nodes[57].Dy.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3104, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3360, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(928, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(1344, nodes[57].Bbox[0][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3104, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-3360, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(704, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(928, nodes[57].Bbox[1][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(32825, nodes[57].Children[0] + 0x10000);
                Assert.AreEqual(56, nodes[57].Children[1]);

                Assert.AreEqual(2176, nodes[237].X.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-2304, nodes[237].Y.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, nodes[237].Dx.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-256, nodes[237].Dy.ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-2048, nodes[237].Bbox[0][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-4064, nodes[237].Bbox[0][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-768, nodes[237].Bbox[0][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(2176, nodes[237].Bbox[0][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-2048, nodes[237].Bbox[1][Box.Top].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(-4864, nodes[237].Bbox[1][Box.Bottom].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(2176, nodes[237].Bbox[1][Box.Left].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(3808, nodes[237].Bbox[1][Box.Right].ToDouble(), delta);
                Assert.AreEqual(131, nodes[237].Children[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(236, nodes[237].Children[1]);
コード例 #18
        private void Apply(string line, Sector sector)
            string[] kv    = line.Split(null, 2);
            string   key   = kv[0].Trim().ToUpperInvariant();
            string   value = kv[1].Trim();

            if (Regex.IsMatch(key, @"^\d{4}$"))
                // Value is full name for world in hex

            if (Regex.IsMatch(key, @"^[A-P]$"))
                Subsector ss = new Subsector();
                ss.Index = key;
                ss.Name  = value;

            switch (key)
            case "DOMAIN": sector.Domain = value; return;

            case "SECTOR":
                // TODO: Add sector name
                sector.Names.Add(new Name(value));

            case "ALPHA": sector.AlphaQuadrant = value; return;

            case "BETA": sector.BetaQuadrant = value; return;

            case "GAMMA": sector.GammaQuadrant = value; return;

            case "DELTA": sector.DeltaQuadrant = value; return;

            case "ALLY":
                Match match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(..)\s+(.*)$");
                if (match.Success)
                    var code = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    var name = match.Groups[2].Value;
                    sector.Allegiances.Add(new Allegiance(code, name));

            case "BASE":
                Match match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(.)\s+(..)$/");         // Base decodes to two bases
                if (match.Success)
                    var code  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    var bases = match.Groups[2].Value;
                    // TODO: Base decodes
                match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(.)\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)\s+(.*)$");
                if (match.Success)
                    var code  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    var zapf  = match.Groups[2].Value;
                    var color = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    var name  = match.Groups[4].Value;
                    // TODO: Base symbols

            case "REGION":
                // TODO: Support regions - like borders, but filled rather than stroked

            case "BORDER":
                string[] tokens = value.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(tokens.Last(), @"^\d{4}$"))
                    sector.Borders.Add(new Border(String.Join(" ", tokens.Take(tokens.Count() - 1)), tokens.Last()));
                    sector.Borders.Add(new Border(String.Join(" ", tokens)));

            case "ROUTE":
                var   tokens = value.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                int   cur    = 0;
                Route route  = new Route();

                if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                    route.StartOffsetX = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                    route.StartOffsetY = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                route.Start = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                    route.EndOffsetX = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (Regex.IsMatch(tokens[cur], @"^[-+]?[01]$"))
                    route.EndOffsetY = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                route.End = Int32.Parse(tokens[cur++], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (cur < tokens.Length)
                    route.ColorHtml = tokens[cur++];


            case "LABEL":
                Match match = Regex.Match(value, @"^(..)(..)[,\/]?([\S]+)?\s+(.*)$");
                if (match.Success)
                    var   c       = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    var   r       = match.Groups[2].Value;
                    var   options = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    var   text    = match.Groups[4].Value;
                    Label label   = new Label(Int32.Parse(c + r), text);
                    foreach (var option in options.ToLowerInvariant().Split(','))
                        if (option == "low")
                            // TODO: Implement
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(option, @"[-+](\d+)$"))
                            // TODO: Implement
                        if (option == "right" || option == "left")
                            // TODO: Implement
                        if (option == "large" || option == "small")
                            label.Size = option;
                        if (option.StartsWith("subsec"))
                            label.RenderType = "Subsector";
                        if (option.StartsWith("quad"))
                            label.RenderType = "Quadrant";
                        if (option.StartsWith("sect"))
                            label.RenderType = "Sector";
                        if (option.StartsWith("custom"))
                            label.RenderType = "Custom";
                        if (option.Length > 0)
                            label.ColorHtml = option;
