コード例 #1
        protected void ProcessSubmittalElements(SubmittalElementStatus status, SubmittalElementType type)
            int fseIndex = 0;
            int fseCount = 0;
            XmlSerializationResult          serializationResult = null;
            List <FacilitySubmittalElement> fses = null;
            bool unprocessedOnly = true;

            OnNotification("Fetching " + (unprocessedOnly ? " Unprocessed " : "") + " '" + status.ToString() + "' FSE Records for '" + type.ToString() + "'...");

            fses = Repository.FacilitySubmittalElements.EDTBatchSearch(type, status, unprocessed: unprocessedOnly).ToList();

            fseCount = fses.Count;
            fseIndex = 0;
            OnNotification("Fetched " + (unprocessedOnly ? " Unprocessed " : "") + " '" + status.ToString() + "' FSE Records for " + type.ToString() + ". Processing " + fseCount + " FSE's...");

            foreach (var fse in fses)
                    serializationResult        = Repository.FacilitySubmittalElements.UpdateXmlMetadata(fse, saveChanges: true, ignoreCommonFieldUpdate: true);
                    serializationResult.Xml    = null;
                    serializationResult.Schema = null;
                    serializationResult        = null;
                    OnNotification("Updated XML For '" + type + "' (" + status + ") FSEID: " + fse.ID + " (" + fseIndex + " of " + fseCount + ")");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnNotification("Problem updating " + fse.ID + ".", ex: ex);
                CalculateProgress(fseIndex, fseCount);
コード例 #2
        protected virtual FacilitySubmittalElement GetMostRecentFSE(FacilitySubmittalElementPacket <RegulatorFacilitySubmittalElementHeaderXmlObject> fsePacket)
            SubmittalElementStatus status = (SubmittalElementStatus)fsePacket.FacilitySubmittalElement.StatusID;
            SubmittalElementType   type   = (SubmittalElementType)fsePacket.FacilitySubmittalElement.SubmittalElementID;

            return(GetMostRecentFSE(fsePacket.FacilitySubmittalElement.CERSID, type, status, fsePacket.FacilitySubmittalElement.ID));
コード例 #3
        protected virtual FacilitySubmittalElement GetMostRecentFSE(int CERSID, SubmittalElementType type, SubmittalElementStatus status, int thisFSEID)
            var result = Repository.FacilitySubmittalElements
                         .Search(CERSID: CERSID, type: type, status: status)
                         .Where(p => p.ID != thisFSEID)
                         .OrderByDescending(p => p.SubmittedDateTime)

コード例 #4
        protected string GetUrlForForm(int CERSID, SubmittalElementType submittalElement, ResourceType resource, RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
            string result = null;

            string routeName        = GetDraftFormRouteName(CERSID, submittalElement, resource);
            var    routeVirtualPath = RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null, routeName, routeValues);

            if (routeVirtualPath != null)
                result = routeVirtualPath.VirtualPath;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Generically returns a <see cref="FacilitySubmittalElementResourceViewMode{TModel}"/> for one-to-one relationships
 /// (BPActivities, BPOwnerOperator, USTFacilityInfo, etc.). This method will retrieve the only resource available for
 /// the specified Resource Type for this <see cref="FacilitySubmittalElement"/>.  If no <see cref="FacilitySubmittalElement"/> exists, the
 /// call to 'GetFacilitySubmittalElement' automatically generates the appropriate <see cref="FacilitySubmittalElementResource"/> records.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TModel"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="organziationID"></param>
 /// <param name="CERSID"></param>
 /// <param name="submittalElement"></param>
 /// <param name="resourceType"></param>
 /// <param name="fseId"></param>
 /// <param name="fserID"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual FacilitySubmittalElementResourceViewModel <TModel> GetSingleEntityViewModel <TModel>(int organziationID, int CERSID, SubmittalElementType submittalElement, ResourceType resourceType, int?fseID = null) where TModel : class, IFacilitySubmittalModelEntity, new()
     return(Services.ViewModels.GetSingleEntityViewModel <TModel>(organziationID, CERSID, submittalElement, resourceType, fseID));
コード例 #6
        public virtual ActionResult Handle_LandingPageGet(int organizationId, int CERSID, SubmittalElementType submittalElementType, ResourceType resourceType, string instructions, IEnumerable <WhatsNextItem> whatsNext, int?fseID = null, int?fserID = null)
            LandingPageViewModel viewModel = new LandingPageViewModel();

            FacilitySubmittalElement fse = null;

            if (fseID != null)
                //since we have an fseID parameter this means we are pulling up an existing submittal
                //which could also mean, we also need to check the status of this FacilitySubmittalElement to see whether editing is allowed.
                fse = Services.BusinessLogic.SubmittalElements.GetFacilitySubmittalElement(fseID.Value);
                if (fse.CERSID != CERSID)
                    throw new Exception("The CERSID and the FacilitySubmittalElementID do not belong to one another.  This is probably an attempt to breach security.");

                //When the submittal element is in draft, editing is allowed, but not in ANY other status.
                //in this particlar case, we ALWAYS bring back a Draft submittal element. The method below locates an existing draft is there is one OR creates on, if there
                //is no active draft for the submittal element.
                fse = Services.BusinessLogic.SubmittalElements.GetFacilitySubmittalElement(CERSID, submittalElementType, SubmittalElementStatus.Draft, true);

            //at this point, we should have a FacilitySubmittalElement to work against, if not (should not happen) lets blow up.
            if (fse == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find a usable FacilitySubmittalElement.");
            viewModel.FacilitySubmittalElement = fse;

            // Get Resource
            FacilitySubmittalElementResource resource = new FacilitySubmittalElementResource();

            if (fserID == null)
                // If fserID is not specified, retrieve the first resource for this FSE and ResourceType
                resource = fse.Resources.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ResourceTypeID == (int)resourceType && !p.Voided);
                // If fserID *is* specified, resource ID must match the specified value
                // Use "SingleOrDefault" - specifying by fserID should never return more than one record
                resource = fse.Resources.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ResourceTypeID == (int)resourceType && p.ID == fserID && !p.Voided);

            // Set ViewModel Resource
            viewModel.FacilitySubmittalElementResource = resource;

            //Get current submittal element view model
            var currentSubmittalElement = Repository.FacilityRegulatorSubmittalElements.GetCurrentFacilitySubmittalElements(CERSID, (int)submittalElementType).FirstOrDefault();
            CurrentSubmittalElementViewModel viewModelcurrSub = new CurrentSubmittalElementViewModel()
                CurrentSubmittalElement = currentSubmittalElement,
                OrganizationID          = organizationId,
                isFirstElement          = true

            //Set current submittal element view model
            viewModel.CurrentSEViewModel = viewModelcurrSub;

            //Get guidance.
            var guidance = Repository.GuidanceMessages.Search(facilitySubmittalElementResourceID: viewModel.FacilitySubmittalElementResource.ID).ToList();

            if (guidance == null)
                guidance = new List <GuidanceMessage>();

            //Set Guidance Messages
            viewModel.GuidanceMessages = guidance;

            //Set Instructions
            viewModel.Instructions = instructions;

            //Set WhatsNext
            viewModel.WhatsNext = whatsNext;

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds up the Supplemental Document pages view model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="organizationId"></param>
        /// <param name="CERSID"></param>
        /// <param name="submittalElementType"></param>
        /// <param name="resourceType"></param>
        /// <param name="fseID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual DocumentUploadViewModel BuildUpDocumentUploadViewModel(int organizationId, int CERSID, SubmittalElementType submittalElementType, ResourceType resourceType, int?fseID = null, int?fserID = null)
            //declare the viewModel
            DocumentUploadViewModel viewModel = new DocumentUploadViewModel();

            viewModel.OrganizationID = organizationId;

            FacilitySubmittalElement fse = null;

            if (fseID != null)
                //since we have an fseID parameter this means we are pulling up an existing submittal
                //which could also mean, we also need to check the status of this FacilitySubmittalElement to see whether editing is allowed.
                fse = Services.BusinessLogic.SubmittalElements.GetFacilitySubmittalElement(fseID.Value);
                if (fse.CERSID != CERSID)
                    throw new Exception("The CERSID and the FacilitySubmittalElementID do not belong to one another.  This is probably an attempt to breach security.");

                //When the submittal element is in draft, editing is allowed, but not in ANY other status.
                viewModel.EditingAllowed = ((SubmittalElementStatus)fse.StatusID == SubmittalElementStatus.Draft);
                //in this particlar case, we ALWAYS bring back a Draft submittal element. The method below locates an existing draft is there is one OR creates on, if there
                //is no active draft for the submittal element.
                fse = Services.BusinessLogic.SubmittalElements.GetFacilitySubmittalElement(CERSID, submittalElementType, SubmittalElementStatus.Draft, true);

            //at this point, we should have a FacilitySubmittalElement to work against, if not (should not happen) lets blow up.
            if (fse == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find a usable FacilitySubmittalElement.");
            viewModel.FacilitySubmittalElement = fse;

            //Get resource.
            var resource = fse.Resources.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ResourceTypeID == (int)resourceType && !p.Voided);

            if (fserID != null)
                resource = fse.Resources.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ResourceTypeID == (int)resourceType && !p.Voided && p.ID == fserID);

            //Documents can be voided. In that case the resource will be null. So, spin up a new resource.
            if (resource == null)
                //Make sure the resource type is Document. If not, then there are bigger problems.
                var isDocument = Repository.SystemLookupTables.ResourceTypes.Where(p => !p.Voided && p.DocumentTypeID != null && p.ID == (int)resourceType);
                if (isDocument != null)
                    SubmittalElementTemplateResource setr = Repository.SubmittalElementTemplateResources.Search(submittalElementID: fse.SubmittalElementID, templateID: fse.TemplateID, typeID: (int)resourceType).SingleOrDefault();
                    var parentResource = fse.Resources.Where(r => !r.Voided && r.ResourceTypeID == setr.ParentResourceID).FirstOrDefault();
                    resource = fse.AddResource(setr, parentResource, true);

            //Set viewModle resource
            viewModel.FacilitySubmittalElementResource = resource;

            //Get Entity
            viewModel.Entity = resource.FacilitySubmittalElementResourceDocuments.FirstOrDefault(p => !p.Voided);

            //Create viewModel.Document

            //If entity is null nothing was found above.  Create new Entity object
            if (viewModel.Entity == null)
                viewModel.Entity = new FacilitySubmittalElementResourceDocument();
                viewModel.Entity.SetCommonFields(CurrentAccountID, true);
                if (viewModel.Entity.SourceID == (int)DocumentSource.Exempt)
                    viewModel.ExemptComments = viewModel.Entity.Comments;
                else if (viewModel.Entity.SourceID == (int)DocumentSource.ProvidedInOtherSubmittalElement)
                    viewModel.ProvidedInSubmittalElementComments = viewModel.Entity.Comments;

            //Get existing Documents.
            viewModel.Documents = viewModel.Entity.Documents.Where(p => !p.Voided);

            #region Load list values

            //Get DocumentSources for source radio button list.  i.e. exempt, other Submittal Element, stored at Facility.
            viewModel.DocumentSources = new SelectList(Repository.SystemLookupTables.GetValues(SystemLookupTable.DocumentSource), "ID", "Name");

            //Get otherSubmittalElements the documents could be included in.
            var otherSubmittalElements = Repository.FacilityRegulatorSubmittalElements.GetCurrentFacilitySubmittalElements(CERSID).Where(p => p.ReportingRequirementID != (int)ReportingRequirement.NotApplicable);
            viewModel.OtherSubmittalElements = (from se in otherSubmittalElements
                                                select new SelectListItem
                Value = se.SubmittalElementID.ToString(),
                Text = se.Name

            //Get other facilities documents could be stored at.
            viewModel.Facilities = (from f in Repository.Facilities.Search(organizationID: organizationId)
                                    select new SelectListItem
                Value = f.CERSID.ToString(),
                Text = f.Name

            #endregion Load list values

            //SET DEFAULT VALUES

            //Set entity.LinkUrl default value.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.Entity.LinkUrl))
                viewModel.Entity.LinkUrl = "http://";

            //Set default date in Date Authored field of "Document Upload"
            viewModel.DocumentDate = DateTime.Today;

            //default name for the document
            viewModel.Name = resource.Type.Name.ToLower().Trim().Contains("locally-required") || resource.Type.Name.ToLower().Trim().Contains("state-required") ? "" : resource.Type.Name;

コード例 #8
        public virtual ActionResult Handle_DocumentUploadPost(int organizationId, int CERSID, SubmittalElementType submittalElementType, ResourceType resourceType, DocumentUploadViewModel formValues, int?fseId = null, int?fserID = null)
            Server.ScriptTimeout = 180;

            bool     isValid   = true;
            var      viewModel = BuildUpDocumentUploadViewModel(organizationId, CERSID, submittalElementType, resourceType, fseId, fserID);
            var      entity    = viewModel.Entity;
            Document document  = null;

            HttpPostedFileBase file = null;
            int?   typeID;
            int?   formatID;
            string errorHelper;

            if (TryUpdateModel(entity, "Entity"))
                isValid = ValidateDocumentUploadViewModel(formValues, entity, ref file, (int)resourceType, out typeID, out formatID, out errorHelper);

                //must set all file values before validating model.
                if (ModelState.IsValid && isValid)
                    //See if this is a delete document action
                    entity.Resource                  = viewModel.FacilitySubmittalElementResource;
                    entity.Resource.IsDocument       = true;
                    entity.Resource.IsStarted        = true;
                    entity.Resource.DocumentSourceID = viewModel.Entity.SourceID;

                    #region Save Everything

                    if (formValues.ActionSourceID == (int)DocumentSource.UploadDocuments && formValues.ActionValue.Contains("Save"))
                            document = Repository.Documents.Save(file.InputStream, file.FileName, DocumentContext.Organization, organizationId);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            ModelState.AddModelError("File", "Unable to save file. " + ex.Message);
                            isValid = false;
                        if (document != null)
                            FacilitySubmittalElementDocument fseDocument = new FacilitySubmittalElementDocument();
                            fseDocument.DocumentID   = document.ID;
                            fseDocument.TypeID       = typeID.Value;
                            fseDocument.FormatID     = formatID.Value;
                            fseDocument.Name         = formValues.Name;
                            fseDocument.FileName     = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                            fseDocument.FileSize     = file.ContentLength;
                            fseDocument.DocumentDate = formValues.DocumentDate.Value;
                            fseDocument.Description  = formValues.Description;
                            fseDocument.Key          = Guid.NewGuid();
                            // initialize EDTClientKey even if not EDT so that EDT RFSQ's have a DocumentRegulatorKey element under the Attachment element
                            fseDocument.SetDDCommonFields(CurrentAccountID, true, edtClientKey: Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                    if (formValues.ActionSourceID.IfInRange(Repository.SystemLookupTables.DocumentSources.Select(p => p.ID).ToArray()) && formValues.ActionValue.Contains("Save"))
                        //Save FacilitySubmittalElementResourceDocuemnt

                        //Validate this Submittal Element
                        entity.Resource.FacilitySubmittalElement.ValidateAndCommitResults(Repository, CallerContext.UI);

                        var fser = Repository.FacilitySubmittalElementResources.GetByID(entity.Resource.ID);

                        //Set LastSubmittalDeltaId for FSE
                        fser.SetLastSubmittalDelta(entity, CERSID, Repository);

                        if (formValues.ActionValue.Contains("Continue") || formValues.ActionValue.Contains("Again"))
                            //redirect to Edit
                            return(RedirectToAction("Edit_" + resourceType.ToString(), new { organizationId = organizationId, CERSID = CERSID, FSEID = fser.FacilitySubmittalElementID }));
                            //redirect to Org home page (aka crazy page)
                            return(RedirectToRoute(OrganizationFacility.Home, new { organizationId = organizationId, CERSID = CERSID }));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formValues.ActionValue) && formValues.ActionValue.Contains("Delete Document"))
                        //get the id from the action name.
                        string actionName      = formValues.ActionValue;
                        int    underscoreIndex = (actionName.IndexOf("_")) + 1;
                        int    fseDocumentID;
                        if (int.TryParse(actionName.Substring(underscoreIndex), out fseDocumentID))
                            var documentToDelete = Repository.FacilitySubmittalElementDocuments.GetByID(fseDocumentID);
                            {                               //void the facilitySubmittalElementDoucment
                                documentToDelete.SetCommonFields(CurrentAccountID, false, true);

                                //Set LastSubmittalDeltaId for FSER
                                //Repository.FacilitySubmittalElementResourceDocuments.SetLastSubmittalDelta(entity, CERSID);

                                //Set LastSubmittalDeltaId for FSE
                                var fser = Repository.FacilitySubmittalElementResources.GetByID(entity.FacilitySubmittalElementResourceID);

                                fser.SetLastSubmittalDelta(entity, CERSID, Repository);

                                //redirect to edit page.
                                return(RedirectToAction("Edit_" + resourceType.ToString()));
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);

                    #endregion Save Everything
コード例 #9
        public virtual ActionResult Handle_DocumentUploadGet(int organizationId, int CERSID, SubmittalElementType submittalElementType, ResourceType resourceType, int?fseID = null, int?fserID = null)
            var viewModel = BuildUpDocumentUploadViewModel(organizationId, CERSID, submittalElementType, resourceType, fseID, fserID);

コード例 #10
        public virtual ActionResult Handle_Cloning(int organizationId, int CERSID, int FSEID, SubmittalElementType submittalElementType)
            //This time persist the new fse
            var fseCurrentDraft = Services.BusinessLogic.SubmittalElements.GetFacilitySubmittalElement(CERSID, submittalElementType, SubmittalElementStatus.Draft, true);

            Repository.FacilitySubmittalElements.CloneWithEntities(CERSID, FSEID, fseCurrentDraft);

            //Sets the LastSubmittalDelta

            fseCurrentDraft.ValidateAndCommitResults(Repository, CallerContext.UI);

            //If the SubmittalElementType is Facility Information, set the Reporting Requirements per the Biz Activities form
            if (fseCurrentDraft.SubmittalElementID == (int)SubmittalElementType.FacilityInformation)

            return(RedirectToRoute("OrganizationFacilityHome", new { organizationID = organizationId, CERSID = CERSID }));