コード例 #1
        public Composite CreateBehavior_KillMantid()
            WoWUnit   attackTarget        = null;
            WoWUnit   IronShredder        = null;
            WaitTimer DeathFromAboveTimer = WaitTimer.TenSeconds;

            return(new Decorator(r => !Me.IsQuestComplete(QuestId) && Query.IsInVehicle() && (IronShredder = Me.CharmedUnit) != null,
                                 new PrioritySelector(ctx => attackTarget = GetAttackTarget(),
                                                      new Decorator(ctx => attackTarget != null,
                                                                    new PrioritySelector(
                                                                        new ActionSetActivity("Moving to Attack"),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => Me.CurrentTargetGuid != attackTarget.Guid,
                                                                                      new ActionFail(ctx => attackTarget.Target())),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => !Me.IsSafelyFacing(attackTarget) || !IronShredder.IsSafelyFacing(attackTarget),
                                                                                      new ActionFail(ctx => attackTarget.Face())),

                                                                        // cast 'Death From Above' ability on targets outside of melee
                                                                        new Decorator(
                                                                            ctx =>
                                                                            IronShredder.Location.DistanceSquared(attackTarget.Location) > 10 * 10 && IronShredder.Location.DistanceSquared(attackTarget.Location) < 70 * 70 && DeathFromAboveTimer.IsFinished,
                                                                            new Sequence(
                                                                                new Action(ctx => Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(2)")),
                                                                                new WaitContinue(2, ctx => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell != null, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                                                                new Action(ctx => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(attackTarget.Location)),
                                                                                new Action(ctx => DeathFromAboveTimer.Reset()))),

                                                                        // cast 'Elecrostatic Distortion' ability on melee range target.
                                                                        new Decorator(
                                                                            ctx => IronShredder.Location.DistanceSquared(attackTarget.Location) <= 25 * 25,
                                                                            new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                new Decorator(
                                                                                    ctx => IronShredder.Location.DistanceSquared(attackTarget.Location) <= 25 * 25 && (Me.IsMoving || Me.CharmedUnit.IsMoving),
                                                                                    new ActionFail(ctx => WoWMovement.ClickToMove(Me.CharmedUnit.Location))),
                                                                                new Action(ctx => Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(1)")))),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => IronShredder.Location.DistanceSquared(attackTarget.Location) > 25 * 25,
                                                                                      new Action(ctx => Navigator.MoveTo(attackTarget.Location))))),
                                                      new Decorator(
                                                          ctx => attackTarget == null,
                                                          new PrioritySelector(
                                                              new Decorator(
                                                                  ctx => IronShredder.Location.DistanceSquared(_waitPoint) > 10 * 10,
                                                                  new PrioritySelector(
                                                                      new Action(ctx => Navigator.MoveTo(_waitPoint)))),
                                                              new ActionSetActivity("No viable targets, waiting."))),
                                                      new ActionAlwaysSucceed())));
コード例 #2
        public override void OnStart()
            // Let QuestBehaviorBase do basic initializaion of the behavior, deal with bad or deprecated attributes,
            // capture configuration state, install BT hooks, etc.  This will also update the goal text.
            var isBehaviorShouldRun = OnStart_QuestBehaviorCore();

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (isBehaviorShouldRun)
                int waitDuration = WaitTime + StyxWoW.Random.Next(VariantTime);

                _timer            = new Styx.Common.Helpers.WaitTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(waitDuration));
                _waitTimeAsString = Utility.PrettyTime(_timer.WaitTime);


                this.UpdateGoalText(GetQuestId(), "Waiting for " + _waitTimeAsString);
        public Composite CreateBehavior_KillGnomereganStealthFighter()
            WoWUnit   attackTarget           = null;
            WoWUnit   PrideofKezan           = null;
            WaitTimer WildWeaselRocketsTimer = WaitTimer.FiveSeconds;

            return(new Decorator(r => !Me.IsQuestComplete(QuestId) && Query.IsInVehicle() && (PrideofKezan = Me.CharmedUnit) != null,
                                 new PrioritySelector(ctx => attackTarget = GetAttackTarget(),
                                                      new Decorator(ctx => attackTarget != null,
                                                                    new PrioritySelector(
                                                                        new ActionSetActivity("Moving to Attack"),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => Me.CurrentTargetGuid != attackTarget.Guid,
                                                                                      new ActionFail(ctx => attackTarget.Target())),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => !Me.IsSafelyFacing(attackTarget) || !PrideofKezan.IsSafelyFacing(attackTarget),
                                                                                      new ActionFail(ctx => attackTarget.Face())),

                                                                        // cast 'Wild Weasel Rockets' ability
                                                                        new Decorator(
                                                                            ctx => PrideofKezan.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) < 25 * 25 && WildWeaselRocketsTimer.IsFinished,
                                                                            new Sequence(
                                                                                new Action(ctx => Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(2)")),
                                                                                new Action(ctx => WildWeaselRocketsTimer.Reset()))),

                                                                        // cast 'Machine Gun' ability
                                                                        new Decorator(
                                                                            ctx => PrideofKezan.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) <= 25 * 25,
                                                                            new Sequence(
                                                                                new Action(ctx => Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(1)")))),

                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => PrideofKezan.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) > 25 * 25,
                                                                                      new Action(ctx => WoWMovement.ClickToMove(attackTarget.Location))))),
                                                      new Decorator(
                                                          ctx => attackTarget == null,
                                                          new PrioritySelector(
                                                              new Decorator(
                                                                  ctx => PrideofKezan.Location.DistanceSqr(_waitPoint) > 10 * 10,
                                                                  new Sequence(
                                                                      new Action(ctx => WoWMovement.ClickToMove(_waitPoint)))),
                                                              new ActionSetActivity("No viable targets, waiting."))),
                                                      new ActionAlwaysSucceed())));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>Waits until a result is available for a spell cast and then retrurn it.</summary>
        /// <param name="maxTimeoutMs">The maximum timeout in milliseconds.</param>
        public async Task <SpellCastResult> GetResult(int maxTimeoutMs = 15000)
            var timer = new WaitTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(StyxWoW.WoWClient.Latency * 2 + 50));

            var         startedCast = false;
            Func <bool> beganCast   = () =>
                startedCast = startedCast || StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting;

            await Coroutine.Wait(maxTimeoutMs, () => HasResult || timer.IsFinished && !beganCast());

            if (!HasResult && timer.IsFinished && !beganCast())

コード例 #5
        public Composite CreateBehavior_KillMantid()
            WoWUnit   attackTarget   = null;
            WoWUnit   yeti           = null;
            WaitTimer leapSmashTimer = WaitTimer.TenSeconds;

            return(new Decorator(r => !Me.IsQuestComplete(QuestId) && Query.IsInVehicle() && (yeti = Me.CharmedUnit) != null,
                                 new PrioritySelector(ctx => attackTarget = GetAttackTarget(),
                                                      new Decorator(ctx => attackTarget != null,
                                                                    new PrioritySelector(
                                                                        new ActionFail(ctx => _stuckTimer.Reset()),
                                                                        new ActionSetActivity("Moving to Attack"),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => Me.CurrentTargetGuid != attackTarget.Guid,
                                                                                      new ActionFail(ctx => attackTarget.Target())),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => !Me.IsSafelyFacing(attackTarget) || !yeti.IsSafelyFacing(attackTarget),
                                                                                      new ActionFail(ctx => attackTarget.Face())),
                                                                        // cast 'Hozen Snack' ability to heal up.
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => yeti.HealthPercent <= 70,
                                                                                      new ActionFail(ctx => Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(4)"))),
                                                                        // cast 'Leap Smash' ability on targets outside of melee
                                                                        new Decorator(
                                                                            ctx =>
                                                                            yeti.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) > 30 * 30 && yeti.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) < 90 * 90 && leapSmashTimer.IsFinished,
                                                                            new Sequence(
                                                                                new Action(ctx => Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(1)")),
                                                                                new WaitContinue(2, ctx => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell != null, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                                                                new Action(ctx => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(attackTarget.Location)),
                                                                                new Action(ctx => leapSmashTimer.Reset()))),
                                                                        // cast 'Headbutt' ability on melee range target.
                                                                        new Decorator(
                                                                            ctx => yeti.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) <= 25 * 25,
                                                                            new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                new Decorator(
                                                                                    ctx => yeti.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) <= 25 * 25 && (Me.IsMoving || Me.CharmedUnit.IsMoving),
                                                                                    new ActionFail(ctx => WoWMovement.ClickToMove(Me.CharmedUnit.Location))),
                                                                                new Action(ctx => Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(2)")))),
                                                                        new Decorator(ctx => yeti.Location.DistanceSqr(attackTarget.Location) > 25 * 25,
                                                                                      new Action(ctx => Navigator.MoveTo(attackTarget.Location))))),
                                                      new Decorator(
                                                          ctx => attackTarget == null,
                                                          new PrioritySelector(
                                                              new Decorator(
                                                                  ctx => yeti.Location.DistanceSqr(_waitPoint) > 10 * 10,
                                                                  new PrioritySelector(
                                                                      // can't set path precision so I'll just handle it directly...
                                                                      // the yeti takes wide turns so needs a higher path precision than normal
                                                                      new Decorator(
                                                                          ctx =>
                var nav = Navigator.NavigationProvider as MeshNavigator;
                if (nav == null)
                    return false;
                if (nav.CurrentMovePath == null || nav.CurrentMovePath.Index >= nav.CurrentMovePath.Path.Points.Length)
                    return false;
                WoWPoint point = nav.CurrentMovePath.Path.Points[nav.CurrentMovePath.Index];
                return point.DistanceSqr(yeti.Location) < 6 * 6;
                                                                          new Action(ctx => ((MeshNavigator)Navigator.NavigationProvider).CurrentMovePath.Index++)),


                                                                      new Action(ctx => Navigator.MoveTo(_waitPoint)))),
                                                              new ActionSetActivity("No viable targets, waiting."))),
                                                      new ActionAlwaysSucceed())));
コード例 #6
        private async Task TargetLogic(WoWUnit target)
            if (!Query.IsViable(target))

            var targetDistSqr = target.Location.DistanceSquared(Vehicle.Location);

            if (PickUpPassengerButton == 0)
                TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Blowing stuff up. {0} mins before resummon is required",

                if (HealButton > 0 && targetDistSqr < 60 * 60 &&
                    (Vehicle.HealthPercent <= HealPercent || Vehicle.ManaPercent <= HealPercent) &&
                    QBCLog.Info("Used heal button {0} on NPC:{1}", HealButton, target.SafeName);

                // return when a button is used.
                foreach (var button in Buttons)
                    if (UseVehicleButton(button))

            TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Rescuing {0}", target.SafeName);
            var pickTimer = new WaitTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));

            while (target.IsValid && target.IsAlive && !UnitIsRidingMyVehicle(target) && Query.IsInVehicle() && !pickTimer.IsFinished)
                Vector3 clickLocation = target.Location.RayCast(target.Rotation, 6);
                clickLocation.Z += 3;
                if (Vehicle.Location.DistanceSquared(clickLocation) > 3 * 3)
                    Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        await Coroutine.Yield();
                    } while (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000 && Vehicle.Location.DistanceSquared(clickLocation) > 3 * 3);
                    if (Vehicle.IsMoving)
                        await CommonCoroutines.StopMoving(string.Format("Picking up {0}", target.SafeName));
                    if (await Coroutine.Wait(4000, () => UnitIsRidingMyVehicle(target)))
                        QBCLog.Info("Successfully picked up passenger {0}", target.SafeName);
                    QBCLog.Info("Failed to picked up passenger {0}", target.SafeName);
                    await Coroutine.Yield();