コード例 #1
        protected void GetStylusParams(StylusPointDescription sd)
            if (sd.HasProperty(StylusPointProperties.XTiltOrientation) &&
                StylusPointPropertyInfo tiltXInfo = sd.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.XTiltOrientation);
                StylusPointPropertyInfo tiltYInfo = sd.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.YTiltOrientation);

                mInputMinTiltX = tiltXInfo.Minimum;
                mInputMaxTiltX = tiltXInfo.Maximum;

                mInputMinTiltY = tiltYInfo.Minimum;
                mInputMaxTiltY = tiltYInfo.Maximum;

                mScaleTiltX = (mTargetMaxTiltX - mTargetMinTiltX) / (mInputMaxTiltX - mInputMinTiltX);
                mScaleTiltY = (mTargetMaxTiltY - mTargetMinTiltY) / (mInputMaxTiltY - mInputMinTiltY);
                mScaleTiltX = 0;
                mScaleTiltY = 0;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the width or height of the stylus point's bounding box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stylusPoint">The point for which the width or height is being calculated</param>
        /// <param name="isWidth">True if this should calculate width, false for height</param>
        /// <returns>The width or height of the stylus poing</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note that this is not DPI aware.  This implementation has never been aware of DPI changes and
        /// changing that now could cause issues with people who depended on this to be based on 96 DPI.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override double GetStylusPointWidthOrHeight(StylusPoint stylusPoint, bool isWidth)
            double pixelsPerInch = DpiUtil.DefaultPixelsPerInch;

            StylusPointProperty property = (isWidth ? StylusPointProperties.Width : StylusPointProperties.Height);

            double value = 0d;

            if (stylusPoint.HasProperty(property))
                // Get the property value in the corresponding units
                value = (double)stylusPoint.GetPropertyValue(property);

                StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo = stylusPoint.Description.GetPropertyInfo(property);

                if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(propertyInfo.Resolution, 0d))
                    value /= propertyInfo.Resolution;
                    value = 0;

                // Convert the value to Inches
                if (propertyInfo.Unit == StylusPointPropertyUnit.Centimeters)
                    value /= CentimetersPerInch;

                // Convert the value to pixels
                value *= pixelsPerInch;

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the packets into a stream of bytes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stroke">Stroke to save</param>
        /// <param name="stream">null to calculate size only</param>
        /// <param name="compressor"></param>
        /// <param name="strokeLookupEntry"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the packets into a stream of bytes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stroke">Stroke to save</param>
        /// <param name="stream">null to calculate size only</param>
        /// <param name="strokeLookupEntry"></param>
        static uint SavePackets(
            Stroke stroke,
            Stream stream,
            Compressor compressor,
            StrokeCollectionSerializer.StrokeLookupEntry strokeLookupEntry)
            // First write or calculate how many points are there
            uint pointCount        = (uint)stroke.StylusPoints.Count;
            uint localBytesWritten = (stream != null) ? SerializationHelper.Encode(stream, pointCount) : SerializationHelper.VarSize(pointCount);
            byte compressionAlgorithm;

            int[][] outputArrays = strokeLookupEntry.ISFReadyStrokeData;
            //We don't serialize button data
            //int valuesPerPoint = stroke.StylusPoints.Description.GetOutputArrayLengthPerPoint();
            //int buttonCount = stroke.StylusPoints.Description.ButtonCount;

            ReadOnlyCollection <StylusPointPropertyInfo> propertyInfos
                = stroke.StylusPoints.Description.GetStylusPointProperties();

            int i = 0;

            for (; i < propertyInfos.Count; i++)
                StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyInfos[i];
                if (i == 2 && !strokeLookupEntry.StorePressure)
                    // only store pressure if we need to
                if (propertyInfo.IsButton)
                    // we're at the buttons, handle this below
                compressionAlgorithm = strokeLookupEntry.CompressionData;
                localBytesWritten   += SavePacketPropertyData(outputArrays[i],
                                                              ref compressionAlgorithm);

             * We don't serialize button data
             * // Now write all button data. Button data is stored as if it is another packet property
             * // with size (cbuttoncount + 7)/8 bytes and corresponding guids are stored in the packet
             * // description. Button data is only stored if buttons are present in the description and there
             * // are packets in the stroke
             * if (buttonCount > 0 && pointCount > 0)
             * {
             *  Debug.Assert(i == valuesPerPoint - 1);
             *  BitStreamWriter bitWriter = new BitStreamWriter();
             *  //
             *  // Get the array of button data (i is still pointing at it)
             *  //
             *  int[] buttonData = outputArrays[i];
             *  for (int x = 0; x < pointCount; x++)
             *  {
             *      //
             *      // each int in the button data array contains buttonCount number
             *      // of bits that need to be written to the BitStreamWriter
             *      // the BitStreamWriter takes bytes at a time.  We always write the most
             *      // signifigant bits first
             *      //
             *      int uncompactedButtonDataForPoint = buttonData[x];
             *      // calculate the number of full bytes used for buttons per packet
             *      //   Example: 10 buttons would require 1 full byte
             *      //            but 8 would require
             *      int fullBytesForButtonsPerPacket = buttonCount / Native.BitsPerByte;
             *      // calculate the number of bits that spill beyond the full byte boundary
             *      //   Example: 10 buttons would require 2 extra bits (8 fit in a full byte)
             *      int bitsToWrite = buttonCount % Native.BitsPerByte;
             *      for (; fullBytesForButtonsPerPacket >= 0; fullBytesForButtonsPerPacket--)
             *      {
             *          byte byteOfButtonData =
             *              Convert.ToByte(uncompactedButtonDataForPoint >> (fullBytesForButtonsPerPacket * Native.BitsPerByte));
             *          //
             *          // write 8 or less bytes to the bitwriter
             *          // checking for 0 handles the case where we're writing 8, 16 or 24 bytes
             *          // and bitsToWrite is initialize to zero
             *          //
             *          if (bitsToWrite > 0)
             *          {
             *              bitWriter.Write(byteOfButtonData, bitsToWrite);
             *          }
             *          if (fullBytesForButtonsPerPacket > 0)
             *          {
             *              bitsToWrite = Native.BitsPerByte;
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  // retrieve the button bytes
             *  byte[] packedButtonData = bitWriter.ToBytes();
             *  if (packedButtonData.Length !=
             *      ((buttonCount * pointCount + 7) / Native.BitsPerByte))
             *  {
             *      throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Packed button length not equal to expected length"));
             *  }
             *  // write out the packed button data to the output stream
             *  stream.Write(packedButtonData, 0, packedButtonData.Length);
             *  localBytesWritten += (uint)packedButtonData.Length;
             * }

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the Stroke Descriptor for this stroke based on Packet Layout and Extended Properties
        /// For details on how this is strored please refer to the spec.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void BuildStrokeDescriptor(
            Stroke stroke,
            GuidList guidList,
            StrokeCollectionSerializer.StrokeLookupEntry strokeLookupEntry,
            out StrokeDescriptor strokeDescriptor,
            out MetricBlock metricBlock)
            // Initialize the metric block for this stroke
            metricBlock = new MetricBlock();

            // Clear any existing template
            strokeDescriptor = new StrokeDescriptor();

            // Uninitialized variable passed in AddMetricEntry
            MetricEntryType        metricEntryType;
            StylusPointDescription stylusPointDescription = stroke.StylusPoints.Description;

            KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag = guidList.FindTag(KnownIds.X, true);
            metricEntryType = metricBlock.AddMetricEntry(stylusPointDescription.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.X), tag);

            tag             = guidList.FindTag(KnownIds.Y, true);
            metricEntryType = metricBlock.AddMetricEntry(stylusPointDescription.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.Y), tag);

            ReadOnlyCollection <StylusPointPropertyInfo> propertyInfos
                = stylusPointDescription.GetStylusPointProperties();

            int i = 0; //i is defined out of the for loop so we can use it later for buttons

            for (i = 2 /*past x,y*/; i < propertyInfos.Count; i++)
                if (i == /*StylusPointDescription.RequiredPressureIndex //修复构建的代码 */ 2 &&
                    // don't store pressure information
                StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyInfos[i];
                if (propertyInfo.IsButton)
                    //we don't serialize buttons

                tag = guidList.FindTag(propertyInfo.Id, true);

                strokeDescriptor.Size += SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)tag);

                // Create the MetricEntry for this property if necessary
                metricEntryType = metricBlock.AddMetricEntry(propertyInfo, tag);

             * we drop button data on the floor.
             * int buttonCount = stylusPointDescription.ButtonCount;
             * // Now write the button tags in the Template
             * if (buttonCount > 0)
             * {
             *  // First write the TAG_BUTTONS
             *  strokeDescriptor.Template.Add(KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Buttons);
             *  strokeDescriptor.Size += SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Buttons);
             *  // Next write the i of buttons
             *  strokeDescriptor.Template.Add((KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)buttonCount);
             *  strokeDescriptor.Size += SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)buttonCount);
             *  //we broke above on i when it was a button, it still
             *  //points to the first button
             *  for (; i < propertyInfos.Count; i++)
             *  {
             *      StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyInfos[i];
             *      tag = guidList.FindTag(propertyInfo.Id, false);
             *      strokeDescriptor.Template.Add(tag);
             *      strokeDescriptor.Size += SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)tag);
             *  }
             * }

            // Now write the extended properties in the template
            if (stroke.ExtendedProperties.Count > 0)
                strokeDescriptor.Size += SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokePropertyList);

                // Now write the tags corresponding to each extended properties of the stroke
                for (int x = 0; x < stroke.ExtendedProperties.Count; x++)
                    tag = guidList.FindTag(stroke.ExtendedProperties[(int)x].Id, false);

                    strokeDescriptor.Size += SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)tag);
コード例 #5
ファイル: NativeRecognizer.cs プロジェクト: beda2280/wpf-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the packet description, packets data and XFORM which is the information the native recognizer needs.
        /// The method is called from AddStrokes.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetPacketData
            Stroke stroke,
            out MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_DESCRIPTION packetDescription,
            out int countOfBytes,
            out IntPtr packets,
            out NativeMethods.XFORM xForm
            int i;

            countOfBytes      = 0;
            packets           = IntPtr.Zero;
            packetDescription = new MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_DESCRIPTION();
            Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity;

            xForm = new NativeMethods.XFORM((float)(matrix.M11), (float)(matrix.M12), (float)(matrix.M21),
                                            (float)(matrix.M22), (float)(matrix.OffsetX), (float)(matrix.OffsetY));

            StylusPointCollection stylusPoints = stroke.StylusPoints;

            if (stylusPoints.Count == 0)
                return; //we'll fail when the calling routine sees that packets is IntPtr.Zer

            if (stylusPoints.Description.PropertyCount > StylusPointDescription.RequiredCountOfProperties)
                // reformat to X, Y, P
                StylusPointDescription reformatDescription
                    = new StylusPointDescription(
                          new StylusPointPropertyInfo[] {
                    new StylusPointPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.X),
                    new StylusPointPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.Y),
                stylusPoints = stylusPoints.Reformat(reformatDescription);

            // now make sure we only take a finite amount of data for the stroke
            if (stylusPoints.Count > MaxStylusPoints)
                stylusPoints = stylusPoints.Clone(MaxStylusPoints);

            Guid[] propertyGuids = new Guid[] { StylusPointPropertyIds.X,                //required index for SPD
                                                StylusPointPropertyIds.Y,                //required index for SPD
                                                StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure }; //required index for SPD

            Debug.Assert(stylusPoints != null);
            Debug.Assert(propertyGuids.Length == StylusPointDescription.RequiredCountOfProperties);

            // Get the packet description
            packetDescription.cbPacketSize      = (uint)(propertyGuids.Length * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Int32)));
            packetDescription.cPacketProperties = (uint)propertyGuids.Length;

            // use X, Y defaults for metrics, sometimes mouse metrics can be bogus
            // always use NormalPressure metrics, though.
            StylusPointPropertyInfo[] infosToUse = new StylusPointPropertyInfo[StylusPointDescription.RequiredCountOfProperties];
            infosToUse[StylusPointDescription.RequiredXIndex]        = StylusPointPropertyInfoDefaults.X;
            infosToUse[StylusPointDescription.RequiredYIndex]        = StylusPointPropertyInfoDefaults.Y;
            infosToUse[StylusPointDescription.RequiredPressureIndex] =

            MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_PROPERTY[] packetProperties =
                new MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_PROPERTY[packetDescription.cPacketProperties];

            StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo;

            for (i = 0; i < packetDescription.cPacketProperties; i++)
                packetProperties[i].guid = propertyGuids[i];
                propertyInfo             = infosToUse[i];

                MS.Win32.Recognizer.PROPERTY_METRICS propertyMetrics = new MS.Win32.Recognizer.PROPERTY_METRICS( );
                propertyMetrics.nLogicalMin         = propertyInfo.Minimum;
                propertyMetrics.nLogicalMax         = propertyInfo.Maximum;
                propertyMetrics.Units               = (int)(propertyInfo.Unit);
                propertyMetrics.fResolution         = propertyInfo.Resolution;
                packetProperties[i].PropertyMetrics = propertyMetrics;

                int allocationSize = (int)(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_PROPERTY)) * packetDescription.cPacketProperties);
                packetDescription.pPacketProperties = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(allocationSize);
                MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_PROPERTY *pPacketProperty =
                    (MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_PROPERTY *)(packetDescription.pPacketProperties.ToPointer());
                MS.Win32.Recognizer.PACKET_PROPERTY *pElement = pPacketProperty;
                for (i = 0; i < packetDescription.cPacketProperties; i++)
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(packetProperties[i], new IntPtr(pElement), false);

            // Get packet data
            int[] rawPackets  = stylusPoints.ToHiMetricArray();
            int   packetCount = rawPackets.Length;

            if (packetCount != 0)
                countOfBytes = packetCount * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Int32));
                packets      = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(countOfBytes);
                Marshal.Copy(rawPackets, 0, packets, packetCount);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Query all supported properties from WM_POINTER stack and convert to WPF equivalents.
        /// This maintains a set of properties from WM_POINTER that are supported and the equivalent
        /// properties in WPF.  This way, the WM_POINTER properties can be used to directly query
        /// raw data from the stack and associate it 1 to 1 with raw stylus data in WPF.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if initialization succeeds, false otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A note on the pressure property.  If the device does not support pressure as a property,
        /// we still insert pressure on the WPF side.  This is a requirement in many places in the
        /// stylus code.  However, the raw data queried from WM_POINTER will NOT have pressure data.
        /// This is ok because StylusPointCollection pivots on the ContainsTruePressure property in
        /// the StylusPointDescription.  If this is true, every point will have X, Y, Pressure and then
        /// additional raw data from index 3..N where N is the number of properties per StylusPoint.
        /// If this is false, it will add a default pressure so WPF ends up with X, Y, DefaultPressure
        /// and then 2..N per StylusPoint.  This can be slightly confusing at first glance, since pressure
        /// of one kind or another is always required in the StylusPointDescription, but it allows for
        /// backfilling of pressure data further up (as in towards the public boundary) and the deeper
        /// portions of the stack just worry about querying device capabilities.
        /// </remarks>
        private bool TryInitializeSupportedStylusPointProperties()
            bool success = false;

            uint propCount = 0;

            // Initialize to having not seen a real pressure property
            PressureIndex     = -1;
            UsingFakePressure = true;

            // Retrieve all properties from the WM_POINTER stack
            success = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetPointerDeviceProperties(Device, ref propCount, null);

            if (success)
                SupportedPointerProperties = new UnsafeNativeMethods.POINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY[propCount];

                success = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetPointerDeviceProperties(Device, ref propCount, SupportedPointerProperties);

                if (success)
                    // Prepare a location for X, Y, and Pressure
                    List <StylusPointProperty> properties = new List <StylusPointProperty>()

                    List <StylusPointProperty> buttonProperties = new List <StylusPointProperty>();

                    // Prepare a location for X and Y.  Pressure does not need a location as it will be added later if applicable.
                    List <UnsafeNativeMethods.POINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY> supportedProperties = new List <UnsafeNativeMethods.POINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY>()
                        new UnsafeNativeMethods.POINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY(),
                        new UnsafeNativeMethods.POINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY(),

                    List <UnsafeNativeMethods.POINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY> supportedButtonProperties = new List <UnsafeNativeMethods.POINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY>();

                    bool seenX = false, seenY = false, seenPressure = false;

                    foreach (var prop in SupportedPointerProperties)
                        StylusPointPropertyInfo propInfo = PointerStylusPointPropertyInfoHelper.CreatePropertyInfo(prop);

                        if (propInfo != null)
                            // If seeing a required property, just overwrite the default placeholder
                            // otherwise tack it onto the end of the appropriate list.
                            if (propInfo.Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure)
                                seenPressure = true;
                                properties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredPressureIndex] = propInfo;

                                // Pressure is not in the pointer properties by default so we must insert it.
                                supportedProperties.Insert(StylusPointDescription.RequiredPressureIndex, prop);
                            else if (propInfo.Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.X)
                                seenX = true;
                                properties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredXIndex]          = propInfo;
                                supportedProperties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredXIndex] = prop;
                            else if (propInfo.Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.Y)
                                seenY = true;
                                properties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredYIndex]          = propInfo;
                                supportedProperties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredYIndex] = prop;
                            else if (propInfo.IsButton)

                    // If we saw a real pressure property, we should mark that down
                    if (seenPressure)
                        PressureIndex         = StylusPointDescription.RequiredPressureIndex;
                        UsingFakePressure     = false;
                        HardwareCapabilities |= TabletHardwareCapabilities.SupportsPressure;

                    Debug.Assert(properties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredXIndex /*0*/].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.X || !seenX,
                                 "X isn't where we expect it! Fix pointer stack to ask for X at index 0");
                    Debug.Assert(properties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredYIndex /*1*/].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.Y || !seenY,
                                 "Y isn't where we expect it! Fix pointer stack to ask for Y at index 1");
                    Debug.Assert(properties[StylusPointDescription.RequiredPressureIndex /*1*/].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure /*2*/,
                                 "Fix pointer stack to ask for NormalPressure at index 2!");

                    // Append buttons to the end of normal properties

                    SupportedButtonPropertyIndex = supportedProperties.Count;

                    // Reset the properties to only what we support, this way we can generate raw data directly from them
                    StylusPointProperties      = new ReadOnlyCollection <StylusPointProperty>(properties);
                    SupportedPointerProperties = supportedProperties.ToArray();

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This function checks if this packet property results in a valid metric entry. This will be a valid entry if
        /// 1. it is a custom property, 2. Does not belong to the global list of gaMetricEntry_Never, 3. Belongs to the
        /// global list of gaMetricEntry_Must and 4. Belongs to global list of gaMetricEntry_Optional and at least one of
        /// its metric values is different from the corresponding default.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <param name="metricEntryType"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        static bool IsValidMetricEntry(StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo, KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag, out MetricEntryType metricEntryType, out uint index)
            index = 0;
            // If this is a custom property, check if all the Metric values are null or not. If they are then this is not a
            // valid metric entry
            if (tag >= (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)KnownIdCache.CustomGuidBaseIndex)
                metricEntryType = MetricEntryType.Custom;
                if (Int32.MinValue == propertyInfo.Minimum &&
                    Int32.MaxValue == propertyInfo.Maximum &&
                    StylusPointPropertyUnit.None == propertyInfo.Unit &&
                    DoubleUtil.AreClose(1.0, propertyInfo.Resolution))
                int ul;
                // First find the property in the gaMetricEntry_Never. If it belongs to this list,
                // we will never write the metric table for this prop. So return FALSE;
                for (ul = 0; ul < MetricEntry_Never.Length; ul++)
                    if (MetricEntry_Never[ul] == tag)
                        metricEntryType = MetricEntryType.Never;

                // Then search the property in the gaMetricEntry_Must list. If it belongs to this list,
                // we must always write the metric table for this prop. So return TRUE;
                for (ul = 0; ul < MetricEntry_Must.Length; ul++)
                    if (MetricEntry_Must[ul] == tag)
                        metricEntryType = MetricEntryType.Must;
                        if (propertyInfo.Minimum == DefaultPropertyMetrics.Minimum &&
                            propertyInfo.Maximum == DefaultPropertyMetrics.Maximum &&
                            propertyInfo.Unit == DefaultPropertyMetrics.Unit &&
                            DoubleUtil.AreClose(propertyInfo.Resolution, DefaultPropertyMetrics.Resolution))

                // Now seach it in the gaMetricEntry_Optional list. If it is there, check the metric values
                // agianst the default values and if there is any non default value, return TRUE;
                for (ul = 0; ul < MetricEntry_Optional.Length; ul++)
                    if (((MetricEntryList)MetricEntry_Optional[ul]).Tag == tag)
                        metricEntryType = MetricEntryType.Optional;
                        if (propertyInfo.Minimum == MetricEntry_Optional[ul].PropertyMetrics.Minimum &&
                            propertyInfo.Maximum == MetricEntry_Optional[ul].PropertyMetrics.Maximum &&
                            propertyInfo.Unit == MetricEntry_Optional[ul].PropertyMetrics.Unit &&
                            DoubleUtil.AreClose(propertyInfo.Resolution, MetricEntry_Optional[ul].PropertyMetrics.Resolution))
                            index = (uint)ul;
                // it is not found in any of the list. Force to write all metric entries for the property.
                metricEntryType = MetricEntryType.Must;
コード例 #8
 public MetricEntryList(KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag, StylusPointPropertyInfo prop)
     Tag             = tag;
     PropertyMetrics = prop;