void AutoFill() { //load last time's values if (LoadValues()) { return; } //if no saved stuff, just fill in the textures List <string> textures = mSK.GetTexture2DList(); foreach (string tex in textures) { if (tex.StartsWith("Terrain\\")) { HeightMap.TexData gd = new HeightMap.TexData(); gd.TextureName = tex; mGridData.Add(gd); } } }
internal ParticleForm(MatLib mats, StuffKeeper sk) : base() { InitializeComponent(); mMats = mats; mSKeeper = sk; StartColor.BackColor = mCurrentColor; Array shapeVals = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ParticleLib.Emitter.Shapes)); Shape.Items.Clear(); foreach (object val in shapeVals) { Shape.Items.Add(val); } Shape.SelectedIndex = 0; List <string> texs = sk.GetTexture2DList(); if (texs.Count <= 0) { return; } foreach (string tex in texs) { if (tex.StartsWith("Particles")) { mParticleTextures.Add(tex); } } if (mParticleTextures.Count <= 0) { TextureBox.Items.Add("Empty!"); return; } foreach (string tex in mParticleTextures) { //strip particles off the front string justTex = tex.Substring(10); TextureBox.Items.Add(justTex); } TextureBox.SelectedIndex = 0; }
void LoadTerrainTextureStuff(string path) { string noExt = FileUtil.StripExtension(path); string fname = noExt + ".TerTexData"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); if (fs == null) { return; } BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); if (br == null) { return; } UInt32 magic = br.ReadUInt32(); if (magic != 0x7EC5DA7A) { br.Close(); fs.Close(); return; } //atlas size int atlasX = br.ReadInt32(); int atlasY = br.ReadInt32(); //transition height int transitionHeight = br.ReadInt32(); TexAtlas ta = new TexAtlas(mGD, atlasX, atlasY); //load into a temp list first List <HeightMap.TexData> gridStuffs = new List <HeightMap.TexData>(); int count = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HeightMap.TexData td = new HeightMap.TexData(); td.BottomElevation = br.ReadSingle(); td.TopElevation = br.ReadSingle(); td.Steep = br.ReadBoolean(); td.ScaleFactor = br.ReadSingle(); td.TextureName = br.ReadString(); td.mScaleU = br.ReadDouble(); td.mScaleV = br.ReadDouble(); td.mUOffs = br.ReadDouble(); td.mVOffs = br.ReadDouble(); gridStuffs.Add(td); } br.Close(); fs.Close(); List <string> textures = mSK.GetTexture2DList(); for (int i = 0; i < gridStuffs.Count; i++) { HeightMap.TexData gd = gridStuffs[i]; if (textures.Contains(gd.TextureName)) { if (!mSK.AddTexToAtlas(ta, gd.TextureName, mGD, out gd.mScaleU, out gd.mScaleV, out gd.mUOffs, out gd.mVOffs)) { //todo something here } } } ta.Finish(mGD); Texture(ta, gridStuffs, transitionHeight); }
internal MapLoop(GraphicsDevice gd, string gameRootDir) { mGD = gd; mGameRootDir = gameRootDir; mResX = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Width; mResY = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Height; mSKeeper = new StuffKeeper(); mSKeeper.eCompileNeeded += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileNeededHandler; mSKeeper.eCompileDone += SharedForms.ShaderCompileHelper.CompileDoneHandler; mSKeeper.Init(mGD, gameRootDir); mZoneMats = new MatLib(gd, mSKeeper); mZone = new Zone(); mZoneDraw = new MeshLib.IndoorMesh(gd, mZoneMats); mPartMats = new MatLib(mGD, mSKeeper); mPB = new ParticleBoss(gd.GD, mPartMats); mFontMats = new MatLib(gd, mSKeeper); mFontMats.CreateMaterial("Text"); mFontMats.SetMaterialEffect("Text", "2D.fx"); mFontMats.SetMaterialTechnique("Text", "Text"); mFonts = mSKeeper.GetFontList(); mST = new ScreenText(gd.GD, mFontMats, mFonts[0], 1000); mTextProj = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(0, mResX, mResY, 0, 0.1f, 5f); //grab two UI textures to show how to do gumpery List <string> texs = mSKeeper.GetTexture2DList(); List <string> uiTex = new List <string>(); foreach (string tex in texs) { if (tex.StartsWith("UI")) { uiTex.Add(tex); } } Vector4 color = Vector4.UnitY + (Vector4.UnitW * 0.15f); //string indicators for various statusy things mST.AddString(mFonts[0], "Stuffs", "ClimbStatus", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 600f, Vector2.One); mST.AddString(mFonts[0], "Stuffs", "LevelStatus", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 620f, Vector2.One); mST.AddString(mFonts[0], "Stuffs", "PosStatus", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 640f, Vector2.One); mST.AddString(mFonts[0], "(G), (H) to clear: Dynamic Lights: 0", "DynStatus", color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 660f, Vector2.One); mZoneMats.InitCelShading(1); // mZoneMats.GenerateCelTexturePreset(gd.GD, // gd.GD.FeatureLevel == FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, false, 0); // mZoneMats.SetCelTexture(0); float [] thresholds = new float[3 - 1]; float [] levels = new float[3]; thresholds[0] = 0.7f; thresholds[1] = 0.3f; levels[0] = 1; levels[1] = 0.8f; levels[2] = 0.5f; mZoneMats.GenerateCelTexture(gd.GD, gd.GD.FeatureLevel == SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, 0, 256, thresholds, levels); mZoneMats.SetCelTexture(0); mZoneDraw = new IndoorMesh(gd, mZoneMats); mAudio.LoadAllSounds(mGameRootDir + "\\Audio\\SoundFX"); //set up post processing module mPost = new PostProcess(gd, mZoneMats, "Post.fx"); #if true mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "SceneColor", mResX, mResY, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); mPost.MakePostDepth(gd, "SceneDepth", mResX, mResY, (gd.GD.FeatureLevel != FeatureLevel.Level_9_3)? Format.D32_Float_S8X24_UInt : Format.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "SceneDepthMatNorm", mResX, mResY, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Bleach", mResX, mResY, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Outline", mResX, mResY, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); mPost.MakePostTargetHalfRes(gd, "Bloom1", mResX / 2, mResY / 2, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); mPost.MakePostTargetHalfRes(gd, "Bloom2", mResX / 2, mResY / 2, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); #elif ThirtyTwo mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "SceneColor", mResX, mResY, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); mPost.MakePostDepth(gd, "SceneDepth", mResX, mResY, (gd.GD.FeatureLevel != FeatureLevel.Level_9_3)? Format.D32_Float_S8X24_UInt : Format.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "SceneDepthMatNorm", mResX, mResY, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Bleach", mResX, mResY, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Outline", mResX, mResY, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Bloom1", mResX / 2, mResY / 2, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Bloom2", mResX / 2, mResY / 2, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); #else mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "SceneColor", mResX, mResY, Format.B5G5R5A1_UNorm); mPost.MakePostDepth(gd, "SceneDepth", mResX, mResY, (gd.GD.FeatureLevel != FeatureLevel.Level_9_3)? Format.D32_Float_S8X24_UInt : Format.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "SceneDepthMatNorm", mResX, mResY, Format.R16G16B16A16_Float); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Bleach", mResX, mResY, Format.B5G5R5A1_UNorm); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Outline", mResX, mResY, Format.B5G5R5A1_UNorm); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Bloom1", mResX / 2, mResY / 2, Format.B5G5R5A1_UNorm); mPost.MakePostTarget(gd, "Bloom2", mResX / 2, mResY / 2, Format.B5G5R5A1_UNorm); #endif if (gd.GD.FeatureLevel != FeatureLevel.Level_9_3) { mDynLights = new DynamicLights(mGD, mZoneMats, "BSP.fx"); } //see if any static stuff if (Directory.Exists(mGameRootDir + "/Statics")) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(mGameRootDir + "/Statics"); FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles("*.MatLib", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (fi.Length > 0) { mStaticMats = new MatLib(gd, mSKeeper); mStaticMats.ReadFromFile(fi[0].DirectoryName + "\\" + fi[0].Name); mStaticMats.InitCelShading(1); mStaticMats.GenerateCelTexturePreset(gd.GD, (gd.GD.FeatureLevel == FeatureLevel.Level_9_3), true, 0); mStaticMats.SetCelTexture(0); } mStatics = Mesh.LoadAllStaticMeshes(mGameRootDir + "\\Statics", gd.GD); //gen bounds, they don't seem to save correctly foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IArch> ia in mStatics) { ia.Value.UpdateBounds(); } } //load character stuff if any around if (Directory.Exists(mGameRootDir + "/Characters")) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(mGameRootDir + "/Characters"); FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles("*.AnimLib", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (fi.Length > 0) { mPAnims = new AnimLib(); mPAnims.ReadFromFile(fi[0].DirectoryName + "\\" + fi[0].Name); List <Anim> anims = mPAnims.GetAnims(); foreach (Anim a in anims) { mAnims.Add(a.Name); } } fi = di.GetFiles("*.MatLib", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (fi.Length > 0) { mPMats = new MatLib(mGD, mSKeeper); mPMats.ReadFromFile(fi[0].DirectoryName + "\\" + fi[0].Name); mPMats.InitCelShading(1); mPMats.GenerateCelTexturePreset(gd.GD, gd.GD.FeatureLevel == FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, false, 0); mPMats.SetCelTexture(0); } fi = di.GetFiles("*.Character", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (fi.Length > 0) { mPArch = new CharacterArch(); mPArch.ReadFromFile(fi[0].DirectoryName + "\\" + fi[0].Name, mGD.GD, false); } fi = di.GetFiles("*.CharacterInstance", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (fi.Length > 0) { mPChar = new Character(mPArch, mPAnims); mPChar.ReadFromFile(fi[0].DirectoryName + "\\" + fi[0].Name); mPChar.SetMatLib(mPMats); mPShad = new ShadowHelper.Shadower(); mPShad.mChar = mPChar; mPShad.mContext = this; mPEntity = new Entity(true, mEBoss); mPMeshLighting = new MeshLighting(mPEntity, mZone, PlayerBoxStanding / 2f, mZoneDraw.GetStyleStrength); mPEntity.AddComponent(mPMeshLighting); } } mPMob = new Mobile(mPChar, PlayerBoxWidth, PlayerBoxStanding, PlayerEyeStanding, true); mPCamMob = new Mobile(mPChar, PlayerBoxWidth, PlayerBoxStanding, PlayerEyeStanding, true); mFatBox = Misc.MakeBox(PlayerBoxWidth + 1, PlayerBoxStanding); mKeeper.AddLib(mZoneMats); if (mStaticMats != null) { mKeeper.AddLib(mStaticMats); } if (mPMats != null) { mKeeper.AddLib(mPMats); } //example material groups //these treat all materials in the group //as a single material for the purposes //of drawing cartoony outlines around them List <string> skinMats = new List <string>(); skinMats.Add("Face"); skinMats.Add("Skin"); skinMats.Add("EyeWhite"); skinMats.Add("EyeLiner"); skinMats.Add("LeftIris"); skinMats.Add("LeftPupil"); skinMats.Add("RightIris"); skinMats.Add("RightPupil"); // skinMats.Add("Nails"); mKeeper.AddMaterialGroup("SkinGroup", skinMats); if (Directory.Exists(mGameRootDir + "/Levels")) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(mGameRootDir + "/Levels"); FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles("*.Zone", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (FileInfo f in fi) { mLevels.Add(f.Name.Substring(0, f.Name.Length - 5)); } } //if debugger lands here, levels are sort of needed //otherwise there's not much point for this test prog ChangeLevel(mLevels[mCurLevel]); mST.ModifyStringText(mFonts[0], "(L) CurLevel: " + mLevels[mCurLevel], "LevelStatus"); }