private void metroButtonGetValues_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check if records exist and if not create a record for each student and load for edit AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //we have records, so we can edit DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } else { //create a record for each student //Get the class students list StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Students = students_adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue); foreach (DataRow row in dt_Students.Rows) { //Insert a new Record for this student ada.InsertQuery((int)row[0], (int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text, row[1].ToString(), metroComboBox1.Text, ""); } DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } }
//Student records Function, Crashes Program right now, needs to be fixed private void metroButton5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_Adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Students = students_Adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox2.SelectedValue); AttendanceTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceTBLTableAdapter(); /* * int P = 0; * int A = 0; * int L = 0; * int E = 0; */ //loop databse and get values for PALE //foreach (DataRow row in dt_Students.Rows) // { //present //P = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "present").Rows[0][6]; /*/absent * A = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, * row[1].ToString(), * "Absent").Rows[0][6]; * //late * L = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, * row[1].ToString(), * "Late").Rows[0][6]; * //excused * E = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, * row[1].ToString(), * "Excused").Rows[0][6]; */ // ListViewItem litem = new ListViewItem(); // litem.Text = row[1].ToString(); //litem.SubItems.Add(P.ToString()); //litem.SubItems.Add(A.ToString()); //litem.SubItems.Add(L.ToString()); //litem.SubItems.Add(E.ToString()); //listView1.Items.Add(litem); // } }
private void metroButtonGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check if records exixts load em for edit if not create a record for each student and load for edit AttendanceRecordTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceRecordTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //we have records,so we can edit DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } else { //creatr a record for each student //Get the class students list StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Student = students_adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue); foreach (DataRow row in dt_Student.Rows) { //Insert a new record for this student ada.InsertQuery((int)row[0], (int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text, "", row[1].ToString(), metroComboBox1.Text); } DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dataSet1.AttendanceRecordTBL' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.attendanceRecordTBLTableAdapter.Fill(this.dataSet1.AttendanceRecordTBL); }
private void metroButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // get students StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Students = students_adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox2.SelectedValue); AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter(); int p = 0; int A = 0; int L = 0; int E = 0; //loop through students and get the values foreach (DataRow row in dt_Students.Rows) { //Presence count p = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "present").Rows[0][6]; // Absence A = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "absent").Rows[0][6]; // late L = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "late").Rows[0][6]; //Execuse E = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "execused").Rows[0][6]; ListViewItem litem = new ListViewItem(); litem.Text = row[1].ToString(); litem.SubItems.Add(p.ToString()); litem.SubItems.Add(A.ToString()); litem.SubItems.Add(L.ToString()); litem.SubItems.Add(E.ToString()); listView1.Items.Add(litem); } }
//'Get Values' Button private void metroButtonGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Check if records exist, load for editing or create a record for each student if none exists AttendanceTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //records Exist DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } else { //create record for each //get class students list StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_Adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Students = students_Adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue); foreach (DataRow row in dt_Students.Rows) { //insert new record ada.InsertQuery((int)row[0], (int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text, "", row[1].ToString(), metroComboBox1.Text); } DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } /*TODO Delete, Probably not needed: * this.attendanceTBLTableAdapter.Fill(this.dataSet1.AttendanceTBL); */ }
private void metroButtonGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } else { StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Students = students_adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue); foreach (DataRow row in dt_Students.Rows) { ada.InsertQuery((int)row[0], (int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text, "", row[1].ToString(), metroComboBox1.Text); } DataTable dt_new = ada.GetDataBy((int)metroComboBox1.SelectedValue, dateTimePicker1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt_new; } }
private void metroButton6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //get students StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Student = students_adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox2.SelectedValue); AttendanceRecordTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceRecordTBLTableAdapter(); int P = 0, A = 0, L = 0, E = 0; //loop through students and get the values foreach (DataRow row in dt_Student.Rows) { int x = dateTimePicker2.Value.Month; string y = row[1].ToString(); /* * P = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[2].ToString(), "present").Rows[0][6]; * * // Absence * A = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[2].ToString(), "absent").Rows[0][6]; * * // late * L = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[2].ToString(), "late").Rows[0][6]; * * * //Execuse * E = (int)ada.GetDataByReport(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[2].ToString(), "execused").Rows[0][6]; * * */ //Presence count P = (int)ada.ScalarQuery(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "present"); // Absence A = (int)ada.ScalarQuery(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "absence"); // late A = (int)ada.ScalarQuery(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "late"); //Execuse A = (int)ada.ScalarQuery(dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "execuse"); /* //Presence count * p = 1; * dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString(), "late" * // Absence * A = 1; * * // late * L = 1; * * * //Execuse * E = 1; * */ ListViewItem listitem = new ListViewItem(); listitem.Text = row[1].ToString(); listitem.SubItems.Add(P.ToString()); listitem.SubItems.Add(A.ToString()); listitem.SubItems.Add(L.ToString()); listitem.SubItems.Add(E.ToString()); listViewreport.Items.Add(listitem); } }
private void metroButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //get students StudentsTBLTableAdapter students_adapter = new StudentsTBLTableAdapter(); DataTable dt_Students = students_adapter.GetDataByClassID((int)metroComboBox2.SelectedValue); AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter ada = new AttendanceRecordsTBLTableAdapter(); int p = 0; int a = 0; int l = 0; int ex = 0; string connectionString = @"Data Source=LAPTOP-1QRG78IU; Initial Catalog=AttendanceDB;integrated security=SSPI"; conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); //loop through students and get the values foreach (DataRow row in dt_Students.Rows) { string query = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(Status) FROM AttendanceRecordsTBL WHERE MONTH(DateAttendance) = {0} AND StudentName = '{1}' AND Status = 'p'", dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString()); cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { p = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0].ToString()); } conn.Close(); query = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(Status) FROM AttendanceRecordsTBL WHERE MONTH(DateAttendance) = {0} AND StudentName = '{1}' AND Status = 'a'", dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString()); cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { a = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0].ToString()); } conn.Close(); query = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(Status) FROM AttendanceRecordsTBL WHERE MONTH(DateAttendance) = {0} AND StudentName = '{1}' AND Status = 'l'", dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString()); cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { l = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0].ToString()); } conn.Close(); query = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(Status) FROM AttendanceRecordsTBL WHERE MONTH(DateAttendance) = {0} AND StudentName = '{1}' AND Status = 'e'", dateTimePicker2.Value.Month, row[1].ToString()); cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { ex = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0].ToString()); } conn.Close(); ListViewItem litem = new ListViewItem(); litem.Text = row[1].ToString(); litem.SubItems.Add(p.ToString()); litem.SubItems.Add(a.ToString()); litem.SubItems.Add(l.ToString()); litem.SubItems.Add(ex.ToString()); listView1.Items.Add(litem); } }