コード例 #1
        public void BrowseToFoodLogEntryIndex()
            var foodLogEntryList = new List <FoodLogEntry>()
                new FoodLogEntry
                    Id          = 12,
                    Description = "Donut"
                new FoodLogEntry
                    Id          = 13,
                    Description = "Apple"

            var foodLogRepoMock = new StubIFoodLogEntryRepository
                GetAll = () => foodLogEntryList.AsQueryable()

            var controller = new FoodLogEntriesController(foodLogRepoMock);
            var viewResult = controller.Index() as ViewResult;
            var vm         = viewResult.Model as List <FoodLogEntry>;

            // assert the view model returned is the list i just created
            Assert.AreEqual(2, vm.Count(), "View model should have 2 food items");
            Assert.AreEqual(12, vm.ElementAt(0).Id, "First element is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(13, vm.ElementAt(1).Id, "Second element is worng");
コード例 #2
        public void SaveNewFoodLogEntryTest()
            FoodLogEntry savedFood    = null;
            bool         createCalled = false;
            var          fakeRepo     = new StubIFoodLogEntryRepository()
                CreateFoodLogEntry = (food) =>
                    savedFood    = food;
                    createCalled = true;

            var fakeFoodEntry = new FoodLogEntry
                Id = 12
            var controller = new FoodLogEntriesController(fakeRepo);

            var viewResult   = controller.Create(fakeFoodEntry) as RedirectToRouteResult;
            var redirectPage = viewResult.RouteValues["action"] as string;

            // assert that my create was called in my repo and that the save
            // object is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(fakeFoodEntry, savedFood);
            Assert.AreEqual("Index", redirectPage);
コード例 #3
        public void DisplayFoodLogEntryWhenNullDetailsTest()
            var foodLogRepoMock = new StubIFoodLogEntryRepository
                GetNullableOfInt32 = (id) => null

            var controller = new FoodLogEntriesController(foodLogRepoMock);
            var result     = controller.Details(32) as HttpNotFoundResult;

            // making sure not found happens when food log repo returns back null
            Assert.AreEqual(404, result.StatusCode);
コード例 #4
        public void DisplayFoodLogEntryDetailsTest()
            var foodLogRepoMock = new StubIFoodLogEntryRepository
                GetNullableOfInt32 = (id) => new FoodLogEntry
                    Id          = (int)id,
                    Description = "Donut"

            var controller = new FoodLogEntriesController(foodLogRepoMock);
            var result     = controller.Details(32) as ViewResult;
            var viewModel  = result.Model as FoodLogEntry;

            Assert.AreEqual("Donut", viewModel.Description);