public void 结构值字段buff() { // Use the Assert class to test conditions. StructBuffManager structBuffManager = new StructBuffManager(); structBuffManager.AddBuff(new Enity(), new buff3(_getCurrentMilliSeconds())); }
public void 空结构buff创建() { // Use the Assert class to test conditions. StructBuffManager structBuffManager = new StructBuffManager(); addBuff(structBuffManager, new buff2(_getCurrentMilliSeconds())); }
public void 结构含私有引用属性buff不允许() { // Use the Assert class to test conditions. StructBuffManager structBuffManager = new StructBuffManager(); var ex = Assert.Catch <TypeErrorException>(() => { structBuffManager.AddBuff(new Enity(), new buff7(_getCurrentMilliSeconds())); }); Debug.Log(ex.Message); }
public void 类buff创建不允许() { // Use the Assert class to test conditions. StructBuffManager structBuffManager = new StructBuffManager(); var exception = Assert.Catch <TypeErrorException>(() => { structBuffManager.AddBuff(new Enity(), new buff1()); }); if (!exception.Message.Contains("not is Struct Type")) { Assert.Fail(); } Debug.Log(exception.Message); }
private void addBuff(StructBuffManager structBuffManager, buff2 buff2) { structBuffManager.AddBuff(new Enity(), buff2); }