コード例 #1
            private void put_arcs()
                foreach (object node in nodes_in_graph)
                    StronglyConnectedComponent scc = (StronglyConnectedComponent)node2scc[node];
                    Debug.Assert(scc != null);
                    // add the arcs from scc to successor SCCs
                    foreach (object next_node in navigator.NextNodes(node))
                        if (nodes_in_graph.Contains(next_node))
                            StronglyConnectedComponent next = (StronglyConnectedComponent)node2scc[next_node];
                            Debug.Assert(next != null);
                    // add the arcs from scc to predecessor SCCs
                    foreach (object prev_node in navigator.PreviousNodes(node))
                        if (nodes_in_graph.Contains(prev_node))
                            StronglyConnectedComponent prev = (StronglyConnectedComponent)node2scc[prev_node];
                            Debug.Assert(prev != null);

                foreach (StronglyConnectedComponent scc in all_SCCs)
                    scc.contains_cycle = scc.next_SCCs.Contains(scc);
コード例 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Condensation"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="root">The root of the condensation DAG.</param>
            /// <param name="transitionFilter">
            /// A function specifying whether the transition should be treated as an edge
            /// of the automaton graph while building the condensation.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="useApproximateClosure">
            /// Specifies whether <see cref="Weight.ApproximateClosure"/> should be used
            /// instead of <see cref="Weight.Closure"/> in semiring computations.
            /// </param>
            internal Condensation(State root, Func <Transition, bool> transitionFilter, bool useApproximateClosure)
                Debug.Assert(root != null, "A valid root node must be provided.");
                Debug.Assert(transitionFilter != null, "A valid transition filter must be provided.");

                this.Root                  = root;
                this.transitionFilter      = transitionFilter;
                this.useApproximateClosure = useApproximateClosure;

                this.components = new List <StronglyConnectedComponent>();
                var stateIdStack        = new Stack <State>();
                var stateIdToTarjanInfo = new Dictionary <int, TarjanStateInfo>();
                int traversalIndex      = 0;

                this.FindStronglyConnectedComponents(this.Root, ref traversalIndex, stateIdToTarjanInfo, stateIdStack);

                this.stateIdToInfo = new Dictionary <int, CondensationStateInfo>(stateIdToTarjanInfo.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.components.Count; ++i)
                    StronglyConnectedComponent component = this.components[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < component.Size; ++j)
                        this.stateIdToInfo.Add(component.GetStateByIndex(j).Index, CondensationStateInfo.Default);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: Devidence7/Fuxion
        private void StrongConnect(Vertex <T> v)
            v.Index   = index;
            v.LowLink = index;

            foreach (Vertex <T> w in v.Dependencies)
                if (w.Index < 0)
                    v.LowLink = System.Math.Min(v.LowLink, w.LowLink);
                else if (stack.Contains(w))
                    v.LowLink = System.Math.Min(v.LowLink, w.Index);

            if (v.LowLink == v.Index)
                var        scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent <T>();
                Vertex <T> w;
                    w = stack.Pop();
                } while (v != w);
コード例 #4
            private void StrongConnect(Vertex <T> v)
                v.Index   = _index;
                v.LowLink = _index;

                foreach (var w1 in v.Dependencies)
                    if (w1.Index < 0)
                        v.LowLink = Math.Min(v.LowLink, w1.LowLink);
                    else if (_stack.Contains(w1))
                        v.LowLink = Math.Min(v.LowLink, w1.Index);

                if (v.LowLink != v.Index)

                var        scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent <T>();
                Vertex <T> w2;

                    w2 = _stack.Pop();
                } while (w2 != v);
コード例 #5
        List <string> sccOutput(List <string> files)
            List <CsNode <string, string> > nodes   = PerformDependencyAnalysis.dependencyAnalysis(GenerateTypeTable.TypeTableGenerator(files), files);
            StronglyConnectedComponent      scc_obj = new StronglyConnectedComponent();

コード例 #6
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Condensation"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="automaton">The automaton.</param>
            /// <param name="root">The root of the condensation DAG.</param>
            /// <param name="transitionFilter">
            /// A function specifying whether the transition should be treated as an edge
            /// of the automaton graph while building the condensation.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="useApproximateClosure">
            /// Specifies whether <see cref="Weight.ApproximateClosure"/> should be used
            /// instead of <see cref="Weight.Closure"/> in semiring computations.
            /// </param>
            internal Condensation(
                Automaton <TSequence, TElement, TElementDistribution, TSequenceManipulator, TThis> automaton,
                State root,
                Func <Transition, bool> transitionFilter, bool useApproximateClosure)
                Debug.Assert(transitionFilter != null, "A valid transition filter must be provided.");

                this.automaton             = automaton;
                this.Root                  = root;
                this.transitionFilter      = transitionFilter;
                this.useApproximateClosure = useApproximateClosure;

                this.components = this.FindStronglyConnectedComponents();

                this.stateInfo = PreallocatedAutomataObjects.LeaseComputeCondensationState();

                for (int i = 0; i < this.components.Count; ++i)
                    StronglyConnectedComponent component = this.components[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < component.Size; ++j)
                        this.stateInfo.Add(component.GetStateByIndex(j).Index, CondensationStateInfo.Default);
コード例 #7
 public void InitializeTest()
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => _ = new StronglyConnectedComponent(0));
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => _ = new StronglyConnectedComponent(10));
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => _ = new StronglyConnectedComponent(-1));
     Assert.That(new StronglyConnectedComponent(0).Length, Is.Zero);
     Assert.That(new StronglyConnectedComponent(10).Length, Is.EqualTo(10));
コード例 #8
            /// <summary>
            /// For each state of the component, computes the total weight of all paths starting at the root
            /// and ending at that state. Ending weights are not taken into account.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>The weights are computed using dynamic programming, going down from the root to leafs.</remarks>
            private void ComputeWeightsFromRoot()
                CondensationStateInfo rootInfo = this.stateIdToInfo[this.Root.Index];

                rootInfo.UpwardWeightFromRoot       = Weight.One;
                this.stateIdToInfo[this.Root.Index] = rootInfo;

                // Iterate in the topological order
                for (int currentComponentIndex = this.components.Count - 1; currentComponentIndex >= 0; --currentComponentIndex)
                    StronglyConnectedComponent currentComponent = this.components[currentComponentIndex];

                    // Propagate weights inside the component
                    for (int srcStateIndex = 0; srcStateIndex < currentComponent.Size; ++srcStateIndex)
                        State srcState = currentComponent.GetStateByIndex(srcStateIndex);
                        CondensationStateInfo srcStateInfo = this.stateIdToInfo[srcState.Index];
                        if (srcStateInfo.UpwardWeightFromRoot.IsZero)

                        for (int destStateIndex = 0; destStateIndex < currentComponent.Size; ++destStateIndex)
                            State destState = currentComponent.GetStateByIndex(destStateIndex);
                            CondensationStateInfo destStateInfo = this.stateIdToInfo[destState.Index];
                            destStateInfo.WeightFromRoot +=
                                srcStateInfo.UpwardWeightFromRoot * currentComponent.GetWeight(srcStateIndex, destStateIndex);
                            this.stateIdToInfo[destState.Index] = destStateInfo;

                    // Compute weight contributions to downward components
                    for (int srcStateIndex = 0; srcStateIndex < currentComponent.Size; ++srcStateIndex)
                        State srcState = currentComponent.GetStateByIndex(srcStateIndex);
                        CondensationStateInfo srcStateInfo = this.stateIdToInfo[srcState.Index];
                        if (srcStateInfo.WeightFromRoot.IsZero)

                        // Aggregate weights of all the outgoing transitions from this state
                        foreach (var transition in srcState.Transitions)
                            State destState = this.automaton.States[transition.DestinationStateIndex];
                            if (this.transitionFilter(transition) && !currentComponent.HasState(destState))
                                CondensationStateInfo destStateInfo = this.stateIdToInfo[destState.Index];
                                destStateInfo.UpwardWeightFromRoot += srcStateInfo.WeightFromRoot * transition.Weight;
                                this.stateIdToInfo[transition.DestinationStateIndex] = destStateInfo;

                this.weightsFromRootComputed = true;
コード例 #9
        public StronglyConnectedComponents(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
            this.cfg    = cfg;
            this.sccMap = null;

            IEnumerable /*<StronglyConnectedComponent<CfgBlock>>*/ all_sccs =
                StronglyConnectedComponent.ConstructSCCs(this.cfg.Blocks(), new BackwardGraphNavigator(this.cfg));

            this.sccs = GraphUtil.TopologicallySortComponentGraph(DataStructUtil.DefaultSetFactory, all_sccs);
コード例 #10
        public void SimpleGraphTest()
            var scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent(2);

            scc.AddEdge(0, 1);
            scc.AddEdge(1, 0);
            var graph = scc.GetGraph();

            Assert.That(graph.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
コード例 #11
        public void EmptyTest()
            var scc0 = new StronglyConnectedComponent(0);

            Assert.That(scc0.GetGraph().Count, Is.Zero);

            var scc1 = new StronglyConnectedComponent(0);

            Assert.That(scc1.GetGraph().Count, Is.Zero);
コード例 #12
        private void btnFindStronglyConnectedComponent_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (draw.CurrentGraph.Nodes.Count > 0)

                draw.NodeRadius = (int)sliderNodeRadius.Value;
                draw.Radius     = (int)sliderRadius.Value;

コード例 #13
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EpsilonClosure"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="automaton">The automaton from to which <paramref name="state"/> belongs.</param>
            /// <param name="state">The state, which epsilon closure this instance will represent.</param>
            internal EpsilonClosure(
                Automaton <TSequence, TElement, TElementDistribution, TSequenceManipulator, TThis> automaton,
                State state)
                this.weightedStates = new List <(State, Weight)>(DefaultStateListCapacity);

                // Optimize for a very common case: a single-node closure
                bool   singleNodeClosure = true;
                Weight selfLoopWeight    = Weight.Zero;

                foreach (var transition in state.Transitions)
                    if (transition.IsEpsilon)
                        if (transition.DestinationStateIndex != state.Index)
                            singleNodeClosure = false;

                        selfLoopWeight += transition.Weight;

                if (singleNodeClosure)
                    Weight stateWeight = Weight.ApproximateClosure(selfLoopWeight);
                    this.weightedStates.Add((state, stateWeight));
                    this.EndWeight = stateWeight * state.EndWeight;
                    Condensation condensation = automaton.ComputeCondensation(state, tr => tr.IsEpsilon, true);
                    for (int i = 0; i < condensation.ComponentCount; ++i)
                        StronglyConnectedComponent component = condensation.GetComponent(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < component.Size; ++j)
                            State componentState = component.GetStateByIndex(j);
                            this.weightedStates.Add((componentState, condensation.GetWeightFromRoot(componentState)));

                    this.EndWeight = condensation.GetWeightToEnd(state.Index);
コード例 #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EpsilonClosure"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="state">The state, which epsilon closure this instance will represent.</param>
            internal EpsilonClosure(State state)
                Argument.CheckIfValid(!state.IsNull, nameof(state));

                // Optimize for a very common case: a single-node closure
                bool   singleNodeClosure = true;
                Weight selfLoopWeight    = Weight.Zero;

                for (int i = 0; i < state.TransitionCount; ++i)
                    Transition transition = state.GetTransition(i);
                    if (transition.IsEpsilon)
                        if (transition.DestinationStateIndex != state.Index)
                            singleNodeClosure = false;

                        selfLoopWeight = Weight.Sum(selfLoopWeight, transition.Weight);

                if (singleNodeClosure)
                    Weight stateWeight = Weight.ApproximateClosure(selfLoopWeight);
                    this.weightedStates.Add(Pair.Create(state, stateWeight));
                    this.EndWeight = Weight.Product(stateWeight, state.EndWeight);
                    Condensation condensation = state.Owner.ComputeCondensation(state, tr => tr.IsEpsilon, true);
                    for (int i = 0; i < condensation.ComponentCount; ++i)
                        StronglyConnectedComponent component = condensation.GetComponent(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < component.Size; ++j)
                            State componentState = component.GetStateByIndex(j);
                            this.weightedStates.Add(Pair.Create(componentState, condensation.GetWeightFromRoot(componentState)));

                    this.EndWeight = condensation.GetWeightToEnd(state);
コード例 #15
            /// <summary>
            /// For each state of the component, computes the total weight of all paths starting at that state.
            /// Ending weights are taken into account.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>The weights are computed using dynamic programming, going up from leafs to the root.</remarks>
            private void ComputeWeightsToEnd()
                // Iterate in the reverse topological order
                for (int currentComponentIndex = 0; currentComponentIndex < this.components.Count; ++currentComponentIndex)
                    StronglyConnectedComponent currentComponent = this.components[currentComponentIndex];

                    // Update end weights in this component based on outgoing transitions to downward components
                    for (int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < currentComponent.Size; ++stateIndex)
                        State state = currentComponent.GetStateByIndex(stateIndex);

                        // Aggregate weights of all the outgoing transitions from this state
                        Weight weightToAdd = state.EndWeight;
                        for (int transitionIndex = 0; transitionIndex < state.TransitionCount; ++transitionIndex)
                            Transition transition = state.GetTransition(transitionIndex);
                            State      destState  = state.Owner.states[transition.DestinationStateIndex];
                            if (this.transitionFilter(transition) && !currentComponent.HasState(destState))
                                weightToAdd = Weight.Sum(
                                    Weight.Product(transition.Weight, this.stateIdToInfo[transition.DestinationStateIndex].WeightToEnd));

                        // We can go from any state of the component to the current state
                        if (!weightToAdd.IsZero)
                            for (int updatedStateIndex = 0; updatedStateIndex < currentComponent.Size; ++updatedStateIndex)
                                State updatedState = currentComponent.GetStateByIndex(updatedStateIndex);
                                CondensationStateInfo updatedStateInfo = this.stateIdToInfo[updatedState.Index];
                                updatedStateInfo.WeightToEnd = Weight.Sum(
                                    Weight.Product(currentComponent.GetWeight(updatedStateIndex, stateIndex), weightToAdd));
                                this.stateIdToInfo[updatedState.Index] = updatedStateInfo;

                this.weightsToEndComputed = true;
コード例 #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("\nDemonstrating Project 3: Type Based Package Dependency Analysis");
            List <List <Elem> > tableList = new List <List <Elem> >();
            List <string>       files     = ProcessCommandline(args);

            tableList = GenerateTypeTable.TypeTableGenerator(files);
            List <CsNode <string, string> > nodes = PerformDependencyAnalysis.dependencyAnalysis(tableList, files);

            StronglyConnectedComponent scc_obj = new StronglyConnectedComponent();
            List <string> scc = scc_obj.Tarjan(nodes);

コード例 #17
ファイル: GraphAlgorithms.cs プロジェクト: frke/commons
        private static void StrongConnect(IVertex vertex,
                                          IGraph graph,
                                          Stack <IVertex> vertexStack,
                                          List <StronglyConnectedComponent> strongConnectedComponents,
                                          ref uint index)
            var algorithmData = (TarjanStrongConnectedComponentAlgorithmData)vertex.AlgorithmData;

            algorithmData.Index   = index;
            algorithmData.LowLink = index;
            algorithmData.IsOnStack = true;

            foreach (var adjacentVertex in GetAdjacentVertices(graph, vertex))
                var adjacentAlgorithmData = (TarjanStrongConnectedComponentAlgorithmData)adjacentVertex.AlgorithmData;
                if (!adjacentAlgorithmData.Index.HasValue)
                    StrongConnect(adjacentVertex, graph, vertexStack, strongConnectedComponents, ref index);
                    algorithmData.LowLink = Math.Min(algorithmData.LowLink.Value, adjacentAlgorithmData.LowLink.Value);
                else if (adjacentAlgorithmData.IsOnStack)
                    algorithmData.LowLink = Math.Min(algorithmData.LowLink.Value, adjacentAlgorithmData.Index.Value);

            if (algorithmData.LowLink == algorithmData.Index)
                IVertex stackVertex;
                var     strongConnectedComponent = new StronglyConnectedComponent();
                    stackVertex = vertexStack.Pop();
                    var stackVertexAlgorithmData = (TarjanStrongConnectedComponentAlgorithmData)stackVertex.AlgorithmData;
                    stackVertexAlgorithmData.IsOnStack = false;
                } while (!stackVertex.Equals(vertex));
コード例 #18
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Condensation"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="root">The root of the condensation DAG.</param>
            /// <param name="transitionFilter">
            /// A function specifying whether the transition should be treated as an edge
            /// of the automaton graph while building the condensation.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="useApproximateClosure">
            /// Specifies whether <see cref="Weight.ApproximateClosure"/> should be used
            /// instead of <see cref="Weight.Closure"/> in semiring computations.
            /// </param>
            internal Condensation(State root, Func <Transition, bool> transitionFilter, bool useApproximateClosure)
                Debug.Assert(transitionFilter != null, "A valid transition filter must be provided.");

                this.Root                  = root;
                this.transitionFilter      = transitionFilter;
                this.useApproximateClosure = useApproximateClosure;

                this.components = this.FindStronglyConnectedComponents();

                this.stateIdToInfo = new Dictionary <int, CondensationStateInfo>();
                for (int i = 0; i < this.components.Count; ++i)
                    StronglyConnectedComponent component = this.components[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < component.Size; ++j)
                        this.stateIdToInfo.Add(component.GetStateByIndex(j).Index, CondensationStateInfo.Default);
コード例 #19
            /// <summary>
            /// For each state of the component, computes the total weight of all paths starting at that state.
            /// Ending weights are taken into account.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>The weights are computed using dynamic programming, going up from leafs to the root.</remarks>
            private void ComputeWeightsToEnd()
                // Iterate in the reverse topological order
                for (int currentComponentIndex = 0; currentComponentIndex < this.components.Count; ++currentComponentIndex)
                    StronglyConnectedComponent currentComponent = this.components[currentComponentIndex];

                    // Update end weights in this component based on outgoing transitions to downward components
                    for (int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < currentComponent.Size; ++stateIndex)
                        State state = currentComponent.GetStateByIndex(stateIndex);

                        // Aggregate weights of all the outgoing transitions from this state
                        Weight weightToAdd = state.EndWeight;
                        foreach (var transition in state.Transitions)
                            State destState = this.automaton.States[transition.DestinationStateIndex];
                            if (this.transitionFilter(transition) && !currentComponent.HasState(destState))
                                weightToAdd += transition.Weight * this.stateInfo[transition.DestinationStateIndex].WeightToEnd;

                        // We can go from any state of the component to the current state
                        if (!weightToAdd.IsZero)
                            for (int updatedStateIndex = 0; updatedStateIndex < currentComponent.Size; ++updatedStateIndex)
                                State updatedState = currentComponent.GetStateByIndex(updatedStateIndex);
                                CondensationStateInfo updatedStateInfo = this.stateInfo[updatedState.Index];
                                updatedStateInfo.WeightToEnd +=
                                    currentComponent.GetWeight(updatedStateIndex, stateIndex) * weightToAdd;
                                this.stateInfo.Update(updatedState.Index, updatedStateInfo);

                this.weightsToEndComputed = true;
コード例 #20
        public static void Solve()
            var NM = Console.ReadLine().Split(" ").Select(int.Parse).ToArray();

            var(N, M) = (NM[0], NM[1]);
            var G = new StronglyConnectedComponent(N);

            for (var i = 0; i < M; i++)
                var UV = Console.ReadLine().Split(" ").Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
                var(u, v) = (UV[0], UV[1]);
                G.AddEdge(u, v);

            var scc = G.GetGraph();

            foreach (var v in scc)
                Console.WriteLine($"{v.Count()} {string.Join(" ", v)}");
コード例 #21
ファイル: U.cs プロジェクト: AconCavy/atcoder-csharp
        public static void Solve()
            var(N, M) = Scanner.Scan <int, int>();
            var scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent(N);

            for (var i = 0; i < M; i++)
                var(a, b) = Scanner.Scan <int, int>();
                a--; b--;
                scc.AddEdge(a, b);

            var answer = 0L;

            foreach (var group in scc.GetGraph())
                var c = (long)group.Count();
                answer += c * (c - 1) / 2;

コード例 #22
        //function initiates dependency analysis
        public static List <CsNode <string, string> > dependencyAnalysis(List <List <Elem> > tableList, List <string> files)
            var graph = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
            List <FindDependency> dataOfTypeUsing     = new List <FindDependency>();
            List <FindDependency> dataOfTypeNameSpace = new List <FindDependency>();

            foreach (List <Elem> table in tableList)
                foreach (Elem e in table)
                    if (e.type.Equals("namespace"))
                        FindDependency findDependency_obj = new FindDependency();
                        findDependency_obj.FileName   = e.FileName;
                        findDependency_obj.NameOfType = e.name;
                    if (e.type.Equals("using") || e.type.Equals("alias"))
                        FindDependency findDependency_obj = new FindDependency();
                        findDependency_obj.FileName   = e.FileName;
                        findDependency_obj.NameOfType = e.name;
                        if (e.type.Equals("alias") && !e.aliasName.StartsWith("System"))
                            findDependency_obj.AliasName = e.aliasName;
            FirstParse(dataOfTypeUsing, dataOfTypeNameSpace, tableList, files, graph);
            StronglyConnectedComponent      obj   = new StronglyConnectedComponent();
            List <CsNode <string, string> > nodes = obj.graphAccept(graph, files);

コード例 #23
			private void create_new_SCC (object node)
				current_scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent(scc_id++);
コード例 #24
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: Devidence7/Fuxion
 public void Add(StronglyConnectedComponent <T> scc) => collection.AddLast(scc);
コード例 #25
        public void InvalidAddEdgeTest(int u, int v)
            var scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent(2);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => scc.AddEdge(u, v));
コード例 #26
 private void create_new_SCC(object node)
     current_scc = new StronglyConnectedComponent(scc_id++);