private void txtValues_TextChanged(Object eventSender, EventArgs eventArgs) { int Index = Array.IndexOf(txtValues, eventSender); if (!codeGeneratedChange) { editingData = true; codeGeneratedChange = true; //UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) IsEmpty was upgraded to a comparison and has a new behavior. More Information: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtValues[0].Text)) { changedStockPrice = Double.Parse(txtValues[0].Text); } //UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) IsEmpty was upgraded to a comparison and has a new behavior. More Information: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtValues[1].Text)) { changedStock = Double.Parse(txtValues[1].Text); } switch (Index) { case 1: if (changedStock > currentStock) { changedStock = currentStock; modMain.LogStatus("Cannot pass the original stock, to add more, add a new stock manually", this); txtValues[1].Text = changedStock.ToString(); } break; } lblNewQuantity.Text = StringsHelper.Format(changedStock * Double.Parse(currentQuantityPerUnit), "##,###.00") + currentUnit; lblCurrentQuantity.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentStock * Double.Parse(currentQuantityPerUnit), "##,###.00") + currentUnit; codeGeneratedChange = false; } }
public static SafeFreeCredentials AcquireCredentialsHandle(SSPIInterface secModule, string package, Interop.SspiCli.CredentialUse intent, Interop.SspiCli.SCHANNEL_CRED scc) { if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Enter(null, package); NetEventSource.Log.AcquireCredentialsHandle(package, intent, scc); } SafeFreeCredentials outCredential = null; int errorCode = secModule.AcquireCredentialsHandle( package, intent, ref scc, out outCredential); if (errorCode != 0) { if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Error(null, StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, nameof(AcquireCredentialsHandle), $"0x{errorCode:X}")); } throw new Win32Exception(errorCode); } if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Exit(null, outCredential); } return(outCredential); }
private void DisplayTotals() { currentTotal = currentFreightCharge + currentSubTotal + currentTotalTax; txtSubTotal.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentSubTotal, "#,##0.00"); txtTotalTax.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentTotalTax, "#,##0.00"); txtTotal.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentTotal, "#,##0.00"); }
internal static unsafe SafeFreeCredentials AcquireCredentialsHandle(string package, bool isServer, NetworkCredential credential) { SafeSspiAuthDataHandle authData = null; try { Interop.SECURITY_STATUS result = Interop.SspiCli.SspiEncodeStringsAsAuthIdentity( credential.UserName, credential.Domain, credential.Password, out authData); if (result != Interop.SECURITY_STATUS.OK) { if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Error(null, StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, nameof(Interop.SspiCli.SspiEncodeStringsAsAuthIdentity), $"0x{(int)result:X}")); } throw new Win32Exception((int)result); } return(SSPIWrapper.AcquireCredentialsHandle(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, package, (isServer ? Interop.SspiCli.CredentialUse.SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND : Interop.SspiCli.CredentialUse.SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND), ref authData)); } finally { if (authData != null) { authData.Dispose(); } } }
public void ViewSales(string RcrdFld, string RcrdStr) { if (cboCashier.SelectedIndex == 0) { modConnection.ExecuteSql("Select record_no, ProductId, description, gross_amount, net_amount, vat, quantity from tblSales where " + RcrdFld + " LIKE '" + RcrdStr + "%' and format(date_sold, 'm') = " + cboMonth.SelectedIndex.ToString() + " and format(date_sold,'yyyy') = " + cboYear.Text + " Order by record_no ASC"); } else { modConnection.ExecuteSql("Select record_no, ProductId, description, gross_amount, net_amount, vat, quantity from tblSales where " + RcrdFld + " LIKE '" + RcrdStr + "%' and format(date_sold, 'm') = " + cboMonth.SelectedIndex.ToString() + " and format(date_sold,'yyyy') = " + cboYear.Text + " and cashier_id = '" + cboCashier.Text + "' Order by record_no ASC"); } lvwSales.Items.Clear(); ListViewItem x = null; foreach (DataRow iteration_row in[0].Rows) { x = (ListViewItem)lvwSales.Items.Add(Convert.ToString(iteration_row[0])); for (modMain.i = 1; modMain.i <= ( - 1); modMain.i++) { ListViewHelper.GetListViewSubItem(x, modMain.i).Text = Convert.ToString(iteration_row[modMain.i]); } } modConnection.ExecuteSql("Select format(sum(net_amount),'#0.00') from tblSales where format(date_sold, 'm') = " + cboMonth.SelectedIndex.ToString() + " and format(date_sold,'yyyy') = " + cboYear.Text); lblTotalSales.Text = "P " + Conversion.Val(StringsHelper.Format([0], "#,##0.00")).ToString(); modConnection.ExecuteSql("Select ProductId from tblSales where quantity = (Select max(quantity) from tblSales) and format(date_sold, 'm') = " + cboMonth.SelectedIndex.ToString() + " and format(date_sold,'yyyy') = " + cboYear.Text); lblSellable.Text = Convert.ToString([0]); }
internal static string FmtSexa(double N, bool ShowPlus) { string result = ""; string sg = "+"; // Assume positive if (N < 0) { // Check neg. N = -N; // Make pos. sg = "-"; // Remember sign } int m = Convert.ToInt32((N > 0) ? Math.Floor(N) : Math.Ceiling(N)); // Units (deg or hr) string us = StringsHelper.Format(m, "00"); N = (N - m) * 60d; m = Convert.ToInt32((N > 0) ? Math.Floor(N) : Math.Ceiling(N)); // Minutes string ms = StringsHelper.Format(m, "00"); N = (N - m) * 60d; m = Convert.ToInt32((N > 0) ? Math.Floor(N) : Math.Ceiling(N)); // Minutes string ss = StringsHelper.Format(m, "00"); result = us + ":" + ms + ":" + ss; if (ShowPlus || (sg == "-")) { result = sg + result; } return(result); }
private void ReCalculateTotals(double previous, double current) { currentSubTotal = currentSubTotal - previous + current; currentTotalTax = currentSubTotal * currentTax * 0.01d; currentTotal = currentFreightCharge + currentSubTotal + currentTotalTax; txtSubTotal.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentSubTotal, "#,##0.00"); txtTotalTax.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentTotalTax, "#,##0.00"); txtTotal.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentTotal, "#,##0.00"); }
private void AddToTotals(double current) { currentSubTotal += current; currentTotalTax = currentSubTotal * currentTax; currentTotal = currentFreightCharge + currentSubTotal + currentTotalTax; txtSubTotal.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentSubTotal, "#,##0.00"); txtTotalTax.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentTotalTax, "#,##0.00"); txtTotal.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentTotal, "#,##0.00"); }
private static string GetGssApiDisplayStatus(Status majorStatus, Status minorStatus) { string majorError = GetGssApiDisplayStatus(majorStatus, isMinor: false); string minorError = GetGssApiDisplayStatus(minorStatus, isMinor: true); return((majorError != null && minorError != null) ? StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed, majorError, minorError) : StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_gssapi_operation_failed, majorStatus.ToString("x"), minorStatus.ToString("x"))); }
private void RetrieveDataProduct() { if (editingData) { if (Mobilize.Web.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to cancel previous edited data?", "Data edition", Mobilize.Web.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, Mobilize.Web.MessageBoxIcon.Question) != Mobilize.Web.DialogResult.Yes) { return; } } bool setEmpty = true; Mobilize.Web.ListViewItem withVar = null; if (!(lvStocks.FocusedItem is null)) { // UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) IsEmpty was upgraded to a comparison and has a new behavior. More Information: if (!(lvStocks.FocusedItem is null)) { currentIdStock = Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse(lvStocks.FocusedItem.Text)); withVar = lvStocks.FocusedItem; currentStock = double.Parse(Mobilize.Web.ListView.GetListViewSubItem(withVar, 1).Text); currentStockPrice = double.Parse(Mobilize.Web.ListView.GetListViewSubItem(withVar, 4).Text); codeGeneratedChange = true; txtOriginalQuantity.Text = currentStock.ToString(); txtOriginalPrice.Text = currentStockPrice.ToString(); txtStockID.Text = currentIdStock.ToString(); txtValues[0].Text = currentStockPrice.ToString(); txtValues[1].Text = currentStock.ToString(); lblNewQuantity.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentStock * double.Parse(currentQuantityPerUnit), "##,###.00") + currentUnit; lblCurrentQuantity.Text = StringsHelper.Format(currentStock * double.Parse(currentQuantityPerUnit), "##,###.00") + currentUnit; codeGeneratedChange = false; setEmpty = false; txtValues[0].ReadOnly = false; txtValues[1].ReadOnly = false; txtValues[0].Focus(); } } if (setEmpty) { codeGeneratedChange = true; txtOriginalQuantity.Text = ""; txtOriginalPrice.Text = ""; txtStockID.Text = ""; txtValues[0].Text = ""; txtValues[1].Text = ""; lblNewQuantity.Text = ""; lblCurrentQuantity.Text = ""; codeGeneratedChange = false; } editingData = false; }
private void txtValues_TextChanged(object eventSender, EventArgs eventArgs) { int Index = Array.IndexOf(this.txtValues, eventSender); if (!codeGeneratedChange) { editingData = true; codeGeneratedChange = true; // UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) IsEmpty was upgraded to a comparison and has a new behavior. More Information: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtValues[0].Text)) { quantity = double.Parse(txtValues[0].Text); } // UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) IsEmpty was upgraded to a comparison and has a new behavior. More Information: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtValues[1].Text)) { stockPrice = double.Parse(txtValues[1].Text); } // UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) IsEmpty was upgraded to a comparison and has a new behavior. More Information: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtValues[2].Text)) { unitPrice = double.Parse(txtValues[2].Text); } switch (Index) { case 0: case 2: txtValues[1].Text = (unitPrice * quantity).ToString(); break; case 1: txtValues[2].Text = (stockPrice / quantity).ToString(); break; } lblNewQuantity.Text = StringsHelper.Format(quantity * double.Parse(currentQuantityPerUnit), "##,###.00") + currentUnit; codeGeneratedChange = false; } }
public static SafeFreeCredentials AcquireCredentialsHandle(SSPIInterface secModule, string package, Interop.SspiCli.CredentialUse intent, ref SafeSspiAuthDataHandle authdata) { if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Log.AcquireCredentialsHandle(package, intent, authdata); } SafeFreeCredentials credentialsHandle = null; int errorCode = secModule.AcquireCredentialsHandle(package, intent, ref authdata, out credentialsHandle); if (errorCode != 0) { if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Error(null, StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, nameof(AcquireCredentialsHandle), $"0x{errorCode:X}")); } throw new Win32Exception(errorCode); } return(credentialsHandle); }
internal int Copy(byte[] destination, int offset) { Debug.Assert(destination != null, "target destination cannot be null"); Debug.Assert((offset >= 0 && offset < destination.Length) || destination.Length == 0, "invalid offset " + offset); if (_data == IntPtr.Zero || _length == 0) { return(0); } // Using Convert.ToInt32 to throw an exception in the unlikely event of too large value of _length int sourceLength = Convert.ToInt32(_length); int destinationAvailable = destination.Length - offset; // amount of space in the given buffer if (sourceLength > destinationAvailable) { throw new GssApiException(StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_context_buffer_too_small, sourceLength, destinationAvailable)); } Marshal.Copy(_data, destination, offset, sourceLength); return(sourceLength); }
public unsafe int QueryContextAttributes(SafeDeleteContext context, Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute attribute, byte[] buffer, Type handleType, out SafeHandle refHandle) { refHandle = null; if (handleType != null) { if (handleType == typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer)) { refHandle = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(); } else if (handleType == typeof(SafeFreeCertContext)) { refHandle = new SafeFreeCertContext(); } else { throw new ArgumentException(StringsHelper.Format(Strings.SSPIInvalidHandleType, handleType.FullName), nameof(handleType)); } } fixed(byte *bufferPtr = buffer) { return(SafeFreeContextBuffer.QueryContextAttributes(context, attribute, bufferPtr, refHandle)); } }
private static unsafe int EncryptDecryptHelper(OP op, SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { Interop.SspiCli.SecBufferDesc sdcInOut = new Interop.SspiCli.SecBufferDesc(input.Length); var unmanagedBuffer = new Interop.SspiCli.SecBuffer[input.Length]; fixed(Interop.SspiCli.SecBuffer *unmanagedBufferPtr = unmanagedBuffer) { sdcInOut.pBuffers = unmanagedBufferPtr; GCHandle[] pinnedBuffers = new GCHandle[input.Length]; byte[][] buffers = new byte[input.Length][]; try { for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; unmanagedBuffer[i].cbBuffer = iBuffer.size; unmanagedBuffer[i].BufferType = iBuffer.type; if (iBuffer.token == null || iBuffer.token.Length == 0) { unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedBuffers[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(iBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(iBuffer.token, iBuffer.offset); buffers[i] = iBuffer.token; } } // The result is written in the input Buffer passed as type=BufferType.Data. int errorCode; switch (op) { case OP.Encrypt: errorCode = secModule.EncryptMessage(context, ref sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.Decrypt: errorCode = secModule.DecryptMessage(context, ref sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.MakeSignature: errorCode = secModule.MakeSignature(context, ref sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.VerifySignature: errorCode = secModule.VerifySignature(context, ref sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; default: NetEventSource.Fail(null, $"Unknown OP: {op}"); throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(Strings.net_MethodNotImplementedException); } // Marshalling back returned sizes / data. for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; iBuffer.size = unmanagedBuffer[i].cbBuffer; iBuffer.type = unmanagedBuffer[i].BufferType; if (iBuffer.size == 0) { iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } else { checked { // Find the buffer this is inside of. Usually they all point inside buffer 0. int j; for (j = 0; j < input.Length; j++) { if (buffers[j] == null) { continue; } byte *bufferAddress = (byte *)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffers[j], 0); if ((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer >= bufferAddress && (byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer + iBuffer.size <= bufferAddress + buffers[j].Length) { iBuffer.offset = (int)((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer - bufferAddress); iBuffer.token = buffers[j]; break; } } if (j >= input.Length) { NetEventSource.Fail(null, "Output buffer out of range."); iBuffer.size = 0; iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } } } // Backup validate the new sizes. if (iBuffer.offset < 0 || iBuffer.offset > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length)) { NetEventSource.Fail(null, $"'offset' out of range. [{iBuffer.offset}]"); } if (iBuffer.size < 0 || iBuffer.size > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length - iBuffer.offset)) { NetEventSource.Fail(null, $"'size' out of range. [{iBuffer.size}]"); } } if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled && errorCode != 0) { if (errorCode == Interop.SspiCli.SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE) { NetEventSource.Error(null, StringsHelper.Format(Strings.event_OperationReturnedSomething, op, "SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE")); } else { NetEventSource.Error(null, StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, op, $"0x{0:X}")); } } return(errorCode); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < pinnedBuffers.Length; ++i) { if (pinnedBuffers[i].IsAllocated) { pinnedBuffers[i].Free(); } } } } }
public static object QueryContextAttributes(SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext securityContext, Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute contextAttribute, out int errorCode) { if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Enter(null, contextAttribute); } int nativeBlockSize = IntPtr.Size; Type handleType = null; switch (contextAttribute) { case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES: nativeBlockSize = SecPkgContext_Sizes.SizeOf; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES: nativeBlockSize = SecPkgContext_StreamSizes.SizeOf; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFO: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_NEGOTIATION_INFO: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); unsafe { nativeBlockSize = sizeof(SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW); } break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_CLIENT_SPECIFIED_TARGET: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeCertContext); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_LOCAL_CERT_CONTEXT: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeCertContext); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_ISSUER_LIST_EX: nativeBlockSize = Marshal.SizeOf <Interop.SspiCli.SecPkgContext_IssuerListInfoEx>(); handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_CONNECTION_INFO: nativeBlockSize = Marshal.SizeOf <SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo>(); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL: nativeBlockSize = Marshal.SizeOf <Interop.SecPkgContext_ApplicationProtocol>(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(StringsHelper.Format(Strings.net_invalid_enum, nameof(contextAttribute)), nameof(contextAttribute)); } SafeHandle sspiHandle = null; object attribute = null; try { var nativeBuffer = new byte[nativeBlockSize]; errorCode = secModule.QueryContextAttributes(securityContext, contextAttribute, nativeBuffer, handleType, out sspiHandle); if (errorCode != 0) { if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Exit(null, $"ERROR = {ErrorDescription(errorCode)}"); } return(null); } switch (contextAttribute) { case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES: attribute = new SecPkgContext_Sizes(nativeBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES: attribute = new SecPkgContext_StreamSizes(nativeBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES: attribute = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(sspiHandle.DangerousGetHandle()); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFO: attribute = new SecurityPackageInfoClass(sspiHandle, 0); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_NEGOTIATION_INFO: unsafe { fixed(void *ptr = &nativeBuffer[0]) { attribute = new NegotiationInfoClass(sspiHandle, (int)((SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW *)ptr)->NegotiationState); } } break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_CLIENT_SPECIFIED_TARGET: attribute = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(sspiHandle.DangerousGetHandle()); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_LOCAL_CERT_CONTEXT: // Fall-through to RemoteCertificate is intentional. case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT: attribute = sspiHandle; sspiHandle = null; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_ISSUER_LIST_EX: attribute = new Interop.SspiCli.SecPkgContext_IssuerListInfoEx(sspiHandle, nativeBuffer); sspiHandle = null; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_CONNECTION_INFO: attribute = new SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo(nativeBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.SECPKG_ATTR_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL: unsafe { fixed(void *ptr = nativeBuffer) { attribute = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Interop.SecPkgContext_ApplicationProtocol>(new IntPtr(ptr)); } } break; default: // Will return null. break; } } finally { if (sspiHandle != null) { sspiHandle.Dispose(); } } if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) { NetEventSource.Exit(null, attribute); } return(attribute); }
// called from the encoder timer to supervise active gotos internal static void ManageGoto() { object oLangDll = null; object[] EQ_Beep = null; object HC = null; double ra_diff = 0; double dec_diff = 0; //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' // Fixed rate slew //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' if (gGotoParams.RA_SlewActive == 1 || gGotoParams.DEC_SlewActive == 1) { // Handle as fixed rate slew if (gGotoParams.RA_SlewActive != 0) { if (gGotoParams.RA_Direction == 0) { if (EQMath.gRA_Encoder >= gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder) { EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_MotorStop(0); // Do // eqres = EQ_GetMotorStatus(0) // If (eqres = EQ_NOTINITIALIZED) Or (eqres = EQ_COMNOTOPEN) Or (eqres = EQ_COMTIMEOUT) Then GoTo MG1 // Loop While (eqres And EQ_MOTORBUSY) <> 0 //MG1: gGotoParams.RA_SlewActive = 0; EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_StartRATrack(0, EQMath.gHemisphere, EQMath.gHemisphere); } } else { if (EQMath.gRA_Encoder <= gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder) { EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_MotorStop(0); // Do // eqres = EQ_GetMotorStatus(0) // If (eqres = EQ_NOTINITIALIZED) Or (eqres = EQ_COMNOTOPEN) Or (eqres = EQ_COMTIMEOUT) Then GoTo MG2 // Loop While (eqres And EQ_MOTORBUSY) <> 0 //MG2: gGotoParams.RA_SlewActive = 0; EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_StartRATrack(0, EQMath.gHemisphere, EQMath.gHemisphere); } } } if (gGotoParams.DEC_SlewActive != 0) { if (gGotoParams.DEC_Direction == 0) { if (EQMath.gDec_Encoder >= gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder) { EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_MotorStop(1); // Do // eqres = EQ_GetMotorStatus(1) // If (eqres = EQ_NOTINITIALIZED) Or (eqres = EQ_COMNOTOPEN) Or (eqres = EQ_COMTIMEOUT) Then GoTo MG3 // Loop While (eqres And EQ_MOTORBUSY) <> 0 //MG3: gGotoParams.DEC_SlewActive = 0; } } else { if (EQMath.gDec_Encoder <= gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder) { EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_MotorStop(1); // Do // eqres = EQ_GetMotorStatus(1) // If (eqres = EQ_NOTINITIALIZED) Or (eqres = EQ_COMNOTOPEN) Or (eqres = EQ_COMTIMEOUT) Then GoTo MG4 // Loop While (eqres And EQ_MOTORBUSY) <> 0 //MG4: gGotoParams.DEC_SlewActive = 0; } } } if (gGotoParams.RA_SlewActive == 0 && gGotoParams.DEC_SlewActive == 0) { switch (gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode) { case 0: // rough fixed rate slew complete CalcEncoderTargets(); ra_diff = Math.Abs(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder - EQMath.gRA_Encoder); dec_diff = Math.Abs(gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder - EQMath.gDec_Encoder); //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: HC.Add_Message("Goto: FRSlew complete ra_diff=" + ra_diff.ToString() + " dec_diff=" + dec_diff.ToString()); if ((ra_diff < EQMath.gTot_RA / 360d) && (dec_diff < EQMath.gTot_DEC / 540d)) { // initiate a standard itterative goto if within a 3/4 of a degree. gGotoParams.rate = 0; StartSlew(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, gGotoParams.RA_currentencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_currentencoder); } else { // Do another rough slew. //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: HC.Add_Message("Goto: FRSlew"); gFRSlewCount++; if (gFRSlewCount >= 5) { //if we can't get close after 5 attempts then abandon the FR slew //and use the full speed iterative slew gFRSlewCount = 0; gGotoParams.rate = 0; } StartSlew(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, gGotoParams.RA_currentencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_currentencoder); } break; case 1: // move to RA target CalcEncoderTargets(); gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 0; StartSlew(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, gGotoParams.RA_currentencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_currentencoder); // Case 2 // ' we're at a limit about to go to target // Call CalcEncoderTargets // gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 0 // Call StartSlew(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, gGotoParams.RA_currentencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_currentencoder) break; case 3: // were at a limit position if (gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder > EQMath.RAEncoder_Home_pos) { // dual axis slew to limit position nearest to target gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 1; if (!Limits.RALimitsActive()) { StartSlew(gRAMeridianWest, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } else { StartSlew(EQMath.gRA_Limit_West, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } } else { // dual axis slew to limit position nearest to target gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 1; if (!Limits.RALimitsActive()) { StartSlew(gRAMeridianEast, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } else { StartSlew(EQMath.gRA_Limit_East, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } } break; } } return; } //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' // Iterative slew - variable rate //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' if ((Convert.ToInt32(EQMath.gRAStatus) & Convert.ToInt32(Common.EQ_MOTORBUSY)) == 0) { //At This point RA motor has completed the slew EQMath.gRAStatus_slew = true; if ((Convert.ToInt32(EQMath.gDECStatus) & Convert.ToInt32(Common.EQ_MOTORBUSY)) != 0) { // The DEC motor is still moving so start sidereal tracking to hold position in RA EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_StartRATrack(0, EQMath.gHemisphere, EQMath.gHemisphere); } } if ((Convert.ToInt32(EQMath.gDECStatus) & Convert.ToInt32(Common.EQ_MOTORBUSY)) == 0 && EQMath.gRAStatus_slew) { //DEC and RA motors have finished slewing at this point //We need to check if a new slew is needed to reduce the any difference //Caused by the Movement of the earth during the slew process switch (gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode) { case 0: // decrement the slew retry count gSlewCount--; // calculate the difference (arcsec) between target and current coords ra_diff = 3600 * Math.Abs(EQMath.gRA - gTargetRA); dec_diff = 3600 * Math.Abs(EQMath.gDec - gTargetDec); if ((gSlewCount > 0) && (EQMath.gTrackingStatus > 0)) { // Retry only if tracking is enabled // aim to get within the goto resolution (default = 10 steps) if (gGotoResolution > 0 && ra_diff <= gRAGotoRes && dec_diff <= gDECGotoRes) { goto slewcomplete; } else { //Re Execute a new RA-Only slew here CalcEncoderTargets(); gGotoParams.rate = 0; StartSlew(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, gGotoParams.RA_currentencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_currentencoder); } } else { goto slewcomplete; } break; case 1: // move to target gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 0; CalcEncoderTargets(); gGotoParams.rate = 0; //kick of an iterative slew to get us accurately to target RA StartSlew(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, gGotoParams.RA_currentencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_currentencoder); // Case 2 // ' At a limit about to slew to target // Call CalcEncoderTargets // gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 0 // Call StartSlew(gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, gEmulRA, gEmulDEC) break; case 3: // we are at a limit position if (gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder > EQMath.RAEncoder_Home_pos) { // dual axis slew to limit position nearest to target gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 1; if (!Limits.RALimitsActive()) { StartSlew(gRAMeridianWest, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } else { StartSlew(EQMath.gRA_Limit_West, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } } else { // dual axis slew to limit position nearest to target gGotoParams.SuperSafeMode = 1; if (!Limits.RALimitsActive()) { StartSlew(gRAMeridianEast, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } else { StartSlew(EQMath.gRA_Limit_West, gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder, EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC); } } break; } } return; slewcomplete: EQMath.gSlewStatus = false; EQMath.gRAStatus_slew = false; Limits.gSupressHorizonLimits = false; // slew may have terminated early if parked if (EQMath.gEQparkstatus != 1) { // we've reached the desired target coords - resume tracking. switch (EQMath.gTrackingStatus) { case 0: case 1: Tracking.EQStartSidereal(); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: Tracking.RestartTracking(); break; } //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member GetLangString is not defined in type Variant. More Information: //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: HC.Add_Message(Convert.ToString(oLangDll.GetLangString(5018)) + " " + EQMath.FmtSexa(EQMath.gRA, false) + " " + EQMath.FmtSexa(EQMath.gDec, true)); //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: HC.Add_Message("Goto: SlewItereations=" + (gMaxSlewCount - gSlewCount).ToString()); //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: HC.Add_Message("Goto: " + "RaDiff=" + StringsHelper.Format(Conversion.Str(ra_diff), "000.00") + " DecDiff=" + StringsHelper.Format(Conversion.Str(dec_diff), "000.00")); // goto complete object tempAuxVar = EQ_Beep[6]; } if (gDisbleFlipGotoReset == 0) { //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member ChkForceFlip is not defined in type Variant. More Information: HC.ChkForceFlip.value = 0; } }