public async Task AllowsEmptyHost(bool allowed, int status) { var builder = new WebHostBuilder() .ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddHostFiltering(options => { options.AllowEmptyHosts = allowed; options.AllowedHosts.Add("Localhost"); }); }) .Configure(app => { app.Use((ctx, next) => { ctx.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Host] = " "; return(next()); }); app.UseHostFiltering(); app.Run(c => { Assert.True(c.Request.Headers.TryGetValue(HeaderNames.Host, out var host)); Assert.True(StringValues.Equals(" ", host)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }); app.Run(c => Task.CompletedTask); }); var server = new TestServer(builder); var response = await server.CreateClient().GetAsync("/"); Assert.Equal(status, (int)response.StatusCode); }
public Task <VerifyGatewayResult> VerifyGateway(VerifyGatewayRequest request, PaymentGatewayRequest gatewayRequest, IFormCollection form) { if (form == null) { return(Task.FromResult(VerifyGatewayResult.Failed("Form verisi alınamadı."))); } string mdStatus = form["mdstatus"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mdStatus)) { return(Task.FromResult(VerifyGatewayResult.Failed(form["mderrormessage"], form["procreturncode"]))); } StringValues response = form["response"]; //mdstatus 1,2,3 veya 4 olursa 3D doğrulama geçildi anlamına geliyor if (!mdStatusCodes.Contains(mdStatus)) { return(Task.FromResult(VerifyGatewayResult.Failed($"{response} - {form["mderrormessage"]}", form["procreturncode"]))); } if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(response) || !response.Equals("Approved")) { return(Task.FromResult(VerifyGatewayResult.Failed($"{response} - {form["errmsg"]}", form["procreturncode"]))); } int.TryParse(form["txninstallmentcount"], out int installment); return(Task.FromResult(VerifyGatewayResult.Successed(form["transid"], form["hostrefnum"], installment, 0, response, form["procreturncode"], form["campaignchooselink"]))); }
public IActionResult Negotiate( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post")] HttpRequest req, [SignalRConnectionInfo(HubName = "events")] SignalRConnectionInfo connectionInfo) { var expectedKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AccessKey"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedKey)) { return(new OkObjectResult(connectionInfo)); } var accessKey = req.Query["accessKey"]; if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(accessKey)) { accessKey = req.Query["key"]; } if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(accessKey)) { accessKey = req.Query["k"]; } if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(accessKey) || !StringValues.Equals(expectedKey, accessKey)) { return(new UnauthorizedResult()); } return(new OkObjectResult(connectionInfo)); }
protected override async Task <HandleRequestResult> HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync() { // Taken from the base class' implementation so we can modify the status code check // for "access denied" as LinkedIn uses non-standard error codes (see // var query = Request.Query; var state = query["state"]; var properties = Options.StateDataFormat.Unprotect(state); if (properties == null) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("The oauth state was missing or invalid.")); } // OAuth2 10.12 CSRF if (!ValidateCorrelationId(properties)) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Correlation failed.", properties)); } var error = query["error"]; if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { // Note: access_denied errors are special protocol errors indicating the user didn't // approve the authorization demand requested by the remote authorization server. // Since it's a frequent scenario (that is not caused by incorrect configuration), // denied errors are handled differently using HandleAccessDeniedErrorAsync(). // Visit for more information. var errorDescription = query["error_description"]; var errorUri = query["error_uri"]; // See if (StringValues.Equals(error, "access_denied") || StringValues.Equals(error, "user_cancelled_login") || StringValues.Equals(error, "user_cancelled_authorize")) { var result = await HandleAccessDeniedErrorAsync(properties); if (!result.None) { return(result); } var deniedEx = new Exception("Access was denied by the resource owner or by the remote server."); deniedEx.Data["error"] = error.ToString(); deniedEx.Data["error_description"] = errorDescription.ToString(); deniedEx.Data["error_uri"] = errorUri.ToString(); return(HandleRequestResult.Fail(deniedEx, properties)); } } return(await base.HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a value indicating whether the specified object occurs within this collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns>true if the specified object occurs within this collection; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Contains(KeyValuePair <string, StringValues> item) { if (Store == null || !Store.TryGetValue(item.Key, out StringValues value) || !StringValues.Equals(value, item.Value)) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the given item from the the collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns>true if the specified object was removed from the collection; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Remove(KeyValuePair <string, StringValues> item) { ThrowIfReadOnly(); if (Store == null) { return(false); } if (Store.TryGetValue(item.Key, out var value) && StringValues.Equals(item.Value, value)) { return(Store.Remove(item.Key)); } return(false); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return(true); } if (obj is null || GetType() != obj.GetType()) { return(false); } var other = (QueryableHandlerExpression)obj; return(_queryableHandler == other._queryableHandler && _parameterValue.Equals(other._parameterValue)); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the request made by the event grid to validate the subscriber end point /// is ready to handle calls from the event grid for publishing events. /// </summary> /// <param name="requestBody">The string value of the request body.</param> /// <param name="headers">The headers of the request.</param> /// <returns>IActionResult.</returns> public IActionResult HandleSubscriptionValidationEvent(string requestBody, StringValues headers) { dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody); foreach (var dataEvent in data) { if (headers.Equals("SubscriptionValidation") && dataEvent.eventType == "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent") { // this is a special event type that needs an echo response for Event Grid to work var validationCode =; // TODO .ToString(); var echoResponse = new { validationResponse = validationCode }; return(new OkObjectResult(echoResponse)); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Finalize cache headers. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if a vary by entry needs to be stored in the cache; otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns> private bool OnFinalizeCacheHeaders(ResponseCachingContext context) { if (_policyProvider.IsResponseCacheable(context)) { var storeVaryByEntry = false; context.ShouldCacheResponse = true; // Create the cache entry now var response = context.HttpContext.Response; var headers = response.Headers; var varyHeaders = new StringValues(headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues(HeaderNames.Vary)); var varyQueryKeys = new StringValues(context.HttpContext.Features.Get <IResponseCachingFeature>()?.VaryByQueryKeys); context.CachedResponseValidFor = context.ResponseSharedMaxAge ?? context.ResponseMaxAge ?? (context.ResponseExpires - context.ResponseTime !.Value) ?? DefaultExpirationTimeSpan; // Generate a base key if none exist if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.BaseKey)) { context.BaseKey = _keyProvider.CreateBaseKey(context); } // Check if any vary rules exist if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(varyHeaders) || !StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(varyQueryKeys)) { // Normalize order and casing of vary by rules var normalizedVaryHeaders = GetOrderCasingNormalizedStringValues(varyHeaders); var normalizedVaryQueryKeys = GetOrderCasingNormalizedStringValues(varyQueryKeys); // Update vary rules if they are different if (context.CachedVaryByRules == null || !StringValues.Equals(context.CachedVaryByRules.QueryKeys, normalizedVaryQueryKeys) || !StringValues.Equals(context.CachedVaryByRules.Headers, normalizedVaryHeaders)) { context.CachedVaryByRules = new CachedVaryByRules { VaryByKeyPrefix = FastGuid.NewGuid().IdString, Headers = normalizedVaryHeaders, QueryKeys = normalizedVaryQueryKeys }; } // Always overwrite the CachedVaryByRules to update the expiry information _logger.VaryByRulesUpdated(normalizedVaryHeaders, normalizedVaryQueryKeys); storeVaryByEntry = true; context.StorageVaryKey = _keyProvider.CreateStorageVaryByKey(context); } // Ensure date header is set if (!context.ResponseDate.HasValue) { context.ResponseDate = context.ResponseTime !.Value; // Setting the date on the raw response headers. headers.Date = HeaderUtilities.FormatDate(context.ResponseDate.Value); } // Store the response on the state context.CachedResponse = new CachedResponse { Created = context.ResponseDate.Value, StatusCode = response.StatusCode, Headers = new HeaderDictionary() }; foreach (var header in headers) { if (!string.Equals(header.Key, HeaderNames.Age, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { context.CachedResponse.Headers[header.Key] = header.Value; } } return(storeVaryByEntry); } context.ResponseCachingStream.DisableBuffering(); return(false); }
protected override async Task <HandleRequestResult> HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync() { var query = Request.Query; var state = query["state"]; var properties = Options.StateDataFormat.Unprotect(state); if (properties == null) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("The oauth state was missing or invalid.")); } // OAuth2 10.12 CSRF if (!ValidateCorrelationId(properties)) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Correlation failed.", properties)); } var error = query["error"]; if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { // Note: access_denied errors are special protocol errors indicating the user didn't // approve the authorization demand requested by the remote authorization server. // Since it's a frequent scenario (that is not caused by incorrect configuration), // denied errors are handled differently using HandleAccessDeniedErrorAsync(). // Visit for more information. if (StringValues.Equals(error, "access_denied")) { var result = await HandleAccessDeniedErrorAsync(properties); return(!result.None ? result : HandleRequestResult.Fail("Access was denied by the resource owner or by the remote server.", properties)); } var failureMessage = new StringBuilder(); failureMessage.Append(error); var errorDescription = query["error_description"]; if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(errorDescription)) { failureMessage.Append(";Description=").Append(errorDescription); } var errorUri = query["error_uri"]; if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(errorUri)) { failureMessage.Append(";Uri=").Append(errorUri); } return(HandleRequestResult.Fail(failureMessage.ToString(), properties)); } var code = query["code"]; if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Code was not found.", properties)); } using (var tokens = await ExchangeCodeAsync(code, BuildRedirectUri(Options.CallbackPath), properties)) { if (tokens.Error != null) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail(tokens.Error, properties)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.AccessToken)) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Failed to retrieve access token.", properties)); } var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(ClaimsIssuer); if (Options.SaveTokens) { var authTokens = new List <AuthenticationToken>(); authTokens.Add(new AuthenticationToken { Name = "access_token", Value = tokens.AccessToken }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.RefreshToken)) { authTokens.Add(new AuthenticationToken { Name = "refresh_token", Value = tokens.RefreshToken }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.TokenType)) { authTokens.Add(new AuthenticationToken { Name = "token_type", Value = tokens.TokenType }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.ExpiresIn)) { int value; if (int.TryParse(tokens.ExpiresIn, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value)) { // // var expiresAt = Clock.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(value); authTokens.Add(new AuthenticationToken { Name = "expires_at", Value = expiresAt.ToString("o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }); } } properties.StoreTokens(authTokens); } var ticket = await CreateTicketAsync(identity, properties, tokens); if (ticket != null) { return(HandleRequestResult.Success(ticket)); } else { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Failed to retrieve user information from remote server.", properties)); } } }
private async Task <HandleRequestResult> HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync( [NotNull] Dictionary <string, StringValues> parameters) { // Adapted from if (!parameters.TryGetValue("state", out var state)) { state = default; } var properties = Options.StateDataFormat.Unprotect(state); if (properties == null) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("The oauth state was missing or invalid.")); } // OAuth2 10.12 CSRF if (!ValidateCorrelationId(properties)) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Correlation failed.", properties)); } if (!parameters.TryGetValue("error", out var error)) { error = default; } if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { // Note: access_denied errors are special protocol errors indicating the user didn't // approve the authorization demand requested by the remote authorization server. // Since it's a frequent scenario (that is not caused by incorrect configuration), // denied errors are handled differently using HandleAccessDeniedErrorAsync(). // Visit for more information. if (!parameters.TryGetValue("error_description", out var errorDescription)) { errorDescription = default; } if (!parameters.TryGetValue("error_uri", out var errorUri)) { errorUri = default; } // See if (StringValues.Equals(error, "access_denied") || StringValues.Equals(error, "user_cancelled_authorize")) { var result = await HandleAccessDeniedErrorAsync(properties); if (!result.None) { return(result); } var deniedEx = new Exception("Access was denied by the resource owner or by the remote server."); deniedEx.Data["error"] = error.ToString(); deniedEx.Data["error_description"] = errorDescription.ToString(); deniedEx.Data["error_uri"] = errorUri.ToString(); return(HandleRequestResult.Fail(deniedEx, properties)); } var failureMessage = new StringBuilder().Append(error); if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(errorDescription)) { failureMessage.Append(";Description=").Append(errorDescription); } if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(errorUri)) { failureMessage.Append(";Uri=").Append(errorUri); } var ex = new Exception(failureMessage.ToString()); ex.Data["error"] = error.ToString(); ex.Data["error_description"] = errorDescription.ToString(); ex.Data["error_uri"] = errorUri.ToString(); return(HandleRequestResult.Fail(ex, properties)); } if (!parameters.TryGetValue("code", out var code)) { code = default; } if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Code was not found.", properties)); } var codeExchangeContext = new OAuthCodeExchangeContext(properties, code, BuildRedirectUri(Options.CallbackPath)); using var tokens = await ExchangeCodeAsync(codeExchangeContext); if (tokens.Error != null) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail(tokens.Error, properties)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.AccessToken)) { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Failed to retrieve access token.", properties)); } var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(ClaimsIssuer); if (Options.SaveTokens) { var authTokens = new List <AuthenticationToken>() { new AuthenticationToken() { Name = "access_token", Value = tokens.AccessToken }, }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.RefreshToken)) { authTokens.Add(new AuthenticationToken() { Name = "refresh_token", Value = tokens.RefreshToken }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.TokenType)) { authTokens.Add(new AuthenticationToken() { Name = "token_type", Value = tokens.TokenType }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.ExpiresIn)) { if (int.TryParse(tokens.ExpiresIn, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int value)) { // // var expiresAt = Clock.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(value); authTokens.Add(new AuthenticationToken() { Name = "expires_at", Value = expiresAt.ToString("o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), }); } } properties.StoreTokens(authTokens); } if (parameters.TryGetValue("user", out var userJson)) { using var user = JsonDocument.Parse(userJson); var userClaims = ExtractClaimsFromUser(user.RootElement); foreach (var claim in userClaims) { identity.AddClaim(claim); } } var ticket = await CreateTicketAsync(identity, properties, tokens); if (ticket != null) { return(HandleRequestResult.Success(ticket)); } else { return(HandleRequestResult.Fail("Failed to retrieve user information from remote server.", properties)); } }
public bool Equals(HeaderSegmentCollection other) { return(StringValues.Equals(_headers, other._headers)); }
public void Equals_Instance() { var equalString = "abc"; var equalStringArray = new string[] { equalString }; var equalStringValues = new StringValues(equalString); var stringArray = new string[] { equalString, equalString }; var stringValuesArray = new StringValues(stringArray); Assert.True(equalStringValues.Equals(equalStringValues)); Assert.True(equalStringValues.Equals(equalString)); Assert.True(equalStringValues.Equals(equalStringArray)); Assert.True(stringValuesArray.Equals(stringArray)); }