public void GetInformation(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition, out string information, Encoding encoding) { Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("koi8-r"); byte[] sector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0); BootBlock bb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BootBlock>(sector); var sbInformation = new StringBuilder(); sbInformation.AppendLine("Alexander Osipov DOS file system"); XmlFsType = new FileSystemType { Type = "Alexander Osipov DOS file system", Clusters = imagePlugin.Info.Sectors, ClusterSize = imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize, Files = bb.files, FilesSpecified = true, FreeClusters = imagePlugin.Info.Sectors - bb.usedSectors, FreeClustersSpecified = true, VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(bb.volumeLabel, Encoding), Bootable = true }; sbInformation.AppendFormat("{0} files on volume", bb.files).AppendLine(); sbInformation.AppendFormat("{0} used sectors on volume", bb.usedSectors).AppendLine(); sbInformation.AppendFormat("Disk name: {0}", StringHandlers.CToString(bb.volumeLabel, Encoding)). AppendLine(); information = sbInformation.ToString(); }
public void GetInformation(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition, out string information, Encoding encoding) { Encoding = new Radix50(); information = ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] hbSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(1 + partition.Start); GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(hbSector, GCHandleType.Pinned); RT11HomeBlock homeblock = (RT11HomeBlock)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(RT11HomeBlock)); handle.Free(); /* TODO: Is this correct? * Assembler: * MOV address, R0 * CLR R1 * MOV #255., R2 * 10$: ADD (R0)+, R1 * SOB R2, 10$ * MOV 1,@R0 */ ushort check = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 512; i += 2) { check += BitConverter.ToUInt16(hbSector, i); } sb.AppendFormat("Volume format is {0}", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(homeblock.format, Encoding.ASCII)).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per cluster ({1} bytes)", homeblock.cluster, homeblock.cluster * 512) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("First directory segment starts at block {0}", homeblock.rootBlock).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume owner is \"{0}\"", Encoding.GetString(homeblock.ownername).TrimEnd()).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume label: \"{0}\"", Encoding.GetString(homeblock.volname).TrimEnd()).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Checksum: 0x{0:X4} (calculated 0x{1:X4})", homeblock.checksum, check).AppendLine(); byte[] bootBlock = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0); XmlFsType = new FileSystemType { Type = "RT-11", ClusterSize = homeblock.cluster * 512, Clusters = homeblock.cluster, VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(homeblock.volname, Encoding), Bootable = !ArrayHelpers.ArrayIsNullOrEmpty(bootBlock) }; information = sb.ToString(); }
public void GetInformation(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition, out string information, Encoding encoding) { Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("koi8-r"); byte[] sector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0); AODOS_BootBlock bb = new AODOS_BootBlock(); IntPtr bbPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(bb)); Marshal.Copy(sector, 0, bbPtr, Marshal.SizeOf(bb)); bb = (AODOS_BootBlock)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bbPtr, typeof(AODOS_BootBlock)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(bbPtr); StringBuilder sbInformation = new StringBuilder(); sbInformation.AppendLine("Alexander Osipov DOS file system"); XmlFsType = new FileSystemType { Type = "Alexander Osipov DOS file system", Clusters = (long)imagePlugin.Info.Sectors, ClusterSize = (int)imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize, Files = bb.files, FilesSpecified = true, FreeClusters = (long)(imagePlugin.Info.Sectors - bb.usedSectors), FreeClustersSpecified = true, VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(bb.volumeLabel, Encoding), Bootable = true }; sbInformation.AppendFormat("{0} files on volume", bb.files).AppendLine(); sbInformation.AppendFormat("{0} used sectors on volume", bb.usedSectors).AppendLine(); sbInformation.AppendFormat("Disk name: {0}", StringHandlers.CToString(bb.volumeLabel, Encoding)) .AppendLine(); information = sbInformation.ToString(); }
Errno ReadCatalog() { MemoryStream catalogMs = new MemoryStream(); ulong lba = (ulong)(vtoc.catalogTrack * sectorsPerTrack + vtoc.catalogSector); totalFileEntries = 0; catalogCache = new Dictionary <string, ushort>(); fileTypeCache = new Dictionary <string, byte>(); fileSizeCache = new Dictionary <string, int>(); lockedFiles = new List <string>(); if (lba == 0 || lba > device.Info.Sectors) { return(Errno.InvalidArgument); } while (lba != 0) { usedSectors++; byte[] catSectorB = device.ReadSector(lba); totalFileEntries += 7; if (debug) { catalogMs.Write(catSectorB, 0, catSectorB.Length); } // Read the catalog sector CatalogSector catSector = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <CatalogSector>(catSectorB); foreach (FileEntry entry in catSector.entries.Where(entry => entry.extentTrack > 0)) { track1UsedByFiles |= entry.extentTrack == 1; track2UsedByFiles |= entry.extentTrack == 2; byte[] filenameB = new byte[30]; ushort ts = (ushort)((entry.extentTrack << 8) | entry.extentSector); // Apple DOS has high byte set over ASCII. for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { filenameB[i] = (byte)(entry.filename[i] & 0x7F); } string filename = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(filenameB, Encoding); if (!catalogCache.ContainsKey(filename)) { catalogCache.Add(filename, ts); } if (!fileTypeCache.ContainsKey(filename)) { fileTypeCache.Add(filename, (byte)(entry.typeAndFlags & 0x7F)); } if (!fileSizeCache.ContainsKey(filename)) { fileSizeCache.Add(filename, entry.length * vtoc.bytesPerSector); } if ((entry.typeAndFlags & 0x80) == 0x80 && !lockedFiles.Contains(filename)) { lockedFiles.Add(filename); } } lba = (ulong)(catSector.trackOfNext * sectorsPerTrack + catSector.sectorOfNext); if (lba > device.Info.Sectors) { break; } } if (debug) { catalogBlocks = catalogMs.ToArray(); } return(Errno.NoError); }
public void GetInformation(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition, out string information, Encoding encoding) { Encoding = encoding ?? Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"); information = ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] hbSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(1 + partition.Start); GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(hbSector, GCHandleType.Pinned); OdsHomeBlock homeblock = (OdsHomeBlock)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(OdsHomeBlock)); handle.Free(); // Optical disc if (imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc && StringHandlers.CToString(homeblock.format) != "DECFILE11A " && StringHandlers.CToString(homeblock.format) != "DECFILE11B ") { if (hbSector.Length < 0x400) { return; } byte[] tmp = imagePlugin.ReadSector(partition.Start); hbSector = new byte[0x200]; Array.Copy(tmp, 0x200, hbSector, 0, 0x200); handle = GCHandle.Alloc(hbSector, GCHandleType.Pinned); homeblock = (OdsHomeBlock)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(OdsHomeBlock)); handle.Free(); if (StringHandlers.CToString(homeblock.format) != "DECFILE11A " && StringHandlers.CToString(homeblock.format) != "DECFILE11B ") { return; } } if ((homeblock.struclev & 0xFF00) != 0x0200 || (homeblock.struclev & 0xFF) != 1 || StringHandlers.CToString(homeblock.format) != "DECFILE11B ") { sb.AppendLine("The following information may be incorrect for this volume."); } if (homeblock.resfiles < 5 || homeblock.devtype != 0) { sb.AppendLine("This volume may be corrupted."); } sb.AppendFormat("Volume format is {0}", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(homeblock.format, Encoding)) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume is Level {0} revision {1}", (homeblock.struclev & 0xFF00) >> 8, homeblock.struclev & 0xFF).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Lowest structure in the volume is Level {0}, revision {1}", (homeblock.lowstruclev & 0xFF00) >> 8, homeblock.lowstruclev & 0xFF).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Highest structure in the volume is Level {0}, revision {1}", (homeblock.highstruclev & 0xFF00) >> 8, homeblock.highstruclev & 0xFF).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per cluster ({1} bytes)", homeblock.cluster, homeblock.cluster * 512) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("This home block is on sector {0} (VBN {1})", homeblock.homelbn, homeblock.homevbn) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Secondary home block is on sector {0} (VBN {1})", homeblock.alhomelbn, homeblock.alhomevbn) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume bitmap starts in sector {0} (VBN {1})", homeblock.ibmaplbn, homeblock.ibmapvbn) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume bitmap runs for {0} sectors ({1} bytes)", homeblock.ibmapsize, homeblock.ibmapsize * 512).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Backup INDEXF.SYS;1 is in sector {0} (VBN {1})", homeblock.altidxlbn, homeblock.altidxvbn) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} maximum files on the volume", homeblock.maxfiles).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} reserved files", homeblock.resfiles).AppendLine(); if (homeblock.rvn > 0 && homeblock.setcount > 0 && StringHandlers.CToString(homeblock.strucname) != " ") { sb.AppendFormat("Volume is {0} of {1} in set \"{2}\".", homeblock.rvn, homeblock.setcount, StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(homeblock.strucname, Encoding)).AppendLine(); } sb.AppendFormat("Volume owner is \"{0}\" (ID 0x{1:X8})", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(homeblock.ownername, Encoding), homeblock.volowner) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume label: \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(homeblock.volname, Encoding)) .AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Drive serial number: 0x{0:X8}", homeblock.serialnum).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume was created on {0}", DateHandlers.VmsToDateTime(homeblock.credate)).AppendLine(); if (homeblock.revdate > 0) { sb.AppendFormat("Volume was last modified on {0}", DateHandlers.VmsToDateTime(homeblock.revdate)) .AppendLine(); } if (homeblock.copydate > 0) { sb.AppendFormat("Volume copied on {0}", DateHandlers.VmsToDateTime(homeblock.copydate)).AppendLine(); } sb.AppendFormat("Checksums: 0x{0:X4} and 0x{1:X4}", homeblock.checksum1, homeblock.checksum2).AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Flags:"); sb.AppendFormat("Window: {0}", homeblock.window).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Cached directores: {0}", homeblock.lru_lim).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Default allocation: {0} blocks", homeblock.extend).AppendLine(); if ((homeblock.volchar & 0x01) == 0x01) { sb.AppendLine("Readings should be verified"); } if ((homeblock.volchar & 0x02) == 0x02) { sb.AppendLine("Writings should be verified"); } if ((homeblock.volchar & 0x04) == 0x04) { sb.AppendLine("Files should be erased or overwritten when deleted"); } if ((homeblock.volchar & 0x08) == 0x08) { sb.AppendLine("Highwater mark is to be disabled"); } if ((homeblock.volchar & 0x10) == 0x10) { sb.AppendLine("Classification checks are enabled"); } sb.AppendLine("Volume permissions (r = read, w = write, c = create, d = delete)"); sb.AppendLine("System, owner, group, world"); // System sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x1000) == 0x1000 ? "-" : "r"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x2000) == 0x2000 ? "-" : "w"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x4000) == 0x4000 ? "-" : "c"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x8000) == 0x8000 ? "-" : "d"); // Owner sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x100) == 0x100 ? "-" : "r"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x200) == 0x200 ? "-" : "w"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x400) == 0x400 ? "-" : "c"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x800) == 0x800 ? "-" : "d"); // Group sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x10) == 0x10 ? "-" : "r"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x20) == 0x20 ? "-" : "w"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x40) == 0x40 ? "-" : "c"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x80) == 0x80 ? "-" : "d"); // World (other) sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x1) == 0x1 ? "-" : "r"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x2) == 0x2 ? "-" : "w"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x4) == 0x4 ? "-" : "c"); sb.Append((homeblock.protect & 0x8) == 0x8 ? "-" : "d"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Unknown structures:"); sb.AppendFormat("Security mask: 0x{0:X8}", homeblock.sec_mask).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("File protection: 0x{0:X4}", homeblock.fileprot).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Record protection: 0x{0:X4}", homeblock.recprot).AppendLine(); XmlFsType = new FileSystemType { Type = "FILES-11", ClusterSize = homeblock.cluster * 512, Clusters = (long)partition.Size / (homeblock.cluster * 512), VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(homeblock.volname, Encoding), VolumeSerial = $"{homeblock.serialnum:X8}" }; if (homeblock.credate > 0) { XmlFsType.CreationDate = DateHandlers.VmsToDateTime(homeblock.credate); XmlFsType.CreationDateSpecified = true; } if (homeblock.revdate > 0) { XmlFsType.ModificationDate = DateHandlers.VmsToDateTime(homeblock.revdate); XmlFsType.ModificationDateSpecified = true; } information = sb.ToString(); }
public void GetInformation(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition, out string information, Encoding encoding) { Encoding = encoding ?? Encoding.GetEncoding("ibm850"); information = ""; var sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] hpofsBpbSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0 + partition.Start); // Seek to BIOS parameter block, on logical sector 0 byte[] medInfoSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(13 + partition.Start); // Seek to media information block, on logical sector 13 byte[] volInfoSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(14 + partition.Start); // Seek to volume information block, on logical sector 14 BiosParameterBlock bpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BiosParameterBlock>(hpofsBpbSector); MediaInformationBlock mib = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureBigEndian <MediaInformationBlock>(medInfoSector); VolumeInformationBlock vib = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureBigEndian <VolumeInformationBlock>(volInfoSector); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.oem_name = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.CToString(bpb.oem_name)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.bps = {0}", bpb.bps); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.spc = {0}", bpb.spc); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.rsectors = {0}", bpb.rsectors); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.fats_no = {0}", bpb.fats_no); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.root_ent = {0}", bpb.root_ent); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.sectors = {0}", bpb.sectors); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", " = 0x{0:X2}",; AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.spfat = {0}", bpb.spfat); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.sptrk = {0}", bpb.sptrk); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.heads = {0}", bpb.heads); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.hsectors = {0}", bpb.hsectors); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.big_sectors = {0}", bpb.big_sectors); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.drive_no = 0x{0:X2}", bpb.drive_no); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.nt_flags = {0}", bpb.nt_flags); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.signature = 0x{0:X2}", bpb.signature); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.serial_no = 0x{0:X8}", bpb.serial_no); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.volume_label = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(bpb.volume_label)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.fs_type = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.CToString(bpb.fs_type)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.boot_code is empty? = {0}", ArrayHelpers.ArrayIsNullOrEmpty(bpb.boot_code)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.unknown = {0}", bpb.unknown); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.unknown2 = {0}", bpb.unknown2); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "bpb.signature2 = {0}", bpb.signature2); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.blockId = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.CToString(mib.blockId)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.volumeLabel = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(mib.volumeLabel)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.comment = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(mib.comment)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.serial = 0x{0:X8}", mib.serial); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.creationTimestamp = {0}", DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(mib.creationDate, mib.creationTime)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.codepageType = {0}", mib.codepageType); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.codepage = {0}", mib.codepage); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.rps = {0}", mib.rps); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.bps = {0}", mib.bps); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.bpc = {0}", mib.bpc); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.unknown2 = {0}", mib.unknown2); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.sectors = {0}", mib.sectors); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.unknown3 = {0}", mib.unknown3); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.unknown4 = {0}", mib.unknown4); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.major = {0}", mib.major); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.minor = {0}", mib.minor); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.unknown5 = {0}", mib.unknown5); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.unknown6 = {0}", mib.unknown6); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "mib.filler is empty? = {0}", ArrayHelpers.ArrayIsNullOrEmpty(mib.filler)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.blockId = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.CToString(vib.blockId)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.unknown = {0}", vib.unknown); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.unknown2 = {0}", vib.unknown2); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.unknown3 is empty? = {0}", ArrayHelpers.ArrayIsNullOrEmpty(vib.unknown3)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.unknown4 = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(vib.unknown4)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.owner = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(vib.owner)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.unknown5 = \"{0}\"", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(vib.unknown5)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.unknown6 = {0}", vib.unknown6); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.percentFull = {0}", vib.percentFull); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.unknown7 = {0}", vib.unknown7); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("HPOFS Plugin", "vib.filler is empty? = {0}", ArrayHelpers.ArrayIsNullOrEmpty(vib.filler)); sb.AppendLine("High Performance Optical File System"); sb.AppendFormat("OEM name: {0}", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(bpb.oem_name)).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} bytes per sector", bpb.bps).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per cluster", bpb.spc).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Media descriptor: 0x{0:X2}",; sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per track", bpb.sptrk).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} heads", bpb.heads).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors hidden before BPB", bpb.hsectors).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors on volume ({1} bytes)", mib.sectors, mib.sectors * bpb.bps).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("BIOS Drive Number: 0x{0:X2}", bpb.drive_no).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Serial number: 0x{0:X8}", mib.serial).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume label: {0}", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(mib.volumeLabel, Encoding)). AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume comment: {0}", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(mib.comment, Encoding)). AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume owner: {0}", StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(vib.owner, Encoding)).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume created on {0}", DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(mib.creationDate, mib.creationTime)). AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume uses {0} codepage {1}", mib.codepageType > 0 && mib.codepageType < 3 ? mib.codepageType == 2 ? "EBCDIC" : "ASCII" : "Unknown", mib.codepage).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("RPS level: {0}", mib.rps).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Filesystem version: {0}.{1}", mib.major, mib.minor).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume can be filled up to {0}%", vib.percentFull).AppendLine(); XmlFsType = new FileSystemType { Clusters = mib.sectors / bpb.spc, ClusterSize = (uint)(bpb.bps * bpb.spc), CreationDate = DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(mib.creationDate, mib.creationTime), CreationDateSpecified = true, DataPreparerIdentifier = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(vib.owner, Encoding), Type = "HPOFS", VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(mib.volumeLabel, Encoding), VolumeSerial = $"{mib.serial:X8}", SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(bpb.oem_name) }; information = sb.ToString(); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public Errno Mount(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition, Encoding encoding, Dictionary <string, string> options, string @namespace) { XmlFsType = new FileSystemType(); options ??= GetDefaultOptions(); if (options.TryGetValue("debug", out string debugString)) { bool.TryParse(debugString, out _debug); } // Default namespace @namespace ??= "ecs"; switch (@namespace.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "dos": _namespace = Namespace.Dos; break; case "nt": _namespace = Namespace.Nt; break; case "os2": _namespace = Namespace.Os2; break; case "ecs": _namespace = Namespace.Ecs; break; case "lfn": _namespace = Namespace.Lfn; break; case "human": _namespace = Namespace.Human; break; default: return(Errno.InvalidArgument); } AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Reading BPB"); uint sectorsPerBpb = imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize < 512 ? 512 / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize : 1; byte[] bpbSector = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(0 + partition.Start, sectorsPerBpb); BpbKind bpbKind = DetectBpbKind(bpbSector, imagePlugin, partition, out BiosParameterBlockEbpb fakeBpb, out HumanParameterBlock humanBpb, out AtariParameterBlock atariBpb, out byte minBootNearJump, out bool andosOemCorrect, out bool bootable); _fat12 = false; _fat16 = false; _fat32 = false; _useFirstFat = true; XmlFsType.Bootable = bootable; _statfs = new FileSystemInfo { FilenameLength = 11, Files = 0, // Requires traversing all directories FreeFiles = 0, PluginId = Id, FreeBlocks = 0 // Requires traversing the FAT }; // This is needed because for FAT16, GEMDOS increases bytes per sector count instead of using big_sectors field. uint sectorsPerRealSector = 1; // This is needed because some OSes don't put volume label as first entry in the root directory uint sectorsForRootDirectory = 0; uint rootDirectoryCluster = 0; Encoding = encoding ?? (bpbKind == BpbKind.Human ? Encoding.GetEncoding("shift_jis") : Encoding.GetEncoding("IBM437")); switch (bpbKind) { case BpbKind.DecRainbow: case BpbKind.Hardcoded: case BpbKind.Msx: case BpbKind.Apricot: _fat12 = true; break; case BpbKind.ShortFat32: case BpbKind.LongFat32: { _fat32 = true; Fat32ParameterBlock fat32Bpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <Fat32ParameterBlock>(bpbSector); Fat32ParameterBlockShort shortFat32Bpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <Fat32ParameterBlockShort>(bpbSector); rootDirectoryCluster = fat32Bpb.root_cluster; // This is to support FAT partitions on hybrid ISO/USB images if (imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc) { fat32Bpb.bps *= 4; fat32Bpb.spc /= 4; fat32Bpb.big_spfat /= 4; fat32Bpb.hsectors /= 4; fat32Bpb.sptrk /= 4; } XmlFsType.Type = fat32Bpb.version != 0 ? "FAT+" : "FAT32"; if (fat32Bpb.oem_name != null && (fat32Bpb.oem_name[5] != 0x49 || fat32Bpb.oem_name[6] != 0x48 || fat32Bpb.oem_name[7] != 0x43)) { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(fat32Bpb.oem_name); } _sectorsPerCluster = fat32Bpb.spc; XmlFsType.ClusterSize = (uint)(fat32Bpb.bps * fat32Bpb.spc); _reservedSectors = fat32Bpb.rsectors; if (fat32Bpb.big_sectors == 0 && fat32Bpb.signature == 0x28) { XmlFsType.Clusters = shortFat32Bpb.huge_sectors / shortFat32Bpb.spc; } else if (fat32Bpb.sectors == 0) { XmlFsType.Clusters = fat32Bpb.big_sectors / fat32Bpb.spc; } else { XmlFsType.Clusters = (ulong)(fat32Bpb.sectors / fat32Bpb.spc); } _sectorsPerFat = fat32Bpb.big_spfat; XmlFsType.VolumeSerial = $"{fat32Bpb.serial_no:X8}"; _statfs.Id = new FileSystemId { IsInt = true, Serial32 = fat32Bpb.serial_no }; if ((fat32Bpb.flags & 0xF8) == 0x00) { if ((fat32Bpb.flags & 0x01) == 0x01) { XmlFsType.Dirty = true; } } if ((fat32Bpb.mirror_flags & 0x80) == 0x80) { _useFirstFat = (fat32Bpb.mirror_flags & 0xF) != 1; } if (fat32Bpb.signature == 0x29) { XmlFsType.VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(fat32Bpb.volume_label, Encoding); XmlFsType.VolumeName = XmlFsType.VolumeName?.Replace("\0", ""); } // Check that jumps to a correct boot code position and has boot signature set. // This will mean that the volume will boot, even if just to say "this is not bootable change disk"...... XmlFsType.Bootable = (fat32Bpb.jump[0] == 0xEB && fat32Bpb.jump[1] >= minBootNearJump && fat32Bpb.jump[1] < 0x80) || (fat32Bpb.jump[0] == 0xE9 && fat32Bpb.jump.Length >= 3 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fat32Bpb.jump, 1) >= minBootNearJump && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fat32Bpb.jump, 1) <= 0x1FC); sectorsPerRealSector = fat32Bpb.bps / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; _sectorsPerCluster *= sectorsPerRealSector; // First root directory sector _firstClusterSector = ((ulong)((fat32Bpb.big_spfat * fat32Bpb.fats_no) + fat32Bpb.rsectors) * sectorsPerRealSector) - (2 * _sectorsPerCluster); if (fat32Bpb.fsinfo_sector + partition.Start <= partition.End) { byte[] fsinfoSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(fat32Bpb.fsinfo_sector + partition.Start); FsInfoSector fsInfo = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <FsInfoSector>(fsinfoSector); if (fsInfo.signature1 == FSINFO_SIGNATURE1 && fsInfo.signature2 == FSINFO_SIGNATURE2 && fsInfo.signature3 == FSINFO_SIGNATURE3) { if (fsInfo.free_clusters < 0xFFFFFFFF) { XmlFsType.FreeClusters = fsInfo.free_clusters; XmlFsType.FreeClustersSpecified = true; } } } break; } // Some fields could overflow fake BPB, those will be handled below case BpbKind.Atari: { ushort sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bpbSector.Length; i += 2) { sum += BigEndianBitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, i); } // TODO: Check this if (sum == 0x1234) { XmlFsType.Bootable = true; } // BGM changes the bytes per sector instead of changing the sectors per cluster. Why?! WHY!? uint ratio = fakeBpb.bps / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; fakeBpb.bps = (ushort)imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; fakeBpb.spc = (byte)(fakeBpb.spc * ratio); fakeBpb.rsectors = (ushort)(fakeBpb.rsectors * ratio); fakeBpb.big_sectors = fakeBpb.sectors * ratio; fakeBpb.sectors = 0; fakeBpb.spfat = (ushort)(fakeBpb.spfat * ratio); fakeBpb.sptrk = (ushort)(fakeBpb.sptrk * ratio); break; } case BpbKind.Human: // If not debug set Human68k namespace and ShiftJIS codepage as defaults if (!_debug) { _namespace = Namespace.Human; } XmlFsType.Bootable = true; break; } ulong firstRootSector = 0; if (!_fat32) { // This is to support FAT partitions on hybrid ISO/USB images if (imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc) { fakeBpb.bps *= 4; fakeBpb.spc /= 4; fakeBpb.spfat /= 4; fakeBpb.hsectors /= 4; fakeBpb.sptrk /= 4; fakeBpb.rsectors /= 4; if (fakeBpb.spc == 0) { fakeBpb.spc = 1; } } ulong clusters; if (bpbKind != BpbKind.Human) { int reservedSectors = fakeBpb.rsectors + (fakeBpb.fats_no * fakeBpb.spfat) + (fakeBpb.root_ent * 32 / fakeBpb.bps); if (fakeBpb.sectors == 0) { clusters = (ulong)(fakeBpb.spc == 0 ? fakeBpb.big_sectors - reservedSectors : (fakeBpb.big_sectors - reservedSectors) / fakeBpb.spc); } else { clusters = (ulong)(fakeBpb.spc == 0 ? fakeBpb.sectors - reservedSectors : (fakeBpb.sectors - reservedSectors) / fakeBpb.spc); } } else { clusters = humanBpb.clusters == 0 ? humanBpb.big_clusters : humanBpb.clusters; } // This will walk all the FAT entries and check if they're valid FAT12 or FAT16 entries. // If the whole table is valid in both senses, it considers the type entry in the BPB. // BeOS is known to set the type as FAT16 but treat it as FAT12. if (!_fat12 && !_fat16) { if (clusters < 4089) { ushort[] fat12 = new ushort[clusters]; _reservedSectors = fakeBpb.rsectors; sectorsPerRealSector = fakeBpb.bps / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; _fatFirstSector = partition.Start + (_reservedSectors * sectorsPerRealSector); byte[] fatBytes = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(_fatFirstSector, fakeBpb.spfat); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i + 3 < fatBytes.Length && pos < fat12.Length; i += 3) { fat12[pos++] = (ushort)(((fatBytes[i + 1] & 0xF) << 8) + fatBytes[i + 0]); if (pos >= fat12.Length) { break; } fat12[pos++] = (ushort)(((fatBytes[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4) + (fatBytes[i + 2] << 4)); } bool fat12Valid = fat12[0] >= FAT12_RESERVED && fat12[1] >= FAT12_RESERVED; foreach (ushort entry in fat12) { if (entry >= FAT12_RESERVED || entry <= clusters) { continue; } fat12Valid = false; break; } ushort[] fat16 = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, ushort>(fatBytes).ToArray(); bool fat16Valid = fat16[0] >= FAT16_RESERVED && fat16[1] >= 0x3FF0; foreach (ushort entry in fat16) { if (entry >= FAT16_RESERVED || entry <= clusters) { continue; } fat16Valid = false; break; } _fat12 = fat12Valid; _fat16 = fat16Valid; // Check BPB type if (_fat12 == _fat16) { _fat12 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fakeBpb.fs_type) == "FAT12 "; _fat16 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fakeBpb.fs_type) == "FAT16 "; } } else { _fat16 = true; } } if (_fat12) { XmlFsType.Type = "FAT12"; } else if (_fat16) { XmlFsType.Type = "FAT16"; } if (bpbKind == BpbKind.Atari) { if (atariBpb.serial_no[0] != 0x49 || atariBpb.serial_no[1] != 0x48 || atariBpb.serial_no[2] != 0x43) { XmlFsType.VolumeSerial = $"{atariBpb.serial_no[0]:X2}{atariBpb.serial_no[1]:X2}{atariBpb.serial_no[2]:X2}"; _statfs.Id = new FileSystemId { IsInt = true, Serial32 = (uint)((atariBpb.serial_no[0] << 16) + (atariBpb.serial_no[1] << 8) + atariBpb.serial_no[2]) }; } XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(atariBpb.oem_name); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier)) { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = null; } } else if (fakeBpb.oem_name != null) { if (fakeBpb.oem_name[5] != 0x49 || fakeBpb.oem_name[6] != 0x48 || fakeBpb.oem_name[7] != 0x43) { // Later versions of Windows create a DOS 3 BPB without OEM name on 8 sectors/track floppies // OEM ID should be ASCII, otherwise ignore it if (fakeBpb.oem_name[0] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[0] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] <= 0x7F) { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(fakeBpb.oem_name); } else if (fakeBpb.oem_name[0] < 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] <= 0x7F) { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(fakeBpb.oem_name, Encoding, start: 1); } } if (fakeBpb.signature == 0x28 || fakeBpb.signature == 0x29) { XmlFsType.VolumeSerial = $"{fakeBpb.serial_no:X8}"; _statfs.Id = new FileSystemId { IsInt = true, Serial32 = fakeBpb.serial_no }; } } XmlFsType.Clusters = clusters; _sectorsPerCluster = fakeBpb.spc; XmlFsType.ClusterSize = (uint)(fakeBpb.bps * fakeBpb.spc); _reservedSectors = fakeBpb.rsectors; _sectorsPerFat = fakeBpb.spfat; if (fakeBpb.signature == 0x28 || fakeBpb.signature == 0x29 || andosOemCorrect) { if ((fakeBpb.flags & 0xF8) == 0x00) { if ((fakeBpb.flags & 0x01) == 0x01) { XmlFsType.Dirty = true; } } if (fakeBpb.signature == 0x29 || andosOemCorrect) { XmlFsType.VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(fakeBpb.volume_label, Encoding); XmlFsType.VolumeName = XmlFsType.VolumeName?.Replace("\0", ""); } } // Workaround that PCExchange jumps into "FAT16 "... if (XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier == "PCX 2.0 ") { fakeBpb.jump[1] += 8; } // Check that jumps to a correct boot code position and has boot signature set. // This will mean that the volume will boot, even if just to say "this is not bootable change disk"...... if (XmlFsType.Bootable == false && fakeBpb.jump != null) { XmlFsType.Bootable |= (fakeBpb.jump[0] == 0xEB && fakeBpb.jump[1] >= minBootNearJump && fakeBpb.jump[1] < 0x80) || (fakeBpb.jump[0] == 0xE9 && fakeBpb.jump.Length >= 3 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fakeBpb.jump, 1) >= minBootNearJump && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fakeBpb.jump, 1) <= 0x1FC); } // First root directory sector firstRootSector = ((ulong)((fakeBpb.spfat * fakeBpb.fats_no) + fakeBpb.rsectors) * sectorsPerRealSector) + partition.Start; sectorsForRootDirectory = (uint)(fakeBpb.root_ent * 32 / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize); sectorsPerRealSector = fakeBpb.bps / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; _sectorsPerCluster *= sectorsPerRealSector; } _firstClusterSector += partition.Start; _image = imagePlugin; if (_fat32) { _fatEntriesPerSector = imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize / 4; } else if (_fat16) { _fatEntriesPerSector = imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize / 2; } else { _fatEntriesPerSector = imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize * 2 / 3; } _fatFirstSector = partition.Start + (_reservedSectors * sectorsPerRealSector); _rootDirectoryCache = new Dictionary <string, CompleteDirectoryEntry>(); byte[] rootDirectory; if (!_fat32) { _firstClusterSector = firstRootSector + sectorsForRootDirectory - (_sectorsPerCluster * 2); rootDirectory = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(firstRootSector, sectorsForRootDirectory); if (bpbKind == BpbKind.DecRainbow) { var rootMs = new MemoryStream(); foreach (byte[] tmp in from ulong rootSector in new[] { 0x17, 0x19, 0x1B, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x20 } select imagePlugin.ReadSector(rootSector)) { rootMs.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length); } rootDirectory = rootMs.ToArray(); } } else { if (rootDirectoryCluster == 0) { return(Errno.InvalidArgument); } var rootMs = new MemoryStream(); uint[] rootDirectoryClusters = GetClusters(rootDirectoryCluster); foreach (byte[] buffer in rootDirectoryClusters.Select(cluster => imagePlugin. ReadSectors(_firstClusterSector + (cluster * _sectorsPerCluster), _sectorsPerCluster))) { rootMs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } rootDirectory = rootMs.ToArray(); // OS/2 FAT32.IFS uses LFN instead of .LONGNAME if (_namespace == Namespace.Os2) { _namespace = Namespace.Lfn; } } if (rootDirectory is null) { return(Errno.InvalidArgument); } byte[] lastLfnName = null; byte lastLfnChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rootDirectory.Length; i += Marshal.SizeOf <DirectoryEntry>()) { DirectoryEntry entry = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <DirectoryEntry>(rootDirectory, i, Marshal.SizeOf <DirectoryEntry>()); if (entry.filename[0] == DIRENT_FINISHED) { break; } if (entry.attributes.HasFlag(FatAttributes.LFN)) { if (_namespace != Namespace.Lfn && _namespace != Namespace.Ecs) { continue; } LfnEntry lfnEntry = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <LfnEntry>(rootDirectory, i, Marshal.SizeOf <LfnEntry>()); int lfnSequence = lfnEntry.sequence & LFN_MASK; if ((lfnEntry.sequence & LFN_ERASED) > 0) { continue; } if ((lfnEntry.sequence & LFN_LAST) > 0) { lastLfnName = new byte[lfnSequence * 26]; lastLfnChecksum = lfnEntry.checksum; } if (lastLfnName is null) { continue; } if (lfnEntry.checksum != lastLfnChecksum) { continue; } lfnSequence--; Array.Copy(lfnEntry.name1, 0, lastLfnName, lfnSequence * 26, 10); Array.Copy(lfnEntry.name2, 0, lastLfnName, (lfnSequence * 26) + 10, 12); Array.Copy(lfnEntry.name3, 0, lastLfnName, (lfnSequence * 26) + 22, 4); continue; } // Not a correct entry if (entry.filename[0] < DIRENT_MIN && entry.filename[0] != DIRENT_E5) { continue; } // Self if (Encoding.GetString(entry.filename).TrimEnd() == ".") { continue; } // Parent if (Encoding.GetString(entry.filename).TrimEnd() == "..") { continue; } // Deleted if (entry.filename[0] == DIRENT_DELETED) { continue; } string filename; if (entry.attributes.HasFlag(FatAttributes.VolumeLabel)) { byte[] fullname = new byte[11]; Array.Copy(entry.filename, 0, fullname, 0, 8); Array.Copy(entry.extension, 0, fullname, 8, 3); string volname = Encoding.GetString(fullname).Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(volname)) { XmlFsType.VolumeName = entry.caseinfo.HasFlag(CaseInfo.AllLowerCase) && _namespace == Namespace.Nt ? volname.ToLower() : volname; } XmlFsType.VolumeName = XmlFsType.VolumeName?.Replace("\0", ""); if (entry.ctime > 0 && entry.cdate > 0) { XmlFsType.CreationDate = DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(entry.cdate, entry.ctime); if (entry.ctime_ms > 0) { XmlFsType.CreationDate = XmlFsType.CreationDate.AddMilliseconds(entry.ctime_ms * 10); } XmlFsType.CreationDateSpecified = true; } if (entry.mtime > 0 && entry.mdate > 0) { XmlFsType.ModificationDate = DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(entry.mdate, entry.mtime); XmlFsType.ModificationDateSpecified = true; } continue; } var completeEntry = new CompleteDirectoryEntry { Dirent = entry }; if ((_namespace == Namespace.Lfn || _namespace == Namespace.Ecs) && lastLfnName != null) { byte calculatedLfnChecksum = LfnChecksum(entry.filename, entry.extension); if (calculatedLfnChecksum == lastLfnChecksum) { filename = StringHandlers.CToString(lastLfnName, Encoding.Unicode, true); completeEntry.Lfn = filename; lastLfnName = null; lastLfnChecksum = 0; } } if (entry.filename[0] == DIRENT_E5) { entry.filename[0] = DIRENT_DELETED; } string name = Encoding.GetString(entry.filename).TrimEnd(); string extension = Encoding.GetString(entry.extension).TrimEnd(); if (_namespace == Namespace.Nt) { if (entry.caseinfo.HasFlag(CaseInfo.LowerCaseExtension)) { extension = extension.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } if (entry.caseinfo.HasFlag(CaseInfo.LowerCaseBasename)) { name = name.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } } if (extension != "") { filename = name + "." + extension; } else { filename = name; } if (name == "" && extension == "") { AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT filesystem", "Found empty filename in root directory"); if (!_debug || (entry.size > 0 && entry.start_cluster == 0)) { continue; // Skip invalid name } // If debug, add it name = ":{EMPTYNAME}:"; // Try to create a unique filename with an extension from 000 to 999 for (int uniq = 0; uniq < 1000; uniq++) { extension = $"{uniq:D03}"; if (!_rootDirectoryCache.ContainsKey($"{name}.{extension}")) { break; } } // If we couldn't find it, just skip over if (_rootDirectoryCache.ContainsKey($"{name}.{extension}")) { continue; } } // Atari ST allows slash AND colon so cannot simply substitute one for the other like in Mac filesystems filename = filename.Replace('/', '\u2215'); completeEntry.Shortname = filename; if (_namespace == Namespace.Human) { HumanDirectoryEntry humanEntry = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <HumanDirectoryEntry>(rootDirectory, i, Marshal.SizeOf <HumanDirectoryEntry>()); completeEntry.HumanDirent = humanEntry; name = StringHandlers.CToString(humanEntry.name1, Encoding).TrimEnd(); extension = StringHandlers.CToString(humanEntry.extension, Encoding).TrimEnd(); string name2 = StringHandlers.CToString(humanEntry.name2, Encoding).TrimEnd(); if (extension != "") { filename = name + name2 + "." + extension; } else { filename = name + name2; } completeEntry.HumanName = filename; } if (!_fat32 && filename == "EA DATA. SF") { _eaDirEntry = entry; lastLfnName = null; lastLfnChecksum = 0; if (_debug) { _rootDirectoryCache[completeEntry.ToString()] = completeEntry; } continue; } _rootDirectoryCache[completeEntry.ToString()] = completeEntry; lastLfnName = null; lastLfnChecksum = 0; } XmlFsType.VolumeName = XmlFsType.VolumeName?.Trim(); _statfs.Blocks = XmlFsType.Clusters; switch (bpbKind) { case BpbKind.Hardcoded: _statfs.Type = $"Microsoft FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; case BpbKind.Atari: _statfs.Type = $"Atari FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; case BpbKind.Msx: _statfs.Type = $"MSX FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; case BpbKind.Dos2: case BpbKind.Dos3: case BpbKind.Dos32: case BpbKind.Dos33: case BpbKind.ShortExtended: case BpbKind.Extended: _statfs.Type = $"Microsoft FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; case BpbKind.ShortFat32: case BpbKind.LongFat32: _statfs.Type = XmlFsType.Type == "FAT+" ? "FAT+" : "Microsoft FAT32"; break; case BpbKind.Andos: _statfs.Type = $"ANDOS FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; case BpbKind.Apricot: _statfs.Type = $"Apricot FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; case BpbKind.DecRainbow: _statfs.Type = $"DEC FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; case BpbKind.Human: _statfs.Type = $"Human68k FAT{(_fat16 ? "16" : "12")}"; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } _bytesPerCluster = _sectorsPerCluster * imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; ushort[] _firstFatEntries = new ushort[_statfs.Blocks]; ushort[] _secondFatEntries = new ushort[_statfs.Blocks]; bool _firstFatValid = true; bool _secondFatValid = true; if (_fat12) { AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Reading FAT12"); byte[] fatBytes = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(_fatFirstSector, _sectorsPerFat); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i + 3 < fatBytes.Length && pos < _firstFatEntries.Length; i += 3) { _firstFatEntries[pos++] = (ushort)(((fatBytes[i + 1] & 0xF) << 8) + fatBytes[i + 0]); if (pos >= _firstFatEntries.Length) { break; } _firstFatEntries[pos++] = (ushort)(((fatBytes[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4) + (fatBytes[i + 2] << 4)); } fatBytes = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(_fatFirstSector + _sectorsPerFat, _sectorsPerFat); _fatEntries = new ushort[_statfs.Blocks]; pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i + 3 < fatBytes.Length && pos < _secondFatEntries.Length; i += 3) { _secondFatEntries[pos++] = (ushort)(((fatBytes[i + 1] & 0xF) << 8) + fatBytes[i + 0]); if (pos >= _secondFatEntries.Length) { break; } _secondFatEntries[pos++] = (ushort)(((fatBytes[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4) + (fatBytes[i + 2] << 4)); } foreach (ushort entry in _firstFatEntries) { if (entry >= FAT12_RESERVED || entry <= _statfs.Blocks) { continue; } _firstFatValid = false; break; } foreach (ushort entry in _secondFatEntries) { if (entry >= FAT12_RESERVED || entry <= _statfs.Blocks) { continue; } _secondFatValid = false; break; } if (_firstFatValid == _secondFatValid) { _fatEntries = _useFirstFat ? _firstFatEntries : _secondFatEntries; } else if (_firstFatValid) { _fatEntries = _firstFatEntries; } else { _fatEntries = _secondFatEntries; } } else if (_fat16) { AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Reading FAT16"); byte[] fatBytes = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(_fatFirstSector, _sectorsPerFat); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Casting FAT"); _firstFatEntries = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, ushort>(fatBytes).ToArray(); fatBytes = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(_fatFirstSector + _sectorsPerFat, _sectorsPerFat); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Casting FAT"); _secondFatEntries = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, ushort>(fatBytes).ToArray(); foreach (ushort entry in _firstFatEntries) { if (entry >= FAT16_RESERVED || entry <= _statfs.Blocks) { continue; } _firstFatValid = false; break; } foreach (ushort entry in _secondFatEntries) { if (entry >= FAT16_RESERVED || entry <= _statfs.Blocks) { continue; } _secondFatValid = false; break; } if (_firstFatValid == _secondFatValid) { _fatEntries = _useFirstFat ? _firstFatEntries : _secondFatEntries; } else if (_firstFatValid) { _fatEntries = _firstFatEntries; } else { _fatEntries = _secondFatEntries; } } // TODO: Check how this affects international filenames _cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false); _directoryCache = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, CompleteDirectoryEntry> >(); // Check it is really an OS/2 EA file if (_eaDirEntry.start_cluster != 0) { CacheEaData(); ushort eamagic = BitConverter.ToUInt16(_cachedEaData, 0); if (eamagic != EADATA_MAGIC) { _eaDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(); _cachedEaData = null; } else { _eaCache = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, byte[]> >(); } } else if (_fat32) { _eaCache = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, byte[]> >(); } // Check OS/2 .LONGNAME if (_eaCache != null && (_namespace == Namespace.Os2 || _namespace == Namespace.Ecs) && !_fat32) { List <KeyValuePair <string, CompleteDirectoryEntry> > rootFilesWithEas = _rootDirectoryCache.Where(t => t.Value.Dirent.ea_handle != 0).ToList(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CompleteDirectoryEntry> fileWithEa in rootFilesWithEas) { Dictionary <string, byte[]> eas = GetEas(fileWithEa.Value.Dirent.ea_handle); if (eas is null) { continue; } if (!eas.TryGetValue("", out byte[] longnameEa))
public void GetInformation(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition, out string information, Encoding encoding) { Encoding = encoding ?? Encoding.GetEncoding("IBM437"); information = ""; var sb = new StringBuilder(); XmlFsType = new FileSystemType(); uint sectorsPerBpb = imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize < 512 ? 512 / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize : 1; byte[] bpbSector = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(0 + partition.Start, sectorsPerBpb); BpbKind bpbKind = DetectBpbKind(bpbSector, imagePlugin, partition, out BiosParameterBlockEbpb fakeBpb, out HumanParameterBlock humanBpb, out AtariParameterBlock atariBpb, out byte minBootNearJump, out bool andosOemCorrect, out bool bootable); bool isFat12 = false; bool isFat16 = false; bool isFat32 = false; ulong rootDirectorySector = 0; string extraInfo = null; string bootChk = null; XmlFsType.Bootable = bootable; // This is needed because for FAT16, GEMDOS increases bytes per sector count instead of using big_sectors field. uint sectorsPerRealSector; // This is needed because some OSes don't put volume label as first entry in the root directory uint sectorsForRootDirectory = 0; switch (bpbKind) { case BpbKind.DecRainbow: case BpbKind.Hardcoded: case BpbKind.Msx: case BpbKind.Apricot: isFat12 = true; break; case BpbKind.ShortFat32: case BpbKind.LongFat32: { isFat32 = true; Fat32ParameterBlock fat32Bpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <Fat32ParameterBlock>(bpbSector); Fat32ParameterBlockShort shortFat32Bpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <Fat32ParameterBlockShort>(bpbSector); // This is to support FAT partitions on hybrid ISO/USB images if (imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc) { fat32Bpb.bps *= 4; fat32Bpb.spc /= 4; fat32Bpb.big_spfat /= 4; fat32Bpb.hsectors /= 4; fat32Bpb.sptrk /= 4; } if (fat32Bpb.version != 0) { sb.AppendLine("FAT+"); XmlFsType.Type = "FAT+"; } else { sb.AppendLine("Microsoft FAT32"); XmlFsType.Type = "FAT32"; } if (fat32Bpb.oem_name != null) { if (fat32Bpb.oem_name[5] == 0x49 && fat32Bpb.oem_name[6] == 0x48 && fat32Bpb.oem_name[7] == 0x43) { sb.AppendLine("Volume has been modified by Windows 9x/Me Volume Tracker."); } else { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(fat32Bpb.oem_name); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier)) { sb.AppendFormat("OEM Name: {0}", XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier.Trim()).AppendLine(); } sb.AppendFormat("{0} bytes per sector.", fat32Bpb.bps).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per cluster.", fat32Bpb.spc).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.ClusterSize = (uint)(fat32Bpb.bps * fat32Bpb.spc); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors reserved between BPB and FAT.", fat32Bpb.rsectors).AppendLine(); if (fat32Bpb.big_sectors == 0 && fat32Bpb.signature == 0x28) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors on volume ({1} bytes).", shortFat32Bpb.huge_sectors, shortFat32Bpb.huge_sectors * shortFat32Bpb.bps).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.Clusters = shortFat32Bpb.huge_sectors / shortFat32Bpb.spc; } else { sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors on volume ({1} bytes).", fat32Bpb.big_sectors, fat32Bpb.big_sectors * fat32Bpb.bps).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.Clusters = fat32Bpb.big_sectors / fat32Bpb.spc; } sb.AppendFormat("{0} clusters on volume.", XmlFsType.Clusters).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Media descriptor: 0x{0:X2}",; sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per FAT.", fat32Bpb.big_spfat).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per track.", fat32Bpb.sptrk).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} heads.", fat32Bpb.heads).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} hidden sectors before BPB.", fat32Bpb.hsectors).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Cluster of root directory: {0}", fat32Bpb.root_cluster).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Sector of FSINFO structure: {0}", fat32Bpb.fsinfo_sector).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Sector of backup FAT32 parameter block: {0}", fat32Bpb.backup_sector).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Drive number: 0x{0:X2}", fat32Bpb.drive_no).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Volume Serial Number: 0x{0:X8}", fat32Bpb.serial_no).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.VolumeSerial = $"{fat32Bpb.serial_no:X8}"; if ((fat32Bpb.flags & 0xF8) == 0x00) { if ((fat32Bpb.flags & 0x01) == 0x01) { sb.AppendLine("Volume should be checked on next mount."); XmlFsType.Dirty = true; } if ((fat32Bpb.flags & 0x02) == 0x02) { sb.AppendLine("Disk surface should be on next mount."); } } if ((fat32Bpb.mirror_flags & 0x80) == 0x80) { sb.AppendFormat("FATs are out of sync. FAT #{0} is in use.", fat32Bpb.mirror_flags & 0xF). AppendLine(); } else { sb.AppendLine("All copies of FAT are the same."); } if ((fat32Bpb.mirror_flags & 0x6F20) == 0x6F20) { sb.AppendLine("DR-DOS will boot this FAT32 using CHS."); } else if ((fat32Bpb.mirror_flags & 0x4F20) == 0x4F20) { sb.AppendLine("DR-DOS will boot this FAT32 using LBA."); } if (fat32Bpb.signature == 0x29) { XmlFsType.VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(fat32Bpb.volume_label, Encoding); XmlFsType.VolumeName = XmlFsType.VolumeName?.Replace("\0", ""); sb.AppendFormat("Filesystem type: {0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fat32Bpb.fs_type)). AppendLine(); bootChk = Sha1Context.Data(fat32Bpb.boot_code, out _); } else { bootChk = Sha1Context.Data(shortFat32Bpb.boot_code, out _); } // Check that jumps to a correct boot code position and has boot signature set. // This will mean that the volume will boot, even if just to say "this is not bootable change disk"...... XmlFsType.Bootable = (fat32Bpb.jump[0] == 0xEB && fat32Bpb.jump[1] >= minBootNearJump && fat32Bpb.jump[1] < 0x80) || (fat32Bpb.jump[0] == 0xE9 && fat32Bpb.jump.Length >= 3 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fat32Bpb.jump, 1) >= minBootNearJump && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fat32Bpb.jump, 1) <= 0x1FC); sectorsPerRealSector = fat32Bpb.bps / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; // First root directory sector rootDirectorySector = (ulong)(((fat32Bpb.root_cluster - 2) * fat32Bpb.spc) + (fat32Bpb.big_spfat * fat32Bpb.fats_no) + fat32Bpb.rsectors) * sectorsPerRealSector; sectorsForRootDirectory = 1; if (fat32Bpb.fsinfo_sector + partition.Start <= partition.End) { byte[] fsinfoSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(fat32Bpb.fsinfo_sector + partition.Start); FsInfoSector fsInfo = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <FsInfoSector>(fsinfoSector); if (fsInfo.signature1 == FSINFO_SIGNATURE1 && fsInfo.signature2 == FSINFO_SIGNATURE2 && fsInfo.signature3 == FSINFO_SIGNATURE3) { if (fsInfo.free_clusters < 0xFFFFFFFF) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} free clusters", fsInfo.free_clusters).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.FreeClusters = fsInfo.free_clusters; XmlFsType.FreeClustersSpecified = true; } if (fsInfo.last_cluster > 2 && fsInfo.last_cluster < 0xFFFFFFFF) { sb.AppendFormat("Last allocated cluster {0}", fsInfo.last_cluster).AppendLine(); } } } break; } // Some fields could overflow fake BPB, those will be handled below case BpbKind.Atari: { ushort sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bpbSector.Length; i += 2) { sum += BigEndianBitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, i); } // TODO: Check this if (sum == 0x1234) { XmlFsType.Bootable = true; var atariSb = new StringBuilder(); atariSb.AppendFormat("cmdload will be loaded with value {0:X4}h", BigEndianBitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x01E)).AppendLine(); atariSb.AppendFormat("Boot program will be loaded at address {0:X4}h", atariBpb.ldaaddr). AppendLine(); atariSb.AppendFormat("FAT and directory will be cached at address {0:X4}h", atariBpb.fatbuf). AppendLine(); if (atariBpb.ldmode == 0) { byte[] tmp = new byte[8]; Array.Copy(atariBpb.fname, 0, tmp, 0, 8); string fname = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(tmp).Trim(); tmp = new byte[3]; Array.Copy(atariBpb.fname, 8, tmp, 0, 3); string extension = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(tmp).Trim(); string filename; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { filename = fname; } else { filename = fname + "." + extension; } atariSb.AppendFormat("Boot program resides in file \"{0}\"", filename).AppendLine(); } else { atariSb. AppendFormat("Boot program starts in sector {0} and is {1} sectors long ({2} bytes)", atariBpb.ssect, atariBpb.sectcnt, atariBpb.sectcnt * atariBpb.bps). AppendLine(); } extraInfo = atariSb.ToString(); } break; } case BpbKind.Human: XmlFsType.Bootable = true; break; } if (!isFat32) { // This is to support FAT partitions on hybrid ISO/USB images if (imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc) { fakeBpb.bps *= 4; fakeBpb.spc /= 4; fakeBpb.spfat /= 4; fakeBpb.hsectors /= 4; fakeBpb.sptrk /= 4; fakeBpb.rsectors /= 4; if (fakeBpb.spc == 0) { fakeBpb.spc = 1; } } // This assumes no sane implementation will violate cluster size rules // However nothing prevents this to happen // If first file on disk uses only one cluster there is absolutely no way to differentiate between FAT12 and FAT16, // so let's hope implementations use common sense? if (!isFat12 && !isFat16) { ulong clusters; if (fakeBpb.sectors == 0) { clusters = fakeBpb.spc == 0 ? fakeBpb.big_sectors : fakeBpb.big_sectors / fakeBpb.spc; } else { clusters = fakeBpb.spc == 0 ? fakeBpb.sectors : (ulong)fakeBpb.sectors / fakeBpb.spc; } if (clusters < 4089) { isFat12 = true; } else { isFat16 = true; } } if (isFat12) { switch (bpbKind) { case BpbKind.Atari: sb.AppendLine("Atari FAT12"); break; case BpbKind.Apricot: sb.AppendLine("Apricot FAT12"); break; case BpbKind.Human: sb.AppendLine("Human68k FAT12"); break; default: sb.AppendLine("Microsoft FAT12"); break; } XmlFsType.Type = "FAT12"; } else if (isFat16) { sb.AppendLine(bpbKind == BpbKind.Atari ? "Atari FAT16" : bpbKind == BpbKind.Human ? "Human68k FAT16" : "Microsoft FAT16"); XmlFsType.Type = "FAT16"; } if (bpbKind == BpbKind.Atari) { if (atariBpb.serial_no[0] == 0x49 && atariBpb.serial_no[1] == 0x48 && atariBpb.serial_no[2] == 0x43) { sb.AppendLine("Volume has been modified by Windows 9x/Me Volume Tracker."); } else { XmlFsType.VolumeSerial = $"{atariBpb.serial_no[0]:X2}{atariBpb.serial_no[1]:X2}{atariBpb.serial_no[2]:X2}"; } XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(atariBpb.oem_name); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier)) { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = null; } } else if (fakeBpb.oem_name != null) { if (fakeBpb.oem_name[5] == 0x49 && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] == 0x48 && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] == 0x43) { sb.AppendLine("Volume has been modified by Windows 9x/Me Volume Tracker."); } else { // Later versions of Windows create a DOS 3 BPB without OEM name on 8 sectors/track floppies // OEM ID should be ASCII, otherwise ignore it if (fakeBpb.oem_name[0] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[0] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] <= 0x7F) { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(fakeBpb.oem_name); } else if (fakeBpb.oem_name[0] < 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[1] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[2] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[3] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[4] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[5] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[6] <= 0x7F && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] >= 0x20 && fakeBpb.oem_name[7] <= 0x7F) { XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier = StringHandlers.CToString(fakeBpb.oem_name, Encoding, start: 1); } } if (fakeBpb.signature == 0x28 || fakeBpb.signature == 0x29) { XmlFsType.VolumeSerial = $"{fakeBpb.serial_no:X8}"; } } if (XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier != null) { sb.AppendFormat("OEM Name: {0}", XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier.Trim()).AppendLine(); } sb.AppendFormat("{0} bytes per sector.", fakeBpb.bps).AppendLine(); if (bpbKind != BpbKind.Human) { if (fakeBpb.sectors == 0) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors on volume ({1} bytes).", fakeBpb.big_sectors, fakeBpb.big_sectors * fakeBpb.bps).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.Clusters = fakeBpb.spc == 0 ? fakeBpb.big_sectors : fakeBpb.big_sectors / fakeBpb.spc; } else { sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors on volume ({1} bytes).", fakeBpb.sectors, fakeBpb.sectors * fakeBpb.bps).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.Clusters = (ulong)(fakeBpb.spc == 0 ? fakeBpb.sectors : fakeBpb.sectors / fakeBpb.spc); } } else { XmlFsType.Clusters = humanBpb.clusters == 0 ? humanBpb.big_clusters : humanBpb.clusters; sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors on volume ({1} bytes).", (XmlFsType.Clusters * humanBpb.bpc) / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize, XmlFsType.Clusters * humanBpb.bpc).AppendLine(); } sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per cluster.", fakeBpb.spc).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} clusters on volume.", XmlFsType.Clusters).AppendLine(); XmlFsType.ClusterSize = (uint)(fakeBpb.bps * fakeBpb.spc); sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors reserved between BPB and FAT.", fakeBpb.rsectors).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} FATs.", fakeBpb.fats_no).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} entries on root directory.", fakeBpb.root_ent).AppendLine(); if ( > 0) { sb.AppendFormat("Media descriptor: 0x{0:X2}",; } sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per FAT.", fakeBpb.spfat).AppendLine(); if (fakeBpb.sptrk > 0 && fakeBpb.sptrk < 64 && fakeBpb.heads > 0 && fakeBpb.heads < 256) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} sectors per track.", fakeBpb.sptrk).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} heads.", fakeBpb.heads).AppendLine(); } if (fakeBpb.hsectors <= partition.Start) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} hidden sectors before BPB.", fakeBpb.hsectors).AppendLine(); } if (fakeBpb.signature == 0x28 || fakeBpb.signature == 0x29 || andosOemCorrect) { sb.AppendFormat("Drive number: 0x{0:X2}", fakeBpb.drive_no).AppendLine(); if (XmlFsType.VolumeSerial != null) { sb.AppendFormat("Volume Serial Number: {0}", XmlFsType.VolumeSerial).AppendLine(); } if ((fakeBpb.flags & 0xF8) == 0x00) { if ((fakeBpb.flags & 0x01) == 0x01) { sb.AppendLine("Volume should be checked on next mount."); XmlFsType.Dirty = true; } if ((fakeBpb.flags & 0x02) == 0x02) { sb.AppendLine("Disk surface should be on next mount."); } } if (fakeBpb.signature == 0x29 || andosOemCorrect) { XmlFsType.VolumeName = StringHandlers.SpacePaddedToString(fakeBpb.volume_label, Encoding); XmlFsType.VolumeName = XmlFsType.VolumeName?.Replace("\0", ""); sb.AppendFormat("Filesystem type: {0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fakeBpb.fs_type)).AppendLine(); } } else if (bpbKind == BpbKind.Atari && XmlFsType.VolumeSerial != null) { sb.AppendFormat("Volume Serial Number: {0}", XmlFsType.VolumeSerial).AppendLine(); } bootChk = Sha1Context.Data(fakeBpb.boot_code, out _); // Workaround that PCExchange jumps into "FAT16 "... if (XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier == "PCX 2.0 ") { fakeBpb.jump[1] += 8; } // Check that jumps to a correct boot code position and has boot signature set. // This will mean that the volume will boot, even if just to say "this is not bootable change disk"...... if (XmlFsType.Bootable == false && fakeBpb.jump != null) { XmlFsType.Bootable |= (fakeBpb.jump[0] == 0xEB && fakeBpb.jump[1] >= minBootNearJump && fakeBpb.jump[1] < 0x80) || (fakeBpb.jump[0] == 0xE9 && fakeBpb.jump.Length >= 3 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fakeBpb.jump, 1) >= minBootNearJump && BitConverter.ToUInt16(fakeBpb.jump, 1) <= 0x1FC); } sectorsPerRealSector = fakeBpb.bps / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize; // First root directory sector rootDirectorySector = (ulong)((fakeBpb.spfat * fakeBpb.fats_no) + fakeBpb.rsectors) * sectorsPerRealSector; sectorsForRootDirectory = (uint)((fakeBpb.root_ent * 32) / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize); } if (extraInfo != null) { sb.Append(extraInfo); } if (rootDirectorySector + partition.Start < partition.End && imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType != XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc) { byte[] rootDirectory = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(rootDirectorySector + partition.Start, sectorsForRootDirectory); if (bpbKind == BpbKind.DecRainbow) { var rootMs = new MemoryStream(); foreach (byte[] tmp in from ulong rootSector in new[] { 0x17, 0x19, 0x1B, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x20 } select imagePlugin.ReadSector(rootSector)) { rootMs.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length); } rootDirectory = rootMs.ToArray(); } for (int i = 0; i < rootDirectory.Length; i += 32) { // Not a correct entry if (rootDirectory[i] < DIRENT_MIN && rootDirectory[i] != DIRENT_E5) { continue; } // Deleted or subdirectory entry if (rootDirectory[i] == DIRENT_SUBDIR || rootDirectory[i] == DIRENT_DELETED) { continue; } // Not a volume label if (rootDirectory[i + 0x0B] != 0x08 && rootDirectory[i + 0x0B] != 0x28) { continue; } DirectoryEntry entry = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <DirectoryEntry>(rootDirectory, i, 32); byte[] fullname = new byte[11]; Array.Copy(entry.filename, 0, fullname, 0, 8); Array.Copy(entry.extension, 0, fullname, 8, 3); string volname = Encoding.GetString(fullname).Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(volname)) { XmlFsType.VolumeName = entry.caseinfo.HasFlag(CaseInfo.AllLowerCase) ? volname.ToLower() : volname; } if (entry.ctime > 0 && entry.cdate > 0) { XmlFsType.CreationDate = DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(entry.cdate, entry.ctime); if (entry.ctime_ms > 0) { XmlFsType.CreationDate = XmlFsType.CreationDate.AddMilliseconds(entry.ctime_ms * 10); } XmlFsType.CreationDateSpecified = true; sb.AppendFormat("Volume created on {0}", XmlFsType.CreationDate).AppendLine(); } if (entry.mtime > 0 && entry.mdate > 0) { XmlFsType.ModificationDate = DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(entry.mdate, entry.mtime); XmlFsType.ModificationDateSpecified = true; sb.AppendFormat("Volume last modified on {0}", XmlFsType.ModificationDate).AppendLine(); } if (entry.adate > 0) { sb.AppendFormat("Volume last accessed on {0:d}", DateHandlers.DosToDateTime(entry.adate, 0)). AppendLine(); } break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFsType.VolumeName)) { sb.AppendFormat("Volume label: {0}", XmlFsType.VolumeName).AppendLine(); } if (XmlFsType.Bootable) { // Intel short jump if (bpbSector[0] == 0xEB && bpbSector[1] < 0x80) { int sigSize = bpbSector[510] == 0x55 && bpbSector[511] == 0xAA ? 2 : 0; byte[] bootCode = new byte[512 - sigSize - bpbSector[1] - 2]; Array.Copy(bpbSector, bpbSector[1] + 2, bootCode, 0, bootCode.Length); Sha1Context.Data(bootCode, out _); } // Intel big jump else if (bpbSector[0] == 0xE9 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 1) < 0x1FC) { int sigSize = bpbSector[510] == 0x55 && bpbSector[511] == 0xAA ? 2 : 0; byte[] bootCode = new byte[512 - sigSize - BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 1) - 3]; Array.Copy(bpbSector, BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 1) + 3, bootCode, 0, bootCode.Length); Sha1Context.Data(bootCode, out _); } sb.AppendLine("Volume is bootable"); sb.AppendFormat("Boot code's SHA1: {0}", bootChk).AppendLine(); string bootName = _knownBootHashes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.hash == bootChk).name; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bootName)) { sb.AppendLine("Unknown boot code."); } else { sb.AppendFormat("Boot code corresponds to {0}", bootName).AppendLine(); } } information = sb.ToString(); }