public virtual bool runTest() { Console.WriteLine(s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " , for " + s_strClassMethod + " , Source ver: " + s_strDtTmVer); int iCountErrors = 0; int iCountTestcases = 0; IntlStrings intl; String strLoc = "Loc_000oo"; StringDictionary sd; string [] values = { "", " ", "a", "aa", "text", " spaces", "1", "$%^#", "2222222222222222222222222", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), Int32.MaxValue.ToString() }; string [] keys = { "zero", "one", " ", "", "aa", "1", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), "$%^#", Int32.MaxValue.ToString(), " spaces", "2222222222222222222222222" }; Array destination; int cnt = 0; try { intl = new IntlStrings(); Console.WriteLine("--- create dictionary ---"); strLoc = "Loc_001oo"; iCountTestcases++; sd = new StringDictionary(); Console.WriteLine("1. Copy empty dictionary into empty array"); iCountTestcases++; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), sd.Count); Console.WriteLine(" - CopyTo(arr, -1)"); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, -1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0001a, no exception"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_001b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; Console.WriteLine(" - CopyTo(arr, 0)"); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_001c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; Console.WriteLine(" - CopyTo(arr, 1)"); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0001d, no exception"); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_001e, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("2. Copy empty dictionary into non-empty array"); iCountTestcases++; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), values.Length); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { destination.SetValue(values[i], i); } sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); if( destination.Length != values.Length) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0002a, altered array after copying empty collection"); } if (destination.Length == values.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(destination.GetValue(i).ToString(), values[i], false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0002_{0}b, altered item {0} after copying empty collection", i); } } } Console.WriteLine("3. add simple strings and CopyTo(Array, 0)"); strLoc = "Loc_003oo"; iCountTestcases++; cnt = sd.Count; int len = values.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } if (sd.Count != len) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003a, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, values.Length); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); IEnumerator en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("4. add simple strings and CopyTo(Array, {0})", values.Length); sd.Clear(); strLoc = "Loc_004oo"; iCountTestcases++; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } if (sd.Count != len) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0004a, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, values.Length); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len*2); sd.CopyTo(destination, len); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("5. add intl strings and CopyTo(Array, 0)"); strLoc = "Loc_005oo"; iCountTestcases++; string [] intlValues = new string [len * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < len*2; i++) { string val = intl.GetString(MAX_LEN, true, true, true); while (Array.IndexOf(intlValues, val) != -1 ) val = intl.GetString(MAX_LEN, true, true, true); intlValues[i] = val; } Boolean caseInsensitive = false; for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { if(intlValues[i].Length!=0 && intlValues[i].ToLower()==intlValues[i].ToUpper()) caseInsensitive = true; } iCountTestcases++; sd.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(intlValues[i+len], intlValues[i]); } if ( sd.Count != (len) ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0005a, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, len); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("6. add intl strings and CopyTo(Array, {0})", len); strLoc = "Loc_006oo"; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len*2); sd.CopyTo(destination, len); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}a, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i+len)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("7. case sensitivity"); strLoc = "Loc_007oo"; string [] intlValuesLower = new string [len * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValues[i] = intlValues[i].ToUpper(); } for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValuesLower[i] = intlValues[i].ToLower(); } sd.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(intlValues[i+len], intlValues[i]); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}a, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if ( !caseInsensitive && (Array.IndexOf(intlValuesLower, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString()) != -1 )) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}b, copied lowercase string"); } iCountTestcases++; if ( String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key); } iCountTestcases++; if ( Array.IndexOf(intlValuesLower, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString()) == -1 ) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}d, copied uppercase key"); } } Console.WriteLine("8. CopyTo(null, int)"); strLoc = "Loc_008oo"; iCountTestcases++; destination = null; try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0008a: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0008b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("9. CopyTo(Array, -1)"); strLoc = "Loc_009oo"; iCountTestcases++; cnt = sd.Count; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), cnt); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, -1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0009b: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0009c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("10. CopyTo(Array, upperBound+1)"); strLoc = "Loc_0010oo"; iCountTestcases++; if (sd.Count < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, len); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0010b: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0010c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("11. CopyTo(Array, upperBound+2)"); strLoc = "Loc_010oo"; iCountTestcases++; try { sd.CopyTo(destination, len+1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0011b: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0011c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("12. CopyTo(Array, not_enough_space)"); strLoc = "Loc_012oo"; iCountTestcases++; try { sd.CopyTo(destination, len / 2); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0012a: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0012b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("13. CopyTo(multidim_Array, 0)"); strLoc = "Loc_013oo"; iCountTestcases++; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len, len); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0013a: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0013b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } } catch (Exception exc_general ) { ++iCountErrors; Console.WriteLine (s_strTFAbbrev + " : Error Err_general! strLoc=="+ strLoc +", exc_general==\n"+exc_general.ToString()); } if ( iCountErrors == 0 ) { Console.WriteLine( "Pass. "+s_strTFPath +" "+s_strTFName+" ,iCountTestcases=="+iCountTestcases); return true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Fail! "+s_strTFPath+" "+s_strTFName+" ,iCountErrors=="+iCountErrors+" , BugNums?: "+s_strActiveBugNums ); return false; } }
public void TestEnvironmentVariablesPropertyUnix() { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); // Creating a detached ProcessStartInfo will pre-populate the environment // with current environmental variables. StringDictionary environmentVariables = psi.EnvironmentVariables; Assert.NotEqual(0, environmentVariables.Count); int CountItems = environmentVariables.Count; environmentVariables.Add("NewKey", "NewValue"); environmentVariables.Add("NewKey2", "NewValue2"); Assert.Equal(CountItems + 2, environmentVariables.Count); environmentVariables.Remove("NewKey"); Assert.Equal(CountItems + 1, environmentVariables.Count); //Exception not thrown with invalid key Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { environmentVariables.Add("NewKey2", "NewValue2"); }); Assert.False(environmentVariables.ContainsKey("NewKey")); environmentVariables.Add("newkey2", "newvalue2"); Assert.True(environmentVariables.ContainsKey("newkey2")); Assert.Equal("newvalue2", environmentVariables["newkey2"]); Assert.Equal("NewValue2", environmentVariables["NewKey2"]); environmentVariables.Clear(); Assert.Equal(0, environmentVariables.Count); environmentVariables.Add("NewKey", "newvalue"); environmentVariables.Add("newkey2", "NewValue2"); Assert.False(environmentVariables.ContainsKey("newkey")); Assert.False(environmentVariables.ContainsValue("NewValue")); string result = null; int index = 0; foreach (string e1 in environmentVariables.Values) { index++; result += e1; } Assert.Equal(2, index); Assert.Equal("newvalueNewValue2", result); result = null; index = 0; foreach (string e1 in environmentVariables.Keys) { index++; result += e1; } Assert.Equal("NewKeynewkey2", result); Assert.Equal(2, index); result = null; index = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> e1 in environmentVariables) { index++; result += e1.Key; } Assert.Equal("NewKeynewkey2", result); Assert.Equal(2, index); //Key not found Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { string stringout = environmentVariables["NewKey99"]; }); //Exception not thrown with invalid key Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { string stringout = environmentVariables[null]; }); //Exception not thrown with invalid key Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => environmentVariables.Add(null, "NewValue2")); //Invalid Key to add Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => environmentVariables.Add("newkey2", "NewValue2")); //Use KeyValuePair Enumerator var x = environmentVariables.GetEnumerator() as IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <string, string> >; x.MoveNext(); var y1 = x.Current; Assert.Equal("NewKey newvalue", y1.Key + " " + y1.Value); x.MoveNext(); y1 = x.Current; Assert.Equal("newkey2 NewValue2", y1.Key + " " + y1.Value); environmentVariables.Add("newkey3", "newvalue3"); KeyValuePair <string, string>[] kvpa = new KeyValuePair <string, string> [10]; environmentVariables.CopyTo(kvpa, 0); Assert.Equal("NewKey", kvpa[0].Key); Assert.Equal("newkey3", kvpa[2].Key); Assert.Equal("newvalue3", kvpa[2].Value); string[] kvp = new string[10]; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { environmentVariables.CopyTo(kvp, 6); }); environmentVariables.CopyTo(kvpa, 6); Assert.Equal("NewKey", kvpa[6].Key); Assert.Equal("newvalue", kvpa[6].Value); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => { environmentVariables.CopyTo(kvpa, -1); }); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { environmentVariables.CopyTo(kvpa, 9); }); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { KeyValuePair <string, string>[] kvpanull = null; environmentVariables.CopyTo(kvpanull, 0); }); }
public virtual bool runTest() { Console.WriteLine(s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " , for " + s_strClassMethod + " , Source ver: " + s_strDtTmVer); int iCountErrors = 0; int iCountTestcases = 0; IntlStrings intl; String strLoc = "Loc_000oo"; StringDictionary sd; string [] values = { "", " ", "a", "aa", "text", " spaces", "1", "$%^#", "2222222222222222222222222", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), Int32.MaxValue.ToString() }; string [] keys = { "zero", "one", " ", "", "aa", "1", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), "$%^#", Int32.MaxValue.ToString(), " spaces", "2222222222222222222222222" }; Array destination; int cnt = 0; try { intl = new IntlStrings(); Console.WriteLine("--- create dictionary ---"); strLoc = "Loc_001oo"; iCountTestcases++; sd = new StringDictionary(); Console.WriteLine("1. Copy empty dictionary into empty array"); iCountTestcases++; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), sd.Count); Console.WriteLine(" - CopyTo(arr, -1)"); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, -1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0001a, no exception"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_001b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; Console.WriteLine(" - CopyTo(arr, 0)"); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_001c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; Console.WriteLine(" - CopyTo(arr, 1)"); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0001d, no exception"); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_001e, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("2. Copy empty dictionary into non-empty array"); iCountTestcases++; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), values.Length); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { destination.SetValue(values[i], i); } sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); if (destination.Length != values.Length) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0002a, altered array after copying empty collection"); } if (destination.Length == values.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(destination.GetValue(i).ToString(), values[i], false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0002_{0}b, altered item {0} after copying empty collection", i); } } } Console.WriteLine("3. add simple strings and CopyTo(Array, 0)"); strLoc = "Loc_003oo"; iCountTestcases++; cnt = sd.Count; int len = values.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } if (sd.Count != len) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003a, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, values.Length); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); IEnumerator en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("4. add simple strings and CopyTo(Array, {0})", values.Length); sd.Clear(); strLoc = "Loc_004oo"; iCountTestcases++; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } if (sd.Count != len) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0004a, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, values.Length); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len * 2); sd.CopyTo(destination, len); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("5. add intl strings and CopyTo(Array, 0)"); strLoc = "Loc_005oo"; iCountTestcases++; string [] intlValues = new string [len * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { string val = intl.GetString(MAX_LEN, true, true, true); while (Array.IndexOf(intlValues, val) != -1) { val = intl.GetString(MAX_LEN, true, true, true); } intlValues[i] = val; } Boolean caseInsensitive = false; for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { if (intlValues[i].Length != 0 && intlValues[i].ToLower() == intlValues[i].ToUpper()) { caseInsensitive = true; } } iCountTestcases++; sd.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(intlValues[i + len], intlValues[i]); } if (sd.Count != (len)) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0005a, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, len); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0003_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("6. add intl strings and CopyTo(Array, {0})", len); strLoc = "Loc_006oo"; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len * 2); sd.CopyTo(destination, len); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}a, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}b, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key, curr.Key); } } Console.WriteLine("7. case sensitivity"); strLoc = "Loc_007oo"; string [] intlValuesLower = new string [len * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValues[i] = intlValues[i].ToUpper(); } for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValuesLower[i] = intlValues[i].ToLower(); } sd.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(intlValues[i + len], intlValues[i]); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}a, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value); } iCountTestcases++; if (!caseInsensitive && (Array.IndexOf(intlValuesLower, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString()) != -1)) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}b, copied lowercase string"); } iCountTestcases++; if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString(), false) != 0) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}c, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key); } iCountTestcases++; if (Array.IndexOf(intlValuesLower, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString()) == -1) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0006_{0}d, copied uppercase key"); } } Console.WriteLine("8. CopyTo(null, int)"); strLoc = "Loc_008oo"; iCountTestcases++; destination = null; try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0008a: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0008b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("9. CopyTo(Array, -1)"); strLoc = "Loc_009oo"; iCountTestcases++; cnt = sd.Count; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), cnt); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, -1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0009b: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0009c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("10. CopyTo(Array, upperBound+1)"); strLoc = "Loc_0010oo"; iCountTestcases++; if (sd.Count < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, len); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0010b: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0010c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("11. CopyTo(Array, upperBound+2)"); strLoc = "Loc_010oo"; iCountTestcases++; try { sd.CopyTo(destination, len + 1); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0011b: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0011c, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("12. CopyTo(Array, not_enough_space)"); strLoc = "Loc_012oo"; iCountTestcases++; try { sd.CopyTo(destination, len / 2); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0012a: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0012b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("13. CopyTo(multidim_Array, 0)"); strLoc = "Loc_013oo"; iCountTestcases++; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len, len); try { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0013a: no exception "); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0013b, unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } } catch (Exception exc_general) { ++iCountErrors; Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " : Error Err_general! strLoc==" + strLoc + ", exc_general==\n" + exc_general.ToString()); } if (iCountErrors == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Pass. " + s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " ,iCountTestcases==" + iCountTestcases); return(true); } else { Console.WriteLine("Fail! " + s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " ,iCountErrors==" + iCountErrors + " , BugNums?: " + s_strActiveBugNums); return(false); } }
// pseudo SAX reader public static void xmlparse(string fname) { XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fname); string line; urls = new ArrayList(); int cnt = 0; // // while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "formvals") { XmlReader inner = reader.ReadSubtree(); StringDictionary myCol = new StringDictionary(); while (inner.Read()) { if (inner.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element && inner.Name == "input") { inner.MoveToFirstAttribute(); // to avoid dependency on the attribute order, key them by the attribute name // amended with the unique count of the current input element. myCol.Add(String.Format("{0}-{1}", inner.Name, cnt.ToString()), inner.Value); inner.MoveToNextAttribute(); myCol.Add(String.Format("{0}-{1}", inner.Name, cnt.ToString()), inner.Value); cnt++; } DictionaryEntry[] myArr = new DictionaryEntry[myCol.Count]; myCol.CopyTo(myArr, 0); for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) { try{ string inputNameRegExp = @"name\-(?<input>\d+)"; MatchCollection myMatchCollection = Regex.Matches(myArr[i].Key.ToString(), inputNameRegExp ); foreach (Match myMatch in myMatchCollection) { string pos = myMatch.Groups["input"].Value.ToString(); // do not use StringDictionary for final formvals or you have your keyc converted to lower case. formvals.Add(myCol[String.Format("name-{0}", pos)], myCol[String.Format("value-{0}", pos)]); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } myCol.Clear(); } foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in formvals ) Console.WriteLine("formvals[ {0} ] = {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); inner.Close(); } if (reader.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "url") { line = reader.ReadString(); urls.Add(line); Console.WriteLine(line); } } }
// pseudo SAX reader public static void xmlparse(string fname) { XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fname); string line; urls = new ArrayList(); int cnt = 0; // // while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "formvals") { XmlReader inner = reader.ReadSubtree(); StringDictionary myCol = new StringDictionary(); while (inner.Read()) { if (inner.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element && inner.Name == "input") { inner.MoveToFirstAttribute(); // to avoid dependency on the attribute order, key them by the attribute name // amended with the unique count of the current input element. myCol.Add(String.Format("{0}-{1}", inner.Name, cnt.ToString()), inner.Value); inner.MoveToNextAttribute(); myCol.Add(String.Format("{0}-{1}", inner.Name, cnt.ToString()), inner.Value); cnt++; } DictionaryEntry[] myArr = new DictionaryEntry[myCol.Count]; myCol.CopyTo(myArr, 0); for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) { try{ string inputNameRegExp = @"name\-(?<input>\d+)"; MatchCollection myMatchCollection = Regex.Matches(myArr[i].Key.ToString(), inputNameRegExp); foreach (Match myMatch in myMatchCollection) { string pos = myMatch.Groups["input"].Value.ToString(); // do not use StringDictionary for final formvals or you have your keyc converted to lower case. formvals.Add(myCol[String.Format("name-{0}", pos)], myCol[String.Format("value-{0}", pos)]); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } myCol.Clear(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in formvals) { Console.WriteLine("formvals[ {0} ] = {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } inner.Close(); } if (reader.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "url") { line = reader.ReadString(); urls.Add(line); Console.WriteLine(line); } } }
public void Test01() { IntlStrings intl; StringDictionary sd; // simple string values string[] values = { "", " ", "a", "aa", "text", " spaces", "1", "$%^#", "2222222222222222222222222", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), Int32.MaxValue.ToString() }; // keys for simple string values string[] keys = { "zero", "one", " ", "", "aa", "1", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), "$%^#", Int32.MaxValue.ToString(), " spaces", "2222222222222222222222222" }; Array destination; int cnt = 0; // Count // initialize IntStrings intl = new IntlStrings(); // [] StringDictionary is constructed as expected //----------------------------------------------------------------- sd = new StringDictionary(); // [] Copy empty dictionary into empty array // destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), sd.Count); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, -1); }); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, 1); }); // [] Copy empty dictionary into non-empty array // destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), values.Length); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { destination.SetValue(values[i], i); } sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); if (destination.Length != values.Length) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, altered array after copying empty collection")); } if (destination.Length == values.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (String.Compare(destination.GetValue(i).ToString(), values[i]) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, altered item {0} after copying empty collection", i)); } } } // [] add simple strings and CopyTo(Array, 0) // cnt = sd.Count; int len = values.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } if (sd.Count != len) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, values.Length)); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); IEnumerator en = sd.GetEnumerator(); // // order of items is the same as order of enumerator // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); // verify that collection is copied correctly // DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value)); } if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key)); } } // // [] add simple strings and CopyTo(Array, middle_index) sd.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } if (sd.Count != len) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, values.Length)); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len * 2); sd.CopyTo(destination, len); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); // // order of items is the same as order of enumerator // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); // verify that collection is copied correctly // DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value, curr.Value)); } if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key, curr.Key)); } } // // Intl strings // [] add intl strings and CopyTo(Array, 0) // string[] intlValues = new string[len * 2]; // fill array with unique strings // for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { string val = intl.GetRandomString(MAX_LEN); while (Array.IndexOf(intlValues, val) != -1) { val = intl.GetRandomString(MAX_LEN); } intlValues[i] = val; } Boolean caseInsensitive = false; for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { if (intlValues[i].Length != 0 && intlValues[i].ToLowerInvariant() == intlValues[i].ToUpperInvariant()) { caseInsensitive = true; } } sd.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(intlValues[i + len], intlValues[i]); } if (sd.Count != (len)) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {0} instead of {1}", sd.Count, len)); } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); // // order of items is the same as order of enumerator // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); // verify that collection is copied correctly // DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value)); } if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key)); } } // // Intl strings // [] add intl strings and CopyTo(Array, middle_index) // destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len * 2); sd.CopyTo(destination, len); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); // // order of items is the same as order of enumerator // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); // verify that collection is copied correctly // DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Value, curr.Value)); } if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i + len)).Key, curr.Key)); } } // // [] Case sensitivity // string[] intlValuesLower = new string[len * 2]; // fill array with unique strings // for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValues[i] = intlValues[i].ToUpperInvariant(); } for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValuesLower[i] = intlValues[i].ToLowerInvariant(); } sd.Clear(); // // will use first half of array as values and second half as keys // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(intlValues[i + len], intlValues[i]); // adding uppercase strings } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); en = sd.GetEnumerator(); // // order of items is the same as order of enumerator // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { en.MoveNext(); // verify that collection is copied correctly // DictionaryEntry curr = (DictionaryEntry)en.Current; if (String.Compare(curr.Value.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value, curr.Value)); } if (!caseInsensitive && (Array.IndexOf(intlValuesLower, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Value.ToString()) != -1)) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied lowercase string")); } if (String.Compare(curr.Key.ToString(), ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString()) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key, curr.Key)); } if (Array.IndexOf(intlValuesLower, ((DictionaryEntry)destination.GetValue(i)).Key.ToString()) == -1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, copied uppercase key")); } } // // [] CopyTo(null, int) // destination = null; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); }); // // [] CopyTo(string[], -1) // cnt = sd.Count; destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), cnt); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, -1); }); // // [] CopyTo(Array, upperBound+1) // if (sd.Count < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sd.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } } destination = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Object), len); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, len); }); // // [] CopyTo(Array, upperBound+2) // Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, len + 1); }); // // [] CopyTo(Array, not_enough_space) // Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, len / 2); }); // // [] CopyTo(multidim_Array, 0) // destination = new object[len, len]; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { sd.CopyTo(destination, 0); }); }
static void Main() { StringDictionary strdic = new StringDictionary(); strdic.Add("one", "Circle"); strdic.Add("two", "Square"); strdic.Add("three", "Triangle"); strdic.Add("four", "Rectangle"); strdic.Add("five", "Paralellogram"); Console.WriteLine("Printing the Key Vakue pair"); foreach (DictionaryEntry item in strdic) { Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", item.Key, item.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Checking weather the key six is present in the String dictionary or not"); bool ck = strdic.ContainsKey("six"); Console.WriteLine("Contains or not:{0}", ck); Console.WriteLine("Checking weather the value Square exist in the String Dictionary or not"); bool cv = strdic.ContainsValue("Square"); Console.WriteLine("Value present or not:{0}", cv); DictionaryEntry[] str1 = new DictionaryEntry[strdic.Count]; strdic.CopyTo(str1, 0); Console.WriteLine("Printing the Copied array"); foreach (var ar in str1) { Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", ar.Key, ar.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Printing the elements of the String Dictionary using GetEnumerator method"); IEnumerator ie = strdic.GetEnumerator(); DictionaryEntry de; while (ie.MoveNext()) { de = (DictionaryEntry)ie.Current; Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", de.Key, de.Value); } strdic.Remove("five"); Console.WriteLine("Printing the String Dictionary after removing the key-----"); foreach (DictionaryEntry item1 in strdic) { Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", item1.Key, item1.Value); } Console.Read(); }
static void Main() { StringDictionary myDict = new StringDictionary(); myDict.Add("One", "This"); myDict.Add("Two", "is"); myDict.Add("Three", "String"); myDict.Add("Four", "Dictionary"); myDict.Add("Five", "Demo"); myDict.Add("Six", "using"); myDict.Add("Seven", "System"); myDict.Add("Eight", "Collections"); myDict.Add("Nine", "Specialized"); foreach (DictionaryEntry item in myDict) { Console.WriteLine("Keys : {0} Values : {1}", item.Key, item.Value); } Console.WriteLine("--------------"); Console.WriteLine("Elements after copy to in myArr :"); DictionaryEntry[] myArr = new DictionaryEntry[myDict.Count]; myDict.CopyTo(myArr, 0); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in myArr) { Console.WriteLine("Keys : {0} Values : {1}", de.Key, de.Value); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Checks for provided key and value :"); if (myDict.ContainsKey("Six")) { Console.WriteLine("StringDictionary myDict contains the key"); } else { Console.WriteLine("StringDictionary myDict does not contain the key"); } if (myDict.ContainsValue("Demo")) { Console.WriteLine("StringDictionary myDict contains the value"); } else { Console.WriteLine("StringDictionary myDict does not contain the vlaue"); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); myDict.Remove("Nine"); Console.WriteLine("Elements after Remove in StringDictionary"); Console.WriteLine("The number of key/value pairs are : " + myDict.Count); foreach (DictionaryEntry a in myDict) { Console.WriteLine("Keys : {0} Values : {1}", a.Key, a.Value); } Console.WriteLine("------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Values in StringDictionary :"); foreach (string val in myDict.Values) { Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine("Keys in StringDictionary :"); foreach (string val in myDict.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(val); } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //Formatting form this.originalFormHeight = this.Height; tabs.SelectedIndexChanged += (x, y) => { if (tabs.SelectedTab.Name == "readbacksettingsTab") { this.Height = this.originalFormHeight; } else { DisplayPanel(); } }; //Entry Settings InputTypecomboBox.SelectedValueChanged += DisplayPanel; InputTypecomboBox.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default.inputType; if (Properties.Settings.Default.enterDataDownwards) { directionComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; trueForRows_falseForColumns = true; } else { directionComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1; trueForRows_falseForColumns = false; } UpdateLabels(); directionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (x, y) => { UpdateLabels(); richTextBox1.Text = ""; }; intminValueSelector.Minimum = Int32.MinValue; intminValueSelector.Maximum = Int32.MaxValue - 1; intmaxValueSelector.Minimum = Int32.MinValue + 1; intmaxValueSelector.Maximum = Int32.MaxValue; intminValueSelector.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.intminValue; intmaxValueSelector.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.intmaxValue; decimalPlacesSelector.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.doubleDecimalPlaces; fpMinValueSelector.DecimalPlaces = Properties.Settings.Default.doubleDecimalPlaces; fpMaxValueSelector.DecimalPlaces = Properties.Settings.Default.doubleDecimalPlaces; fpMinValueSelector.Minimum = Decimal.MinValue; fpMinValueSelector.Maximum = Decimal.MaxValue - 1; fpMaxValueSelector.Minimum = Decimal.MinValue + 1; fpMaxValueSelector.Maximum = Decimal.MaxValue; fpMinValueSelector.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.doubleminValue; fpMaxValueSelector.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.doubleMaxValue; roundDecimal.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.roundDecimals; decimalPlacesSelector.ValueChanged += (e, s) => { fpMinValueSelector.DecimalPlaces = (int)decimalPlacesSelector.Value; fpMaxValueSelector.DecimalPlaces = (int)decimalPlacesSelector.Value; }; fpMinValueSelector.ValueChanged += (e, s) => { if (fpMinValueSelector.Value > fpMaxValueSelector.Value) { fpMaxValueSelector.Value = fpMinValueSelector.Value + 1; } }; intminValueSelector.ValueChanged += (e, s) => { if (intminValueSelector.Value > intmaxValueSelector.Value) { intmaxValueSelector.Value = intminValueSelector.Value + 1; } }; addResultTextBox.TextChanged += (e, s) => { if (resultsListBox.Items.Contains(addResultTextBox.Text) || addResultTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { addResultBtn.Enabled = false; } else { addResultBtn.Enabled = true; } }; phrasesListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { if (resultsListBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { removePhraseBtn.Enabled = false; } else { removePhraseBtn.Enabled = true; } }; phrasetextBox.TextChanged += (s, e) => { if (resultsListBox.SelectedIndex >= 0 && phrasetextBox.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { addPhraseButton.Enabled = true; } else { addPhraseButton.Enabled = false; } }; resultsListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (e, s) => { if (resultsListBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { addPhraseButton.Enabled = false; updateResultButton.Enabled = false; removeResultBtn.Enabled = false; } else { updateResultButton.Enabled = true; removeResultBtn.Enabled = true; } phrasesListBox.Items.Clear(); addResultTextBox.Text = resultsListBox.Text; insertAsTextBox.Text = resultsDictionary[resultsListBox.Text]; DictionaryEntry[] phrasesDictionaryArray = new DictionaryEntry[phrasesDictionary.Count]; phrasesDictionary.CopyTo(phrasesDictionaryArray, 0); //Array.Sort(phrasesDictionaryArray, // delegate (DictionaryEntry x, DictionaryEntry y) { return x.Key.ToString().CompareTo(y.Key.ToString()); }); foreach (DictionaryEntry phrase in phrasesDictionaryArray) { if (phrase.Value.ToString().Equals(resultsListBox.Text)) { phrasesListBox.Items.Add(phrase.Key.ToString()); } } }; if (Properties.Settings.Default.customSet != null) { resultsDictionary = Properties.Settings.Default.customSet; DictionaryEntry[] resultsDictionaryArray = new DictionaryEntry[resultsDictionary.Count]; resultsDictionary.CopyTo(resultsDictionaryArray, 0); //Populate lists; Array.Sort(resultsDictionaryArray, delegate(DictionaryEntry x, DictionaryEntry y) { return(x.Key.ToString().CompareTo(y.Key.ToString())); }); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in resultsDictionaryArray) { resultsListBox.Items.Add(entry.Key.ToString()); } } else { resultsDictionary = new StringDictionary(); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.customSetPhrases != null) { phrasesDictionary = Properties.Settings.Default.customSetPhrases; } else { phrasesDictionary = new StringDictionary(); } //Read back settings readBackCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (es, ar) => { if (readBackCheckBox.Checked) { panel3.Enabled = true; } }; readBackCheckBox.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.readBackValues; readBackWhencomboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (e, ar) => { if (readBackWhencomboBox.SelectedIndex == 1 || comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { periodicReadnumericUpDown.Enabled = true; periodicLabel.Enabled = true; } else { periodicReadnumericUpDown.Enabled = false; periodicLabel.Enabled = false; } }; readBackWhencomboBox.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default.readBackWhenCode; readColRowcheckBox.CheckedChanged += (e, ar) => { if (readColRowcheckBox.Checked) { readRowColInfopanel.Enabled = true; } else { readRowColInfopanel.Enabled = false; } }; readColRowcheckBox.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.readRowColInfo; readColRowcheckBox.CheckedChanged += (sen, argz) => { if (readColRowcheckBox.Checked && (richTextBox1.Text.Length == 0)) { applyReadChangesButton.Enabled = false; } }; comboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged += (e, ar) => { if (readBackWhencomboBox.SelectedIndex == 1 || comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { periodicReadnumericUpDown.Enabled = true; periodicLabel.Enabled = true; } else { periodicReadnumericUpDown.Enabled = false; periodicLabel.Enabled = false; } }; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default.readRowColWhenCode; /* if (Properties.Settings.Default.rowColInfoNumbers != null && * Properties.Settings.Default.rowColInfoNumbers.Length > 0) * { * foreach (var i in Properties.Settings.Default.rowColInfoNumbers) * listBox1.Items.Add(i); * }*/ if (Properties.Settings.Default.rowColReadbackString != null && Properties.Settings.Default.rowColReadbackString.Length > 0) { richTextBox1.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.rowColReadbackString; richTextBox1.Enabled = true; Regex rx = new Regex(@"<column \d+>|<row \d+>"); MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(Properties.Settings.Default.rowColReadbackString); foreach (Match match in matches) { int colnumber; Int32.TryParse(Regex.Match(match.Value, @"\d+").Value, out colnumber); char[] trimchars = new char[] { '<', '>' }; _tags.Add(match.Value.Trim(trimchars)); textBox1.Text += colnumber + ", "; textBox1.Visible = true; label17.Visible = true; } } periodicReadnumericUpDown.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.periodicReadBackCount; this.richTextBox1.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(this.richTextBox1_DragEnter); this.richTextBox1.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(this.richTextBox1_DragDrop); richTextBox1.SelectionChanged += richTextBox1_SelectionChanged; richTextBox1.KeyDown += richTextBox1_KeyDown; richTextBox1.KeyPress += richTextBoxKeyPress; richTextBox1.TextChanged += (sen, argz) => { if (richTextBox1.Text.Length > 0) { applyReadChangesButton.Enabled = true; } }; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("********************************String Collection*******************************************"); StringCollection s1 = new StringCollection(); s1.Add("rosy"); s1.Add("sweety"); s1.Add("anjali"); s1.Add("kavya"); Console.WriteLine("Elements in string collection"); foreach (var i in s1) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine("count of string{0}", s1.Count); var a1 = new string[s1.Count]; Console.WriteLine("copying the string list to array a1"); s1.CopyTo(a1, 0); foreach (var i in a1) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine("using Ienumerator"); StringEnumerator ie = s1.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(ie.Current); } Console.WriteLine("insterting a string"); s1.Insert(2, "swagata"); foreach (var i in s1) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine("*******************************************String Dictionary***********************************************"); StringDictionary s2 = new StringDictionary(); s2.Add("one", "first"); s2.Add("two", "second"); s2.Add("three", "third"); foreach (DictionaryEntry ide in s2) { Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", ide.Key, ide.Value); } DictionaryEntry[] a2 = new DictionaryEntry[s2.Count]; Console.WriteLine("copying the string list to array a1"); s2.CopyTo(a2, 0); foreach (DictionaryEntry ide in a2) { Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", ide.Key, ide.Value); } Console.WriteLine("using Ienumerator"); StringEnumerator id = s1.GetEnumerator(); DictionaryEntry de; while (id.MoveNext()) { //de = (DictionaryEntry)id.Current; Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", de.Key, de.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Removing two"); s2.Remove("two"); foreach (DictionaryEntry ide in s2) { Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", ide.Key, ide.Value); } }